NEWHardcover volume 226 x 206 mm, bound in black cloth, orange paper panel with lettering, black endpapers, pp.: [1-8] 9-128 [4]; print run limited to 502 copies, with 500 printed on Papeir Libris numbered from 1 to 500, of which this is copy № 443. Gift ms in blue ballpen to h.t. by Jacques Duprilot for Guy Parguez (French, 1936 – 2021), a librarian at Lyon Public Library (Bibliothèque de la Ville de Lyon) : « Pour Guy Parguez afin qu'il n'ignore plus rien du presque du catalogue du cabinet secret du Prince G***. Aves toute ma sympathie. A Lyon 1e 18 Juin 1989. Duprilot ». Title-page: JACQUES DUPRILOT | L'ÉNIGME DU CATALOGUE | DU CABINET SECRET | DU PRINCE G*** | OU LES RUSES DU LIBRAIRE LEHEC || Half-title: LES CURIOSA DE MONSIEUR LEHEC | ET | LA GENÈSE | DU CATALOGUE DU CABINET SECRET | DU PRINCE G*** | (1887-1890) || Limitation (colophon): ÉDITION ORIGINALE | ACHEVÉE D'IMPRIMER EN MARS 1989 | PAR DUMARET & GOLAY À CAROUGE-GENÈVE | COMPRENANT | 2 EXEMPLAIRES DE TÊTE NOMINATIFS | SUR JAPON KOZU VELLUM | ET 500 EXEMPLAIRES SUR PAPIER LIBRIS | NUMÉROTÉS DE 1 À 500 | EXEMPLAIRE N° 443 ||
NEWHardcover volume 220 x 143 mm, bound in dark blue cloth with gilt square monogram to front and gilt lettering to spine, aubergine endpapers, top edge gilt; pagination: [2] limitation leaf bound in, [4] 1-192, 1-48 (total 246 pages), plus 12 loose colour plates 133 x 102 mm tipped-in to the pocket in the rear pastedown. Limited edition of 250 copies, of which this is № 244. Title-page: CATALOGUE | DU | CABINET SECRET DU PRINCE G*** | — | COLLECTION DE LIVRES | ET | OBJETS CURIEUX ET RARES | CONCERNANT | L'AMOUR, LES FEMMES | ET LE MARIAGE | AVEC LES PRIX DE VENTE | (in rules) PREMIÈRE PARTIE | BRUXELLES | M DCCC LXXXVII || Contra-title: CATALOGUE | OF THE | SECRET CABINET OF PRINCE G*** | [GALITZIN] | — | COLLECTION OF BOOKS | AND | CURIOUS AND RARE OBJECTS | CONCERNING | LOVE, WOMEN | AND MARRIAGE | INCLUDING THE SALE PRICE | — | WITH AN INTRODUCTION | TO THIS EDITION BY | W. N. SCHORS | LONDON | CHARLES SKILTON | MDCCCCLXXV || Limitation: EDITION LIMITED TO | 250 COPIES | of which this is | No. 244 | The Coloured Illustrations with this reprint | are reproductions of twelve of the lithographs | by Devéria listed as No. 115 on page 30 of the | Supplement || Imprint: Introduction copyright by W. N. Schors, 1975 | Limited Edition of 250 copies | made and printed by Lewis Reprints Ltd | Tonbridge, Kent | and published by | CHARLES SKILTON LTD | 90 The Broadway, London SW19 || Contributors: Gustave Lehec (French, 1841 – 1922) Charles Skilton (British, c.1922 – 1990)
NEWHardcover 165 x 118 mm, red cloth with gilt cursive lettering to front, collated 8vo: π6 1-158 161, i.e. 127 leaves; pp.: [i-x] xi-xii, [1] 2-241 [242] plus two folding plates – plan of the Hermitage and city map. Title-page: GUIDE PRATIQUE DU VOYAGEUR | SAINT-PETERSBOURG | ET | SES ENVIRONS | PAR | JEAN B. ELAROFF | — | AVEC 2 PLANS ET UNE CARTE | ST-PÉTERSBOURG | — | SOCIÉTÉ DE LIBRAIRIE FRANÇAISE EN RUSSIE | ANCIENNE MAISON MELLIER & Cie | A. ZINSERLING, SUCCr | 20, Perspective Nevsky, 20 | 1892 || Imprint: (in rules) Дозволено цензурою. С.-Петербургь, 17 іюня 1892 г. | (under waved rule) Imprimerie TRENKÉ & FUSNOT, Maximilianovsky pér., Nº 13.
NEWHardcover, 306 x 235 mm, bound in crimson cloth with gilt lettering to front cover and spine, marbled endpapers; pp.: [1-4] 5-112, illustrated in b/w and colour throughout. Title-page: (in floral frame) ART | and | FASHION | By | MARCEL VERTES | In Collaboration with Bryan Holme | {vignette} | THE STUDIO PUBLICATIONS INC. • NEW YORK AND LONDON || Imprint: Printed in the U.S.A. by The Plantin Press and Albert Davis, Samuel Faber, Colorist. Catalogue Raisonné: Vokaer № 43, p. 17. Contributors: Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist/author Holme, Bryan (American, 1913 – 1990) – co-author Davis, George (American, 1906 – 1957) – translator
NEWHardcover, 150 x 110 mm, greyish brown cloth with brown embossed vignette to front, brown lettering to spine, top margin brown, pp.: [1-8] 9-241 [3], collated 8vo: 1-158, 162, i.e. 122 leaves, plus six woodcut plates, extraneous to collation; woodcut head- and tailpieces, vignettes. No dust jacket. Title-page (red and black): ЛИРИКА | ДРЕВНЕЙ ЭЛЛАДЫ | В ПЕРЕВОДАХ РУССКИХ ПОЭТОВ | Собрал и комментировал | Я. Голосовкер | ACADEMIA | 1935 || Contra-title (red and black): АНТИЧНАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА | под общей редакцией | Д. А. Горбова, В. О. Нилендера | и П. Ф. Преображенского | ЛИРИКА | ДРЕВНЕЙ ЭЛЛАДЫ | ACADEMIA | Москва – Ленинград || Title verso: Гравюры на дереве художника | М. И. Пикова | Переплет по его же рисунку || Print run: 5300 copies. Printer: Печатный двор (Л.) / Полиграфкнига Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова (2004): № 743, p. 265. Contributors: Голосовкер, Яков Эммануилович [Яків Еммануїлович] (Ukrainian-Jewish, 1890 – 1967) – compiler/foreword/comments Пиков, Михаил Иванович (Russian, 1903 – 1973) – artist, wood engraver
NEWHardcover, 150 x 108 mm, blue cloth red embossed vignette to front, red lettering to spine; pp. [2] 5-97 [3], collated 8vo: 17, 2-68 72, i.e. 49 leaves plus four plates, incl. frontispiece, extraneous to collation, leaf 11 missing or published without it. No dust jacket. Title-page (red and black): ЭСХИЛ | ПРИКОВАННЫЙ | ПРОМЕТЕЙ | Перевод, статья | и комментарии | Адр. Пиотровского | ACADEMIA | 1935 || Imprint: Фронтиспис и рисунки – фототипии с офортов М. А. Доброва. Супер и переплет по его же рисункам. Заставки и концовки выполнены автоцинкографией. Print run: 5300 copies. Printer: Красный пролетарий (М). Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова (2004): № 789, p. 272. Contributors: Aeschylus [Эсхил, Αἰσχύλος] (Greek, 525 – 456 BC) – author. Пиотровский, Адриан Иванович [Piotrovsky, Adrian] (Russian, 1898 – 1937) – translator, killed by the Soviet State on November 21, 1937. Добров, Матвей Алексеевич (Russian, 1877 – 1958) – artist.
NEWRed cloth portfolio 313 x 250 mm, with gilt lettering in frame to front, contains an in-folio brochure (4 sheets folded in-half), unbound, pp. [2] 3-15 [1], plus 24 leaves of loose plates 300 x 239 mm; title page, full-length photo portrait of Pilotell by Charles Reutlinger (German-French, 1816 – 1881), autograph of the former, and a copy of his birth certificate. Printed by l'Imprimerie Union in Paris in 1970 (2nd edition). Portfolio title: AVANT | PENDANT ET APRÈS | LA | COMMUNE || Title-page: PILOTELL | Dessinateur et Communard | PAR | CHARLES FELD | LIVRE-CLUB DIDEROT – PARIS || Contributors: Pilotell [Pilotelle, Georges Raoul Eugène] (French, 1845 – 1918) Feld, Charles Léon Salomon (Jewish-French, 1919 – 1995) Imprimerie Union (Paris, 1910 – 1995)
NEWTwo hardcover volumes, 222 x 148 mm, uniformly bound in grey cloth with red and black lettering to front board and spine. 1: В. С. НЕЧАЕВА | Журнал | М. М. и Ф. М. Достоевских | «ВРЕМЯ» | 1861–1863 | {publisher’s device} | — | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО «НАУКА» | МОСКВА | 1972 ||; pp. [1-4] 5-316 [4], errata slip tipped in. Print run 4,900 copies. 2: В. С. НЕЧАЕВА | Журнал | М. М. и Ф. М. Достоевских | «ЭПОХА» | 1864–1865 | {publisher’s device} | — | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО «НАУКА» | МОСКВА | 1975 ||; pp. [1-4] 5-301 [3], errata slip tipped in. Print run 8,000 copies. Blue ink stamp "Из книг А. Б. Муратова" to ffl. Достоевский, Михаил Михайлович [Dostoevsky, Mikhail] (Russian, 1820 – 1864) Достоевский, Фёдор Михайлович [Dostoevsky, Fyodor] (Russian, 1821 – 1881) Нечаева, Вера Степановна (Russian, 1895 – 1979) Муратов Аскольд Борисович (Russian, 1937 – 2005)
NEWHardcover, 220 x 175 mm, cloth spine over blue floral paper boards, pp.: [1-6] 7-69 [3], 21 leaves of plates. Title-page: Михаил | ГЕРМАН | В. ДВОРАКОВСКИЙ | «ХУДОЖНИК РСФСР» | Ленинград | 1970 || Print run: 3,000 copies. Герман, Михаил Юрьевич (Russian, 1933 – 2018) Двораковский, Валериан Дмитриевич (Russian, 1904 – 1979)
NEWHardcover, 254 x 190 mm, brown cloth with black and gilt vignette to front, gilt lettering to front and spine, pictorial endpapers, yellow pictorial dust jacket, collated 8vo: 1-248, i.e. 192 leaves, pp.: [1-7] 8-379 [5]; woodcut h.-t., t.p., faux-title, 12 book titles, initials, tail-pieces, and dust jacket. Woodcut title-page: ВЕРГИЛИЙ | ЭНЕИДА | (white on black) ПЕРЕВОД | ВАЛЕРИЯ БРЮСОВА | И | СЕРГЕЯ СОЛОВЬЕВА | РЕДАКЦИЯ, | ВСТУПИТЕЛЬНАЯ СТАТЬЯ | И КОММЕНТАРИИ | Н. Ф. ДЕРАТАНИ || Woodcut half-title: ПАМЯТНИКИ МИРОВОЙ | ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ | ВЕРГИЛИЙ | ЭНЕИДА | Academia | МОСКВА – ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1933 || Imprint (t.p. verso): P. VERGILII MARONIS | ÆNEIS | Супер-обложка и орнаментация книги (гравюры на дереве), | переплет и форзац работы Л. С. Хижинского || Print run: 5300 copies Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова (2004): № 529, p. 230. Contributors: Virgil [Publius Vergilius Maro; Вергилий] (Roman, 70 BC – 19 BC) Брюсов, Валерий Яковлевич [Bryusov, Valery] (Russian, 1873 – 1924) Соловьёв, Сергей Михайлович (Russian, 1885 – 1942) Дератани, Николай Фёдорович (Russian, 1884 – 1958) Хижинский, Леонид Семёнович [Khizhinsky, Leonid] (Soviet, 1896 – 1972)
NEWHardcover, 252 x 190 mm, green cloth with gilt vignettes to front and back, and gilt lettering to spine, pictorial endpapers, collated 8vo: 1-108 114, i.e. 84 leaves, pp.: [1-7] 8-166 [2], incl. two engraved faux-titles. Title-page (green and black): ВЕРГИЛИЙ | СЕЛЬСКИЕ | ПОЭМЫ | БУКОЛИКИ | ГЕОРГИКИ | ❧ | ПЕРЕВОД | ВСТУПИТЕЛЬНАЯ СТАТЬЯ | И КОММЕНТАРИИ | С. ШЕРВИНСКОГО | {VIGNETTE} | ACADEMIA | МОСКВА ~ ЛЕНИНГРАД | MCMXXXIII || Contra-title (green and black): Сокровища мировой литературы | ВЕРГИЛИЙ | БУКОЛИКИ | и | ГЕОРГИКИ | {VIGNETTE} | ACADEMIA | МОСКВА ~ ЛЕНИНГРАД | MCMXXXIII || T.p. verso: PUBLII VERGILI MARONIS | BUCOLICA ET GEORGICA | Титульные листы, супер-обложка, переплет | и форзац по рисункам П. А. Шиллинговского || Print run: 5,300 copies. Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова (2004): № 528, p. 230. Contributors: Virgil [Publius Vergilius Maro; Вергилий] (Roman, 70 BC – 19 BC) Шервинский, Сергей Васильевич (Russian, 1892 – 1991) Шиллинговский, Павел Александрович (Russian, 1881 – 1942)
NEWHardcover, 250 x 310 mm, black cloth, gilt lettering to spine, grey end papers, pictorial dust jacket; pp.: [1-8] 9-237 [3], illustrated in colour throughout. ISBN 0.8457.3150-5 Title-page (pictorial): The Beinecke Library OF YALE UNIVERSITY | Edited by Stephen Parks Architectural photography by Richard Cheek | Dedication photography by Ezra Stoller Collection photography by Stan Godlewski | With contributions by | Robert G. Babcock Vincent Giroud George A. Miles Stephen Parks Patrick L. Pinnell Christa Sammons Barbara A. Shailor Patricia C. Willis Marjorie G. Wynne Timothy G. Young | Published by | The Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library | Yale University | Distributed by | University Press of New England || Contents: Introduction The Building Ezra Stoller Dedication Portfolio Crossing Wall Early Manuscripts and Books Modern Books and Manuscripts The Collection of American Literature The Osborn Collection: English Manuscripts German Literature Collection Western Americana Collection Music in the Beinecke
NEWA cardboard file 298 x 225 mm made of quarter red cloth over marbled paper, with laces, contains 18 loose chromolithographs approx.190 x 130 mm, 8 vertical and 10 horizontal) in a passepartout 275 x 220 mm (matted) of laid paper with an armorial watermark, with lewd humorous captions on glassine guard tissue attached to each sheet, upper and outer margins uncut. Images signed “–Santippa–36”.Label to front cover lettered Variations Amoureuses | avec 18 gravures en couleurs ||. No title page. It is quite likely that the set exists in only one copy. Description by seller: Album in-folio, 272 x 218 cm. En feuilles, sous chemise cartonnée à lacets de l'éditeur. Les lithographies sont respectivement intitulées : Branlade; Plaisir Champêtre; Justice; Entre Marins ; Cocher; Suce-moi bien ; Encore; Les Joies; Un Marin; On raconte ; Plaisir Divin ; Le Marin; Quand un Gendarme ; soixante et Neuf; Tous les Moyens ; Le Plus Cochon; Le Fantassin; Coup Double. Le peintre Gaston Hoffmann (1883-1977), consacra la majeure partie de son œuvre à l'érotisme et la caricature, en signant ses sujets trop libres sous le pseudonyme de Santippa. Contributor: Gaston Hoffmann [Santippa] (French, 1883 – 1977). Ref: Honesterotica.com provides only 8 images of 18. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III: № 2581:
NEWHardcover, 231 x 165 mm, half brown cloth over cardboard, lettering in a frame to front, similar to t.p., pp.: [4] [1] 2-151 [152], collated 4to: π2 1-194, i.e. 78 leaves. Entries are in alphabetic order by name. Title-page (and front cover): Bibliotheca Germanorum | erotica. | Verzeichniss der gesammten | deutschen erotischen Literatur | mit Einschluss der Uebersetzungen. | Nachschlagebuch für Literaturhistoriker, | Antiquare und Bibliothekare. | Nach den zuverlässigsten Quellen | bearbeitet von | H. Nay. | — •— | Leipzig, 1875. || [Bibliotheca Germanorum erotica. List of all German erotic literature, including translations. Reference book for literary historians, antiquarians and librarians. Based on the most reliable sources edited by H. Nay]. Imprint: Druck von E. Rupfer in Stuttgart. Ref: Worldcat. Author: Hugo Hayn [Nay, H.] (German, 1843 – 1923)
NEWHardcover, 310 x 230 mm, red cloth, gilt lettering to spine, brown endpapers, pictorial dust jacket, pp.: [1-5] 6-256, 348 illustrations, incl. 195 plates in full colour. Title-page: Edited by Lesley Hoskins | THE | PAPERED WALL | HISTORY • PATTERN • TECHNIQUE | {vignette} | Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers || Imprint: Copyright @ 1994 Thames and Hudson Ltd, London | Published in 1994 by Harry N. Abrams, Incorporated, New York | A Times Mirror Company || ISBN-10 : 0810937301 ISBN-13 : 978-0810937307 Contributor: Lesley Hoskins, editor, former Secretary of the UK's Wallpaper History Society, Specialist Curator at MoDA (The Museum of Domestic Design & Architecture, Middlesex University).
NEWHardcover, 305 x 235 mm, bound in blue cloth with gilt lettering to front and spine, collated in 4to: 544, pp. [1-4] 5-94 [95, 96], [I, II] III-CDXXXII (432), i.e. 216 leaves; 578 watermarks catalogued. Title-page (red and black): WATERMARKS | IN PAPER | IN HOLLAND, ENGLAND, | FRANCE, ETC., IN THE XVII | AND XVIII CENTURIES AND | THEIR INTERCONNECTION | BY | W. A. CHURCHILL | {publisher’s device} | MENNO HERTZBERGER & Co. — AMSTERDAM | MCMXXXV || Contributors: Churchill, William Algernon (British, 1865 – 1947) – author. Menno Hertzberger & Co. (Amsterdam) – publisher. Hertzberger, Emanuel [Menno] (Dutch, 1897 - 1982) – publisher.
NEWHardcover miniature book, 150 x 85 x 30 mm, brown buckram with gilt lettering to front and spine, embossed black admiralty boat (crest of Sankt-Peterburg) to front cover, yellow dust jacket with vignette and lettering; pp.: [1-4] 5-454 [2], woodcut frontispiece, plates pp. 211-434. Title-page: Л. М. СОСКИН | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСКИЕ | МАРКИ | ПЕТРОГРАДА – | ЛЕНИНГРАДА | MOCKBA | «НОВЫЙ СВЕТ» | «КНИГА» | 1995 || Contributors: Соскин, Леонид Маркович (Soviet, ? – ?) – коллекционер-библиофил, чл. Ленингр. о-ва книголюбов, первый председатель секции миниатюрных изданий. Баренбаум, Иосиф Евсеевич (Soviet-Jewish, 1921 – 2006)
NEWHardcover, 217 x 140 mm, olive cloth with gilt lettering to front and spine, black endpapers, printed on craft laid paper watermarked “Ingres”, pp. [1-7] 8 (frontispiece) –154, [155/6] blank, 157/8 Dans la même collection/colophon, [159/160] blank; 130 captured plates and an uncaptured frontispiece, all framed (a total of 131 images, not 132, as stated). Limited edition of 33 copies plus 10 not for sale on Arches vellum; this copy is not numbered. There are images that include Albert Einstein, Karl Marx, Fidel Castro, John Lennon, and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, among the others. Title page: GARNON | Cent trente deux | positions amoureuses | préface | Gérard ZWANG | IMAGES OBLIQUES || Colophon: Ce volume | le dixième de la collection IMAGES OBLIQUES | dirigée par Roger BORDERIE et Michel CAMUS | a été achevé d'imprimer en Février 1981 | sur les presses de l'Imprimerie EUROGRAPHIC | 32, rue des Annelets 75019 PARIS | […] | L'édition originale | est constituée par un tirage de 33 exemplaires | sur vélin d'Arches | numérotés de 1 à 33 | […] | En outre, il a été tiré, | dix exemplaires hors commerce marqués HC 1 à HC 10 | réservés aux collaborateurs de la collection | […] | Dépôt légal : 1° trimestre 1981 | Numéro d'éditeur : 49 | ISBN - 2-86380-019-1. Ref.: honesterotica.com. Almost .othing is known about the artist. Contributors: Zwang, Gérard (French, b. 1930) Garnon, Gilbert (French, 1921 – 2005) – artist Borderie, Roger (French) – publisher