//, Literature, Books/[Jean-Baptiste de Boyer]. Thérèse philosophe, ou mémoires pour servir à l’histoire de D. Dirrag, & de mademoiselle Eradice (2 vol.). — A Londres [i.e. Paris: Cazin], 1785.

[Jean-Baptiste de Boyer]. Thérèse philosophe, ou mémoires pour servir à l’histoire de D. Dirrag, & de mademoiselle Eradice (2 vol.). — A Londres [i.e. Paris: Cazin], 1785.

Two volumes, 132 x 85 mm, uniformly bound in mottled calf, panel bordered with gilt garland, flat spine richly tooled in gilt, gilt lettered black label, blue endpapers, “MK” bookplate to front pastedown, gilt-ruled edges and dentelle inside, all edges gilt, an etching on india paper laid in; text and plates printed on laid paper, with tall ‘s’.

Vol. 1: Collation 18mo: A-C-E-G12 B-D-F-H6 I10(I10 blank) (i.e. 82 leaves); pp. [1-5] 6-161 [3], plus 9 plates with tissue guards, extr. to collation; and a flyleaf at the front and at the rear.

Title-page: THÉRESE | PHILOSOPHE, | OU | MÉMOIRES | Pour servir à l’Histoire de D. DIRRAG, & | de Mademoiselle ERADICE. | Nouvelle édition, augmentée d’un plus | grand nombre de figures que toutes les | précédentes. | (in rules) TOME PREMIER. | {fleuron} | A LONDRES. | — | M.DCC.LXXXV. ||

Vol. 2: Collation 18mo: ffl, π2 A-C-E6 B-D12 (D11,12 blank) ffl (i.e. 44 leaves); pp.: [4] [1] 2-80 [4], plus 11 plates with tissue guards, extr. to collation; and a flyleaf at the front and at the rear.

Title-page: THÉRESE | PHILOSOPHE, | AVEC | L’HISTOIRE | DE | MME BOIS-LAURIER. | Nouvelle édition, augmentée d’un plus | grand nombre de figures que toutes les | précédentes. | (in rules) TOME SECOND. | A LONDRES. | M.DCC.LXXXV. ||

Twenty plates were executed in stipple engraving by an unknown engraver after François-Rolland Elluin (French, 1745 – 1810) after Antoine Borel (French, 1743 – 1810). Elluin’s plates are executed in etching and burin, besides: pl. 2 mirror image, pl. 5 and 6 mixed up, pl. 9 here is pl. 19 in the original, pl. 12 here is pl. 9 in the original, pl. 11 is 10, pl. 10 is 11, pl. 13 is p. 12, pl. 16 is pl. 13, pl. 14 does not have clocks, p. 14 corrected by hand to 15 and it is 15 indeed, pl. 17 is pl. 16, pl. 18 is pl. 17, pl. 19 is pl. 18, woman has no hat.

The edition is legitimate; however, the plates are pirated copies.

Catalogue raisonné: Dutel № 1092, p. 235/6.


Boyer d’Argens, Jean-Baptiste (French, 1703 – 1771)]

Borel, Antoine (French, 1743 – 1810)

« Eradice » – Cadière, Marie-Catherine (French, 1709 – ?)

« D. Dirrag » – Girard, Jean-Baptiste (French, 1680 – 1733)

Laid in sheet — illustration to Thérèse philosopher by Félicien Rops.

Microphotographs of certain plates in this edition:


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