Title: Flower calendar for the famous cherry blossoms (Hana goyomi meisho sakura) [花暦名所櫻].
A scene from an imaginary (mitate) kabuki play. Names of the characters (left to right): Kiyomizu/Shimizu Seigen [清水清玄]; Yakko (footman) Yodohei [奴淀平]; koshimoto (court lady) [こしもと]; Sakura hime (princess) [桜姫]. The same characters appear in a few real kabuki plays.
Artist: Utagawa Hiroshige [歌川 広重] a.k.a. Andō Hiroshige [安藤 広重] (Japanese, 1797 – 1858)
Signature: Hiroshige ga [廣重画]
Dimensions: Aiban yoko-e uchiwa-e, 232 x 295 mm.
Censor seal: “Mura” [村] for Murata Sahei [村田佐兵衛], used from VI/1842 to V/1846 (Tenpō 13 – Kōka 3).
Publisher: Enshūya Matabei [遠州屋又兵衛] (Enterprise, active c. 1768 – 1881); seal: “To” (ト) (Marks 01-031 | 057a).
[Thanks to Horst Graebner].