• Two volumes, 168 x 106 mm each, uniformly bound in faux mottled calf ruled in gilt, marbled endpapers. Vol. 1: 3 blank leaves of wove paper, 3 blank leaves of laid paper, half-title/blank, blank/frontispiece, ‘engraved’ t.p./blank, both printed on laid paper watermarked “ARCHES A LA | MAIN”; ‘letterpress’ t.p.,/blank, pp.: [1] 2-115 [116 blank], 3 blank leaves of laid paper, 3 blank leaves of wove paper; collated 12mo: π2 A-I6 K4; total 60 leaves plus 16 ‘engraved’ plates, incl. t.p. and frontis. Vol. 2: 3 blank leaves of wove paper, 3 blank leaves of laid paper, half-title/blank, blank/frontispiece, ‘engraved’ t.p./blank, no watermark, ‘letterpress’ t.p.,/blank, pp.: 1-77 [78 blank], 2 blank leaves of laid paper, 3 blank leaves of wove paper; collated 12mo: π2 A-F6 G3; total 41 leaves plus 24 ‘engraved’ plates, incl. t.p. and frontis. Dutel (I): A-1089, p. 325: in-8 (probably by size only, no formula suggested), pagination 115 and 77 as here, 2 frontispieces, 2 engraved titles dated 1873, “et 36 belles gravures de Binet”. Cohen-DeRicci: p. 734 bottom: in-12, no pagination, no formula. "Thérèse" was offered by a French seller user-75d14f4 on the online auction platform CATAWIKI in December 2021. The seller's description of this two-volume set was: "Re-edition, the date of which I was unable to determine. (London, no name, 1782) 2 duodecimo volumes of 115 and 77 pp., very lovely marbled sheepskin pastiche bindings, gilded triple fillets, adorned spines, black title labels. This classic of 18th-century clandestine erotica was written in 1748 by an author who has remained anonymous, attributed at the time to Montigny, which led to his internment in the Bastille. It is now attributed to the Jean-Baptiste de Boyer, Marquis d'Argens. Edition illustrated with 37 very unrestrained figures, engraved in intaglio after Borel, unsigned." I should have paid more attention to the first phase, about the re-edition, but I didn't. After a few bidding rounds, I won the book when the hammer price was 2,200 Euros. On the 28th of December, 2021, I paid for this little beauty $2,760. The book arrived a few days later.  The paper's quality and texture, the watermark, the absence of the platemark, and the lack of embossing on the back (text and plates) made me suspect it was a fake. The pages were absolutely flat to the touch!  I established clear evidence of a high-resolution 'xerox' copy using Celestron Micro Capture Pro micro-photography.  I wrote to the seller and the auction platform, explaining my doubts regarding its authenticity. To prove my point, I include a few micro photos of the "Thérèse" and some books printed at the end of the 18th century. I explained why I considered it a fake and requested a return/refund. After two months of email exchanges, the seller and the platform refused to pay me back. Today is the 2nd anniversary of the purchase. I still have the book. To celebrate my carelessness, I included it in my library to warn fellow book collectors about buying from an unknown dealer via certain online auction platforms. Ref.: Bamber Gascoigne. How to Identify Prints: A Complete Guide to Manual and Mechanical Processes from Woodcut to Ink. — Thames and Hudson, 1995.

    Thérèse philosophe, 1783.

    Late 18th century books

    Books used for comparison: [LIB-2743.2021] Restif de la Bretonne. Les parisiennes, ou XL caractères généraux pris dans les mœurs actuelles, propres à servir à l’instruction des personnes-du-sexe / 4 vol. — Neufchâtel, et Paris: Guillot, 1787. [LIB-3027.2022] [Héliodore d’Emèse]. Amours de Théagènes et Chariclée: Histoire Éthiopique / 2 vol. — Londres [i.e. Paris]: [s.n.], 1743. [LIB-3252.2023] [Nicolas Chorier.] Le Meursius françois, ou entretiens galans d’Aloysia, orné de figures. — Cythere [i.e. Paris: Cazin], 1782. Below is a Xerox copy for comparison.    

    "Разговоры Макиавелли и Монтескье в царстве мертвых” (Dialogue aux Enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu) – это политический памфлет, направленный против Наполена III. В 25 диалогах представитель эпохи Просвещения благородный барон де Монтескье отстаивает позиции умеренного правления и соблюдения прав личности, а флорентийский политик Средневековья злокозненный Макиавелли берется доказать своему собеседнику, что управлять людьми можно только силой и хитростью, и что деспотия — это потребность современного общества. Собеседники заключают пари. Макиавелли шаг за шагом описывает те действия, которые предпринял Наполеон III для установления деспотии во Франции, и выигрывает пари.

    В начале XX века «Разговоры» Жоли были использованы в царской России для изготовления антисемитской фальшивки — печально знаменитых «Протоколов сионских мудрецов», книги, переведенной на все языки мира и своими тиражами уступающей только Библии. Плагиат был разоблачен корреспондентом газеты «Таймс» Филипом Грейвсом в 1921 г. Сравнением текстов “Разговоров” и “Протоколов”, равно как и поиском автора плагиата, занималось не одно поколение исследователей.
    В наше время о “Разговорах” знают в основном благодаря “Протоколам”, но книга Жоли представляет интерес отнюдь не только в связи с означенными “Протоколами”. Единственный до сих пор перевод “Разговоров” на русский язык был выпущен в 2004 году издательством “МК-Трейд” под названием “Диалог в аду между Макиавелли и Монтескье”. Это был перевод с немецкого перевода с французского языка. Предлагаемое читателю новое издание книги Жоли является переводом с французского оригинала, хотя и достаточно вольным, что отражено в заголовке: Разговоры Макиавелли и Монтескье в царстве мертвых, записанные злосчастным французом Морисом Жоли в правление императора Людовика-Наполеона и пересказанные полтора века спустя для русского читателя нашим современником. Морис Жоли писал о “политике макиавеллизма в XIX веке”. Однако теперь очевидно, что и в XXI веке политика макиавеллизма не претерпела существенных изменений. Старинный рецепт установления деспотии “в одной, отдельно взятой стране” хорош и по сей день.

    Published in San Francisco, California.

    Paperback, size: 110 x 148 x 10 mm


  • Title: PROCESSES OF | GRAPHIC REPRODUCTION | IN PRINTING | BY | HAROLD CURWEN | [space] | NEW YORK | OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS | 1934 || Pagination: [i-vii] viii-xvi [6] [1-3] 4-142 [2], ills. Collation: 8vo; π3 [A]8 B-K8, 14 plates extraneous to collation, in-text illustrations. Binding: 22.5 x 15.5 cm, dark-blue cloth, remnants of gilt lettering to spine. Edition: 2nd (after the 1st published by Faber and Faber in London, printed by The Curwen Press in Plaistow, the same year, 1934 – [LIB-2840.2021]). Contributors: Harold Curwen (British, 1885 – 1949), grandson of John Curwen (British, 1816 – 1880) The Curwen Press (Plaistow, London) – printer.  
  • Title-page: DORAT | LES BAISERS | PRÉCÉDÉS | DU MOIS DE MAI | POÈME | COMPOSITIONS ORIGINALES | DE | BRUNELLESCHI | EDDIS | 1947 || Description: 23.3 x 19 cm, French slapped wrappers, sunned and heavy foxed, without a slipcase; [1-6] (h.t. with owner’s inscription / limitation with № 18, t.p., d.t.p.),  7-137 [138] [6] (colophon) plus 23 stencil-coloured (au pochoir) photogravure plates after Umberto Brunelleschi, his head- and tailpieces (total 60 designs). Printed by Gaston Maillet & Cie in Saint-Ouen on April 15, 1947. Photogravure by Deberni and Peignot under direction of R. Perrot. Limitation: 3,000 copies numbered 1 to 3,000 of which 500 copies on Vélin de Luxe (1–500) enriched with two suites of plates, one in colour and one toned, before letters; 2,500 on Vélin de Fabrication Spéciale of which copies numbered 500–1,000 enriched with one suite before letters, and 2,000 copies numbered 1,001–3,000. Besides, there are 200 additional copies numbered with Roman numbers reserved for foreign bibliophiles. This particular copy bears number 18, however, I don’t think it is printed on Vélin de Luxe, whatever it is, and does not have an extra suite of plates. Owner’s inscription pasted to h.t.: A Denise ce livre audacieux | mais qui par son art sait | tout faire pardonner — | Jane Darboy. Provenance: Jane Darboy (French, fl. 1932 – 1948) – a French writer.
  • Description: Two volumes, collated 4to, usually described as 12mo, 16.5 x 10.5 cm each, uniformly bound in full calf, bordered in gilt with a triple-fillet over blind dentelle, flat spine ornamented in gilt with two crimson labels, gilt dentelle inside, blue marbled endpapers with previous owner bookplate to front pastedown in each vol.: "W. E. A. MACDONNELL. | NEW HALL | Co. of Clare.", and a ticket in a blue border “162”. Illustrated by T. Bewick after J. Thurston with frontispiece portrait of Robert Burns, numerous woodcut endpieces and a total of 14 full-page woodcut vignettes throughout. Title-page: THE | POETICAL WORKS | OF | ROBERT BURNS; | WITH HIS LIFE | ORNAMENTED WITH | ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD BY MR. BEWICK | FROM ORIGINAL DESIGNS BY MR. THURSTON. | — | IN TWO VOLUMES. | VOL I. (VOL. II.) | — | ALNWICK: | Printed by William Davison. | SOLD BY THE BOOKSELLERS IN ENGLAND, SCOTLAND | AND IRELAND. | – | 1808. || Vol. 1: Collation: π3 (1st blank, engraved frontispiece portrait of R. Burns, t.p.), a2 b-e4, A-Z4, 2A-2E4 (2E)4 (last two blank); total 137 leaves, numerous endpieces and 9 woodcut plates by Thomas Bewick after John Thurston within collation. Pagination: [2 blank] [i-v] 6 (i.e. vi) xlii [43-45] 46-268 (265-268 marked 263–266, respectively, [4 blank]; total 274 pages, of which 6 blank (pagination by Hugo: xlii, 297, 26), full-page plates opposite to pp. 73, 82, 106, 127, 141, 178, 192, 213, 219. Vol. 2: Collation: π5 (1st blank, t.p., 3 leaves of contents), A-B4 (C omitted) D-Z4, 2A-2G4 (2H omitted) 2I2 2K-2M4 2N1 χ2; total 138 leaves, numerous endpieces and 6 woodcut plates by Thomas Bewick after John Thurston within collation. Pagination: [2 blank] [i-iii] iv-xi (v marked vii, viii marked ix), 12-270 (16 marked 17, 76 marked 67, 84 marked 86, 96 marked 90, 112 marked 110, 203-207 marked 205-209, 220-224 marked 222-226), [4 blank]; total 276 pages, of which 6 blank (pagination by Hugo: xii, 320), full-page plates opposite to pp. 11, 40, 70, 191, 221. Catalogue raisonné: Hugo (1866): № 230, v. 1, p. 92-93; according to Hugo, the year 1808 was not stated, the number of pages in each volume is different to my copy. Provenance: Colonel William Edward Armstrong-Macdonnell (Irish, 1858 – 1883) of New Hall, Ennis, County Clare, Ireland (presumed). Contributors: Robert Burns (Scottish, 1759 – 1796) – author. Thomas Bewick (British, 1753 – 1828) – engraver. John Thurston (British, 1774 – 1822) – artist. William Davison (British, 1781 – 1858) – printer/publisher.
  • Description: Large volume collated in 4to, 33 x 25 cm, ¾ navy morocco bordered with a gilt double-fillet over marbled boards, raised bands, floral gilt arabesque in compartments, gilt lettering to spine, gilt endpapers, T.E.G. Text printed on wave paper watermarked “Whatman Turkey Mill 1884”; etchings printed on laid paper 32.2 x 24.3 cm, 20 x 13 platemark, 17 x 11 cm image; etched head- and tailpieces, initials. Printed on November 1, 1885. Title-page: CATULLE MENDÈS | — | LES | îles d'Amour | Avec six Eaux-Fortes et trente-huit Dessins originaux | DE | G. FRAIPONT | {publisher’s device} | PARIS | BIBLIOTHÈQUE DES DEUX MONDES | L. FRINZINE & Cie, ÉDITEURS | 1, Rue Bonaparte, 1 | – | M D CCC LXXXVI || Collation: 4to; π4, 1-114 122, total 50 leaves, two binder’s flyleaves in the front and in the back, and 6 plates extraneous to collation. Pagination: [i-v] vi-vii [viii] [1-3] 4-85 [86] [6], total 100 pages, ils. Limitation (printed in red and balck): 1000 copies on vergé (№ 1-1,000), 25 copies on Whatman (№ I-XXV), 15 copies on Japon Impérial (marked A-O). This is copy № III, signed by the publisher. Contributors: Catulle Mendès (French, 1841 – 1909) – author. Gustave Fraipont (Belgian-French, 1849 – 1923) – artist. Charles Unsinger (French, 1823 – 1891) – printer.
  • Softcover, in flapped pictorial wrappers, 28 x 21.6 cm, 35 entries, with colour illustrations. Catalogue # 6 of the sales exhibition on March 19-24, 2002 in NY; pagination: [1-3] 4-82 [2], ils., some folding. Contributor: Sebastian Izzard
  • Description: Publisher’s wrappers, 20 x 12.8 cm, serial design; lettering to cover: (white on sanguine) И. Л. ГАЛИНСКАЯ | ЗАГАДКИ | ИЗВЕСТНЫХ | КНИГ | (white on aubergine, black frame) | ТАЙНОПИСЬ СЭЛИНДЖЕРА | Символика числа «девять» | «В ялике» | «И эти губы и глаза зеленые» | «Голубой период де Домье-Смита» | Повести о Глассах | ШИФРЫ МИХАИЛА БУЛГАКОВА | Тема Пилата | Не свет, а покой… | Смерть Иуды из Кариафа | «Рукописи не горят» | «Жонглер с копытом» | (white on black) ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО • НАУКА • || Title-page: АКАДЕМИЯ НАУК СССР | Из истории мировой культуры | И. Л. ГАЛИНСКАЯ | ЗАГАДКИ | ИЗВЕСТНЫХ | КНИГ | Ответственный редактор | доктор философских наук | И. К. ПАНТИН | {publisher’s device} | Москва | «НАУКА» | 1986 || Pagination: [2] 3-124 [125] [126 contents] [2 colophon/advert.] ; total 128 pages. Collation: 16mo; [1]-416; total 64 leaves. Print run: 142,000 copies. Contributors: Ирина Львовна Галинская [Шмарук] (Ukrainian, 1928 – 2017) Игорь Константинович Пантин (Russian, b. 1930) Михаил Афанасьевич Булгаков [Mikhail Bulgakov] (Russian, 1891 – 1940) Jerome David Salinger (American, 1919 – 2010)
  • A book about the history and collections of The Hermitage museum in St. Petersburg during the October revolution of 1917. Paperback, 20 x 12.5 cm, 16mo, serial pictorial wrappers, blurb to rear; [1]-516 68( plates, not paginated) 7-816; pp.: [2] 3-204 [4]: 208 pages + 16 pages of plates, not paginated, 120 leaves, incl. plates. Title-page: «БМР» device // библиотека | молодого | рабочего | — | С. ВАРШАВСКИЙ | Б. РЕСТ | БИЛЕТ | НА ВСЮ | ВЕЧНОСТЬ | ПОВЕСТЬ ОБ ЭРМИТАЖЕ | В ТРЕХ ЧАСТЯХ | ЧАСТЬ ТРЕТЬЯ | ЛЕНИЗДАТ • 1986 || Sergei Petrovich Varshavsky [Сергей Петрович Варшавский] (Jewish-Russian, 1906 – 1980). B. Rest [Б. Рест; Юлий Исаакович Шапиро] (Jewish-Russian, fl. 1940 – 1980).
  • Hardcover, 17.2 x 12.5 cm, brown cloth-backed pictorial paper boards, lettering to front and spine, pictorial endpapers, pp.: [1-4] 5-430 [2], total 432 pages; collated in-16mo: [1]-1216 138 1416, total 216 leaves. Print run: 65,000 copies. A real history-based fiction about doctor Nikolai Sudzilovsky [Nicholas Russel] (Belarusian, 1850 – 1930). Title-page (pictorial): АЛЕКСАНДРА | БОГДАНОВА | ЖИЗНЬ | ПОСЛЕ | СМЕРТИ | Роман || Imprint:  Рецензент доктор филилогических наук Н. Г. Жулинский. Редактор В. А. Лигостов. Богданова А. И. Жизнь после смерти: Роман. — К.: Рад. письменник, 1990. — 431 с. ISBN 5-333-00201-0. Colophon: Литературно-художественное издание. БОГДАНОВА АЛЕКСАНДРА ИВАНОВНА | Жизнь после смерти. Роман. Киев, издательство «Радяньский пысьмэннык». Author: Богданова, Александра Ивановна (b. c. 1950).
  • Quarter calf over marbled boards, 16 x 9 cm, spine with raised bands, gilt in compartments, gilt-lettered label, all margins red, two title-pages (one for each vol.), illustrated with engraved frontispiece by Antonio Baratti after Antonio Balestra; engraved portrait of John Milton by Antonio Baratti, 12 plates, one for each book, after “Piazzetta, Zucchi, Balestra, Tiepolo, and other Venetian artists”, unsigned; plate II signed ‘Antonio Barati scul.’ Title page: IL PARADISO | PERDUTO | POEMA INGLESE | DI GIOVANNI MILTON | TRADOTTO DAL SIG. | PAOLO ROLLI | Con le Annotazioni | DI G. ADDISON | E alcune Osservazioni critiche. | TOMO PRIMO (SECUNDO). | {publisher’s device} | IN PARIGI , MDCCLVIII. | — | A spese di Bartolommeo Occhi. | LIBRAJO VENETO. || Collation: *-**12 ***8 (dedication, vita), A-R12 (vol. 1) A-K12 L9 (vol.2); total 365 leaves plus 14 engraved plates, incl. frontispiece and portrait. Pagination: [i, ii] iii-lxiv 1-407 [408 blank], [2] 3-258; total 730 pages. Catalogue raisonné: Wickenheiser Collection 688 [LIB-2795.2021]. Though it states 228 pp., which does not seem right. “Scarce. Not in Coleridge”. Contributors: Milton, John (British, 1608 – 1674) – author. Joseph Addison (British, 1672 – 1719) – author / criticism Paolo Antonio Rolli (Italian, 1687 – 1765) – author / transaltion Bartolomeo Occhi (Italian, 1730 – 1781) – publisher. Antonio Baratti (Italian, 1724 – 1787) – engraver Antonio Balestra (Italian, 1666 – 1740) – artist. Giovanni Battista Piazzetta (Italian,1682/83 – 1754) – artist. Antonio Zucchi (Italian, 1726 – 1795) – artist. Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (Italian, 1696 – 1770) – artist.
  • Description: Suite of 16 hand-coloured drypoints, in 39 x 29 cm, in cream French flapped wrappers with lavender lettering “SYMPHONIES AMOUREUSES” and a sanguine drypoint vignette (platemark 15 x 13 cm) to front, 17 leaves plus 2 leaves in the wrappers, 38.5 x 57 cm vertically folded once, lettering to one page, plate to another page, unbound, only the top margin trimmed, unpaginated, wove paper watermarked "BFK Rives", in a faux chagrin double slipcase 39.8 x 30 cm. Title-page (in lavender and black): SYMPHONIES AMOUREUSES | Suite de seize gravures | à la pointe sèche | rehaussées | {blank} | imprimé aux dépens | de Bibliophiles et non mis dans le commerce || Titles of the plates : 1. Ouverture. 2. Gamme. 3. Rêverie. 4. Pas redoublé. 5 Fantasia. 6. Pastorale. 7. Estudiantina. 8. Presto. 9. Arpège. 10. Menuet. 11 .Symphonie médiévale. 12. Jeux d’eau. 13. Galop. 14. Impromptu. 15. Variation. 16. Ariette. Limitation: Print run of 100 copies, 5 copies on Japon Manchou, numbered №№ 1-5, enriched; 11 copies on vélin à la forme de Rives, numbered №№ 6-16, enriched; 84 copies on vélin à la forme de Rives, numbered №№ 17-100, of which this is copy № 32. Cat. raisonné: Dutel III, № 2478. Contributors: André Collot (French, 1897 – 1976) – artist, engraver.
  • Paperback, 20 x 12.5 cm, grey pictorial wrappers, lettering to front, back, and spine; pp.: [1-2] 3-127 [128]. Title-page: ВЕНЕДИКТ | EРОФЕЕВ | in grid: МОСКВА  Р/6520  6308  6494 | {text in grid} | ПЕТУШКИ  {publisher’s device}  МОСКВА / «ИНТЕРБУК» / 1990 || Print-run: 250,000. Contributors: Венедикт Васильевич Ерофеев [Venedikt Yerofeyev] (Russian, 1938 – 1990) – author.
  • A set of two volumes, one with the text (1) and another with the plates (2), cased in a red ‘romantic’ fitting box of red morocco, lavishly tooled in gilt, c. 1840, more recently adapted to house two books of different size. Vol.1: Hardcover volume, 22.4 x 14 cm, 8vo, bound in half black polished calf (late 19th century) over marbled boards, spine and corners gilt-tooled, raised bands, gilt lozenges in compartments, gilt-lettered red morocco label; marbled endpapers; Francis M. G. Mauleverer armorial bookplate (motto “Deus Providebit”) to front pastedown. Printed on laid paper, Collation: 1 blank, engraved frontis., engraved t.p., A-Cc8 Dd2, 1 blank; pagination:[1] 2-420. Vol. 2: Hardcover volume, 21 x 14 cm, bound in green straight-grain morocco (early 19th century), boards with a roll-tooled palmette border, spine decorated in gilt, blue moiré endpapers, yellow feps, additional blank leaves: 2 in the front and 4 in the back, unpaginated; engraved frontis. and t.p. as in vol. 2, plus 35 plates now attributed to Delcroche printed on India paper, pasted on thicker leaves and bound in numerical order, but pl. 34 after pl. 35; As per Christie’s “The prints, sometimes attributed to de Hooghe, are actually by Delcroche, who illustrated a number of classics in the 1770s and 1780s, including Fanny Hill. AE and ABPC record only three copies of this edition at auction, including the Nordmann and Hayoit copies. Apollinaire Enfer, 277; Dutel A-15; Eros invaincu 16; Foxon Libertine Literature, NY: 1965, p.38; Gay-Lemonnyer I, 10; Pia Enfer, 346.” Contributors: Delcroche (Dutch, 17th century), “artiste hollandaise”, nothing else is known. Dutel and Nordmann attribute the plates to Romeyn de Hooghe (Dutch, 1645 – 1708). Nicolas Chorier (French, 1612 –  1692) – author. Francis M. G. Mauleverer (British, 1918 – 1962) – provenance. Seller’s description: 2 vols in 8vo (215x125 and 204x117 mm), a complete but composite set, the text volume in late 19th c. half black morocco, with corners, gilt spine tooled in gold, the plate volume in a nice early 19th-century green morocco binding, the spine gilt-tooled in compartments, the sides with a roll-tooled palmette border, pale blue moiré style endpapers (hinges repaired). Text vol.: engraved frontispiece, engr. title, pp. 420. Plates vol. comprising: the engraved title, frontispiece, and 35 engraved plates, probably by Delcroche. Both volumes cased in a ‘romantic’ fitting box binding, c. 1840, more recently adapted.
  • Hardcover volume, 25.3 x 19.3 cm, green cloth with gilt lettering to front and spine, pictorial dust jacket, pp.: [1 blank] [i-viii] ix-xxiii [xxiv blank] [2] 3-297 [298 blank] [8 blanks], 26 plates, unpaginated. MS inscription in black ink to ffl “David Tatham 1969”. Title-page: The World of | HOGARTH | Lichtenberg's Commentaries | on Hogarth's Engravings | TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN | AND WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY | INNES AND GUSTAV HERDAN | HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY BOSTON | The Riverside Press Cambridge | 1966 || Illustrations: A Harlot's Progress; Marriage-à-la-Mode; Strolling Actresses Dressing in a Barn; A Midnight Modern Conversation or The Bacchanalians; A Rake's Progress; The Four Times of the Day: Morning, Noon, Evening, Night. Edition: First printing w; Printed in the United States of America. Provenance (possibly): David Tatham (American, 1932 – 2023) Contributors: George Christoph Lichtenberg (German, 1743 – 1799) Innes Herdan (British, 1911 – ?) Gustav Herdan (German, 1897 – 1968) William Hogarth (British, 1697 – 1764)
  • In-folio illustrated book, unbound, with sheets 38 x 28 cm in a red double slipcase (40 x 29 cm) with gilt lettering to the spine of the folder. Pagination: [1-8] 9-154 [5] in French flapped wrappers; 30 full-page lithographs. Title-page: PAUL VERLAINE | Parallèlement (ms, in crimson) | Lithographes originales | de | VERTÈS | EDITIONS VIALETAY | 1954 || Edition limited to 99 copies of which 12 copies on Japon nacré (№ 1-12); 25 on Rives (№ 13-37) enriched; 62 on Rives; and 20 (№ I-XX) “Exempliare d’Artiste”. This copy is printed on BFK Rives paper, marked as “Exempliare d’Artiste” and pencil-signed presumably by Vertés and Jacques Vialetay, however, the number is missing. Contributors: Paul Verlaine (French, 1844 – 1896) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Jacques Vialetay (French, 20th century) – publisher Edmond & Jacques Desjobert, René Jeanne, Pierre Gaudin – printers. Henri Jonquières – mis en page. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
  • Hardcover volume, 22.5 x 19.5 cm, collated 4to, owner’s terracotta cloth with gilt-lettered black label to spine, publisher’s wrappers preserved, pp.:3 ffl, front wrapper, 3 ffl, [2] h.t./limit, [2] t.p./blank, 1-228 [2] 3 ffl, back wrapper, 3 ffl. Collation: π3 1-314 323. (130 leaves, incl. plates). Title-page (pink and black): Bonne-fille | PAR | JEAN VIOLLIS | Illustrations de | DIGNIMONT | {vignette} | A PARIS | La Collection Originale | ÉDITIONS MORNAY | 37, BOULEVARD DU MONTPARNASSE | MCMXXVI || Illustrations: 14 full-page colour plates, incl. frontispiece and endpiece, within collation but not within pagination, verso blank, and numerous head- and tailpieces and in-text stencil-coloured (au pochoir) lithography after André Dignimont. Limitation: A print run of 628 copies for sale, of which 18 on Japon Ancien, 30 on Japon Impérial, 90 on Hollande, 490 on Rives (139-628), plus 50 copies not for sale. Printed on May 12, 1926, at l’Imprimerie Kapp (Vanves), this copy is № 380. Provenance: Feodor Rojankovsky, pictorial bookplate “ИЗ КНИГ РОЖАНКОВСКАГО” to front pastedown, ms inscription to front ffl2 top “TH. ROJANKOWSKY | 14 VIII 30” in block letters. One of the possible transliterations of Feodor Rojankovsky's name is Theodor Rojankowsky. Contributors: Jean-Henri d'Ardenne deTizac [JeanViollis] (French, 1877 – 1932) – author. André Dignimont (French, 1891 – 1965) – artist. Frédéric Emile Kapp (French, 1851-193?) – printer. Georges Mornay (French, 1876 – 1935) et Antoinette Mornay – pubishers. Feodor Rojankovsky [Rojan; Фёдор Степанович Рожанковский] (Russian-American, 1891 – 1970) – provenance.
  • Title page: УТОПИЧЕСКИЙ РОМАН XVI – XVII ВЕКОВ | ТОМАС МОР | УТОПИЯ |•| КАМПАНЕЛЛА | ГОРОД СОЛНЦА |•| ФРЭНСИС БЭКОН | НОВАЯ АТЛАНТИДА |•| СИРАНО ДЕ БЕРЖЕРАК | ГОСУДАРСТВА ЛУНЫ |•| ДЕНИ ВЕРАС | ИСТОРИЯ СЕВАРАМБОВ | {PUBLISHER’S DEVICE} | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | «ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА» | МОСКВА • 1971 || Pagination: [1-4] 5-493 [494] [2], 10 plates extraneous to collation. Collation: 16mo; [1]16 2-1516 168. Binding: 20.5 x 15 cm, burgundy cloth, gilt serial device to cover, gilt lettering to spine, pictorial DJ. Colophon: БИБЛИОТЕКА ВСЕМИРНОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ | СЕРИЯ ПЕРВАЯ | Том 34 || Print run 300,000 copies

    Вступительная статья: Л. Воробьев

    Томас Мор: Утопия. Перевод А. Малеина и Ф. Петровского.

    Томмазо Кампанелла: Город Солнца. Перевод Ф. Петровского.

    Фрэнсис Бэкон: Новая Атлантида. Перевод З. Александровой.

    Сирано де Бержерак: Государства Луны. Перевод Е. Гунста.

    Дени Верас: История Севарамбов. Перевод Е. Дмитриевой.

    Примечания А. Малеина, Ф. Петровского, Ф. Коган-Бернштейн, Ф. Шуваевой.

    Художник: Селиверстов, Юрий Иванович (Russian, b. 1940) Authors, translators:

    More, Sir Thomas (British, 1478 –1535)

    Campanella, Tommaso (Italian, 1568 – 1639) Bacon, Francis (British, 1561 –1626) Cyrano de Bergerac, Savinien de (French, 1619 – 1655) Vairasse d' Allais, Denis (French, c. 1630 – 1672) Малеин, Александр Иустинович (Russian, 1869 – 1938) Петровский, Фёдор Александрович (Russian, 1890 – 1978) Елизавета Ивановна Дмитриева [Васильева; Черубина де Габриак] (Russian, 1887 – 1928) Александрова, Зинаида Николаевна (Russian, 1907—1983) Гунст, Евгений Анатольевич (Russian, 1901 – 1983) Коган-Бернштейн, Фаина Абрамовна [Аронгауз] (Russian, 1899 – 1976)
  • The Heads of Illustrious Persons of Great Britain Engraven By Mr. Houbraken And Mr. Vertue. With Their Lives And Characters by Thomas Birch, A.M.F.R.S. Two Volumes in One. Published for John and Paul Knapton, London, 1747. 108 engraved portraits.

  • Елизавета Николаевна Данилова. "Завещание" Петра Великого / Под ред. Александр Игнатьевич Андреева. // В сборнике: Труды Историко-архивного института, том 2, 1946. (Кафедра вспомогательных исторических дисциплин). – с. 202-270. Москва: Главное архивное управление МВД Союза ССР. Историко-архивный институт, 1946. Тираж: 3000 экз.
  • Pictorial album 55.5 x 41.0 cm, publisher’s quarter sheepskin over cloth, upper cover and flat spine lettered in gilt. Title: MONUMENTS et RUES de PARIS | Dessinés et lithographiés par William Wyld, | et publiés par Rittner & Goupil, 15 Boulevard Montmartre, | et Susse Frères, Place de la Bourse. | 1839. Collation: Title plate + 20 plates numbered from 1 to 20, printed by Godefroy Engelmann (French, 1788 – 1839) in tone lithography after drawings by William Wyld (British, 1806 – 1889). Published in Paris by Rittner & Goupil and Susse Frères in 1839. Plates: 54.8 x 39.8 cm. Contents:

    Title page: Tombeau d'Heloïse et d'Abélard

    1. Le Pont Neuf
    2. L'église de la Madeleine
    3. La Porte St. Martin
    4. Palais des Tuileries
    5. Pont des Saints-Pères
    6. Hôtel de Ville
    7. Marché des Innocents
    8. Palais Royal
    9. Boulevard des Italiens
    10. Rue de la Paix
    11. Bourse et Tribunal de Commerce
    12. Porte St. Denis
    13. Pont Royal
    14. Place de la Concorde
    15. Paris from Père Lachaise
    16. Notre-Dame
    17. Jardin des Tuileries with Arc de Triomphe in the Distance
    18. Panthéon
    19. Chambre des députés
    20. Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile
    Description of Shapero Rare Books, London: A very rare pictorial record of Paris before the French capital was drastically remodelled by Haussmann during Napoleon III’s Second Empire. William Wyld (1806-1889), an English painter and lithographer, set up his studio in Paris in 1834, becoming friends with the French painters Ary Scheffer and Paul Delaroche. His first subjects were fashionable orientalist scenes, however, he soon turned to classical architectural, winning a gold medal at the Paris Salon for his two-meter wide canvas ‘Venice at Sunrise’ in the same year in which he published Monuments et rues de Paris. This series is a compilation of twenty fine views of Paris, showing both architectural features, street scenes and views over the river Seine, as well as a panorama of the city from the cemetery of Père Lachaise. Some of the views, such as the representations of the Palais des Tuileries, the Marché des Innocents or the Pont des Sts Pères, testify to the beauty of these structures that no longer exist.
  • Japanese book: 24 leaves, 22 numbered plates, b/w photography reproduced photomechanically, with descriptions at the facing pages; in Japanese. Hardcover, 19 x 18.5 cm, green cloth stamped with title to front board and spine. Separate translation into English.
  • Title (Gothic typeset): Peter Schlemihls | wundersame Geschichte | Mitgeteilt | von | Adelbert von Chamisso | {publisher’s device} | — | Im Insel-Verlag zu Leipzig || Series: Insel-Bücherei, Nr. 194. Pagination: 8vo; [1, 2] 3-79 [80]; 4 photomechanical reproductions of woodcuts by Adolf Schrödter [1838] within collation. Binding: 18.5 x 12.5 cm, hardcover, original patterned paper over cardboard, title label in yellow and black pasted to cover, label to spine. According to Herbert Kästner Die Insel-Bücherei: Bibliographie, 1912 - 1999: 4 illustrations by Adolf Schrödter, produced for 1838 edition as wood engravings here reproduced by photogravure. There were four print runs of this edition:  1916: 1.-10. Tsd;  1923: 35. Tsd; 1940: 55. Tsd. There is currently no way to tell which one is this. Contributors: Chamisso, Adelbert von (German, 1781–1838) – author. Schrödter, Adolf (German, 1805 – 1875) – artist.  
  • Title: BIBLIOGRAPHIE ET ICONOGRAPHIE | DE TOUS LES OUVRAGES | DE | RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE | COMPRENANT | LA DESCRIPTION RAISONNÉE DES ÉDITIONS ORIGINALES | DES RÉIMPRESSIONS | DES CONTREFAÇONS, DES TRADUCTIONS, DES IMITATIONS, ETC. | Y COMPRIS LE DÉTAIL DES ESTAMPES | ET LA NOTICE SUR LA VIE ET LES OUVRAGES DE L'AUTEUR | PAR SON AMI CUBIÈRES PALMÉZEAUX | AVEC DES NOTES HISTORIQUES, CRITIQUES ET LITTÉRAIRES | PAR P. L. JACOB, BIBLIOPHILE | {Publisher’s device} | PARIS | AUGUSTE FONTAINE, LIBRAIRE | 35, 36 ET 37 PASSAGE DES PANORAMAS, ET GALERIE DE LA BOURSE, 1 ET 10 | 1875 || Pagination: ffl, 1 leaf with owner’s engraved ex libris, orig. tan wrapper w/lettering, 1 blank leaf, [2] – h.t. / tirage, 453 of 500, frontis. Portrait, [2] – t.p. / blank, [i] ii-xv [xvi blank], [1] 2-510, [2] – imprint / blank, [1] 2-8 advert., 1 blank leaf, orig. back wrapper, orig. spine, bfl. Note: pp. starting from p. 76 and up to p. 455, between every two leaves of text, there are leaves of grid paper bound in, some with the reader’s handwritten ink remarks. Collation: Prelims., 8vo; a8, 1-328 + advert. Binding: ¾ brown morocco over marbled boards, spine with raised bands and gilt lettering, peacock marbled endpapers. Original wrappers preserved. Size: 23.5 x 14 x 8 cm. Provenance: Juan Hernandez bookplate engraved on a laid and watermarked paper sheet and including a library storage № 2272 The catalogue is produced by Paul Lacroix (French, 1806 – 1884) under the pseudonym of P. L. Jacob; the essay of Restif de La Bretonne biography – by Barbier Michel Cubières de Palmeseaux (French, 1752 – 1820). Frontispice: engraved portrait of Nicolas-Edme Restif de La Bretonne (French, 1734 – 1806) by Eugène Loizelet (French, 1842 – 1882) after Louis Berthet (French, fl. 1775 – 1808) after Louis Binet (French, 1744 – c. 1800).
  • Pictorial cloth boards, spiral-bound, pp.: 3 leaves: h.t., frontis., t.p., 1-326; 123 black & white plates within the pagination.

  • Title: BIBLIOTHECA FICTIVA | A Collection of Books & Manuscripts | Relating to Literary Forgery | 400 BC – AD 2000 | Arthur Freeman | Bernard Quaritch Ltd | 2014 || Pagination: xvi, 424, with colour frontispiece and 36 illustrations in text. Binding: 26 x 18 cm, burgundy cloth, blocked in gold on spine, printed dust-jacket.  
  • Title: L'ART | D'AIMER, | ET | POÉSIES DIVERSES | DE M. BERNARD. Pagination: [2] – t.p. / stanza by Voltaire; engraved t. p., frontispiece, [1] 2-170; pp. 1-61 – L'art d'aimer; pp. 62-111 – Phrosine et Mélidore; pp. 112-170 – Poésies diverses; illustrations. Collation: 8vo; π1 (letterpress t.p.), A-K8 L5; + 8 plates: (1)* engraved title page facing the stanza by Ch. Baquoy; (2) plate as a frontispiece by Ponce after Ch. Eisen, inscribed Chant I above the image, dated 1772, facing p. [1], chant 1er of l’art; (3)* Ch. Baquoy after P. Martini, inscribed Chant II below the image, facing p. 22, chant 2nd of l’art; (4) Ch. Baquoy after Eisen, inscribed Chant III above the image, facing p. 44, chant 3rd of l’art; (5)* Patas after P. Martini, inscribed Chant Ier below the image, dated 1775, facing p. 62, chant 1er of Phrosine; (6) Ch. Baquoy after Eisen, inscribed Chant II above the image, facing p. 74, chant 2nd of Phrosine; (7)* C. Gaucher after P. Martini, facing p. 84, chant 3rd of Phrosine; (8) Ch. Baquoy after Eisen, inscribed Chant IV above the image, facing p. 97, chant 4th of Phrosine; * – images additional to 1772 edition by Le Jay [LIB-2706.2021] (i.e. plates 1, 3, 5, and 7 are new). A counterfeit edition by an anonymous publisher. Binding: brown pebbled morocco, triple fillet gilt-ruled boards, raised bands, gilt in compartments, gilt label lettering to spine, marbled endpapers, AMG; printed on laid paper, with tall 's'. Catalogue raisonné: Cohen, De Richi (1912): p. 132: describes a counterfeit edition with 170 pages and 3 additional plates plus an engraved title. This seems to be a combination of Lejan [sic] Paris 1775 edition, which normally has 134 pages, 8vo, title engraved by Baquoy and three plates after Martini by Patas, Baquoy and Gaucher. Contributors: Nicolas Ponce (French, 1746 – 1831) – engraver. Jean Charles Baquoy (French, 1721 – 1777) – engraver. Jean-Baptiste Patas (French, 1748 – 1817) – engraver. Charles-Étienne Gaucher (French, 1740 – 1804) – engraver. Charles-Dominique-Joseph Eisen (French, 1720 – 1778) – artist. Pietro Antonio Martini (Italian, 1738 – 1797) – artist. Pierre-Joseph Bernard [Gentil-Bernard] (French, 1708 – 1775) – author of the text.
  • Title: LES | CURIOSITÉS DE PARIS | PAR | CH. VIRMAITRE | PRÉFACE DE M. XAVIER EYMA | PARIS | P. LEBIGRE-DUQUESNE, LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR | 16, RUE HAUTEFEUILLE, 16 | 1868 || Collation: 18mo, π6; 1-1918. Pagination: [2] – pictorial title by A. Gill, engr. Marchandeau / blank, [2] – t.p. / blank, [2] dedication to Émile de Girardin / blank, [vii] viii-xii – préface; [1] 2-360, bfl. Note: pp. 223/224 and XIX chapter’s f.t. unpaginated and loose, but collation is not interrupted. Other chapters f.t. paginated. Binding: hardcover, quarter brown buckram over marbled boards, flat spine, gilt fillets, gilt lettering over the black label. Contributors: Charles Virmaître (1835 – 1903) – text. Xavier Eyma (1816 – 1876) – text / preface. André Gill (French, 1840 – 1885) – artist / pictorial title. Marchandeau (French, fl. c. 1867) – engraver / pictorial title.
  • Title page: Л. А. РАСТРИГИН | ВЫЧИСЛИТЕЛЬНЫЕ | МАШИНЫ, | СИСТЕМЫ, СЕТИ… | {Publisher’s device } | МОСКВА «НАУКА» | ГЛАВНАЯ РЕДАКЦИЯ | ФИЗИКО-МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ | 1982 || Pagination: [2] 3-223 [224]. Collation: [1]16, 2-716; 11 unsigned. Size: 20 x 12.5 cm Binding: Pictorial wrappers with a gradient orange to brown background, and lettering on stylized computer screen Л. А. РАСТРИГИН | ВЫЧИСЛИТЕЛЬНЫЕ | МАШИНЫ, | СИСТЕМЫ, СЕТИ … || Print run: 100,000 copies. Contributors: Растригин, Леонард Андреевич (Russian, 1929 – 1998)
  • Title page: Sheila Cousins | TO BEG | I AM ASHAMED | {publisher’s device} | THE OBELISK PRESS | 16, PLACE VENDOME | PARIS || Pagination: [2] – blanks (in wrapper), [4] – h.t. / blank, t.p. / publisher's note & copyright, [1] 2-270, [4] uncut (in wrapper), total 280 pages. Collation: 8vo; [A]8 B-Q8 R4 S8; total 140 leaves. Binding: Publisher’s yellow wrappers, lettering to spine:| TO BEG | I AM | ASHAMED |—| SHEILA | COUSINS | {publisher’s device} |  THE | OBELISK PRESS | PARIS ||; lettered front wrapper in red and black: To beg | I am ashamed |—| by | Sheila Cousins |—| The autobiography | of a London prostitute | Only authorized edition | Complete and unexpurgated | {publisher’s device} | THE OBELISK PRESS ||, publisher’s device in red to back wrapper; margins untrimmed; in an owner slipcase. Edition: 1st edition, France, May (i.e. June) 1838; presumably the first impression. Size: 19 x 14.5 cm. Contributors: Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991) – author. Ronald Matthews (British, 1903 – 1967) – author. The Obelisk Press – publisher.
  • Woodcut pictorial title page (red and black): THE | COMIC | HISTORY | OF | ROME | By GILBERT ABBOTT À BECKETT. | ILLUSTRATED BY JOHN LEECH. | BRADBURY AND EVANS, 11, BOUVERIE STREET. || Pagination: [iii-iv] – t.p. / imprint., [v]-vi – preface, [vii]-viii – contents, [ix]-xii – list of ills., [1] 2-308, lacking half-title (i-ii) otherwise as called for by Tooley (1935) p. 162. Collation: π1 b4 B-U8 X2 plus 10 plates, incl. frontispiece, of hand-coloured steel engravings and 98 in-text woodcuts by John Leech. Imprint: “LONDON: | BRADBURY AND EVANS, PRINTERS, WHITEFRIARS.”; same in the colophon on p. 308, in one line. Binding: 22 x 14.5 cm, full tan calf with gilt double-fillet border, spine gilt in compartments with red morocco label lettered in gilt, blind-stamped dentelle inside, marbled endpapers, additional flyleaf at the end (binding similar to 2-volume “The Comic History of England” LIB-2847.2021, making three volumes in total). Edition: 1st thus (in book form), without “and Co.” in the imprint on t.p. verso. Catalogue raisonné: Tooley (1935) p. 162. Catalogue raisonné: Hardie p. 210; Abbey, Life № 435, p. 365-6; Tooley (1935) p. 162. Contributors: Gilbert Abbott à Beckett (British, 1811 – 1856) – author. John Leech (British, 1817 – 1864) – artist. Bradbury & Evans (Whitefriars); William Bradbury (British, 1799 – 1869); Frederick Mullett Evans (British, 1804 – 1870) – printer.
  • Title: Chansons | de Salles de Garde | {vignette} | Internat { À l’Enseigne des Trois Orfèvres } Quartier Latin || Collation: 21 leaves folded in half (84 pages), unpaginated, unbound, plus 40 plates (two-tone lithography) for 40 songs, in a flapped paper folder, in a green cardstock folder (slipcase without top and bottom?) with gilt diaper ornament. Text, music score, and drawings printed in brick red. Size: 28 x 22.5 cm. Edition: limited to 700 copies of which 100 (№ 1-100) on Vélin Arches, 650 (№ 101-650) on Vélin Spécial, and 50 without numbering marked “Exemplaire d’interne” on Vélin Supérieur. This copy is № 27. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel 1920 – 1970: 1192.
  • Description: One volume in cream French flapped wrappers, 28.5 x 19.5 cm, lettered to front in blue, printed on wove paper, [1-8] 9-157 [158] [6 blanks] + 8 plates tipped-in; total 82 leaves, first two and last three blank (total 8 blanks), the first and last leaves in the wrappers. Clandestine pirate edition with 8 collotype reproductions of coloured etchings after André Collot. Some plates with a water stain in the upper left corner, one plate has a long closed tear along the left margin. Compare to the original etchings, these plates look dull. Front wrapper (blue): LA SEMAINE | SECRÈTE | DE SAPHO || Title-page (black): LA SEMAINE | SECRÈTE | DE SAPHO | Illustrée de huit gravures | coloriées à la main | LA CHRONIQUE DES DAMES | CONTEMPORAINES || Limitation: The run of 300 copies printed on vélin de luxe “illustrée de huit gravures avec remarques colorées à la main”. This copy is № 128. Note: According to J.-P. Dutel (1920-1970) № 2385, p. 360, it is a pirate edition, printed in c. 1930. Jean-Pierre does not indicate that the plates are collotype reproductions, however, it is obvious when assessed under a microscope with a magnification of 60. The original edition published in 1929 has a different title-page and is illustrated with hand-coloured etchings, see Dutel (1920-1970) № 2384, p. 360. Contributors: Pascal Pia [Pierre Durand] (French, 1903 – 1979) – author. André Collot (French, 1897 – 1976) – artist.
  • One hardcover volume, 30.2 x 25.3 cm, in red cloth blind stamped to front and spine with lettering, in pictorial dust jacket; pp.: [1-4] 5-359 [360], total 180 leaves, profusely illustrated. Subject: Japan; Theatre; Kabuki theatre; Kabuki actors; Woodblock prints. Contributors: Arendie Herwig (Dutch, fl. 2002 – 2016); Henk Herwig (Dutch, fl. 2002 – 2017).
  • Softcover, pictorial wrappers, square 21 x 21 cm, 46 leaves, unpaginated, with illustrations in colour, 89 entries, with price list laid in; limited edition of 700 copies. Contributor: Israel Goldman In this collection:

    SVJP-0327.2020: Kunisada. Ichikawa Ebizo V (Danjuro VII) in a Shibaraku role / Ōban, 1822; # 50 in the Catalogue.

  • Two volumes, each bound in red cloth with gilt lettering to spine, black endpapers, TEG, and matching red cloth slipcases with black lettering to front. Vol. 1: The Clarence Buckingham collection of Japanese prints: The Primitives / Catalogue by Helen C. Gunsaulus. — [Chicago]: Art Institute of Chicago, 1955. Pagination: 1st leaf blank, 2nd leaf half-title, verso blank, [i, ii] – t.p. in red and black, copyright to verso, iii-vi, [vii] faux-title “The catalogue”, 1-284 [285] colophon, limitation: 500 numbered copies, this is № 476. Title-page: THE CLARENCE BUCKINGHAM | COLLECTION OF | JAPANESE PRINTS | The Primitives | CATALOGUE BY HELEN C. GUNSAULUS | THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO || Vol. 2: The Clarence Buckingham collection of Japanese prints: Volume 2 / Catalogue by Margaret O. Gentles. — [Chicago]: Art Institute of Chicago, 1965. Pagination: 1st leaf blank, 2nd leaf half-title, verso blank, [i, ii] – t.p. in red and black, copyright to verso, iii-vi, [vii] faux-title “The catalogue”,1-307 [2] blank/ colophon, limitation: 1000 copies (unnumbered). Title-page: VOLUME II | THE CLARENCE BUCKINGHAM | COLLECTION OF | JAPANESE PRINTS | Harunobu, Koryūsai, Shigemasa, their followers and contemporaries | Catalogue by Margaret O. Gentles | THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO 1965 || Contributors: Clarence Buckingham (American, 1854 – 1913) Helen C. Gunsaulus (American, 1886 – 1954) Margaret O. Gentles (American, 1905 – 1969)