• Two volumes, 168 x 106 mm each, uniformly bound in faux mottled calf ruled in gilt, marbled endpapers. Vol. 1: 3 blank leaves of wove paper, 3 blank leaves of laid paper, half-title/blank, blank/frontispiece, ‘engraved’ t.p./blank, both printed on laid paper watermarked “ARCHES A LA | MAIN”; ‘letterpress’ t.p.,/blank, pp.: [1] 2-115 [116 blank], 3 blank leaves of laid paper, 3 blank leaves of wove paper; collated 12mo: π2 A-I6 K4; total 60 leaves plus 16 ‘engraved’ plates, incl. t.p. and frontis. Vol. 2: 3 blank leaves of wove paper, 3 blank leaves of laid paper, half-title/blank, blank/frontispiece, ‘engraved’ t.p./blank, no watermark, ‘letterpress’ t.p.,/blank, pp.: 1-77 [78 blank], 2 blank leaves of laid paper, 3 blank leaves of wove paper; collated 12mo: π2 A-F6 G3; total 41 leaves plus 24 ‘engraved’ plates, incl. t.p. and frontis. Dutel (I): A-1089, p. 325: in-8 (probably by size only, no formula suggested), pagination 115 and 77 as here, 2 frontispieces, 2 engraved titles dated 1873, “et 36 belles gravures de Binet”. Cohen-DeRicci: p. 734 bottom: in-12, no pagination, no formula. "Thérèse" was offered by a French seller user-75d14f4 on the online auction platform CATAWIKI in December 2021. The seller's description of this two-volume set was: "Re-edition, the date of which I was unable to determine. (London, no name, 1782) 2 duodecimo volumes of 115 and 77 pp., very lovely marbled sheepskin pastiche bindings, gilded triple fillets, adorned spines, black title labels. This classic of 18th-century clandestine erotica was written in 1748 by an author who has remained anonymous, attributed at the time to Montigny, which led to his internment in the Bastille. It is now attributed to the Jean-Baptiste de Boyer, Marquis d'Argens. Edition illustrated with 37 very unrestrained figures, engraved in intaglio after Borel, unsigned." I should have paid more attention to the first phase, about the re-edition, but I didn't. After a few bidding rounds, I won the book when the hammer price was 2,200 Euros. On the 28th of December, 2021, I paid for this little beauty $2,760. The book arrived a few days later.  The paper's quality and texture, the watermark, the absence of the platemark, and the lack of embossing on the back (text and plates) made me suspect it was a fake. The pages were absolutely flat to the touch!  I established clear evidence of a high-resolution 'xerox' copy using Celestron Micro Capture Pro micro-photography.  I wrote to the seller and the auction platform, explaining my doubts regarding its authenticity. To prove my point, I include a few micro photos of the "Thérèse" and some books printed at the end of the 18th century. I explained why I considered it a fake and requested a return/refund. After two months of email exchanges, the seller and the platform refused to pay me back. Today is the 2nd anniversary of the purchase. I still have the book. To celebrate my carelessness, I included it in my library to warn fellow book collectors about buying from an unknown dealer via certain online auction platforms. Ref.: Bamber Gascoigne. How to Identify Prints: A Complete Guide to Manual and Mechanical Processes from Woodcut to Ink. — Thames and Hudson, 1995.

    Thérèse philosophe, 1783.

    Late 18th century books

    Books used for comparison: [LIB-2743.2021] Restif de la Bretonne. Les parisiennes, ou XL caractères généraux pris dans les mœurs actuelles, propres à servir à l’instruction des personnes-du-sexe / 4 vol. — Neufchâtel, et Paris: Guillot, 1787. [LIB-3027.2022] [Héliodore d’Emèse]. Amours de Théagènes et Chariclée: Histoire Éthiopique / 2 vol. — Londres [i.e. Paris]: [s.n.], 1743. [LIB-3252.2023] [Nicolas Chorier.] Le Meursius françois, ou entretiens galans d’Aloysia, orné de figures. — Cythere [i.e. Paris: Cazin], 1782. Below is a Xerox copy for comparison.    

    "Разговоры Макиавелли и Монтескье в царстве мертвых” (Dialogue aux Enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu) – это политический памфлет, направленный против Наполена III. В 25 диалогах представитель эпохи Просвещения благородный барон де Монтескье отстаивает позиции умеренного правления и соблюдения прав личности, а флорентийский политик Средневековья злокозненный Макиавелли берется доказать своему собеседнику, что управлять людьми можно только силой и хитростью, и что деспотия — это потребность современного общества. Собеседники заключают пари. Макиавелли шаг за шагом описывает те действия, которые предпринял Наполеон III для установления деспотии во Франции, и выигрывает пари.

    В начале XX века «Разговоры» Жоли были использованы в царской России для изготовления антисемитской фальшивки — печально знаменитых «Протоколов сионских мудрецов», книги, переведенной на все языки мира и своими тиражами уступающей только Библии. Плагиат был разоблачен корреспондентом газеты «Таймс» Филипом Грейвсом в 1921 г. Сравнением текстов “Разговоров” и “Протоколов”, равно как и поиском автора плагиата, занималось не одно поколение исследователей.
    В наше время о “Разговорах” знают в основном благодаря “Протоколам”, но книга Жоли представляет интерес отнюдь не только в связи с означенными “Протоколами”. Единственный до сих пор перевод “Разговоров” на русский язык был выпущен в 2004 году издательством “МК-Трейд” под названием “Диалог в аду между Макиавелли и Монтескье”. Это был перевод с немецкого перевода с французского языка. Предлагаемое читателю новое издание книги Жоли является переводом с французского оригинала, хотя и достаточно вольным, что отражено в заголовке: Разговоры Макиавелли и Монтескье в царстве мертвых, записанные злосчастным французом Морисом Жоли в правление императора Людовика-Наполеона и пересказанные полтора века спустя для русского читателя нашим современником. Морис Жоли писал о “политике макиавеллизма в XIX веке”. Однако теперь очевидно, что и в XXI веке политика макиавеллизма не претерпела существенных изменений. Старинный рецепт установления деспотии “в одной, отдельно взятой стране” хорош и по сей день.

    Published in San Francisco, California.

    Paperback, size: 110 x 148 x 10 mm


  • 1st edition, limited to 52 copies of which 7 copies on Japon paper (№ 1-7) and 45 copies on Rives paper (№ 8-52); printed by Maurice Daratiere; this copy is № 50. “Ladies only” – a pictorial album, unbound, printed by Maurice Darantiere, with 15 black and white lithographs by Edouard Duchâtel (French, 19th-20th century) after drawings by Marcel Vertès on cream wove paper 38 x 28 cm; French flapped wrappers, with the lithographed manuscript title “Dames seules” in a grey clamshell box 40 x 30 cm; printed by Maurice Darantiere,  title with vignette pasted to box cover, one image on a double sheet; all illustrations with tissue guards. Bookplate “From the Library of | Vance Gerry | The Weather Bird Press | pasted inside the box cover (see Vance Gerry and The Weather Bird Press). Provenance: Vance Bryden Gerry (American, 1929 – 2005) Contributors: Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Francis Carco [François Carcopino-Tusoli] (French, 1886 – 1958) – author. Edouard Duchâtel (French, 19th-20th century) – artist, lithographer. Maurice Darantiere (French, 1882 – 1962) – printer. Louis Godefroy (French, 1885 – 1934) – publisher. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
  • Вехи. Сборник статей о русской интеллигенции. Москва, 1909. Типография В. М. Саблина.

    Предисловие. М. О. Гершензон.  Н. А. Бердяев. Философская истина и интеллигентская правда. С. Н. Булгаков. Героизм и подвижничество. М. О. Гершензон. Творческое самосознание. Б. А. Кистяковский. В защиту права. П. Б. Струве. Интеллигенция и революция. С. Л. Франк. Этика нигилизма. А. С. Изгоев. Об интеллигентной молодежи.
  • Manners and Customs of the Japanese, in the Nineteenth Century. From the Accounts of Recent Dutch Residents in Japan, and from the German Work of Dr. Ph. Fr. von Siebold.

    Author: Siebold, Philipp Franz von et al.

    Publisher: Harper & Brothers, New York, 1841.

  • Les Aventures de Télémaque, fils d'Ulysse, Par feu Messire François de Salignac de la Mothe-Fénelon, Précepteur de Messeigneurs les Enfants de France, & depuis Archevêque - Duc de Chabray, Prince du Saint-Empire Romain, &c. / Nouvelle édition enrichie de figures en taille-douce. – À Maestricht, Chez J. E. Dufour & Ph. Roux, Imprimeurs-Libraires associés. M. DCC. LXXXII. Pagination: ffl, [i, ii - ht, explication] [2 - blank, frontis. portrait] [iii, iv - t.p., blank] [v - discours] vi-xxviii, [1] 2-484, bfl; 1 folding map and 24 plates engraved by Jean-Baptiste-Pierre Tardieu. Size: 8vo, 21 x 13 cm. Binding: full contemporary mottled calf, marbled end-papers, all margins red, raised bands, floral gilt elements in compartments, red title label, head- and tail-band absent. Point of issue: the vignette in Liv. 1 is upsidedown. Liv. 1 & 8 plates signed: Gravé par Tardieu résident à Malines. Jean Baptiste Pierre Tardieu (French, 1746 – 1816) - engraver and cartographer from a large family of artists and engravers. For English translation of this book see № LIB-2683-2021 in this collection.  
  • Title: ВСЕВОЛОДЪ СОЛОВЬЕВЪ | ВОЛХВЫ | (Граф Калиостро) | РОМАНЪ |[…]| ИЗДАНIЕ М. ДИДКОВСКАГО | Рига, Ткацкая 9 || Pagination: [1-2] 3-187 [188 blank], [4] advert., in original pictorial wrappers by Г. Дайберъ [Heinrich Deiber]. Size: 21 x 15 cm Allegedly, vol. 1st of 2 vol. edition.
  • Hardcover volume, 20.8 x 13.8 cm, bound in black buckram with gilt lettering to front cover and spine; pp.: [2] 3-112. Portrait of young Anatoly Koni to fep verso. Print run: 5,000 copies. About the right of the defence of necessity – a reprint of the first work of distinguished Russian jurist Anatoly Koni, originally published in «Приложение к Университетским известиям» in 1865 and Кони А. О правѣ необходимой обороны. Рассужденiе. - М.: В Университетской Типографiи, 1866.
  • Title: BIBLIOMANIA; | OR | Book Madness: | A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ROMANCE, | IN SIX PARTS. | Illustrated with Cuts. | BY THE REV. | THOMAS FROGNALL DIBDIN. | {vignette} | INTERIOR OF THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY | I pity all our great ones and rich men that know not this happiness. HEINSIUS. | LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, | By J. McCreery, Blackhorse-court, Fleet-street; | AND SOLD BY MESSRS. LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, | AND BROWN, PATERNOSTER-ROW. | 1811.|| Pagination: ffl, [i, ii] - ht, frontis., [iii, iv] - t.p., blank, [v]vi-ix - to the reader, [x] - blank, [2] - contents, [1, 2] - part 1 fl. t.p., blank, [3] - woodcut frame and capital I, 4-782 (imprint to p. 782) [2] - errata, blank, bfl; 1 plate op. p. 158. Collation: [A]6 B-Z8 2A-2Z8, 3A-3B8, 3C-3F4. Binding: 8vo, 23 x 14 cm, modern full dark brown calf by Period Binders (Bath, England), gilt fillet border to boards, raised bands with gilt ornaments and lettering to spine, pp. 685-688 an open tear in upper 1/8 of lateral margin, all margins marbled. Substantially revised 1st edition ("so much altered and enlarged, as to assume the character of a new work"). Author: Thomas Frognall Dibdin (British, 1776 – 1847).
  • Title: CURIOSA | An | Exhibition | of | Illustrated | Erotic | Books | HOBART & MACLEAN || Pagination: 16 unpaginated pages with bibliography of 49 editions with prices and 51 images. Stapled softcover, original green wrappers with lettering to front and illustration to back. Size: 21 x 15 cm.
  • Hardcover, 21.5 x 13.5 cm, pictorial boards, [1-4] 5-412 [2] [2]. Print run 3,000. Translation from German of the original {Siegfried Krakauer. Jacques Offenbach und das Paris seiner Zeit. — Amsterdam: Allert de Lange, 1937} by Serafima Shlapoberskaya – Шлапоберская, Серафима Евгеньевна (Russian, 1921 – 2007).
  • Front wrapper (in black and red in a red frame): ГОСУДАРСТВЕННАЯ ОРДЕНА ЛЕНИНА БИБЛИОТЕКА СССР | ИМЕНИ В. И. ЛЕНИНА — {СК} (white stylized letters on red background) | СВОДНЫЙ | КАТАЛОГ | РУССКОЙ | НЕЛЕГАЛЬНОЙ | И ЗАПРЕЩЕННОЙ | ПЕЧАТИ XIX ВЕКА | КНИГИ И ПЕРИОДИЧЕСКИЕ ИЗДАНИЯ | МОСКВА 1982 || Title page: ГОСУДАРСТВЕННАЯ ОРДЕНА ЛЕНИНА БИБЛИОТЕКА СССР| СВОДНЫЙ КАТАЛОГ | РУССКОЙ НЕЛЕГАЛЬНОЙ | И ЗАПРЕЩЕННОЙ  ПЕЧАТИ | XIX ВЕКА | КНИГИ И ПЕРИОДИЧЕСКИЕ ИЗДАНИЯ | 2-Е ДОПОЛНЕННОЕ И ПЕРЕРАБОТАННОЕ ИЗДАНИЕ | Часть 3. Приложения. | Вспомогательные указатели. Список источников | МОСКВА 1982 || Publisher’s wrappers, 21.5 x 14.5 cm, lettering to front and spine; pagination: [2] – t.p. / imprint, 3-242 [4] – incl. contents, imprint, and errata, [2] – blanks. Print run 1,250 copies. Науч. ред.: Итенберг, Борис Самуилович (Russian, 1921 – 2016). «Сводный каталог русской нелегальной и запрещенной печати XIX века. Книги и периодические издания» состоит из трех частей: Часть 1. Книги А–М. (№ 1–1158) [LIB-2648.2021] Часть 2. Книги Н–Я. Периодические издания (№ 1159–2576) [LIB-2660.2021] Часть 3-я. Приложения. Вспомогательные указатели. Список источников.
  • Title: АННА КОМНИНА | АЛЕКСИАДА | Перевод, комментарий и статьи | Я. Н. Любарского | Издание третье, исправленное и дополненное | Санкт-Петербург | АЛЕТЕЙЯ | 2010 || Series: Византийская библиотека. Источники. Pagination: [i-v] vi-lxvi [1] 2-682 [4]. Binding: 21.5 x 15 cm; hardcover, crimson buckram, gilt lettering, border and serial device on black. Edition: 3rd edition. Print run: 1,000 copies. ISBN: 978-5-91419-301-7. Anna Komnene [Άννα Κομνηνή; Anna Comnena] (Byzantine, 1083 – 1150s). Любарский, Яков Николаевич (Russian, 1929 – 2003)
  • Title page (with tall “s”): THE | ACCOMPLISHMENT | OF THE | PROPHECIES, | OR THE | Approaching Deliverance of | the CHURCH. | A work, wherein it is proved, that the Papism | is the Antichristian Empire; that that Empire is not far | from its ruin ; that the present persecution may end in | three years and a half. After which, the destruction | of Antichrist shall begin, which shall be finished in the | beginning of the next Age ; and lastly, the Kingdom | of Jesus Christ shall come on the Earth. | — | The second Edition Corrected and Enlarged by almost | a third part, and the explication of all the Visions of the Re- | velation, and of many Chapters concerning mystical Theology. | — | 2 vols. In 1, | — | Written in French by Mr. PETER JURIEU , the present | Minister of the French Church at Rotterdam. And from | this second Edition faithfully Englished. | — | LONDON , Printed in the Year 1687. || Pagination: ffl, [48] 1-271 [272 blank] + 3-99, 200-396, bfl. Note: part 2 starts with page 3, page 99 recto is paginated 200 on verso, instead of 100; total number of pages in part 2, thus, is 294. Collation is uninterrupted. Collation: *-**8 A-S8 + Aa7 Bb-Ss8 Tt4. Note: no leaf Aa1, leaf Tt4 unsigned; 307 leaves total. Binding: Full brown calf, boards ruled blind with double-fillet, flat spine stamped blind with a diaper, double-fillet ruled compartments, black label with gilt lettering. Printed on laid paper, with marginal notes. Yellow sticker to front pastedown G. Batenham, Bookseller, Northgate, Chester. Author: Pierre Jurieu (French, 1637 – 1713). Translator unknown. Publisher unknown.

    English translation of the book:Pierre Jurieu. L'accomplissement des Propheties ou la delivrance prochaine de l'Eglise. —Rotterdam: Acher, 1686.

  • Publisher’s original wrappers, with VIDBERGS to front (bordered) and to spine, size 25 x 18 cm. Title page: O. LIEPIŅŠ | SIGISMUNDS | VIDBERGS | MONOGRAFIJA | K. RASIŅA APGĀDS | RIGĀ 1942 || Imprint: ATTĒLI MĀKSLINIEKA IZRAUDZĪTI UN SAKĀRTOTI (pictures selected and arranged by the artist) Pagination: [1-6] (incl. 1st blank leaf), 7-149 [150] [2] blank; 44 pages of text with in-text illustrations, pp. 47-149 – plates on odd pages, titles on even pages, 51 full-page illustrations. Circulation: 4,000 copies. Contributors: Liepiņš, Olģerts (Latvian, 1906 – 1983) – author. Sigismunds Vidbergs (Latvian-American, 1890 – 1970) – artist. Kārlis Rasiņš (Latvian, 1886 – 1974) – publisher.
  • Title page: THE ART OF | MAHLON BLAINE | A Reminiscence | by G. Legman | with a Mahlon Blaine bibliography | compiled by Roland Trenary | {Blaine’s fac-simile} | Peregrine Books | 1982 || Pagination: [1-4] 5-26 + 84 pp. of illustrations, unpaginated. Collation: 13 leaves of text, 40 leaves of b/w plates, and 2 leaves of colour plates, 55 leaves total. Binding: 29 x 22.5 cm; publisher’s black cloth, silver lettering to spine, pictorial endpapers, pictorial dust jacket. Edition: Limited edition of 100 copies (this is №100), signed by Gelman, Trenary, and Arrington. Contributors: Blaine, Mahlon (American, 1894 – 1969) – illustrator. Legman, Gershon (American, 1917 – 1999) – author. Arrington, Robert L. (American, 1984 – 2015) – author, introduction. Trenary, Roland (American) – author, compiler. Peregrine Books (East Lansing, MI) – publisher.
  • Front wrapper and title page (in red and black): LES CONTES DE | CHARLES | PERRAULT | ILLUSTRATIONS | EN COULEURS | DE | BRUNELLESCHI | {vignette} | GIBERT JEUNE | LIBRAIRIE D'AMATEURS | 61, BOULEVARD SAINT-MICHEL, 61 | PARIS || Pagination: [2] – blanks, [2] – h.t. / limit., [2] – t.p. / blank, [4] – preface, [2] – d.t.p., 1-168 [169-70], [4] – table, [2] – imprint / blank; total 188 pages (94 leaves) with 55 in-text illustrations, plus 16 colour plates extraneous to collation, incl. frontispiece. Edition: Limited edition of 1,000 copies, this copy is № 1 (stamped in black). Printed on the 31st of October 1946 by J. Dumoulin (H. Barthélemy – director, Louis Malexis – mise en page); stencil-colouring (au pochoir) by E. Charpentier under direction of the artist. Binding: 26.7 x 20.3 cm, publisher’s flapped pictorial wrappers, vignettes and lettering to front wrapper and spine, publisher’s device to back wrapper, uncut. Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (French, 1628 – 1703): Griselidis (Griselda) — Peau d'Asne (Donkeyskin) — Les Souhaits ridicules (The Ridiculous Wishes— La Belle au Bois dormant (Sleeping Beauty) — Le Petit Chaperon rouge (Little Red Riding Hood) — La Barbe-Bleue (Bluebeard) — Le Maistre Chat ou Le Chat Botté (Puss in Boots) — Les Fées (The Fairies) — Cendrillon ou La Petite Pantoufle de verre (Cinderella)— Riquet à la Houppe (Riquet with the Tuft) — Le Petit Poucet (Hop-o'-My-Thumb) Description of the stensil (au pochoir) technique.
  • Title-page: GRAHAM GREENE | DOCTOR FISCHER | OF GENEVA | or | THE BOMB | PARTY | {publisher’s device} | THE BODLEY HEAD | LONDON SYDNEY | TORONTO || Green publisher’s cloth with gilt lettering to spine, cream dust jacket, lettered on front, back and spine, unclipped (£4.50 NET | IN U.K. ONLY), [1-8] 9-139 [140] + 2 blank leaves. Printed by Clowes Ltd. (Beccles). © Graham Greene 1980. Dust jacket design by Michael Harvey. Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991).