  • Front pictorial wrapper: ЛЕВ ТИХОМИРОВ | ЗАГОВОРЩИКИ | И | ПОЛИЦИЯ | С ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕМ В. И. НЕВСКОГО | МОЛОДАЯ ГВАРДИЯ || Title page: РЕВОЛЮЦИОННОЕ ДВИЖЕНИЕ В РОССИИ В МЕМУАРАХ | СОВРЕМЕННИКОВ | ПОД РЕДАКЦИЕЙ В. НЕВСКОГО И П. АНАТОЛЬЕВА | ЛЕВ ТИХОМИРОВ | ЗАГОВОРЩИКИ | И | ПОЛИЦИЯ | ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ В. НЕВСКОГО | МОЛОДАЯ ГВАРДИЯ | МОСКВА – ЛЕНИНГРАД || Title verso: Обложка – гравюра на дереве | работы Н. П. Дмитровского | {printer’s device} | Издат. № 2633 | Ленинградский Областлит № 8371 | Тираж 5.000 экз. | 1928 г. Back wrapper: Заказы направлять: | [….] | {publisher’s device} | 1 р. 25 коп. | Р || Pagination: [1-3] 4-229 [3]; pp. 205-226 – notes, 227-229 – index. Collation: [1]8 2-148 154. Binding: publisher’s pictorial wrappers, lettering to spine and back cover. Print run 5,000 copies. Provenance: П. Ю. Перкон (to front cover nut-ink inscription: «П. Перкон», blue ink stamp to cover and t.p.: «БИБЛИОТЕКА | П. Ю. ПЕРКОНЪ | №» Personae: Перкон, Петр Юрьевич [Густавович] (Latvian, 1885 – 1938) — member of the communist party (Bolsheviks) since 05.1905; arrested: 05.02.1938, shot: 22.04.1938. — Previous owner. Невский, Владимир Иванович [Кривобоков or Кривобок, Феодосий Иванович] (Russian, 1876 – 1937) — arrested: 20.02.1935, shot: 26.05.1937. — Editor of the series and author of the foreword. Анатольев, П. И. [Фаресов, Анатолий Иванович; Faresov, Anatoly (Russian, 1852 – 1928). — Editor of the series. Тихомиров, Лев Александрович (Russian, 1852 – 1923). — Author of the text. Дмитревский [Дмитриевский; Дмитровский], Николай Павлович (Russian, 1890 — 1938) — arrested 15.12.1937 , shot: 02.01.1938. — Artist/engraver of the woodcut on the cover.
  • Front wrapper: In the three-compartment orange frame: 1st compartment: HISTOIRE DES DOCTRINES SOCIALISTES | *** (LES IDÉES ET LES FAITS) *** | 2nd compartment: BLANQUI | PAR | Maurice DOMMANGET | {circular device} | 3rd compartment: *** 1924 *** | LIBRAIRIE DE L'HUMANITÉ | 120 • RUE LAFAYETTE • 120 PARIS | Under the frame : Prix : 2 fr. 50 || Title page: HISTOIRE DES DOCTRINES SOCIALISTES | *** (LES IDÉES ET LES FAITS) *** | BLANQUI | PAR Maurice DOMMANGET | {device in a circle} | *** 1924 *** | LIBRAIRIE DE L'HUMANITÉ | 120 • RUE LAFAYETTE • 120 PARIS || Back wrapper: Advert. in an orange frame. Pagination: wrappers included in pagination ; [1-5] 6-95 [96-98] (total 49 leaves incl. wrappers). Collation: wrappers not included in collation: [1]-68. Binding: 18.5 x 12 cm; publisher’s blue wrappers with an orange frame, black lettering to covers and spine; uncut. Russian translation: LIB-2747.2021
  • Cover and title page: Освободительная библiотека. | П. А. КРОПОТКИНЪ. | Парижская коммуна | В. СИМКОВИЧЪ | Послѣдние годы борьбы Россiи | съ самодержавiемъ | {publisher’s device} | ИЗДАНIЕ В. Д. КАРЧАГИНА. | Москва—1906. || Publisher’s lettered wrappers, pagination: [1-5] 6-83 [84], collation: 8vo, [1]8 2-58 62; size: 10.5 x 14 cm. Contents: П. А. Кропоткин. Парижская коммуна / Пер. Т. Брона — pp. 3-31; В. Симкович. Последнии годы борьбы России с самодержавием / Пер. Л. П. Данилова — pp. 33- 83. Kropotkin, Pyotr Alexeyevich [Кропоткин, Пётр Алексеевич] (Russian, 1842 – 1921) — author of the text. Simkhovitch, Vladimir Gregorievitch [Симкович, В.] (Russian-American, 1874 – 1959) — author of the text. Кушнерёв, Иван Николаевич (Russian, 1827 – 1896) — printer.  
  • Cover: LA | NOUVELLE PHÈDRE | ET | LE DIRECTEUR DE L'ODEON | PAR | PAGES (DU TARN) | PRIX : 50 CENTIMES | PARIS | GUSTAVE HAVARD, LIBRAIRE–ÉDITEUR | BOULEVARD SÉBASTOPOL (RIVE GAUCHE) et rue de la Harpe. | 1858 || Pagination: [1-3] 4-48. Collation: 8vp; [1]-38 (total 24 leaves) Binding: publisher’s wrappers. Printer: Imprimerie Bonaventure et Ducessois (Paris); Ducessois, Théodore (French, 1804 – after 1864.) Bonaventure, Jules-Frédéric (French, ca. 1816 – 1891) Pagès (du Tarn) (French, fl. 1838 – 1872) – known absolutely nothing. Other works: La France, ode (M. Papailhiau, 1840); Aux Électeurs ... du Tarn (Soupe, 1848) ; Les Funérailles de Napoléon, ode (Pilout, 1840) ; Mazagran, 4, 5 et 6 février 1840, chant héroïque (M. Papailhiau, 1840) ; Herminie, ou l'Amour et l'honneur, tragédie en 5 actes, en vers (Moquet, 1872) ; Lettre à S.E. le ministre de l'Intérieur sur la nouvelle Phèdre et le Théâtre français (Moquet, 1856), etc. There is also a humorous book by Antony de Menou, which does not contain anything of substance: Un contemporain: biographie de Pagès (du Tarn). — Paris: Masgana, 1857. Antony de Menou is an obscure figure in his own right. An article about him can be found at Les derniers bohêmes by Firmin Maillard (1833 – 1901) [LIB-2652.2021].
  • Cover: ИЗ ИСТОРИИ | ВЕЛИКОЙ ФРАНЦУЗСКОЙ | РЕВОЛЮЦИИ | ЖАН ЖОРЕС | ИСТОРИЯ КОНВЕНТА | ИЗДАНИЕ 2-е | “Книга” | • МОСКВА • 1923 • ПЕТРОГРАД • || Title page: Жан Жорес | История Конвента | Сокращенный перевод В. Левицкого | под редакцией Ф. Дана. | Второе издание. | {publisher’s device} | “Книга” | Москва. […] Петроград | Тверская, 38, тел. 2-64-61. […] Невский, 74, тел. 1-34-34. || Print run: 3,000 copies. Printer: 10-я типография МСНХ «Мосполиграф». Original Title:  Histoire socialiste : 1789-1900. La convention nationale / par J. Jaurès.  — Paris : Jules Rouff et Cie, 1901 Bibliographical description: 23.5 x 16 cm, publisher’s letterpress wrappers, pp. [1-3] 4-191 [192]; collation: 8vo, [1-2]8 3-128; ink inscription to front wrapper: Я. Безруков Jean Jaurès [Жан Жорес] (French, 1859 – 1914) Цедербаум, Владимир Осипович [Левицкий, В.] (Russian-Jewish, 1883 – 1938) Дан [Гурвич], Федор Ильич (Russian-Jewish, 1871-1947)  
  • Front wrapper: Историческая библиотека | Хроника трех столетий | Петербург – Петроград – Ленинград | И. Троцкий | III-е Отделение при Николае I | 3 | июля | 1826 года || Title: И. Троцкий | III-е Отделение при Николае I || Faux title (p. 75) : Жизнь | Шервуда-Верного || Pagination: [1-5] 6-317 [3]; 320 pages. Collation: 16mo; [1]16 2-1016; 160 leaves. Binding: Softcover, original pictorial wrappers. Print run: 150,000 copies. Contributors: Исаак Моисеевич Троцкий (Russian-Jewish, 1903 – 1937) – author of the text. Яков Аркадьевич Гордин (Russian-Jewish, b. 1935) – foreword, preparation.
  • Cover: УС 1918 УС | ПЕРВЫЙ ДЕНЬ | ВСЕРОССIЙСКАГО | УЧРЕДИТЕЛЬНАГО | СОБРАНIЯ | СТЕНОГРАФИЧЕСКIЙ | ОТЧЕТЪ | 5-6 ЯНВАРЯ […] ПЕТРОГРАДЪ […] 1918 г. Title page: УЧРЕДИТЕЛЬНОЕ | СОБРАНIЕ | СТЕНОГРАФИЧЕСКIЙ ОТЧЕТЪ | ПЕЧАТАЕТСЯ ПО РАСПОРЯЖЕНIЮ ПРЕДСѢДАТЕЛЯ | УЧРЕДИТЕЛЬНАГО СОБРАНIЯ. | ПЕТРОГРАДЪ | Пятая Государственная типография, Стремянная, 12. | 1918. || Pencil inscription to t.p.: "Москва 1923 г. С. Варшавский". 23 x 16.5 cm, publisher’s pictorial wrappers, woodcut to front cover, pp.: [1-3] 4-112; collation: [1]8 2-78.
  • Title page: THE | SECRET AGENT | A SIMPLE TALE | BY | JOSEPH CONRAD | METHUEN & CO. | 36 ESSEX STREET W.C. | LONDON || Imprint on t.p. verso: First Published in 1907 Dedication: To H. G. Wells. Pagination: [2] – blank, [6] – h.t., t.p., dedication; 1-442, [2] colophon: THE RIVERSIDE PRESS LIMITED, EDINBURGH / blank; [1-2] 3-40 – Catalogue of books published by Methuen and company, September 1907; total 492 pages. Collation: 8vo; π4, A-Z8 2A-2D8, 2E6, + 20 leaves of advertisement: signed A2 on leaf 5 and A3 on leaf 9, other unsigned, 2E2 signed; total 246 leaves. Binding: Publisher’s burgundy cloth with gilt lettering and elements to spine, lower margin untrimmed, 19.5 x 13.5 cm. Edition: 1st edition, 1st printing ("be be" on the last line of page 117) of 2,500 copied printed. Contributors: Conrad, Joseph (Polish-British, 1857 – 1924) – author. Methuen & Co. (London) – publisher. The Riverside Press Limited (Edinburgh) – printer. Herbert George Wells (British, 1866 – 1946) – dedicatee.
  • Title page: ЖОРЖ-ЖАК ДАНТОН | ИЗБРАННЫЕ РЕЧИ | РЕДАКЦИЯ, ВВЕДЕНИЕ И ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ | Проф. Н. С. ГОЛЬДИНА | {publisher’s device} | ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО УКРАИНЫ | 1924 Lacking wrappers, [2] – blank / frontispiece portrait of Danton, [2] t.p., / imprint, v-xviii, [2] –f.t / blank, 1-111 [112], collation: π2 *8 1-78. Danton, Georges Jacques [Дантон, Жорж Жак] (French, 1759 – 1794). Гольдин, Николай Сергеевич (Ukrainian-Jewish, 1877 – after 1924). Translator unknown.
  • Paperback reprint on demand, 28 x 22 cm, in green malachite wrappers with yellow lettering to both covers; pp. [i-ii] iii-v[vi] 1-122 [4]. Title-page: Okhrana | The Paris Operations of | the Russian Imperial Police | Ben B. Fischer | History Staff | Center for the Study | of Intelligence | Central Intelligence Agency | 1997 || ISBN-10: 1907521992 Benjamin B. Fischer Contents. Foreword. Preface. Okhrana: The Paris Operations of the Russian Imperial Police. From Paris to Palo Alto. CIA Interest in the Okhrana Files. Origins of the Okhrana and Its Paris Office. Foreign Operations. Change and Continuity Dramatis Personae Conclusions Rita T. Kronenbitter Paris Okhrana 1885-1905. The Illustrious Career of Arkadiy Harting. The Sherlock Holmes of the Revolution. Okhrana Agent Dolin. The Okhrana's Female Agents: Part I: Russian Women. The Okhrana's Female Agents: Part II: Indigenous Recruits. Review of Edward Ellis Smith, The Young Stalin, by Harry Gelman. Commentary by Rita T. Kronenbitter.
  • Title (in black and red): АНРИ РОШФОР | ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЯ МОЕЙ ЖИЗНИ | ПЕРЕВОД, ВСТУПИТЕЛЬНАЯ | СТАТЬЯ И ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ | Е. СМИРНОВА | ACADEMIA | 1933 || Opposite title: ИНОСТРАННЫЕ МЕМУАРЫ, ДНЕВНИКИ, | ПИСЬМА И МАТЕРИАЛЫ | Под редакцией И. Т. Смилги ( whited-out) | АНРИ РОШФОР | 1831—1913 | ACADEMIA | МОСКВА — ЛЕНИНГРАД || Title verso: Henri Rochefort | Les Aventures de ma vie. | Переплет и суперобложка | по рисункам М. В. Ушакова-Поскочина. Pagination: [1, 2] – publisher’s device / blank, [3, 4] – opposite title, [5, 6] – t.p. / orig. title, 7-452 [453-460], ill. Collation: [1]-288 296 + 15 plates extraneous to collation. Binding: burgundy cloth ruled blind and stamped in gilt with a lantern to cover and lettering to spine, pictorial DJ; top margin red. Catalogue raisonné: Крылов, Е. В. Кичатова. "Academia" (2004): p. 237-8. Ушаков [Ушаков-Поскочин], Максим Владимирович (Russian, 1893 – 1943) – died in NKVD labor camp. Смилга, Ивар Тенисович (Latvian-Russian, 1892 – 1937) — shot dead by NKVD firing squad.  
  • Hardcover volume, 20.4 x 13.1 cm, quarter contemporary calf over modern brown marbled board, printed on laid paper, pp.: [i-v] vi-xii, [13] 14-259 [260] blank; collated 8vo: 1-168 172; total 130 leaves. Title-page: DES | SOCIÉTÉS SECRÈTES | EN ALLEMAGNE, | ET EN D'AUTRES CONTREES; | DE LA SECTE DES ILLUMINÉS DU TRIBUNAL | SECRET, DE L'ASSASSINAT DE KOTZEBUE, ETC. | {two lines in rules} | PARIS, | LIBRAIRIE DE GIDE, FILS, | RUE SAINT–MARC–FEYDEAU, No. 20. | 1819. || Contributors: Vincent Lombard de Langres (French, 1765 – 1830)  – author. Théophile-Étienne Gide (French, 1767 – 1837) – publisher. Seller's description: [LOMBARD DE LANGRES (Vincent)]. Des Sociétés secrètes en Allemagne, et en d'autres contrées. Paris, Gide fils, 1819 ; in 8°, demi basane fauve, dos lisse orné. Reliure de l'époque. Edition originale rare. L'auteur, révolutionnaire, fut ami de Danton et de Barras. Dans son ouvrage anti maçonnique, il dévoile les doctrines des sociétés secrètes, leurs principes, leur influence dans la société. Caillet 6770.  
  • Title : CHARLES VIRMAITRE | LA COMMUNE | A PARIS | 1871 | {cit. 5 lines Emile de Girardin} | PARIS | LIBRAIRIE INTERNATIONALE | A. LACROIX, VERBOECKHOVEN ET Ce, ÉDITEURS | 15 boulevart Montmartre et faubourg Montmartre, 13 | MÉME MAISON A BRUXELLES, A LEIPZIG ET A LIVOURNE | 1871 | DROITS DE TRADUCTION ET DE REPRODUCTION RÉSERVÉS || Pagination : [2] – h.t. / imprint., [2] – t.p. / blank, [2] – dedicatation to Thiers / blank, [2] – table / blank, [1], 2-280; [total 288 pages]. Collation: 18mo; π4 1-1318 1514. Binding: red quarter morocco over red buckram boards, raised bands, gilt lettering, gilt flower lozenges in compartments, marbled endpapers.
  • Hardcover, 20 x 14 cm, owner’s later green buckram with the original wrapper pasted to front board: wood engraving printed in green (egg and dart border with “1925” on top and “ИЗД-ВО «БЫЛОЕ» ЛЕНИНГРАД” in the bottom, inside the border a pictorial frame, depicting chains, manacles, and axes with red and green lettering inside: “ЦАРСКАЯ РОССИЯ (framed) | РУССКИЙ | РОКАМБОЛЬ | ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЯ | МАНАСЕВИЧА-МАНУЙЛОВА | {fleuron}”; in the bottom corners of the frame monogrammed letters “В” and “Б”, for Вениамин Белкин (Veniamin Belkin).  Pagination: [1-4] 5-239 [240]; collated 8vo: [1]-158, total 120 leaves. Title-page: — | К. Бецкий и П. Павлов | РУССКИЙ РОКАМБОЛЬ  | (ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЯ И. Ф. МАНАСЕВИЧА-МАНУЙЛОВА) | — | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО «БЫЛОЕ» | ЛЕНИНГРАД • 1925 || Print run: 5,000 copies. Contributors: Вениамин Павлович Белкин [Veniamin Belkin] (Russian, 1884 – 1951) – artist of the cover. К. Бецкий (pseudonym), real name Иосиф Яковлевич Кобецкий (Jewish-Russian, ? – ?) – author. П. Павлов (pseudonym),  real name Павел Елисеевич Щеголев (Russian, 1877 – 1931) – author. Иван Фёдорович Манасевич-Мануйлов [Исаак Тодресович Манасевич, Ivan Manassievitch-Manouïlov] (Jewish-Russian, 1869/71—1918) – character.  
  • Hardcover volume 20.7 x 13.4 cm, bound in black buckram with blind and grey lettering to front and grey lettering to spine, in a pictorial dust jacket, yellow pictorial endpapers, pp.: [2] 3-287 [1], collated in 16mo, 1-916, 144 leaves, 288 pages. Title-page: ПИСЬМА АЗЕФА | — | 1893 – 1917 | — | [blank] | {publisher’s device} | МОСКВА | «ТЕРРА» — «TERRA» | 1994 || Print run: 10,000 copies. Азеф, Евгений Филиппович [Евно Фишелевич], [Azef, Yevno] (Jewish-Russian-German, 1869 – 1918) Павлов, Дмитрий Борисович (Russian, b. 1954) Перегудова, Зинаида Ивановна (Russian, b. 1934)

    ISBN: 5-85255-395-6. Azef Letters (Rus).

  • Front wrapper and title page : AVRIL – JUIN 1961 […] Numéro 35 |LE MOUVEMENT SOCIAL | Bulletin trimestriel de l'Institut français d'Histoire sociale | (Association reconnue d’utilité publique) | Le mouvement des Universités Populaires | par L. Dintzer, F. Robin et L. Grelaud | La vie de Blanqui sous le second empire | par M. Dommanget | Aperçu des fonds de l'Institut | par C. Chambelland | LES ÉDITIONS OUVRIÈRES | 12 avenue Sœur-Rosalie, Paris (13e) || Pagination : [1, 2] 3-48. Publisher’s wrappers, 24 x 16 cm. The paper by Maurice Dommanget (French, 1888 – 1976) La vie de Blanqui sous le Second Empire : de la sortie de Belle-ile à la sortie de Sainte-Pélagie (1er décembre 1857 – 12 mars 1864), pp. 30–41.
  • Hardcover volume, 24 x 15 cm, bound in quarter parchment over pale blue cloth, paper label to spine, pale blue dust jacket with a paper label, another label bound in at the end, printed on thick laid paper, untrimmed, uncut, pp. [4] blank, [2] blank/advert., [2] h.t./blank, t.p./imprint (riverside press Ltd.), [2] limitation/blank, [2] persons/blank, [1] 2-185 [3], photogravure portrait frontispiece by Emery Walker with captioned tissue guard. Title-page: The SECRET AGENT | A DRAMA IN THREE ACTS | by | JOSEPH CONRAD | LONDON | Privately Printed for Subscribers ONLY BY | T. WERNER LAURIE LTD. | 1923 || Edition: Limited edition of 1,000 copies sighed by the author; this is copy № 12. Catalogue Raisonné: Keating № 79 / p. 169. Seller’s Description: one of 1000 copies signed by the author, photogravure portrait frontispiece by Emery Walker, endpapers lightly browned, original parchment-backed boards, dust-jacket, spine lightly browned with 2 small staining spots, ends a little creased, uncut and unopened, overall an excellent copy, 8vo, 1923. Contributors: Joseph Conrad (Polish-British, 1857 – 1924) – author. Thomas Werner Laurie (British, 1866 – 1944) – publisher. Emery Walker (British, 1851 – 1933) – artist. The Riverside Press Limited (Edinburgh) – printer. First edition: [LIB-2762.2021] Joseph Conrad. The secret agent: a simple tale. — London: Methuen & Co., [1907]
  • Vol. 1. PART I. | THE ANTICHRISTIAN CONSPIRACY. || Title page: MEMOIRS, | Illustrating the | HISTORY of JACOBINISM, | Written in French by | THE ABBÉ BARRUEL, | And translated into English by | THE HON. ROBERT CLIFFORD, F. R. S. & A. S. | — | Princes and Nations shall disappear from the face of the Earth… and this | REVOLUTION shall be the WORK OF SECRET SOCIETIES. | Weishaupt’s Discourse for the Mysteries. | — | PART I. | THE ANTICHRISTIAN CONSPIRACY. | Second Edition, revised and corrected. | LONDON: | Printed for the Translator, | By T. Burton, No. 11 Gate-street, Lincoln’s-Inn Fields. | Sold by E. Booker, No. 56, New Bond-street. | 1798. || Pagination: [2] – t.p. / imprint, [2] – contents / contents, [i] ii-xvi, [1] 2-401 [402 blank]. Collation : 2 blank leaves, π2 b8, B-Z8 Aa-Bb8 Cc9, 2 blank leaves. Vol. 2: Same as Vol. 1, but: PART II. THE ANTIMONARCHICAL CONSPIRACY. || Pagination: [2] – t.p. / imprint, [2] – contents / contents, [1] 2-479 [480 blank]. Collation: 2 blank leaves, π2 B-Z8 Aa-Gg8 Hh3, 2 blank leaves. Vol. 3.: Same as Vol. 1, but: PART III. THE ANTISOCIAL CONSPIRACY. || Pagination: [i,ii] – t.p. / imprint, [iii] iv-xviii, [1] 2-414; one plate. Collation : 2 blank leaves, π1 A-Z8 Aa-Cc8 D7. Vol. 4: PART IV. ANTISOCIAL CONSPIRACY; HISTORICAL PART. || Pagination: [i,ii] – t.p. / imprint, iii-xviii, [1] 2-601 [602 blank], [1] 2-50; one folding plate. Collation: 2 blank leaves, a8 B-Z8 Aa-Pp8 Qq5, a-c8 d1. Binding: All four volumes uniformly bound in full polished calf, gilt roll-and-rule border, black and green labels with gilt lettering, gilt filigree to spine; marbled endpapers and all edges; printed on wove paper, with long “s”. The original French title: Mémoires pour servir à l'​histoire du Jacobinisme par M. l'abbé Barruel. Author: Augustin Barruel (French, 1741 – 1820). Translator: The Honourable Robert Edward Clifford (British, 1767 – 1817). LIB-2195-1.2019; LIB-2195-2.2019; LIB-2195-3.2019; LIB-2195-4.2019.