  • Photogravure after a pastel drawing by F. Rops. Monogrammed in the plate 'FR'. Owner's stamp 'LvM' on verso.

    Dimensions: Paper: 26 x 20 cm; Plate: 25 x 18 cm; Image: 21 x 14.5 cm.

    Catalogue raisonné: Arthur Hubschmid (1977): 543; Graphics irreverent and erotic (1968): 156.

  • London: Published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge; Charles Knight & Co., no. 22 Ludgate Street. Dimensions: Sheet: 34 x 41.8 cm: Image: 28.7 x 38.3 cm. J. & C. Walker, Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge Charles Knight & Co.; Charles Knight (British, 1791 – 1873) – publisher. J & C Walker (British firm, fl. 1820 – 1895) Walker, John (British, 1787 – 1873) Walker, Alexander (British, 1797? – 1870) Walker, Charles (British, 1799? – 1872) Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK) (British firm, 1826 – 1846)
  • Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代歌川豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Publisher: Ibaya Senzaburō [伊場屋仙三郎] (Japanese, fl. C. 1845 – 1847). Date seal: [子五] Kaei 5, 5th month (5/1852). Signed: Toyokuni ga [豊国 画] in a red toshidama cartouche. Title: Actor Bandō Takesaburō I as clerk Seijūrō [手代清十郎] (left) and Actor Ichikawa Kodanji IV as Kenkaya Gorōkichi [喧嘩屋五郎吉] (right) in the play Musume ōgi tsui no tatehiki [娘扇一対侠贔屓 (むすめおうぎついのたてひき)] performed at the Nakamura theatre [中村座], in Edo (Tokyo). The playbill for this performance can be found at MFA (Boston) # 11.28042, 11.28285, 11.28286: Actors: Bandō Takesaburō I (初代坂東竹三郎) (Japanese, 1832 – 1877); other names: Shinshi, Shinsui V, Bandō Hikosaburō V [五代目坂東彦三郎], Bandō Tsurunosuke I. Ichikawa Kodanji IV [市川小團次] (Japanese, 1812 – 1866); other names: Ichikawa Yonejūrō I, Ichikawa Yonezō III, Ichikawa Eizō.

    Similar images were then used for the series Seven flourishing plants on lanterns for summer evenings [涼調珍盛の七草] (Suzumi chōchin sakari no nanakusa) published by Ibaya Senzaburō in 1852 (Kaei 5), 6th month.

    Bandō Takesaburō I (carved by Yokokawa Takejirō): https://collections.mfa.org/objects/219360

    Actor Ichikawa Kodanji IV (carved by Nakamura Tōkichi): https://collections.mfa.org/objects/477146.

  • Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代歌川豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). No publisher seal, no date or censor seal; probably a private printing. Signed: Kunisada ga [国貞画] in a red double gourd cartouche. Media: Untrimmed fan print (uchiwa-e), 231 x 294 mm, with the use of mica and black lacquer.    
  • A series of seven political caricatures with indecent content, ink and pigment on paper, bound in a grey-blue folder. Each drawing is pasted to a grey-blue sheet of paper 32 x 24 cm. PLATES: 1) Villette; Bazaine; Alvarez Rull: 250 x 192 mm
    Villette Adieu, cher maréchal, je réponds de mon dard C’est un morceau d’acier… Là bas, sur le rempart, Sa cartouche à la main, dans un cul qui le charme, Lançant à gros bouillons son foutre de gendarme Plantin plante Delille et lui font le Caisson. Bazaine Sur ton vit de dragon Sur le nœud de Plantin, sur le cul de Delille, Je ne t’oublierai pas, Villette, adieu, je file Et je vais baiser ma femme. Alvarez Rull (à Josépha) Il ne saurait tarder, Ton epoux va venir, mais tu me fais bander, Le parfum de ton con me monte à la cervelle, Ma gaule se raidit . Josépha, la nacelle Est dans l’ obscurité, là haut, le ciel est noir, Bazaine en descendant ne peut t’ apercevoir … Pour la dernière fois, torche moi la houlette. Bazaine Eh ! là bas, du canot, j’allume une allumette!
    Villette Farewell, dear Marshal, I vouch for my dick. It’s like a steel rod … Over there, on the ramparts, Plantin, his dick in hand, pounds Delisle’s beckoning ass And fills it with his bubbling gendarme’s cum. Bazaine For your dragoon’s dick, For Plantin's prick, for Delisle's ass, I won't forget you, Villette, goodbye, I'm leaving And I'm going to fuck my wife. Alvarez Rull (to Josépha) Hurry up, Your husband is coming, but I got a hard on you, The scent of your cunt penetrates my brain, My rod stiffened. Josépha, the gondola Is in the dark, the sky is black, Bazaine coming down and cannot see you... Give me one last blowjob.

    Bazaine Hey! Over there, from the canoe, I light a match!

    French marshal Achille Bazaine capitulated to Bismarck during the Franco-Prussian war on 27 October 1870. In 1873, he was tried for treason and received a death sentence, later commuted to 20 years' imprisonment. Bazaine was incarcerated in the Fort Royal on Île Sainte-Marguerite, from which he escaped on August 9–10, 1874, with the help of Colonel Villette [Willette], his wife Josefa [Pepita Peña], and her nephew Alvarez Rull. They sailed to Genoa in Italy and from there to London. Plantin and Delisle were prison guards. The story was described in detail during the Trial of Col. Villette and his Accomplices in 1874 and published later in Robert Christophe. La Vie tragique du maréchal Bazaine. — Paris: Vautrain Jacques, 1947.
    2) Impératrice Eugénie: 218 x 165 mm
    Ça, Français, mes amis, regardez sa matrice, Et quand vous aurez vu, vous serez tous certains Que le cul si vanté de votre Impératrice, N’est pas autrement fait que le cul des putains!
    That, French, my friends, look at her cunt, And when you have seen, you will all be certain That the so acclaimed ass of your Empress, Is no different than the ass of whores! 3) Napoléon III: 215 x 168 mm
    J’ai pris Paris, mon oncle a pris Berlin et Vienne. Comme lui je languis en exil …… et là bas, On abat sa colonne; Ici, je fous la mienne…. Triste et cruel retour des choses d’ici bas!! Chilshurst 1871. [i.e. Chislehurst]
    I took Paris, my uncle took Berlin and Vienna. Like him, I, too, languish in exile. His column there was demolished; I’m jerking mine off here…. Cruel and sorrowful deeds!! 4) La confession: 216 x 168 mm (Georges Darboy?) 5) Napoléon III et Thérèsa (chanteuse Désirée Emma Valladon): 216 x 176 mm
    C’est toi de tout Paris la meilleure chanteuse, Thérèsa mon enfant, chante-moi ton sapeur. C’est toi de mes Etats la meilleure fonteuse.. Thérèsa je t’en prie … Ouvre-moi ton sapeur!
    You, the best singer in all of Paris, Teresa, my child, sing for me where to insert. You are the best padding in my entire country… Teresa, please... Open your slit for me! 6) Thiers: 219 x 168 mm
    Maintenant, je me fous de votre République, Des Versaillais et des Prussiens, Aussi, tous les matins, je me branle la pique A la santé des Parisiens!
    Yes, I don’t care about your Republic now, About Versailles and the Prussians, And every morning I jerk off For the health of Parisians! 7) Émile Ollivier/Rochefort/Jules Favre/Gambetta : 212 x 168 mm
    « — Emile Ollivier, raidis bien la houlette! — Enfonce ton ringard mon petit Rochefort!! — Jules Favre mon vieux, redresse bien la tête De ton vi! — Gambetta, pousse encore plus fort!!! »
    Emile Ollivier, tighten your dick! - Stick in your poker, my little Rochefort!! - Jules Favre, old man, straighten your dickhead Damn it! – Gambetta, push even harder!!!
    Characters: Bazaine, François Achille (French, 1811 – 1888) Darboy, Georges (French, 1813 – 1871) Favre, Jules (French, 1809 – 1880) Gambetta, Léon (French, 1838 – 1882) Montijo, Eugénie de (Spanish-French, 1826 – 1920) Napoleon III [Bonaparte, Charles-Louis Napoléon] (French, 1808 – 1873) Ollivier, Émile (French, 1825 – 1913) Peña Azcárate, Josefa [Peña, Pepita] (Mexican-French, 1847 – 1900); Alvarez Rull – nephew of Josefa Peña Azcárate. Rochefort, Henri (French, 1831 – 1913) Thérésa [Valladon, Désirée Emma] (French, 1836 – 1913) Thiers, Adolphe (French, 1797 – 1877)
  • Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 366 x 460 mm; black ink stamp “5057” to reverse. Caption cartoon in 2 tiers. Top: OUVERTURE DE 'EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE DE 1855. CORTÈGE IMPÉRIAL. Captions top to bottom: Garde de Paris. — Les Cent Gardes. — Cuirassier. — Grenadiers. Middle: Voiture de sa Majesté Napoléon III. | Bottom: Grenadier. — Musique des Guides. — Piqueur de l’Empereur. — Gral Anglais — Généraux — Colonel de Cuirassiers | de la Garde — Généraux. Below left: Imprimerie Lith. de Pellerin, à Épinal; right: Propriété de l’Éditeur. Déposé.

    Exposition Universelle (1855)

    Jean Charles Pellerin (French, 1756 – 1836) – printer/publisher.  
  • An album 45 of 50 prints, 31 photogravures and 14 in raster chromotype after drawings and paintings by Franz von Bayros; most with tissue guards, some in passepartout; colour prints mounted on the same paper that is used for photogravures. Title-page: BAYROS | MAPPE | MIT VORWORT VON | RUDOLF HANS BARTSCH | VERLAG ED. STRACHE / WIEN • PRAG • LEIPZIG || Limited edition of 500 copies. This is copy № 286. Lacking 5 prints: (1) Abschied vom Paradies, (2) Weihnacht, and (3) Harmonie from Symphonie von der Gūte, die Schönheit ist; (4) Divina commedia from Florentiner Phantasien; and (5) Mozart from Varia. Contributors: Franz von Bayros (Austrian, 1866 – 1924) Rudolf Hans Bartsch (Austrian, 1873 – 1952)
  • Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代歌川豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Publisher: Nishimuraya Yohachi [西村屋与八] (Japanese, fl. c. 1751 – 1860), seal name: Eijudō. Date: c. 1821–22 (Bunsei 4–5) Size: Ōban tate-e triptych, each sheet 36.8 x 26.4 cm. Signed: 五渡亭国貞画 – Gototei Kunisada ga (on center sheet). Censor’s seal: kiwame 改印: 極 A view of the dressing room of a Theater in Dōtonbori, Ōsaka (Ōsaka Dōtonbori shibai gakuya no zu): Right sheet: Actors Bandō Mitsuemon I, Asao Tamejūrō III, Ichikawa Danzō V, Nakamura Utaemon III, Bandō Mitsugorō III (in a costume of Matsuômaru), Kiriyama Monji III, Nakamura Utashichi II, Arashi Shôroku IV, Nakamura Matsue III, Matsumoto Kōshirō V, Ichikawa Komazō V. Centre sheet: Arashi Mitsugorō III, Mimasu Daigorō III, Nakayama Bunshichi III, Ichikawa Ichizō II, Bandō Minosuke II, Ichikawa Omezō I, Arashi Kitsusaburō I, Nakamura Utaroku I, Kataoka Nizaemon VII, Ōtani Tomoemon III, Asao Yūjirō I. Left sheet: Asao Kuzaemon I, Arashi Hidenosuke III, Sawamura Gennosuke II, Iwai Ōginosuke, Sawamura Kunitarō II, Iwai Matsunosuke I, Ichikawa Sōzaburō IV, Iwai Hanshirō V (in a costume of Sakuramaru), and Ichikawa Shinzō III (L). The actors are making up for a performance of the “Carriage-Stopping” scene from Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami (Sugawara Denju and the Secrets of Calligraphy). References: MFA Accession №: 11.43384a-c; Catalogue Raisonné: Izzard, Kunisada’s World (1993), #34; Hizô Ukiyo-e taikan/Ukiyo-e Masterpieces in European Collections 5, Victoria and Albert Museum II (1987), pl. 22; Keyes, PMA Osaka cat. (1973), #250 and pl. 15 (The theatrical world of Osaka prints, by Roger S. Keyes and Keiko Mizushima, Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1973), pp. 70-71); Izzard, Kunisada's world revisited, 2021; V&A Accession № E.5995-1886. Kabuki actors on this print: Arashi Hidenosuke III [嵐秀之助] (Japanese, fl. 1794 – 1837); other names: Arashi Koshichi IV, Arashi Hinasuke IV, Arashi Sanjūrō VI, Kanō Hidenosuke II, Kanō Umetarō, Arashi Iwajirō III. Arashi Kitsusaburō I [嵐橘三郎] (Japanese, 1769 – 1821); other names: Arashi Kichisaburō II, Arashi Rikan I. Arashi Mitsugorō III (Japanese, ? – ?) Arashi Shōroku IV [四代目嵐小六] (Japanese, 1783 – 1826) Asao Kuzaemon I [浅尾工左衛門] (Japanese, 1758 – 1824); other names: Asai Kuzaemon Nakayama Tashirō II Takeda Nisaburō. Asao Tamejūrō III [三代目淺尾爲十郎] (Japanese, 1780 – 1836); other names: Asao Okuyama III, Asao Okuyama III, Asao Tomozō I. Asao Yūjirō I [浅尾勇次郎] (Japanese, 1782 – 1835); other names: Jitsukawa Gakujūrō I, Asao Gakujūrō, Nakamura Yaozō, Asao Yaozō. Bandō Minosuke II [坂東蓑助] (Japanese, 1802 – 1863); other names: Morita Kan'ya XI, Bandô Mitsugorō IV. Bandō Mitsuemon I [坂東三津右衛門] (Japanese, 1788 – 1846); other names: Bandō Kumahei [坂東熊平]. Bandō Mitsugorō III [三代目 坂東 三津五郎] (Japanese, 1775 – 1831); other names: Bandō Minosuke I, Morita Kanjirô II, Bandō Mitahachi I, Bandō Minosuke I, Bandō Mitahachi I. Ichikawa Danzō V [市川団蔵] (Japanese, 1788 – 1845); other names: Ichikawa Shikō I, Ichikawa Danzaburō IV, Ichikawa Danjirō I, Ichikawa Morinosuke I. Ichikawa Ichizō II [市川市蔵] (Japanese, 1806 – 1829); other names Ichikawa Ebijūrō II, Ichikawa Sukezō I. Ichikawa Komazō V [市川高麗蔵] (Japanese, 1812 – 1849); other names: Matsumoto Kinshō I, Matsumoto Kōshirō VI, Matsumoto Kinshi. Ichikawa Omezō I [市川男女蔵] (Japanese, 1781 – 1833); other names: Ichikawa Benzō II, Ichikawa Bennosuke. Ichikawa Shinzō III [市川新蔵] (Japanese, 1793 – 1837); other names: Ichikawa Sumizō III, Nakayama Tomisaburô II, Nakayama Kinsha, Nakayama Tomisaburō II, Ichikawa Komazō IV, Ichikawa Santarō. Ichikawa Sōzaburō IV (Japanese, ? – ?) Iwai Hanshirō V [岩井半四郎] (Japanese, 1776 – 1847); other names: Iwai Tojaku, Iwai Kumesaburō I. Iwai Matsunosuke I [岩井松之助] (Japanese, 1804 – 1845); other names: Iwai Hanshirō VII, Iwai Shijaku I, Iwai Komurasaki I. Iwai Ōginosuke (Japanese, ? – ?) Kataoka Nizaemon VII [七代目片岡仁左衛門] (Japanese, 1755 – 1837); other names: Yamazawa Kunigorō, Asao Kunigorō II, Nakamura Matsusuke. Kiriyama Monji III [桐山紋治] (Japanese, fl. c. 1803 – 1830); other names: Ichikawa Takigorō. Matsumoto Kōshirō V [五代目松本幸四郎] (Japanese, 1764-1838); other names: Ichikawa Komazô III, Ichikawa Sumizô I. Mimasu Daigorō III [三枡大五郎] (Japanese, 1782 – 1824); other names: Mimasu Seibē, Yoshizawa Kamezō. Nakamura Matsue III [三代目中村松江] (Japanese, 1786-1855); other names: Nakamura Sankō I, Nakamura Tomijūrō II, Ichikawa Kumatarō. Nakamura Utaemon III [中村歌右衛門] (Japanese, 1778 – 1838); other names: Nakamura Tamasuke, Nakamura Baigyoku I, Nakamura Shikan I, Kagaya Fukunosuke I. Nakamura Utaroku I (Japanese, ? – ?) Nakamura Utashichi II (Japanese, ? – ?) Nakayama Bunshichi III [三代目目中山文七] (Japanese, 1764 – 1853); other names: Nakayama Hyakka, Nakayama Hyōtarō I, Nakayama Tokusaburō. Ōtani Tomoemon III [大谷友右衛門] (Japanese, 1793–1839); other names: Arashi Shagan IV, Arashi Sanpachi II, Nakayama Monzaburō. Sawamura Gennosuke II [沢村源之助](Japanese, 1802/7 – 1853); other names: Suketakaya Takasuke III, Sawamura Chōjūrō V, Sawamura Sōjūrō V, Sawamura Tosshō I, Sawamura Genpei I. Sawamura Kunitarō II [沢村国太郎](Japanese, 1798 – 1836); other names: Ogino Kinshi, Ogino Yaegiri III, Ogino Kamekichi, Izumikawa Kamekichi.
  • Isoda Koryūsai (礒田 湖龍斎, 1735–1790), flourished: 1769 to 1790. The print lacks signature (signature erased).

    Attributed definitely to Koryūsai: Jacob Pins, #491 [p.202] - Saigyo Hoshi admiring Mount Fuji. Signature erased but convincingly attributed to Koryusai. Tikotin Museum, Haifa. Catalogue raisonné: Allen Hockley: A3-J-5 (p. 261).

    Saigyō Hōshi (西行 法師, 1118 – March 23, 1190) was a famous Japanese poet of the late Heian and early Kamakura period.

  • Ichikawa Ebizo V (1791 – 1859) a.k.a. Ichikawa Danjûrô VII was a great-great-great-son of Ichikawa Danjûrô I. He started his stage career in 1794, at the age of 4, playing in Shibaraku (the role he is depicted here). During his stage life, he played every role type. He was later banished from Edo for living too luxurious life for an actor. While in exile he flourished in Kioto and Osaka. Kichirei (Festive Annual Custom). Publisher: Takenouchi Magohachi (Hoeidô) Circa 1833. Description: 役者の舞台姿を描いた「舞台姿」シリーズと、日常図を描いた「千社詣」シリーズがあり、同じ役者が向かい合って対になる。(『五渡亭国貞』). Signed: Gototei Kunisada ga [五渡亭国貞画]. Censor's seal: kiwame 改印:極. Ref.: Shindo, Gototei Kunisada Yakusha-e no Sekai (1993), plate 88; Utagawa Kunisada, 150th Anniversary of His Death, Ota Memorial Museum, no. 169; MFA ACCESSION NUMBER 11.43128.
  • Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代歌川豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Signed: Toyokuni ga [豊国 画] in a red toshidama cartouche. Publisher: Ibaya Senzaburō [伊場屋仙三郎] (Japanese, c. 1815 – 1869). Double nanushi censor seals: Hama & Magome, Kaei 2-5 (1849 – 1852). An uncut fan print (uchiwa-e, 220 x 292 mm) depicts a beautiful woman sitting on a balcony overlooking a bay and reading a book. Above the book, there is an obi with a pattern of stripes or modified key fret motif, with lettering that reads: 菅原島 [Sugawara-jima] and 美立 [mitate]. The lettering and the blossoming plum branch next to the obi provide an allusion to  Sugawara no Michizane [菅原 道真/菅原 道眞] (Japanese, 845 – 903) - a prominent scholar and poet of Heian period exiled from Kyoto to the island of Kyushu as a result of another courtier's slander. A legend says that his beloved plum tree was so fond of its master that it flew to Kyushu with Sugawara. The Davis Museum at Wellesley College describes the print as belonging to the series A Parody of Sugawara Stripe Patterns (Mitate Sugawara-jima). To make the fact of an allusion transparent, Kunisada had changed the usual way of writing "Sugawara stripes" from 菅原縞 to 菅原島 and "mitate" from 見立 to 美立. An unusual spelling was also used to provide additional information to the reader in other cultures. E.g. during the Prohibition Era, the West Coast United States speakeasy bars and bordellos misspelt the items on a menu ("scollops") or in a neon sign ("Martuni's") to tell: here we have more pleasures for you than you may have expected. After Tenpō reforms, the printing of bijin-ga (画, "picture of beautiful woman") images was restricted. Our print disguises a typical bijin-ga as an advertisement of an obi (帯, a kimono sash) fabric pattern. "The market of portraits was satisfied and the authorities fooled" [Rebecca Salter. Japanese popular prints. — Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2006].
  • Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞], a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代 歌川 豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Signed: Toyokuni ga [豊国 画] in a red toshidama cartouche Block carver: Yokokawa Takejirō [横川竹二郎] (Japanese, fl. 1845 – 1863); seal: Hori Take [彫竹]. Publisher: Iseya Magobei [伊勢屋孫兵衛] (Japanese, fl. c. 1794 – 1868); seal: Hanmoto, Masu [板元, 益] (Marks 19-039 | 150d). Date-aratame seal: Ansei 2 (1855). Title: Time in Fukagawa, Iyo Province (Fukagawa Iyo setsu). Ref.: [LIB-3008.2022] Andreas Marks. Japanese woodblock prints: Artists, publishers and masterworks, 1680 – 1900. — Tuttle Publishing, 2010; p. 221. –> 1855 Kunisada. "Iyo Province-time at Fukagawa" (Fukagawa Iyo setsu). Fan print. Japan Ukiyo-e Museum, Matsumoto.
  • Description by British Museum (1865,1111.2128): "Two designs, side by side. [1] A dandy (probably a portrait), florid, whiskered, and bearded, steps jauntily from the pavement, hand extended, saying: Ah! my dear fellow — How are you? Devilish glad to see ye!— He holds a closed umbrella, ferrule erect, and wears a long tight-waisted coat to the heels, unbuttoned, tight pantaloons and spurred boots. In the middle distance, another dandy grasps the hand of a friend on horseback. Behind are houses with shop-fronts. A man raises his hat to a lady who curtseys. [2] The same dandy steps from the roadway onto the pavement, his handkerchief to his nose; he stoops, trying to conceal himself from a dandy cantering past in a cloud of dust, his eye-glass to his eye. He is without gloves, extraordinary for a dandy, and his trousers are strapped over pumps; he says: Con-found it! — Didn't expect to meet Him!! The street is otherwise empty; against the (large) houses are scaffolding and a tall ladder." Lettered with title, text within image including production details: 'Ego. delt / Etched by G. Ck / Pubby J Fairburn Broadway Ludgate Hill August 18 1826'. Dimensions: Sheet: 25.5 x 36 cm, Image: 21.7 x 33.8 cm. Catalogue raisonné: A. M. Cohn (1924): № 1001, p. 262.: "A wretched plate. Difficult to believe G. C. had anything to do with it." — Bruton. Value.— £1.
  • Title: Third lunar month [弥生] (Yayoi no zu); Series: Fashionable Twelve Months (Imayo juni-kagetsu). Another version of translation: Modern Beauties of Twelve Months. Artist: Utagawa Toyokuni I [歌川豊国] (1769–1825). Pubisher: Ibaya Senzaburō [伊場屋仙三郎] (Japanese, 1815 – 1869), seal: Dansendō [伊場仙]. Signed: Toyokuni ga and sealed with toshidama. Date-kiwame seal: Ushi (ox), Bunsei 5 (1822). Size: double-sheet uncut fan print ( aiban uchiwa-e), 219 x 295 mm.
  • Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代歌川豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Signed: Toyokuni ga [豊国 画] in a red toshidama cartouche. Publisher: Ibaya Senzaburō [伊場屋仙三郎] (Japanese, c. 1815 – 1869). Block carver: Yokokawa Takejirō [横川竹二郎] (Japanese, fl. 1845 – 1863); seal Hori Take [彫竹]. Double nanushi censor seals: Mera & Murata (1847-50). Title: Cool Breeze on Tenpōzan Hill in Naniwa [浪花天保山の涼] (Naniwa Tenpōzan no ryō). An uncut fan print (uchiwa-e), depicting a gentleman (most probably kabuki actor Nakamura Utaemon IV) holding a pipe with the view of Tenpōzan Hill [天保山] in Naniwa (Osaka) in the background. A distinctive structure on the left is the Sumiyoshi Lantern [住吉高灯篭] (Sumiyoshi takadōrō), which was destroyed by a typhoon in 1950. The character 翫 – moteasobu – on the gentleman’s robe means "take pleasure, play an instrument". Nakamura Utaemon IV [中村歌右衛門] (Japanese, 1796 – 1852); other names: Nakamura Shikan II, Nakamura Tsurusuke I, Nakamura Tōtarō. The character is visually similar to a gentleman drinking tea on a veranda under the shining moon from the series ‘Moon, Sun, Stars’ [月日星] (Getsu hi hoshi), see SVJP-0211-1.2016: The Moon. Utagawa Kunisada. Fan print triptych. Jitsu getsu sei no uchi. Moon. Circa 1850. As noted by Horst Graebner, the gentleman also resembles the character on another Kunisada's actor print, published in 1852 (Waseda University Cultural Resources Database № 114-0232):    
  • Photographic portrait of writer Vladimir Bukovsky with head tilted, closed eyes, and smoking a cigarette. Pencil-signed on the mat: 3/45 • Mikhail Lemkhin; on the back of the print: ink stamp ©MIKHAIL LEMKHIN, ink inscription ©mikhail Lemkhin; ink stamp: PHOTO BY: | MIKHAIL LEMKHIN | 2327 – 38th AVENUE | SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94116 | (415) 664-7677, pencil inscription 3/45 Mikhail Lemkhin; pencil inscription on the back of the mat: (top) ВЛАДИМИР БУКОВСКИЙ | VLADIMIR BUKOVSKY, (bottom) VI. Size: mat: 43.2 x 35.7 cm; window: 21.5 x 18.5 cm; print: 25.3 x 20.3 cm. Limited edition of 45, of which this is № 3, signed and stamped by the artist. Sitter: Vladimir Bukovsky [Владимир Константинович Буковский] (Russian, 1942 – 2019). Popularity: Bukovsky left the Soviet Union, where he was kept in prison for his political views, in exchange for Luis Alberto Corvalán, a Chilean communist. The event was commemorated in the following folk verse:
    Обменяли хулигана На Луиса Корвалана. Где б найти такую блядь, Чтоб на Брежнева сменять!
    This can be translated as a Haiku:
    A troublemaker was exchanged for Luis Corvalán... Where to find a whore to exchange for Brezhnev?
  • Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 267 x 390 mm. On reverse: black ink stamp “5351”. Centre, under the image frame "Mort du Prince Louis Napoléon". Below left: "Télégramme adressé le 2 juin 1879 par le général Chelmsfort, du camp anglais (contrée des Zoulous), au colonel Stanley, ministre de la guerre de la Grande-Bretagne. « Au camp, à sept milles au-dessus de Blood-River, au pied de la montagne Stellezi, 2 juin: Le prince impérial, agissant sous les ordres de l'adjudant quartier-maitre général. a fait une reconnaissance le 1er. Il retournait à cheval au camp le 2 accompagné du lieutenant Carey, du 98e adjudant en second du quartier-maitre général. de six blancs et, quelques Zoulous amis, tous à cheval. A environ dix milles de distance du camp, la petite colonne fit halte at mit pied à terre, un peu à l’écart de la route. Au moment ou le prince venait de donner l'ordre de se remettre en selle. une fusillade partit des hautes herbes qui entourant les kraals. Le prince impérial et deux soldats sont portés manquants par le lieutenant Carey, qui a réussi à échapper et a gagné le camp à la nuit. D'après toutes les circonstances, il 'est pas douteux quo le prince ait été tué. Quelques lanciers du 17 régiment et de l'ambulance partent pour rapporter le corps; mais je vous adresse la présente sans plus attendre, espérant qu'elle arrivera encore à temps pour partir par le courrier. J’ignorais moi-même que le prince impérial eût été désigné pour cette reconnaissance. »" Below right: A la suite de le télégramme, le Times publie les dépêches suivantes: Stelezi-Hill, 2 juin. Au point du jour, une patrouille de cavalerie, sous le commandement du général Marshall. partit à la recherche du prince impérial et parcourut les kraals l'espace de dix milles. Le corps du prince fut découvert dans les herbes à Donga, à 300 mètres du kraal. Il n'avait pas de blessure de balle, mais dix-sept blessures de zagaies par devant. Ses vêtements lui avaient été enlevés. I avait autour du cou une chaine avec un médaillon. Un brancard fut formé avec les lances, et le corps porté par Marchall, Drury, Lowe, le mjor Stewart et d'autres officiers du 17e lanciers, fut. place dans la voiture d'ambulance dans laquelle il est arrivé ici avec une escorte. L'après-midi, il v a eu une parade funèbre. Un profond chagrin règne dans toute la colonne. Le prince n'est pas remonté à cheval après l’attique, parce que son cheval était rétif ; il se mit à courir à pied. Le corps part sous escorte pour être transporté en Angleterre. Bottom right: "Imagerie de P. DIDION, à Metz — Déposé à Metz et à Nancy, le 25 Juin 1879". Paulin Didion (French, 1831 – 1879) – publisher/printer.
  • A portfolio of nine heliogravures after Jules Pascin. Cloth-backed cardboard portfolio 420 x 335 mm with 9 heliogravures on slightly tinted india paper, each numbered in pencil and mounted into a passe-partout 410 x 318 mm. Copy № 25 out of 40 printed on india (chine) paper. Copy № 25 of 40. Title (red and black): EROTIKON | PAR | PASCIN | | BRUXELLES | MCMXXXIII || Limitation: CET | ALBUM | A ÉTÉ TIRÉ | A | QUARANTE ET UN EXEMPLAIRES | NUMÉROTÉS | DONT | UN EX. SUR PAPIER ANCIEN | & | QUARANTE EX. SUR CHINE | No (ms 25/40) || Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 1498. Seller's description:Neun Heliogravüren. 1933. Meist ca. 30 : 35 cm. Nummeriert. Exemplar 25/40 (Gesamtauflage 41). – Die Heliogravüren auf leicht getöntem China, jedes Blatt mit Bleistift nummeriert und in Passepartouts montiert. – Die neun Passepartouts eingelegt in zwei Büttenumschläge, einer mit Titel und dem nummerierten Auflagenvermerk, der zweite unbedruckt, ferner Büttenumschlag mit Titel in Rotdruck und Halbleinenchemise. – Die Heliogravüren erschienen 1933, drei Jahre nach Pascins Tod bei Daragnes in Paris mit der fingierten Angabe »Brüssel«. – Das berühmte Mappenwerk bildet eine der großen Seltenheiten der erotischen Kunst. Die Motive Pascins beschreibt das Bilderlexikon als »eine Art ›Boheme-Rokoko im Montmartre-Milieu‹« und lobt den Künstler: »Er ist ein außerordentlicher Zeichner, der es versteht, bei allem Zynismus, der seinen exhibitionistischen Charakter nicht verleugnet, auf diesem Kulturdünger eine neuartige Blume voll graziöser Schönheit erblühen zu lassen.« Mappe: 42 : 33,5 cm. – Der äußere Büttenumschlag mit leichtem Wasserrand. – Zwei Heliogravüren minimal stockfleckig, sonst tadellos und absolut vollständig. Dutel 1498 (mit Auflagenvarianten). – Der kalte Blick S. 198ff. – Bilderlexikon II, 718.
  • Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代歌川豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Signed: Ōju Toyokuni ga [応需豊国画], in a toshidama cartouche. Double nanushi censor seals: Mera & Murata (1846-50). Publisher: Kojimaya Jūbei [小嶋屋重兵衛] (Japanese, fl. c. 1797 – 1869). A beautiful woman, possibly a kabuki actor Iwai Hanshirō VIII [岩井半四郎] (Iwai Shijaku II, Iwai Kumesaburō III [岩井粂三郎], Iwai Hisajirō II, Japanese, 1829 – 1882), tuning the samisen on a veranda under the shining stars. The complete set of series Moon, Sun, Stars [月日星] (tsuki-hi-hoshi/boshi),  three sources of light (sankō) [三光]:
  • Kitagawa Utamaro. According to Chris Uhlenberg this is an illustration from the book Ehon koi no Onamaki, 3 vols, published in Kansei 11 (1799). Illustrated in b/w in: Hayashi Yoshikazu: Kitagawa Utamaro, in the series: Edo makura-e shi shusei, published in 1990, reissued 1994. Size: Chuban (25.5 x 18.5 cm), two book pages glued together.  
  • Mikhail Belomlinsky. Born 1934, Russia. Vadim Krolin, hypnosis session. Watercolor painting on paper from Chukotka expedition, ca. 1970s. Size: 36 x 48 cm.
  • Title: Lyon Collection: Genji, Chapter 21, the maiden (otome - 乙女): the nine-tailed fox woman (kayō-fujin [花陽夫人]) terrorizing Prince Hanzoku (足王) and his servant from the series Japanese and Chinese parallels to Genji (wakan nazorae genji - 和漢准源氏). British Museum: Otome 乙女 (Maiden) / Waken nazorae Genji 和漢准源氏 (Japanese and Chinese Comparisons for the Chapters of the Genji). Schaap: Prince Hanzoku terrorized by a nine-tailed fox; Series: Wakan nazorae Genji (Japanese and Chinese parallels to Genji) Artist: Utagawa Kuniyoshi [歌川 國芳] (1798 – 1861). Publisher: Iseyoshi [伊勢芳] (Marks 25-013 | U095); seal [イせ芳]. Block carver: Hori Shōji [彫庄治] (Lyon Collection; BM); Hori Takichi [彫多吉] (Schaap). Date-aratame seal: Ansei 2, 7th month (1855). Ref: Jack Hillier. Japanese prints and drawings from the Vever Collection (3 volumes). — New York: Sotheby Parke Bernet & Rizzoli International, 1976; vol.3, p. 868, pl. 847. Robinson (1982): p. 161, S88, № 21. Schaap (1998): p. 115, № 107. SOLD
  • A woman from Antwerp or a servant,  another title "Laitière anversoise"; 2nd state. Etching on wove paper. Owner's stamp LVM on verso.

    Dimensions: Paper: 24.4 x 15.8 cm; Image: 12 x 7.5 cm

    Catalogue raisonné: Arthur Hubschmid (1977): 343.

  • Top: THE ENVIRONS OF PARIS. || Bottom centre: Published by Baldwin & Cradock, Paternoster Row, | Under the Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. | March 1st. 1832. || Bottom right: J. & C. Walker sculpt. || Dimensions: Sheet: 34.7 x 40.5 cm; Image: 30 x 37 cm. Contributors: J & C Walker (British firm, fl. 1820 – 1895) Walker, John (British, 1787 – 1873) Walker, Alexander (British, 1797? – 1870) Walker, Charles (British, 1799? – 1872) Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK) (British firm, 1826 – 1846)

  • Superb Edo pictures illustrating dances (Odori keiyô Edo-e no sakae): Interior of an imaginary theater with a performance of Shibaraku 「踊形容江戸絵栄」. Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代歌川豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Publisher: Nōshūya Yasubei (Japanese, fl. c. 1851 – 1870). Year: 1858 (Ansei 5), 7th month. Size: Vertical ôban triptych; 36.9 x 75.7 cm. Signed: 一陽斎雛獅豊国筆(年玉印) – Ichiyôsai Hinashi Toyokuni ga (on left sheet only). Censor's seal: Horse 7 [午七 彫師]. Subject: Shibaraku. Ref.: MFA impression: 11.44263a-c; Robert Schaap. Kunisada (2016), p. 101 [LIB-1212.2017]. Ref.: [LIB-1197.2016] Arendie and Henk Herwig. Heroes of the kabuki stage: an introduction to kabuki with retellings of famous plays, illustrated by woodblock prints. — Amsterdam: Hotei Publishing, 2004; p. 38.
  • Artist: Utagawa Sadahide [歌川貞秀] (Japanese, 1807 – 1879) Publisher: Kojimaya Jūbei [小島屋重兵衛] (Japanese, c. 1797 – 1869) No date seal, no censor seal (privately printed?) Media: Fan print (uchiwa-e, 団扇絵), 235 x 297 mm. Kalimeris incisa, or Japanese Aster, is a daisy-like flower that belongs to the family of Asteraceae; it blossoms all summer and attracts butterflies. Peony [牡丹] (botan) – per Merrily Baird it is "the king of flowers", associated with erotic love, and especially with the sexual activities of women.
  • Sheet № 20 from the series of 42 сhromolithography prints 'Skizzen und Bilder aus ROM und der Umgegend' (Sketches and pictures from Rome and surroundings).


    Top left: LINDEMANN-FROMMEL’S Top right: Skizzen und Bilder aus ROM und der Umgegend. Centre below: No 20 | IL CASTEL E IL PONTE SANT ANGELO, | E SAN PIETRO. Bottom left: Imp. de JACOMME et Cie. R. de Lancry, 16 Paris. Bottom centre: Stuttgart, bei FRANZ KÖHLER. Bottom right: Paris, Goupil et Cie. Editeurs.


    Plate: 372 x 473 mm Sheet: 372 x 473 mm


    Lindemann-Frommel, Karl (French-German, 1819 – 1891) – artist. Jacomme, Claude (French, fl. 1838 – 1857) – printer/lithographer. Goupil et Cie (Paris); Goupil, Adophe (French, 1806 – 1893) – publisher Franz Köhler (Stuttgart); Köhler, Franz (German, 1805 – 1872) – publisher.

  • Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 265 x 378 mm; black ink stamp “5051 1” to reverse. Top left: "ARMÉE FRANCAISE. ARTILLERIE"; right: (gothic font) "Französische Armee  Artillerie" — "№ 107". Below left: "Fabrique d’Images de Fr. Wentzel à Wissembeurg. Bas-Rhin." — "Déposé" —, centre: "Bilderfabrit von Fr. Wentzel in Weissenburg", right: "Fr. Wentzel, Éditeur, rue St. Jacques, 65, Paris". Bottom: "Trompette | Trompeter" — "Capitaine | Gauptmann" — "Porte-Étendard | Fahnenträger" — "Artilleur | Artillerist" — "Cantinière | Marketenderin". Jean Frédéric Wentzel (French, 1807 – 1869) – publisher/printer.
  • A set of 49 prints, heliogravures and etchings, tipped-in on 285 x 257 mm grey cards, in a green marbled folder with a gilt-lettered black label to the front. No publisher, no place, no year (s.l., s.n., s.d.), printed in circa 1910.
    1. Vlastimil Blažek (Czech, 1878 – 1950): heliogravure, sheet 180 x 137 mm, plate 152 x 114 mm; laid paper, black sepia ink; unsigned.
    2. Ex libris Gerhard Wunderlich (architect in Dresden): heliogravure, sheet 205 x 150 mm, plate 158 x 115 mm; wove paper, brown sepia ink; inscription: heliogravure, sheet 180 x 137 mm, plate 152 x 114 mm; laid paper, sepia ink; inscription to top “Es ist alles so eng”; signed “F (backwards). Bayros”.
    3. Ex libris William Lipka: heliogravure, sheet 140 x 125 mm, plate 112 x 98 mm; laid paper, black sepia ink; signature hardly legible.
    4. Nikolaus Schindler (amateur photographer in Vienna): heliogravure, sheet 142 x 150 mm, plate 110 x 117 mm; laid paper, black sepia ink; unsigned.
    5. Sussy de Coiquard: heliogravure, sheet 160 x 140 mm, plate 128 x 110 mm; laid paper, black sepia ink; unsigned.
    6. Illegible, looks like “Vielluer Febréy”: heliogravure, sheet 120 x 109 mm, plate 93 x 85 mm; laid paper, black, sepia ink; signed “F (backwards). Bayros:”.
    7. Ex libris Erich Liebermann-Rosswiese (Greman-Jewish, 1886 – 1942): heliogravure, sheet 180 x 139 mm, plate 118 x 88 mm; wove paper, black sepia ink; unsigned.
    8. Ex libris Dr. phil. Rudolf Ludwig: before letters, heliogravure, sheet 150 x 132 mm, plate 120 x 110 mm; laid paper, black sepia ink; unsigned. See [LIB-3258.2023] John Cleland. Die Memoiren der Fanny Hill. — Paphos [i.e. Vienna]: C. W. Stern, 1906.
    9. Unidentified: before letters, heliogravure, sheet 150 x 115 mm, plate 113 x 88 mm; laid paper, black sepia ink; signed “F. Bayros” in the manuscript. Circumstantial evidence tells that this bookplate belongs to someone A.W.(Artur Wolf). See №22.
    10. Lulu. Monachia. Gest. v. Ritter Dialekt und Junker Erich: heliogravure, sheet 204 x 152 mm, plate 160 x 118 mm; wove paper, black sepia ink; unsigned. See №20.
    11. Kellner Jstván: (István): heliogravure, sheet 118 x 100 mm, plate 85 x 70 mm; laid paper, black sepia ink; signed “Franz Bayros” in the script (hardly legible).
    12. Adyton: heliogravure, sheet 170 x 130 mm, plate 113 x 85 mm; wove paper, black, sepia ink; signed “F (backwards). Bayros”.
    13. 13.Ex libris George Arthur Buhl (American, 1883 – 1959): heliogravure, sheet 166 x 140 mm, plate 120 x 92 mm; wove paper, black sepia ink; inscription “!I will! | !And I can!”; bust inscribed “T. Carlyle”; signed “F (backwards). Bayros” (hardly legible).
    14. Ex-Libris Heinrich und Lise Fuhrmann: heliogravure, sheet 165 x 149 mm, plate 120 x 103 mm; wove paper, black sepia ink; signed “F (backward). Bayros”; inscription “So schaff ich am sausenden Webstuhl der Zeit und wirke der Gottheit lebendiges Kleid” (from ‘Faust’ by Goethe).
    15. Ex libris Gerhard Wunderlich (architect in Dresden): heliogravure, sheet 165 x 137 mm, plate 135 x 105 mm; laid paper, black, sepia ink; signed “F (backwards). Bayros”.
    16. Ex Libris Walther u. Amelia Fahrenhorst; Walter Fahrenhorst (German, 1871 – 1938): heliogravure, sheet 165 x 140 mm, plate 128 x 95 mm; wove paper, black sepia ink; signed “F. Bayros” in the manuscript. The inscription behind the strings: NITOR (lat. beauty, glamour).
    17. Ex Libris Margot Lewknecht; heliogravure, sheet 145 x 140 mm, plate 128 x 118 mm; laid paper, black sepia ink; signed “F. Bayros”.
    18. Ex Libris Walther Heinisch (publisher in Carlsbad); heliogravure, sheet 185 x 145 mm, plate 140 x 110 mm; wove paper, sanguine; male bust with an inscription to the base: “Arnold Boeklin” / Arnold Böcklin (Swiss, 1827 – 1901); inscription: “mit gêru scal man geba infâhan” – a line from Hildebrandslied, the earliest poetic text in German. Unsigned.
    19. Bookplate with music score GGDBGC; heliogravure, sheet 125 x 135 mm, plate 100 x 110 mm, with monogram «HCJ»; laid paper, brown sepia ink; signed “F. Bayros”.
    20. Bookplate with inscription: Lulu aus Praga | Gest v. Ritter Dialekt / Monachia / Monachia / und Junker Erich; heliogravure, sheet 182 x 147 mm, plate 160 x 120 mm, image 122 x 105 mm; wove paper, bluish-black sepia ink; unsigned. See №10.
    21. Bookplate, no inscription; heliogravure, laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 148 x 127 mm, image 84 x 79 mm; signed F. Bayros in the manuscript beneath the image.
    22. Ex libris Artur Wolf: heliogravure, laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 170 x 150 mm, image 120 x 105 mm; signed F. Bayros in the manuscript to the frame of the image. See №9.
    23. Ex Libris E. K. Weigl: heliogravure, laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 139 x 121 mm, plate 112 x 97 mm; unsigned; inscription above male portrait: “LEONARDO”.
    24. Ex libris Dr. A. Bergmann: heliogravure, wove paper, sepia ink; sheet 180 x 140 mm, plate 130 x 105 mm; signed F. Bayros in the manuscript.
    25. Grete Cäcilie (monogram “PS”): heliogravure, laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 161 x 130 mm, plate 128 x 103 mm, signature illegible.
    26. Emma Steigleder: heliogravure, laid paper, black ink, sheet 181 x 141 mm, plate 158 x 117 mm, signed F. Bayros in the manuscript. Inscription “Si vis amari, ama! Seneca” [If you want to be loved, love] to the attic of the arch.
    27. Bruno Fischer: heliogravure, laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 186 x 145 mm, plate 155 x 116 mm, signed “F (backward). Bayros”. Inscription to bottom “Gehl Weck’ ihn nicht auf seien wir froh dass er einmal schläft!”
    28. Harnasch: heliogravure, wove paper, sepia ink; unsigned; sheet 140 x 132 mm, plate 100 x 85 mm; unsigned.
    29. Eduard Klampfl: heliogravure, laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 165 x 145 mm, plate 135 x 110 mm, signed “F (backwards). Bayros”; portrait bust of the composer Richard Wagner (German, 1813 –1883).
    30. Jorge Monsalvatje: heliogravure, wove paper, sepia ink; sheet 189 x 160 mm, plate 150 x 115 mm; signed F. Bayros in the manuscript.
    31. E. K. W.: wove paper, sepia ink; sheet 150 x 120 mm; signed “Bayros”.
    32. Unidentified bookplate: wove paper, sepia ink; sheet 150 x 120 mm; signed “F. Bayros 09” in the manuscript.
    33. Ex-Libris Helene and Emil Lemberger: heliogravure (or soft ground etching), laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 180 x 163 mm, plate 150 x 130 mm, signed “F. Bayros” in the manuscript.
    34. M. Z.: wove paper, sepia ink; sheet 130 x 170 mm, plate 90 x 120 mm; signed “F (backwards) Bayros”.
    35. Ex libris Frankl Frigyes Vilmos: heliogravure (or soft ground etching), laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 140 x 148 mm, unsigned. Frigyes Frankl, born in Tejfalu, Szlovákia, died in 1943.
    36. Ex libris Anton Bürck: heliogravure, wove paper, sepia ink; sheet 170 x 137 mm, plate 123 x 104 mm; unsigned. Anton Burck (German,1881 – 1951) of Palatinate, Bavaria.
    37. Aus den büchern A. W.: heliogravure, laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 152 x 136 mm, plate 120 x 105 mm, signed “F. Bayros” in the manuscript.
    38. Ex libris Hans Hickl: heliogravure, laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 150 x 125 mm, plate 115 x 95 mm, signed “Ω”.
    39. Ex libris Karl Wehle: soft ground etching, laid paper, brown sepia ink, sheet 107 x 90 mm, plate 80 x 65 mm, inscription “Gut!” in the centre; unsigned. Karl Wehle (Austrian, 1901 – 1933)
    40. Ex libris Dr. Paul Berger: etching, laid paper, black ink, sheet 140 x 115 mm, plate 115 x 85 mm, signed “F (backwards). Bayros”.
    41. Unidentified bookplate: etching, laid paper, black ink, sheet 145 x 115 mm, plate 85 x 70 mm, unsigned.
    42. Ex Bibliotheca Erotica Carl Georg von Maassen: soft ground etching, india paper, black ink, sheet 76 x 78 mm, signed “FB”.
    43. Ex Bibliotheca Erotica Carl Georg von Maassen: soft ground etching, india paper, black ink, sheet 79 x 79 mm, signed “F. von Bayros”.
    44. Paul Mixa: soft ground etching, laid paper, sanguine ink, sheet 122 x 111 mm, plate 90 x 85 mm, inscription: “Gerne hör’ich wenn du singest und ich horche wenn du schweigest” [I like to hear when you sing and I listen when you are silent].
    45. Ex libris Drs Q. M. Vyskocil.: etching, laid paper, sanguine ink, sheet 141 x 115 mm, plate 115 x 75 mm, inscription: “MIT REINEN HAENDEN” [with pure hands], signed “F. Bayros” in the manuscript.
    46. Ex libris Andrée Bearn de Riquer: soft ground etching, laid paper, sanguine ink, sheet 136 x 88 mm, plate 100 x 62 mm, signed “F (backwards). Bayros”. Andrée Béarn [Marguerite Laborde] (French, 1880 – 1973), spouse of Alexandre de Riquer (Catalan, 1856 – 1920).
    47. Ex musicis Drs Blažek VL: etching, wove paper, sanguine ink, sheet 141 x 116 mm, plate 115 x 90 mm, inscription: “MIT REINEN HAENDEN” [with pure hands], signed “F. Bayros” in the manuscript. See Vlastimil Blažek (Czech, 1878 – 1950) № 1 in this series.
    48. Ex libris Paul Lindenberg: etching, wove paper, sanguine ink, sheet 130 x 114 mm, plate 95 x 90 mm, image 80 x 72 mm, inscription: “ad pios usus” (for pious uses); signed with monogram “F (backwards). B”.
    49. Unidentified bookplate: heliogravure, laid paper, sanguine ink, sheet 150 x 131 mm, plate 120 x 100 mm, signed “F. Bayros” in the manuscript.
  • Bando Mitsugorō III as Lady Iwafuji and Nakamura Matsue III as Lady Onoe, 1821.「局岩ふじ 坂東三津五郎」(三代)、「中老尾上 中村松江」(三代) in kabuki play Kagamiyama Kokyô no Nishikie [鏡山旧錦繪] (Mirror mountain: A women’s treasury of loyalty); author: Yô Yôdai. Artist: Shunkōsai Hokushū (春好斎 北洲), who is also known as Shunkō IV, active from about 1802 to 1832. Actors: Bandō Mitsugorō III [三代目 坂東 三津五郎] (Japanese, 1775 – 1831); other names: Bandō Minosuke I, Morita Kanjirô II, Bandō Mitahachi I, Bandō Minosuke I, Bandō Mitahachi I. Nakamura Matsue III [三代目中村松江] (Japanese, 1786-1855); other names: Nakamura Sankō I, Nakamura Tomijūrō II, Ichikawa Kumatarō. Year: 1821 (Bunsei 4), 1st month. Publisher: Wataya Kihei (Wataki) (Japanese, fl. c. 1809 – 1885) Signed Shunkôsai Hokushû ga 春好斎北洲画. MFA Accession № 11.35375. MFA description: "Play: Keisei Kagamiyama (Mirror Mountain, a Courtesan Play). Theatre: Kado けいせい双鏡山(けいせいかがみやま)角.  Ref.: [LIB-1193.2013] Leiter. Kabuki Encyclopedia, p. 156; [LIB-0879-2.2015] Kabuki plays on stage (vol. 2): 1773-1799, pp. 172-212.
  • Richard Parkes Bonington (1802–1828 ). British/French. Evreux: Tour du Gros Horloge (Evreux: Large Clock Tower). Inscription: The tower was built in 1417 when the area was ruled by England. Lithograph. From the Taylor and Nodier set "Normandie", Vol. II, pl. 226. 1824. MET# 22.87.2. Catalogue Raisonné: Curtis 1939, no. 19. MET description: "This view in the French town of Evreux focuses on the clock tower, with vendors and customers in the street below. Bonington produced the print for the multi-volume series directed by Baron Isidore Taylor, Charles Nodier and Alphonse de Cailleux titled "Voyages Pittoresques et Romantiques dans l'Ancienne France" (Picturesque and Romantic Travels through Historic France). This image appears in volume 2, devoted to Normandy."
  • Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代歌川豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865)

    Promotional fan for a hairpin shop, with a poem by Ichikawa Danjuro VII, signed Hakuen.

    Date seal plus rectangular kiwame seal: Bunsei 8 (1825).

    Size: Fan print. Uchiwa-e (27.5 x 21.1 cm) Publisher seal: Maru-To (2) (Marks U204). Date seal plus rectangular kiwame seal: Bunsei 8 (1825).
  • Le Grelot / journal illustré politique et satirique, №21, dimanche, 3 septembre 1871. Artist: Caporal (signed in the lower-left corner) Engraver/Printer: J. Lefman (signed LEFMAN SC in the lower-right corner) Title: LE COUP D'ÉTAT DU 4 SEPTEMBRE  1871. The Coup d'Etat of September 4th 1871. The artist equalled the 4th of September revolution when Napoleon III was ousted and the Second Empire collapsed, to a coup d'Etat. Although the number is marked September 3, it is dedicated to the events of September 4th. This was a usual French newspaper practice to postdate their issues. That's why they almost always operated with categories such as "today", "yesterday", and "tomorrow" instead of definitive calendar dates. "Le Grelot" means "The Sleigh Bell". Personages: Ratapoil – fictional personage invented by Honoré Daumier (French, 1808 – 1879), a Napoleon III caricaturized figure. Ratapoil is addressing the audience holding up Napoléon Bonaparte's tricorn cocked hat. Pietri – Joseph Marie Piétri [Joachim Piétri] (French, – is sitting in the first row, taking notes. Rouher – Eugène Rouher (French, 1814 – 1884), president of the Senat. Canrobert – François Marcellin Certain de Canrobert (French, 1809 – 1895), French Marshal, captured by the Prussian army in Metz with Marshal Bazaine during the surrender of Metz on October 28, 1870. Ollivier – Olivier Émile Ollivier (French, 1825 – 1913), head of the government. Hiding behind the theater decoration are: Napoleon III (Lui!), his wife Eugénie (Elle!), their son Prince Imperial (Le P'tit!), and Pierre Bonaparte (L'Autre). Sitting in the theatre box facing the scene: Adolphe Thiers (French, 1797 – 1877), Jules Favre (French, 1809 – 1880), Louis-Jules Trochu [Le General Trochu] (French, 1815 – 1896), and the other members of the "Government of National Defence". On the gallery: youngsters and two men in sans-culottes hats. An unidentified person on a ladder holding to an eagle figure is having a paintbrush and a bucket with 'tender green' paint. Ref: Musée Carnavalet
  • Aquatint finished by a drypoint on wove paper; printed by R. Taneur, depicting young woman in bar Folies Bergère in Paris. Signed in plate under image: "Félicien Rops | AUX FOLIES-BERGÈRE | L'Artiste. — Imp. R. Taneur.  Owner's stamp 'LvM' on verso.

    Dimensions: Paper: 26.7 x 17.6 cm; Plate: 17.5 x 11.5 cm; Image: 13.5 x 8 cm.

    Catalogue raisonné: Graphics irreverent and erotic (1968): 125.

  • Above the frame: PLAN DE PARIS EN MDCCCLIII. Below the frame: Gravé par F. DELAMARE […] PARIS. TYP. DE FIRMIN DIDOT FRÈRES, 56, RUE JACOB. […] PANICONOGRAPHIE DE GILLOT. Q. ST. MICHEL 23. Dimensions: Sheet: 37 x 52.5 cm: Image: 33 x 50 cm. Technique: Photozincography Contributors: Ferdinand Théodore Delamare (French, fl. 1850 – 1889) – engraver. Firmin Didot Frères ; Firmin Didot (French, 1764 – 1836) – publisher. Firmin Gillot (French, 1819 – 1872) – printer.  
  • Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代歌川豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Signed: Kochoro Kuisada ga [香蝶楼国貞画] in a red double-gourd cartouche Publisher: Enshūya Matabei [遠州屋又兵衛] (Japanese, fl. c. 1768 – 1881). Series: Fashionable Youths [流行若手揃] (Ryuko Wakate Zoroi). Actor: Bandō Minosuke II [坂東蓑助] (Japanese, 1802 – 1863); other names: Morita Kan'ya XI, Bandô Mitsugorō IV. Date-kiwame seals: Bunsei 13 / Tenpō 1 (1830). One more print from the same series (See Waseda 201-2125); not in this collection: Segawa Kikunojō V [瀬川菊之丞] (Japanese, 1802 – 1832); other names: Segawa Tamon I.
  • Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代歌川豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Artist signature: By the brush of the 79-year-old Toyokuni [七十九歳豊國画] (Nanajūkyū-sai Toyokuni ga). Publisher: Ebiya Rinnosuke [海老屋林之助] (Japanese, fl. c. 1832 – 1895); seal: ト/ 海老林 (to, Ebirin). Block carver: Matsushima Masakichi [松島政吉]; seal: carved by Masa [彫政] (Hori Masa). Combined date seal and kiwame censor seal: [子極] 1864 (Bunkyū 4/Genji 1). Media: Untrimmed fan print (uchiwa-e), 223 x 297 mm. Inscription in the cartouches: (R) Wakana-hime [若菜姫], Sawamura Tanosuke III [沢村田之助]; (L) Ashikaga Sanshichirō [足利三七郎], Sawamura Tosshō II [沢村訥升]. Play: Kinoene Soga Daikoku-bashira [甲子曽我大国柱], performed at the Morita theatre [森田座・守田座] (Morita-za) in 1864 (Bunkyū 4/Genji 1), 2nd month (see playbill at MFA-Boston Collection). Playwright: Muraoka Kōji II [村岡幸治]. Actors and Characters: Sawamura Tanosuke III [三代目沢村田之助] (Japanese, 1859 – 1878); other names: Shozan [曙山] (poetry name), Sawamura Yoshijirō I [初代沢村由次郎], here in the role of Princess Wakana [若菜姫] (Wakana-hime) (R). The story about Princess Wakana, Shiranui Monogatari, was written by Ryukatei Tanekazu [柳下亭種員] (Japanese, 1807 – 1858) and published as a 90-volume book of comics between 1849 and 1855. ...The tale revolves around the clash between the Kikuchi and Ōtomo clans. Princess Wakana’s father Ōtomo Sōrin [大友 宗麟] (1530 – 1587) was killed in a battle, and his spirit demanded revenge. To appease her late father's spirit, Princes Wakana acquired the power of the Earth Spider. She often appears in prints with a magic scroll, which helps her fight various enemies. Sawamura Tosshō II [二代目沢村訥升] (Japanese, 1854 – 1879); other names: Kōga [高賀] (poetry name), Sawamura Genpei II [二代目沢村源平], Sawamura Sōjūrō [澤村宗十郎], Suketakaya Takasuke IV [四代目助高屋高助], Sawamura Tosshi VI [六代目澤村訥子] (poetry name), here in the role of Ashikaga Sanshichirō [足利三七郎] (L) with a horse. According to Markus Sesko, the scene comes from the kabuki play Umakiri (馬斬り) by Tatsuoka Mansaku [辰岡万作] (17432 – 1809), which premiered in 1794. It was later assimilated into the Kabuki play Kozotte Mimasu Kuruwa no Datezome [襷廓三升伊達染], which was staged in the 1st lunar month of 1853 at the Nakamura-za. Umakiri is based on a Kyōgen play featured in Hideyoshi’s biography Taikōki [太閤記]. Its plot is that Ashikaga Sanchichirō Yoshitaka [足利三七郎義孝・義高], who is supposed to allude to Nobunaga’s son Oda Sanshichirō Nobutaka [織田三七郎信孝], attacks and kills a horse that is carrying 3,000 ryō (金三千両), money Mashiba Hisayoshi [真柴久吉] (an allusion to Hashiba Hideyoshi [羽柴秀吉]) had sent to be donated to a shrine on Mt. Kōya. The surrounding people try to catch him, but when they hear it is Yoshitaka who killed the horse, they fall to the ground and prostrate, and Yoshitaka leisurely leaves with the money. The plot is very simple, but Yoshitaka’s dashing appearance makes it very pleasing to watch. There are also prints that quote the main protagonist as Ashikaga Sanshichirō Harutaka [足利三七郎春高], and there is another title for the play, Sanzen-Ryō Kogane no Kurairi [三千両黄金蔵入] (Pocketing 3,000 ryō of gold). For reference, see also the BLOG. What these two characters are doing in one play remains a riddle. As Mr Graebner comments: "Most kabuki plays were only performed for one season (two months), and the books were lost. The playwrights have repeatedly used parts of plots from other plays, they have adopted characters, sometimes with the same or similar names. What can be found is the Kabuki Playbill (Tsuji banzuke) with cast and roles; the content is lost".

    MBA-Boston Accession number 11.28192

    Acknowledgements: Special thanks to Horst Graebner of the Kunisada Project and to Markus Sesko of The Metropolitan Museum, NY, for the analysis of the image and their invaluable contribution. For reference, see also:        
  • Seven pen and ink and colour crayon drawings on thin wove paper approx. 140 x 100 mm, each attached to a sheet 310 x 240 mm and mounted in a passepartout, placed in an aubergine cardboard folder 310 x 250 mm with a tan vellum spine and paper flaps inside; olive label with double border and gilt lettering to front cover "Dessins" [Drawings]. The first sheet is a title-page lettered in manuscript: Freundinnen | {vignette} | Originalzeichnungen | M. Leytho || [Girlfriends. Original drawings]. Information about the artist at www.honesterotica.com: "Mitja Leytho, almost certainly a pseudonym, is yet another mediocre yet fascinating amateur artist from the Germany of the 1920s about whom we know absolutely nothing beyond the four portfolios which bear the ‘Leytho’ signature". We shall notice that this set of drawings was produced by a talented professional, not an amateur.        
  • Hand-coloured woodcut poster on wove paper, 622 x 417 mm; black ink stamp “4859” to reverse, horizontal centrefold. In a double frame, top: LOUIS-NAPOLÉON BONAPARTE, | REPRÉSENTANT DU PEUPLE, | Président de la République française. Text under the image ; bottom left: (Déposé.— Propriété de l’Éditeur.); right: Fabrique de PELLERIN, Imprimeur-Libraire, à ÉPINAL. Jean Charles Pellerin (French, 1756 – 1836) – printer/publisher.  
  • Pictorial album 55.5 x 41.0 cm, publisher’s quarter sheepskin over cloth, upper cover and flat spine lettered in gilt. Title: MONUMENTS et RUES de PARIS | Dessinés et lithographiés par William Wyld, | et publiés par Rittner & Goupil, 15 Boulevard Montmartre, | et Susse Frères, Place de la Bourse. | 1839. Collation: Title plate + 20 plates numbered from 1 to 20, printed by Godefroy Engelmann (French, 1788 – 1839) in tone lithography after drawings by William Wyld (British, 1806 – 1889). Published in Paris by Rittner & Goupil and Susse Frères in 1839. Plates: 54.8 x 39.8 cm. Contents:

    Title page: Tombeau d'Heloïse et d'Abélard

    1. Le Pont Neuf
    2. L'église de la Madeleine
    3. La Porte St. Martin
    4. Palais des Tuileries
    5. Pont des Saints-Pères
    6. Hôtel de Ville
    7. Marché des Innocents
    8. Palais Royal
    9. Boulevard des Italiens
    10. Rue de la Paix
    11. Bourse et Tribunal de Commerce
    12. Porte St. Denis
    13. Pont Royal
    14. Place de la Concorde
    15. Paris from Père Lachaise
    16. Notre-Dame
    17. Jardin des Tuileries with Arc de Triomphe in the Distance
    18. Panthéon
    19. Chambre des députés
    20. Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile
    Description of Shapero Rare Books, London: A very rare pictorial record of Paris before the French capital was drastically remodelled by Haussmann during Napoleon III’s Second Empire. William Wyld (1806-1889), an English painter and lithographer, set up his studio in Paris in 1834, becoming friends with the French painters Ary Scheffer and Paul Delaroche. His first subjects were fashionable orientalist scenes, however, he soon turned to classical architectural, winning a gold medal at the Paris Salon for his two-meter wide canvas ‘Venice at Sunrise’ in the same year in which he published Monuments et rues de Paris. This series is a compilation of twenty fine views of Paris, showing both architectural features, street scenes and views over the river Seine, as well as a panorama of the city from the cemetery of Père Lachaise. Some of the views, such as the representations of the Palais des Tuileries, the Marché des Innocents or the Pont des Sts Pères, testify to the beauty of these structures that no longer exist.
  • The Four Elements by Jacob Matham (Netherlandish, Haarlem 1571–1631 Haarlem) after Hendrick Goltzius (Netherlandish, Mühlbracht 1558–1617 Haarlem). Engraving on copper, printed on laid paper, 1588.

    Dimensions: 298 mm × 206 mm.

    Reference: MFA Accession Number: 51.501.77
  •   The print lacks signature. It is attributed by some to Suzuki Harunobu and by the others to Isoda Koryūsai.

    Attributed to Koryūsai: Pins #517/p.209, c. 1775 [AIC II: Clarence Buckingham Collection, 1925.2772], Ukiyo-e Taisei IV; Vignier & Inada, 1911; Ritsumeikan University Z0165-239.

    Attributed to Harunobu: Pins #239/p.132.; BM 1906,1220,0.85;

  • Artist: Utagawa Toyokuni I [歌川豊国] (1769–1825). Publisher: Ibaya Senzaburō [伊場屋 仙三郎] (fl. 1815 – 1869). Signed: Toyokuni ga [豊国 画]. Publisher's seal: Ibaya Sensaburō (Marks 08-067 | 127b). Date-aratame seal: Bunsei 3 (1820). Size: Uncut fan print (uchiwa-e), 224 x 254 mm. Ichikawa Ebijūrō I as Nuregami Chōgorō [濡髪の長五郎], Nakamura Daikichi as Hanaregoma Oseki [放駒のお関], and Ichikawa Danjūrō VII as Hanaregoma Chōkichi [放駒長吉] in a kabuki play Futatsu Chôchô Kuruwa Nikki [双蝶々曲輪日記] (A Diary of Two Butterflies in the Pleasure Quarters (see: LIB-0879.2015 | Brandon, James R., Leiter, Samuel L.  Kabuki Plays on Stage: Brilliance and Bravado, 1697-1766 (Volume 1). — Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2002.) The play was performed at Kawarasakiza (Edo) in May of 1820. Actors: Ichikawa Ebijūrō I [市川鰕十郎] (Japanese, 1777 – 1827); other names: Ichikawa Ichizō I [市川市蔵], Ichinokawa Ichizō [市ノ川市蔵]. Nakamura Daikichi I [初代中村大吉](Japanese, 1773 – 1823); other names: Fujikawa Daikichi [藤川大吉]; poetry name Hajō [巴丈]; pen name Naruo Yatarō [藤川大吉]. Ichikawa Danjūrō VII 市川団十郎 (Japanese, 1791 – 1859); other names: Ichikawa Ebizō V, Ichikawa Hakuen II, Ichikawa Shinnosuke I.    
  • Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代 歌川 豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Signed: Kōchōrō Kunisada ga [香蝶楼国貞画] in a double-gourd cartouche. Iseya Sōemon [伊勢屋惣右衛門] (Japanese, 1776 – 1862); seal: Ue [上] (Marks 02-041 | 156a). Inscription in the red stripe: Five types of haiku in shōfū style [俳諧五流蕉風] (Haikai gōryū shōfū). Censor's seal: Watari [渡] (Watanabe Shōemon), VI/1842–V ic/1846. Media: Fan print [団扇絵] (Uchiwa-e); size: 225 x 292 mm. An uncut fan print depicts a young woman with an insect (firefly) cage in her left hand. Her striped kimono is adorned with the design of white, grey and blue cherry blossoms. Two of the Seven Grasses of Autumn [秋の七草] (aki no nanakusa), namely Platycodon grandiflorus (kikyō) [桔梗] a.k.a. Chinese bellflower (or balloon flower) and Patrinia scabiosifolia (ominaeshi) [女郎花] a. k.a. Eastern (or Golden) Valerian, are seen on her right-hand side.
  • Round portrait of a little girl (22-month-old) with bright black eyes and red hair, draped in a semi-transparent shirt which leaves her chest and stomach bare, keeping a red apple in her right hand and two others lying in the fold of her clothes, standing against a dark natural background: bushes, leaves, an apple tree, blue skies, clouds, etc. Oil on metal; in an ormolu frame, in a wooden frame. Diameter without frames 8 cm, with frames – 12.6 cm. Sitter: Courtois, Fortunée-Florentine Elisabeth (French, August 23, 1800 г. – after 1878). Inscription (handwriting, nut ink): Fortunée, Florentine Elisabeth | Courtois a 22 mois. | née 5e fructidor an 8 || Attributed to Lié Louis Périn-Salbreux (French, 1753 – 1817). Fortunée-Florentine Elisabeth Courtois is a mother of Maurice Joly (French, 1829 – 1878). See also in this collection: blogLIB-0460, blogLIB-1038.2016, and Une Épave de l’Ancien Bateau by Tout-Paris. A Lost Article by Proust? The portrait was sold at Drouot (Paris) in 2020 with the following description: "École FRANÇAISE de la fin du XVIIIe siècle Fortunée Florentine Courtois enfant en chemise, en pied dans la nature, tenant trois pommes. Miniature sur ivoire, identifiée au revers : « Florentine Fortunée Elisabeth / Courtois à 22 mois / le 5e ( ?) Fructidor an VIII » [août 1800]; Diam. à vue : 7 cm; Cadre rond en bois tourné et noirci. Florentine Courtois, fille d’André et d’Elisabeth Corbara, épousa vers 1818 Lambert Philippe Joly, conseiller général du Jura, avocat ; leur fils Maurice Joly, avocat, fut ministre de la Justice du gouvernement provisoire en 1870 et grand maître du Grand Orient de France".  Maurice Joly was a lawyer, but nothing else in his description given by Drouot is true. From this inscription, we learned that Fortunée-Florentine Elisabeth Courtois was born on August 23, 1800. We were unable to verify this from any other source. From Morice Joly autobiography (Maurice Joly, son passé, son programme par lui-même. — Paris, Lacroix, Verbœckoven et Ce, 1870) we know that she was born in Bastia and that her father, Laurent Courtois (in some sources André François Désiré Courtois, born c. 1771), was a treasurer of Corsican troops under Napoleon Bonapart. Her mother was Elisabeth Marie-Grâcieuse Corbara (born c. 1750).
  • One of 64 wood engravings by Robert Dill after Joseph Kuhn-Régnier (French, 1873 – 1940), stencil-coloured (au pochoir technique) by Ateliers Jacomet in Paris for the 4-volume edition of Littré’s “Œuvres complètes d'Hippocrate” by Javal & Bourdeaux in 1932-34. The edition was limited to 2,335 numbered copies, 2,000 of them on Vélin teinté du Marais paper., numbered from 336 to 2,335. Contributors: Joseph Kuhn-Régnier (French, 1873 – 1940) – artist. Robert Dill – engraver. Atelier Jacomet (Paris); Daniel Jacomet (French, 1894 – 1966) – printer. Les éditions Javal & Bourdeaux (Paris) – publisher. Émile Littré (French, 1801 – 1881) – translator/ editor. Hippocrates (Greek, c. 460 – c. 370 BC) – author.
  • Title: Fourth lunar month [卯月] (Uzuki no zu); Series: Fashionable Twelve Months (Imayo juni-kagetsu). Another version of translation: Modern Beauties of Twelve Months. Artist: Utagawa Toyokuni I [歌川豊国] (1769–1825). Pubisher: Ibaya Senzaburō [伊場屋仙三郎] (Japanese, 1815 – 1869), seal: Dansendō [伊場仙]. Signed: Toyokuni ga and sealed with toshidama. Date-kiwame seal: Ushi (ox), Bunsei 5 (1822). Size: double-sheet uncut fan print ( aiban uchiwa-e), 219 x 295 mm.
  • Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代歌川豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Signed: Ichiyōsai Toyokuni hitsu [一陽斎豊国筆]. Inscriptions:  [松竹梅] Shochikubai = pine (matsu, ), bamboo (take, ), and plum (ume, ) – an auspicious grouping known as The Three Friends of Winter; [三福追] (Sanpuku tsui) – the three delights, or pleasures. Date seal and aratame censor seal: Ansei 2, 1st month (1855). Publisher: Ibaya Senzaburō [伊場屋仙三郎] (Japanese, c. 1815 – 1869). Block carver: Yokokawa Takejirō [横川竹二郎] (Japanese, fl. 1845 – 1863); seal: Hori Take [彫竹]. Kabuki actor Onoe Kikugorō V [五代目尾上菊五郎] (Onoe Baikō V, Ichimura Kakitsu IV, Ichimura Uzaemon XIII, Ichimura Kurōemon, Japanese, 1844 – 1903) giving candies to the memorial portrait of his predecessor, Ichimura Takenojō V [市村竹之丞] (Ichimura Uzaemon XII, Ichimura Kamenosuke, Ichimura Toyomatsu, Japanese, 1812 – 1851); the latter is dressed in a green robe adorned with a crest (mon) of a kōrin-style crane in a tortoiseshell (octagon), the hanging scroll border decorated with bamboo under snow; the collar of Onoe's kimono decorated with plum blossoms, another plum blossom arrangement decorates the screen behind him. Actors identified by Horst Graebner. Two fan prints from this series in Varshavsky Collection:


  • Photographic half-length portrait of academician Juri Lotman, with his head turned to the left, giving a lecture in front of a blackboard. Pencil-signed on the mat: 5/45 • ©Mikhail Lemkhin; on the back of the print: ink stamp ©MIKHAIL LEMKHIN, pencil inscription Mikhail Lemkhin 5/45; ink stamp: PHOTO BY MIKHAIL LEMKHIN | 1811–38th AVENUE | SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94122 | (415) 664-7677; Copyright statement ink stamp; on the back of the mat: pencil inscription (top) ЛОТМАН, ЮРИЙ | YURI LOTMAN, (bottom) VI. Size: mat: 35.6 x 43.1 cm; window: 15.5 x 24 cm; print: 20.2 x 25.3 cm. Limited edition of 45, of which this is № 5, signed and stamped by the artist. Sitter: Juri Lotman [Юрий Михайлович Лотман] (Estonian-Jewish, 1922 – 1993).
  • Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 270 x 380 mm; attached to the sheet 303 x 442 mm with pencil ms inscription to the top left corner on the reverse: “Haye le 2-3-75”. Top: "MORT DE L'EX-EMPEREUR NAPOLÉON III (le 9 janvier 1873, à Chislehurts [sic], Angleterre)." Bottom right: "Imp. Lith. CH. PINOT, éditeur. Épinal (Dépose)". Bottom left corner of the image sheet torn and manually restored. Text partially lost, starting with « d’une opération pour l’extraction de la pierre, maladie dont’ il souffrait depuis plu-… ». See Chislehurst. Charles-François Pinot (French, 1817 – 1879) – publisher/printer.
  • Watercolour on thick wove paper, unsigned. Attributed to Otto Rudolf Schatz (Austrian, 1900 – 1961). Size: 305 x 212 mm.
  • Artist: Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代歌川豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865). Signed: Toyokuni ga [豊国 画] in a red toshidama cartouche. Actor: Ichikawa Danjūrō VII 市川団十郎 (Japanese, 1791 – 1859); other names: Ichikawa Ebizō V, Ichikawa Hakuen II, Ichikawa Shinnosuke I. Character: Tanbaya Onizo [丹波屋鬼蔵] Play: Koi Bikyaku Yamato Orai [恋飛脚大和往来] Performance: Kawarasaki Theatre [河原崎座] in the 2nd month of 1851. Double nanushi censor seals: Fuku & Muramatsu, from 3rd month of Kaei 2 to 11th month of Kaei 4 (1849-51). Another fan print from the pair SVJP-0212-2.2016: Sawamura Chōjūrō V as Kameya Chubei. Utagawa Kunisada. Fan print diptych. Sawamura Chojuro V as Kameya Chubei. 1851.
  • Kitagawa Utamaro. Illustration from the book Ehon koi no Onamaki. Cited at Hayashi Yoshikazu's 20-volume set Edo makura-e shi shusei: Kitagawa Utamaro. Size: Chuban (25.5 x 18.5 cm), two book pages glued together.  
  • Le Petit Chaperon rouge (Little Red Riding Hood), three wood engravings by Gustave Doré, 1864:  "En passant dans un bois elle rencontra compère le Loup"; "Le Chaperon rouge fut bien étonné de voir comment sa grand'mère était faite en son déshabillé"; "Cela n'empêche pas qu'avec ses gran dents il avait mangé une bonne grand'mère". Engraved by Adolphe Pannemaker. Le Petit Poucet (Little Thumb), one wood engraving by Gustave Doré, 1864: "Une bonne femme vint leur ouvrir". Engraved by Héliodore-Joseph Pisan. La Belle au bois dormant (Sleeping Beauty), one wood engraving by Gustave Doré, 1864: "Il marcha vers le château qu'il voyait au bout d'une grande avenue où il entra". Engraved by Héliodore-Joseph Pisan. Medium: Paper; Wood engraving. Illustrations for P.-J. Hetzel's edition of Perrault's Fairy Tales (Les Contes de Perrault) by Gustave Doré published in 1864. Size: frame: 428 x 302 mm; sheet: 280 x 231 mm; image: 194 x 244 mm.