• Title page: УТОПИЧЕСКИЙ РОМАН XVI – XVII ВЕКОВ | ТОМАС МОР | УТОПИЯ |•| КАМПАНЕЛЛА | ГОРОД СОЛНЦА |•| ФРЭНСИС БЭКОН | НОВАЯ АТЛАНТИДА |•| СИРАНО ДЕ БЕРЖЕРАК | ГОСУДАРСТВА ЛУНЫ |•| ДЕНИ ВЕРАС | ИСТОРИЯ СЕВАРАМБОВ | {PUBLISHER’S DEVICE} | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | «ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА» | МОСКВА • 1971 || Pagination: [1-4] 5-493 [494] [2], 10 plates extraneous to collation. Collation: 16mo; [1]16 2-1516 168. Binding: 20.5 x 15 cm, burgundy cloth, gilt serial device to cover, gilt lettering to spine, pictorial DJ. Colophon: БИБЛИОТЕКА ВСЕМИРНОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ | СЕРИЯ ПЕРВАЯ | Том 34 || Print run 300,000 copies

    Вступительная статья: Л. Воробьев

    Томас Мор: Утопия. Перевод А. Малеина и Ф. Петровского.

    Томмазо Кампанелла: Город Солнца. Перевод Ф. Петровского.

    Фрэнсис Бэкон: Новая Атлантида. Перевод З. Александровой.

    Сирано де Бержерак: Государства Луны. Перевод Е. Гунста.

    Дени Верас: История Севарамбов. Перевод Е. Дмитриевой.

    Примечания А. Малеина, Ф. Петровского, Ф. Коган-Бернштейн, Ф. Шуваевой.

    Художник: Селиверстов, Юрий Иванович (Russian, b. 1940) Authors, translators:

    More, Sir Thomas (British, 1478 –1535)

    Campanella, Tommaso (Italian, 1568 – 1639) Bacon, Francis (British, 1561 –1626) Cyrano de Bergerac, Savinien de (French, 1619 – 1655) Vairasse d' Allais, Denis (French, c. 1630 – 1672) Малеин, Александр Иустинович (Russian, 1869 – 1938) Петровский, Фёдор Александрович (Russian, 1890 – 1978) Елизавета Ивановна Дмитриева [Васильева; Черубина де Габриак] (Russian, 1887 – 1928) Александрова, Зинаида Николаевна (Russian, 1907—1983) Гунст, Евгений Анатольевич (Russian, 1901 – 1983) Коган-Бернштейн, Фаина Абрамовна [Аронгауз] (Russian, 1899 – 1976)
  • Front wrapper, t.p.: Общедоступная философiя | ВЪ ИЗЛОЖЕНИИ | АРКАДIЯ ПРЕССА | — | ГРОЦIЙ. | О ПРАВѢ ВОЙНЫ И МИРА. | Цена 40 коп. | [two medals] С.-Петербург | Изданiе П. П. Сойкина [two medals] | Книжный Складъ / Стремянная, 12 | Книжный Магазинъ / Невский, 96 || Verso to front wrapper: publisher's advert.; verso to back wrapper: publisher's advert.; back wrapper: Series advert. Series: Общедоступная философия в изложении Аркадия Пресса Pagination: [1, 2] – t.p. /censor's approval dated September 30, 1902 г., imprint, [3] 4-50 [2] – publisher's advert. Collation: 8vo;  [1]8 2-38 42. Inscriptions: Handwriting to front wrapper "1902"; to title page "1902" and  in Russian: "Ензику от Тышки 19/III-26г." Size: 19.5 x 12.3 cm. Binding: original publisher's wrappers, lettering, pp. 35-46 loose. Author: Hugo Grotius [Huig or Hugo de Groot] (Dutch, 1583 – 1645). Originally published by Nicolas Buon in Paris in 1625 in Latin under the title: De iure belli ac pacis (English: On the Law of War and Peace). Compiler/translator: Аркадий Германович Пресс [Аркадиус Пресас or Arkadius Presas] (Russian-Finish, 1870 – 1952).
  • Iron tsuba of round form with slanting rays of light (shakoh) Christian motif (Jesuit’s IHS symbol) in openwork (sukashi). Traditional description of this kind of design is called “tokei”, or “clock gear”. Signed: On the face: Bushu ju Akasaka; On the back: Tadatoki Saku [Made by Tadatoki, resident of Bushu]. Probably, 4th generation of Akasaka School master Tadatoki (忠時), who died in 1746. Akasaka School. Edo period, first half of the 18th century. Size: 79.8 x 78.5 x 6.5 mm
  • Three volumes, 26.2 x 18.6 cm each: Vol. 1: Kabuki plays on stage: Brilliance and Bravado, 1697-1766; pp.: [i-viii] ix-xiii [xiv blank], 1-391 [1 blank], total 203 leaves, ils. Blue buckram gilt-lettered on spine, pictorial DJ. Vol. 2: Kabuki plays on stage: Villainy and Vengeance, 1773-1799; pp.: [i-viii] ix-xiii [xiv blank], 1-413 [3 blank], total 215 leaves, ils. Green buckram gilt-lettered on spine, pictorial DJ. Vol. 3: Kabuki plays on stage: Darkness and Desire, 1804-1864; pp.: [i-viii] ix-xv [xvi blank], [1] 2-397 [3 blank], total 208 leaves, ils. Ochre buckram gilt-lettered on spine, pictorial DJ. (Vol. 4: Restoration and reform, 1872-1905 – absent for the reason of no interest in the covered period). Contributors: James Rodger Brandon (American, 1927 – 2015) Samuel L. Leiter (American, b. 1940)
  • A shunga (erotic) print by Suzuki Harunobu  [鈴木 春信] (Japanese, c. 1725 – 1770) depicting a woman making love with a man in the palanquin (のりもの/乗り物) while the other woman "ties a sash about her hips below her obi."  The sheet is not signed; however, it is attributed to Harunobu. A reference image can be found in the Metropolitan Museum (NY) collection, Accession Number JP1635:


    According to the MET "the palanquin ... has carried these courtesans to the shore for a spring outing". Some time ago, a similar print was sold by Richard Kruml (description: A chuban shunga print showing the occupant of a kago in flagrante with one of the porters, having seized the opportunity of a stop on the journey. Published late 1760s. Rare). Another copy was sold at Sotheby's in Paris for €3,360 on November 27, 2002 (Lot 24), with a reproduction of the print's detail and description on p. 39: Suzuki Harunobu (1725 – 1770) | Shunga: couple dans un palanquin, vers 1768-1770, non-signe, cachet non identifé, cachets Charles Mitchell, Huguette Berès, Format chuban, 20.1 x 28.6 cm | 3000 – 4000 € | Il s’agit probablement de trois voyageurs, l’un d’entre eux debout près du palanquin faisant mine d’ignorer la scène. Bibliographie: Delay p. 87. Reference: [LIB-3121.2022] Sotheby's: Collection Huguette Berès – Estampes, dessins et livres illustrés japonais / 2 volumes; vol. 1. — Paris: Sotheby's, 2002.
  • Two volumes, 32 x 24 cm each, uniformly bound in grey cloth with crimson morocco labels with gilt lettering to spine “Н. Обольяниновъ | КАТАЛОГЪ | иллюстриров. изданiй | 1725-1860 гг. | I (II)”, original wrappers preserved. To t.p. verso ink stamps “Latvijas PSR Zinātn̦u akadēmija Fundamentālā bibliotēka”, “1964”, “KATALOGS”, and “Z.A.B. Inv. № 80274”. Printed on laid paper, pagination throughout. 3,038 items with bibliographical descriptions. Title-page: КАТАЛОГЪ | РУССКИХЪ ИЛЛЮСТРИРОВАННЫХЪ | ИЗДАНIЙ | 1725—1860 гг. | — | СОСТАВИЛЪ | Н. Обольяниновъ. | Въ двухъ томахъ | Т. I (II). | ~ | МОСКВА – 1914 (1915). | Товарищество ТИПОГРАФIИ А. И. МАМОНТОВА, | Арбатская пл., Филипповский пер., д. № 11. || Vol. I: Collation: π6 1-424, total 174 leaves; pp.: [i-v] vi-xii, [1] 2-335 [336 errata] (total 348 pages); within green publisher’s wrappers. Vol. II: π2 1-444, total 178 leaves; pp.: [4] [337] 338-686 [687 errata], [688 blank] (total 356 pages); within green publisher’s wrappers. Provenance: Fundamental library of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Contributors: Николай Александрович Обольянинов (Russian, 1868 – 1916) – author. Анатолий Иванович Ма́монтов (Russian, 1839 – 1905) – publisher.
  • Title page (black and red): ГУГО ГРОЦИЙ | О ПРАВЕ | ВОЙНЫ | И МИРА | ß ТРИ КНИГИ ß | В КОТОРЫХ ОБЪЯСНЯЮТСЯ | ЕСТЕСТВЕННОЕ ПРАВО | И | ПРАВО НАРОДОВ, | А ТАКЖЕ ПРИНЦИПЫ | ПУБЛИЧНОГО ПРАВА | {device} | Перевод с латинского | А. Л. САККЕТТИ | Государственное издательство | ЮРИДИЧЕСКОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ | МОСКВА 1956 || Verso t.p.: Под общей редакцией профессора С. Б. КРЫЛОВА Pagination: [1, 2] – t.p. / editor, [3] 4-867 [868] – contents, errata slip, 4 plates extraneous to collation: frontis. portrait, t.p. Amsterdam edition of 1646, t.p. Russian edition of c. 1710, Lovensteyn castle. Collation: 8vo; [1]8 2-548 552. Binding: Publisher’s brown cloth, blind-stamped lettering to front board, elements of design in black and gilt lettering to spine. Вступительная статья А. А. Желудкова. Author: Hugo Grotius [Huig or Hugo de Groot] (Dutch, 1583 – 1645). Originally published by Nicolas Buon in Paris in 1625 in Latin under the title: De iure belli ac pacis (English: On the Law of War and Peace). Editor: Сергей Борисович Крылов (Russian, 1888 – 1958). Translator: Александр Ливериевич Саккетти (Russian, 1881 – 1966).
  • Iron tsuba of round form with design of  hatchet, snowflake, and triple diamond in openwork (ko-sukashi), and inlaid with five concentric circles of brass dots (ten-zōgan) and brass inner circular line. Sukashi elements outlined in brass.

    Late Muromachi period. Diameter: 82.4 mm; Thickness: 3.0 mm The triple lozenge (or diamond) is similar to the one on TSU-305 from Sasano Collection # 15. Very old motif; as Sasano remarks in his book "...represents the unstable political situation at the time".

    Kokusai Tosogu Kai 5th International Convention & Exhibition, October 28-30, 2009 at NEZU Museum, Tokyo, Japan, on page 83 provides the following explanation of the triple diamond symbol: "The pine bark is the form of the Diamonds, "Bishi", mon, seen from Nara period, found on cloth stored in the Shoso In, and used primarily by the Takeda family. The form of Bishi mon [similar to ours] is called "Chu Kage Matsukawa Bishi", (Middle Shaded Pine Bark Diamond)."

    A combination of hatchet (usually an axe) and a triple diamond (Matsukawabishi) alludes to the Nō play Hachi-no-ki (ref: Iron tsuba. The works of the exhibition "Kurogane no hana", The Japanese Sword Museum, 2014; AND Sasano: Japanese Sword Guard Masterpieces from the Sasano Collection. By Sasano Masayuki. Part One. Published in Japan in 1994.
  • Okon's Lover Fukuoka Mitsugi, from the series Mirror of Virtuous Women (Teijo misao kagami)「てい女 美作保鏡 おこん 福岡貢」. Artist: Utagawa Kuniyoshi [歌川 國芳] (Japanese, 1798 – 1861). Publisher: Kojimaya Jūbei [小嶋屋重兵衛] (Japanese, fl. c. 1797 – 1869). Year: 1843–47 (Tenpô 14–Kôka 4). Signed: 一勇斎国芳画 – Ichiyûsai Kuniyoshi ga. Censor's seal: Watari. Size: Vertical ôban; 36.8 x 25.6 cm Ref.: MFA № 11.16085.
  • Title: A | GENERAL HISTORY | OF | QUADRUPEDS. | – | THE FIGURES ENGRAVED ON WOOD | BY | THOMAS BEWICK. | — | THE FIFTH EDITION | {vignette} | NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE: | PRINTED BY EDWARD WALKER, FOR  T. BEWICK AND S. HODGSON: | SOLD BY THEM, AND ALL BOOKSELLERS. | 1807. Pagination: [2 blanks], [i, ii] – t.p. / blank], [iii, iv] – advertisement, [v] vi-x – index, [1] 2-525 [526 advert. of British Birds] [2 blanks]. Collation: Royal 8vo in fours; π (engraved title), a4 A-3T4 χ3T3. F2 signed 2F, 2E2 unsigned, p. 131 numbered correctly, p. 257 numbered 572. Size: 26 x 17 cm; page 24.5 x 16 cm (royal). Woodcuts: 302 descriptions of quadrupeds, 225 figures and 112 vignettes, tail-pieces, etc. Binding: Full diced brown calf, embossed blind corner fleurons, gilt-tooled border inside and outside, AEG, spine with raised bands, gilt in compartments, lettering; binding restored; armorial bookplate "Thorpe" to front pastedown. Likely to be Thomas Thorpe (1791 – 1851), a prominent bookseller in London: Bedford Street, Covent Garden; started in 1818, went bankrupt on Dec. 31, 1825. Thorpe's family coat of arms: stag standing on a crown and a lion rampant. Catalogue raisonné: S. Roscoe (1953): pp. 23-27. Hugo (1866): pp. 22-24.

    Pagination: [1-7] 8-236 [4], in-text illustrations after Hans Holbein the Younger, title page, DJ, cloth by Л. С. Хижинский, photo reproduction of the portrait of Erasmus by Hans Holbein the Younger from The Louvre museum w/guard paper.

    Collation: 8vo; [1]8 2-158, + 1 plate extraneous to collation (portrait).

    Binding: 18 x 13 cm; Pictorial stamped cloth, pictorial DJ, pictorial endpapers, back board blind-stamped.

    Print run: 5,300 copies.

    Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова (2004), №477, p. 221. (in 1930 section). Contributors: Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus (Dutch, c. 1469 – 1536) – author of the original text in Latin. Hans Holbein the Younger (German, 1497/8 – 1543) – artist. Губер, Пётр Константинович (Russian, 1886 – 1941) – translator from Latin into Russian (died in GULAG) Смилга, Ивар Тенисович (Latvian-Russian, 1892 – 1937) – author, foreword (shot by a firing squad). Хижинский, Леонид Семёнович (Russian, 1896 – 1972) – artist (title page, DJ, cloth).    
  • Front wrapper and t.p.: THE | INTERNATIONAL | JEW | The Truth About | "The Protocols of Zion" | By ERIC D. BUTLER | ∞ | Hitler’s Views on “The Protocols”: | “I SAW AT ONCE WE MUST COPY IT.” | “The question of the Jews and their influence on the world, past and present, cuts to the root of all things and should be discussed by every honest thinker” | — Dr. Oscar Levy, Famous Jewish Writer. | Price — 2/6 || (T.p.: same with the full stop (.) after 2/6. Stamp to t.p.: Women’s Voice | 537 SO. DEARBORN ST. | ROOM 800 | CHICAGO 5. ILL. || [2] 3-167 [168]. Binding: Lettered publisher’s wrappers, 18 x 12 cm. Butler, Eric Dudley (Australian, 1916 – 2006) Osborne, Robert Martin (British-Australian, 1862 – 1931) — Australian printer and publisher. Levy, Oscar (German-Jewish, 1867 – 1946) Hitler, Adolf (German, 1889 – 1945)
  • Iron tsuba of round form with design of iris and snowflake in openwork (ko-sukashi or small cut-outs) outlined with brass wire. Three concentric rows of brass dots (ten-zōgan), with a brass circular line inside the innermost row of dots (missing on the back). Hitsu-ana is not outlined with brass wire, which let us suppose that it was cut out at a later date. Iron and brass. Ko-sukashi and ten-zōgan technique. Mid Muromachi period (1454-1513). Height: 74.0 mm, Width: 73.6 mm, Thickness: 3.0 mm.

    NBTHK certification of 1968: "Kicho". Condition is relatively poor: rust, missing inlay, scratches.

    While representation of the snowflake is rather standard, the meaning of the other cut-out design was initially less clear. Similar symbol was found at (1) "Kokusai Tosogu Kai, International Convention & Exhibition, September 24-25, 2005, The Frazier Historical Arms Museum, Louisville, Kentucky, USA"; on page 21 there is a photograph J-6 of a ko-tosho tsuba with "iris theme openwork"; (2) Japanese Swords and Tsuba from the Professor A. Z. Freeman and the Phyllis Sharpe Memorial collections. Sotheby's, London, Thursday 10 April 1997; page 11, lot 6 - a ko-katchushi tsuba of early Muromachi period fith "simple design of stylized iris". In both sources the symbol is explained as 'iris" (kakitsubata).

    Freeman and Sharpe collections. Sotheby's, 1997.

    Kokusai Tosogu Kai, September 24-25, 2005.

  • Softcover, pictorial wrappers, square 21 x 21 cm, 40 leaves, unpaginated, with illustrations in colour, 80 entries, with price list laid in; limited edition of 700 copies. Contributor: Israel Goldman In this collection:

    JPD-0008.2016: Mori Sosen. Ink and colour on silk.

  • Title: ДЖОЗЕФ КОНРАД |{device} | ТАЙНЫЙ АГЕНТ | • | НА ВЗГЛЯД ЗАПАДА | • |  Издание подготовил | В.М. ТОЛМАЧЕВ | Научно-издательский центр | «Ладомир» | «Наука» | Москва || Frontispiece: JOSEPH CONRAD |{device} | THE SECRET AGENT | • | UNDER WESTERN EYES || Pagination: [1-9] 10-595 [3] [2 advert.]. Binding: serial green cloth blind-stamped with a scroll adorned with gold lettering to board and spine, 22.5 x 17 cm. Original titles: [LIB-2762.2021] Joseph Conrad. The secret agent: a simple tale. — London: Methuen & Co., [1907]; [LIB-3213.2023] Joseph Conrad. The secret agent: A drama in three acts. — London, T. Werner Laurie, 1923.  
  • Title (black and red): ДЖЕЙМС МАКФЕРСОН | ПОЭМЫ ОССИАНА | {device} | ИЗДАНИЕ ПОДГОТОВИЛ | Ю. Д. ЛЕВИН | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО «НАУКА» | ЛЕНИНГРАДСКОЕ ОТДЕЛЕНИЕ | ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1983 || Title verso: РЕДАКЦИОННАЯ КОЛЛЕГИЯ СЕРИИ | «ЛИТЕРАТУРНЫЕ ПАМЯТНИКИ» | (list of names) | Ответственный редактор | академик М. П. АЛЕКСЕЕВ (in frame) | Редактор перевода | Э. Л. ЛИНЕЦКАЯ. Frontispiece (black and red): JAMES MACPHERSON | THE POEMS OF OSSIAN | {device} || Print run: 30,000 copies. Collation: 8vo; [1]8 2-378. Pagination: [1, 2] – serial h.t. / frontis.] [3, 4] – t.p. / editorial board] [portrait / blank] [5, 6] – original t.p. fac-simile / text, 7–589 [590] – imprint, [2] – advert.; 3 leaves of plates. Binding: serial green buckram blind-stamped with a scroll adorned with gold lettering to board and spine. Джеймс Макферсон. Поэмы Оссиана. Ю. Д. Левин. Э. Л. Линецкая.  
  • A two-volume edition. 1st vol. Title (in black and red): МИШЕЛЬ | МОНТЕНЬ | ОПЫТЫ | В ТРЕХ КНИГАХ | КНИГИ | ПЕРВАЯ И ВТОРАЯ | Издание подготовили | А. С. БОБОВИЧ | Ф. А. КОГАН-БЕРНШТЕЙН | Н. Я. РЫКОВА, А. А. СМИРНОВ | Второе издание | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО "НАУКА | МОСКВА | 1979 || Opposite title: MICHEL |de | MONTAIGNE | LES ESSAIS || Pagination: [1-5] 6-703 [1], errata slip. Collation: 16mo, [1]-2216, + frontispiece portrait and 2 plates extraneous to collation. 2nd vol. Title (2) (in black and red): МИШЕЛЬ | МОНТЕНЬ | ОПЫТЫ | В ТРЕХ КНИГАХ | КНИГА ТРЕТЬЯ | Издание подготовили | А. С. БОБОВИЧ | Ф. А. КОГАН-БЕРНШТЕЙН | Н. Я. РЫКОВА, А. А. СМИРНОВ | Второе издание | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО "НАУКА | МОСКВА | 1979 || Opposite title: MICHEL |de | MONTAIGNE | LES ESSAIS || Pagination: [1-5] 6-534 [2]. Collation: 8vo, [1]-348, + frontispiece portrait. Binding: Uniformly bound in serial design green cloth with gilt lettering on an embossed scroll to front cover, gilt lettering to spine, 22 x 18 cm. Print run: 200,000 copies each volume. Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (French, 1533 – 1592) Ананий [Анатолий] Самуилович Бобович (Russian-Jewish, 1904 – 1988) Надежда Януарьевна Рыкова (Russian, 1901 – 1996) Александр Александрович Смирнов (Russian, 1883– 1962) Фаина Абрамовна Коган-Бернштейн [b. Аронгауз] (Russian-Jewish, 1899 – 1976)
  • Shingen school (or style) tsuba of round form with iron core and web, covered with a thin brass plate decorated with star-shaped punch marks. The rim of tsuba is a brass nawame-fukurin. Between the central brass plate and the rim there is woven wire of brass and copper in a basketweave pattern. Both hitsu-ana have raised rim. Traces of oxidation. Unsigned. Edo period, 18th century. Size: Height: 88.4 mm, Width: 86.6 mm, Thickness at seppa-dai: 4.6 mm. Weight: 132.4 g. Robert E. Haynes in his "Study Collection of Japanese Sword Fittings. Nihon Art Publishers, 2010" on p. 117 says: "Brass outer plate of round shape. This tsuba has an iron core tsuba of spoke form as made by Saotome school, ca. 1500. There are brass plates on either side connected to the rim by woven brass and shakudō wire. The wire has been hand drawn, which is very difficult. The hitsuana are brass lined and the rim has a brass cover. This type of tsuba is referred to as a Shingen tsuba. This is a reference to Takeda Shingen Harunobu (1521-1573), the great and famous daimyō." For reference see the MFA collection. A look-a-like tsuba is illustrated in Compton Collection, vol. 2, p. 26-27, №52:

    Compton Collection, vol. 2, p. 26-27, №52.

    More details and examples can be found at: http://varshavskycollection.com/shingen-tsuba/