Photographic portrait of writer Andrei Sinyavsky, head and shoulder, turned to the left, wearing glasses. Pencil-signed on the mat: 3/45 • ©Mikhail Lemkhin; on the back of the print: Copyright statement stamp; ink stamp ©MIKHAIL LEMKHIN; ink stamp: PHOTO BY MIKHAIL LEMKHIN | 1811 38TH AVENUE | SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94122 | (415) 664-7677; pencil inscription on the back of the mat: (top) АНДРЕЙ СИНЯВСКИЙ | ANDREI SINYAVSKY, (bottom) XXIX. Sitter: Andrei Sinyavsky [Андрей Донатович Синявский] (Russian, 1925 – 1997) Size: mat: 35.6 x 43.3 cm; window: 16.5 x 23.5 cm; print: 20.2 x 25.2 cm.
Photographic portrait of writer Sergei Dovlatov, head and shoulder, turned to the left, wearing glasses. Pencil-signed on the mat: 4/45 • ©Mikhail Lemkhin; on the back of the print: Copyright statement stamp; ink stamp ©MIKHAIL LEMKHIN; ink stamp: PHOTO BY MIKHAIL LEMKHIN | 1811 38TH AVENUE | SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94122 | (415) 664-7677; pencil inscription on the back of the mat: (top) СЕРГЕЙ ДОВЛАТОВ | SERGEI DOVLATOV. Size: mat: 43.2 x 35.5 cm; window: 23.5 x 18.5 cm; print: 25.2 x 20.2 cm. Limited edition of 45, of which this is № 4, signed and stamped by the artist. Sitter: Sergei Dovlatov [Сергей Донатович Довлатов] (Russian, 1941 – 1990)
Photographic portrait of writer Vladimir Bukovsky with head tilted, closed eyes, and smoking a cigarette. Pencil-signed on the mat: 3/45 • Mikhail Lemkhin; on the back of the print: ink stamp ©MIKHAIL LEMKHIN, ink inscription ©mikhail Lemkhin; ink stamp: PHOTO BY: | MIKHAIL LEMKHIN | 2327 – 38th AVENUE | SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94116 | (415) 664-7677, pencil inscription 3/45 Mikhail Lemkhin; pencil inscription on the back of the mat: (top) ВЛАДИМИР БУКОВСКИЙ | VLADIMIR BUKOVSKY, (bottom) VI. Size: mat: 43.2 x 35.7 cm; window: 21.5 x 18.5 cm; print: 25.3 x 20.3 cm. Limited edition of 45, of which this is № 3, signed and stamped by the artist. Sitter: Vladimir Bukovsky [Владимир Константинович Буковский] (Russian, 1942 – 2019). Popularity: Bukovsky left the Soviet Union, where he was kept in prison for his political views, in exchange for Luis Alberto Corvalán, a Chilean communist. The event was commemorated in the following folk verse:
Обменяли хулигана На Луиса Корвалана. Где б найти такую блядь, Чтоб на Брежнева сменять!
This can be translated as a Haiku:A troublemaker was exchanged for Luis Corvalán... Where to find a whore to exchange for Brezhnev?
Photographic half-length portrait of academician Juri Lotman, with his head turned to the left, giving a lecture in front of a blackboard. Pencil-signed on the mat: 5/45 • ©Mikhail Lemkhin; on the back of the print: ink stamp ©MIKHAIL LEMKHIN, pencil inscription Mikhail Lemkhin 5/45; ink stamp: PHOTO BY MIKHAIL LEMKHIN | 1811–38th AVENUE | SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94122 | (415) 664-7677; Copyright statement ink stamp; on the back of the mat: pencil inscription (top) ЛОТМАН, ЮРИЙ | YURI LOTMAN, (bottom) VI. Size: mat: 35.6 x 43.1 cm; window: 15.5 x 24 cm; print: 20.2 x 25.3 cm. Limited edition of 45, of which this is № 5, signed and stamped by the artist. Sitter: Juri Lotman [Юрий Михайлович Лотман] (Estonian-Jewish, 1922 – 1993).
Hardcover volume, 24.2 x 17.2 cm, bound in black buckram with blind barbed wire design and silver lettering to front cover and spine, pp.: [2] 3-892 [4]. Одеський мартиролог: Данi про репресованих Одеси i Одеськоï областi за роки радянськоï влады (Серiя «Реабiлiтованi iсторiэю») (Том 3) / Уклад.: Л. В. Ковальчук, Г. О. Разумов— Одеса : ОКФА, 2005. Title-page: Научно-документальная серия книг | «РЕАБИЛИТИРОВАННЫЕ ИСТОРИЕЙ» | ОДЕССКИЙ | МАРТИРОЛОГ | ТОМ 3 | Одесса | ОКФА | 2005 || ISBN: 966-571-124-5 Print run: 1,000 copies. Ковальчук, Лидия Всеволодовна Разумов, Георгий Александрович
Softcover volume, 24.0 x 17.7 cm, publisher’s tan wrappers, lettered to front and spine in brown and black, publisher’s device and imprint to back, upper margin trimmed, all printed on laid paper, pp: [i-viii] [1-3] 4-496 [4], last page blank (total 508 pages); collated 8vo: π4 1-318 χ2 (total 254 leaves). Book-label with publisher’s device to fep (χ1 recto). Title-page and front wrapper (in brown and black): С. Ф. ЛИБРОВИЧЪ | НА КНИЖНОМЪ ПОСТУ | ВОСПОМИНАНIЯ | : : ЗАПИСКИ : : | ДОКУМЕНТЫ | {two-headed eagle} | ИЗДАНIЕ | Т-ВА М. О. ВОЛЬФЪ | ПЕТРОГРАДЪ И МОСКВА | (1916 on front wrapper) || Provenance: Publisher Contributors: Сигизмунд Феликсович Либрович [Zygmunt Librowicz] (Polish-Russian, 1855 – 1918) – author. Товарищество М. О. Вольф (Петроград-Москва) – publisher. Типография товарищества М. О. Вольф (Петроград) – printer. Маврикий Осипович Вольф [Maurycy Bolesław Wolff] (Polish-Russian, 1825 – 1883) – dedicatee.
Paperback brochure, 17.5 x 12.8 cm, in publisher’s wrappers, blue and brown lettering in an architectural frame to front, publisher’s device and price in blue to back; errata slip laid in; pp.: [1-6] 7-76 [4]; collated 8vo: 1-58, total 40 leaves. Title-page (red and black): ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | “ACADEMIA” | КАТАЛОГ ИЗДАНИЙ | 1929—1933 | С ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕМ ПЛАНА | ИЗДАНИЙ НА ТРЕХЛЕТИЕ | 1933—1935 | МОСКВА—ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1932 || Print run: 10,000 copies.
Hardcover volume, collated in-8o, 21.9 c 14.6 cm, bound in half red morocco over red buckram by Palmer, Hove & Co. (Manchester), ruled in gilt, marbled end-papers, top edge gilt, spine with raised bands, ruled in gilt, gilt lettering; bookplate "Ex libris William John Robertson" with black ink ms dated 1922 to front pastedown. Insert paper clipping “In Memoriam” marked “D.W. 25.1.61.” Graphite ms to t.p.: “[assisted by Karl Marx]”. Pp.: [i-v] vi-xv [xvi blank], [1] 2-500; collation: ffl blank first and last, π8 A-2H8 2I2. Title-page: HISTORY | OF | THE COMMUNE OF 1871. | Translated from the French of | LISSAGARAY, | BY | ELEANOR MARX AVELING. | LONDON: | REEVES AND TURNER, 196 STRAND. | 1886.|| Contributors: Hippolyte Prosper-Olivier Lissagaray (French, 1838 – 1901) – author. Eleanor Marx [Aveling] (British, 1855 – 1898) – translator. William John Robertson (Canadian, 1846 – 1894) – provenance. The Russian translation of the same title: [LIB-1158.2016] Э. Лиссагарэ. История Парижской Коммуны в 1871 г. (Дешевая библиотека, № 274) / Пер. под ред. В. Базарова. — С.-Петербург: Знание, 1906.
NEWHardcover, 175 x 125 mm, red cloth, blind/gilt floral design to front, same and gilt lettering to spine, pictorial endpapers, collated 8vo: 1-228 232, i.e. 178 leaves, pp.: [1-6] 7-354 [2], plus 12 b/w photomechanical plates, extraneous to collations; faux-title, initials, tail-pieces, and dust jacket engraved after Sarra Shor. Missing dust jacket. Title-page (red and black): ПОДЖО | БРАЧЧОЛИНИ | ФАЦЕТИИ | {fleuron} | ПЕРЕВОД С ЛАТИНСКОГО, | КОММЕНТАРИЙ | И | ВСТУПИТЕЛЬНЫЯ СТАТЬЯ | А. К. ДЖИВЕЛЕГОВА | ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ | А. В. ЛУНАЧАРСКОГО (post-mortem frame) | ACADEMIA | MCMXXXIV || Opposite t.p. (red and black): ИТАЛЬЯНСКАЯ | ЛИТЕРАТУРА | ПОД ОБЩЕЙ РЕДАКЦИЕЙ | А. К. ДЖИВЕЛЕГОВА | {vignette} | ACADEMIA | МОСКВА-ЛЕНИНГРАД || Title verso (imprint) : Poggius Florentinus | Facctiarum liber | Инициалы, рисунки, титул, форзац, | переплет и супер-обложка | Сарры Шор || Printer: Красный пролетарий (М). Print run: 5,300 copies. Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова (2004): № 614, p. 244. Contributors: Браччолини, Поджо – Bracciolini, Poggio (Italian, 1380 – 1459) – author Дживелегов, Алексей Карпович (Russian-Armenian, 1875 – 1952) – translator/editor Луначарский, Анатолий Васильевич (Russian, 1875 – 1933) – foreword Шор, Сарра Марковна (Soviet-Jewish, 1897 – 1981) – artist
NEWOwner’s half-cloth over marbled boards, 150 x 117 mm, convolute of two clandestine publications, approx. 1890, original light blue wrappers preserved; title pages in frame with meander corners: (1) Les travaux forcés et la déportation | politique en Russie. | КАТОРГА И ССЫЛКА | ~ | ЖЕНЕВА | Вольная русская типографiя || pp.: 1-67 [68 blank], black ink stamp — М. Цебрикова to p. 67. (2) Lettre à l'Empereur Alexandre III. | ПИСЬМО | ИМПЕРАТОРУ АЛЕКСАНДРУ III | ~ | ЖЕНЕВА | Вольная русская типографiя || pp.: 1-40, black ink stamp М. Цебрикова to p. 40. Цебрикова, Мария Константиновна (Russian, 1835 – 1917)