Queen Mother of the West is a calque of Xiwangmu in Chinese sources, Seiōbo in Japan. Peaches of Immortality (Chinese: 仙桃) are consumed by the immortals due to their mystic virtue of conferring longevity on all who eat them.
Provenance: Charles Ephrussi (1849-1905) acquired in the 1870s; a wedding gift in 1898 to his cousin Ritter Viktor von Ephrussi (1860-1945) and Baroness Emilie (Emmy) Schey von Koromla (1879-1938); retrieved post-war by their daughter Elizabeth de Waal (1899-1991); given by her to her brother Ignaz (Iggie) Ephrussi (1906-1994), Tokyo; bequeathed by him to his great-nephew Edmund de Waal (born 1964), London, author of “The Hare with Amber Eyes: a hidden inheritance”. London / New York: Chatto & Windus / Farrar, Straus & Giroux. ISBN 978-0099539551. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Ephrussi. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ephrussi_family. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmund_de_Waal.-
Wood netsuke of Seiōbo with a basket of immortal peaches, seated on a bed of clouds. Carver's signature tablet lost. Circa 1850. Dimensions: 32.6 x 28.1 x 20.1 mm.
Iron tsuba of round form with a dense combination of symbols: slanting rays of light (shakoh) Christian motif (Jesuit's IHS symbol), also often described as "tokei" or "clock gear", wild goose in flight, bracken, and lozenges in openwork (sukashi). Copper sekigane. Edo period.
Size: 76.0 x 72.6 x 6.2 mm
For information regarding shakoh tsuba see article 'Kirishitan Ikenie Tsuba by Fred Geyer at Kokusai Tosogu Kai; The 2nd International Convention & Exhibition, October 18-23, 2006, pp. 84-91.
Vol. 1: Engraved t.p.: An architectural setting with flags and arms, and sitting male and female figures in armour, perhaps representing Tancredi and Clorinda, with lettering above their heads: “GIERVSA– | LEMME | LIBERATA”. Title-page: IL | GOFFREDO, | OVERO | GIERUSALEMME | Liberata , | POEMA HEROICO | del Sig. Torquato Tasso. | CON L’ ALLEGORIA | Universale dell istesso, | Et con gli Argomenti del Sig. Horatio Ario- | sti, & di belissime figure adornato. | {woodcut element} | In Amsterdam, nella Stamperia del S.D. ELZEVIER, | Et in Parigi, si vende | Appresso Thomaso Jolly. | Nel Palazzo, M. DC. LXXVIII. || Collation: 8vo; [A1] 1st blank, engraved t.p., [A2] letterpress t.p., pp. [1-4]; signatures start at A3, pagination starts at p. 37; Allegoria: A3-B1, pp. [5-18], Tavola: B2-C2, pp. [19-36]; Il Goffredo: C3-R8, pp. 37-271 [272]. Total A-R8: 136 leaves (272 pages), plus 11 plates, incl. engraved t.p., and frontispiece (sculptural bust portrait of Torquato Tasso in a laurel wreath, with a lettered plate below “TORQVATO | TASSO”). Vol. 1: Title-page: Similar but “TOMO II.” after “sti, & di belissime figure adornato.” and before the woodcut element. Collation: 8vo; 1st blank, letterpress t.p., signatures start at A3, p. 5; A-S8, pp. [4] 5-285 [3]. Total A-S8: 144 leaves (288 pages) plus 10 engraved plates. Binding: Two volumes 15 x 6 cm, uniformly bound in 19th-century green morocco, gilt triple-fillet border, bull heads at corners, spine with raised bands, gilt in compartments, two gilt-lettered crimson labels, blue endpapers, 2 blank laid paper leaves in the front, AEG. Contributors: Torquato Tasso (Italian, 1544 –1595) – author. Daniel Elzevir (Dutch, 1626-1680) – publisher. Thomas Jolly (French, fl. 1648 – 1694) – publisher.
Iron tsuba of round form with slanting rays of light (shakoh) Christian motif (Jesuit's IHS symbol) in openwork (sukashi). Traditional description of this kind of design is called "tokei", or "clock gear". Edo period.
Size: 77.7 x 76.1 x 6.7 mm.
For information regarding shakoh tsuba see article 'Kirishitan Ikenie Tsuba" by Fred Geyer at Kokusai Tosogu Kai; The 2nd International Convention & Exhibition, October 18-23, 2006, pp. 84-91. -
Iron tsuba of round form with two overlapping triangles (uroko) motif in openwork (sukashi). Triangle patterns usually associate with 'fish scale', mon of Hojo family (and others). Edo period or later.
Size: 71.4 x 70.2 x 5.2 mm.
An association with the Star of David is doubtful if not impossible. -
Iron tsuba of oval form with the motif of horse trappings in openwork (sukashi). Copper sekigane. Iron bones (tekkotsu) on the rim.
Size: 80.4 x 75.8 x 5.2 mm
NBTHK Certificate №454567, allegedly saying that it is Akasaka School, Muromachi period. A look-a-like tsuba in Robert. E. Haynes Catalog #7, 1983 on page 57 under №48 is described as follows: "A masterpiece second period Owari sukashi tsuba. The plate is of beautiful color and quality almost like velvet. The design is very hard to discern, it might be the horse trappings, or even a moon. The style and type of Owari tsuba shows the great tradition of the Momoyama period and why it was the renaissance in time, as well as the arts produced, through the long history of all Japanese art. Ca. 1580. Ht. 7.7 cm, Th. (center) 5.5 mm, (edge) 5.25 to 5.75 mm."I believe we can safely attribute this tsuba to Owari School, c. 1580.Robert. E. Haynes Catalog #7, 1983, p. 57, №48.
Iron tsuba of round form with three stylized folding fans motif in openwork (sukashi). Kogai-hitsu-ana with shakudō sekigane. Iron bones (tekkotsu) on the rim. Momoyama period or earlier. Possibly, Ko-Shōami school.
Size: 76.8 x 75.7 x 4.0 mm.
[Seller alleged that the motif is "Buddhist wheel", which seems unlikely. -
Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 327 x 280 mm; black ink stamp “5265” to reverse, attached to the sheet 470 x 325 mm. Top centre: "S. A. LE PRINCE IMPÉRIAL.", right: "63." Image: equestiral portrait of Prince Impérial. Under the image, centre: "Fabrique d'Images de GANGEL et P. DIDION, à Metz." — "Déposé." Napoléon, Prince Imperial (Napoléon Eugène Louis Jean Joseph Bonaparte] (French, 1856 – 1879). Gangel et P. Didion (Metz); Paulin Didion (French, 1831 – 1879) – publisher/printer.
Description: Softcover, 28.5 x 19.5 cm, printed on laid paper watermarked “VAN GELDER ZONEN”, publisher’s original flapped cream wrappers, bookplate of J.-P. Dutel to first blank leaf, 17 leaves within the wrappers, unpaginated, plus three anonymous gouache plates, frontispiece watercolour to h.t. verso, watercolour vignette and ribbons to t.p., attributed by J.-P. Dutel to Jean Laprade (not found). Front wrapper (no vignette): VERS LIBRES | par | RAYMOND RADIGUET | Champigny | Au Panier Fleuri || Half-title: VERS LIBRES (no vignette) Half-title verso: watercolour vignette, lettered in script at the bottom: “Au ciel des Plages | Virginie….” Title-page (red and black): {ribbon} | VERS LIBRES | par | RAYMOND RADIGUET | {vignette} | Champigny | Au Panier Fleuri | {ribbon} || Edition: Limited edition of 125 copies, of which this is copy № 125. The first edition illustrated by Rojan (Feodor Rojankovsky) [LIB-2830.2021] did not state the paper maker, however, the paper is watermarked Arches. This copy is unique, lacking Rojan’s illustrations and enriched with watercolours and gouaches by anonymous artists. Later edition (1937) in this collection: LIB-2827.2021. Contributors: Raymond Radiguet (French, 1903 – 1923) – author. Description by the seller: RADIGUET Raymond. VERS LIBRES. Champigny. Au Panier Fleuri. [Paris, ca 1935]. In-8 broché. Première édition illustrée de 28 superbes compositions en couleurs par Feodor Rojankovsky dit Rojan. Tirage : 125 ex. sur vélin d’Arches. UN DES 125 EXEMPLAIRES SUR VÉLIN D’ARCHES. Exemplaire unique orné de 2 aquarelles originales dans le texte, non signées mais de Jean Laprade et enrichi de 3 gouaches anonymes hors-texte.
1935 Rojan 1935 Anonym -
Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 268 x 381 mm, vertical centerfold. On reverse: black ink stamp “5324”. Top centre: "PRISE DE SAARBRUCK"; left: "PELLERIN & Cie, imp. -édit."; right: "IMAGERIE D'EPINAL, № 134." Under the frame text starts with « La cri de guerre a retenti. La France a été forcée de tirer l’épée pour arrêter… ».[...] Prise de Saarbruck. | Depuis quelques jours, l’armée française occupait la frontière française en face de la Prusse.... Jean Charles Pellerin (French, 1756 – 1836) – publisher/printer. The Battle of Saarbrücken (2 August 1870).
NEWA salt print 208 x 155 mm hand-coloured with watercolours depicting a fencer standing in full gear, mounted on cardboard with all four corners cut out and traces of an oval frame.
Description: Softcover 25 x 17 cm in the publisher’s French flapped wrappers lettered to front in black and green « Pierre Louys | MANUEL | DE | CIVILITÉ | POUR LES PETITES FILLES | à l'usage | des | maisons d'éducation » in a frame; unbound, 14 loose bifold wove paper (BFK Rives) sheets collated 4to, in glassine dust jacket, in slipcase; pp.: [1-10] 11-104 [8], total 56 leaves plus 12 laid-in plates after an anonymous artist’s watercolours and drawings reproduced by photogravure and stencil-coloured (au pochoir). Title-page: MANUEL | DE | CIVILITÉ | POUR LES PETITES FILLES | à l'usage | des | maisons d'éducation | ~ | LONDERS | MCMXLVIII || Limitation: 299 copies of which 1 copy (№ UN) on Vieux Japon enriched with the original watercolours and drawings and a b/w suite; 6 copies on Auvergne, each with one original watercolour and a b/w suite (№ I-VI); 6 copies on Auvergne each with one original drawing and a b/w suite (№ VII-XII); 15 copies on Auvergne enriched with a b/w suite (№ XVIII-XXVIII); 271 copies on Vélin de Rives (№ 1-271). This is copy № 91. Publisher, printer, artists – anonymous and unknown. Clandestine edition, marked "London", i.e. Nice, France. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970) № 1920, p. 251. For the original edition, see: LIB-3116.2022.
Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 366 x 460 mm; black ink stamp “5057” to reverse. Caption cartoon in 2 tiers. Top: OUVERTURE DE 'EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE DE 1855. CORTÈGE IMPÉRIAL. Captions top to bottom: Garde de Paris. — Les Cent Gardes. — Cuirassier. — Grenadiers. Middle: Voiture de sa Majesté Napoléon III. | Bottom: Grenadier. — Musique des Guides. — Piqueur de l’Empereur. — Gral Anglais — Généraux — Colonel de Cuirassiers | de la Garde — Généraux. Below left: Imprimerie Lith. de Pellerin, à Épinal; right: Propriété de l’Éditeur. Déposé. Jean Charles Pellerin (French, 1756 – 1836) – printer/publisher.
One of a series of six anti-allies propaganda cards, printed in colour, inscribed Ou le Tommy est-il resté? (Where did Tommy stay?), where Tommy is slang for a common soldier in the British Army. The postcards visibly depict French soldiers who fight and die at the western front, while the covert watermark image shows a British military having fun in a bordello. Those cards were printed in the Third Reich for France and dropped from aeroplanes to motivate French soldiers to fight against the British. Size: 149 x 104 mm
Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 400 x 277 mm. Top: "NAPOLÉON, LOUIS, EUGÈNE, PRINCE IMPÉRIAL"; bellow 12 captioned frames:
- Le Prince impérial vient au monde dans le palais des Tuileries, le 16 mars 1856, au moment où la France victorieuse signe le traité de Paris.
- Le Prince impérial est baptisé à Notre-Dame et présenté par l'Empereur au Peuple, à l’Armée et aux Maires des villes de France.
- Au retour des troupes d'Italie, l'Empereur victorieux place le Prince impérial sur son cheval. Napoléon Ier, du haut de la colonne, semble bénir sa race.
- Le Prince impérial préside, dans le jardin des Tuileries, la fête donnée aux enfants des classes ouvrières.
- Le Prince impérial est nommé caporal au 1er régiment des Grenadiers de la Garde impériale.
- Le Prince impérial fait sa première communion dans la chapelle des Tuileries, après avoir reçu l'instruction religieuse de l'abbé Deguerry, le saint otage.
- Le Prince impérial, à l'exposition universelle, remet à son père. en présence du Sultan, le prix mérité par l'Empereur pour les associations ouvrières.
- Le Prince impérial reçoit courageusement, auprès de son père, le baptême du feu.
- Le Prince impérial en prières devant le lit de son père. Il récite le « notre père qui ètes aux cieux. »
- Le Prince impérial conduit le deuil de l'Empereur, et la nombreuse assistance des Français portage sa douleur.
- Le Prince impérial apprend l’art militaire et obtient de brillants succès à l'écolo de Woolwich, (Angleterre).
- Le Prince impérial, devant la foule des Français venus pour sa fête en Angleterre, le 15 out 1873, salue le drapeau tricolore et s'écrie : « Tout pour le peuple et par le peuple… »
Another copy of SVFC-0745-3.2023, 395 x 290 mm; black ink stamp “5322” to reverse. Jean Charles Pellerin (French, 1756 – 1836)
Hand-coloured lithography on wove paper 423 x 332 mm; On reverse: black ink stamp “4956”, ms “A”, ms pencil “428” and “Ernest”. Under the image, centre: "NAPOLEON III | Kaiser der Franzosen." Velow: | NAPOLEON III | Czaar of the French — NAPOLEON III | Czaar van Frankrijk — NAPOLÉON III | Empereur des Francais. — NAPOLEONE III | El emperador delos Franceses; bottom left: "Verlag u. Eigenthum | von. Fried. G. Schulz in Stuttgart.", right: "No 146." The artist's and printer's names in stone are not legible. Published in Stuttgart by Friederich Gustav Schulz (German, 1786 – 1859) during the time of the Second French Empire (1852-1870).
Hand-coloured chromolithography on wove paper, 600 x 470 mm; black ink stamp “4921” to reverse, horizontal and vertical centrefolds. Image of Napoléon III on horseback, in a frame; lettering under the frame: 34 — Déposé | NAPOLÉON III | EMPEREUR DES FRANÇAIS. | Lith. de Gangel frères et P. Didion, à Metz. || Gangel frères et P. Didion (Metz) – printer/publisher. Paulin Didion (French, 1831 – 1879)