Title (in black and red): АНРИ РОШФОР | ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЯ МОЕЙ ЖИЗНИ | ПЕРЕВОД, ВСТУПИТЕЛЬНАЯ | СТАТЬЯ И ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ | Е. СМИРНОВА | ACADEMIA | 1933 || Opposite title: ИНОСТРАННЫЕ МЕМУАРЫ, ДНЕВНИКИ, | ПИСЬМА И МАТЕРИАЛЫ | Под редакцией И. Т. Смилги ( whited-out) | АНРИ РОШФОР | 1831—1913 | ACADEMIA | МОСКВА — ЛЕНИНГРАД || Title verso: Henri Rochefort | Les Aventures de ma vie. | Переплет и суперобложка | по рисункам М. В. Ушакова-Поскочина. Pagination: [1, 2] – publisher’s device / blank, [3, 4] – opposite title, [5, 6] – t.p. / orig. title, 7-452 [453-460], ill. Collation: [1]-288 296 + 15 plates extraneous to collation. Binding: burgundy cloth ruled blind and stamped in gilt with a lantern to cover and lettering to spine, pictorial DJ; top margin red. Catalogue raisonné: Крылов, Е. В. Кичатова. "Academia" (2004): p. 237-8. Ушаков [Ушаков-Поскочин], Максим Владимирович (Russian, 1893 – 1943) – died in NKVD labor camp. Смилга, Ивар Тенисович (Latvian-Russian, 1892 – 1937) — shot dead by NKVD firing squad.
Title: JACK KAHANE | ★ | Memoirs of a | Booklegger | [space] | {publisher’s device} | MICHAEL JOSEPH LTD. | 26, Bloomsbury Street, London, W.C.I || Pagination: [1-6] 7-287 [288 blank]; total 288 pages. Collation: 8vo; [A]8 B-S8; total 144 leaves. Binding: 21.5 x 15 cm, by James Burn, publisher’s blue cloth, silver lettering to spine, yellow endpapers; cream dust-jacket with black and red lettering and reproduced photo portrait of the author. Contributors: Jack Kahane (British, 1887 – 1939) – author. Michael Joseph (British, 1897 – 1958); Michael Joseph Ltd. (London) – publisher. William Brendon & Son, Ltd.; Mayflower Press (Plymouth) – printer. John Dickinson & Co.; John Dickinson (British, 1782 – 1869) – paper maker. Frederick E. Kahane – dedicatee (brother of Jack).
Description: Hardcover volume bound in red cloth with black lettering to front cover and spine, in a red dustjacket with black lettered, bookplate to front pastedown “ from the library of | DAVID. D. LEVINE | Militaria” in triple fillet frame, bookseller’s label to front fep “CHAS. E. LAURIAT CO. | IMPORTERS & BOOKSELLERS | 385 Wash’n St. Boston”. Title-page in red and black: MY DAYS OF ADVENTURE | THE FALL OF FRANCE, 1870-71 | BY ERNEST ALFRED VIZETELLY | LE PETIT HOMME ROUGE | AUTHOR OF “THE COURT OF THE TUILERIES 1852-70” ETC. | {publisher’s device} | WITH A FRONTISPIECE | LONDON | CHATTO & WINDUS | 1914 || Pagination: [2] advert., [i-vii] viii-xi [xii] [2] contents/blank, [1] 2-337 [338] [2], 340 pages total plus photo frontis. Collation: [A8] B-Y8 Z2, 170 leaves total plus one leaf of plates. Provenance: David D. Levine Contributors: Ernest Alfred Vizetelly (British, 1853 – 1922) – author. Charles E. Lauriat Company, Booksellers and Importers, Boston, Massachusetts. Charles Emelius Lauriat, Jr. (American, 1874 – 1937) – collector of rare books and prints Chatto & Windus (London) – publisher. David Daniel Levine (Australian, 1944 – 2020) – Australian judge and book collector
Hardcover volume 28.5 x 22.2 cm, bound in grey cloth with gilt lettering to front and spine, olive endpapers, pictorial dust jacket [Washington square vista] with text and portrait of the authors to flaps, pp.: [i-viii] ix-xxi [xxii], [2] 3-208 [2], total 117 leaves, 205 photomechanical illustrations, limitation to last page: 1200 copies regular edition, 100 copies deluxe edition. Title-page: Armin Landeck | The Catalogue Raisonné of His Prints | Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged | June Kysilko Kraeft and Norman Kraeft | Southern Illinois University Press / Carbondale and Edwardsville || Contributors: Armin Landeck (American, 1905 – 1984) June Kysilko Kraeft Norman Kraeft
Hardcover, publisher's white cloth with a black imprint to cover, red and black lettering to spine, pictorial DJ, pp.: [1-4] 5-398 [2]. Послесловие В. Столбова, художник В. Юрлов. Russian translation of Cien años de soledad by Gabriel García Márquez.
Title page: Juries and the | Transformation of | Criminal Justice | in France | in the Nineteenth & Twentieth Centuries | James M. Donovan | The University of North Carolina Press Chapel Hill || Frontispiece: STUDIES IN LEGAL HISTORY | Published by the University of North Carolina Press | in association with the American Society for Legal History | Daniel Ernst & Thomas A. Green, editors || Pagination: [i-viii] ix [x] 1-262. Binding: black cloth, silver lettering to spine, pictorial DJ.
Title-page: THE HUMAN | FACTOR | Graham Greene | {citation from Joseph Conrad, 3 lines} | {publisher’s device} | THE BODLEY HEAD | LONDON SYDNEY | TORONTO || Green publisher’s cloth with gilt lettering to spine, cream dust jacket, lettered on front, back and spine, designed by Michael Harvey, unclipped (£4.50 NET | IN U.K. ONLY), [1-8] 9-338 [339] [340 blank]. Previous owners' inscriptions to FFEP. Printed by William Clowes & Sons Ltd. (Beccles). © Graham Greene 1978. Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991).
Hardcover, 20.2 x 13.6 cm, green cloth, gilt lettering to spine, in unclipped dust jacket, pp.: [1-8] 9-334 [2]. Title-page: THE HONORARY CONSUL | GRAHAM GREENE | {4 line citation} | {publisher’s device} | THE BODLEY HEAD | LONDON SYDNEY | TORONTO || © Graham Greene 1973. Printed by: William Clowes & Sons Ltd. (Beccles). Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991).
Title vol. 1: XIX CENTURY FICTION | A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD | BASED ON HIS OWN COLLECTION | BY | MICHAEL SADLEIR | IN TWO VOLUMES | VOLUME I | PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, CAMBRIDGE | AND PUBLISHED | in Great Britain by | / CONSTABLE & CO LTD | 10–12 ORANGE STREET | LONDON W.C.2 / in the U.S.A. by the | CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY | PRESS | LOS ANGELES, CAL.|| DJ vol. 1: XIX CENTURY FICTION | A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD | BASED ON HIS OWN COLLECTION | BY | MICHAEL SADLEIR | IN TWO VOLUMES | VOLUME ONE | Passages from the Autobiography of a Bibliomaniac | Explanatory Guide – Acknowledgements | FIRST EDITIONS IN AN AUTHOR-ALPHABET | COMPARATIVE SCARCITIES || Pagination: [4 blanks] ix-xxxiii, [2] 3-398 [399] [2 blanks] Collation: 4to; π2 [a]-d4 [1]-504. Title vol. 2: XIX CENTURY FICTION | A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD | BASED ON HIS OWN COLLECTION | BY | MICHAEL SADLEIR | IN TWO VOLUMES | VOLUME II | PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, CAMBRIDGE | AND PUBLISHED | in Great Britain by | / CONSTABLE & CO LTD | 10–12 ORANGE STREET | LONDON W.C.2 / in the U.S.A. by the | CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY | PRESS | LOS ANGELES, CAL.|| DJ vol. 2: XIX CENTURY FICTION | A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RECORD | BASED ON HIS OWN COLLECTION | BY | MICHAEL SADLEIR | IN TWO VOLUMES | VOLUME TWO | “YELLOW-BACK” COLLECTION | FICTION SERIES || Pagination: [2 blanks] [8] [2] 3-195 [196 blank] [2 blanks]. Collation: 4to; π4 1-234 246. Binding: burgundy cloth, gilt vertical lettering to spine, Verity Hewitt (Canberra, AU) bookshop sticker to front pastedown; laid paper; cream DJ with lettering to front and spine. Edition: First limited edition of 1025 of which 1000 for sale. Unnumbered.
Title page: ACROSS THE RIVER | AND | INTO THE TREES | BY | ERNEST HEMINGWAY | CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS | NEW YORK | 1950 || Pagination: [12] 1-308; total 160 leaves. Binding: black cloth, gilt Hemingway's fac-simile to front board, lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket designed by A. Ivancich; $3.00 price clipped from top of front flap. Bookplate of Feodor Rojankovsky to front pastedown. Size: 21.5 x 15 cm. Edition: 1st edition, 1st printing; DJ with yellow on spine (later copies have orange); letter “A” and the Scribner’s device to copyright page. Provenance: Rojankovsky, Feodor [Rojan; Рожанковский, Фёдор Степанович] (Russian-American, 1891 – 1970) Contributors: Ernest Hemingway (American, 1899 – 1961) – author. Adriana Ivancich (Italian, 1930 – 1983) – artist of the dust jacket (Ivancich inspired the figure of Renata in the novel). Charles Scribner's Sons – publisher.
A pictorial album with almost no information (coffee-table book), hardcover, 28 x 21 x 4.8 cm, in pictorial paper boards, lettered all over, in transparent plastic dust jacket; pp.: [1-5] 6-463 [464 colophon], total 232 leaves, illustrated in colour throughout. Title-page: Poem of the Pillow and other stories | by Utamaro, Hokusai, Kuniyoshi | and other artists of the Floating World | Gian Carlo Calza | In collaboration with Stefania Piotti | {publisher’s device “Φ” in the bottom} || Contributors: Gian Carlo Calza (Italian, b. 1940); Stefania Piotti (Italian)."Poem of the Pillow and Other Stories examines the artistic developments of Japanese erotic art from the ukiyo-e period, dating from the mid-seventeenth century to the end of the nineteenth century. Known by the delicate euphemism of Shunga or 'spring images', these pictures were hugely popular and admired, and are today highly collectable works of art. This book illustrates major Shunga works from important ukiyo-e masters such as Utamaro, Hokusai, Harunobu, Kunisada, Kuniyoshi and many others. World-renowned scholar Gian Carlo Calza defines these fascinating erotic works in their social, historical and artistic context, providing a broad overview of a subject that is extremely nuanced and intriguing. Beautifully illustrated with over 300 images, including woodblock prints, scrolls and paintings, this book is a perfect introduction to ukiyo-e erotic art."
Hardcover volume, 22.2 x 17.5 cm, bound in green cloth, black lettering to spine, in a pictorial dust jacket, pp.: [1-4] 5-151 [152], ils. Title-page: С. ВАРШАВСКИЙ • Б. РЕСТ | РЯДОМ С ЗИМНИМ | «СОВЕТСКИЙ ХУДОЖНИК» | ЛЕНИНГРАД • 1969 || Half-title: Из истории Государственного Эрмитажа | ЭРМИТАЖ ПЕРЕД ОКТЯБРЕМ || Print run: 25,000 copies. Contributors: Sergei Petrovich Varshavsky [Сергей Петрович Варшавский] (Jewish-Russian, 1906 – 1980) – author. B. Rest [Б. Рест; Юлий Исаакович Шапиро] (Jewish-Russian, fl. 1940 – 1980) – author.
Hardcover volume 20.7 x 13.4 cm, bound in black buckram with blind and grey lettering to front and grey lettering to spine, in a pictorial dust jacket, yellow pictorial endpapers, pp.: [2] 3-287 [1], collated in 16mo, 1-916, 144 leaves, 288 pages. Title-page: ПИСЬМА АЗЕФА | — | 1893 – 1917 | — | [blank] | {publisher’s device} | МОСКВА | «ТЕРРА» — «TERRA» | 1994 || Print run: 10,000 copies. Азеф, Евгений Филиппович [Евно Фишелевич], [Azef, Yevno] (Jewish-Russian-German, 1869 – 1918) Павлов, Дмитрий Борисович (Russian, b. 1954) Перегудова, Зинаида Ивановна (Russian, b. 1934)
ISBN: 5-85255-395-6. Azef Letters (Rus).
Dust jacket (black lettering, sanguine vignettes over light blue) : {vignette} | P. M. HANDOVER | PRINTING | IN LONDON | from Caxton to | Modern Times | {vignette} || Title page: PRINTING IN LONDON | FROM 1476 TO MODERN TIMES | COMPETITIVE PRACTICE AND | TECHNICAL INVENTION | IN THE TRADE OF | BOOK AND BIBLE PRINTING | PERIODICAL PRODUCTION | JOBBING &C |—| P. M. HANDOVER | M.A. F.R.HIST.S. | HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS | CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS | 1960 || Pagination: [1, 2] – h.t. / blank ; frontispiece; [3, 4] – t.p. / imprint; [5, 6] – dedication / blank; [7] 8-224, inset: 7 sheets of plates between pp. 112-113 extraneous to collation, other illustrations in text; insert: invitation card "Publication date JUL 11 1960 Handover". Collation: 8vo; [A]8 B-O8. Binding: publisher’s blue cloth, red label to spine, silver lettering, DJ.
Title: ABC | FOR | BOOK-COLLECTORS | BY | JOHN CARTER | {publisher’s device} | RUPERT HART-DAVIS | SOHO SQUARE LONDON | 1952 | [TITLE-PAGE] || Pagination: [1-6] 7-191 [192 advert.], total number of pages 192. Collation: 8vo; [A]8 B-M8, total number of leaves 96. Binding: 21 x 13.5 cm, aubergine cloth, gilt lettering to spine, pictorial endpapers; cream unclipped (15s. net) dust-jacket with the sea-green panel in a border, with a fleuron frame, black and cream lettering, and publisher’s device to front; lettering to spine and back; folded prospectus insert loose. Edition: 1st. Contributors: Carter, John Waynflete (British, 1905 – 1975) – author Hart-Davis, Sir Rupert Charles (British, 1907 – 1999); Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd. (London) – publisher. Hazell, Watson and Viney, Ltd. – printer.
DJ: Graham Greene | THE COMEDIANS || Title page: THE COMEDIANS | Graham Greene | {four lines citation from Thomas Hardy} | {publisher’s device} | THE BODLEY HEAD| LONDON || Edition: 1st edition, 1st printing. Binding: bound in green cloth, 20.5 x 13.5 cm, with gilt lettering to spine, in green pictorial dust jacket with white lettering, price clipped; gift autograph to fep: “To. | Richard | From: gig | Xmas 1964.” (sic., the book was published in 1966!) Pagination: [1-4] 5-313 [314 blank] [6] blanks (total 320 pages). Collation: 16mo; [A]4 B-K16 L12 (total 160 leaves).
Hardcover volume, 28.6 x 22.4 cm, tan cloth over brown cloth boards, black lettering to spine, blind-stamped lettering in frame to front, in a black pictorial dust jacket, price unclipped; pp.: [1-ix] x-xi [xii blank], [1-4] 5-36 [4], 64 pages with 109 b/w plates, 12 pages with chronology, bibliography, credits; total 128 pp. Title-page: EDWARD HOPPER (in frame)| THE COMPLETE PRINTS | GAIL LEVIN | W • W • NORTON & COMPANY • NEW YORK • LONDON | IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE | WHITNEY MUSEUM OF AMERICAN ART || Contributors: Gail Levin (American, b. 1948) – author. Edward Hopper (American, 1882 – 1967) – artist. W. W. Norton & Company (f. 1923) – publisher. Whitney Museum of American Art (NY) – publisher.
Title: Joseph Burke and Colin Caldwell | Hogarth | The Complete Engravings | Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, New York || Pagination: [1-4] 5-30 (text), unpaginated: 128 leaves of illustrations (267 plates), 16 leaves of descriptions, folding list of plates: total number of leaves 160, incl. one folding. Exterior: 34 x 24.5 cm, hardbound; original brown cloth, silver lettering to spine, pictorial DJ. Harry N. Abrams (British-American, 1905 – 1979). Joseph Terence Burke (British, 1913 – 1992). Colin Caldwell (British, 1913 – 1989).