Title page: Juries and the | Transformation of | Criminal Justice | in France | in the Nineteenth & Twentieth Centuries | James M. Donovan | The University of North Carolina Press Chapel Hill || Frontispiece: STUDIES IN LEGAL HISTORY | Published by the University of North Carolina Press | in association with the American Society for Legal History | Daniel Ernst & Thomas A. Green, editors || Pagination: [i-viii] ix [x] 1-262. Binding: black cloth, silver lettering to spine, pictorial DJ.
DJ: Н. И. ГРЕЧ | ЗАПИСКИ | О МОЕЙ ЖИЗНИ | ACADEMIA || Duplicate title: ПАМЯТНИКИ | ЛИТЕРАТУРНОГО | БЫТА | ЗАПИСКИ О МОЕЙ ЖИЗНИ | Н. И. ГРЕЧА | «ACADEMIA» | МОСКВА — ЛЕНИНГРАД | MCMXXX || Title page: Н. И. ГРЕЧ | ЗАПИСКИ | О МОЕЙ ЖИЗНИ | ТЕКСТ ПО РУКОПИСИ | ПОД РЕДАКЦИЕЙ | И С КОММЕНТАРИЯМИ | ИВАНОВА-РАЗУМНИКА | И Д. М. ПИНЕСА | «ACADEMIA» | МОСКВА — ЛЕНИНГРАД | MCMXXX || Title verso: ПЕРЕПЛЕТ | И СУПЕР-ОБЛОЖКА ПО РИСУНКАМ | ХУД. А. А. УШИНА | {imprint} || Pagination: [1-5] 6-896; illustrations within pagination + photomechanical frontispiece w/guard. Collation: 8vo; 1-568 (total 448 leaves + 1 plate). Binding: 18.5 x 13 cm; stamped green cloth, border to boards, elements and lettering to spine; letterpress dust jacket. Print run: 5070 copies. Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова (2004): №402, p. 210. Contributors: Греч, Николай Иванович (Russian, 1787 – 1867) – author. Иванов-Разумник, Разумник Васильевич [Ivanov-Razoumnik] (Russian, 1878 – 1946) – editor, commentator. Пинес Дмитрий Михайлович (Russian, 1891-1937) – editor, commentator, shot by a firing squad. Ушин, Алексей Алексеевич (Russian, 1904 – 1942) – artist, died in the besieged Leningrad.
Title page: ФРАНСУА ДЕ ЛАРОШФУКО | МАКСИМЫ | • | БЛЕЗ ПАСКАЛЬ | МЫСЛИ | • | ЖАН ДЕ ЛАБРЮЙЕР | ХАРАКТЕРЫ | ПЕРЕВОД С ФРАНЦУЗСКОГО | {publisher’s device “ИХЛ”} | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | «ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА» | МОСКВА • 1974 || Content: В. Бахмутский. / Французские моралисты. / Франсуа де Ларошфуко. Максимы. Пер. Э. Линецкой. / Блез Паскаль. Мысли. Пер. Э. Линецкой. / Жан де Лабрюйер. Характеры. Пер. Ю. Корнеева и Э. Линецкой. Примечания В. Бахмутского, И. Малевич, М. Разумовской, Т. Хатисовой. Pagination: [1-5] 5-541 [3], 13 illustrations (unpag.) Collation: [1]16 2-1716 + 13 photomechanical plates extraneous to collation. Binding: serial design red cloth, gilt-stamped cover with a serial device, gilt lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket. Contributors: Blaise Pascal (French, 1623 – 1662) – author. François La Rochefoucauld (French, 1613 – 1680) – author. Jean de La Bruyère (French, 1645 – 1696) – author. Эльга Львовна [Лейбовна] Линецкая [Фельдман] (Russian-Jewish, 1909 – 1997) – translator. Юрий Борисович Корнеев (Russian, 1921 – 1995) – translator. Владимир Яковлевич Бахмутский (Russian, 1919 – 2004) – author/foreword.
Hardcover volume, 24 x 18 cm, pictorial paper over cardboard boards, pictorial endpapers, and pictorial DJ; pp.: [2] – pictorial t.p. / copyrignt+imprint + [26] unpaginated pages (13 leaves); in-text photomechanical b/w and coloured illustrations after Feodor Rojankovsky. DJ and front cover (pictorial): JUST SO STORIES SERIES | RUDYARD KIPLING | THE | ELEPHANT'S | CHILD | PICTURED BY F. ROJANKOVSKY || Title-page (pictorial): JUST SO STORIES SERIES | THE | ELEPHANT'S | CHILD | RUDYARD KIPLING | ILLUSTRATED BY | F. ROJANKOVSKY | GARDEN CITY PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC., GARDEN CITY, N. Y. || Contributors: Rudyard Kipling (British, 1865 – 1936) Feodor Rojankovsky [Rojan; Фёдор Степанович Рожанковский] (Russian-American, 1891 – 1970)
Title: ПОЭЗИЯ И ПРОЗА | ДРЕВНЕГО ВОСТОКА | [blank] | {Publisher’s device “ИХЛ”} | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | «ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА» | МОСКВА • 1973 || Pagination: [1-4] 5-734 [2], ils. Collation: 16mo; [1]16 2-2316, 16 illustr. extraneous to collation. «О все видавшем» со слов Син-Леке-Уннинни, заклинателя – перевод И. Дьяконова : стр. 166-220: Эпос о Гильгамеше. Print run: 303,000 copies. Binding: Uniform serial binding, yellow cloth with the gilt series device to front cover, gilt lettering to spine; pictorial dust jacket. Size: 20.5 x 15 cm
LIB-2734-1.2021. Vol. 1, title in black, DJ in black and red: JEAN-PIERRE DUTEL | BIBLIOGRAPHIE | DES | OUVRAGES ÉROTIQUES | PUBLIÉS CLANDESTINEMENT EN FRANÇAIS | ENTRE 1880 ET 1920 | {publisher’s device} | CHEZ L’AUTEUR, | 16, RUE JACQUES-CALLOT 75006 PARIS | MMII || Pagination: [1-6] 7-669 [670] [8] [2 imprint/blank]; №2046. LIB-2734-2.2021. Vol. 2, title in black, DJ in black and blue: JEAN-PIERRE DUTEL | BIBLIOGRAPHIE | DES | OUVRAGES ÉROTIQUES | PUBLIÉS CLANDESTINEMENT EN FRANÇAIS | ENTRE 1920 ET 1970 | VOLUME II | {publisher’s device} | J-P DUTEL, LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR | 16, RUE JACQUES-CALLOT 75006 PARIS | MMV || Pagination: [1-8] 9-891 [2 acknowl./blank] [2 imprint/blank]; №4281. LIB-2734-3.2021. Vol. 3, title in black, DJ in black and green: JEAN-PIERRE DUTEL | BIBLIOGRAPHIE | DES | OUVRAGES ÉROTIQUES | PUBLIÉS CLANDESTINEMENT EN FRANÇAIS | ENTRE 1650 ET 1880 | (VOLUME III) | {publisher’s device} | CHEZ L’AUTEUR | 16, RUE JACQUES-CALLOT 75006 PARIS | MMIX || Pagination: [1-6] 7-667 [668 blank] [2 table/blank] [2 imprint/blank]; №5726. All three volumes uniformly bound in black cloth, white DJ with lettering; vol. 1 with author’s manuscript to half-title, vol. 2 and 3 – fac-similé to title page (autographed copy).
Title: DER INSEL VERLAG | EINE BIBLIOGRAPHIE | 1899-1969 | […] Bearbeitet und herausgegeben | von Heinz Sarkowski | INSEL VERLAG || Pagination: [i-vi] vii-xiii [xiv] [2] 1-452. Binding: Blue cloth, black label with gilt lettering to spine, lettered and blind-stamped DJ.
Title: OLD DUTCH | POTTERY AND TILES | BY ELISABETH | NEURDENBURG | LITT. D., READER IN THE HISTORY OF ART AT | THE UNIVERSITY OF GRONINGEN. TRANSLATED | WITH ANNOTATIONS BY | Bernard Rackham | DEPUTY KEEPER, DEPARTMENT | OF CERAMICS, VICTORIA AND | ALBERT MUSEUM | […] | WITH ONE HUNDRED AND TWELVE | ILLUSTRATIONS OF WHICH NINE | ARE IN COLOUR | LONDON: BENN BROTHERS, LIMITED | 8 BOUVERIE STREET, E.C. 4 | 1923 || Verso to half-title: Of this book 100 copies only for sale have been printed on English | hand-made paper, bound in pigskin and signed by the Authoress | and Translator. These copies also contain an extra colour plate. | This in Number “7” (in manuscript) | Two signatures (ink, manuscript) || Pagination: [i, ii] – h.t. / tirage, [iii, iv] – t.p. / imprint, [v, vi] – dedication to Dr. A. Pit / blank, vii-xv [xvi blank] [1, 2] 3-155 [156 blank], frontispiece (colour) and 59 leaves of plates (9 colour) with 112 figures, with lettered protective sheets. Collation: 4to in 8th; [A]8 [B]8 C-K8 L6; frontis., +59 leaves of plates. Binding: 30 x 24 cm, Full dark brown pigskin with gilt ornament to front board and gilt lettering to spine; printed on thick wove paper, top edge gilt, others untrimmed. Contributors: Neurdenburg, Elisabeth (Dutch, 1882 – 1957) – author [autograph]. Rackham, Bernard (British, 1876 – 1964) – translator [autograph]. Brendon, William (British, 1845 – 1928) – printer. Mayflower Press (Plymouth), William Brendon & Son, Ltd. – printer Benn Brothers Ltd. (British company, 1880 – 1987) Benn, Sir John, 1st Baronet (British, 1850 – 1922)
Title: S. ROSCOE | THOMAS BEWICK | A BIBLIOGRAPHY RAISONNÉ | OF EDITIONS OF THE | GENERAL HISTORY OF QUADRUPEDS | THE HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS | AND THE | FABLES OF AESOP | ISSUED IN HIS LIFETIME | GEOFFREY CUMBERLEGE | OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS | LONDON NEW YORK TORONTO | 1953 || Pagination: [2], [i-iv] v-xxx, 1-198 [2]; collation: 8vo, [a]-b8, B-N8, O4, all plates within collation. Binding: 25.5 x 16.5 cm, tan cloth, black babel with gilt lettering, letterpress dust jacket. Contributors: Roscoe, Sydney – author. Cumberlege, Geoffrey Fenwick Jocelyn (British, 1891 – 1979) – publisher. Batey, Charles – printer
Hardcover in blue cloth with gilt lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket, 25.5 x 19.5 cm, pp.: [1-4] 5-452, +12 colour plates; 576 b/w plates within the pagination.
Dust jacket (black lettering, sanguine vignettes over light blue) : {vignette} | P. M. HANDOVER | PRINTING | IN LONDON | from Caxton to | Modern Times | {vignette} || Title page: PRINTING IN LONDON | FROM 1476 TO MODERN TIMES | COMPETITIVE PRACTICE AND | TECHNICAL INVENTION | IN THE TRADE OF | BOOK AND BIBLE PRINTING | PERIODICAL PRODUCTION | JOBBING &C |—| P. M. HANDOVER | M.A. F.R.HIST.S. | HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS | CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS | 1960 || Pagination: [1, 2] – h.t. / blank ; frontispiece; [3, 4] – t.p. / imprint; [5, 6] – dedication / blank; [7] 8-224, inset: 7 sheets of plates between pp. 112-113 extraneous to collation, other illustrations in text; insert: invitation card "Publication date JUL 11 1960 Handover". Collation: 8vo; [A]8 B-O8. Binding: publisher’s blue cloth, red label to spine, silver lettering, DJ.
Title (in black and red): АНРИ РОШФОР | ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЯ МОЕЙ ЖИЗНИ | ПЕРЕВОД, ВСТУПИТЕЛЬНАЯ | СТАТЬЯ И ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ | Е. СМИРНОВА | ACADEMIA | 1933 || Opposite title: ИНОСТРАННЫЕ МЕМУАРЫ, ДНЕВНИКИ, | ПИСЬМА И МАТЕРИАЛЫ | Под редакцией И. Т. Смилги ( whited-out) | АНРИ РОШФОР | 1831—1913 | ACADEMIA | МОСКВА — ЛЕНИНГРАД || Title verso: Henri Rochefort | Les Aventures de ma vie. | Переплет и суперобложка | по рисункам М. В. Ушакова-Поскочина. Pagination: [1, 2] – publisher’s device / blank, [3, 4] – opposite title, [5, 6] – t.p. / orig. title, 7-452 [453-460], ill. Collation: [1]-288 296 + 15 plates extraneous to collation. Binding: burgundy cloth ruled blind and stamped in gilt with a lantern to cover and lettering to spine, pictorial DJ; top margin red. Catalogue raisonné: Крылов, Е. В. Кичатова. "Academia" (2004): p. 237-8. Ушаков [Ушаков-Поскочин], Максим Владимирович (Russian, 1893 – 1943) – died in NKVD labor camp. Смилга, Ивар Тенисович (Latvian-Russian, 1892 – 1937) — shot dead by NKVD firing squad.
26 x 18 cm, black cloth, white lettering to cover and spine, pictorial DJ, pp. [1-4] 5-207 [208 colophon], 233 b/w illustrations; essay by Wilhelm M. Busch.
Title: BIBLIOTHECA FICTIVA | A Collection of Books & Manuscripts | Relating to Literary Forgery | 400 BC – AD 2000 | Arthur Freeman | Bernard Quaritch Ltd | 2014 || Pagination: xvi, 424, with colour frontispiece and 36 illustrations in text. Binding: 26 x 18 cm, burgundy cloth, blocked in gold on spine, printed dust-jacket.
Title: COSTUMES ET MODES | D’AUTREFOIS | HORACE VERNET | Incroyables | et | Merveilleuses | Paris | 1810–1818 | TEXTE PAR | ROGER–ARMAND WEIGERT | Conservateur au Cabinet des Estampes | de la Bibliothèque Nationale | ÉDITIONS ROMBALDI | PARIS || Content: 24 photomechanical reproductions of the images from Bibliothèque nationale de France, printed on vélin paper from Papeteries Aussedat by Papeteries de la Moselle printing presses and stencil-coloured by Edmond Vairel. Text printed by Imprimerie Kapp on October 20, 1955. A print run of 4,000 copies, of which this is №122. Exterior: Pink lettered dust jacket over wrappers. Pagination: loose double leaves, [4 blanks] [4 h.t. and t.p.], i-xi [xii], 24 unnumbered plates, [4 blanks].
Weigert, Roger-Armand (French, 1907-1986).
Émile Jean-Horace Vernet [Horace Vernet] (French, 1789 – 1863). Gatine, Georges Jacques (French, 1773 – after 1841). -
Title (black and orange): Presenting | Stefano della Bella | Seventeenths – century Printmaker | {Stefano's fac-simile} | by Phyllis Dearborn Massar | The Metropolitan Museum of Art | Distributed by New York Graphic Society || Pagination: [1-6] 7-141 [3], pp. 7-10 – introduction, 1-133 – plates with annotations, 134-140 – notes. Binding: Hardcover, brown cloth with gilt lettering to spine and a small print in orange frame pasted to front cover, pictorial DJ.
Title: The amorous drawings | of the | Marquis von Bayros | Part I | THE CYTHERA PRESS | NEW YORK Pagination: [1-3] 4-238 [2], 292 illustrations within pagination. Content: Preface by Wilhelm M. Busch, biography of Von Bayros by Johann Pilz, two essays by Von Bayros; 292 illustrations by Marquis Franz von Bayros; Part I and II in one volume. Exterior: 33 x 26 cm, publisher's black cloth with white lettering and fac-simile drawing of von Bayros to cover, white lettering to spine, similarly designed DJ. The original Cythera Press hardcover edition of 1968.
Title: ZICHI | A bevezető tanulmányt írta | és a képeket válogatta | GELLÉR KATALIN | Introduced and selected by | KATALIN GELLÉR | CORVINA || Pagination: [1-4] 5-44 + 34 leaves of illustrations, (66 plates). Exterior: 32.5 x 28 cm, hardcover, original dark green cloth with silver lettering to spine, pictorial DJ. Text in Hungarian and English. Artist: Mihály Zichy [Michael von Zichy] (Hungarian, 1827 – 1906).