  • Title page: GRAHAM GREENE | {double rule} | Our Man in Havana | AN ENTERTAINMENT | {publisher’s device: windmill among the hills, letters W and H} | HEINEMANN | LONDON MELBOURNE TORONTO || Title verso: William Heinemann Ltd | LONDON MELBOURNE TORONTO | CAPE TOWN AUCKLAND | THE HAGUE | First published 1958 | © by William Heinemann Limited 1958 | All rights reserved | Printed in Great Britain | at The Windmill Press | Kingswood, Surrey || Pagination: [6] [1, 2] 3-273 [274]. Binding: 20.2 x 13.5 cm, publisher’s blue cloth, gilt lettering to spine (top): OUR | MAN | IN | HAVANA | {double rule} | GRAHAM GREENE | (bottom): HEINEMANN ||; blind-stamped publisher’s device to back cover in the lower-right corner without lettering; pp. 1-122 and 253-274 darker, than the middle pages; original dust jacket designed by Donald Green, unclipped, 15s NET in the lower-right corner of the front flap, advertisement of The quiet American on the back. Edition: 1st edition, 1st printing. Contributors: Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991) – author. Donald Green (British, 1919 – 1983) – DJ artist. William Henry Heinemann (British-Jewish, 1863 – 1920); William Heinemann Limited – publisher. The Windmill Press (Kingswood, Surrey) – printer.
  • Title: Masterpieces | of French Faience | SELECTIONS FROM THE | SIDNEY R. KNAFEL COLLECTION | Charlotte Vignon | with Sidney R. Knafel | The Frick Collection, New York | in association with D Giles Limited, London | {device} || Pagination: [1-6] 7-72. Contributors: Charlotte Vignon (American, b. c. 1975) – Curator of Decorative Arts at The Frick Collection. Sidney R. Knafel (American, b. c. 1950) – Collector.
  • Title-page: Graham Greene | Monsignor Quixote | {citation from Shakespeare, 3 lines} | {publisher’s device} | THE BODLEY HEAD | LONDON SYDNEY || Green publisher’s cloth with silver lettering to spine, purple glossy dust jacket, lettered on front, back and spine, designed by Michael Harvey, unclipped (£9.95 NET | IN U.K. ONLY), [1-10] 11-220 [221 text /2 blank] + 1 blank leaf. © Graham Greene 1982. Printed by: William Clowes Ltd. (Beccles) Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991).
  • Description: one volume 25.5 x 22 cm, quarter calf with raised bands and gilt lettering over gilt-decorated boards, text within decorated borders printed on wove paper, with 8 mounted colour plates, 16 x 14 cm, photomechanical reproductions after Franz von Bayros, with lettered tissue guards, t.e.g. Title-page (in decorated border): INPANDEANVALE | PICTURED {} IN COLOUR | BY THE MAR {} QUIS F.BAYROS {vignette} | AMALTHEA PUBLISHING OFFICEZURICH || Pagination: [2 blank] [1-6] 7-156 [2 blank], total 80 leaves, incl. 8 colour plates with lettered tissue guards. Limitation: Copyright by Amalthea Publishing Office, Vienna. Printed by Adolf Holzhauzen in Vienna. Bound by Karl Scheibe, Vienna. Edition A: №№ I-V, full leather signed by von Bayros; Edition B: №№ 1-495 in half-leather. This copy is № 130, signed by the author. Contributors: Geoffrey Sephton – author, nothing is known. Franz von Bayros (Austrian, 1866 – 1924) – artist. Adolf Holzhausen the Younger (Austrian, 1868 – 1931) – printer. Karl Scheibe (Austrian) – bookbinder.
  • Hardcover volume, 33 x 25.5 cm, bound in grey cloth, vignette and Vertès signature fac-simile to front cover, unclipped ($ 17.50) pictorial dust jacket with black lettering, polyester jacket cover, pp.: [2] [1-4] 5-150 [2], 77 leaves total, ils. Title-page: VARIATIONS | Drawings, water colors, etchings and lithographs | by | VERTÈS | Text by | CLAUDE ROGER-MARX | { publisher’s device} | NEW YORK GRAPHIC SOCIETY | GREENWICH, CONNECTICUT || Limitation: edition of 1,000 copies, of which 5 copies (A-E) were enriched with one original drawing; 100 copies (1-100) were enriched with one original signed lithograph; and 895 copies (101-1000). This is copy № 984. Contributors: Roger-Marx, Claude (Jewish-French, 1888 – 1977) – author. Vertès, Marcel [Vértes, Marcell] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist  
  • Hardcover, 20.2 x 13.6 cm, green cloth, gilt lettering to spine, in unclipped dust jacket, pp.: [1-8] 9-334 [2]. Title-page: THE HONORARY CONSUL | GRAHAM GREENE | {4 line citation} | {publisher’s device} | THE BODLEY HEAD | LONDON SYDNEY | TORONTO || © Graham Greene 1973. Printed by: William Clowes & Sons Ltd. (Beccles). Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991).
  • Pictorial paper hardcover, 29 x 22.5 cm, pp. [i-vi] vii-xiv, [2] 3-319 [3], total 336 pp. ISBN: 1442263393. ISBN/EAN: 9781442263390. Title-page: The Dictionary of the Book | A Glossary for Book Collectors, Booksellers, | Librarians, and Others | Sidney E. Berger | […] | Rowman & Littlefield | Lanham • Boulder • New York • London ||
  • Hardcover volume, 22.2 x 17.5 cm, bound in green cloth, black lettering to spine, in a pictorial dust jacket, pp.: [1-4] 5-151 [152], ils. Title-page: С. ВАРШАВСКИЙ • Б. РЕСТ | РЯДОМ С ЗИМНИМ | «СОВЕТСКИЙ ХУДОЖНИК» | ЛЕНИНГРАД • 1969 || Half-title: Из истории Государственного Эрмитажа | ЭРМИТАЖ ПЕРЕД ОКТЯБРЕМ || Print run: 25,000 copies. Contributors: Sergei Petrovich Varshavsky [Сергей Петрович Варшавский] (Jewish-Russian, 1906 – 1980) – author. B. Rest [Б. Рест; Юлий Исаакович Шапиро] (Jewish-Russian, fl. 1940 – 1980) – author.
  • Hardcover volume, 18.2 x 11.8 cm, bound in quarter black polished calf with gilt lettering “cartonnage romantique” design to spine, marbled boards, matching marbled endpapers, blue margins. Title-page: SCÈNES | DE LA BOHÊME | PAR | HENRY MURGER | {publisher’s device ML} | PARIS | MICHEL LÉVY FRÈRES, LIBRAIRES-ÉDITEURS | RUE VIVIENNE, 2 bis. | 1851 || Half-title: ŒUVRES | D’HENRY MURGER || Advertisement: Chez le même Éditeurs. | BIBLIOTHEQUE CONTEMPORAINE | (page of text) || Collation: π2 (h.t/advert., t.p. / blank), 1-33 (17)12, χ6; total 212 leaves without ffls (3 front, 2 back). Pagination: [2] – h.t. / blank, [2] – t.p. / blank, [i] ii-xiii [xiv blank], [1] 2-406; total 424 pages. Scènes de la bohême, in later editions Scènes de la vie de bohème. Translations: Into English: LIB-2719.2021. Henri Murger. The Bohemians of the Latin Quarter. (Scènes de la vie de Bohême) / Translated from the French. — London: Vizetelly & Co., 1883. Into German: LIB-2686.2021. Henri Murger. Die Bohème : Szenen aus dem Pariser Künstlerleben. — Leipzig: Insel-Verlag, 1906. Into Russian: LIB-3182.2023. А. Мюрже. Сцены из жизни богемы / Пер. с франц. и прим. Е. А. Гунста; вст. ст. С. И. Великовского; художник Н. А. Кравченко. — М.: Художественная литература, 1963. Contributors: Murger, Henri [Henry] (French, 1822 – 1861) – author.
  • Two volumes in owner’s uniform so called Jansenist binding by someone Alix (signed in gilt inside), gilt lettering to spine, each in a slipcase. Vol. 1: full crimson morocco 32.5 x 26 x 6.5 cm in a  33.3 x 27 x 7 cm slipcase, cloth endpapers, all edges gilt, publisher’s wrappers preserved, autographed drawing by Vertès to h.t. “à monsieur Willard | bien sympathiquement | Vertès | Paris 1930”. Collation: 3 blanks, front wrapper, 2 blanks, [10] h.t./limit., t.p., art., dedic., person., [2] 3-487 [488 blank], [2] coloph., 3 blanks, spine, 3 blanks; 74 dry-point illustrations by Marcel Vertès within collation; printed on thick wove paper by ‘Arches’ watermarked “Pausole & Vertès”. Title-page (red and black): LES AVENTURES | DU | ROI PAUSOLE | de | PIERRE LOUŸS | {vignette} | AUX DÉPENS D'UN AMATEUR | PARIS, MCMXXX || Limitation: CETTE ÉDITION DU ROMAN | DE |PIERRE LOUŸS | LES AVENTURES DU ROI PAUSOLEA ÉTE COMPOSE EN CARACTÈRE GARAMOND DU CORPS 18 | ET IMPRIMEE SUR VÉLIN A LA FORME DES PAPETERIES | D' ARCHES FILIGRANÉ | PAUSOLE & VERTÈS | ELLE EST ILLUSTRÉE DE SOIXANTE-QUATORZE | POINTES-SÈCHES ORIGINALES | DE | VERTÈS | SON TIRAGE A ÉTÉ STRICTEMENT LIMITÉ A | QUATRE-VINGT-DIX-NEUF EXEMPLAIRES NUMÉROTÉS | DE 1 A 99 ET CONTENANT : | 1° LA SUITE DES CUIVRES AVEC REMAROUES. | 2° UNE SUITE DES 15 PLANCHES REFUSÉES. | IL A ÉTÉ TIRÉ EN OUTRE, POUR L' ARTISTE ET LES COLLABORATEURS, | QUELQUES EXEMPLAIRES NOMINATIFS, DONT DEUX IMPRIMÉS SUR PAPIER | CHIFFE D'AUVERGNE A LA MAIN | EXEMPLAIRE | № 9 || Colophon: Cet ouvrage, établi aux dépens de m. L. Givaudan, a été achevé d'imprimer le quinze novembre mil neuf cent trente, pour le texte, sur les presses de R. Coulouma, maitre imprimeur a Argenteuil, H. Barthélemy, directeur, et pour les pointes-sèches, dans les ateliers de «La Tradition", a Paris. Limited edition of 99 copies, this is copy № 9. Vol. 2: Three-quarters crimson morocco over cloth outlined gilt, 32.7 x 27.8 x 4 cm in a  33.3 x 28.2 x 4.3 cm slipcase, cloth endpapers, all edges gilt, printed on thick wove paper by ‘Arches’ watermarked “Pausole & Vertès”. Collation: 3 blanks, 74 unpaginated leaves of plates (main suite avec remarque), blank, 15 leaves of plates (refusées), t.p./limit., blank, 30 leaves of plates (15 prints in two states each, with and without ‘remarks’) titled Au pays du Roi Pausole, 3 blanks. Title-page (red and black): AU PAYS | DU | ROI PAUSOLE | Quinze cuivres | gravés par un artiste | inconnu | de la suite | du Roi | ❦ | —| TRYPHÈME. MCMXXX. || Limitation: IL A ÉTÉ TIRÉDE CETTE SUITE | DE POINTES-SÈCHES VINGT- | CINQ EXEMPLAIRES SUR VÉ- | LIN A LA FORME DES PAPETE- | RIES ARCHES AU FILIGRANE | DE PAUSOLE. CES SUITES NON | MISES DANS LE COMMERCE | SONT RÉSERVÉES A SA MAJES- | TÉ, AUX REINES PRÉFÉRÉES | PARMI LL. AA. RR. ET A QUEL- | QUES FIDÈLES SERVITEURS. | № 13 || Limited edition of 25 copies, this is copy № 13; Enriched with an original copper plate with one of the illustrations. Marcel Willard (French,  – provenance. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (III) 1057; Nordmann (II) № 307; Vokaer 26. Ref.: honesterotica.com Contributors: Pierre Louÿs (French, 1870 – 1925) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Léon Givaudan (French, 1875 – 1936) – publisher. Seller's description:Les Aventures du Roi Pausole. Paris, Aux dépens d'un amateur, 1930. 2 volumes in-4, maroquin rouge janséniste, tranches dorée, couverture et dos, emboîtage. Le volume de suites est relié en demi-maroquin rouge. (Alix). Ouvrage illustré de 74 pointes-sèches de Marcel Vertès. Tirage à 99 exemplaires sur vélin d'Arches, comportant la suite des cuivres avec remarque, ainsi qu'une suite des 15 planches refusées. Exemplaire enrichi d'une plaque de cuivre ayant servi à une des illustrations, d'un dessin avec envoi autographe signé de l'artiste sur la page de faux-titre et d'une double suite des 15 pointes-sèches par un artiste inconnu intitulée Au Pays du roi Pausole. Dos légèrement passés.
  • Phaedri, Aug. Liberti Fabularum Aesopiarum libri V / notis illustravit in usum serenissimi principis Nassavii David Hoogstratanus. Accedunt ejusdem opera duo indices, quorum prior est omnium verborum, multo quam antehac locupletior, posterior eorum, quae observatu digna in notis occurunt. — Amstelaedami : Ex Typographia Francisci Halmae, MDCCI [1701]. — pp.: [1] title, [1] (portr.), [32] 160, [84], 18 leaves of plates. Vita Phaedri is written by Johannes Schefferus (February 2, 1621 – March 26, 1679). Appendix fabularum is written by Marquard Gude (Gudius) (1 February 1635 – 26 November 1689). Gaius Julius Phaedrus was a 1st-century CE Roman fabulist and the first versifier of a collection of Aesop's fables into Latin. David van Hoogstraten (Rotterdam, March 14, 1658 - Amsterdam, November 21, 1724), a physician, poet and linguist, annotated the fables and dedicated them to Johan Willem Friso van Oranje-Nassau (14 August 1687 – 14 July 1711). The book was published in Amsterdam by François Halma (Langerak, January 3, 1653 - Leeuwarden, January 13, 1722), a Dutch printer, publisher and bookseller, with a portrait of Prince of Orange-Nassau, engraved by Pieter van Gunst (Dutch, Amsterdam 1659–1724) after Bernard Vaillant (Dutch, Lille 1632–1698 Leyden). The title page was engraved by P. Boutats after Jan Goeree (Dutch, Middelburg 1670–1731 Amsterdam). The edition is adorned throughout with 18 plates, each with 8 médaillons, designed and engraved by Jan van Vianen (Dutch, 1660–1726), and with vignettes, head- and tailpieces, inhabited initials, etc. Contemporary vellum over boards, title in red and back, red edges, 4to, 26 x 20 cm. Seller's description:
    4to, engraved general title, letterpress red & black title page with allegorical engraved vignette. 18 full-page copper-engraved plates by Jan van Vianen, each featuring six circular images, and 38 in-text reproductions, engraved decorative initials, and head- and tailpieces. Phaedrus (15 BC - 50 AD, Italy), was a "Roman fabulist, the first writer to Latinize whole books of fables, producing free versions in the iambic metre of Greek prose fables then circulating under the name of Aesop." (Ency. Brit.). This deluxe edition was specially created for the Prince of Nassau, profusely illustrated with fine engravings. Dibdin spoke highly of it in his Greek and Latin Classics (4th edition): "I have always considered this as a correct and very sumptuous edition. It is ornamented with a great number of small plates, or medallions, in which the subject of the fable is very ably and spiritedly executed.
    Ref.: Metropolitan Museum; Musée Médard      
  •   Title page: RECUEIL | DE CONTES | ET | DE POEMES, | PAR M. D**. | CI-DEVANT MOUSQUETAIRE. | TROSIÉME ÉDITION | AUGUMENTÉE | DE L'HERMITAGE DE BEAUVAIS. | [device] | A LA HAYE, | Et se trouve à Paris, | Chez Delalain, Libraire, rue de la Comédie | Française. | — | M. D. CC. LXX. IRZA | ET MARSIS , | POËME, includes: L'isle merveilleuse, Poëme, Chant 1re et Chant 2nd, Invocation a La Fontaine, and Alphonse, Conte – Cohen and De Ricci (#317) describe 2nd edition by the same publisher, 1769, 77 p., with similar illustrations after Charles Eisen: (1) engraved title by Louis Claude Legrand (2) L’Isle 1er: Frontispiece by Joseph de Longueil, (3) headpiece and (4) tailpiece by Emmanuel de Ghendt, and (5) L’Isle 2nd: Frontispiece by Jean Massard, (6) headpiece by Emmanuel de Ghendt + (7) tailpiece unsigned. Les Cerises et la Méprise, Contes en vers – Cohen and De Ricci (#311) also describe the 2nd edition of 1769, with the same (8) frontispiece by De Longueil after Eisen. Sélim et Sélima, Poeme imité de l'allemand; L'hermitage de beauvais, Conte –Cohen and De Ricci (#322) describe edition of 1769 by Sébastien Jorry, with the same (9) frontispiece by Emmanuel de Ghendt after Eisen. Size: 18.6 x 12.3 cm, small 8vo. Binding: polished, multi-coloured stained calf with gilt triple fillet border to boards; gilt floral arabesque and gilt lettering to flat spine: "Oeuvres de Dorat | Contes"; all edges gilt; blue-and-white marbled endpapers. Pagination: ffl, [2] IRZA ET MARSIS engraved half-title / blank, [1-2] - RECUEIL title page / blank, 3-8 (avis sur cette édition); [1 - L'Isle...] 2-184, bfl; Illustrations (copperplate engravings): 5 plates, 2 headpieces and 2 tailpieces. Collation: Octavo; a8 (title and avis sur cette édition); A-L8, M4. Author of the text: Claude Joseph Dorat, (French, 1734 – 1780) Artist: Charles-Dominique-JosephEisen (French, 1720 – 1778) Engravers: Emmanuel Jean Nepomucène de Ghendt (French, 1738 – 1815) Louis Claude Legrand (French, 1723 – 1807) Joseph de Longueil (French, 1730 – 1792) Jean Massard (French, 1740 – 1822)  
  • Title: Illustrated Catalogues of Tokyo National Museum: Ukiyo-e Prints [東京国立博物館図版目録 | 浮世絵版画編] (Tōkyō Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan zuhan mokuroku | Ukiyoe hanga hen); Publisher: Tokyo National Museum [東京国立博物館] (Tōkyō Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan). Three volumes, 26.3 x 18.7 cm, uniformly bound in black cloth with white characters to front cover and spine. Title-page: ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES OF | TOKYO NATIONAL MUSEUM | UKIYO-E PRINTS | <1 (2, 3) > | 東京国立博物館図版目録 | 浮世絵版画編 | < 上 (中, 下) > || Volume 1 [上]:  unpaginated 1 t.p., 2 colour plates, 1 contents, 70 (1-1354) – b/w plates, 1 + 48 paginated leaves (1-95 [96]) – text. Volume 2 [中]: unpaginated 1 t.p., 2 colour plates, 1 contents, 67 (1355-2493) – b/w plates + 33 paginated leaves (1-65 [66]) – text. Volume 3 [下]: unpaginated 1 t.p., 2 colour plates, 1 contents, 83 (2494-3926) – b/w plates + 35 paginated leaves (1-69 [70]) – text. Black and white photomechanical reproduction of almost four thousand woodblock prints with titles by the artist and in chronological order.
  • 3-volume set, 1st edition, with original wrappers. Vol. 1: Half-title: THE | INGLODSBY LEGENDS. Title (in black and red, emblematic, engraved): THE | Ingoldsby Legends | OR | MIRTH AND MARVELS | by | THOMAS INGOLDSBY | ESQUIRE | In frame: | LONDON. | RICHARD BENTLEY. | MDCCCXL. | Under the frame: J. S. GWILT. | INV. Pagination: ffl, [2] – blanks, [i, ii] – h.t./ colophon, [2] – t.p. / verso blank, [iii] iv-v [vi] – blank, contents / list of ill., blank / etching,  [1] 2-338 [339], [7] incl. orig. covers and spine bound in, bfl; 6 plates: 1 by Buss, 3 by Leech, 2 by Cruikshank. Vol. 2: Half-title: THE | INGLODSBY LEGENDS. |—| SECOND SERIES.|| Title (in black and red, emblematic, engraved): THE | Ingoldsby Legends | OR | MIRTH AND MARVELS | by | THOMAS INGOLDSBY | ESQUIRE | SECOND SERIES | In frame: | LONDON | RICHARD BENTLEY. | MDCCCXLII. | Under the frame: G. COOK SCULPo|| Pagination: ffl, [2] – blanks, [i, ii] – h.t. / colophon, [iii, iv] – t.p. / verso blank, [v] vi-vii [viii ] – blank, contents / blank, blank / etching, [1] 2-288 [6], incl. orig. covers and spine bound in, bfl; 7 plates: 3 by Leech, 4 by Cruikshank. Vol. 3: Half-title: THE | INGLODSBY LEGENDS. |—| THIRD SERIES.|| Title (in black and red, emblematic, engraved): THE | Ingoldsby Legends | OR | MIRTH AND MARVELS | by | THOMAS INGOLDSBY | ESQUIRE | THIRD SERIES | In frame: | LONDON | RICHARD BENTLEY. | MDCCCXLVII. | Under the frame: COOK || Pagination: ffl, [2] – blanks] [i, ii] – h.t. / colophon, [2] – t.p. / verso blank], [iii] iv-vi – contents / list of ill., blank / portrait, [1] 2-364 [6], incl. orig. covers and spine bound in, bfl; 6 plates: 2 portraits, 2 by Leech, 2 by Cruikshank. Binding: 3 volumes, 8vo, 20.5 x 13.5 cm, hardcover, full carmine morocco, triple ruled in gilt, top edge gilt, slightly raised bands, gilt lettering and double fillet gilt panels to spine by T. W. Morrell & Co. (London) for Brentano's bookstore in New York. 6, 7, and 6 (19 total) plates inset. The original brown figured cloth covers and spines preserved at the end of each volume. Catalogue raisonné: Albert M. Cohn, 1924: №50, p.20. Contrary to A. Cohn's description, the first etching in the first series is signed “Dalton del.” bottom left and “Buss sculp.” bottom right. It has been suggested that the name Dalton might refer to Richard Harris Dalton Barham (British, 1815-1886). Robert William Buss (1804 – 1875). Portrait (v.3, p.1): John William Cook (fl.1819 - 1862) after Richard James Lane (British, 1800 – 1872). Portrait (v.3, p.127): Henry Griffiths after Dalton. Seller's description: First editions, mixed states, in full crimson levant morocco by Morrel for Brentanos, New York. Vol.1, p. 236 is NOT blank, but unpaginated; Vol. 2 does NOT have a list of ill's on verso of contents; Vol. 3, p. 351 'to pot' NOT run together. Cloth spine and front cover bound in the back of each volume, all volumes have half-titles, with engraved titles and 19 plates by Cruikshank, Leech, et al. Conforms in the main to Sadlier 156b, 156e, and 156f.
  • Title: BIBLIOGRAPHIE ET ICONOGRAPHIE | DE TOUS LES OUVRAGES | DE | RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE | COMPRENANT | LA DESCRIPTION RAISONNÉE DES ÉDITIONS ORIGINALES | DES RÉIMPRESSIONS | DES CONTREFAÇONS, DES TRADUCTIONS, DES IMITATIONS, ETC. | Y COMPRIS LE DÉTAIL DES ESTAMPES | ET LA NOTICE SUR LA VIE ET LES OUVRAGES DE L'AUTEUR | PAR SON AMI CUBIÈRES PALMÉZEAUX | AVEC DES NOTES HISTORIQUES, CRITIQUES ET LITTÉRAIRES | PAR P. L. JACOB, BIBLIOPHILE | {Publisher’s device} | PARIS | AUGUSTE FONTAINE, LIBRAIRE | 35, 36 ET 37 PASSAGE DES PANORAMAS, ET GALERIE DE LA BOURSE, 1 ET 10 | 1875 || Pagination: ffl, 1 leaf with owner’s engraved ex libris, orig. tan wrapper w/lettering, 1 blank leaf, [2] – h.t. / tirage, 453 of 500, frontis. Portrait, [2] – t.p. / blank, [i] ii-xv [xvi blank], [1] 2-510, [2] – imprint / blank, [1] 2-8 advert., 1 blank leaf, orig. back wrapper, orig. spine, bfl. Note: pp. starting from p. 76 and up to p. 455, between every two leaves of text, there are leaves of grid paper bound in, some with the reader’s handwritten ink remarks. Collation: Prelims., 8vo; a8, 1-328 + advert. Binding: ¾ brown morocco over marbled boards, spine with raised bands and gilt lettering, peacock marbled endpapers. Original wrappers preserved. Size: 23.5 x 14 x 8 cm. Provenance: Juan Hernandez bookplate engraved on a laid and watermarked paper sheet and including a library storage № 2272 The catalogue is produced by Paul Lacroix (French, 1806 – 1884) under the pseudonym of P. L. Jacob; the essay of Restif de La Bretonne biography – by Barbier Michel Cubières de Palmeseaux (French, 1752 – 1820). Frontispice: engraved portrait of Nicolas-Edme Restif de La Bretonne (French, 1734 – 1806) by Eugène Loizelet (French, 1842 – 1882) after Louis Berthet (French, fl. 1775 – 1808) after Louis Binet (French, 1744 – c. 1800).
  • Title: MAROUSSIA | PAR | P.-J. STAHL | D'APRÈS UNE LÉGENDE DE MARKOWOVZOK | DESSINS PAR TH. SCHULER | GRAVURES PAR PANNEMAKER | {vignette} | BIBLIOTHÈQUE | D'ÉDUCATION ET DE RÉCRÉATION | J. HETZEL ET Cie, 18, RUE JACOB | PARIS | Tous droits de reproduction et de traduction réservés || Pagination: [2] – t.p. / blank, [1, 2] – dedication / blank, [3] 4-272, [1] 2-11 [12] – publisher’s advert.; Frontispiece and 22 leaves of wood-engraved plates by F. Pannemaker after Th. Schuler, extraneous to collation, woodcut head- and tailpieces, vignettes in the text by Charles Baude. Collation: 4to; 1-344, + 6 leaves of publisher's advertisement. Binding: “Cartonnage Hetzel” – red cloth stamped in gilt and black with the elements of design to spine, front and back, publisher's device to back, AEG. Author and publisher: Pierre-Jules Hetzel [P.-J. Stahl] (French, 1814 – 1886). Artist: Jules Théophile Schuler (French, 1821 – 1878). Engravers: Adolphe François Pannemaker (Belgian-French, 1822 – 1900) and Charles Baude (French, 1853 – 1935). Author of the legend: Markowovzok [Marko Vovchok; Марко́ Вовчо́к, real name Mariya Vilinskаya; Мария Александровна Вилинская] (Ukrainian, 1833 – 1907). Series: Collection Hetzel (stamped on the front board). Typographie A. Lahure (Paris), Alexis Lahure (French, 1849 – 1929). MAROUSSIA – The French version of the Ukrainian name Маруся.  
  • Title: К 550-летию великой трагедии | ВИЗАНТИЙСКИЕ | ИСТОРИКИ | О ПАДЕНИИ | КОНСТАНТИНОПОЛЯ | в 1453 году | Под редакцией | Я. Н. Любарского, | Т. И. Соболь | Санкт-Петербург | АЛЕТЕЙЯ | 2006 || Series: Византийская библиотека. Источники. Pagination: [1-5] 6-189 [3]. Binding: 21.5 x 15 cm; hardcover, crimson buckram, gilt lettering in the border, gilt serial device on black, map endpapers. Print run: 1,000 copies. ISBN: 5-89329-766-0. Michael Critobulus [Μιχαήλ Κριτόβουλος; Михаил Критовул] (Greek, c. 1410 – c. 1470). Doukas [Dukas; Дука; Δούκας] (Greek, c. 1400 – after 1462). Laonikos Chalkokondyles [Laonicus Chalcocondyles; Λαόνικος Χαλκοκονδύλης; Лаоник Халкокондил] (Greek, c. 1430 – c. 1470). Любарский, Яков Николаевич (Russian, 1929 – 2003).
  • Frontispiece: ИНОСТРАННЫЕ МЕМУАРЫ Под общей редакцией | И. Т. Смилги | ОММЕР ДЕ ГЕЛЛЬ | «Academia» | Москва—Ленинград || Title page: ОММЕР ДЕ ГЕЛЛЬ | ПИСЬМА и ЗАПИСКИ | Редакция, вступительная статья и примечания| М. М. Чистяковой | ACADEMIA | 1933 || Title verso: Супер-обложка и переплет | по рисункам Н. П. Дмитревского || Pagination: [1-6] 7-464 [8], ill. Collation: 8vo; [1]-298, 304 + 8 plates (photomechanical), one of them folded. Binding: 17.5 x 13.5 cm, original purple cloth, white lettering to spine, vignette to front board, pictorial DJ. Print run: 5300 copies. Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова (2004): № 564, p.236. Вяземский, Павел Петрович (Russian, 1820 – 1888) – author. A famous literary forgery and mystification in the history of Russian literature. The fictitious author – Оммер де Гелль – was an existing human being: Adèle Hommaire de Hell, née Hériot (French, 1819 — 1883), a French writier. The fictitious matter of the book was not proven before 1935. The details can be found here.