Hardcover, 28.5 x 21 cm, blue cloth, gilt lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket with the glued white label “Winner of the Apollo Magazine | Book of the Year 2003 Award”; pp.: [1-9] 10-260, ils.; ISBN 9781872501543, 9781872501239, 1872501540, 1872501230. Title-page: OTTO PÄCHT | Venetian Painting | in the 15th Century | Jacopo, Gentile and Giovanni Bellini | and Andrea Mantegna | Edited by | Margareta Vyoral-Tschapka | and | Michael Pächt | {publisher’s device} | HARVEY MILLER PUBLISHERS || Contributors: Otto Pächt (Austrian, 1902 – 1988) Margareta Vyoral-Tschapka Michael Pächt (Austrian, b. 1942)
Description: Hardcover, in-folio, 32 x 23.5 cm, bound in dark blue morocco, boards and spine richly decorated in gilt, front cover gilt-lettered in Chinese [幽王寵褒姒], pictorial endpapers, laid paper with unicorn watermark, margins uncut, printing performed by Joh. Enschedé (Haarlem), pp. [10] 1-210 [6], total 226 pages, collated π5 1-532 χ2, first and last leaves blank, total 113 leaves plus 7 plates after Franz von Bayros, some signed; adorned with woodcut borders, frames, head- and tailpieces throughout. The binding work was done by Hübel und Denck (Leipzig) based on designs by Paul Renner. Title-page: DAS | SCHÖNE | MÄDCHEN | VON PAO | — | EIN CHINESISCHER | ROMAN VON | OTTO JULIUS BIERBAUM | — | PRACHTAUSGABE | MIT BILDERN VON BAYROS | — | Bei Joh. Enschedé en Zonen in | Haarlem gedruckt für Georg | Müllers Verlag in München || Catalogue raisonné: The amorous drawings of the Marquis von Bayros. — New York: Cythera Press, 1968. The Beautiful Maiden of Pao, pp. 153-8. Contributors: Otto Julius Bierbaum (German, 1865 – 1910) – author. Franz von Bayros (Austrian, 1866 – 1924) – artist. Johannes Enschedé (Dutch, 1708 – 1780) – printer. Joh. Enschedé (Haarlem) – printer. Hübel und Denck (Leipzig) – bookbinder. Paul Friedrich August Renner (German, 1878 – 1956) – designer.
Description: Hardcover oblong volume 16 x 23.3 cm with black pictorial paper boards lettered in red and white to front cover and spine, in an ochre slipcase sprinkled brown and lettered in black to front and spine; grey endpapers, pp. [2] 3-130 [2], with a bookshop ticket to back pastedown “ISSHINDō”. Illustrated descriptions of 100 Japanese sword handguards (tsuba) with brass inlay. Title-page: 楽しい真鍮象嵌つば | 100 鐔 | 大谷定夫著 [Tanoshii Shinchū-Zōgan Tsuba | Hyakutan | Ōya Sadao cho] (Enjoying Brass Inlay Sword Guards | 100 Sword Guards | Author: Ōya Sadao) Colophon: Published December 15, 1999 Price: ¥3,800 (base price ¥3,619) Author: Ōya Sadao (大谷定夫) Producer: Ōtsuka Kōgeisha International Publisher: Ōtsuka Kōgeisha Co. Ltd. (大塚工藝社)Phone 103–0016 Tōkyō-to, Chūō-ku, Nihonbashi Koami-chō 1–5 Tel. 03–5642–3511 (Representative) Fax 03–5642–3618 Design: Takahashi Tōru (高橋享) Photography: Kitami Noboru (北見登) Kishioka Yasuhiro (岸岡保弘) ISBN4–900298–03–4 C0072 ¥3619E Subject: Ōnin tsuba; Heianjō tsuba; Suemon-zōgan; Ten-zōgan; Japanese sword handguards; Japanese sword fittings; Tosogu.
Description: Hardcover photographic pictorial album, 29.2 x 23.1 cm, quarter crimson percaline over grey cloth with lettered paper labels to front cover and spine, grey endpapers; pp. [1-4] 5-109 [3], total 56 leaves, additional spine and cover labels tipped-in. Oliver Hill (British, 1887 – 1968).
Hardcover volume, 35 x 26.8 cm, bound in grey cloth, blind stamped characters to front, brown characters to spine, in a slipcase, the outer case missing, pp.: [4] [1] 2-136 (plates with photographs of 211 items), [2] 139-166 [4]. Kutani ware [九谷焼] (Kutani-yaki); old kutani [古九谷] (kokutani) – ceramic objects produced in Kutani in the 17th century. 日本の陶磁 – Japanese ceramics, series title. Contributors: Yasunari Kawabata [川端 康成] (Japanese, 1924 – 1972) – author. Tetsuzo Tanikawa [谷川 徹三] (Japanese, 1895 – 1989) – author. Seizo Hayashiya [林屋晴三] (Japanese, 1928 – 2017) – editor. Chūōkōron-sha [中央公論社] – publisher.
Hardcover volume, 35.1 x 27 cm, bound in grey cloth, blind stamped characters to front, brown characters to spine, in a glassine dust jacket, in a double slipcase, the outer case pictorial paper over cardboard, 36 x 27.8 cm, pp.: [4] [1] 2-108 (plates with photographs of 217 items), [2] [111] 112-150 [3]. Imari ware [伊万里焼] (Imari-yaki) – ceramics produced in and around the area of Arita, in the former Hizen Province, northwestern Kyūshū. 日本の陶磁 – Japanese ceramics, series title. Old imari [古伊万里] (koimari) – book title. Contributors: Yasunari Kawabata [川端 康成] (Japanese, 1924 – 1972) – author. Tetsuzo Tanikawa [谷川 徹三] (Japanese, 1895 – 1989) – author. Seizo Hayashiya [林屋晴三] (Japanese, 1928 – 2017) – editor. Chūōkōron-sha [中央公論社] – publisher.
Description: In-8vo volume, 19.4 x 14 cm, bound in red cloth with gilt lettering to front cover and spine, in a pictorial dust jacket with a photo portrait of the author by Kay Bell to the rear, DJ and in-text illustrations by Maurice Sendak; pp. [i-x] xi-xvii [xviii] [2] 3-190, total 208 pages. Dust Jacket front: You Can't | Get There | From Here | {vignette} | OGDEN NASH || Title-page: OGDEN NASH | You Can't Get There | From Here | {vignettes} | DRAWINGS BY MAURICE SENDAK | Boston • LITTLE, BROWN AND COMPANY • Toronto || Edition: 1957, 8th printing; (1st edition in 1953) Contributors: Ogden Nash (American, 1902 – 1971) – author. Maurice Sendak (Jewish-American, 1928 – 2012) – artist. Kay Bell Reynal (American, 1905 – 1977) – photographer.
Description: two volumes, 38.3 x 25.5 cm each, uniformly bound in red morocco, boards decorated in gilt in the style of Luc-Antoine Boyet, with gilt dentelle inside out; spine with raised bands, gilt lettering, gilt in compartments; all edges gilt; marbled endpapers; printed on laid paper, text in the floral frame, engraved frontispiece (after Hyacinthe Rigaud), plates, t.p. vignette with the portrait of Desiderius Erasmus (after Quentin Metsys), head- and tailpieces (total of 40, some repeating) and 2 initials by Bernard Picart, folded portrait of dedicatee Guillelmine Charlotte Princesse de Galles &c &c &c by van Gunst after Kneller. Title-page (red and black, tall ‘s’): OEUVRES | DE | NICOLAS BOILEAU | DESPRÉAUX. | AVEC DES | ÉCLAIRCISSEMENTS | HISTORIQUES, | DONNEZ PAR LUI-MEME. | Nouvelle Edition revuë, corrigée & augmentée de diverses Remarques. | Enrichie de figures gravées par Bernard Picart le Romain. | TOME PREMIER (SECOND). | {vignette} | A AMSTERDAM, | Chez DAVID MORTIER. | — | M DCCXVIII. | AVEC PRIVILEGE. || Vol. 1. Collation: 4to; 1 ffl, a-c4 d1 A-3K4, 3L2, 1ffl; (K3 marked I3). Plates: t.p. vignette, frontispiece, 24 head- and tailpieces, f.t. in a grotesque frame and 6 full-page for ‘Le Lutrin’ in the same frame by Bernard Picart; folded portrait of Guillelmine Charlotte, Princess of Wales by van Gunst after Kneller. Pagination: [4] [i-v] vi-xviii [4] [1] 2-450 [2]. Vol. 2. Collation: 4to; 2 ffl, π2 A-3C4 3D3 2 ffl; (V3 marked T3, 2L4 marked A). Plates: t.p. vignette (same as vol.1) and 7 head- and tailpieces by Bernard Picart. Pagination: [4] [i-iii] iv-vii [viii] [1] 2-370 [2] [20]. Catalogue raisonné: Lewine 72-3; Cohen-De Ricci 165-6. Contributors: Luc-Antoine Boyet (French, fl. 1684 – 1733) – bookbinder. Claude Brossette (French, 1671 – 1743) – author, remarks. André Dacier (French, 1651 – 1722) – author, preface. Nicolas Boileau Despréaux (French, 1636 – 1711) – author. Pieter Stevens van Gunst (Dutch, 1659-1724) – engraver. Sir Godfrey Kneller (British, 1646-1723) – artist. David Mortier (Dutch-British, 1673 – 1728) – publisher. Bernard Picard (French, 1673 – 1733) – artist, engraver. Quentin Massijs [Metsys, Matsys] (Flemish, 1466 – 1530) – artist. Hyacinthe Rigaud [Jacint Rigau-Ros i Serra] (French, 1659 - 1743) – artist. Guillelmine Charlotte, Princess of Wales (Wilhelmina Charlotte Caroline of Brandenburg-Ansbach) (1683 – 1737) – dedicatee
NEWTwo hardcover volumes 280 x 210 mm each, collated in-4to, with continuous pagination, total number of pages 431, uniformly bound by Pierre Ouvrard in ¾ morocco over marbled boards, spines are decorated with floral designs and gilt-lettered labels; floral diaper endpapers, top margin gilt; profusely illustrated in b/w and dual-tone. Limited edition of 1060 numbered copies with №№ 1-60 printed on wove paper (papeir Japon) and №№ 61-1060 on wove paper (papier vélin), of which this is copy № 138. Vol. 1: blue binding, original pictorial wrappers (colour woodcut) bound in; collation π4 a2 1-344: [2] h.t., [2] pictorial t.p., [i-iii] iv-vi, [1] 2-268. Engraved title-page by Leon Rudnicki, in red and black, in a frame: L'ART | DANS LA DECORATION EXTERIEURE DES LIVRES | en France et à L'Étranger | Les Couvertures illustrées | les Cartonnages d'Éditeurs | la Reliure d'Art | par | OCTAVE USANNE | {vignette} | Paris | Société Française d'Éditions d'Art | L-Henry May | 9 et 11 Rue Saint-Benoit 9 et 11 | 1898 || Imprint: Exemplaire N° 138. | IL A ÉTÉ TIRÉ DE CETTE ÉDITION | Mille Exemplaires SUR PAPIER VÉLIN | NUMÉROTÉS DE 61 A 1060 | ET | Soixante Exemplaires SUR JAPON | NUMÉROTÉS DE 1 A 60. ||
Frontispice, en deux tons, de RICHARD WALLACE; Tire, Ornements, Tétes de Chapitres et Culs-de-lampe de Léon RUDNICKI.
Vol. 2: brown binding; collation: one ffl, 64 leaves of plates printed on both sides, unpaginated, then [269] 270-272 [4] two ffls. Colophon: CE LIVRE | a été achevé d'imprimer | SUR LES PRESSES TYPOGRAPHIQUES | DE LA MAISON LAHURE | à Paris | {vignette} | Le vingt-cing Novembre | 1897 | PAR LES SOINS DE L'AUTEUR |POUR | LA SOCIÉTÉ FRANÇAISE D'ÉDITION D'ART | L.-H. MAY, ÉDITEUR || Contributors: Octave Uzanne (French, 1851 – 1931) – author/compiler. L.-Henry-May (French, late 19th century) – publisher. Société française d'éditions d'art (Paris) – publisher. Léon Rudnicki (French, 1831 – 1958) – engraver/artist. Louis Rhead (British-American, 1857 – 1926) Pierre Ouvrard (Canadian, 1929 – 2008) – bookbinder. -
Hardcover volume, 21.5 x 14.7 x 5.7 cm, bound in red cloth with blind-stamped ms signature to front board and gilt lettering over black labels, and gild design elements to spine; pp.: [i-iv] (h.t./blank, t.p./copyright) v-xv[xvi] blank, [1-2] f.t./blank, 3-1653 [1654] blank, [2] publ. note/blank; 1672 pp total; Blue ink ms inscription to h.t. 'Lawrence Wyman'. Title-page (in a two-rule frame): THE COMPLETE WORKS OF | O. Henry | Foreword by | WILLIAM LYON PHELPS | AUTHENTIC EDITION | {publisher’s device, G.C.P.} | De Luxe Edition | — | Garden City Publishing Co., Inc. | GARDEN CITY NEW YORK || Contributors: O. Henry [William Sydney Porter] (American, 1862 – 1910) – author. William Lyon Phelps (American, 1865 – 1943) – author/foreword.
Hardcover volume, 35 x 27 cm, bound in grey cloth, blind stamped characters to front, brown characters to spine, in a slipcase, the outer case missing, pp.: [4] [1] 2-116 (plates with photographs of 202 items), [2] 119-154 [4]. Ninsei [仁清] and Kenzan [乾山] ceramics produced by Ninsei Nonomura [野々村仁清] (Japanese, c. 1640 – c. 1690) and Ogata Kenzan [尾形 乾山] (Japanese, 1663 – 1743), respectively. 日本の陶磁 – Japanese ceramics, series title. Contributors: Yasunari Kawabata [川端 康成] (Japanese, 1924 – 1972) – author. Tetsuzo Tanikawa [谷川 徹三] (Japanese, 1895 – 1989) – author. Seizo Hayashiya [林屋晴三] (Japanese, 1928 – 2017) – editor. Chūōkōron-sha [中央公論社] – publisher.
Title: John Carter's | ABC | for book collectors | Ninth Edition | Nicolas Barker & Simran Thadani | {publisher’s device} | Oak Knoll Press | New Castle, Delaware | 2016 | [TITLE-PAGE] || Pagination: [1-6] 7-263 [264]. Binding: 21 x 13.5 cm; black cloth, silver lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket. Carter, John (British, 1905 – 1975) – author. Barker, Nicolas (British, b. 1932) – author Thadani, Simran – author
Title: BLANQUI | by | NEIL STEWART | [blank] | LONDON | VICTOR GOLLANCZ LTD | 1939 || Pagination: [1-7] 8-352. Binding: 20 x 13.5 cm; Red cardstock boards with black lettering, the front board: BLANQUI | by | NEIL STEWART | {BCL device} | LEFT BOOK CLUB EDITION | NOT FOR SALE TO THE PUBLIC ||; Spine with black lettering in the frame, sunned.
Hardcover volume, 35 x 26.8 cm, bound in grey cloth, blind stamped characters to front, brown characters to spine, in a double slipcase, the outer case pictorial paper over cardboard, 36 x 28.2 cm, pp.: [4] [1] 2-144 (plates with photographs of 332 items), [2] 147-182 [4]. 鍋島 – Nabeshima – book title. 日本の陶磁 – Japanese ceramics, series title. Contributors: Yasunari Kawabata [川端 康成] (Japanese, 1924 – 1972) – author. Tetsuzo Tanikawa [谷川 徹三] (Japanese, 1895 – 1989) – author. Seizo Hayashiya [林屋晴三] (Japanese, 1928 – 2017) – editor. Chūōkōron-sha [中央公論社] – publisher.
Hardcover volume from the series Masterworks of ukiyo-e, 26.3 x 19.2 cm, bound in unprimed canvas, red characters on black strip to front, red and black lettering to spine, tan flat endpapers, in a pictorial slipcase with series design (black lettering on silver spine); pp: [1-6]: h.t./frontis. (colour plate pasted in), t.p./imprint, contents/acknowledgements), 7-31 text, [32] blank, 33-96 (58 plates w/captions). Title-page (in frame): MASTERWORKS OF UKIYO-E | STUDIES IN NATURE | HOKUSAI-HIROSHIGE | by Muneshige Narazaki | Translated by John Bester | {publisher’s device} | KODANSHA INTERNATIONAL LTD. | Tokyo, Japan & Palo-Alto, Calif., U.S.A | {vertical, between rules 花鳥風月} || 花鳥風月 (Kachou Fugetsu) – beauties of nature. Series: Masterworks of ukiyo-e, № 11. Contributors: Muneshige Narazaki [楢崎 宗重] (Japanese, 1904 – 2001) – author. John Bester (British, 1927 – 2010) – translator. Katsushika Hokusai [葛飾 北斎] (Japanese, 1760 – 1849) – artist. Utagawa Hiroshige [歌川 広重] a.k.a. Andō Hiroshige [安藤 広重] (Japanese, 1797 – 1858) – artist.
Hardcover volume from the series Masterworks of ukiyo-e, 26.1 x 19 cm, bound in canvas, red characters on black strip to front, red and black lettering to spine, tan embossed endpapers, in a pictorial slipcase with series design (black lettering on silver spine); pp: [1-6]: h.t./frontis. (colour plate pasted in), t.p./imprint, contents/acknowledgements), 7-16 text, 17-96 (79 plates w/captions). Title-page (in frame): MASTERWORKS OF UKIYO-E | HOKUSAI | SKETCHES AND PAINTINGS | by Muneshige Narazaki | English adaptation by John Bester | {publisher’s device} | KODANSHA INTERNATIONAL LTD. | Tokyo, Japan & Palo-Alto, Calif., U.S.A | {vertical, between rules 漫画肉筆画} || Series: Masterworks of ukiyo-e, № 7. Muneshige Narazaki [楢崎 宗重] (Japanese, 1904 – 2001) – author. Katsushika Hokusai [葛飾 北斎] (Japanese, 1760 – 1849) – artist. John Bester (British, 1927 – 2010) – adaptation.
Hardcover volume from the series Masterworks of ukiyo-e, 26.3 x 19 cm, bound in unprimed canvas, red characters on black strip to front, red and black lettering to spine, tan flat endpapers, in a pictorial slipcase with series design (black lettering on silver spine); pp: [1-6]: h.t./frontis. (colour plate pasted in), t.p./imprint, contents/acknowledgements), 7-67 text, 27-30 map, 31-32 f.t./blank, 33-96 (65 plates w/captions). Title-page (in frame): MASTERWORKS OF UKIYO-E | HIROSHIGE | FAMOUS VIEWS | by Muneshige Narazaki | English adaptation by Richard L. Gage | {publisher’s device} | KODANSHA INTERNATIONAL LTD. | Tokyo, Japan & Palo-Alto, Calif., U.S.A | {vertical, between rules in ms 広重]} || Series: Masterworks of ukiyo-e, № 5. Edition: 1st edition ©1968, 2nd printing 1970. Muneshige Narazaki [楢崎 宗重] (Japanese, 1904 – 2001) – author. Utagawa Hiroshige [歌川 広重] a.k.a. Andō Hiroshige [安藤 広重] (Japanese, 1797 – 1858) – artist. Richard L. Gage (American, b. 1934) – adaptation.
Hardcover volume from the series Masterworks of ukiyo-e, 26.5 x 19 cm, bound in unprimed canvas, red ms characters on black strip to front, red and black lettering to spine, tan embossed endpapers, in a pictorial slipcase with series design (black lettering on silver spine); pp: [1-6]: h.t./frontis. (colour plate pasted in), t.p./imprint, contents/acknowledgements), 7-31 text, [32] blank, 33-96 (76 plates w/captions). Title-page (in frame): MASTERWORKS OF UKIYO-E | UTAMARO | by Muneshige Narazaki and Sadao Kikuchi | Translated by John Bester | {publisher’s device} | KODANSHA INTERNATIONAL LTD. | Tokyo, Japan & Palo-Alto, Calif., U.S.A | {vertical, between rules 歌麿} || Series: Masterworks of ukiyo-e, № 4. Contributors: Muneshige Narazaki [楢崎 宗重] (Japanese, 1904 – 2001) – author. Sadao Kikuchi [菊地 貞雄] (Japanese, 1924 – 2017) – author. John Bester (British, 1927 – 2010) – translator. Kitagawa Utamaro [喜多川 歌麿] (Japanese, c. 1753 – 1806) – artist.