Title: LUCRETIA BORGIA | THE CHRONICLE OF TEBALDEO TEBALDEI | – RENAISSANCE PERIOD – | BY ALGERNON CHARLES SWINBURNE | Commentary and Notes by | RANDOLPH HUGHES | Engravings by | REYNOLDS STONE | {vignette} | Printed and Published for the first time, by | The Golden Cockerel Press | 1942 || Pagination: ffl, [1, 2] – blank, [3, 4] – t.p. / dedication, [5, 6] – contents / stanza; 7-191 [192] – blank, [4], bfl. Collation: 4to in eights; [A]-M4 [L]2; 6 woodcut headpieces before each chapter, one repeated (7 total); two leaves in each sig., [A1] unsigned, M1 one leaf, the following two leaves signed M2, then follows signed M3 and the last two leaves (L2) unsigned. Edition (as per colophon): Numbered limited edition of 350, of which this is copy № 33. Binding: cream canvas, gilt-stamped with portrait in an oval ornamental frame to cover, gilt lettering and publisher’s device to spine, top edge gilt, fore and bottom edges untrimmed; by Sangorski and Sutcliffe (marked). Description: Printed and Published for the first time, by The Golden Cockerel Press, 1942, Numbered Limited Edition in full cream cloth binding bound by S. & S. [Sangorski and Sutcliffe] London, with gilt decoration to the centre of the front board. Copy No. 33. Commentary and notes by Randolph Hughes. Engravings by Reynolds Stone. Text partially in double columns, untrimmed edges. Printed by Christopher Sandford and Owen Rutter in Poliphilus Type (Based on the type used for the text of the 'Hypnerotomachia Poliphili' published in 1499 by Aldus Manutius) on specially water-marked Golden Cockerel paper made by Arnold & Foster. Preparation of the Edition was begun in January 1940 and finished in October 1942. 350 copies have been printed and the type has been distributed. Nos 1-30 are bound in full-bound white morocco and include a facsimile reproduction of the manuscript of one chapter of the text. Nos 31-350 are bound in canvas. Contributors: Swinburne, Algernon Charles (British, 1837 – 1909) – author Hughes, Randolph William (Australian, 1889 – 1955) – author Stone, Alan Reynolds (British, 1909 – 1979) – engraver The Golden Cockerel Press (Company, London, 1920 – 1961) – publisher/printer. Rutter, Edward Owen (British, 1889 – 1944) – printer. Sandford, Christopher (British, 1902 – 1983) – printer. Taylor, Harold (Hal) Midgley (1893 – 1925) – publisher/printer. Tebaldeo, Antonio (Italian, 1463–1537) – prototype. Borgia, Lucrezia (Spanish-Italian, 1480 – 1519) – heroine. Wilson, Sir Arnold Talbot (1884 – 1940) – dedicatee. Sangorski & Sutcliffe (Company, London, est. 1901) Sangorski, Francis (British, 1875 – 1912) Sutcliffe, George (British, 1878 – 1943).
Title page: Жанъ де Лабрюйеръ. | ХАРАКТЕРЫ | ИЛИ | НРАВЫ ЭТОГО ВѢКА. | (Les Caractères). | СЪ ПРЕДИСЛОВIЯМИ | Прево-Парадоля и Сентъ-Бёва. | ПЕРЕВОДЪ | П. Д. ПЕРВОВА. | {in waving rules} Изданiе журнала "Пантеонъ Литературы". | С.-ПЕТЕРБУРГ. | Типографiя Н. А. Лебедева. Невскiй просп., д. № 8. | 1889. || Pagination: [1-3] 4-371 [372] – handwritten contents, green ballpen; total 372 pages. Collation: 8vo; 1-238 ¼242, total 186 leaves. Binding: 24 x 16.5 cm, owner’s quarter cloth over marbled boards. Contributors: Jean de La Bruyère (French, 1645 – 1696) – author. Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin (French, 1804 – 1869) – author of the foreword. Prévost-Paradol, Lucien-Anatole (French, 1829 – 1870) – – author of the foreword. Первов, Павел Дмитриевич (Russian, 1860 – 1929) – translator. Лебедев, Николай Афанасьевич (Russian, 1813 – 1896) – printer.
Serial title: THE | LIBRARY OF ROMANCE. | EDITED | BY LEITCH RITCHIE. | VOL. II. | — | SCHINDERHANNES, | THE ROBBER OF THE RHINE. | BY THE EDITOR. | — | LONDON: | SMITH, ELDER, AND CO., 65, CORNHILL. | — | 1833. || Title page: SCHINDERHANNES, | THE ROBBER OF THE RHINE. | BY | LEITCH RITCHIE, | AUTHOR OF “HEATH’S PICTURESQUE ANNUAL,” “ROMANCE OF FRENCH | HISTORY,” “TURNER’S ANNUAL TOUR,” &c. | — | LONDON: | SMITH, ELDER, AND CO., 65, CORNHILL. | — | 1833. || Pagination: [1] 2 – prospectus, [i, ii] – serial title / imprint, [iii-iv] – t.p. / blank, [v] vi (mispaged iv) – advert. [vii] viii – contents, [2] f.t. / blank; [1] 2-314 – text, [2] – advert. vol. I and III; total number of pages 12+314+2=328 Collation: 8vo; π6 B-U8 X4 Y2, total number of leaves 164. Binding: 18 x 11.5 cm, dark green buckram (faux morocco), gilt lettering and design elements to spine, printer’s imprint to π4: Bradbury and Evans, moiré endpapers. Cat. raisonné: Sadleir (v.2) 3760a, p. 171. Contributors: Leitch Ritchie (British-Scottish, 1800 – 1865) – author. Schinderhannes [Johannes Bückler] (German, c.1778 – 1803) – character. Bradbury & Evans (est.1830) – printer. Smith, Elder, and Company (1816 - 1917) – publisher. George Smith (British-Scottish, 1789 – 1846) – publisher. George Murray Smith (British, 1824 – 1901) – publisher. Alexander Elder (British, 1790 – 1876) – publisher.
Title-page: APOLOGIA | DEL S. TORQVATO | TASSO. | IN DIFESA DELLA SVA | GIERVSALEMME | LIBERATA. | Con alcune Opere, partien in accusa, | partein difesa dell Orlando Furioso | dell’Ariosto. | Della Gierusalem- | me istessa , e dell’Amadigi | del Tasso Padre. | I titoli tutti si leggono nella feguente | facciata. | con privilegi. | {publisher’s device} | In Mantoua, Per Francesco Osana. | M D LXXXV. || 1st blank π1, [a]-a8; (9 leaves, 18 pp., unpaginated) Divisional t.p. (1): DE GLI | ACCADEMICI | DELLA CRVSCA | DIFESA DELL’ ORLANDO | FVRIOSO DELL’ ARIOSTO | Contra’l Dialogo dell’Epica | poesia di Camillo | Pellegrino. | Stacciata prima. | {woodcut} ||; A-E12 [2]A1 (61 leaves, 122 pp., unpaginated). Divisional t.p. (2): APOLOGIA | DEL S. TORQVATO | TASSO. | IN DIFESA DELLA SVA | GIERVSALEMME | LIBERATA. | {publisher’s device} | IN MANTOVA, |—| Per Francesco Osanna. | MDLXXXV. || [2]A11 2B-[2]I12 [2]K4, pp. [2] 3-219 [3] (111 leaves, 222 pages). Divisional t.p. (3): DELL’ | INFARINATO | ACADEMICO | DELLA CRVSCA … etc. | MDLXXXV. | Con licenza de’ Superiori. || [3]A-[3]G12, pp. [2] 3-164, 163 (i.e. 165) [3] (84 leaves, 168 pages). Divisional t.p. (4): RIPOSTA | DEL S. TORQVATO | TASSO, | ALLA LETTERA | DI BASTIAN ROSSI, …etc. | MDLXXXV. | Con licenza de’ Superiori. || [4]A-[4]E12 F8, ([4]B3 i.e. [4]A3), pp. [2] 3-135 [1] (68 leaves, 136 pages). Divisional t.p. (5): DISCORSO | IN TORNO | A’CONTRASTI, | CHE SI FANNO | SOPRA… ect. | M D LXXXVI. || [5]A-[5]D12 E4, pp. [2]3-67, 66 (i.e. 68), 92 (69), 70-73 (70-73), 94 (74), 95 (75), 76, 77, 98-115 (78-95), 112 (96), 97-100, [4] (52 leaves, 104 pages). Divisional t.p. (6): PARERE | DEL SIGNOR | TORQVATO | TASSO. | SOPRA IL DISCORSO | del Signor Horatio Lom- | bardello intorno a’ | contrasti,&c. … etc. | M D LXXXVI. || [6]A12 [6]B6 (incl. last blank), pp. [1-5] 6-33 [3] (18 leaves, 36 pages). Collation: 12mo; π1, a8, A-E12, [2]A-[2]I12 [2]K4, [3]A-[3]G12, [4]A-[4]E12 F8, [5]A-[5]D12 E4, [6]A12 [6]B6 (incl. last blank), total 403 leaves, 806 pages, in-text woodcut head- and tailpieces, and initials. Binding: 14.4 x 9 cm, 19th-century quarter calf over marbled boards, raised bands, gilt-bordered compartments, gilt lettering, three flyleaves at the front and back, "The Robin Collection" bookplate to front pastedown. Provenance: The Robin Collection. Contributors: Torquato Tasso (Italian, 1544 –1595) – author. Orazio Ariosto (Italian, 1555 – 1593) – author. Ludovico Ariosto (Italian, 1474 – 1533) – author. Camillo Pellegrino (Italian, 1527-1603) – author. Francesco Osanna [Osana] (Italian, fl. 1549 – 1608) – printer, publisher.
Description: One volume bound in green morocco, sunned spine with raised bands and gilt lettering, collated 8vo, 28.3 x 23 cm, original wrappers and spine preserved, top margin gilt; numerous in-text woodcuts, 30 full-page plates and one plate tipped-in. Front wrapper (red and black): RABELAIS | GARGANTUA | LITHOGRAPHIES DE SCHEM | {publisher’s device lettered in red “ÉDITIONS DU MANOIR”} | HENRI PASQUINELLY | DIJON || Half-title: LA VIE TRESHORRIFIQUE | DU | GRAND GARGANTUA | PERE DE PANTAGRUEL | JADIS COMPOSÉE | PAR MAISTRE ALCOFRIBAS | ABSTRACTEUR DE QUINTE ESSENCE | — | LIVRE PLEIN DE PANTAGRUELISME || Title-page (red and black): RABELAIS | GARGANTUA | LITHOGRAPHIES DE SCHEM | AVEC UNE PRÉFACE ET DES RÉSUMÉS EXPLICATIFS PAR | PIERRE HUGUENIN | UN GLOSSAIRE ET DES NOTES DE | LOUIS PERCEAU | {publisher’s device lettered in red “ÉDITIONS DU MANOIR”} | HENRI PASQUINELLY | DIJON || Collation: 2 blanks, front wrapper, [1] 2-118, spine, back wrapper, 2 blanks, total 88 leaves between the wrappers plus 30 plates incl. frontispiece, two of which are double-page, extraneous to collation with lettered tissue guards, and one cancelled plate with lettered tissue guard tipped-in. Pagination: [1-7] 8-171 [172] [2 colophon] [2 blank], total 176 pages, ils. Printed on February 20, 1937, at Imprimerie Darantière (Dijon), lithographs were printed by Desjobert (Paris). Limitation: The print run of 3,335 copies, of which 10 (№ I-X) on Japon Impérial, 300 copies (№ 1-300) on Vélin de Rives, 3000 copies (№ 301-3,300) on Bouffant Dauphinois, and 25 copies (A-Z ) on Vélin de Rives for collaborators. This is copy № 45 on Vélin de Rives, enriched with one cancelled plate (see image below). Collaborators: François Rabelais [Alcofribas Nasier] (French, c. 1494 – 1553) – author. Pierre Huguenin (French, 1874 – 1937) – author. Louis Perceau (French, 1883 – 1942) – author. Raoul Serres [Schem] (French, 1881– 1971) – artist. Éditions du manoir; Henri Pasquinelly [Pasquinelli] (French, 20th century) – publisher. Imprimerie Darantière (Dijon) – printer. Edmond Desjobert (French, 1888 – 1963); Edmond et Jacques Desjobert – lithography printer.
Two volumes in blue cloth, 30.3 x 25.2 cm each, in a matching slipcase 31.5 x 25.5 x 6.5 cm, with silver lettering. Vol. 1: Text, pp.: [1-8] 9-502 [2 blank]; Vol. 2: Plates, 240 unpaginated pages (721 entries). Suzuki Harunobu (Japanese, 1725 – 1770) David B. Waterhouse (British, 1936 – 2017)
Mikhail Uspensky. Netsuke. Title-page: М. В. Успенский | — | НЭЦКЭ | {blank} | «Искусство» | Ленинградской отделение | 1986 || Hardcover, pictorial glossy paper, 17.2 x 12.6 cm; pp.: [2] 3-231 [232], 160 in-text b/w illustrations plus 16 leaves with 36 colour plates (pp. 233-263 unpag.) [264 colophon]; total 264 pages. Print run: 25,000 copies. Contributors: Uspensky, Mikhail [Успенский, Михаил Владимирович] (Russian, 1953 – 1997) Sisauri, Vladislav [Сисаури, Владислав Ираклиевич] (Russian, b. 1944)
Brown cloth 24 x 15.5 cm, gilt lettering to front cover and spine, 'Cowles Library - Drake University' stamps inside and to edges, library card pocket to the pastedown, removed sticker to spine, top edge red, pictorial endpapers, pp.: [i-iv] v-xv [xvi], 1-372, total 388 pages; collated in-16mo: [1]-916 1018 11-1216, total 194 leaves plus four leaves of plates before gathering 6, four leaves of plates before gathering 9, and a folding map at the end, gathering 8 unsigned. Half-title: STUDIES IN URBAN HISTORY I | General Editor: H. J. Dyos | Reader in Urban History at the | University of Leicester || Title-page: The Autumn | of Central Paris | The Defeat of Town Planning 1850-1970 | Anthony Sutcliffe | Research Fellow in Modern History at the | University of Birmingham | {blank} | {publisher’s device} | Edward Arnold || ISBN: 9780713155495; 0713155493. OCLC Number / Unique Identifier: 1035744553. Contents: Introduction -- The Grand Design -- The Struggle to Complete the Imperial Plan -- The Period of Distractions -- Building in the Right Bank Centre, 1850 -- 1914 -- The Indian Summer of Central Paris -- The Battle for Preservation, 1850-1914 -- The Abandonment of the Grand Design -- The Approach of Obsolescence -- Victory for Preservation -- Conclusion -- Appendix I : Sources -- Appendix 2 : Graphs and Diagrams Anthony Sutcliffe (British, 1942 – 2011) – author. Harold James Dyos (British, 1921–1978) – general editor of the series.
Description: ¾ contemporary red morocco over marbled boards, 33.1 x 25.8 cm, raised bands, gilt lettering to spine, in a marbled slipcase 34.2 x 25.9 cm. Printed on thick wove paper watermarked “MONTGOLFIER ANNONAY” by Canson & Montgolfier (Annonay, France). Front wrapper and title-page : A. D. M. | GAMIANI | OU | DEUX NUITS D’EXCÉS | FAC-SIMILE DU | TEXTE ORIGINAL | orné des 12 lithographies | de | DEVÉRIA & GRÉVEDON | 1833 – Paris – 1926 | aux dépens d'un amateur || Faux-t.p. (1): GAMIANI | OU | UNE NUIT D’EXCÉS | {vignette} | Bruxelles | 1833 || (fac-semilé of the original wrapper of 1833) Faux-t.p. (2): GAMIANI | OU | DEUX NUITS D’EXCÉS | {vignette} | Bruxelles | 1833 || (fac-semilé of the original wrapper of 1833) Collation: 2 blanks, 1 orig. lavender blue colour front wrapper, 1 blank, 1 h.t., 1 limitation p., 1 t.p., 3 leaves ‘Notice Bibliographique’, 32 leaves of printed text, 2 blanks, 1 brown faux t.p. (1), text in fac-semilé manuscript (7 leaves) with 8 coloured plates, 1 blank, 1 brown faux t.p. (2), 7 leaves of text with 4 plates, 2 blanks, brown back wrapper, lavender blue back wrapper, 2 blanks; total 64 leaves plus 16 plates. Pagination: [1-8] 9-75 [76] [4]; [1] 2-26; mispaginated p. 23 marked 25, f.t.p. and ffl not counted. Last four plates without letters. Limitation: a print run of 360 copies, of which 20 with ‘miniatures’ №№ 1-20, 100 with coloured plates №№ 21-120, 230 with b/w plates №№ 121-350; 10 copies not for sale, marked H. C. (hors commerce). This is copy № 201, which should be with black lithographs, but has coloured plates. According to J.-P. Dutel, the plates were printed from the original stones. For variations on Devéria & Grévedon designs for Gamiani see also: LIB-3087.2022 (Bruxelles, 1864); LIB-3093.2022 (Bruxelles, 1866); LIB-3090.2022 (Bruxelles, 1871); LIB-2902.2021 (Greman, 1911); LIB-2903.2021 (late 1940s). Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III 1640, p. 185. Contributors : Alfred de Musset (French, 1810 – 1857) – author. André Warnod [André de Sermanmagny] (French, 1885 – 1960) – author (bibliographical note) Pierre Louis Henri Grévedon (French, 1776 – 1860) – artist. Achille Devéria (French, 1800 – 1857) – artist.
Hardcover volume, 35.2 x 27 cm, bound in grey cloth, blind stamped characters to front, brown characters to spine, in a glassine dust jacket, in a double slipcase, the outer case pictorial paper over cardboard, 36 x 28 cm, pp.: [4] [1] 2-104 (plates with photographs of 206 items), [2] 107-138 [4]. Kakiemon [柿右衛門] – book title. 日本の陶磁 – Japanese ceramics, series title. Contributors: Yasunari Kawabata [川端 康成] (Japanese, 1924 – 1972) – author. Tetsuzo Tanikawa [谷川 徹三] (Japanese, 1895 – 1989) – author. Seizo Hayashiya [林屋晴三] (Japanese, 1928 – 2017) – editor. Chūōkōron-sha [中央公論社] – publisher.
Hardcover, 31 x 24 cm, blue cloth over cardboard, orange lettering to spine, pictorial front cover, embossed back cover, pp.: [1-6] 7-271 [1], approx. 700 colour illustrations. Monograph and catalogue raisonné. ISBN: 978-3-85415-570-6. Title-page (orange): CORNELIA CABUK | {O. R. Schatz as vignette} | MONOGRAFIE | und | WERK= | VERZEICHNIS | mit Textbeiträgen von | STELLA ROLLIG | DIETER KRAFT | CORNELIA CABUK | Belvedere Werkverzeichnisse, Band 7 | Stella Rollig, Christian Huemer (Hg.) || Contributors: Otto Rudolf Schatz (Austrian, 1900 – 1961) Österreichische Galerie Belvedere Cornelia Cabuk Dieter Kraft Stella Rollig Ritter Verlag (Vienna)
Voyage ou Il vous plaira by Alfred de Musset and P.-J. Stahl (Hetzel); Tony Johannot (illustrations). [Les chefs d'oeuvres de la litterature et de l'illustration] // Marescq et Cie, éditeurs, - Paris, 1856.
Contes de Charles Nodier by Jean Charles Emmanuel Nodier (1780 – 1844) illustrated by H. Émy.
Owner's binding in red half Morocco, A4 (297 x 219 mm). "Voyage ou Il vous plaira" (60 pages) and fairy tales by Charles Nodier with illustrations by H. Émy (Armand-Louis-Henri Telory, born in Strasbourg in 1820 and died in 1874): "La Fée aux miettes" ; "Le songe d'or (fable levantine)"; "La légende de la Soeur Béatrix"; "Trilby"; Inès de las Sierras"; "Baptiste Montauban"; "Smarra ou les démons de la nuit"; "La neuvaine de la Chandeleur"; "La combe de l’homme mort". Extensive foxing, owner's pencil drawings on some pages, otherwise good condition.
FABLES | DE FLORIAN | ILLUSTRÉES | PAR J.-J. GRANDVILLE , | SUIVIES | DE TOBIE ET RUTH , | Poëmes tirés de l'Ecriture Sainte | ET | PRECEDEES D'UNE NOTICE SUR LA VIE ET LES OUVRAGES DE FLORIAN , | PAR P.-J. STAHL. | [Vignette] PARIS. | J.-J. DUBOCHET ET Cie , ÉDITEURS , | 1842. Pagination: ffl, [2 blanks] [i, ii - ht/imp.] [2 - blank/engr. t.p. by Grandville] [iii, iv - t.p./blank] [v] vi-xx; 2 sheets of plates, [3] 4-292, bfl; engraved t.p. + [79] leaves of plates + 5 faux t.p. (total 85 plates) Size: In-8vo, 23.8 x 15 cm. Binding: Orig. blind-stamped navy cloth with gilt Grandville characters to boards and spine. First edition, first printing. Reference: Léopold Carteret (Le trésor du bibliophile. Epoque romantique. 1801-1875 / Livres illustrés du XIXe siècle. – Paris: L. Carteret; imprim. Lahure, 1927). Wood engravers: Adolphe Best (French, 1808 – 1860): 22 plates Louis-Henri Brévière (French, 1797 – 1869): 3 plates Brugnot (French, active 19th century): 7 plates Prosper-Adolphe-Léon Cherrier (French, born 1806): 6 + Tobie et Ruth + vignettes Louis Dujardin (French, 1808 – 1859): 2 plates Monogram GO–> (possibly for Godard) : 1 plate Halley-Hiback (French, 19th century): 1 + vignette Henri-Désiré Porret (French, 1800–1867): 2 + vignette Lacoste père et fils aîné et Auguste-Alexandre Guillaumot (French, 1815 – 1892): 5 plates Quichon (French, 19th century): 10 plates + Tobie et Ruth François Rouget (Belgian, born bef., 1825): 19 + vignette Unsigned or with an illegible signature: 6 plates
Hardcover volume, collated in-8o, 21.1 x 14.9 cm, bound in half black polished morocco over green buckram boards, gilt lettering in rules to flat spine, brown diaper over cream endpapers, red ink oval library stamp in Estonian to t.p. «AJALOOMUUSEUM RAAMATUKOGU» (history museum library); pp.: [4] [1] 2-524, total 528 pages; collation π2 1-328 336, total 264 leaves. Title-page: ДЕШЕВАЯ БИБЛIОТЕКА ТОВАРИЩЕСТВА "ЗНАНIЕ". | № 274. | Э. Лиссагарэ. | ИСТОРIЯ ПАРИЖСКОЙ КОММУНЫ | въ 1871 г. | Съ французскаго. Полный переводъ | подъ редакцiей В. Базарова.| С.-ПЕТЕРБУРГЪ | 1906. || Original title: Prosper-Olivier Lissagaray. Histoire de la Commune de 1871. — Paris: E. Dentu, 1876. English translation by Eleanor Marx Aveling: [LIB-1110.2016] Prosper-Olivier Lissagaray. History of the Commune of 1871. — London: Reeves and Turner, 1886. Contributors: Hippolyte Prosper-Olivier Lissagaray (French, 1838 – 1901) – author. Владимир Александрович Базаров [Руднев, Vladimir Bazarov] (Russian, 1874 – 1939) – translator.
Half-title: BARON MUNCHAUSEN Title: THE TRAVELS | AND | SURPRISING ADVENTURES | OF | BARON MUNCHAUSEN. | ILLUSTRATED WITH | THIRTY-SEVEN CURIOUS ENGRAVINGS, | FROM | THE BARON'S OWN DESIGNS, | AND FIVE WOODCUTS, | BY G. CRUIKSHANK. | [device] | LONDON : WILLIAM TEGG. | 1869.|| [RASPE, Rudolf Erich]. The Travels and Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen. / Illustrated with 37 curious engravings, from the Baron's own designs, and five woodcuts, by G. Cruikshank. — London: William Tegg, 1869. Pagination: xii + [10] + 268 pp, 23 plates: hand-coloured engraved frontispiece, 5 woodcuts by Cruikshank, other b/w etchings, two folding plates. Binding: 19 x 13 cm; hardbound, 8vo, early 20th century 3/4 dark plum morocco gilt-ruled, raised bands, title label, gilt lettering, gilt in compartments, top edge gilt. Catalogue raisonné: A. Cohn: #584, p. 172. This edition is an identical re-issue of the 1867 edition.
Engraved title with the portrait of Torquato Tasso, displayed in an oval medallion, bound in “TORQUATO TASSO”, between two naked putti; Architecture with two columns and Ionic capitals supporting an architectural pediment; between the columns is a table with the inscription: LA GIERVSALEMME | LIBERATA | DI TORQVATO TASSO | Con le Figure di Bernardo | CASTELLO; | E le Annotazioni di Scipio | GENTILI, e di Giulio | GVASTAVINI. | IN GENOVA. M.D.LXXXX .|| Contents: The 20 cantos are followed by: Tutte le stanza intere, che dall'autore sono state refiutate in questo libro; Annotationi di Scipio Gentili; Luoghi osservati dal mag. Giulio Guastavini, quali il Tasso nella sua Gierusalemme hà presi & imitati da poeti & altri scrittori antichi; Allegoria del poema; Tavola di tutti i nomi proprii et di tutte le materie principali contenute nel presente libro. Pagination: [2] engraved t.p. / blank, 3-11, [1] 2-255 [256], 1-71 [72] [1] 2-40, 4 unpag. leaves ‘Allegoria del poema’; total 387 pp. Collation: 8vo; π6 A-Q8 A-D8 E4 A-B8 χ4 (in the first quire M4 marked L4), ills. signed in collation. At p. 17 canto 3rd marked as 2nd, pp. 135 and 139 in 12th canto marked as 11th. Binding: later full polished calf, blind double-ruled covers, blind double-ruled raised bands, gilt lettering: GIERVSALEMME | LIBERATA and GENOVA | 1590. TMG. Printed on laid paper. Front joints split at head and tail. Title page and twenty full-page ill. facing the opening of each canto, engraved by Agostino Carracci and Giacomo Franco after Castello. Those for cantos 6-8, 10, 12, 16-17, 19-20 are by Carracci, 8 and 19 with his initials. The remainder are by Franco and are signed by him. Woodcut head and tailpieces, the Argomenti at the head of each canto within cartouches, initials. Catalogue raisonné: Adam Bartsch. Le peintre graveur. — Vienne: J. V. Degen, 1803.
Author: Written by Torquato Tasso (Italian, Sorrento 1544–1595 Rome)
Designer: Illustrations designed by Bernardo Castello (Italian, Genoa (?) 1557–1629 Genoa)
Engraver: Illustrations engraved by Agostino Carracci (Italian, Bologna 1557–1602 Parma)
Engraver: Illustrations engraved by Giacomo Franco (Italian, Venice 1550–1620 Venice)
Publisher: Published by Girolamo Bartoli , Genoa
Ref.: MET, HathiTrust, -
Hardcover, 23.5 x 23.5 cm, publisher's navy cloth, gilt-stamped lettering to spine, pictorial DJ; pp.: [1-6] 7-143 [144 blank].
Japanese woodblock prints of the Edo period (1615-1868) were the products of a highly commercialised and competitive publishing industry. Their content was inspired by the vibrant popular culture that flourished in Edo (Tokyo). At any given time scores of publishers competed for the services of the leading artists of the day. Publishers and artists displayed tremendous ingenuity in finding ways to sustain demand for prints and to circumvent the restrictions placed on the industry through government censorship. Although Japanese prints have long been appreciated in the West for their graphic qualities, their content has not always been fully understood. This book draws on recent scholarship that makes possible a more subtle appreciation of the imagery encountered in the prints and how they would have been read when first made. Through stunning new photography of both well-known and rarely published works in the collection of the British Museum, including many recent acquisitions, the author explores how and why such prints were made, providing a fascinating introduction to a much-loved but little-understood art form.
Title: LA | BELLE ASSEMBLÉE | OR, | BELL'S | COURT AND FASHIONABLE | MAGAZINE, | ADDRESSED PARTICULARLY TO | THE LADIES. | VOL. XI.—NEW SERIES. | FROM JANUARY 1, TO JUNE 30, 1815. | LONDON: | Printed for J. BELL, GALLERY OF FINE ARTS, | Clare-Court, Drury-Lane. | 1815. || Pagination: [2] – 11th volume wood-engraved pictorial title page, [1, 2] – January faux-title and table of content, [3] 4-284 [2] – index to 11th vol. Notes: February f.t. not paginated, but within the collation; the last page of the index at the very end paginated [iii]/iv, so pages i/ii missing (the gathering Nn lacking one sheet) Collation: 4to; π1 A-Mm4 Nn3, 28 plates extraneous to collation (lacking 2 plates). Binding: Half brown morocco over marbled boards, flat spine, compartments gilt-ruled with double-fillet and gilt-lettered. Contents: Jan: pp. 1-48, 5 plates. Feb: pp. 51-96, 5 plates. Mar: pp. 97-144, 5 plates. Apr: pp. 145-192, 5 plates. May: pp. 193-240, 5 plates. Jun: pp. 241-284, 3 plates (lacking 2 colour prints). Fashion plates, two per issue, are hand-coloured copperplate engravings, unsigned. Stipple engraved portraits, one per issue as frontispiece: (1) Actress Catherine Stephens, Countess of Essex (British, 1794 – 1882) by James Hopwood the Elder [James Hopwood Senior] (British, c. 1740s/50s – 1819) after Sir George Hayter (British, 1792 – 1871); (2) Madame de Talleyrand, Princesse De Bénévent (Danish-French, 1761– 1834), unsigned, but can be attributed to François Gérard (French, 1770 – 1837); (3) Actress Miss Sarah Booth (1793 – 30 December 1867), unsigned; (4) Group portrait of the French Royal family (Louis XVI, Louis XVII, Marie Antoinette, Madam Elizabeth, Louis Antoine de Bourbon, Duke d'Enghien, and Marie Thérèse Louise of Savoy, Princesse de Lamballe), unsigned, (5) Actress, Miss Sarah Blanche Matthews (b.1794) by Thomas Burke (Irish, 1749 – 1815) after George Hayter. The sixth print, in the March issue, is a lithographic portrait of Napoléon Bonaparte (French, 1769 – 1821), unsigned.