Title-page: APOLOGIA | DEL S. TORQVATO | TASSO. | IN DIFESA DELLA SVA | GIERVSALEMME | LIBERATA. | Con alcune Opere, partien in accusa, | partein difesa dell Orlando Furioso | dell’Ariosto. | Della Gierusalem- | me istessa , e dell’Amadigi | del Tasso Padre. | I titoli tutti si leggono nella feguente | facciata. | con privilegi. | {publisher’s device} | In Mantoua, Per Francesco Osana. | M D LXXXV. || 1st blank π1, [a]-a8; (9 leaves, 18 pp., unpaginated) Divisional t.p. (1): DE GLI | ACCADEMICI | DELLA CRVSCA | DIFESA DELL’ ORLANDO | FVRIOSO DELL’ ARIOSTO | Contra’l Dialogo dell’Epica | poesia di Camillo | Pellegrino. | Stacciata prima. | {woodcut} ||; A-E12 [2]A1 (61 leaves, 122 pp., unpaginated). Divisional t.p. (2): APOLOGIA | DEL S. TORQVATO | TASSO. | IN DIFESA DELLA SVA | GIERVSALEMME | LIBERATA. | {publisher’s device} | IN MANTOVA, |—| Per Francesco Osanna. | MDLXXXV. || [2]A11 2B-[2]I12 [2]K4, pp. [2] 3-219 [3] (111 leaves, 222 pages). Divisional t.p. (3): DELL’ | INFARINATO | ACADEMICO | DELLA CRVSCA … etc. | MDLXXXV. | Con licenza de’ Superiori. || [3]A-[3]G12, pp. [2] 3-164, 163 (i.e. 165) [3] (84 leaves, 168 pages). Divisional t.p. (4): RIPOSTA | DEL S. TORQVATO | TASSO, | ALLA LETTERA | DI BASTIAN ROSSI, …etc. | MDLXXXV. | Con licenza de’ Superiori. || [4]A-[4]E12 F8, ([4]B3 i.e. [4]A3), pp. [2] 3-135 [1] (68 leaves, 136 pages). Divisional t.p. (5): DISCORSO | IN TORNO | A’CONTRASTI, | CHE SI FANNO | SOPRA… ect. | M D LXXXVI. || [5]A-[5]D12 E4, pp. [2]3-67, 66 (i.e. 68), 92 (69), 70-73 (70-73), 94 (74), 95 (75), 76, 77, 98-115 (78-95), 112 (96), 97-100, [4] (52 leaves, 104 pages). Divisional t.p. (6): PARERE | DEL SIGNOR | TORQVATO | TASSO. | SOPRA IL DISCORSO | del Signor Horatio Lom- | bardello intorno a’ | contrasti,&c. … etc. | M D LXXXVI. || [6]A12 [6]B6 (incl. last blank), pp. [1-5] 6-33 [3] (18 leaves, 36 pages). Collation: 12mo; π1, a8, A-E12, [2]A-[2]I12 [2]K4, [3]A-[3]G12, [4]A-[4]E12 F8, [5]A-[5]D12 E4, [6]A12 [6]B6 (incl. last blank), total 403 leaves, 806 pages, in-text woodcut head- and tailpieces, and initials. Binding: 14.4 x 9 cm, 19th-century quarter calf over marbled boards, raised bands, gilt-bordered compartments, gilt lettering, three flyleaves at the front and back, "The Robin Collection" bookplate to front pastedown. Provenance: The Robin Collection. Contributors: Torquato Tasso (Italian, 1544 –1595) – author. Orazio Ariosto (Italian, 1555 – 1593) – author. Ludovico Ariosto (Italian, 1474 – 1533) – author. Camillo Pellegrino (Italian, 1527-1603) – author. Francesco Osanna [Osana] (Italian, fl. 1549 – 1608) – printer, publisher.
Title-page (1): DI | GERVSALEMME | CONQVISTATA. | DEL SIG. TORQVATO | TASSO. | LIBRI XXIIII. | {engraved portrait of Torquato Tasso in lettered oval medallion surrounded with laurel branches} | IN PARIGI, | Appresso Abel L’ANGELIER | nella prima Colonna del palazzo. | M.D. CXV. || Title-page (2): DI | GERVSALEMME | CONQVISTATA. | DEL SIG. TORQVATO | TASSO. | LIBRI XXIIII. | ALL’ ILL. MO ET REV. MO| SIG. RE| IL SIGNOR. | CINTHIO ALDOBRANDINI | Card. Di San Giorgio. | Appresso Abel L’ANGELIERI | nella prima Colonna del palazzo. | M.D. LCXV. || Collation: 1st blank leaf with an extensive pencil MS in French and English (unsigned), 1st t.p. / blank (unsigned), 2nd t.p. / blank [ai] (unsigned), Dedication by Angelo Ingegneri dated 10-NOV-1592 (ã2-ã5), dedication by Torquato Tasso and Aux Lecteur by Abel L’Angelier ã5[i.e. 6]-[ã9]; 12mo: π12, A-Z12, 2A-2Q12 (2Q11 woodcut / blank, 2Q12 blank), total 480 leaves, with woodcut head- and tailpieces, historiated initials. Note: leaves D6, M3, M6, and N3 unsigned; leave E2 signed for F2, E4 – for F4, Z – for Z5, and A – for Aa. Pagination: 12 prelims unpag., 1-361, each leaf paginated as one page) [2]; with a lot of mispaginations: shall be 1-468, but after p.291 follows 278 (for 292), then 193 for 293, etc. Binding: 14.5 x 8.5 cm, 20th-century tan morocco by Zaehnsdorf (signed in gilt), gilt fleurons in corners and in compartments, raised bands, titles on spine, gilt dentelles, marbled endpapers plus 6 fep at the front (one with pasted clipping “A PARIS, Chez Fetil, Libraire, rue des Cor-| deliers, près celle de Condé, au | Parnasse Italien”, and 2 at the end. What connection has the 18th-century publisher with this edition remains unclear. “The Robin Collection” bookplate to front pastedown. Edges sprinkled red. Occasional damp staining to top margins. There is controversy regarding the year of this publication. It could be 1615 (MDCXV), however, both the publisher and the dedicatee were dead this year. Dedication by the publisher dated 1592. We agree with those scholars who suggest that MDCXV and MDLCXV were misprinted for MDXCV (1595). Provenance: The Robin Collection. Contributors: Torquato Tasso (Italian, 1544 –1595) – author. Angelo Ingegneri (Italian, 1550 – 1613) – author. Abel L'Angelier (French, 1553? – 1610) – printer, publisher. Cinzio Aldobrandini (Italian, 1551 – 1610) – dedicatee.
Engraved title-page: L'AMINTA | FAVOLA BOSCHERECCIA | DI | TORQUATO TASSO | Aggiuntovi il Poemetto | Amore Fugitivo |{vignette} | IN VENEZIA | MDCCLXIX |—| PRESSO ANTONIO ZATTA | CON LICENZA DE’ SUPERIORI || in historiated frame, signed below: “Pet. Ant. Novelli in — Fambrini inci.” Pagination: [i] ii-xxiv, [1-2] 3-84, total 108 pages, ils. Collation: 12mo; a12, A-C12 D6, last blank; first 6 leaves signed in 12-leave quires, first 3 in D; total 54 leaves plus 9 plates, incl. engraved title and frontispiece, and numerous head- and tailpieces by Fambrini after Novelli. Binding: 18.6 x 11 cm, contemporary tree calf, rebacked, crimson label with gilt lettering; clipping and bookplate of The Robin Collection to front pastedown; verso front flyleaf stamped “RESTORED BY MACDONALD CO. | NORWALK. CONN.” Additional blank leaves at front and back. Provenance: Satinsky, Robin F. (American, 1919 – 2008); The Robin Collection. Contributors: Torquato Tasso (Italian, 1544 –1595) – author. Pietro Antonio Novelli (Italian, 1729 – 1804) – artist. Ferdinando Fambrini (Italian (1764 – c.1793) – engraver. Antonio Zatta (Italian, c. 1722 – 1804) – printer, publisher.
Title-page: RIME | DEL SIGNOR | TORQUATO | TASSO. | PARTE PRIMA. | Insieme con altri componimenti | del medesimo | CON PRIVILEGIO. | {publisher’s device} | IN VINEGIA, M D LXXXI. || Contents: 1. Rime; 2. Aminta favola boscareccia; 3. Conclusioni amorose; 4. Il Romeo, overo del Giuoco dialogo; 5. Lettera, nellaquale paragona l’Italia alla Francia; 6. All’eccellentis signor Duca di Urbino; 7. Dialogo del l’amor. Pagination: [2 blanks], [2] – t.p. / blank, [4] dedication, [2] – blank / content, [16] – tavola, [1] 2-160 – rime, [8] [1] 2-74 – aminta, [4] 1-9 [10 blank] – conclusion, [2] [1]-22 – dialogo, [2] 1-27 [28 blank] – lettera, [2] 1-4 – all’eccellentiss, [4 blanks], [2] 1-17 [18 blank] – dialogo del l’amor, [2] – Car. 52 / Car. 113., [4 blanks], total 372 pages. Collation: 8vo; first blank, *4, **8, A-K8, 2A-2L8 M4, last blank; total 186 leaves, incl. first and last blanks. Note: 2F2, 2G1, 2K4, 2L1, and 2M3,4 – unsigned. Binding: 15.2 x 10.3 cm, 19th-century polished calf by Duke St., St. James, London (ticket) Cambridge panels ruled in gilt with fleurons at corners, two crimson labels to spine with gilt lettering, gilt in compartments, raised bands ruled gilt, rebacked, AEG, bookplate to front pastedown: “BIBLIOTECA | del | Conte Leonardo Vitetti | Ambasciatore d’Italia” in a frame, and “The Robin Collection” to FEP. Inset a card from Bryn Mawr College Library. Provenance: Satinsky, Robin F. (American, 1919 – 2008), The Robin Collection. Count Leonardo Vitetti (Italian, 1895 – 1973) Bryn Mawr College Library (Pennsylvania) Contributors: Torquato Tasso (Italian, 1544 –1595) – author. Aldus Manutius, the Younger (Italian, 1547 – 1597) – printer, publisher.
Title-page: AMINTA | FAVOLA BOSCARECCIA | DI | TORQUATO TASSO | CON | LE ANNOTATIONI | D'EGIDIO MENAGIO | ACCADEMICO | DELLA CRVSCA• | {woodcut vignette} | IN PARIGI| Presso AGOSTINO Cvrbe`, nella Galeria del Palazzo, | all’ insegna della Palma. |—| M. DC. LV. || Collation: 4to; ā4 ē4 ī4 A2 B2 C-V4 Y-Z4 2A1,2 X4 2A3,4 2B-2Z4, 3A-3B4, total number of leaves = 200. Note: O2, 2K3, 2V3 2X3 2Y3, and 3B3 – unsigned, 2Z3 signed 2Z2 (Zzij), quire X (pp. 145-152) bound between 2A2 (p. 172) and 2A3 (p. 173); illustrated throughout with woodcut head- and tailpieces and initials, Atto Primo has copperplate engraved historiated initial and a headpiece signed “F. C. in. — I. B. fe.” “I. B.” was a monogram of engraver Giulio Bonasone (Italian, c. 1498 – after 1574). Pagination: [2] – t.p. / blank, [8] – dedication, i-xviii, [4], 1-341 [342-368]; total number of pages = 400. Binding: 22.3 x 18 cm, 19th-century quarter morocco over marbled boards, spine with raised bands and gilt lettering, rebacked, additional blank flyleaves at front and back, marbled endpapers and all edges. Bookplate to front pastedown: “The Robin Collection”. Verso front flyleaf stamped “RESTORED BY MACDONALD CO. | NORWALK. CONN. Provenance: The Robin Collection. Contributors: Torquato Tasso (Italian, 1544 –1595) – author. Gilles Ménage (French, 1613 – 1692) – author. Antoine Vitré (French, 1595 – 1674) – printer. Augustin Courbé (French, fl. c. 1625 – 1660) – publisher. Marie-Madeleine Pioche de La Vergne, comtesse de La Fayette (French, 1634 – 1693) – dedicatee.
Engraved title-page 1, as per British Museum: An architectural setting with, at upper centre, a portrait of Carlo Emanuele I, Duke of Savoy, in an ornate cartouche lettered “"Spectandus Certamine Martio"; a central title “LA | GERUSALEMME | DI | TORQUATO | TASSO | FUGURATA A | DA BERNARDO CASTELLO | A | CARLO EMANUELLO | DVCA DI SAVOIA” flanked by Tuscan columns and crests with mottos and imprese showing compasses lettered "Dvm Premor Amplior", at left, and a crossed sword and sceptre with a crown lettered "Illaesa Super Sunt", at right; in the lower register, male and female figures in armour, perhaps representing Tancredi and Clorinda, with a central crest showing an impresa of armour”. Central title: Below, within frame: "In Genova, Appresso Giuseppe Pavoni. […] Con licenza de' Superiori. MDCXVII." Engraved title-page 2, as per British Museum: Portrait of Torquato Tasso, bust, facing front, wearing a laurel crown; within an oval pendant, lettered “TOROVATO […] TASSO EF”, suspended from a pediment, beneath which a view of Genoa is flanked by two columns, and above is a tablet, lettered: “LA GERUSALEMME | LIBERATA | DI TORQUATO | TASSO. | Con le annotazioni | di Scipion | Gentili, e di Givlio | Guastauini , | Et li argomenti di Oratio Ariosti , | STAMPATA | Per Giuseppe Pauoni ad instanza di | Bernardo Castello,in Genova | L’Anno MDCXVII." Collation: 8vo; 2 leaves of engraved title-pages, 1 leaf signed †2, 1 leaf unsigned, 2 leaves signed †† and ††2, respectively, 1 leaf unsigned, 1 leaf with engraving to verso (frontispiece to Canto Primo) —> 8 prelims (besides FEP or a blank leaf before 1st t.p.); π8 A-Q8 (pp. 1-255 [256 blank], plated within collation), G1, I1, K1, O1, and P1 (recto to plates without text) unsigned, L3 signed as second L2; A-D8 E4 (pp. 1-71 [72]; A-B8 C4 χ1 (pp. [1] 2-36 [37-40] [2]), in the 4-leaf quires E and C only two first leaves signed, in the 8-leaf quires four first leaves signed. Illustrations: woodcut head- and tail-pieces, woodcut initials, some historiated, and 20 plates within collation and pagination engraved by Camillo Cungio after Bernardo Castello. Binding: 30.5 x 21.4 cm overall, 30 x 20.5 cm leaves; contemporary vellum, rebacked with modern brown morocco, crimson morocco label with gilt lettering and double-fillet outline. Two bookplates to front pastedown: (1) Chippendale armorial bookplate (8.3 x 7.6 cm): Thos. Brand Esqr. Signed: W Austin — Fecit; (2) The Robin Collection bookplate. Bookseller’s ticket to back pastedown: “J. POOLE. | British & foreign | BOOKSELLER, | 39 BOOKSELLERS ROW, | STRAND |〰️| Books Bought.” All edges green. Provenance: The Robin Collection; Thomas Brand Hollis (British, 1719 – 1804). Contributors: Torquato Tasso (Italian, 1544 –1595) – author. Scipione Gentili [Scipio Gentilis] (Italian, 1563 – 1616) – author. Giulio Guastavini (Italian, fl. 16th century) – author. Bernardo Castello [Castelli] (Italian, 1557 – 1629) – artist. Camillo Cungi (Italian, fl. 1597 – 1649) – engraver. Giuseppe Pavoni (Italian, 1551 – c. 1641) – printer, publisher. Carlo Emanuele I, Duke of Savoy (Italian, 1562 – 1630) – dedicatee.
Title page (in red and black): LA | GERUSALEMME | LIBERATA | DI TORQUATO TASSO | Con la Vita del medesimo , Allegoria del Poema , Argomenti incisi | ne’Rami del Tempesta , ed Indice di tutti i Nomi proprj , | e Materie principali contenute nell’Opera ; | e con le Annotazioni | DI SCIPIONE GENTILI | E DI | GIULIO GUASTAVINI. | A Sua Eccellenza il SIGNOR | D. ORAZIO ALBANI | Principe di Soriano, &c. | {printer’s device} | URBINO, MDCCXXXV. | — | Nella Stamperia della Venerabile Cappella del SS. SAGRAMENTO per Girolamo Mainardi | Stampator Camerale a sue proprie spese . Si vendono dal medesimo in Roma | nella sua Libraria all’insegna di S. Crescentino, e nella Stamperia Camerale | CON LICENZA DE SUPERIORI. || Half-title: Title page: IL | GOFFREDO | OVVERO | LA GERUSALEMME | LIBERATA | DI | TORQUATO TASSO. || Collation: 4to; [2] blank leaves, [1] – h.t. / blank, [1] – t.p. / blank, [1] – dedication signed *2, [2] – vita, 1st signed *3, [2] – allegoria, [3] – indice, first two signed ** and **2, respectively, [1] – frontispiece to Canto Primo —> total 13 prelims; π13 (incl. 2 blanks), A-Z4 Aa-Bb4 Cc6 Dd-Qq4, χ1 (blank); 20 engraved frontispieces, one headpiece and initials, some historiated. Frontis. to Cantos II-XX incl. in collation and pagination; the number of leaves from A1 to Qq4 = 158; pagination: 1-316. The total number of leaves incl. prelims and blanks = 172. Note: three first leaves in the Cc quire of six leaves are signed; all other four-leaf quires only have the first two first leaves signed. Frontispiece to Canto Quarto cut down and laid down on D2v (as in Christie’s copy sold on 6 Jun 2010 – Live Auction 5475 – Fine Printed Books and Manuscripts, lot 168, price realized GBP 600). Illustrations: Frontispiece to Canto Primo signed “Arnoldo van Westerhout formis Roma”. Headpiece to Canto Primo signed “Eq. Petrus Leo Ghezius Inu. et. delin. — Frãn. Aquila incid.” Other plates unsigned but all attributed to Westerhout after Antonio Tempesta; Numeration of frontispieces in roman numbers, IIII for VI, VIIII for IX, XIIII for XIV, inverted numbers XVII, XVIII, and XIX, respectively: IIVX, IIIVX, and IIIIVX. Binding: 35 x 24 cm, 34 x 23 cm leaves, contemporary calf, rebacked retaining original spine, verso front flyleaf stamped “RESTORED BY MACDONALD CO. | NORWALK. CONN. Marbled endpapers, all edges red. Speckled calf, gilt triple-fillet borders, with remnants of blind-stamped and gilt design to an upper inside corner, spine with raised bands, gilt acorn tooling in compartments, later crimson label with gilt lettering. Damp staining to inside edges affecting all leaves. The Robin Collection bookplate to front pastedown. Provenance: The Robin Collection. Contributors: Torquato Tasso (Italian, 1544 –1595) – author. Scipione Gentili [Scipio Gentilis] (Italian, 1563 – 1616) Giulio Guastavini (Italian, fl. 16th century) Antonio Tempesta [Tempestino] (Italian, 1555 – 1630) – artist. Arnold [Arnoldo] van Westerhout (Flemish, 1651 – 1725) – artist, engraver. Pier Leone Ghezzi (Italian, 1674 – 1755) – artist. Francesco Faraone Aquila (Italian, c. 1676 – c. 1740) – engraver. Girolamo Mainardi (Italian, c. 1679 circa – 1763) – printer, publisher. Orazio Albani (Italian, 1576 – 1653) – dedicatee.
Title page: IL | GOFFREDO | OVERO | LA | GIERUSALEMME | LIBERATA | DI TORQUATO TASSO. || Engraved title: On the banner: IL GOFFREDO | OVERO | LA GIERUSALEMME | LIBERATA | DI TORQUATO TASSO ||; under the image, within frame: IN PARIGI NELLA STAMPERIA REALE MDC XLIV. Signed: J. Stella Invenit — Ægid Rousselet Sculpsit (with tall “s”) || Collation: 2 blank leaves with donation ink inscription to recto of the 1st: “Ex Dono Patruelis Do Roberto Willughby” [i.e. Robert Willoughby]; t.p. / blank, engraved t.p. by Gilles Rousselet after Jacques Stella / blank, “Allegoria dell poema” 4 leaves, 1st two leaves signed iij and iiij, respectively; π6 A-Z4 Aa-Zz4 Aaa-Rrr4, 2 blank leaves at the end; text paginated from 1 to 502 [2] (p. 503 tailpiece, p. 504 blank); a printable area marked with vertical and horizontal double lines; total: 252 leaves of text (504 pages), 6 prelims and 4 blanks. Illustrated throughout with head- and tailpieces, and historiated initials. Binding: 18th-century red crushed morocco, triple-fillet gilt border, triple-fillet gilt frame, panel with gilt lozenge centrepiece, lozenges at corners, marbled endpapers, AEG, crudely rebacked retaining original spine with raised bands, gilt in compartments, crimson label with gilt lettering; The Robin Collection bookplate to front pastedown. Provenance: The Robin Collection; Robert Willoughby family. Contributors: Torquato Tasso (Italian, 1544 –1595) – author. Jacques Stella (French, 1596 – 1657) – artist. Gilles [Aegidius] Rousselet (French, 1610 – 1686) – engraver.
Title page: HIGHLIGHTS of the COLLECTION | Maiolica: Italian Renaissance Ceramics | IN THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART | Timothy Wilson | with an essay by Luke Syson | {publisher’s device}| The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York | DISTRIBUTED BY YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS | NEW HAVEN AND LONDON || Pagination: [i-v] vi-xi [xii] [1, 2] 3-380. New/mint. Binding: 31 x 22.5 cm, blue cloth with gilt lettering to spine, pictorial DJ.
Title page: ITALIAN | RENAISSANCE | MAIOLICA | ELISA P. SANI | with a preface by J.V.G. Mallet and | contributions from Reino Liefkes | V&A PUBLISHING || Pagination: [1-6] 7-192, ils. Binding: Black cloth, gilt lettering to spine; pictorial DJ. Mint/New. Size: 27.7 x 22.2 cm.
Title page: Romeyn de Hooghe | the etcher | Contemporary portrayal of Europe 1662-1707 | {Space} | A. W. Sijthoff-Leiden | Oceana-Dobbs Ferry N.Y. | MCMLXXIII || Pagination: [1-7] 8-406 colophon, [2 blank], ils. Binding: Oblong 24.6 x 34 cm, green cloth with gilt lettering to front cover and spine, in a pictorial slipcase 25.3 x 34.1 cm. Edition: 1st edition, limited to 1,000 copies, this is copy № 97 (stamped in black ink). Contributors: Romeyn de Hooghe (Dutch, 1645 – 1708) – artist. John H. Landwehr (Dutch, 1924 – 2015) – author. Verenigde Offset-Bedrijven BV (Hardenberg) – printer.
Title page: JOHN LANDWEHR | ROMEYN DE HOOGHE | (1645-1708) | AS BOOK ILLUSTRATOR | A BIBLIOGRAPHY | {space} | 1970 | AMSTERDAM: VANGENDT & CO | NEW YORK: ABNER SCHRAM || Pagination: [1-6] 7-247 [248 blank], ils. Content:109 entries, concordance table and 12 pp. of indices. Binding: 27.3 x 19.7 cm, green cloth, silver lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket. ISBN: 90 6300 467 2. Contributors: Romeyn de Hooghe (Dutch, 1645 – 1708) John Landwehr – author.
Van Gendt & Co. (Amsterdam) – publisher.
Abner Schram Ltd. (NY) – publisher. -
Engraved title: The | Costume | of the | Empire of Russia | {copper horseman vignette} | signed under: Printed for E. Harding at the Crown and Mitre Pall Mall || English title: COSTUME | OF THE | RUSSIAN EMPIRE, | ILLUSTRATED BY UPWARDS OF | SEVENTY RICHLY COLOURED ENGRAVINGS. | DEDICATED BY PERMISSION TO | HER ROYAL HIGHNESS | THE | PRINCESS ELIZABETH. | LONDON: | PRINTED BY T. BENSLEY, BOLT COURT, FLEET STREET; | FOR JOHN STOCKDALE, PICCADILLY. | 1811. || Paper: thick wove paper, the leaf with “Copper Horseman” watermarked J. Whatman 1808; the French title – Edmeads & Co 1809, E2 – E & P 1807, plates are not watermarked [NYPL: An “1803” copy of The Costumes of the Russian Empire has watermarks from 1796 (W Elgar), 1809 (Edmeads & Co), 1811, 1813 (J. Whatman), 1818, and 1829]. Collation: 4to; (1) engraved title by E. Harding (“Copper Horseman” monument of Peter the Great), (2) English title, (3) French title, (4) Dedication to her Royal Highness the Princess Elizabeth by E. Harding (1803), (5) Contents —> π5 a2 B-S4 T2, all second leaves in all quires but C and T signed “2”, 77 leaves total, unpaginated, plus 72 plates (34.5 x 25.5 cm), stipple and line engravings, hand-coloured, by John Dadley after William Alexander. Binding: 36 x 27 cm, straight-grain green morocco, blind-stamped palmette border withing gilt-stamped palmette border to boards, raised bands decorated in gilt, gilt in compartments, two brown morocco labels with gilt lettering, brown endpapers, 2 additional flyleaves at front and back, AEG. Authorship and artistic work are attributed to Alexander and Dadley, but not signed. 1st edition in 1803 was published by William Richard Beckford Miller (British, 1769 – 1844). Catalogue raisonné: Tooley (1906): p. 151. Contributors: William Alexander (British, 1767 – 1816) – artist, author. John Dadley (British, 1767 – 1817) – engraver. Thomas Bensley (British, 1759 – 1835) – printer. John Stockdale (British, 1750 – 1814) – publisher. Edward Harding (British, 1755 – 1840) – publisher of 1803 edition (author of dedication) Princess Elizabeth of the United Kingdom (British, 1770 – 1840) – dedicatee.
Publisher’s blue wrapper: DÜRERS | KUPFERSTICHE UND HOLZSCHNITTE. | EIN KRITISCHES VERZEICHNIS | VON | R. v. RETBERG. | MÜNCHEN. | THEODOR ACKERMANN. | 1871. || Title page: similar to front wrapper, 2.5 cm cut at the bottom, text not affected. Pagination: front wrapper with lettering in a frame, flyleaf, [4] 1-169 [170 blank] [2], flyleaf, back wrapper with imprint plus 2 plates (frontis., Il. entry №129, and op. p., il. entry 100 № 260, printed on laid paper without watermark). Collation: π2 1-88 9-134 142, plus 2 plates extraneous to collation, incl. frontispiece. Binding: 26.4 x 17.5 cm, quarter green morocco over marbled boards, black compartment fillets and lettering to spine, publisher’s wrappers preserved. Marks: bookplate 6 x 9 cm to front pastedown: “БИБЛИОТЕКА | ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО | ЭРМИТАЖА ИЗ СОБРАНИЯ | СТЕПАНА ПЕТРОВИЧА | ЯРЕМИЧА | (1869 – 1939)”, purple ink stamp “В ПРОДАЖУ”. To front wrapper: Ink manuscript on top “Dr. Lichtenstein”… etc., black ink seal of rampant lion and pencil number “949” in the middle; pencil marks to p. 162.
Contents: Inhalt - Berichtigungen - Vorwort und Einleitendes - Dürers Lebenskizze - [Text] - Nachtrag zu Dürers "Lebenskizze". A critical directory of Albrecht Dürer (German, 1471 – 1528) copperplate engravings and woodcuts by Ralf von Retberg (German, 1812 – 1885): the description of 167 woodcuts and 103 copperplate engravings.
Provenance: From the collection of a Russian artist Stepan Petrovich Yaremich, sold by Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. Ref: Royal Academy. -
Vol. 1: Title page: LES AVENTURES | DE | TÉLÉMAQUE, | PAR FÉNELON. — | TOME PREMIER. | {publisher’s arms by Beugnet after Choffard} | DE L'IMPRIMERIE DE MONSIEUR. | M. DCC. LXXXV. || Title-frontispiece (engraved by Montulay): lettering within garland: Les Aventures de Télémaque, FILS D’ULYSSE. GRAVÉES | D’APRÈS LES DESSEINS | DE | CHARLES MONNET | PEINTRE DU ROY | PAR | JEAN BAPTISTE | TILLIARD. ||; Lettering on ribbon beneath the garland: A PARIS | Chez L’AUTEUR Quay des Grands Augustins | Maison de Mr. Debure Fils Aîné Libraire. M. DCC. LXXIII. | AVEC PRIVILEGE DU ROY. ||; Signed under the frame: Montulay Sculpsit. || Pagination: [2] – h.t. / imprint, [2] – t.p. / blank, [2] Advert., [2] d.t.p. / sommaire, [1] 2-309 [3 blanks], total 320 pages on thick wove paper plus engraved title-frontis. by Montulay, 12 engraved text leaves (one for each book), unsigned, and 36 plates (all in ornamental frame of laurel ribbon) by Tilliard after Monnet, all engravings on laid paper. Collation: 4to; vergé flyleaves at front and back, π4 A-2P4 plus 4 additional divisional titles in choirs C, F, I, and M for books 2-5, total 160 leaves, plus 49 plates. Vol. 2: Title page: Same but “TOME SECOND”. Pagination: [2] – h.t. / imprint, [2] – t.p. / blank, [1-3] 4-297 [298 blank] [2] – approb., total 304 pages plus 12 engraved text leaves (one for each book), and 36 plates, last 6 plates in a simple frame without the laurel ribbon and before signatures. Collation: 4to; π2 A-2O4 2P1 χ1, total 152 leaves, plus 48 plates. Binding: Two volumes uniformly bound in green paper boards with two red labels lettered in gilt, untrimmed. Size: overall 36.5 x 28 cm, platemark 32 x 25 cm, with white vergé flyleaves to front and back, similar pastedowns. Catalogue raisonné: Cohen, de Ricci (1912): 384-386; Ray (French): № 37, p. 74; Lewine (1898): p. 181. Contributors: François Fénelon [François de Salignac de la Mothe-Fénelon] (French, 1651 – 1715) – author. Choffard, Pierre Philippe (French, 1730 – 1809) – artist. Monnet, Charles (French, 1732 – after 1808) – artist. Montulay (French, fl. c. 1773) – engraver. Tilliard, Jean Baptiste (French, 1740 – 1813) – engraver. Beugnet, Jean (French, c. 1803) – engraver. Didot, Pierre-François (French, 1731 – 1795) – printer. Barrois, Louis-François (French, 1748 – 1835?); Barrois, Pierre-Théophile (French, 1752 – 1836); Onfroy, Eugène (French, before 1765 – 1809) ; Delalain, Louis-Alexandre (French, 1749? – 1798) – booksellers.
Woodcut pictorial title page (red and black): THE | COMIC | HISTORY | OF | ROME | By GILBERT ABBOTT À BECKETT. | ILLUSTRATED BY JOHN LEECH. | BRADBURY AND EVANS, 11, BOUVERIE STREET. || Pagination: [iii-iv] – t.p. / imprint., [v]-vi – preface, [vii]-viii – contents, [ix]-xii – list of ills., [1] 2-308, lacking half-title (i-ii) otherwise as called for by Tooley (1935) p. 162. Collation: π1 b4 B-U8 X2 plus 10 plates, incl. frontispiece, of hand-coloured steel engravings and 98 in-text woodcuts by John Leech. Imprint: “LONDON: | BRADBURY AND EVANS, PRINTERS, WHITEFRIARS.”; same in the colophon on p. 308, in one line. Binding: 22 x 14.5 cm, full tan calf with gilt double-fillet border, spine gilt in compartments with red morocco label lettered in gilt, blind-stamped dentelle inside, marbled endpapers, additional flyleaf at the end (binding similar to 2-volume “The Comic History of England” LIB-2847.2021, making three volumes in total). Edition: 1st thus (in book form), without “and Co.” in the imprint on t.p. verso. Catalogue raisonné: Tooley (1935) p. 162. Catalogue raisonné: Hardie p. 210; Abbey, Life № 435, p. 365-6; Tooley (1935) p. 162. Contributors: Gilbert Abbott à Beckett (British, 1811 – 1856) – author. John Leech (British, 1817 – 1864) – artist. Bradbury & Evans (Whitefriars); William Bradbury (British, 1799 – 1869); Frederick Mullett Evans (British, 1804 – 1870) – printer.
Vol. 1: Title page (red and black): THE | COMIC HISTORY OF ENGLAND • | BY GILBERT ABBOTT A'BECKETT. | {vignette with one line caption} | WITH TEN COLOURED ETCHINGS AND ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY | WOODCUTS, | BY JOHN LEECH. | VOL. I. | PUBLISHED AT THE PUNCH OFFICE, 85, FLEET STREET. | MDCCCXLVII. || Pagination: [iii-iv] – t.p. / imprint., [v]-vi – preface, [vii]-viii – contents, [ix]-xii – list of ills. [1] 2-320, lacking half-title otherwise as called for by Tooley (1935) p. 161. Collation: 8vo; π3 b2 B-X8 plus 10 plates, incl. frontispiece, of hand-coloured steel engravings and 120 in-text woodcuts by John Leech. Vol. 2: Title page: similar but “VOL. II.” And “MDCCCXLVIII”; typeface “with ten coloured…” is different (sans serif). Pagination: [iii-iv] – t.p. / imprint., [v]-vi – advert., [vii]-viii – contents, [ix]-xii – list of ills. [1] 2-304, lacking half-title otherwise as called for by Tooley (1935) p. 161. Collation: 8vo; π3 b2 B-U8 X2 plus 10 plates, incl. frontispiece, of hand-coloured steel engravings and 120 in-text woodcuts by John Leech. Binding: two volumes 22 x 14.5 cm each uniformly bound in full tan calf with gilt double-fillet border, spine gilt in compartments with red and green morocco labels lettered in gilt, blind-stamped dentelle inside, blue marbled endpapers, all edges marbled, additional flyleafs at the front and end. Catalogue raisonné: Hardie p. 210-11; Abbey, Life № 434, p. 362; Tooley (1935) p. 161 Contributors: Gilbert Abbott à Beckett (British, 1811 – 1856) – author. John Leech (British, 1817 – 1864) – artist. Bradbury & Evans (Whitefriars); William Bradbury (British, 1799 – 1869); Frederick Mullett Evans (British, 1804 – 1870) – printer. Punch – publisher.
Title page: THE | VISION; | OR | HELL, PURGATORY, AND PARADISE, | OF | DANTE ALIGHIERI. | TRANSLATED BY | THE REV. HENRY FRANCIS CARY, A. M. | IN THREE VOLUMES. | THE SECOND EDITION CORRECTED. | WITH THE LIFE OF DANTE, ADDITIONAL NOTES, | AND AN INDEX. | VOL. I. (–II, –III.) | — | LONDON: | PRINTED FOR | TAYLOR AND HESSEY, FLEET STREET. | 1819. || Pagination: (I) [2] – t.p. / blank, [4] – preface, [2] – contents / blank, [2] – errata / blank, [i] ii-lii – life of Dante, [1-3] 4-303+colophon [304 blank]; (II) [2] – t.p. / blank, [v] vi-xi [xii blank] – chronological view, [1-3] 4-309 [310 colophon]; (3) [2] – t.p. / blank, [1-3] 4-297 [298 blank], [28 index, colophon]; as called for by Royal Academy. Collation: 8vo; (1) π5 b-d8 e2 B-U8; (2) π5 B-U8 X2 Y1; (3) π1 B-U8 X8 X3. Binding: 22 x 14 cm each, three volumes uniformly bound by Morrell (stamp-signed on FEP verso) in slightly marbled polished calf, gilt dentelle border to boards and inside, gilt ornamental spine with red morocco labels, peacock marbled endpapers, extra vergé flyleaves in front and back, AEG. Edition: 2nd, corrected. The 1st edition was published by J. Barfield in 1814. Contributors: Dante Alighieri (Italian, 1265 – 1321) – author. Henry Francis Cary (British, 1772 – 1844) – translator. James Augustus Hessey (British, 1785 – 1870), Taylor and Hessey (London) – publisher. Thomas Miller (British, fl. 1815 – 1819) – printer.