Two volumes in-12, 16.7 x 11.5 x 3.5 cm each, uniformly bound in quarter crimson morocco over marbled boards, spine with raised bands, gilt lettering, marbled endpapers, top margin gilt; text printed on laid paper, plates – on India paper: loose frontispiece by Félix Lukkow after Félicien Rops with tissue guard and 4 loose engraved plates by Félix Lukkow after Sigmund Freudenberger, in each volume. This edition is a reprint of an earlier publication: ANDRÉA DE NERCIAT, André-Robert (1739 - 1800). Les Aphrodites ou Fragments thali-priapiques pour servir à l'histoire du plaisir. Numéro Un et deux [Numéro trois et quatre [...] sept et huit]. 1793-1864. [Bruxelles : Briard pour Poulet-Malassis, 1864] with plated recarved by Félix Lukkow. Title-page: LES | APHRODITES | OU | FRAGMENTS THALI-PRIAPIQUES | POUR SERVIR A | L’HISTOIRE DU PLAISIR | — | Priape, soutiens mon hàleine… | Piron, Ode | — | Tome premier (second). | {publisher’s device} | A LAMPSAQUE | – | 1793 || Limitation: Edition is limited to 150 copies of which 130 on papier vergé, 5 on papier album jaune, 10 copies in-8o on large papier fort de Hollande, and one unique copy on peau de vélin. The number of this copy is left blank in both volumes. Vol. 1: π4 (h.t./limit., t.p./table, Éclaircissements historiques par V. M. D.), 1-2712 2910; total 182 leaves plus 5 leaves of plates, incl. frontispiece. Pagination: [1-5] 6-364, ils. V. M. D. stands for Vital Désiré Maximilien [Puissant]. Vol. 2: π2 (h.t., t.p.), 1-2912, 3110; total 192 leaves plus 5 leaves of plates, incl. frontispiece. Pagination: [1-5] 6-384, ils. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel I: A-95. Catalogue Poulet-Malassis & ses amis description: № 67. André-Robert ANDRÉA DE NERCIAT - [Félix LUKKOW]. Les Aphrodites, ou fragments thali-priapiques pour servir à l’histoire du plaisir. Tome premier (— second). A Lampsaque, 1793 [Vital Puissant, vers 1872]. 2 volumes in-12 de 364 et 384 pages, demi-maroquin rouge, dos à nerfs, tête dorée, non rogné (reliure de l’époque). Illustré de 2 frontispices et 8 planches volantes, par Félix Lukkow, d’après Félicien Rops pour les frontispices et Freundeberg pour les figures. Tirage limité à 151 ex. Contributors: André-Robert Andréa de Nerciat (French, 1739 – 1800) – author. Sigmund Freudenberger (Swiss, 1745 – 1801) – artist. Félicien Rops (Belgian, 1833 – 1898) – artist. Félix Lukkow (French, fl. c. 1870 – 1875) – engraver.
Title page: DIALOGUE AUX ENFERS | ENTRE | MACHIAVEL | ET MONTESQUIEU | OU LA POLITIQUE DE MACHIAVEL | AU XIXe SIÈCLE, | PAR UN CONTEMPORAIN. | {6 lines of citations} | ~ | BRUXELLES, | IMPRIMERIE DE A. MERTENS ET FILS, | RUE DE L’ESCALIER, 22. | – | 1864 || Description: 19 x 12.7 cm, quarter green morocco over blue marbled boards, spine with raised bands ruled in gilt, gilt fleurons in compartments, gilt lettering, marbled endpapers; three paper clippings laid in. Collation: 12mo; π5 1-2712 292; total 175 leaves. Pagination: [2] blank, [2] h.t, [2] t.p. [i] ii-iii [iv] [1] 2-337 [338] blank [2] errata]; total 350 pages. Contributors: Maurice Joly (French, 1829 – 1878) – author. Characters: Niccolò Machiavelli (Italian, 1469 – 1527) Charles Louis de Secondat, baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu (French, 1689 – 1755) The publication was funded by the author and smuggled into France. See other copies: LIB-2913.2021, LIB-1034.2016 and LIB-0460.2015. Other related objects: SVVP-0062.2021. Seller's description: [JOLY (Maurice)]: Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu. Bruxelles, Mertens et fils, 1864 ; un volume in 12, demi-chagrin vert orné de l'époque. C'est dans ce livre que Joly écrit, au prétexte d'une discussion philosophique et politique, comment Napoléon III, selon lui, a manipulé les milieux économiques, la presse, l'opinion publique, les syndicats, les milieux ouvriers, le peuple, etc., pour établir un pouvoir politique fort, ce qui lui valut un séjour de 15 mois à la prison Sainte-Pélagie à Paris.
Small volume, 17.2 x 13.2 cm, brown buckram with vignette and lettering to front and spine, pp.: [1-4] 5-315 [5], illustrations: portrait, frontispiece, and two vignettes by I. Gavriliuk; text on Ukrainian and Russian. A reprint of the 1874 edition. Contents: Дев’ять братiв i десята сестриця Галя, Невiльничка, Ведмiдь, Кармелюк, Совершенная курица, Королевна Я, Затейник, Похождения домашнего учителя, Воришка, Чортова пригода. Title-page: Марко Вовчок | Сказки и быль | {vignette} | КИЕВ | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ | «ДНIПРО» | 1988 || Print run: 250,000 copies. Contributors: Марко Вовчок [Marko Vovchok; Марія Олександрівна Вілінська] (Ukrainian, 1833 – 1907) – author. Other variants: Markowovzok and Marko Vovtchok. Іван Михайлович Гаврилюк (Иван Михайлович Гаврилюк) (Ukrainian, 1939 – 2008) – artist.
Hardcover, 333 x 247 mm, black cloth with gilt facsimile to front board and gilt lettering to spine, aubergine dust jacket with white lettering and red facsimile over black panel to front and back, crimson endpapers, laid paper, unpaginated; pp.: [4] h.t./blank, t.p./imprint, [2] text by John Hollander, 61 leaves of plates; originally published in 1969 by Rhinoceros Press, New York, as a limited-edition portfolio with slipcase. Title-page: Fornicon | (in frame) BY TOMI UNGERER | GROVE PRESS NEW YORK || Jean-Thomas [Tomi] Ungerer (French,1931 – 2019) John Hollander (American, 1929 – 2013)
Title (black and red): ДЖЕЙМС МАКФЕРСОН | ПОЭМЫ ОССИАНА | {device} | ИЗДАНИЕ ПОДГОТОВИЛ | Ю. Д. ЛЕВИН | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО «НАУКА» | ЛЕНИНГРАДСКОЕ ОТДЕЛЕНИЕ | ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1983 || Title verso: РЕДАКЦИОННАЯ КОЛЛЕГИЯ СЕРИИ | «ЛИТЕРАТУРНЫЕ ПАМЯТНИКИ» | (list of names) | Ответственный редактор | академик М. П. АЛЕКСЕЕВ (in frame) | Редактор перевода | Э. Л. ЛИНЕЦКАЯ. Frontispiece (black and red): JAMES MACPHERSON | THE POEMS OF OSSIAN | {device} || Print run: 30,000 copies. Collation: 8vo; [1]8 2-378. Pagination: [1, 2] – serial h.t. / frontis.] [3, 4] – t.p. / editorial board] [portrait / blank] [5, 6] – original t.p. fac-simile / text, 7–589 [590] – imprint, [2] – advert.; 3 leaves of plates. Binding: serial green buckram blind-stamped with a scroll adorned with gold lettering to board and spine. Джеймс Макферсон. Поэмы Оссиана. Ю. Д. Левин. Э. Л. Линецкая.
Шарль Монтескье. Храм Книдийский (пер. Иван Сичкарев). Лисимах. Разговор Суллы с Эвкратом. Опыт о вкусе (пер. Семён Башилов). — СПб.: [Тип. Акад. наук], 1770. Pagination: [2 blank] [2 t.p. храм, blank] [4 preface] [1] 2-72, [1, 2 t.p. лисимах, blank] [1] 2-12 [13, 14 t.p. силла] 16-33, [34 blank] [35, 37 t.p. опыт, blank] 38-95 [96 errata] [2 blank]. Size: 12mo, 20 x 12.5 cm, Binding: Contemporary polished brown slightly stained calf, gilt-ruled borders, flat spine with gilt bands and tools in compartments, black title label with gilt lettering to spine, marbled end-papers. Inscriptions and marks: Ink hand-writing to ff: "Люб. Дубенская, Москва XII 1931"; "Ленкнигторг" label glued to the recto of back free leaf; "Антикварная торговля В. И. Клочкова. СПБ., Литейный 55" label pasted to back pastedown. Printed on laid paper with "key" image printed on recto and protruding to the verso to t.p. of Храм Книдийский and Лисимах. Imperial orthography. Engraved head and tailpieces.
Title (black and red): М. С. ЛУНИН | — | ПИСЬМА ИЗ СИБИРИ | — | Издание подготовили | И. А. Желвакова и Н. Я Эйдельман | МОСКВА | «НАУКА» | 1987 || Pagination: [1, 2] Serial h.t. / blank, [3, 4] t.p. / imprint, [5] 6-492 [4], 1 portrait and 8 leaves of plates. Collation: 16mo; [1]16 216 38 (plates), 4-1716. Binding: serial green buckram blind-stamped with a scroll adorned with gold lettering to board and spine.
A two-volume edition. 1st vol. Title (in black and red): МИШЕЛЬ | МОНТЕНЬ | ОПЫТЫ | КНИГА ПЕРВАЯ | ИЗДАНИЕ ТРЕТЬЕ | ПЕРЕВОД А.С.БОБОВИЧА | СТАТЬЯ Ф.А.КОГАН-БЕРНШТЕЙН | КОММЕНТАРИИ А.С.БОБОВИЧА | И Ф.А.КОГАН-БЕРНШТЕЙН | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО АКАДЕМИИ НАУК СССР | МОСКВА – ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1960 || Opposite title: MICHEL |de | MONTAIGNE | LES ESSAIS | LIVRE PREMIER || Pagination: [1-11] 12-526 [2], errata slip. Collation: 8vo, [1]-338, 5 plates extraneous to collation (incl. frontispiece portrait). 2nd vol. Title (2) (in black and red): МИШЕЛЬ | МОНТЕНЬ | ОПЫТЫ | КНИГА ВТОРАЯ | ИЗДАНИЕ ВТОРОЕ | ИЗДАНИЕ ПОДГОТОВИЛИ | Ф.А.КОГАН-БЕРНШТЕЙН, | А.С.БОБОВИЧ И А.А.СМИРНОВ | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО АКАДЕМИИ НАУК СССР | МОСКВА – ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1960 || Opposite title: MICHEL |de | MONTAIGNE | LES ESSAIS | LIVRE SECOND || Pagination: [1-7] 8-652, errata slip. Collation: 8vo, [1]-428. Binding: Uniformly bound in serial design green cloth with gilt lettering on an embossed scroll to front cover, gilt lettering to spine. 22 x 18 cm. Print run: 10,000 copies each volume. Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (French, 1533 – 1592) Ананий [Анатолий] Самуилович Бобович (Russian-Jewish, 1904 – 1988) Александр Александрович Смирнов (Russian, 1883– 1962) Фаина Абрамовна Коган-Бернштейн [b. Аронгауз] (Russian-Jewish, 1899 – 1976)
Title: Life in London ; | DAY AND NIGHT SCENES | OF | JERRY HAWTHORN, ESQ. | AND HIS ELEGANT FRIEND | CORINTHIAN TOM, | ACCOMPANIED BY | BOB LOGIC, THE OXONIAN, | IN THEIR |Rambles and Sprees through the Metropolis. | DEDICATED TO HIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY | KING GEORGE THE FOURTH. | BY PIERCE EGAN, | Author of Walks through Bath, Sporting Anecdotes, Picture of the Fancy, Boxiana, &c. | [Vignette] | EMBELLISHED WITH THIRTY-SIX SCENES FROM REAL LIFE, | DESIGNED AND ETCHED BY I. R. & G. CRUIKSHANK ; | And also enriched with numerous original Designs on Wood, by the same Artists, | London: | PRINTED FOR SHERWOOD, NEELY, AND JONES, | PATERNOSTER-ROW. | 1821. ||
Edition: 1st edition, 1st issue: the first sheet of music is not numbered, absence of any footnote at page 9 (as per Cohn).
Pagination: 3 binder's flyleaves with a specimen of George Cruikshank's signature of Nov. 5th, 1860 to the first one; hand-coloured aquatint frontispiece facing the title page with blank recto, [iii-iv] – t.p. with vignette/ blank, [v] vi-viii – dedication, ix-xii – contents, [xiii]-xvi – list of illustrations; [1] 2-376; 35 hand-coloured aquatints, 3 folding leaves of music; bound without half-title [missing pp. i, ii], advertisements or 'to the subscribers' leaf.
Collation: 8vo; [A]7 B-Z8 Aa8-Bb4.
Binding: Full polished calf gilt by Rivière & Son, covers with triple gilt border, spine in 6 compartments, brown morocco lettering pieces to second and third, others richly gilt, raised bands, all edges gilt; neatly re-backed preserving spine.
Catalogue raisonné: Albert M. Cohn, 1924: № 262 p. 90; Abbey, J. R. (Life in England), 281; Tooley (Some English Books with Coloured Plates) 196; Prideaux (Aquatint Engraving) pp. 307, 310; Hardie (English coloured books) 197.
Description of Shapero Rare Books, London: There was a translation into French. At least six plays were based on Egan's characters, contributing to yet more sales. One of these was exported to America, launching the Tom and Jerry craze there. The version created by William Thomas Moncrieff was praised as The Beggar's Opera of its day. Moncrieff's production of Tom and Jerry, or Life in London ran continuously at the Adelphi Theatre for two seasons and it was the dramatist's work as much as the author's that did so much to popularise the book's trademark use of fashionable slang. In 1821 Egan announced the publication of a regular journal: Life in London, appearing monthly at a shilling a time. It was to be illustrated by George Cruikshank (1792 – 1878), and was dedicated to the King, George IV, who at one time had received Egan at court. The first edition of Life in London appeared on 15 July 1821. Egan's creation was an instant success. Pirate versions appeared, featuring such figures as 'Bob Tallyho', 'Dick Wildfire' and the like. Printmakers speedily knocked off cuts featuring the various 'stars' and the real-life public flocked to the 'sporting' addresses that Egan had his heroes frequent. -
Title: THE | GRAND CONSPIRACY | OF THE | Members again∫t the Minde, | OF | Jewes again∫t their King. | As it hath beene delivered in the | foure following Sermons, | BY | John Allington, [A ∫eque∫tered Divine.] | — | {ornament} | — | LONDON, | Printed by J.G. for R. Royston, | at the Angel in Ivie-lane, 1654.|| Contents: Grand conspiracy of Jewes against their King. A sermon preached in August 1647; Grand conspiracy of Jewes against their King. A sermon preached in January 1649; Grand conspiracy of Jewes against their King. A demonstration of the highest insolencies proceed from men of the lowest and most base extractions Pagination: [2] – t.p. / blank; 1-214. Collation: 12mo; A-I12. Binding: Hardcover; 15 x 9.5 cm, later blind-stamped morocco, raised bands, gilt lettering in compartments. Inscription: Ink by hand by John Bartham, January 30, 1665, to t.p. verso; Pencil by hand to front pastedown: Wing A 1209A.
Hardcover, green publisher's paper boards, gilt lettering in the figural frame, black label with gilt lettering and gilt in compartments to spine. 21 x 13.5 cm, print run 2,500. pp.: [4] 5-714 [715/6] [4]. Title: ТОРКВАТО ТАССО | Освобожденный | Иерусалим | Перевод с итальянского | В. С. ЛИХАЧЕВА | Подготовка текста, предисловие, комментарии | А. О. ДЁМИНА | {publisher's device} | Санкт-Петербург | «НАУКА» | 2007 || ISBN 978-5-02-026954-5 Original: Torquato Tasso. La Gierusalemme Liberata.
Binding: 25. 3 x 19.5 cm, light blue cloth, black labels with gilt lettering to cover and spine. Title: Dictionary of | Victorian | Wood Engravers | {fleuron} | Rodney K Engen | Chadwyck-Healey || Pagination: frontispiece; [i-iv] v-xxi [2] 3-297 [298]. Author’s signature dated 1987 to recto frontis.
DJ: Н. И. ГРЕЧ | ЗАПИСКИ | О МОЕЙ ЖИЗНИ | ACADEMIA || Duplicate title: ПАМЯТНИКИ | ЛИТЕРАТУРНОГО | БЫТА | ЗАПИСКИ О МОЕЙ ЖИЗНИ | Н. И. ГРЕЧА | «ACADEMIA» | МОСКВА — ЛЕНИНГРАД | MCMXXX || Title page: Н. И. ГРЕЧ | ЗАПИСКИ | О МОЕЙ ЖИЗНИ | ТЕКСТ ПО РУКОПИСИ | ПОД РЕДАКЦИЕЙ | И С КОММЕНТАРИЯМИ | ИВАНОВА-РАЗУМНИКА | И Д. М. ПИНЕСА | «ACADEMIA» | МОСКВА — ЛЕНИНГРАД | MCMXXX || Title verso: ПЕРЕПЛЕТ | И СУПЕР-ОБЛОЖКА ПО РИСУНКАМ | ХУД. А. А. УШИНА | {imprint} || Pagination: [1-5] 6-896; illustrations within pagination + photomechanical frontispiece w/guard. Collation: 8vo; 1-568 (total 448 leaves + 1 plate). Binding: 18.5 x 13 cm; stamped green cloth, border to boards, elements and lettering to spine; letterpress dust jacket. Print run: 5070 copies. Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова (2004): №402, p. 210. Contributors: Греч, Николай Иванович (Russian, 1787 – 1867) – author. Иванов-Разумник, Разумник Васильевич [Ivanov-Razoumnik] (Russian, 1878 – 1946) – editor, commentator. Пинес Дмитрий Михайлович (Russian, 1891-1937) – editor, commentator, shot by a firing squad. Ушин, Алексей Алексеевич (Russian, 1904 – 1942) – artist, died in the besieged Leningrad.
Title page: Sheila Cousins | TO BEG | I AM ASHAMED | THE VANGUARD PRESS • NEW YORK | 1938 || Pagination:[4] [1] 2-283 [284], total 288 pages. Collation: 8vo; [A]8 B-S8; total 144 leaves. Binding: Publisher’s blue buckram, black lettering to front cover and spine, price-clipped blue dust jacket, lettered front: To beg | I am ashamed |—| THE AUTHENTIC | AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A | LONDON | PROSTITUTE |—| by | Sheila Cousins ||; fore-edge untrimmed. Size: 19.5 x 13.5 cm. Edition: 1st American edition Contributors: Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991) – author. Ronald Matthews (British, 1903 – 1967) – author. The Vanguard Press, NY (1926 – 1988) – publisher.
Pictorial album of 20 hand-coloured wood engravings by Firmin Gillot after Alfred Grévin; numbered 1 to 20, bound with tissue guards in half-brown cloth over marbled boards, publisher's gilt-lettered blue wrappers preserved, purple-blueish endpapers. Front wrapper (gilt on blue): LES FILLES D'EVE | ALBUM | DE TRAVESTISSEMENTS | PLUS OU MOINS | HISTORIQUES | Par A. GRÉVIN | — | PARIS | AUX BUREAUX : DU JOURNAL AMUSANT, DES MODES PARISIENNES | DE LA TOILETTE DE PARIS ET DU PETIT JOURNAL POUR RIRE | 20. Rue Bergère. || ; Henri Plon's imprint to back wrapper. Contributors: Grevin, Alfred (French, 1827 – 1892) Gillot, Firmin (French, 1820 – 1872) Plon, Henri (French, 1806 – 1872) Ref.: Metropoliten Museum.
Title-page: FABLES | NOUVELLES. | {vignette by Ponce after Marillier} | A LA HAYE, | Et se trouve a Paris, | Chez Delalain, rue de la Comédie Françoise. | — | M. DCC. LXXIII. || Collation: 2 volumes (4 livres) in one, 1st blank, engraved t.p. “FABLES | Par | Mr. Dorat.” signed C. P. Marillier, inv. – E. D. Ghendt Sculp. 1772; a-c4, A-Z4 2A-2Q4, last blank, plus engraved frontispiece before A1 by Nicolas Delaunay and engraved d.t.p. before Z1: “Fables | de M. Dorat | II. Volume” also by Ghendt after Marillier., 99 vignettes and 99 tailpieces, all after Marillier. Lacking Delaunay frontispiece for the second volume (similar to the 1st). Edition: This is a vol. 1 176 pp. copy (Ray, 43). 2nd edition after Fables ou allégories philosophiques, 1772, p. 162 corrected: “Je sais , même au sein des poisons / Puiser le suc qui m'est utile”. Page xxii numbered correctly; on top of p. iii, printed a chain instead of a triple fillet in later issues (Ray, 43A). Pagination: [i, ii] iii-xxii, [2 d.t.p. «Livre premier»] [1] 2-309 [3 table], 3 plates. Binding: Crimson crashed morocco (198 x 133 mm) ruled in gilt, spine with raised bands gilt in compartments with gilt-lettered cream calf label, gilt dentelle inside, marbled endpapers, Pauli Menso bookplate pasted to front pastedown, printed on laid paper, AEG. Catalogue raisonné: Cohen-DeRicci: 313-315; Ray (French): № 43, pp. 81-83. Provenance: Pauli Menso. We only present a sample of illustrations, as their total number is enormous. Contributors: Author: Claude Joseph Dorat (French, 1734–1780) Publisher: Delalain (firm) (18th century) Artist: Clément Pierre Marillier (French, 1740–1808) Engravers: Jean Charles Baquoy (French, 1721–1777) Nicolas Delaunay (French, 1739–1792) Pierre Duflos (French, born in 1751) Emmanuel Jean Nepomucène de Ghendt (Flemish, worked in France, 1738–1815) Yves-Marie Le Gouaz (French, 1742–1816) Pierre Adrien Le Beau (French, 1748–after 1800) Jean-Jacques André Le Veau (French, 1729–1786) Charles Louis Lingée (French, 1748–1819) Joseph de Longueil (French, 1730–1792) Louis Legrand (French, 1723–1807) Jacques Le Roy (French, born in 1739) Louis Joseph Masquelier (French, 1741–1811) François Denis Née (French, 1735–1818) Nicholas Ponce (French, 1746–1831) Marguerite (Hémery) Ponce (French, born in 1745) Jean Baptiste Simonet (French, 1742–1813)
Description: Large volume collated in 4to, 33 x 25 cm, ¾ navy morocco bordered with a gilt double-fillet over marbled boards, raised bands, floral gilt arabesque in compartments, gilt lettering to spine, gilt endpapers, T.E.G. Text printed on wave paper watermarked “Whatman Turkey Mill 1884”; etchings printed on laid paper 32.2 x 24.3 cm, 20 x 13 platemark, 17 x 11 cm image; etched head- and tailpieces, initials. Printed on November 1, 1885. Title-page: CATULLE MENDÈS | — | LES | îles d'Amour | Avec six Eaux-Fortes et trente-huit Dessins originaux | DE | G. FRAIPONT | {publisher’s device} | PARIS | BIBLIOTHÈQUE DES DEUX MONDES | L. FRINZINE & Cie, ÉDITEURS | 1, Rue Bonaparte, 1 | – | M D CCC LXXXVI || Collation: 4to; π4, 1-114 122, total 50 leaves, two binder’s flyleaves in the front and in the back, and 6 plates extraneous to collation. Pagination: [i-v] vi-vii [viii] [1-3] 4-85 [86] [6], total 100 pages, ils. Limitation (printed in red and balck): 1000 copies on vergé (№ 1-1,000), 25 copies on Whatman (№ I-XXV), 15 copies on Japon Impérial (marked A-O). This is copy № III, signed by the publisher. Contributors: Catulle Mendès (French, 1841 – 1909) – author. Gustave Fraipont (Belgian-French, 1849 – 1923) – artist. Charles Unsinger (French, 1823 – 1891) – printer.
Description: one volume, 20.7 x 13.3 cm, bound in cream cloth with red and black lettering to front cover and spine, author’s photographic portrait frontispiece. Title-page (black and red): ИЗБРАННОЕ (vertical, red) | И. БАБЕЛЬ | {publisher’s device “ИХЛ”} | Издательство | «ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА» | Москва | 1966 || Contents: Конармия; Одесские рассказы; Рассказы; Воспоминания; Пьесы; Статьи, выступления; Письма; Комментарии. Imprint: Вступительная статья | Л. ПОЛЯК | Комментарии | Е. КРАСНОЩЕКОВОЙ | Оформление художника | Ю. БОЯРСКОГО | 7–3–2 / 57–66 || Pagination :[2] 3-493 [494] [2]; total 496 pages, ils. Collation: 8vo; [1]-318; total 248 leaves plus author’s photographic portrait frontispiece. Contributors: Исаак Эммануилович Бабель [Isaac Babel] (Russian-Jewish, 1894 – 1940) – author. Лидия Моисеевна Поляк (Russian-Jewish, 1899 – 1992) – author, foreword. Елена Александровна Краснощекова (Russian-Jewish, b. 1934) (see Александр Михайлович Краснощёков) – author, commentary. Юлий Александрович Боярский (Russian, 1924 – 2009) – artist.