NEWSoftcover volume 218 x 155 mm, French flapped wrappers in glassine jacket, with red lettering to front “UNE JEUNE FILLE | À LA PAGE”; pp.: [1-8] 9-139 [140] [4], i.e. 72 leaves total, incl. those in the wrapper, plus 10 photomechanically printed colour plates after Paul-Émile Bécat. Limited edition of 400 copies with 350 printed on vélin surfin paper numbered from 51 to 400; this is copy № 254. Title-page (red and black): HELENA VARLEY | UNE JEUNE FILLE | A LA PAGE | {fleuron} | A LA VILLA BRIGITTE | COLLECTION DES DEUX HÉMISPHÈRES || Imprint/Limitation: CETTE ÉDITION, NON MISE DANS LE COMMERCE | ET RÉSERVÉE A DES AMATEURS, A ÉTÉ TIRÉE | A 400 EXEMPLAIRES, TOUS NUMÉROTÉS A LA | PRESSE, A SAVOIR : | 50 EXEMPLAIRES SUR VELIN PUR FIL LAFUMA, | NUMÉROTÉS DE 1 A 50 ; | 350 EXEMPLAIRES SUR VELIN SURFIN, |NUMÉROTÉS DE 51 A 400. | EXEMPLAIRE N° 254 | Exemplaire sur vélin surfin. || Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 2564, p. 401. Honesterotica. Contributors: Nicolaï, Michèle [Varley, Helena] (French, 1896 – 1950) – author. Bécat, Paul-Émile (French, 1885 – 1960) – artist. Duflou, Maurice (French, 1885 – 1951) – publisher.
NEWSoftcover volume 248 x 200 mm, French flapped wrappers in glassine jacket, with a vignette and dark blue lettering to front, printed on very thick Arches paper, all margins untrimmed, unbound: 6 quires folded in 4to; ms text and images produced in dry point, frontispiece vignette hand-coloured; collation: 2 blank, 1 tp, 1 editor's note, 24 text, 1 blank, 1 colophon, i.e. 30 leaves total, those within the wrapper not counted; paginated with Roman numbers I to XLVI. Limited edition of 300 copies; this is copy № 28 of 285 printed on Arches paper. Title-page (blue and black): LE MARIAGE | DE | SUZON | Journal Secret | {vignette} | Aux dépens | des Amis de Cupidon || Colophon: Il a été tiré de cet ouvrage : | 5 exemplaires sur Japon super-nacré, conte- | nant chacun deux dessins originaux, | numérotés de 1 à 5; | 10 exemplaires sur Japon impérial, contenant | chacun un dessin original, numérotés de 6 à 15; | 285 exemplaires sur vélin d'Arches, numérotés | de 16 à 300. | Exemplaire N° 28 || Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 1927, p. 253; Honesterotica. For published in 1935 Suzon en vacances: Journal secret d’une jeune fille, see LIB-3409.2025 (Dutel III № 2473). For the pirated reprint of the same published in the late 1940s, see LIB-2935.2022 (Dutel III № 2578). Both Suzon en vacances and Le Mariage de Suzon are attributed to Léon Courbouleix (French, 1887 – 1972). Seller's note: Le Mariage de Suzon. In-4, 25 x 20 cm de 30 ff. n. ch. dont 2 ff. n. ch., 1 p. de titre imprimée en bleu et noir avec vignette imprimée en noir, 1 p. d'avertissement des éditeurs, 1 frontispice en couleur, 46 pages entièrement gravées à la pointe sèche (texte et illustration), 1 f. de justification du tirage. Les illustrations courent autour du texte tout au long des feuillets. Couverture rempliée, impression en bleu, illustrée d'un portrait en pied de la mariée, gravé en couleur. Tirage à 300 ex. Édition originale en premier tirage de ces deux ouvrages réunissant 2 frontispice pointes sèches en couleur et 92 pointes sèches. Dutel voit un étui pour Suzon en vacances et pas d'étui pour Le Mariage de Suzon. Nos deux volumes sont sans étui. Pour préfacer Suzon en vacances, Léon Courbouleix joint l'humour au libertinage: « Nous demandons au lecteur qui va ouvrir ce livre un peu d'indulgence. Ce journal a été écrit par une jeune fille de seize ans, il y a bien longtemps. Nous le publions in-extenso, lui conservant ainsi toute sa saveur primesautière. S'il pèche par le style et la forme littéraire, il n'en reste pas moins un document humain qui répond parfaitement à la question souvent posée et jamais résolue: « À quoi rêvent les jeunes filles? » C'est signé : « Les Éditeurs ». Bibliographie : Pia 1384 et 884, Dutel 2473 et 1927.
NEWSoftcover volume 250 x 200 mm, French flapped wrappers in glassine jacket, with a vignette and dark blue lettering to front, printed on watermarked Arches paper, all margins untrimmed, unbound, unpaginated, 6 quires folded in 4to; ms text and images produced in dry point, frontispiece vignette hand-coloured; collation: 1 blank, 1 tp, 1 editor's note, 24 text, 1 colophon, i.e. 28 leaves, leaves within the wrapper not counted. Limited edition of 300 copies; this is copy № 126 of 285 printed on Arches paper. Title-page (blue and black): SUZON | EN | VACANCES | Journal Secret | d'une Jeune Fille | {vignette} | Aux dépens | des Amis de Cupidon || Colophon: Il a été tiré de cet ouvrage : | 5 exemplaires sur Japon super-nacré, conte- | nant chacun deux dessins originaux, | numérotés de 1 à 5; | 10 exemplaires sur Japon impérial, contenant | chacun un dessin original, numérotés de 6 à 15; | 285 exemplaires sur vélin d'Arches, numérotés | de 16 à 300. | Exemplaire N° 126 || Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 2473, p. 397; Honesterotica. For the pirated reprint, published in the late 1940s, see LIB-2935.2022 (Dutel III № 2578). For published in the late 1930s (1937?) Le mariage de Suzon: Journal secret, see LIB-3410.2025 (Dutel III № 1927). Both Suzon en vacances and Le Mariage de Suzon are attributed to Léon Courbouleix (French, 1887 – 1972). Seller's note: Suzon en vacances. In-4 écu, 25 x 20 cm de 30 ff. n. ch. dont le frontispice en couleur, 1 titre imprimée en bleu et noir avec vignette imprimée en noir, 1 p. d'avertissement des éditeurs, 46 pages entièrement gravées à la pointe sèche (texte et illustration), 1 p. de justification du tirage. Le texte court autour des illustrations tout au long des feuillets (piqûres). Couverture rempliée, impression en bleu, illustrée d'un portrait gravé en couleur. Tirage à 300 ex.
NEWSoftcover volume 185 x 135 mm, publisher’s cream wrappers with lettering and author’s portrait to front, lettering to spine; pp.: [1-6] 7-237 [238 blank] [2], total 240 pp., incl. h.t., t.p., contents, text and colophon. ISBN 2-904228-02-0. Title-page: ЕВГЕНИЙ ШВАРЦ | МЕМУАРЫ | Подготовка текста, предисловие | и примечания Льва Лосева | La Presse Libre | Paris || Contra-title: EVGENIY CHVARTZ | MÉMOIRES | Édition préparée, préfacée et annotée | par Lev Loseff | La Presse Libre | Paris || Imrprint: Titre original en russe: | EVGENIY CHVARTZ. MEMUARI | Édition préparée, préfacée et annotée | par Lev Loseff | © Edition de «La Presse Libre» | 1982 | ISBN 2-904228-02-0 || Colophon: ACHEVÉ D'IMPRIMER | LE 13 OCTOBRE 1982 | PAR L'IMPRIMERIE | DE LA MANUTENTION | A MAYENNE | N° 7993 || Contributors: Шварц, Евгений Львович [Schwartz, Evgueni] (Russia, 1896 – 1958) Лосев, Лев Владимирович [Лифшиц; Loseff, Lev] (Jewish-Russian-American, 1937 – 2009)
NEWHardcover volume 188 x 125 mm, quarter grey shagreen over marbled boards with gilt lettering to spine ruled in double gilt fillet, marbled endpapers, publisher’s wrappers preserved; collated 2 ffl, front wrapper, π4 (blank1, ht/advert.2, blank/frontis., t.p./blank3, dedication/blank4), text 376 χ1, rear wrapper, 2ffl; pp.: [8] [1] 2-446, plus portrait frontispiece. Title-page: GUSTAVE GEFFROY | — | L'ENFERMÉ | AVEC LE MASQUE DE BLANQUI | Eau-forte de Bracquemond | (in rules) CINQUIÈME MILLE | PARIS | BIBLIOTHÈQUE CHARPENTIER | EUGENE FASJUELLE, ÉDITEUR | 11, RUE DE GRENELLE, 11 | 1919 || For another copy published in 1897, see LIB-2583.2020.
NEWMass-market paperback 188 x 120 mm, red and black lettering and vignette to front, lettering to back (advert.) and spine, pp.: [1-5] 6-190 [2]; collated 8vo: 1-128, i.e. 96 leaves. Title-page: ★ ★ ★ | PUBERTÉ | JOURNAL D'UNE ÉCOLIÉRE | TEXTE INTÉGRAL | • | PARIS | LES EDITIONS RAOUL SAILLARD | 30, RUE D'ENGHIEN, 30 | Copyright, 1933, by Les Éditions Saillard. || Colophon: ACHEVÉ D'IMPRIMER SUR LES | PRESSES DE CH. VINCHE, 10, RUÉ | DAVID, VERVIERS (BELGIQUE), POUR | LES ÉDITIONS RAOUL SAILLARD, | 30, RUE D'ENGHIEN, 30, PARIS. ||
NEWTwo hardcover volumes, 205 x 160 mm each, uniformly bound in red quarter-shagreen over marbled boards, raised bands and gilt lettering to spine, original wrappers preserved, marbled endpapers, previous owner’s bookplate to front pastedown “Ex libris de Alfred de Maghellen 02”, and his initials to spine. Text printed on wove paper, red initials, top margin speckled, other trimmed roughly. La Rive Droite: [1-11] 12-278 [12], pagination includes wrappers; collated 8vo: ffl, front wrapper, π3 [1]-178 184, rear wrapper, ffl; plates within collation, i.e. 145 leaves total, excl. ffls. La Rive Gauche: [1-11] 12-290 [12], pagination includes wrappers; collated 8vo: ffl, front wrapper, π3 1-188 192, rear wrapper, ffl; plates within collation, i.e. 151 leaves total, excl. ffls. Title-page (red and black): PARIS VIEUX & NEUF | DESSINS DE CHARLES HUARD | TEXTE PAR ANDRÉ BILLY | LA RIVE GAUCHE (LA RIVE DROITE) | ❦ | ÉDITÉ PAR EUGÈNE REY, LIBRAIRE | 8, BOULEVARD DES ITALIENS, PARIS | 1909 || Colophon: IMPRIME | SUR LES PRESSES | DE " LA SEMEUSE " | POUR | EUGÈNE REY | LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR | PARIS || Contributors: André Billy (French, 1882 – 1971) – author. Charles Huard (French, 1874 – 1965) – artist. Eugène Rey (French, 1868 – 1949) – publisher Alfred de Maghellen (French, 1871 – 1959) – provenance (bookplate)
NEWTwo hardcover volumes, 222 x 148 mm, uniformly bound in grey cloth with red and black lettering to front board and spine. 1: В. С. НЕЧАЕВА | Журнал | М. М. и Ф. М. Достоевских | «ВРЕМЯ» | 1861–1863 | {publisher’s device} | — | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО «НАУКА» | МОСКВА | 1972 ||; pp. [1-4] 5-316 [4], errata slip tipped in. Print run 4,900 copies. 2: В. С. НЕЧАЕВА | Журнал | М. М. и Ф. М. Достоевских | «ЭПОХА» | 1864–1865 | {publisher’s device} | — | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО «НАУКА» | МОСКВА | 1975 ||; pp. [1-4] 5-301 [3], errata slip tipped in. Print run 8,000 copies. Blue ink stamp "Из книг А. Б. Муратова" to ffl. Достоевский, Михаил Михайлович [Dostoevsky, Mikhail] (Russian, 1820 – 1864) Достоевский, Фёдор Михайлович [Dostoevsky, Fyodor] (Russian, 1821 – 1881) Нечаева, Вера Степановна (Russian, 1895 – 1979) Муратов Аскольд Борисович (Russian, 1937 – 2005)
NEWHardcover, 220 x 175 mm, cloth spine over blue floral paper boards, pp.: [1-6] 7-69 [3], 21 leaves of plates. Title-page: Михаил | ГЕРМАН | В. ДВОРАКОВСКИЙ | «ХУДОЖНИК РСФСР» | Ленинград | 1970 || Print run: 3,000 copies. Герман, Михаил Юрьевич (Russian, 1933 – 2018) Двораковский, Валериан Дмитриевич (Russian, 1904 – 1979)
NEWOwner’s half-cloth over marbled boards, 150 x 117 mm, convolute of two clandestine publications, approx. 1890, original light blue wrappers preserved; title pages in frame with meander corners: (1) Les travaux forcés et la déportation | politique en Russie. | КАТОРГА И ССЫЛКА | ~ | ЖЕНЕВА | Вольная русская типографiя || pp.: 1-67 [68 blank], black ink stamp — М. Цебрикова to p. 67. (2) Lettre à l'Empereur Alexandre III. | ПИСЬМО | ИМПЕРАТОРУ АЛЕКСАНДРУ III | ~ | ЖЕНЕВА | Вольная русская типографiя || pp.: 1-40, black ink stamp М. Цебрикова to p. 40. Цебрикова, Мария Константиновна (Russian, 1835 – 1917)
NEWPaperback, 240 x 155 mm, publisher’s wrappers, series red label of Cahiers des Annales Publiés avec le concours du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, red vertical rule and black lettering to front, black lettering to spine, and red and black lettering to back; collated 8vo: 1-158 χ2, i.e. 122 leaves, pp.: [i-vi] vii-viii, 1-234 [2]. Autograph dedication signed by Maurice Dommanget to Pierre Dumayet, blue ballpen ms at the top of ffl « À Pierre Dumayet | En Souvenir et bien cordialement | Dommanget ». Title-page: CAHIERS DES ANNALES | 14 | MAURICE DOMMANGET | BLANQUI | ET L'OPPOSITION | RÉVOLUTIONNAIRE | à la fin | du Second Empire | {publisher’s device « economies – sociétés – civilisation » } | LIBRAIRIE ARMAND COLIN | 103, boulevard Saint-Michel, PARIS - 5e | 1960 || Contents: De Belle-Île à la Conciergerie. Vues et action politiques à Sainte-Pélagie. L'action à l'hôpital Necker. Le séjour à Bruxelles et l'action des étudiants blanquistes. L'action blanquiste, de décembre 1867 à la grève du Creusot. Le Blanquisme et l'Internationale. Contributors: Dommanget, Maurice (French, 1888 – 1976) Dumayet, Pierre (French, 1923 – 2011) Blanqui, Auguste (French, 1805 – 1881)
NEWSoftcover comics book, oblong flapped wrappers, 186 x 280 mm, pink border in black rules, black lettering to front, 45 unpaginated leaves (pp. 90) with text and pictorial story, some in-text woodcuts and a tail-piece. No title-page. Catalogue Raisonné: Dutel III, 2424, pp. 368-9. The publication was prosecuted per the French Law of December 20, 1965. Sophie is a re-written version of Puberté. Journal d’une escolière [by Maria Luz], published in 1933 by Éditions Raoul Saillard, Paris. Publisher: Éric Losfeld (Belgian-French, 1922 – 1979)
NEWSoftcover, 210 x 136 mm, in publisher’s wrappers, black and red lettering to front and spine; pp.: [4] i-xi [xii], [2] 1-607 [608], i.e. 313 leaves. Printed from microfiches smuggled from the USSR to the West. English title Life and Fate. Front wrapper: ВАСИЛИЙ ГРОССМАН | ЖИЗНЬ | И СУДЬБА | РОМАН | L’AGE D’HOMME || Title-page: ВАСИЛИЙ ГРОССМАН | ЖИЗНЬ И СУДЬБА | РОМАН | ИЗДАНИЕ ПОДГОТОВИЛИ | С. МАРКИШ И Е. ЭТКИНД | ВСТУПИТЕЛЬНАЯ СТАТЬЯ Е. ЭТКИНДА | L’AGE D’HOMME || Contributors: Гроссман, Василий Семёнович [Grossman, Vasily] (Soviet-Jewish, 1905 – 1964) Маркиш, Симон Перецович [Markish, Shimon] (Soviet-Jewish-Swiss, 1931 – 2003) Эткинд, Ефим Григорьевич [Etkind, Efim] (Soviet-Jewish-French, 1918 – 1999)
NEWPublisher’s tea green French flapped wrappers with double bordered vignette embossed to front, 298 x 295 mm, 18 gatherings in 4to (i.e. 72 leaves), 280 x 190 mm leaves plus one gathering in the wrappers, outer and lower margins untrimmed; pagination: [2] [1-15] 16-136 [4] [2], not counting leaves in the wrappers; paper watermarked “Lana” (grand vélin de Lana a la forme); 16 pictorial etchings and two fac-simile ms etchings within collation, tissue guards; in a double slipcase 306 x 204 mm with a vignette “capital C in ribbons” to spine of the inner chemise. Title-page (lilac and black) PIERRE LOUŸS | CYDALISE | AVEC DES ILLUSTRATIONS ORIGINALES | GRAVES A L'EAU-FORTE | {woodcut vignette} | LES AMIS DE L'ÉCRIVAIN | — | PARIS | M C M X L I X || Limitation: JUSTIFICATION DU TIRAGE | CETTE ÉDITION ORIGINALE | DU LIVRE DE CYDALISE A ETÉ, POUR SON TIRAGE, LIMITÉE | A DEUX CENT SOIXANTE CINQ EXEMPLAIRES | DONT LA DISTRIBUTION S'EFFECTUE DE LA | FAÇON SUIVANTE. […] DEUX CENTS EXEMPLAIRES SUR GRAND VELIN DE LANA A LA FORME NUMÉROTÉS DE 51 A 250. […] EXEMPLAIRE N° 91 || Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 1333, p. 116; Nordmann II № 309, 151. Ref: honesterotica.com Contributors: Pierre Louÿs (French, 1870 – 1925) – author. Jean Traynier (French, fl. 1942 – 1957) – artist (attributed)
NEWSoftcover, 170 x 120 mm, in white publisher’s wrappers, vignette to front by A.-M. Carmant, red and black lettering to both covers, red lettering to spine, pp.: [1-3 4-109 [3]. ISBN 2-911314-02-6. Title-page: Maurice Joly | Le Plébiscite | Épilogue | du Dialogue aux Enfers | entre Machiavel et Montesquieu | précédé de | César | paris-zanzibar || Front cover (red and black): maurice joly | le plébiscite | épilogue du dialogue aux enfers | entre machiavel et montesquieu | {vignette par A.-M. Carmant | paris-zanzibar || Contents: Préface : F. Leclercq. Maurice Joly, un suicidé de la démocratie César Épilogue au Dialogue aux Enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu. Premier dialogue. L' arsenal de Machiavel II. L'appel au peuple III. Le plébiscite IV. La noyade parlementaire V. Le oui et le non VI. Comment Montesquieu votera-t-il VIIe et dernier dialogue. Non Annexe La Cloche, dimanche 19 juin 1870 Maurice Joly, son passé, son programme par lui-même (extrait)
NEWHardcover miniature book, 150 x 85 x 30 mm, brown buckram with gilt lettering to front and spine, embossed black admiralty boat (crest of Sankt-Peterburg) to front cover, yellow dust jacket with vignette and lettering; pp.: [1-4] 5-454 [2], woodcut frontispiece, plates pp. 211-434. Title-page: Л. М. СОСКИН | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСКИЕ | МАРКИ | ПЕТРОГРАДА – | ЛЕНИНГРАДА | MOCKBA | «НОВЫЙ СВЕТ» | «КНИГА» | 1995 || Contributors: Соскин, Леонид Маркович (Soviet, ? – ?) – коллекционер-библиофил, чл. Ленингр. о-ва книголюбов, первый председатель секции миниатюрных изданий. Баренбаум, Иосиф Евсеевич (Soviet-Jewish, 1921 – 2006)
NEWHardcover, 217 x 140 mm, olive cloth with gilt lettering to front and spine, black endpapers, printed on craft laid paper watermarked “Ingres”, pp. [1-7] 8 (frontispiece) –154, [155/6] blank, 157/8 Dans la même collection/colophon, [159/160] blank; 130 captured plates and an uncaptured frontispiece, all framed (a total of 131 images, not 132, as stated). Limited edition of 33 copies plus 10 not for sale on Arches vellum; this copy is not numbered. There are images that include Albert Einstein, Karl Marx, Fidel Castro, John Lennon, and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, among the others. Title page: GARNON | Cent trente deux | positions amoureuses | préface | Gérard ZWANG | IMAGES OBLIQUES || Colophon: Ce volume | le dixième de la collection IMAGES OBLIQUES | dirigée par Roger BORDERIE et Michel CAMUS | a été achevé d'imprimer en Février 1981 | sur les presses de l'Imprimerie EUROGRAPHIC | 32, rue des Annelets 75019 PARIS | […] | L'édition originale | est constituée par un tirage de 33 exemplaires | sur vélin d'Arches | numérotés de 1 à 33 | […] | En outre, il a été tiré, | dix exemplaires hors commerce marqués HC 1 à HC 10 | réservés aux collaborateurs de la collection | […] | Dépôt légal : 1° trimestre 1981 | Numéro d'éditeur : 49 | ISBN - 2-86380-019-1. Ref.: honesterotica.com. Almost .othing is known about the artist. Contributors: Zwang, Gérard (French, b. 1930) Garnon, Gilbert (French, 1921 – 2005) – artist Borderie, Roger (French) – publisher
NEWBook: Hardcover, 187 x 125 mm, modern binding ‘à la Bradel’ by Boichot in full orange morocco with gilt lettering to spine, in a morocco-bordered slipcase with gilt floral arabesque design, similar endpapers; original wrappers preserved; collated in 18mo, pp: [4] 1-441 [3]. Bookplate of Jean-Pierre Dutel to ffl. Fifteen illustrations 181 x 115 mm tipped in after pp. 46, 72, 88, 118, 202, 234, 236, 244, 290, 300, 354, 360, 378, 382, and 390. Front wrapper (red and black): J.-K. HUYSMANS | ~~ | Là-Bas | {publisher’s device} | PARIS | TRESSE & STOCK, ÉDITEURS | 8, 9, 10, Galerie du Théâtre-Français | — | 1891 || Title-page: same as wrapper, in black. Limitation: Il a été tiré de cet ouvrage dix exemplaires sur papier de Hollande et dix exemplaires sur papier du Japon, numérotés à la presse. This copy is not from the limited edition and printed on a regular paper. Printer: Darantiere (Dijon) Illustrations: According to Luc Binet [LIB-3301.2024], “In 2016, the Turin bookseller Roberto Cena put up for sale two full-leather bound albums, one containing watercolours illustrating Huysmans' famous novel, the other the preparatory drawings. The first volume contained 16 plates (sheet 25 x 16.5 cm, drawing 15 x 9.5 cm), i.e. 15 drawings in ink and pencil and one pencil drawing. Each plate is numbered at the top right, in pencil or ink, and captioned in the lower margin. Volume II contained 15 watercolours (sheet 25 x 16 cm, image 15 x 9.5 cm). This is probably a commission from a bibliophile since the chosen format is perfectly compatible with the original edition of Huysmans' text (19 x 13 cm)”. Catalogue raisonné: Luc Binet 2017: X-12, p. 908. Contributors: Huysmans, Joris-Karl (French, 1848 – 1907) – author. Maële, Martin van (French, 1863 – 1926) – artist. Darantiere, Maurice (French, 1882 – 1962) – printer.
NEWPaperback, 234 x 163 mm, front wrapper: ВЕНЕДИКТ ЕРОФЕЕВ | МОСКВА – ПЕТУШКИ | {vignette} | YMCA-PRESS | PARIS || The vignette is a photomechanical reproduction in colour of a fragment of the painting by Vyacheslav Kalinin “A thirsty man”; spine: ВЕНЕДИКТ ЕРОФЕЕВ — МОСКВА - ПЕТУШКИ ||; pagination: [1-4] 5-73 [3]. Title-page: ВЕНЕДИКТ ЕРОФЕЕВ | МОСКВА - ПЕТУШКИ | YMCA ~ PRESS | 11, rue de la Montagne-Ste-Geneviève – 75005 Paris, France. || Colophon: ACHEVÉ D'IMPRIMER | LE 18 AVRIL 1977 | PAR JOSEPH FLOCH | MAITRE-IMPRIMEUR | A MAYENNE | NO 5923 || Венедикт Васильевич Ерофеев [Venedikt Yerofeyev] (Russian, 1938 – 1990) – author. Вячеслав Васильевич Калинин [Vyacheslav Kalinin] (Russian-American, 1939 – 2022) – artist/cover
NEWSoftcover, 328 x 250 mm, green French flapped wrappers, lettered; 22 leaves plus 2 in wrappers, unpaginated, incl. frontispiece (etching), headpiece (lithography), 4 in-text illustrations (1 lithography + 3 etchings), and 5 plates (3 dry points + 1 etching = 1 lithography) by Albert Marquet. Limited edition of 200 copies on Arches Vellum, watermarked, of which this is copy № 144; published by Manuel Bruker on May 16, 1948; lithographs printed by André Clot. Title-page (olive and black): ÉLOGE | DE | ALBERT MARQUET | PAR | LÉON WERTH | ORNÉ | DE GRAVURES ORIGINALES | {publisher’s device} | MANUEL BRUKER ÉDITEUR || Colophon: J'AI ACHEVÉ D'IMPRIMER | CET OUVRAGE LE JOUR DE | LA PENTECOTE 1948 A 200 | EXEMPLAIRES SUR VÉLIN | D'ARCHES A LA FORME NU | MÉROTES DE 1 A 200. ON | A JOINT AUX 20 PREMIERS | EXEMPLAIRES UNE SUITE | SUR PAPIER JAPON ANCIEN | ET UNE SUITE DES PLAN | CHES NON UTILISEES. LES | LITHOGRAPHIES ONT ÉTÉ | TIRÉES PAR ANDRÉ CLOT. The day of Pentecost in 1948 was Sunday, May 16. Contributors: Werth, Léon (French, 1878 – 1955) – author Marquet, Albert (French, 1875 – 1947) – artist Bruker, Manuel [Mendel] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1891 – 1979) – publisher Clot, André (French, 1909 – 2002) – printer
Hardcover, 175 x 125 mm, red cloth, blind/gilt floral design to front, same and gilt lettering to spine, pictorial endpapers, collated 8vo: 1-228 232, i.e. 178 leaves, pp.: [1-6] 7-354 [2], plus 12 b/w photomechanical plates, extraneous to collations; faux-title, initials, tail-pieces, and dust jacket engraved after Sarra Shor. Missing dust jacket. Title-page (red and black): ПОДЖО | БРАЧЧОЛИНИ | ФАЦЕТИИ | {fleuron} | ПЕРЕВОД С ЛАТИНСКОГО, | КОММЕНТАРИЙ | И | ВСТУПИТЕЛЬНЫЯ СТАТЬЯ | А. К. ДЖИВЕЛЕГОВА | ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ | А. В. ЛУНАЧАРСКОГО (post-mortem frame) | ACADEMIA | MCMXXXIV || Opposite t.p. (red and black): ИТАЛЬЯНСКАЯ | ЛИТЕРАТУРА | ПОД ОБЩЕЙ РЕДАКЦИЕЙ | А. К. ДЖИВЕЛЕГОВА | {vignette} | ACADEMIA | МОСКВА-ЛЕНИНГРАД || Title verso (imprint) : Poggius Florentinus | Facctiarum liber | Инициалы, рисунки, титул, форзац, | переплет и супер-обложка | Сарры Шор || Printer: Красный пролетарий (М). Print run: 5,300 copies. Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова (2004): № 614, p. 244. Contributors: Браччолини, Поджо – Bracciolini, Poggio (Italian, 1380 – 1459) – author Дживелегов, Алексей Карпович (Russian-Armenian, 1875 – 1952) – translator/editor Луначарский, Анатолий Васильевич (Russian, 1875 – 1933) – foreword Шор, Сарра Марковна (Soviet-Jewish, 1897 – 1981) – artist
Hardcover, 253 x 190 mm, pink cloth, gilt monogram inside gilt-ruled borders, fleurons in corners, pictorial endpapers, collated 8vo: 1-118, i.e. 88 leaves, pp.: [1-7] 8-171 [5], plus 20 lithographic plates by Vladimir Konashevich, incl. frontispiece, extraneous to collations; pictorial dust jacket. Engraved title in red and black: Аббат | Прево | — | Манон | Леско | — | С РИСУНКАМИ | Вл. Конашевича | ПЕРЕВОД | М. А. Петровского | ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ | А. К. Виноградова | Academia | Москва-Ленинград | 1932 || Engraved half-title in red and black: СОКРОВИЩА | МИРОВОЙ | ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ | Аббат | Прево | — | Манон | Леско | ▤ | Academia | Москва-Ленинград | 1932 || Title verso (imprint, red and black) : Antoine François | Prévost d'Exiles | MANON | LESCAUT | Lithographies | de V. Konachevitch || Printer : Типография им. Ивана Федорова (Л). Print run: 5,250 copies. Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова (2004): № 505, p. 226. Contributors: Прево, Антуан Франсуа [Аббат Прево] Antoine François Prévost [l’abbé Prévost] (French, 1697 – 1763) Петровский, Михаил Александрович (Russian, 1887 – 1937) – translator Виноградов, Анатолий Корнелиевич (Russian, 1888 – 1946) – preface Конашевич, Владимир Михайлович [Konashevich, Vladimir] (Russian, 1888 – 1963) – artist Рерберг, Иван Фёдорович (Russian, 1892 – 1957) – artist/binding
Hardcover, 245 x 180 mm, olive cloth with an embossed vignette in centre and fleurons in corners to front, lettering to spine, cream dust jacket with lettering and vignettes; collated 8vo: 1-268 +1 278 χ3, i.e. 220 leaves, pp.: [1-6] 7-434 [6] plus frontispiece portrait and five engravings (all collotype reproductions) extraneous to collation, all in the second section «Безумный день, или женитьба Фигаро». Five original illustrations after Jacques Philippe Joseph de Saint-Quentin were executed by Louis Michel Halbou, Jean-Baptiste Liénard, and Charles-Louis Lingée, printed by Société littéraire typographique de Kehl, and published by Nicolas Ruault in 1785 (Cohen 125). The frontispiece portrait of Beaumarchais is a collotype reproduction from an etching by Augustin de Saint-Aubin after Charles-Nicolas Cochin, executed in 1773; it was not included in the Kehl edition but taken from Mémoires de M. Caron de Beaumarchais published in 1774. Title-page (red and black): БОМАРШЕ | ТРИЛОГИЯ | ПЕРЕВОД В. Д. МОРИЦА | ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ А. ДЖИВЕЛЕГОВА | ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ Д. Е. МИХАЛЬЧИ | И Л. М. ГАЛИЦКОГО | ACADEMIA | 1934 || Opposite t.p. (red and black): ФРАНЦУЗСКАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА | Под общей редакцией | А. М. Эфроса | БОМАРШЕ | (1732 – 1799) | ACADEMIA | МОСКВА – ЛЕНИНГРАД || T.p. verso (imprint): BEAUMARCHAIS | I. LE BARBIER DE SEVILLE, II. LE MARIAGE DE FIGARO, | III. LA MERE COUPABLE | Суперобложка и переплет по рисункам | Д. И. Митрохина || Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова (2004): № 612, p. 243. Original titles: Le Barbier de Séville, ou la Précaution inutile; La Folle journée, ou le Mariage de Figaro; L'Autre Tartuffe, ou la Mère coupable. Print run: 5,300 copies. Contents: Севильский цирюльник, или тщетная предосторожность Безумный день, или женитьба Фигаро Преступная мать, или новый Тартюф Contributors: [Бомарше, Пьер] Beaumarchais, Pierre (French, 1732 – 1799) – author (Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais) Мориц, Владимир Эмильевич (Russian, 1890 – 1972) (In this publication, he named В. Д. Мориц by mistake; the correct spelling is В. Э. Мориц) – translator Дживелегов, Алексей Карпович (Russian-Armenian, 1875 – 1952) – preface Михальчи, Дмитрий Евгеньевич (Russian,1900 – 1973) – commentary Галицкий, Лев Николаевич (In this publication, he named Л. М. Галицкий by mistake; the correct spelling is Л. Н. Галицкий; dates unknown) – commentary Эфрос, Абрам Маркович (Russian-Jewish, 1888 – 1954) – editor/series Митрохин, Дмитрий Исидорович (Russian, 1883 – 1973) – artist
Hardcover, 175 x 128 mm, red cloth with gilt arabesque, lettered label and arabesque to spine, collated 8vo: 1-198, i.e. 152 leaves, incl. seven illustrations., pp. [1-9] 10-302 [2], plus frontispiece author’s portrait (reproduction), guard tissue; grey and black dust jacket with lettering in arabesque framework. Title-page (blue and black): СИРАНО ДЕ БЕРЖЕРАК | ИНОЙ СВЕТ | ИЛИ | ГОСУДАРСТВА | И ИМПЕРИИ | ЛУНЫ | РЕДАКЦИЯ | И ВСТУПИТЕЛЬНАЯ СТАТЬЯ | В. И. НЕВСКОГО | {fleuron} | ACADEMIA | МОСКВА – ЛЕНИНГРАД | — | M. CM. XXXI. || Half-title (blue and black): СОКРОВИЩА | МИРОВОЙ | ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ | ~ | СИРАНО ДЕ БЕРЖЕРАК | ИНОЙ СВЕТ | ИЛИ | ГОСУДАРСТВА | И ИМПЕРИИ | ЛУНЫ | ~ || Title verso (imprint): Saviniens de Cyrano de Bergerac's (sic) L'autre Monde on les Etats et les Empires de la Lune (1669). Орнаментация книги худ. И. Ф. Редберга. Иллюстрации из старинных изданий. Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова (2004): № 467, p. 220. Original title: Histoire comique des États et Empires de la Lune. Print run: 5000 copies. Another translation by Гунст, Евгений Анатольевич (Russian, 1901 – 1983) was published in 1971 at Библиотека всемирной литературы, серия первая, том 34: LIB-0903.2015 under title "Иной свет, или государства и империи Луны". Contributors: Cyrano de Bergerac, Savinien de (French, 1619 – 1655) – author. Невский, Владимир Иванович [Кривобоков; Кривобок, Феодосий Иванович] (Russian, 1876 – 1937) – author/preface, editor of translation. Оксман, Юлиан Григорьевич (Russian-Jewish, 1894 – 1970) – author/preface. Рерберг, Иван Фёдорович (Russian, 1892 – 1957) – artist.
Hardcover, 175 x 128 mm, embossed black vignette and lettering to front, lettering to spine, collated 8vo: 1-118 126, i.e. 94 leaves, incl. additional pictorial t.p., pp. [1-7] 8-183 [5], plus frontispiece woodcut after V. Favorsky, errata slip laid in. Title-page (red and black): ПРОСПЕР МЕРИМЕ | КАРМЕН | ПЕРЕВОД | М. ЛОЗИНСКОГО | ACADEMIA | Москва — Ленинград || Title-opposite: PROSPER MÉRIMÉE | ACADEMIA | 1936 || (missing title!) Imprint: Иллюстрации — гравюры на дереве В. Л. Фаворского; по его же рисункам переплет. Original title: Carmen, 1st edition at Revue des deux Mondes in 1845; 1st edition in book form Michel Lévy Frères in 1846. Print run: 10,300 copies. Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова (2004): № 837, p. 280. Contributors: Mérimée, Prosper [Мериме, Проспер] (French, 1803 – 1870) – author Лозинский, Михаил Леонидович [Lozinsky, Mikhail] (Russian, 1886 – 1955) – translator Фаворский, Владимир Андреевич [Favorsky, Vladimir] (Russian, 1886 – 1964) – artist
Softcover, 155 x 118 mm, publisher’s wrappers, lettering and vignette to front, lettering to spine; collated 8vo: 1-148 (i.e. 112 leaves), pp.: [1-4] 7-218 [6 advert], frontispiece. Inscription to t.p. Г(Т?). Тараманян. Woodcuts to front wrapper and frontispiece after Vladimir Favorsky. Front wrapper: ПРОСПЕР | МЕРИМЕ | СОБРАНИЕ СОЧИНЕНИЙ | КОЛОМБА | {vignette} | — | ACADEMIA || Title-page: ПРОСПЕР МЕРИМЕ | КОЛОМБА | Colomba | РОМАН | Перевод | В. М. Гаршина | — | «ACADEMIA» | ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1927 || Contra-title: СОБРАНИЕ СОЧИНЕНИЙ | ПРОСПЕР МЕРИМЕ | ПЕРЕВОД С ФРАНЦУЗСКОГО | ПОД ОБЩЕЙ РЕДАКЦИЕЙ | М. КУЗЬМИНА, М. ЛОЗИНСКОГО | И А. А. СМИРНОВА | V | — | «ACADEMIA» | ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1927 || Imprint: Обложка и иллюстрации в тексте — оригинальная | гравюра на дереве В. А. Фаворского | Ленинградский Гублит № 44048. Тираж 5.100 экз. | — | 2-я типография Транспечати НКПС Ленинград, ул. Правды, 15. || Print run: 5100 copies. Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова (2004): №249, p. 190. Original title: Colomba first appeared in the Revue des Deux Mondes on 1 July 1840. Magen et Comon published it as a single volume in 1841. Contributors: Mérimée, Prosper [Мериме, Проспер] (French, 1803 – 1870) – author Кузмин, Михаил Алексеевич [Kuzmin, Mikhail] (Russian, 1872 – 1936) – editor Лозинский, Михаил Леонидович [Lozinsky, Mikhail] (Russian, 1886 – 1955) – editor Смирнов, Александр Александрович (Russian, 1883 – 1962) – editor Гаршин, Всеволод Михайлович [Garshin, Vsevolod] (Russian, 1855 – 1888) – translator Фаворский, Владимир Андреевич [Favorsky, Vladimir] (Russian, 1886 – 1964) – artist
Softcover, 240 x 190 mm, green velvet paper French flapped wrappers with a silver vignette of Rops’ sphynx, in half of double-slipcase, pp. [1-8] 9-76 [8], i.e. 42 leaves plus 20 hand-coloured soft-ground etchings, incl. frontispiece, attributed to Louis Berthomme Saint-André. Text and plates printed on thick wove paper watermarked Arches, margines untrimmed; anonymous woodcut head- and tailpieces. Enhanced by a complete set of plates, uncoloured, in green velvet paper folder, gilt inside. Pibrac (or Pybrac) by Pierre Louÿs is "composed of 313 rhymed Alexandrine quatrains, the majority of them starting with the phrase I do not like to see. Pybrac is in the form a mockery of sixteenth-century chancellor poet Guy Du Faur, seigneur de Pibrac (French, 1528-1584), whose moralizing quatrains were the common literary fare for young French readers until the nineteenth century".
honesterotica.com: Pibrac is best remembered for his own collection of poems, a set of 126 moralistic quatrains, which throughout its endless printings bestowed good advice and guidelines to proper conduct…
The English translation of Louÿs' Pibrac/Pybrac by Geoffrey Longnecker was published by Wakefield Press in 2014: https://wakefieldpress.com/products/pybrac Title-page (green and black): PIBRAC | QUATRAINS ÉROTIQUES | DE | PIERRE LOUYS | {vignette} | AUX DÉPENS D’UN AMATEUR | POUR LE PROFIT DE QUELQUES AUTRES | M. IM. XXXIII || Imprint / Limitation: Cette édition des quatrains érotiques de Pierre Louÿs, illustrée de vingt eaux-fortes originales d'un artiste inconnu, a été strictement limitée à 300 exemplaires qui ont été composés en Elzévir vieux style de corps 12 avec des caractères neufs. Ils ont tous été tirés sur grand vélin d'Arches à la forme et comportent tous un état avec remarque des 20 planches, tiré en noir. Justification du tirage: 20 exemplaires sur grand vélin d'Arches à la forme, numérotés de 1 à 20, auxquels il a été ajouté en plus des états avec remarque des 20 cuivres, 1 des aquarelles ayant servi à l'illustration, 1 croquis original et 1 cuivre encré. 280 exemplaires sur grand vélin d'Arches à la forme, numérotés de 21 à 300, comprenant tous les états avec remarque. Il a été tiré en outre 8 exemplaires sur Arches, numérotés en chiffres romains de I à VIII, destinés aux collaborateurs de l'ouvrage. Pour authentifier la présente édition, l'artiste et l'éditeur apposeront sur cette justification un cachet en garantissant l'originalité. Cet exemplaire porte le No 290. Colophon: La présente édition a été achevée d'imprimer à Paris le trente et un janvier mil neuf cent trente-quatre par deux imprimeurs amis des belles éditions. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 2198. Collaborators: Pierre Louÿs (French, 1870 – 1925) – author. Louis Berthomme Saint-André (French, 1905 – 1977) – artist. Edition attributed to the bookseller Robert Télin. -
Softcover, 228 x 155 mm, embossed geometrical diaper pink French flapped wrappers with black and orange lettering to front; collated 8vo: 1-108, i.e. 80 leaves, pp.: [4] [1-4] 5-152 [4], plus 12 colour plates; woodcut t.p. vignette, head- and tailpieces in sanguine. Text printed on wove paper watermarked Marais, untrimmed, some leaves uncut; colour illustrations produced by half-tone relief photo reproduction technique and printed on thinner paper without a watermark. Colouring is most probably made by hand. Besides the presence of the platemarks, micro-photo reveals clear signs of the half-tone relief photomechanical reproduction method: Title-page (red and black): SPADDY | COLETTE | OU | LES AMUSEMENTS DE BON TON | ROMAN | {vignette} | A SAINT – CLOUD | AU TEMPLE DE CYTHÈRE || Limitation: CE ROMAN, EDITÉ POUR DES AMATEURS ET | NON MIS DANS LE COMMERCE, A ETÉ TIRÉ | A 250 EXEMPLAIRES, SUR VELIN PUR FIL | DU MARAIS, NUMÉROTÉS A LA PRESSE. | Cet exemplaire porte le No 49 Catalogue Raisonné: Dutel III № 1254: second edition with reproduction plates, published in 1939. The 1st edition with the original plates after Bécat was published in c. 1938. Honesterotica.com:
Colette, ou les amusements de bon ton (Colette, Good Time Amusements) was an important early commission from Bécat by the master clandestine publisher Maurice Duflou, to complement a text bordering on the outrageous by Johannès Gros…
Contributors: Spaddy [Johannès Gros] (French, 18.. – 1937) – author Maurice Duflou (French, 1885 – 1947) – publisher Paul-Émile Bécat (French, 1885 – 1960) – artist -
Hardcover, 280 x 121 mm, glossy white pictorial cover with mahogany lettering, pp. [1] 2-210 [2]. Lettering on the cover: ITŌ MITSURU | NOBUIE-TSUBA | {vignette} | TRANSLATED BY MARKUS SESKO || Title-page: Nobuie Tsuba | 信家鐔 | Itō Mitsuru (伊藤満) | translated by Markus Sesko | © 2016 Itō Mitsuru | Copyright translation: Markus Sesko | Print and Publishing: Lulu Press, Inc. ||
Softcover, 183 x 133 mm, black wrappers with white lettering to front and spine, pp. [1-4] 5-205 [3]. Tamizdat. Title-page (1): ВЛАДИМИР | НАБОКОВ | ВОЗВРАЩЕНИЕ | ЧОРБА | АРДИС / АНН АРБОР | ARDIS / ANN ARBOR || Title page (2) Возвращенiе Чорба | Рассказы и стихи || Contributors: Ardis Publishing (Ann Arbor) – publisher Carl Ray Proffer (American, 1938 – 1984) – publisher Ellendea Proffer Teasley (b. 1944) – publisher Владимир Владимирович Набоков [Vladimir Nabokov] (Russian-American, 1899 – 1977) – author
Softcover, 215 x 140 mm, publisher’s grey wrappers, lettering in double-fillet frame to front, lettering to spine, pp.: [1-6] 7-268 [2]; tamizdat. Stamps: 1) РУССКАЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА, THE RUSSIAN LIBRARY, 14, SAWREY PLACE, BRADFORD; 2) Православная Церковь Покрова Пресв. Богородицы, Манчестер, Англия — The Orthodox Church of the Holy Virgin, Manchester, Eng.; 3) ДАР ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВА ИМЕНИ ЧЕХОВА при Восточно-Европейском Фонде. Title-page: ВЛАДИМИР НАБОКОВ | Другие берега | {publisher’s device} | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО ИМЕНИ ЧЕХОВА | Нью-Йорк • 1954 || Contributors: Издательство имени Чехова [Chekhov Publishing House] (NY) Владимир Владимирович Набоков [Vladimir Nabokov] (Russian-American, 1899 – 1977) – author
Hardcover, 210 x 147 mm, black cloth with geometrical (avant-garde style) lettering to front cover and spine, pictorial endpapers, pp.: [1-7] 8-510 [2]. Chair of the editorial board of the almanach Каверин, Вениамин Александрович [Kaverin, Veniamin] (Russian-Jewish, 1902 – 1989) Print run 50,000 copies. ISBN 5-7000-0161-6. It was the first more or less uncensored publication in the Soviet Union. Submitted for typesetting on September 27, 1988, signed to print on January 2, 1989. Referenced as: Moskva-Petushki, in Vest’: Sbornik. Proza, poėziia, dramaturgiia, Knizhnaia palata, Moskva 1990: 418-506 [complete edition]. Contributors: Венедикт Васильевич Ерофеев [Venedikt Yerofeyev] (Russian, 1938 – 1990) – author.
Hardcover, 217 x 142 mm, pictorial boards and spine, lettering; pictorial endpapers, collated 16mo: 1-1816, i.e. 288 leaves; pp.: [1-4] 5-573 [3], pictorial title, section titles, and frontispieces within collation. Print run 3000 copies. Title-page: ВЕНЕДИКТ ЕРОФЕЕВ | МОСКВА – | ЭДУАРД ВЛАСОВ | Бессмертная поэма | Венедикта Ерофеева | «МОСКВА – ПЕТУШКИ» | МОСКВА ВАГРИУС 2002 || Contents: Венедикт Ерофеев. Москва – Петушки. Поэма. (pp. 13-119); Эдуард Власов. Бессмертная поэма Венедикта Ерофеева «Москва – Петушки»: Спутник писателя (121-574). Contributors: Ерофеев, Венедикт Васильевич [Yerofeyev, Venedikt] (Russian, 1938 – 1990) – author Власов, Эдуард Ю. – author/commentary Попов, Евгений Анатольевич (Russian, b. 1946) – preface Муравьёв, Владимир Сергеевич (Russian, 1939 – 2001) – editor Гусейнов, Вадим Владимирович (Russian, b. 1962) – artist
スラブ社会文化論シリーズ||スラブ シャカイ ブンカロン シリーズ ; 第4号 Softcover, grey publisher’s wrappers with black lettering, in silver dust jacket with black lettering and vignette; pp. [8] [i] ii-iii [iv] [1] 2-293 [5]; 257 x 183 mm. DJ Front: Эдуард ВЛАСОВ | БЕССМЕРТНАЯ ПОЭМА | ВЕНЕДИКТА ЕРОФЕЕВА | МОСКВА ПЕТУШКИ | {vignette} | СПУТНИК ПИСАТЕЛЯ | Slavic research center | Hokkaido university || Title-page: Эдуард ВЛАСОВ | БЕССМЕРТНАЯ ПОЭМА | ВЕНЕДИКТА ЕРОФЕЕВА | МОСКВА ПЕТУШКИ | {vignette} | СПУТНИК ПИСАТЕЛЯ | ИЗДАНИЕ ПЕРВОЕ, | ИСПРАВЛЕННОЕ И СОКРАЩЕННОЕ || Contributors: Ерофеев, Венедикт Васильевич [Yerofeyev, Venedikt] (Russian, 1938 – 1990) – author Власов, Эдуард Ю. – author/commentary
Softcover, light brown wrappers with French flaps, 163 x 110 mm, pp. [1-6] 7-357 [3]. Title-page: Venedikts Jerofejevs | MASKAVA | – | GAILĪŠI | No krievu valodas tulkojis | Uldis Tīrons | {Publisher’s device} | LIEPNIEKS & RITUPS || Translated from Russian by Uldis Tīrons Original title: Венедикт Ерофеев. Москва — Петушки Contributors: Ерофеев, Венедикт Васильевич [Yerofeyev, Venedikt] (Russian, 1938 – 1990) – author Uldis Tīrons (Latvian, b. 1956) – translator
Softcover, 200 x 126 mm, publisher’s pictorial wrappers, pp. [2] 3-126 [2]. ISBN: 5-85965-006-X. Title-page: ВЕНЕДИКТ | ЕРОФЕЕВ | — | МОСКВА–ПЕТУШКИ | Рига {R Rakstnieks} 1991 || Print run 50,000 copies. Contributors: Ерофеев, Венедикт Васильевич [Yerofeyev, Venedikt] (Russian, 1938 – 1990) – author Dainis Breikšs [Дайнис Брейкшс] (Latvian, b. 1942) – artist Муравьёв, Владимир Сергеевич (Russian, 1939 – 2001) – preface
The true first edition in original parts, published in four issues of the Soviet magazine «Трезвость и культура», Москва, Профиздат (Sobriety and Culture, Moscow, Trade Union Publishing): Part 1 in № 12/1988, pp. 26-38; Part 2 in № 1/1989, pp. 26-37; Part 3 in № 2/1989, pp. 28-39; Part 4 in № 3/1989, pp. 30-35. Each issue: 260 x 200 mm; 64 pages, in pictorial wrappers, stapled. Print run: 12/1988 — 800,525 copies; 1/1989 — 626,970 copies; 2/1989 — 635,115 copies; 3/1989 — 639,810 copies. The first part was submitted for typesetting on October 10 and signed to print on November 28, 1988. This makes it the first officially published 'Soviet' edition; however, it lacks the author's foreword and was substantially censored. Reference: Id., Moskva-Petushki, “Trezvost’ i kul’tura”, 12 (1988): 26-38 [introduction by S. Chuprinin, censured edition]. Id., Moskva-Petushki, “Trezvost’ i kul’tura”, 1 (1989): 26-37; 2 (1989): 28-39; 3 (1989): 30-35 [censured edition]. Contributors: Ерофеев, Венедикт Васильевич [Yerofeyev, Venedikt] (Russian, 1938 – 1990) – author Чупринин, Сергей Иванович (Russian, b. 1947) – preface Басыров, Гариф Шарипович (Russian, 1944 – 2004) – artist
Unbound, unpaginated volume in illustrated French flapped wrappers, 360 x 270 mm, printed on mother-of-pearl Japanese paper, collated 154 + 142, 60+28, 44 leaves in-folio, folded in half, profusely illustrated with original colour lithograph, in a grey cloth clamshell box (390 x 290 x 90 mm) with inside pocket for CD (lacking), embossed vignette to front; limited edition of 284 copies, signed copy № 59 of 50 copies printed on Japon Nacré paper numbered 30-80. Includes 13 double-page colour plates signed by the artist, enriched with an original watercolour drawing on the back of the title-page, with autograph dedication "A Monsieur et Madame Kuhn Amicalement A Bonnefoit". Title-page (black and sanguine): GEORGES BRASSENS | VÉNUS | CALLIPYGE | Préface de Pierre Louki | Lithographies originales de | Alain BONNEFOIT | ÉDITIONS LATOUR – MARTIGNY || Colophon : Achevé d'imprimer | le 8 novembre 1993 | sur les presses de Pierre Jean Mathan | Boulogne-sur-Seine. | Les lithographies ont été tirées | dans les ateliers de Jean-Claude Perrin | Arts-Litho à Paris. | L'emboitage est de Piero Dallai | à Forence. || Deluxe edition of a collection of 13 songs by Brassens, illustrated with more than thirty original lithographs by Alain Bonnefoit, Contributors: Alain Bonnefoit (French, b. 1937) – artist Georges Brassens (French, 1821 – 1981) – author poetry Louki, Pierre (French, 1920 – 2006) – author preface Éditions Latour (Martigny) – publisher Pierre Jean Mathan (Boulogne-sur-Seine) – printer Jean-Claude Perrin, Arts-Litho (Paris) – lithorgapher Piero Dallai (Forence) – slipcase
Softcover, cream French flapped wrappers, 242 x 192 mm, glassine dust jacket, lower and outer margins untrimmed, red lettering to front wrapper CONTES LIBERTINS | DU | DIX-HUITIÈME SIÈCLE; in a double slipcase; 10 full-page colour intaglio prints, incl. frontispiece, and 10 half-page coloured prints after Antoine Calbet; pp.: [1-8] 9-223 [224] [6], total 115 leaves plus ten plates with tissue guards extraneous to collation. Copy enhanced with a full suite of 32 uncoloured intaglio prints, and 12 refused plates: Title-page (red and black): CONTES LIBERTINS | DU DIX-HUITIÈME SIÈCLE | PRÉSENTÉS PAR EDMOND PILON | TRENTE-DEUX ILLUSTRATIONS EN COULEURS | DE | A. CALBET | {fleuron} | PARIS | LE VASSEUR & Cie, ÉDITEURS | 33, Rue de Fleurus || Limitation: 587 copies, of which 32 on Japon Impérial (№№ 1-32), 65 on Hollande Van Gilder (№№ 33-97), 490 on Velin a la forme de Rives (№№ 98-587). 25 copies were printed on top of this print run for collaborators, numbered in Roman letters. This copy is № 77 on watermarked Van Gilder Zonnen paper. Colophon: LE TEXTE DE CET OUVRAGE A | ÉTÉ IMPRIMÉ SUR LES PRESSES | DE CL. JACOUB ET Cie. | LES ILLUSTRATIONS, GRAVÉES PAR L. MACCARD, ONT ÉTÉ | TIRÉES EN TAILLE-DOUCE | PAR A. PORCABEUF ET Cie. | ACHEVÉ D'IMPRIMER, A | PARIS, LE 12 OCTOBRE 1936. Table of contents: Histoire de madame Allain – Notice sur le comte de Caylus. Histoire de Cidal Acmet – Notice sur l'abbé Prevost Aline, reine de Golconde – Notice sur le chevalier de Boufflers Cosi-Sancta – notice sur Voltaire. Cécile, Marine et Bellino – Notice sur Casanova de Seingalt Histoire de Babet – Notice sur l'abbé Du Laurens Histoire de Fanny Hill – Notice sur John Cleland. Louise et Thérèse – Notice sur Rétif de La Bretonne Contributors: Pilon, Edmond (French, 1874 – 1945) – compiler Le Vasseur & Cie – publisher Calbet, Antoine (French, 1860 – 1942) – artist Cl. Jacoub et Cie – printer/text Maccard, Louis (French) – engraver Porcabeuf, Alfred (French, 1867 – 1952) – printer/plates Authors: Caylus, Anne Claude de [comte de Caylus] (French, 1692 – 1765) Prévost d'Exiles, Antoine François [Abbé Prévost] (French, 1697 – 1763) Boufflers, Stanislas Jean, chevalier de (French, 1738 – 1815) Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de (French, 1694 – 1778) Casanova, Giacomo Girolamo (Italian, 1725 – 1798) Laurent, Henri-Joseph [Abbé Du Laurens] (French, 1719 – 1793) Cleland, John (British, c. 1709 – 1789) Restif [Retif] de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edmé (French, 1734 – 1806)
Softcover volume 200 x 145 mm, in a slipcase, unbound, in French wrappers, sanguine lettering on cream paper, block printed on wove paper with watermark “Marais”, collated 8vo, pp.: [1-6] 7-114 [6], 60 leaves, first and last leaves blank; illustrated with 20 etchings, incl. vignette on front wrapper, two head- and two tailpieces, printed in sanguine; etching on t.p., similar to the one on the front wrapper, printed in black. Limited edition of 250 copies, this is copy № 24. Front wrapper and title-page: in a double frame A de M. | GAMIANI | {vignette} || Colophon: CE LIVRE | IMPRIMÉ AUX DÉPENS | D'UN GROUP D'AMATEURS | SUR PAPIER CHIFFON | A ÉTÉ TIRE | A DEUX CENT CINQUANTE EXEMPLAIRES | LA VENTE AU PUBLIC | EN EST RIGOUREUSEMENT INTERDITE | EXEMPLAIRE N°24 || [This book is printed at the expense of a group of amateurs on rag paper in two hundred and fifty copies; sale to the public is strictly prohibited]. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 1649. Alfred de Musset (French, 1810 – 1857) – author.
Hardcover, 17 x 13 cm, grey cloth, gelt lettering to front and spine, pp.: [1-6] 7-671 [1], errata slip tipped-in at pp 2/3, plus laid-in 16 pp booklet Дополнение к справочнику Союза Писателей СССР 1966 г. по состоянию на 15. I. 66 г. Title-page: СОЮЗ ПИСАТЕЛЕЙ СССР | СПРАВОЧНИК | Составлен по данным | на 1 ноября 1965 года | СОВЕТСКИЙ ПИСАТЕЛЬ | МОСКВА 1966 || On page 104: Варшавский Сергей Петрович (критик, литературовед) – г. Ленинград Ф-13, Серпуховская ул., д. 2, кв. 24, тел. К 2-14-46. Print run: 6,000 copies.
Hardcover volume, 297 x 256 x 40 mm, glossy pictorial boards, pp. [1-8] 9-428 [4], profusely illustrated, text in French. F.I.N.A.L.E. stands for Foundation Internationale d’Arts et Litératures Érotiques (Foundation of Erotic Arts and Literatures, established on December 12, 1996 in Lausanne, Switzerland. Title-page: éros, | indéfiniment | Collections F.I.N.A.L.E. | { HumuS, publisher’s device} ||
Hardcover volume, 290 x 225 mm, bound in scarlet velveteen with gilt lettering to front and spine, gilt vignette and lettering to back; pp.: [1-8] 9-204 [4], profusely illustrated; text in French and English. ISBN : 2-940127-37-9. Title-page (yellow on red paper): EROS SECRET | OBJETS EROTIQUES A TRANSFORMATION | EROTIC TRANSFORMATION OBJECTS | Photographies et chorégraphie : Véronique Willemin | Photographer and choreography || “The ensemble of 150 objects presented belongs to one single collector. The manner in which the author met him at the airport of Larnaca, then on a yacht in the Mediterranean sea, resembles more a novel by Gérard de Villiers than the preface of a curator but has its own touch of spice” [Art of the day Weekly].
Softcover, French flapped pictorial wrappers, 240 x 160 mm, translated title: Rape at the boarding school, pp. [1-6] 7-164 [4], 40 black and white illustrations by Garcini. Title-page: D’après un texte de | CERKAN DE SARDAN | VIOL | AU PENSIONNAT | illustrations de | GARCINI ||
A large hardcover volume, 370 x 265 x 53 mm, bound in burgundy cloth with pasted-in b/w photograph and gilt lettering to front, gilt lettering to spine, in plastic dust jacket, in a slipcase, in a cardboard shipping box, pp. [2] 1-522 [2], 128 leaves total; limited edition of 1000 copies. Author: Nakamura Tessei [中村鐵青] Seller's description: Tsuba Shusei by Nakamura. 1963. Of a limited edition of 1,000. Clothbound with plastic jacket, slipcase, and cardboard storage box, 11 ½ x 14 ½”, 522 heavy stock pages in Japanese. This is a very impressive book. Thousands of tsuba, from Kamakura to late Edo and arranged by school. are illustrated (24 in colour photos and the rest in black & white) and described. If there is a tsuba bible this might be it; there can’t be a more comprehensive book on the subject. The storage box is shelf worn, the slipcase is just a bit toned; the book is in excellentt condition. Produced by Chuokoron-Shinsha, Inc. [株式会社中央公論新社] Publisher: 銀集成刊行会 Production details: 鐵集成 第617番 昭和38年2月10日発行 限定1,000部 定価 10,000円 オフセット単色印刷:マイク印刷 オフセット原色印刷:大日本印刷 著者中村鐵青 製作 中央公論事業出版 発行所 銀集成刊行会 活版印刷:精興社 製本:協和製本 本文用紙:三菱製紙 表紙:望月
Bound in full-colour pictorial wrappers with French flaps, 250 x 190 x 35 mm, 1,311 g by weight, profusely illustrated volume, pp. [1-4] 5-427 [5], 216 leaves total. Title-page: {vignette} | EROS BACCHUS | L'amour et le vin | {publisher's device} || Exhibition at Château Musée du vin et de la vigne, à Aigle, du 24 mai 2014 au 28 février 2015. Text by Michel Froidevaux. Original description : Depuis l'apparition du vignoble, l'amour et le vin sont inséparables. Tantôt boisson des dieux, tantôt breuvage des poètes, le vin a la vertu de rapprocher les êtres. De la riche mythologie antique - Dionysos et Bacchus - aux fêtes des confréries contemporaines, le vin enflamme l'imaginaire et génère de la convivialité. L'idée est de proposer un parcours ludique et culturel, badin et savant pour aller par siècles et contrées à la découverte des plaisirs du boire et des méandres du désir. Livre richement illustré d'un millier d'images (dessins, objets, cartes postales,...) avec la participation d'une quarantaine d'artistes contemporains qui ont créé spécialement une œuvre. Machine translation: Love and wine have been inseparable since the dawn of the vineyard. Sometimes the drink of the gods, sometimes the beverage of poets, wine has the virtue of bringing people together. From the rich mythology of antiquity - Dionysus and Bacchus - to contemporary brotherhood celebrations, wine fires the imagination and generates conviviality. The idea is to offer a playful and cultural journey, both playful and learned, through centuries and lands, to discover the pleasures of drinking and the twists and turns of desire. The book is richly illustrated with some 1,000 images (drawings, objects, postcards, etc.), featuring works by some 40 contemporary artists.
Hardcover volume, 292 x 185 x 65 mm, pictorial cream paper over cardboard, black and burgundy lettering to spine and covers; pagination: [4] h.t./imprint, t.p./photo, caption; i-vi, 7-921 [3] colophon; limitation/blank, total 464 leaves. A heavy volume of over 3 kg. Front cover: Martin Van Maele | ou le diable se cache dans détails | Catalogue raisonné | établi par | LUC BINET | Preface de Jacques Duprilot | {vignette} | HumuS || Title-page (red and black): MARTIN VAN MAELE | (1863-1926) | ou le diable se cache dans détails | Catalogue raisonné | établi et commenté par | LUC BINET | Introduction de Jacques Duprilot | {publisher’s device} | ÉDITIONS HUMUS || Edition limited to 333 copies. Maele, Martin van [Martin, Maurice François Alfred] (French, 1863 – 1926)
Softcover, 270 x 210 mm, publisher’s flapped pictorial wrappers, in identical dust jacket, pp. [1-4] 5-189 [3], illustrated throughout with 192 collection items. ISBN 978-2-85923-092-0 Title-page (sanguine): — | SAMOURAÏS | GUERRIERS ET ESTHÈTES | — | CATALOGUE DE L'EXPOSITION | ORGANISÉE A LA BIBLIOTHÉQUE | NATIONALE ET UNIVERSITAIRE | STRASBOURG | 11 MARS – 13 JUILLET 2022 | SOUS LA DIRECTION | DE PATRICK LIEBERMANN, | EMMANUEL MARINE | ET DELPHINE MULARD | ASSISTÉS PAR AGATHE JACQUEMIN | bnu | STRASBOURG || Publisher: Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire (Strasbourg) In this collection: TSU-0437.2024 Contributors Collective: Emmanuel Marine Delphine Mulard Patrick Liebermann Agathe Jacquemin
A softcover volume 18.7 x 12.1 cm, in publisher’s cream wrappers, red lettering in red and green frames to front cover, in glassine dustwrapper, uncut, untrimmed, collated in 8vo: 1-98 104, pp. [1-8] 9-151 [152 blank], plus 6 illustrations reproduced in drypoint after Mario Tauzin's lithographs from the album 'Interdit aux adultes' (see SVE-0547.2024). Front cover : BONNE | A | TOUT | FAIRE Title-page : BONNE | A | TOUT | FAIRE Stated limited edition of 900, strictly for subscribers. According to J.-P. Dutel III 1108 (p.66): published by Éric Losfeld in the late 1950s. Bonne à tout faire is a French idiom = maid-of-all-work Éric Losfeld (Belgian-French, 1922 – 1979) — publisher Mario Tauzin (French, 1909 – 1979) — artist
Catalogue raisonné of Pascin's erotic drawings. Softcover, 21 x 15 cm, burgundy gloss pictorial paperback with lettering and vignettes, pp.: [1-3] 4-102 [2], illustrated throughout. Limited edition of 1,000 copies. Title-page: Pascin érotique | {round vignette} | éditions Astarté - Paris || Contributors: Alexandre Dupouy (French) Pascin, Jules [Pincas, Julius Mordecai] (French-Jewish, 1885 – 1930)
Softcover volume, 19.5 x 14.3 cm, olive French flapped wrappers, glassine dust cover, printed on laid paper (Hollande), outer and bottom margins untrimmed, some pages uncut; pagination: [2] blank, [i-iv] h.t./limit., t.p./blank, v-viii, 1-196 [197] [5], total 212 pages plus frontispiece; head- and tailpieces and in-text stencil-coloured etchings after Chéripoulos. Title-page (olive and black): LE ROMAN | DE | VIOLETTE | {vignette} | A LA ROYNE DE CYTHÈRE | SODOME | 1920 || Limitation: Cet ouvrage, achevé d'imprimer le cinq Janvier Mil Neuf Cent Vingt à trois cents exemplaires dont vingt-cinq exemplaires sur Japon Impérial contenant chacun un dessin original de Chéripoulos, numérotés de un à vingt-cinq; deux cent soixante-quinze exemplaires sur papier de Hollande, numérotés de vingt-six à trois cents; en plus cinq exemplaires de collaborateurs marqués de A à E. Le présent exemplaire porte le numéro 72. Edition: Printed on the 5th of January 1920 in 305 copies (№№ 1-25 on Japon Impérial, №№ 26-300 on Hollande, A–E for collaborators). Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 2339, p. 350. Contributors: Henriette de Mannoury d'Ectot [Henriette Nicolas Le Blanc] (French 1815 – 1899) Charles Auguste Edelmann [Chéripoulos] (French, 1879 – 1950).
Softcover, 228 x 180 mm, tan French flapped wrappers with red lettering to front[1-4, owner’s glassine dustcover, top edge trimmed, printed on thick wove paper without a watermark; pp.: ffl [1-4 h.t., t.p.] 5-154 [2 blanks] colophon to back ffl recto, plus 12 plates with hand-coloured lithographs, extraneous to collation. Pencil and pigment drawing to h.t. signed “J. D’A” with gift manual inscription “A Monsieur et Madame Chalamel [sic] ce tardif mais sincère souvenir de sympathie”, signed “J et Y D’A.” Etching bookplate to front ffl recto: “EX LIBRIS PIERRE CHALLAMEL | JE FONCE DANS LE BROUILLARD”, signed “J A M” (Jean-Adrien Mercier). The signature J. D’A stands for Jean d’Angers, while Y D’A stands for Jean-Adrien’s wife Yvonne (1902—1999), nicknamed Zizi; they married in 1927. According to J.-P. Dutel, the stated illustrator of this edition, Jean d’Angers is indeed Jean-Adrien Mercier. The text belongs to Gustav Droz and, possibly, Auguste Poulet-Malassis. Limitation: the book was printed for subscribers in 30 copies on Japon Impériale paper (№№ 1-30) and 250 copies on vélin du Marais paper (№№ 31-280). This copy bears № 123 and was presented as a gift by the artist and his wife to Pierre Challamel. Title-page (red and black): POUR SERVIR | A L'HISTOIRE | DE NOS MŒURS | UN ÉTÉ | A LA CAMPAGNE | CORRESPONDANCE DE DEUX JEUNES PARISIENNES | RECUEILLIE PAR UN AUTEUR A LA MODE | MDCCCLXVIII || Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 2546; honesterotica. Provenance: Pierre Challamel (French, 20th century) Contributors: Gustave Droz (French, 1832 – 1895) – author (presumable). Auguste Poulet-Malassis (French, 1825 – 1878) – author (presumable). Jean-Adrien Mercier (French, 1899 – 1995) – artist. Micro photo of the lithography:
Softcover, 325 x 253 mm, publisher’s French flapped wrappers in glassine dust cover, 15 leaves folio folded in half, making 30 in-2o leaves 321 x 250 mm, with two leaves within the wrappers, [1] t.p., [2] Vertès’ blue ink inscription “À Alexaner Sternberg frère Nicolas qui est un garçon charmant et un bon artiste. Vertès.” and drawing, [3] frontispiece, [4-26] text with six full-page, one head- and one tailpiece in dry point technique, with guard tissues, [27] list of plates, [28] colophon, [29] blank; some page numbers manually scripted in pencil to the bottom right corners by a previous owner. Paper watermarked “BFK Rives”. Title-page (in orange and black): ÉLOGE | DE | MARCEL VERTÈS | PAR | GEORGES HUISMAN | ORNÉ | DE GRAVURES ORIGINALES | {publisher’s device} | MANUEL BRUKER ÉDITEUR || Colophon: CET OUVRAGE A ÉTÉ ACHEVÉ D'IMPRIMER SUR LES PRESSES DE L'IMPRIMERIE DARAGNÈS LE 30 OCTOBRE 1951 A 200 EXEMPLAIRES NUMÉROTÉS DONT 20 SUR VÉLIN 'ARCHES DE 1 A 20 AUXQUELS IL A ÉTÉ JOINT UNE SUITE DES GRAVURES SUR JAPON NACRÉ ET 180 SUR VÉLIN BLANC DE RIVES DE 21 A 200. ON A TIRÉ EN OUTRE 20 SUITES SUR MALACCA DES PLANCHES REFUSÉES. EXEMPLAIRE N° 93. Limitation: 200 copies printed on October 30, 1951, at Daragnès press: 20 (№№ 1-20) on Arches vellum paper with a suite of plates on Japon Nacré and 180 (№№ 21-200) Vélin Blanc by Rives. This is copy № 93. Tipped in: (1) photo of Vertès (and one more) in front of his murals, with the blue ballpoint pen inscription “À Alex Sternberg, frère de Nicola, excellent ami, excellent artiste et voyez, quel photographe!!! Vertès”; (2) postcard with a signed invitation to Vertès' exhibition by Librairie M.-P. Tremois: “Carte Postale | Paris, le 2 mars [19]28 | Monsieur, | Du 6 au 24 mars, | de 2 heures à 6h30, aura | lieu à la Librairie M.-P. Trémois | 43 avenue Rapp, 7e, une | exposition de dessins et | aquarelles de Vertès, ayant | servi à l’illustration de livres. | Nous espérons que vous | voudrez bien nous honorer | de votre visite. M.-P. Trémois.” The drypoint technique is confirmed by the presence of a white line in the middle of the black printed line on the micro photo: Catalogue raisonné: Vokaer № 52. Contributors: Georges Huisman (French, 1889 – 1957) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – character/artist. Manuel Bruker (French, 1891 – 1979) – publisher. Jean-Gabriel Daragnès (French, 1886 – 1950) – printer. Nicolas Sternberg (Hungarian-French, 1902 –1960) Librairie M.-P. Trémois (1925 – 1953)
Paperback, 23.7 x 19 cm, green pictorial wrappers, lettering to spine, glassine dust jacket, some pages uncut, signed autograph blue ink inscription to h.t. "Au dr. Manuel Bruker en souvenir d'une harmonieuse collaboration. Vertès, 1952"; pp.[1-6] 7-489 [490] [2], profusely illustrated in b/w., Title-page: AMANDES VERTES | {vignette} | Texte et dessins | de | VERTÈS | ÉDITIONS REVUE ADAM | 4, RUE DE LA PAIX – PARIS – 2e || Limitation: Il a été tiré 200 exemplaires sur papier vélin d'arches; ceux-ci comportent un frontispice inédit en lithographie originale en 3 couleurs signée par l'auteur, tirée par Mourlot frères; ces exemplaires composent l'édition de luxe numérotée de 1 a 200. En plus, 20 exemplaires hors commence ont été réservés a des service personnels; ils sont numérotés de I a XX en chiffres romains. Ces deux éditions forment la totalité du tirage de luxe. Colophon: Achevé d'imprimer le 30 juin 1952 sur les presses de l'imprimerie Hérissey à Évreux numéro d'édition de l'éditeur : 91. Edition limited to 200 copies numbered 1 to 200 and 20 copies numbered from I to XX. This is copy № 91. No coloured frontispiece. Catalogue raisonné: Vokaer № 53. Provenance: Manuel Bruker (French, 1891 – 1979) Contributors: Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – author/artist. Imprimerie Hérissey (Évreux) – printer. Edition Adam La Revue D' Homme [Revue Adam] – publisher.