  • Publisher’s olive French flapped wrappers, in-4to, 33 x 25.3 x 6 cm, green and black lettering to front and spine, in a glassine dust jacket, in a marbled double slipcase 34.5 x 25.5 cm, unbound; pp.: [8] 1-436 [4], plus 30 colour plates with guard tissue, extraneous to collation; edition enriched with a set of 30 uncoloured etchings with guard tissue in a lettered paper folder. Title-page: ÉMILE ZOLA | NANA | ILLUSTRÉ DE | TRENTE GRAVURES ORIGINALES | DE | VERTÈS || PARIS | JAVAL ET BOURDEAUX | 44 bis, rue de Villejust | 1933 || Justification du tirage: il a été tiré de «Nana » d'Émile Zola. Soixante exemplaires sur japon impérial, numérotés de 1 a 60, avec un état en couleurs colorié a la main et un état en noir des trente gravures originales de Vertès. [Edition limited to 60 copies, this is copy № 54]. Colophon: « NANA », D'ÉMILE ZOLA, ÉTÉ ACHEVÉ D'IMPRIMER LE TRENTE AVRIL MIL NEUF CENT TRENTE-TROIS, EN CARACTÈRES ROMAIN ANGLAIS DU CORPS 16, SUR LES PRESSES DU MAITRE IMPRIMEUR COULOUMA, À ARGENTEUIL, H. BARTHÉLEMY, DIRECTEUR. LES COMPOSITIONS DE VERTÈS ONT ÉTÉ REPRODUITES EN FAC-SIMILÉ PAR D. JACOMET & Cie. Printed on April 30, 1933 by Coulouma in Argenteuil, H. Barthélemy, director; illustrations reproduced in facsimile by D. Jacomet & Co. Catalogue raisonné: Vokaer 30. Contributors: Émile Zola (French, 1840 – 1902) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Javal et Bourdeaux – publisher. Daniel Jacomet (French, 1894 – 1966) – printer. Seller's description: Nana. Paris, Javal et Bourdeaux, 1933. 2 volumes in-4, en feuilles, non coupé, non rogné, chemise et étui. Ouvrage illustré de 30 gravures originales en couleurs de Marcel Vertès. Tirage à 60 exemplaires sur japon impérial contenant un état des illustrations coloriées à la main en couleurs et un état en noir. Chemise et emboîtage insolés.
  • NEW
    Hardcover volume 257 x 172 mm in a suede slipcase 264 x 175 mm, bound by Ateliers Babouot in yellow morocco, front board gilt-stamped with frames and borders, flat spine with gilt in compartments, brown label lettered in gilt, grey moire endpapers, yellow paper faux-titles, pp. [i-v] vi-x [xi] [3] [2] 1-531 [532] [4], i.e. 552 pp. total, profusely illustrated with full-page and in-text b/w and toned reproductions; top edge gilt. Title-page (gilt and black): DICTIONNAIRE | DES ŒUVRES | ÉROTIQUES | DOMAINE FRANÇAIS | PRÉFACE DE PASCAL PIA | {vignette} | MERCURE DE France || Imprint: Tous droits de reproduction, de traduction et d'adaptation réservés pour tous les pays. © MERCURE DE FRANCE, 1971. Colophon: Achevé d'imprimer le 11 octobre 1971 par Firmin-Didot Paris-Mesnil-Ivry sur couche job mat des papeteries Dujardin ; photogravure Haudressy-Ronan ; reliure de Babouot ; maquette de Gilbert Minazzoli et Virginia Silva. Imprint : № d'édition : 5398 – № d'impression : 6384; Dépôt légal : 4e trimestre 1971. Contributors: Pascal Pia [Pierre Durand] (French, 1903 – 1979) – author/compiler.
  • Two volumes in blue cloth, 30.3 x 25.2 cm each, in a matching slipcase 31.5 x 25.5 x 6.5 cm, with silver lettering. Vol. 1: Text, pp.: [1-8] 9-502 [2 blank]; Vol. 2: Plates, 240 unpaginated pages (721 entries). Suzuki Harunobu (Japanese, 1725 – 1770) David B. Waterhouse (British, 1936 – 2017)
  • Softcover volume, 33 x 26 cm, collated in folio, not bound, in publisher’s French flapped pictorial wrappers, lettering to spine; printed on thick wove Arches paper watermarked “MBM”, upper edge trimmed, owner’s blind stamp to h.t. “Ex Libris Comte Tony de Vibraye”, glassine dust jacket, in a slipcase. Collation: π2 1-262, total 54 leaves, plus 4 leaves in wrappers, plus 10 plates, incl. frontispiece; coloured aquatints after Sylvain Sauvage; coloured etched vignette to front wrapper, gilt woodcut to back wrapper, woodcut title-page and woodcut headpiece after the same. Pp.: [4] [1] 2-102 [2]. Front wrapper (gilt and black): LA NUIT & LE MOMENT | {vignette} | OU | LES MATINÉES DE CYTHÈRE | PAR | MONSIEUR DE CRÉBILLON LE FILS | || Title-page (woodcut): CRÉBILLON LE FILS | | LA NUIT ET LE MOMENT | OU | LES MATINÉES | DE CYTHÈRE | {vignette} | A PARIS | AUX DEPENS D'UN AMATEUR | | M CM XXIV || Limitation: De cette édition il a été tiré un exemplaire unique sur japon impérial comportant dix aquarelles originales, deux cents trente exemplaires sur vélin d' Arches numérotés 1 à 230, dont les dix premiers avec une suite de hors texte sur japon. N° 1 [Print run limited to 230 copies on Arches plus a unique copy on Japon with original watercolours, this is copy № 1 on wove paper]. Seller’s description: La Nuit et le moment ou Les Matinées de Cythère. Paris, Au dépens d'un amateur, 1924. In-4, en feuilles, non rogné, couverture illustrée et étui. Ouvrage illustré de 4 gravures sur bois et de 10 eaux-fortes libres en couleurs hors texte de Sylvain Sauvage. Tirage à 231 exemplaires, celui-ci le n°1 sur vélin d'Arches. Manque la suite de hors texte sur japon. De la bibliothèque du Comte Tony de Vibraye, avec cachet à froid. Dutel, n°2062. Catalogue raisonné: honesterotica.com; Dutel III 2062. Contributors: Claude-Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon [Crébillon fils] (French, 1707 – 1777) – author. Sylvain Sauvage [Félix Roy] (French, 1888 – 1948) – artist. Provenance: Antoine Henri Gaston Hurault de Vibraye [Comte Tony de Vibraye] (French, 1893 – 1951)
  • Softcover, cream French flapped wrappers, 242 x 192 mm, glassine dust jacket, lower and outer margins untrimmed, red lettering to front wrapper CONTES LIBERTINS | DU | DIX-HUITIÈME SIÈCLE; in a double slipcase; 10 full-page colour intaglio prints, incl. frontispiece, and 10 half-page coloured prints after Antoine Calbet; pp.: [1-8] 9-223 [224] [6], total 115 leaves plus ten plates with tissue guards extraneous to collation. Copy enhanced with a full suite of 32 uncoloured intaglio prints, and 12 refused plates: Title-page (red and black): CONTES LIBERTINS | DU DIX-HUITIÈME SIÈCLE | PRÉSENTÉS PAR EDMOND PILON | TRENTE-DEUX ILLUSTRATIONS EN COULEURS | DE | A. CALBET | {fleuron} | PARIS  | LE VASSEUR & Cie, ÉDITEURS | 33, Rue de Fleurus || Limitation: 587 copies, of which 32 on Japon Impérial (№№ 1-32), 65 on Hollande Van Gilder (№№ 33-97), 490 on Velin a la forme de Rives (№№ 98-587). 25 copies were printed on top of this print run for collaborators, numbered in Roman letters. This copy is № 77 on watermarked Van Gilder Zonnen paper. Colophon: LE TEXTE DE CET OUVRAGE A | ÉTÉ IMPRIMÉ SUR LES PRESSES | DE CL. JACOUB ET Cie. |  LES ILLUSTRATIONS, GRAVÉES PAR L. MACCARD, ONT ÉTÉ | TIRÉES EN TAILLE-DOUCE | PAR A. PORCABEUF ET Cie. | ACHEVÉ D'IMPRIMER, A | PARIS, LE 12 OCTOBRE 1936. Table of contents: Histoire de madame Allain – Notice sur le comte de Caylus. Histoire de Cidal Acmet – Notice sur l'abbé Prevost Aline, reine de Golconde – Notice sur le chevalier de Boufflers Cosi-Sancta – notice sur Voltaire. Cécile, Marine et Bellino – Notice sur Casanova de Seingalt Histoire de Babet – Notice sur l'abbé Du Laurens Histoire de Fanny Hill – Notice sur John Cleland. Louise et Thérèse – Notice sur Rétif de La Bretonne Contributors: Pilon, Edmond (French, 1874 – 1945) – compiler Le Vasseur & Cie – publisher Calbet, Antoine (French, 1860 – 1942) – artist Cl. Jacoub et Cie – printer/text Maccard, Louis (French) – engraver Porcabeuf, Alfred (French, 1867 – 1952) – printer/plates Authors: Caylus, Anne Claude de [comte de Caylus] (French, 1692 – 1765) Prévost d'Exiles, Antoine François [Abbé Prévost] (French, 1697 – 1763) Boufflers, Stanislas Jean, chevalier de (French, 1738 – 1815) Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de (French, 1694 – 1778) Casanova, Giacomo Girolamo (Italian, 1725 – 1798) Laurent, Henri-Joseph [Abbé Du Laurens] (French, 1719 – 1793) Cleland, John (British, c. 1709 – 1789) Restif [Retif] de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edmé (French, 1734 – 1806)
  • Binding: Grey double-slipcase 34 x 16.5 cm, pictorial folder, French flapped pictorial wrappers, both folder and wrapper with green ms lettering and vignette in sanguine, green ms lettering to spine. Collation: folio in-4to, two leaves in wrappers at the front and back, π8, 104 [11]2, total 50 leaves, incl. plates. Pagination: [4], [2] h.t. / limitation, [2] blank, [1-3] blank, [4-6] frontis., t.p., blank. 7-86 [2] [4] colophon, 100 pages total. Title-page (sanguine and black): COMPLEXES | 40 | DESSINS DE | Vertès | PREFACE DE | PIERRE MAC ORLAN | ANDRÉ SAURET | ÉDITIONS DU LIVRE ★ MONTE-CARLO || Illustrations: One on the front covers, one on the back one headpiece vignette, 37 plates, incl. frontispiece in colour and three on a double-page (full leaf), and one original pencil drawing. Limitation: 890 copies of which 40 (№ 1-40) signed by the artist and contain one original drawing; this copy is № 27. Edition: published by André Sauret, lithographs after Vertès drawings by Georges Duval, printed by Fernand Mourlot; text printed at “La Ruche” under the direction of A. and P. Jarach. Print run completed on November 9, 1948. Contributors: Pierre Mac-Orlan (French, 1882 – 1970) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. André Sauret (Monaco, fl. 1952 – 1976) – publisher. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
  • Title-page: COLETTE | LA | VAGABONDE | LITHOGRAPHIES EN COULEURS | DE MARCEL VERTÈS | PARIS | A LA CITE DES LIVRES |—| M DCCCC XXVII || Binding: French flapped wrappers 28.5 x 22.5 cm, in glassine dustcover, front wrapper lettered similarly to title-page but in red and black: COLETTE | LA | VAGABONDE | LITHOGRAPHIES EN COULEURS | DE MARCEL VERTÈS | PARIS | A LA CITE DES LIVRES |—| M DCCCC XXVII ||, in a red marbled cardboard folder 29 x 23 cm with paper label to spine, slipcase missing. Pagination: [2] 1st leaf blank, [2] h.t. / limitation, [2] t.p. / blank, [2] d.t.p. /blank, [3] 4-277 [278 blank], [4 colophon], ils. Collation: π3 1-354 χ1, plus 15 leaves of plates extraneous to collation, incl. frontispiece, chromolithographs by Marcel Vertès. Edition: Limited edition of 305 copies of which this is № 15 (out of numbers 10-24) printed on Japon Impérial paper with three additional suites of plates in black, sanguine and colour, plus 4 refused plates. Printed on the 15th of September 1927: text by Robert Coulouma (Argenteuil, director H. Barthélemy), lithographs by E. Duchatel (Paris) and published by La cité des livres. Missing black versions of LIB-2892.2021-5 and LIB-2892.2021-10 (43 out of 45 prints in place). Refused plates: Plates in black, sanguine, and colour. Contributors: Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette [a.k.a. Colette] (French, 1873 – 1954) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
  • Title-page: COLETTE | L'INGÉNUE | LIBERTINE | ILLUSTRÉ DE VINGT POINTES SÈCHES ORIGINALES EN COULEURS | DE P.-E. BÉCAT | GEORGES GUILLOT, ÉDITEUR | 7, RUE PERRONET | PARIS (VIIe) || French flapped wrapper in a blue double slipcase with dark blue and gilt lettering to spine, 29.5 x 24 x 8 cm, in-folio, leaves 28.5 x 22.5 cm, unbound, with 20 coloured drypoint engravings, with tissue-guards, with 77 initials and tailpieces by Marie Monnier. Limited edition of 420 copies, of which this is copy № XXVII, one of 45 copies marked with Roman numbers and reserved for the artist and collaborators. Printed on November 1st, 1947. Pagination: [16] 1-215 [216] [6], 238 pages (119 leaves) total, incl. plates. Moderate foxing. Contributors: Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette [a.k.a. Colette] (French, 1873 – 1954) Paul-Émile Bécat (French, 1885 – 1960) Marie Monnier (French, 1894 – 1976) Solange et Georges Guillot – publishers. Georges Girard – printer, typography. Manuel Robbe – printer, drypoint engravings.
  • Title-page: COLETTE | L'INGÉNUE | LIBERTINE | EAUX-FORTES DE DIGNIMONT | PARIS | A LA CITÉ DES LIVRES | — | MDCCCCXXVIII || Cover (front wrapper): Similar to t.p. but in red and black: COLETTE | L'INGÉNUE | LIBERTINE | EAUX-FORTES DE DIGNIMONT | PARIS | A LA CITÉ DES LIVRES | — | MDCCCCXXVIII || Description: French flapped wrapper in a red marbled double slipcase with lettered paper label to spine, 29.5 x 23 x 5.5 cm, in-4to, leaves 28 x 22.5 cm. Collation: π41 in wrapper, π2 blank, π3 h.t. / limitation, π4 t.p. / blank, 1-304, χ21 blank, χ2 in wrapper), plus 15 plates extraneous to collation, with tissue-guards, incl. frontispiece. Pagination: [8] [1] 2-237 [238] [6], ils. Plates: 15 etchings in sepia by André Dignimont. Enrichment: Additional full suite of 15 plates in sanguine. Limitation: Edition is limited to 215 copies, 150 of them printed on thick wove paper (Vélin de Hollande), numbered 41 – 190, with one additional suite of plates. This copy is № 168. Printed on October 14, 1928. Contributors: Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette [a.k.a. Colette] (French, 1873 – 1954) André Dignimont (French, 1891 – 1965) – artist. La cité des livres – publishers. R. Coulouma (Argenteuil, director H. Barthélemy) – printer, typography. Atelier de la Roseraie – printer, etchings.
  • (1) Claudine à l'école: 1st blank and limitation leaves uncut, t.p. / blank ; [1-6] 7-206 [2], colophon "IMPRIMÉ EN BELGIQUE"; 208 pages (104 leaves) plus 12 plates. COLETTE | Claudine | {vignette} | à l'école | ILLUSTRÉE PAR | RENÉE RINGEL | « Leurs Chefs-d'œuvre » | AUX ÉDITIONS TERRES LATINES || (2) Claudine à Paris: 1st blank and limitation leaves uncut, t.p. / blank ; [1-6] 7-153 [3], colophon "IMPRIMÉ EN BELGIQUE"; 156 pages (78 leaves) plus 12 plates. COLETTE | Claudine | {vignette} | à Paris | ILLUSTRÉE PAR | RENÉE RINGEL | « Leurs Chefs-d'œuvre » | AUX ÉDITIONS TERRES LATINES || (3) Claudine en ménage: 1st blank and limitation leaves uncut, t.p. / blank ; [1-6] 7-150 [2], colophon "IMPRIMÉ EN BELGIQUE"; 152 pages (76 leaves) plus 12 plates. COLETTE | Claudine | {vignette} | en ménage | ILLUSTRÉE PAR | RENÉE RINGEL | « Leurs Chefs-d'œuvre » | AUX ÉDITIONS TERRES LATINES || (4) Claudine s'en va: 1st blank and limitation leaves uncut, t.p. / blank ; [1-6] 7-128 [4], colophon "IMPRIMÉ EN BELGIQUE"; 132 pages (66 leaves) plus 12 plates. COLETTE | Claudine | {vignette} | s'en va | ILLUSTRÉE PAR | RENÉE RINGEL | « Leurs Chefs-d'œuvre » | AUX ÉDITIONS TERRES LATINES || Illustrations: in each volume, there are 12 plates extraneous to collation, incl. frontispiece, stencil-coloured (au pochoir) collotype reproductions after drawings by Renée Ringel, and numerous in-text b/w illustrations. Binding: 4 volumes uniformly bound in French flapped pictorial wrappers, spine with lettering and vignette, each in a canvas double slipcase 22 x 17.5 cm, with lettering to spine. Edition: Limited to 1800 copies, of which this is copy № 365, printed by Jean de Clercq, plates printed by Thill, colouring by Ateliers du coloris d’art. Contributors: Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette [a.k.a. Colette] (French, 1873 – 1954) Renée Ringel – nothing is known so far.
  • NEW
    Hardcover volume 245 x 355 mm blue pictorial cardboard with lettering to spine and front board, in pictorial dust jacket, housed in 360 x 255 mm blue cloth over cardboard slipcase with gilt lettering to spines and boards, pp. [1-7] 8-285 [286]; catalogue of the exhibit of the Georges Leskowicz collection of Andō Hiroshige fan prints, held at Museé Guimet in Paris from February 15, 2023 to May 29, 2023, with 119 item entries with descriptions and bibliography. Title-page (blue and black): CHRISTOPHE MARQUET | avec la collaboration de Toshiko Kawakane | HIROSHIGE | Les éventails d'Edo | ESTAMPES DE LA COLLECTION | GEORGES LESKOWICZ | in fine {publisher’s device} || Contributors: Utagawa Hiroshige [歌川 広重] a.k.a. Andō Hiroshige [安藤 広重] (Japanese, 1797 – 1858) – artist. Leskowicz, Georges [Jerzy Tadeusz] (Polish-French, b. 1946) – collector. Musée national des Arts asiatiques - Guimet – exhibitor. Marquet, Christophe (French, b. 1965) – author.
  • Title-page: TALES FROM SHAKESPEARE | CHARLES AND MARY LAMB | — | With an Introduction by | MARTIN ARMSTRONG | {space} | {publisher’s device} | COLLINS | LONDON AND GLASGOW || Pagination: [1-4] 5-256, frontispiece: reproduction of portrait of Charles Lamb. Edition: reprint of 1953 edition (WorldCat); in Collins Classics series. Binding: 18.5 x 11 cm, semi-soft, crimson faux morocco, blind-stamped fillet border, gilt lettering to spine, TEG, slipcase. Contributors: William Shakespeare (English, 1564 – 1616) Mary Ann Lamb (British, 1764 – 1847) – author. Charles Lamb (British, 1775 – 1834) – author. Collins Clear-Type Press & Publisher (London; Glasgow) – printer and publisher. Note: “On the writing desk were two books – identical copies of Lamb’s Tales From Shakespeare. […] — Why did you choose Lamb? — It was the only book I could find in duplicate except Uncle Tom’s Cabin…” Graham Greene. Our Man in Havana.
  • Title: Chansons | de Salles de Garde | {vignette} | Internat { À l’Enseigne des Trois Orfèvres } Quartier Latin || Collation: 21 leaves folded in half (84 pages), unpaginated, unbound, plus 40 plates (two-tone lithography) for 40 songs, in a flapped paper folder, in a green cardstock folder (slipcase without top and bottom?) with gilt diaper ornament. Text, music score, and drawings printed in brick red. Size: 28 x 22.5 cm. Edition: limited to 700 copies of which 100 (№ 1-100) on Vélin Arches, 650 (№ 101-650) on Vélin Spécial, and 50 without numbering marked “Exemplaire d’interne” on Vélin Supérieur. This copy is № 27. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel 1920 – 1970: 1192.
  • Volume bound by Boichot (signed on front pastedown), 25.3 x 20.2 cm in a 25.9 x 20.3 slipcase, the book and the case uniformly in beige, brown, and blue diaper paper with a navy blue label with gilt lettering to book's spine, top edge gilt, J.-P. Dutel’s bookplate to fep, portfolio cover preserved. Pp.: [1-4] 5-37 [38 blank]; collated 4to, 13 2-54; total 19 leaves (38 pages), plus 12 plates coloured in stencil technique (pochoir), produced after watercolours by Gerda Wegener in c. 1917 on Arches or Whatman laid paper, watermarked. Each illustration bears a small masquerade mask at the bottom as a signature. Text printed on laid paper without a watermark; starting from 2nd gathering, the text printed on recto only; minor traces of water stain to some pages. Title-page (red and black): ALEXANDRE DE VÉRINEAU | Douze Sonnets lascifs | pour accompagner la suite d’aquarelles intitulée | Les Délassements d’Éros | {vignette medallion} | ÉROTOPOLIS | A L’ENSEIGNE DU FAUNE | 1925 || First edition, first printing (incl. plates); clandestine. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel 1356, 1434; Pia 363/4; Noedmann I 310; Fekete 221. Contributors: Louis Perceau (French, 1883 – 1942) – author (see LIB-2633.2021: Guillaume Apollinaire, Fernand Fleuret, Louis Perceau. L'enfer de la Bibliothèque Nationale. — Paris: Mercure de France, 1913). Gerda Wegener (Danish, 1886 – 1940) – artist. Maurice Duflou (French, 1885 – 1951) – publisher. Boichot – bookbinder.
  • NEW
    Hardcover volume 257 x 180 mm housed in marbled slipcase 265 x 180 mm with opening outlined in brown morocco, binding by René Kieffer in brown morocco, mosaic vignette in gilt and colours stamped to front and gilt vignette to rear board, spine with raised bands and gilt lettering, gilt corners and fillets, gilt bookbinder signature inside, bookbinder’s ticket to flyleaf verso, marbled endpapers, top edge gilt; printed on thick wove paper produced by Perrigot-Masure; nine coloured etchings and 45 woodcuts after C. Picart le Doux; original woodcut pictorial wrappers preserved, [1-6] 7-67 [4] plus nine plates; enriched with a suite of uncoloured etchings in two states and a suite of woodcuts in ochre. Limitation: The edition is limited to 100 copies, printed on October 20, 1909, at Imprimerie de l'Art Décoratif. This copy was printed for Mademoiselle E. Kieffer. Title-page (brown and black): ALBERT SAMAIN | HYALIS | Le petit Faune aux yeux bleus | eaux fortes et bois gravés originaux | de C•PICART•LE•DOUX | {woodcut vignette} | COLLECTION•ECLECTIQUE | A•BLAIZOT | EDITEUR | 26•Rue le Peletier / RENÉ KIEFFER | RELIEUR D’ART | 47•R.St André des Arts / PARIS • 1909 || Imprint: TIRAGE UNIQUE | de cette édition de grand luxe | à 100 Exemplaires | contenant : | Trois états des eaux-fortes, dont l'eau-forte pure | et un tirage à part des bois | Exemplaire imprimé spécialement pour : | Mademoiselle E. KIEFFER | {woodcut vignette} || COLLABORATEURS | C. PICART LE Doux, Peintre-Graveur | ~ | E. DURAND, Directeur de l'Imprimerie Typographique | MAGORIEC, Compositeur | AYRAULT, Pressier | ~ | Eaux-fortes tirées par A. ROUTY | ~ | CARACTÈRES DE GIRALDON | fondus par la maison DEBERNY | ~ | Papiers à la forme de PERRIGOT-MASURE | ~ || Colophon: {woodcut vignette} | ACHEVÉ D'IMPRIMER | le 20 Octobre 1909 | par l'Imprimerie de l'Art Décoratif || Contributors: Albert Samain (French, 1858 – 1900) – author. Charles Alexandre Picart Le Doux (French, 1881 – 1959) – artist. René Kieffer (French, 1876 – 1963) – bookbinder. Auguste Blaizot (French, 1908 – 1941) – publisher.
  • Unbound volume in publisher’s wrappers, lettered in red “FELICIA | ou | mes fredaines”, in 29.7 x 23.6 cm purple and blue diaper cloth double-slipcase with a lettered label, 52 leaves folded in half, first and last blank leaves within the wrappers, pagination: [8] 1-186 [2] [4] (200 pages total); illustrated with 20 coloured etchings after watercolours by Louis Icart (signed), plates within collation, 8 b/w tail-pieces and coloured initials; the edition enriched with an original watercolour, an etched copperplate, and two suites of plates, one in black and one in sanguine. Edition printed on thick wove paper, margins untrimmed. Title-page (purple and black): ANDRÉA DE NERCIAT | Félicia | ou | Mes fredaines | ILLUSTRÉ | DE VINGT EAUX-FORTES ORIGINALES EN COULEURS | PAR | LOUIS ICART | GEORGES GUILLOT, ÉDITEUR | 7, RUE PERRONET | PARIS || Limitation: a print run of 500 copies numbered 1 to 500 plus 30 copies “exemplaires d’artiste, numbered I to XXX, of which this is number I. Catalogue raisonné:William R. Holland (1998): pp. 152-164. Ref.: [LIB-2785.2021] William R. Holland. Louis Icart: Erotica (A Schiffer book for collectors). — Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., © 1998. Printed by Joseph Zichieri (text) and Manuel Robbe (etchings). Contributors: André-Robert Andréa de Nerciat (French, 1739 – 1800) – author. Louis Icart (French, 1888 – 1950) – artist. Solange et Georges Guillot, éditeurs – publisher (7, rue Perronet, Paris) Joseph Zichieri (Grench, mid-20th century) – printer. Ateliers en taille-douce de Manuel Robbe (French, 1872 – 1936) – engraver/printer. Watercolour: Copperplate:
  • Hardcover volume, 25.2 x 20.5 cm, in a double slipcase 26.3 x 21.5 cm; black boards on cloth spine, front board with pasted photocollage in colour, first leaf thick verge paper different to the rest of the edition; top margin red, text printed on cream laid paper without a watermark and adorned with 14 in-text lithographs in black. A suite of 20 coloured lithographs 245 x 195 mm in the inner slipcase. Plates by Berthomme Saint-André. Pagination: [2] blanks, [3-8] 9-100 [101] blank, [2] colophon, limit. [2] blanks. Title-page (red and black): A. DE M. | GAMIANI | ou | deux nuits d'excès | Édition Réalisée | par les soins | et au profit exclusif des | « Vrais Amateurs Romantiques » | (Groupement de bibliophiles) || Limitation: № 1 – on Tonkin à la forme paper with two sets of plates, on Tonkin and one on Arches, printed in colour and in black, etc.; № 2 – similar but with the earlier state of one suite of plates; №№ 3-52 on Arches verge with plates on Tonkin; №№ 53-127 on Arches verge with plates on the same; №№ 128-227 on Rives with the suites on paper watermarked “Japon”; №№ 228-672 on Rives with the suites on the same; 25 copies marked A-Z of which A-J on Arches vergé and suites on Tonkin, and K-Z on Rives. Altogether 697 copies, of which this is copy № 27. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 1650, p. 187-8; honesterotica.com. with a partially different set of in-text illustrations. Alfred de Musset (French, 1810 – 1857) – author. Louis Berthomme Saint-André (French, 1905 – 1977) – artist.
  • Title: A CONRAD | MEMORIAL LIBRARY | THE COLLECTION OF | GEORGE T. KEATING | {Conrad's portrait in a circle} | 1929 | Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc. | Garden City, New York || Pagination: [2] – blanks, [i-vi] vii-xvi, [1-2] 3-448 [449-450], [2] – blanks, [2] – justification (501 copies printed, 425 for sale, this is № 365), verso blank, plus frontispiece – a colour portrait of sitting Mr Conrad from the painting by Walter Tittle with lettered tissue guard; the total number of pages 472; 304 items recordered and described. Binding: 27 x 19.5 cm, bevelled boards, blue cloth, white embossed head portrait of Conrad pasted to front board, spine sunned to green-yellowish, paper label with lettering to spine, top edge gilt, other untrimmed, printed on laid paper; in a black buckram slipcase with a green label to spine. Contributors: Joseph Conrad [Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski] (British-Polish, 1857 – 1924) George Thomas Keating (American, 1892 – 1976) – author Printer: R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company Richard Robert Donnelley (American, 1838 – 1899) Publisher: Doubleday, Doran & Co. Frank Nelson Doubleday (American, 1862 – 1934) George Henry Doran (American, 1869 – 1956) Tittle, Walter (American, 1883 – 1966) – artist (portrait)