NEWPaperback, 234 x 163 mm, front wrapper: ВЕНЕДИКТ ЕРОФЕЕВ | МОСКВА – ПЕТУШКИ | {vignette} | YMCA-PRESS | PARIS || The vignette is a photomechanical reproduction in colour of a fragment of the painting by Vyacheslav Kalinin “A thirsty man”; spine: ВЕНЕДИКТ ЕРОФЕЕВ — МОСКВА - ПЕТУШКИ ||; pagination: [1-4] 5-73 [3]. Title-page: ВЕНЕДИКТ ЕРОФЕЕВ | МОСКВА - ПЕТУШКИ | YMCA ~ PRESS | 11, rue de la Montagne-Ste-Geneviève – 75005 Paris, France. || Colophon: ACHEVÉ D'IMPRIMER | LE 18 AVRIL 1977 | PAR JOSEPH FLOCH | MAITRE-IMPRIMEUR | A MAYENNE | NO 5923 || Венедикт Васильевич Ерофеев [Venedikt Yerofeyev] (Russian, 1938 – 1990) – author. Вячеслав Васильевич Калинин [Vyacheslav Kalinin] (Russian-American, 1939 – 2022) – artist/cover
Softcover, 328 x 250 mm, green French flapped wrappers, lettered; 22 leaves plus 2 in wrappers, unpaginated, incl. frontispiece (etching), headpiece (lithography), 4 in-text illustrations (1 lithography + 3 etchings), and 5 plates (3 dry points + 1 etching = 1 lithography) by Albert Marquet. Limited edition of 200 copies on Arches Vellum, watermarked, of which this is copy № 144; published by Manuel Bruker on May 16, 1948; lithographs printed by André Clot. Title-page (olive and black): ÉLOGE | DE | ALBERT MARQUET | PAR | LÉON WERTH | ORNÉ | DE GRAVURES ORIGINALES | {publisher’s device} | MANUEL BRUKER ÉDITEUR || Colophon: J'AI ACHEVÉ D'IMPRIMER | CET OUVRAGE LE JOUR DE | LA PENTECOTE 1948 A 200 | EXEMPLAIRES SUR VÉLIN | D'ARCHES A LA FORME NU | MÉROTES DE 1 A 200. ON | A JOINT AUX 20 PREMIERS | EXEMPLAIRES UNE SUITE | SUR PAPIER JAPON ANCIEN | ET UNE SUITE DES PLAN | CHES NON UTILISEES. LES | LITHOGRAPHIES ONT ÉTÉ | TIRÉES PAR ANDRÉ CLOT. The day of Pentecost in 1948 was Sunday, May 16. Contributors: Werth, Léon (French, 1878 – 1955) – author Marquet, Albert (French, 1875 – 1947) – artist Bruker, Manuel [Mendel] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1891 – 1979) – publisher Clot, André (French, 1909 – 2002) – printer
Softcover, 193 x 252 mm, pictorial wrappers, lettered, 24 leaves numbered on recto 2-23 with 23 photogravures after Charles Castellani and advertisement to verso. Front wrapper: (ribbon) EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE DE 1889 | ESPLANADE • DES • INVALIDES • | — | PANORAMA | LE | ”TOVT – PARIS” | peint par | Ch. Castellani | — || Title-page: (in frame) PANORAMA | LE | “TOUT – PARIS” | PEINT PAR | CH. CASTELLANI || Ref: BNF, département Estampes et photographie, 4-NA-62; Getty Research Institute Accession Number 2623-796. Contributors: Charles Castellani (French, 1838 – 1913) Arents, Pierre-Marie (Belgian, 1842 – 1916) Characters: Fouquier, Henry (French, 1838 – 1901) Bernhardt, Sarah [Bernard, Henriette-Rosine] (French, 1844 – 1923) Lesseps, Ferdinand Marie, Comte de (French, 1805 – 1894) Clemenceau, Georges (French, 1841 – 1929) Troubetzkoy, Pyotr Petrovich, Prince (French, 1822 – 1892) Shah Qajar, Naser al-Din (Persian, 1831 – 1896) Floquet, Charles (French, 1828 – 1896) Marinoni, Hippolyte Auguste (French, 1823 – 1904) Charcot, Jean-Martin (French, 1825 – 1893) Poupart-Davyl Louis (French, 1835 – 1890) Eiffel, Gustave (French, 1832 – 1923) Grévy, Jules (French, 1807 – 1891) Zola, Émile (French, 1840 – 1902) Granier de Cassagnac, Paul (French, 1843 – 1904) Claretie, Jules Arsène Arnaud (French, 1840 – 1913) Rochefort, Victor Henri, Marquis de Rochefort-Luçay (French, 1831 – 1913) Pasteur, Louis (French, 1822 – 1895) Broglie, Albert, duc de (French, 1821 – 1901) Gounod, Charles (French, 1818 – 1893) Dumas fils, Alexandre (French, 1824 – 1895) Ferry, Jules (French, 1932 – 1893) Pyat, Félix (French, 1810 – 1889) Loti, Pierre (French, 1850 – 1923) Michel, Louise (French, 1830 – 1905) Péan, Jules-Émile (French, 1830 – 1898) among others.
Softcover, 278 x 243 mm, French flapped pictorial wrappers with blue lettering and oval vignette in the middle to front, blue lettering to flaps; pp. [1-4] 5-113 [3], ISBN 88-8082-523-2. Title-page: Laclos en images | Editions illustrées de Liaisons dangereuses | réunies et présentées | par Michel Delon et Michèle Sajous D'Oria | Mario Adda Editore | PRESSES DE L'UNIVERSITE DE PARIS-SORBONNE || Imprint: (convex) le cabinet des curiosités | collection dirigée par Michel Delon | et Michèle Sajous D'Oria | (bottom left) ISBN 88-8082-523-2 | © Copyright 2003 | Mario Adda Editore - Via Tanzi. 59 – Bari | Tel e Fax 080/5539502 | Web: www.addaeditore.it | E-mail: addaeditore @addaeditore.it | Fotocomposizione: La Matrice – Bari | Stampa: Edizioni Pugliesi srI.- Martina Franca (Ta) || Contributors: Michel Delon (French, b. 1947) – author Michèl Sajous D’Oria – author
Softcover, 155 x 118 mm, publisher’s wrappers, lettering and vignette to front, lettering to spine; collated 8vo: 1-148 (i.e. 112 leaves), pp.: [1-4] 7-218 [6 advert], frontispiece. Inscription to t.p. Г(Т?). Тараманян. Woodcuts to front wrapper and frontispiece after Vladimir Favorsky. Front wrapper: ПРОСПЕР | МЕРИМЕ | СОБРАНИЕ СОЧИНЕНИЙ | КОЛОМБА | {vignette} | — | ACADEMIA || Title-page: ПРОСПЕР МЕРИМЕ | КОЛОМБА | Colomba | РОМАН | Перевод | В. М. Гаршина | — | «ACADEMIA» | ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1927 || Contra-title: СОБРАНИЕ СОЧИНЕНИЙ | ПРОСПЕР МЕРИМЕ | ПЕРЕВОД С ФРАНЦУЗСКОГО | ПОД ОБЩЕЙ РЕДАКЦИЕЙ | М. КУЗЬМИНА, М. ЛОЗИНСКОГО | И А. А. СМИРНОВА | V | — | «ACADEMIA» | ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1927 || Imprint: Обложка и иллюстрации в тексте — оригинальная | гравюра на дереве В. А. Фаворского | Ленинградский Гублит № 44048. Тираж 5.100 экз. | — | 2-я типография Транспечати НКПС Ленинград, ул. Правды, 15. || Print run: 5100 copies. Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова (2004): №249, p. 190. Original title: Colomba first appeared in the Revue des Deux Mondes on 1 July 1840. Magen et Comon published it as a single volume in 1841. Contributors: Mérimée, Prosper [Мериме, Проспер] (French, 1803 – 1870) – author Кузмин, Михаил Алексеевич [Kuzmin, Mikhail] (Russian, 1872 – 1936) – editor Лозинский, Михаил Леонидович [Lozinsky, Mikhail] (Russian, 1886 – 1955) – editor Смирнов, Александр Александрович (Russian, 1883 – 1962) – editor Гаршин, Всеволод Михайлович [Garshin, Vsevolod] (Russian, 1855 – 1888) – translator Фаворский, Владимир Андреевич [Favorsky, Vladimir] (Russian, 1886 – 1964) – artist
Softcover, 240 x 170 mm, creme dust jacket with red and black lettering and circular opening in the middle to front, red lettering to spine, over pictorial wrappers, pp. [1-8] 9-143 [1], ISBN 978-88-95598-25-3. 1st edition. Title-page (red and black): LACLOS | ILLUSTRE | « SCÈNES DES « LIAISONS DANGEREUSES» | Editions réunies et présentées | par Michel Delon et Michèle Sajous D'Oria | lineadacqua || Colophon: Imprimé à Venise, Italie | En février 2014 | Par Grafiche Veneziane || Publisher: Lineadacqua Edizioni; San Marco 3717/d, 30124 Venezia; www.lineadacqua.com Contributors: Michel Delon (French, b. 1947) – author Michèl Sajous D’Oria – author Contents: ILLUSTRATION ET INTERPRÉTATION – Michel Delon METTRE LES LETTRES ENSCÈNES – Michèle Sajous D'Oria LES LETTRES L'ÉCRITURE LE SECRET LA TRAHISON LE REFUS LA MARQUISE DE MERTEUIL LA PETITE MAISON LE CHEVALIER DE PRÉVAN LE RIVAL LE PIÈGE LE VICOMTE, DE VALMONT SÉDUCTIONS CÉCILE DE VOLANGES LA SURPRISE DES SENS LE VIOL LAPRÉSIDENTE DE TOURVEL L'AMOUR LA MORT FINALE Bibliographie des éditions illustrées Notices sur les illustrateurs
Cardboard folder with title label to front, 23.5 x 26.3 cm, containing 12 hand-coloured soft-ground etchings by André Collot, unbound, in a paper folder with pink lettering and vignette engraved on wood, with a title-page in black: JEUNESSE | 12 VERNIS MOUS COLORIÉS | tires à exemplaires | réservés aux Amis de l’Artiste | 1933 || in a frame. First edition, limited to 60 copies. Dutel 1920-70: 1786. There is another copy of the same without the cardboard folder SVE-0469.2021.
Hardcover, 244 x 205 mm, red quarter morocco over marbled boards, gilt lettering and raised bands to spine, marbled endpapers, original wrappers 235 x 190 mm preserved. Collated 4to: 3 ffl, front wrapper2, blank4, h.t./imprint6, frontis.8, t.p.10, 1-234, blank196, back wrapper198, 3ffl; pp.: [1-11] 12-186 [12], plates and wrappers within collation. Total number of leaves from wrapper to wrapper 198 (190 per Vokaer). Title-page (brown and black): Tableaux Contemporains – no 6 | TABLEAU | de | LA MODE | par | GEORGES-ARMAND MASSON | illustré | de vingt et une gravures à l'eau-forte | et de onze lithographies en couleurs | par | MARCEL VERTÈS | PARIS | ÉDITIONS DE LA NOUVELLE REVUE FRANÇAISE | 3, rue de Grenelle || Front wrapper: same as t.p., framed. Back wrapper: advert. dans la même collection, framed. Imprint: Un exemplaire sur japon impérial (A), 6 exemplaires sur japon impérial (B-E), 15 exemplaires sur japon impérial (F-T), 320 exemplaires sur vélin pur fil Lafuma-Navarre (dont 20 exemplaires hors commerce), numérotés de 1 a 300 et de I a XX. Exemplaire no 238. Tous droits de reproduction el de traduction réserves pour tous les pays, y compris la Russie. Copyright by Librairie Gallimard, 1926. Colophon: CE VOLUME, | LE SIXIEME DE LA COLLECTION DES | TABLEAUX CONTEMPORAINS, | A ÉTE ACHEVE D’IMPRIMER | LE DIX MAI MIL NEUF CENT VINGT-SIX : | POUR LE TEXTE, | PAR LE MAITRE IMPRIMEUR COULOUMA, A ARGENTEUIL, | H. BARTHELEMY ETANT DIRECTEUR, | ET POUR LES GRAVURES, | PAR CLOT, LITHOGRAPHE | ET HAASEN, IMPRIMEUR EN TAILLE-DOUCE | A PARIS || Limited Edition: 22 copies printed on Japon Impérial paper marked letters A to T enriched with suites of plates and original drawings; 20 copies marked I to XX on Vélin pur fil Lafuma-Navarre paper not for sale, and 300 commercial copies on the same paper, numbered 1 to 300, of which this is copy № 238. Total number of copies 342. Catalogue Raisonné: Vokaer № 14, p. 10. Contributors: Masson, Georges-Armand (French, 1892 – 1977) – author Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist Clot, Auguste (French, 1858 – 1936) – lithography Haasen, Paul (French, d. 1944) – etchings
Hardcover, 255 x 200 mm, ¾ green morocco over marbled boards, gilt lettering to spine with raised bands, grey laid paper endpapers, Serge Golifman’s bookplate pasted to verso, 3 ffl, orig. wrappers, incl spine, preserved; collated: 2 blanks, h.t., t.p., 14 leaves of text; faux t.p. Éloge de la marquise de Beausemblant, 6 leaves of text, colophon (limitation), 2 blanks, 3 ffl, unpaginated, plus 7 leaves of plates, incl. frontispiece. Publisher's wrappers 250 x 190 mm. Title-page (red and black): PAUL MORAND | LES PLAISIRS | RHENANS | orné de sept lithographies originales | et coloriées à la main | DUSSELDORF | Librairie Leocadia || The front wrapper is the same, in black only. Limitation: Cette édition, imprimée pour une Société de Bibliophiles, a été tirée à 107 exemplaires hors commerce, savoir: exemplaires sur vieux japon, numérotés de 1 à 7, et 100 exemplaires sur vélin d'Arches, numérotés de 8 à 107. Les lithographies ont été tirées sur presse à bras et coloriées à la main. Les pierres ont été poncées après tirage. Exemplaire N° 81. [The edition was printed for a bibliophile society in 107 non-commercial copies: 7 copies on “vieux Japon” paper, numbered from 1 to 7, and 100 copies on “Arches Vellum”, numbered from 8 to 107, of which this is copy № 81]. An unauthorized (pirated) edition of two short stories by Paul Morand, initially published in “L’Europe galante” by Éditions Grasset in 1925: Les plaisirs rhénans and Éloge de la marquise de Beausemblant; illustrated with 7 lithographs coloured with crayons after Gaston-Louis Roux, printed by Mme Duchatel; the stones were then destroyed (sanded). According to Pia: « Pour le principe, semble-t-il, Bernard Grasset à qui aucune autorisation d’éditer ainsi ces deux nouvelles n'avait été demandée, déposa une plainte contre X... en contrefaçon. L'enquête judiciaire, si enquête il y eut, n’aboutit pas. Le tirage de l’édition « pirate » avait été si restreint que tous les exemplaires en avaient été vendus sitôt parus. Le coupable, en l’occurrence René Bonnel, ne fut pas inquiété ». Dutel attests: « Un des personnages, subissant une agréable fellation, représenté sur l'une des lithographies, ressemble fort à Paul Morand qui en avait pris ombrage! » Comment by the seller: L’ouvrage est d’autant plus rare que Morand lui-même, mécontent d’une des gravures qui le représente en position intéressante, fit détruire une partie des exemplaires. Resume: While Bernard Grasset opposed the pirated edition on copyright infringement grounds, Paul Morand was enraged by his resemblance to the depicted character; the latter destroyed as many copies of the edition as he could, so only a few still exist. The print run of the "pirate" edition was so limited that all the copies were sold as soon as they were published. Catalogue Raisonné: Dutel III № 2215 (p. 321) ; Pia : № 1056; Nordmann (I) № 281. Contributors: Paul Morand (French, 1888 – 1976) – author Gaston-Louis Roux (French, 1904 – 1988) – artist René Bonnel (French, 18841 – 1975) – publisher Bernard Grasset (French, 1881 – 1955) – publisher
Softcover, 240 x 190 mm, green velvet paper French flapped wrappers with a silver vignette of Rops’ sphynx, in half of double-slipcase, pp. [1-8] 9-76 [8], i.e. 42 leaves plus 20 hand-coloured soft-ground etchings, incl. frontispiece, attributed to Louis Berthomme Saint-André. Text and plates printed on thick wove paper watermarked Arches, margines untrimmed; anonymous woodcut head- and tailpieces. Enhanced by a complete set of plates, uncoloured, in green velvet paper folder, gilt inside. Pibrac (or Pybrac) by Pierre Louÿs is "composed of 313 rhymed Alexandrine quatrains, the majority of them starting with the phrase I do not like to see. Pybrac is in the form a mockery of sixteenth-century chancellor poet Guy Du Faur, seigneur de Pibrac (French, 1528-1584), whose moralizing quatrains were the common literary fare for young French readers until the nineteenth century".
honesterotica.com: Pibrac is best remembered for his own collection of poems, a set of 126 moralistic quatrains, which throughout its endless printings bestowed good advice and guidelines to proper conduct…
The English translation of Louÿs' Pibrac/Pybrac by Geoffrey Longnecker was published by Wakefield Press in 2014: https://wakefieldpress.com/products/pybrac Title-page (green and black): PIBRAC | QUATRAINS ÉROTIQUES | DE | PIERRE LOUYS | {vignette} | AUX DÉPENS D’UN AMATEUR | POUR LE PROFIT DE QUELQUES AUTRES | M. IM. XXXIII || Imprint / Limitation: Cette édition des quatrains érotiques de Pierre Louÿs, illustrée de vingt eaux-fortes originales d'un artiste inconnu, a été strictement limitée à 300 exemplaires qui ont été composés en Elzévir vieux style de corps 12 avec des caractères neufs. Ils ont tous été tirés sur grand vélin d'Arches à la forme et comportent tous un état avec remarque des 20 planches, tiré en noir. Justification du tirage: 20 exemplaires sur grand vélin d'Arches à la forme, numérotés de 1 à 20, auxquels il a été ajouté en plus des états avec remarque des 20 cuivres, 1 des aquarelles ayant servi à l'illustration, 1 croquis original et 1 cuivre encré. 280 exemplaires sur grand vélin d'Arches à la forme, numérotés de 21 à 300, comprenant tous les états avec remarque. Il a été tiré en outre 8 exemplaires sur Arches, numérotés en chiffres romains de I à VIII, destinés aux collaborateurs de l'ouvrage. Pour authentifier la présente édition, l'artiste et l'éditeur apposeront sur cette justification un cachet en garantissant l'originalité. Cet exemplaire porte le No 290. Colophon: La présente édition a été achevée d'imprimer à Paris le trente et un janvier mil neuf cent trente-quatre par deux imprimeurs amis des belles éditions. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 2198. Collaborators: Pierre Louÿs (French, 1870 – 1925) – author. Louis Berthomme Saint-André (French, 1905 – 1977) – artist. Edition attributed to the bookseller Robert Télin. -
Softcover, 228 x 155 mm, embossed geometrical diaper pink French flapped wrappers with black and orange lettering to front; collated 8vo: 1-108, i.e. 80 leaves, pp.: [4] [1-4] 5-152 [4], plus 12 colour plates; woodcut t.p. vignette, head- and tailpieces in sanguine. Text printed on wove paper watermarked Marais, untrimmed, some leaves uncut; colour illustrations produced by half-tone relief photo reproduction technique and printed on thinner paper without a watermark. Colouring is most probably made by hand. Besides the presence of the platemarks, micro-photo reveals clear signs of the half-tone relief photomechanical reproduction method: Title-page (red and black): SPADDY | COLETTE | OU | LES AMUSEMENTS DE BON TON | ROMAN | {vignette} | A SAINT – CLOUD | AU TEMPLE DE CYTHÈRE || Limitation: CE ROMAN, EDITÉ POUR DES AMATEURS ET | NON MIS DANS LE COMMERCE, A ETÉ TIRÉ | A 250 EXEMPLAIRES, SUR VELIN PUR FIL | DU MARAIS, NUMÉROTÉS A LA PRESSE. | Cet exemplaire porte le No 49 Catalogue Raisonné: Dutel III № 1254: second edition with reproduction plates, published in 1939. The 1st edition with the original plates after Bécat was published in c. 1938. Honesterotica.com:
Colette, ou les amusements de bon ton (Colette, Good Time Amusements) was an important early commission from Bécat by the master clandestine publisher Maurice Duflou, to complement a text bordering on the outrageous by Johannès Gros…
Contributors: Spaddy [Johannès Gros] (French, 18.. – 1937) – author Maurice Duflou (French, 1885 – 1947) – publisher Paul-Émile Bécat (French, 1885 – 1960) – artist -
Softcover, 210 x 149 mm, white wrappers with red and black lettering and a vignette to front, red and black lettering to spine and black lettering to back; pp. [1-8] 9-143 [1]. ISBN 978-88-95598-98-7. Title-page (red and black): CASANOVA | IN | VENICE | Illustrated editions of The story of my life | collected and presented | by Michel Delon and Michèl Sajous D’Oria | lineadacqua || Colophon: Printed in Venice, Italy | In may 2019 | By Grafiche Veneziane, Venice || Back wrapper: 100 illustrations enrich | Casanova's own telling | of his adventures in Venice || First edition in French: April 2013 First edition in English: March 2019 Contributors: Michel Delon (French, b. 1947) – author Michèl Sajous D’Oria – author Lucian Comoy – translator Contents: A WORLD OFIMAGES – Michel Delon OF PLACES AND BOOKS – Michèle Sajous D'Oria PORTRAITS AND ALLEGORIES NANETTE AND MARTON VEDUTE C.C. A LETTER M.M. RENDEZ-VOUS AND AMBUSH THE CASINO AT THE OPERA AND THE RIDOTTO A MASKED BALL AT THE CONVENT THE QUADRILLE COMPARISON MELANCHOLY TONINE AND BARBERINE MASKS ARREST THE PIOMBI ADIEU VENICE Bibliography of the illustrated editions Notes concerning the illustrators
Softcover, 183 x 133 mm, black wrappers with white lettering to front and spine, pp. [1-4] 5-205 [3]. Tamizdat. Title-page (1): ВЛАДИМИР | НАБОКОВ | ВОЗВРАЩЕНИЕ | ЧОРБА | АРДИС / АНН АРБОР | ARDIS / ANN ARBOR || Title page (2) Возвращенiе Чорба | Рассказы и стихи || Contributors: Ardis Publishing (Ann Arbor) – publisher Carl Ray Proffer (American, 1938 – 1984) – publisher Ellendea Proffer Teasley (b. 1944) – publisher Владимир Владимирович Набоков [Vladimir Nabokov] (Russian-American, 1899 – 1977) – author
Softcover, 215 x 140 mm, publisher’s grey wrappers, lettering in double-fillet frame to front, lettering to spine, pp.: [1-6] 7-268 [2]; tamizdat. Stamps: 1) РУССКАЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА, THE RUSSIAN LIBRARY, 14, SAWREY PLACE, BRADFORD; 2) Православная Церковь Покрова Пресв. Богородицы, Манчестер, Англия — The Orthodox Church of the Holy Virgin, Manchester, Eng.; 3) ДАР ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВА ИМЕНИ ЧЕХОВА при Восточно-Европейском Фонде. Title-page: ВЛАДИМИР НАБОКОВ | Другие берега | {publisher’s device} | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО ИМЕНИ ЧЕХОВА | Нью-Йорк • 1954 || Contributors: Издательство имени Чехова [Chekhov Publishing House] (NY) Владимир Владимирович Набоков [Vladimir Nabokov] (Russian-American, 1899 – 1977) – author
スラブ社会文化論シリーズ||スラブ シャカイ ブンカロン シリーズ ; 第4号 Softcover, grey publisher’s wrappers with black lettering, in silver dust jacket with black lettering and vignette; pp. [8] [i] ii-iii [iv] [1] 2-293 [5]; 257 x 183 mm. DJ Front: Эдуард ВЛАСОВ | БЕССМЕРТНАЯ ПОЭМА | ВЕНЕДИКТА ЕРОФЕЕВА | МОСКВА ПЕТУШКИ | {vignette} | СПУТНИК ПИСАТЕЛЯ | Slavic research center | Hokkaido university || Title-page: Эдуард ВЛАСОВ | БЕССМЕРТНАЯ ПОЭМА | ВЕНЕДИКТА ЕРОФЕЕВА | МОСКВА ПЕТУШКИ | {vignette} | СПУТНИК ПИСАТЕЛЯ | ИЗДАНИЕ ПЕРВОЕ, | ИСПРАВЛЕННОЕ И СОКРАЩЕННОЕ || Contributors: Ерофеев, Венедикт Васильевич [Yerofeyev, Venedikt] (Russian, 1938 – 1990) – author Власов, Эдуард Ю. – author/commentary
Softcover, light brown wrappers with French flaps, 163 x 110 mm, pp. [1-6] 7-357 [3]. Title-page: Venedikts Jerofejevs | MASKAVA | – | GAILĪŠI | No krievu valodas tulkojis | Uldis Tīrons | {Publisher’s device} | LIEPNIEKS & RITUPS || Translated from Russian by Uldis Tīrons Original title: Венедикт Ерофеев. Москва — Петушки Contributors: Ерофеев, Венедикт Васильевич [Yerofeyev, Venedikt] (Russian, 1938 – 1990) – author Uldis Tīrons (Latvian, b. 1956) – translator
Softcover, 200 x 126 mm, publisher’s pictorial wrappers, pp. [2] 3-126 [2]. ISBN: 5-85965-006-X. Title-page: ВЕНЕДИКТ | ЕРОФЕЕВ | — | МОСКВА–ПЕТУШКИ | Рига {R Rakstnieks} 1991 || Print run 50,000 copies. Contributors: Ерофеев, Венедикт Васильевич [Yerofeyev, Venedikt] (Russian, 1938 – 1990) – author Dainis Breikšs [Дайнис Брейкшс] (Latvian, b. 1942) – artist Муравьёв, Владимир Сергеевич (Russian, 1939 – 2001) – preface
The true first edition in original parts, published in four issues of the Soviet magazine «Трезвость и культура», Москва, Профиздат (Sobriety and Culture, Moscow, Trade Union Publishing): Part 1 in № 12/1988, pp. 26-38; Part 2 in № 1/1989, pp. 26-37; Part 3 in № 2/1989, pp. 28-39; Part 4 in № 3/1989, pp. 30-35. Each issue: 260 x 200 mm; 64 pages, in pictorial wrappers, stapled. Print run: 12/1988 — 800,525 copies; 1/1989 — 626,970 copies; 2/1989 — 635,115 copies; 3/1989 — 639,810 copies. The first part was submitted for typesetting on October 10 and signed to print on November 28, 1988. This makes it the first officially published 'Soviet' edition; however, it lacks the author's foreword and was substantially censored. Reference: Id., Moskva-Petushki, “Trezvost’ i kul’tura”, 12 (1988): 26-38 [introduction by S. Chuprinin, censured edition]. Id., Moskva-Petushki, “Trezvost’ i kul’tura”, 1 (1989): 26-37; 2 (1989): 28-39; 3 (1989): 30-35 [censured edition]. Contributors: Ерофеев, Венедикт Васильевич [Yerofeyev, Venedikt] (Russian, 1938 – 1990) – author Чупринин, Сергей Иванович (Russian, b. 1947) – preface Басыров, Гариф Шарипович (Russian, 1944 – 2004) – artist