  • Description: Two volumes 34 x 26.5 cm each,  each in a green/gilt marbled in a slipcase, bound in green morocco, spine with raised bands and two gilt-lettered brown labels, original wrappers bound in, marbled endpapers; printed on Montval watermarked wove paper, top margin gilt, outer and bottom margins untrimmed. Front wrapper (in oval red frame): CH. De LACLOS | LES | LIAISONS | DANGEREUSES | {fleuron} | TOME PREMIER (TOME SECOND) | — | CHEZ SYLVAIN SAUVAGE | 16 RUE CASSINI A PARIS | ANNO DOMINI | MCMXXX || Title-page (black and red): ~ CHODERLOS DE LACLOS ~ | LES | LIAISONS | DANGEREUSES | OU | LETTRES | RECUEILLIES DANS UNE SOCIETE ET | PUBLIEES POUR L’INSTRUCTION | DE QUELQUES AUTRES | {vignette} | TOME PREMIER (TOME SECOND) | AVEC DES FIGURES DE S. SAUVAGE | GRAVEES SUR CUIVRE AVEC LA COLLABORATION DE D.A.MAILLART | A PARIS EN L’AN GRACE | MCMXXX || Vol. 1: Collation: 2 blanks, 1 front wrapper, 1 blank/limitation, 1 h.t./frontis., 1 t.p., 3 advert., 1 d.t.p. première partie, 106 leaves, 1 blank, 1 back wrapper, 1 blank/spine, 1 blank; total within wrappers 114 leaves with woodcut fleurons and tailpieces, and 23 engraved and coloured plates, incl. frontispiece, full-page and in-text, some with tissue guards. Pagination: [14] [1] 2-211 [212] [2], ils. Vol. 2: 2 blanks, 1 front wrapper, 1 blank, 1 h.t./frontis., 1 t.p., 1 d.t.p., 109 leaves, 1 plate, 1 colophon, 1 back wrapper, 1 blank/spine, 1 blank; total within wrappers 115 leaves, with woodcut fleurons and tailpieces, and 25 engraved plates, engraved and coloured plates, incl. frontispiece, full-page and in-text, some with tissue guards. Pagination: [8] [1] 2-218 [4], ils. Limitation: Printed on September 29, 1930, 165 copies (1-165), the first four enriched with a suite of b/w plates and one original drawing; 10 copies for collaborators marked I-X. This is copy № 129. Contributors: Choderlos de Laclos, Pierre Ambroise François (French, 1741 – 1803) – author. Sylvain Sauvage [Félix Roy] (French, 1888 – 1948) – artist, publisher. Pierre Bouchet (text), Paul Haasen (plates) – printers.
  • Softcover, in pictorial flapped wrappers, 28 x 21.7 cm, 7 entries, with colour illustrations. Catalogue # 13 of the sales exhibition on September 15-19, 2009 in NY; pagination: [1-3] 4-38 [2], ils. Contributor: Sebastian Izzard
  • French and English lithography of the first half of the 19th century: Selected sheets from the collection of Sergei Petrovich Varshavsky [Сергей Петрович Варшавский] (Jewish-Russian, 1906 – 1980). New acquisitions at The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow). Выпущено по заказу ГМИИ им. А. С. Пушкина; вступ. статьи В. А. Мишина и Ю. С. Варшавского; составитель каталога В. А. Мишин. (Produced under order of The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow); introduction by V. A. Mishin and Yury Varshavsky). Softcover, glossy pictorial wrappers, 21.5 x 17 cm, 25 leaves, not paginated, frontispiece and 7 leaves of plates, 50 entries. Title-page: | — | ФРАНЦУЗСКАЯ И АНГЛИЙСКАЯ | ЛИТОГРАФИЯ | ПЕРВОЙ ПОЛОВИНЫ | XIX ВЕКА | ИЗБРАННЫЕ ЛИСТЫ ИЗ КОЛЛЕКЦИИ С.П. ВАРШАВСКОГО | — | НОВЫЕ ПОСТУПЛЕНИЯ | В ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ МУЗЕЙ | ИЗОБРАЗИТЕЛЬНЫХ | ИСКУССТВ | ИМЕНИ А. С. ПУШКИНА | {publisher’s device} | Москва | Советский художник | 1985 ||
  • Description: An unbound softcover volume 23 x 18 cm, collated as 17 gatherings in 4to, text in fac-simile manuscript printed on Japon Nacre wove paper with untrimmed outer and bottom margins, with engraved title-page and 11 laid-in hand-coloured etchings after André Collot; in red quarter morocco over marbled boards folder with gilt lettering to spine “P. L. | ~ | PETITES | SCÈNES | AMOUREUSES”, in a matching slipcase 25 x 20 cm. Complete copy with all the pages, incl. the limitation page. Title-page: {vignette in colour} | Douze douzains de Dialogues | ou | Petites scènes amoureuses | * || (text in fac-simile ms). Limitation: Cet ouvrage a été tiré | sure Japn supernacré | à 100 exemplaire | numerotés de I à C | EXEMPLAIRE № LII. Content: (97 dialogues, not 144), similar to Pia: Premier douzain : Dialogues des Filles nues (1, 3, 4, 5, 6) – 5 dialogues; Deuxième douzain : Dialogue[s] des Masturbées (13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, [21]) – 9 dialogues; Troisième douzain : Dialogues des Masturbées (25, 26, 27, [28], 29, 30, 31, 32, 33) – 9 dialogues; Quatrième douzain : Dialogues des Lécheuses (37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44) – 7 dialogues; Cinquième douzain : Dialogues des Phallophores (49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54) – 6 dialogues; Sixième douzain : Dialogues des Goules (61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 65 (i.e. 66), 67, 68, 69, 70, 71) – 11 dialogues; Septième douzain : Dialogues des Amoureuses (73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, [80]) – 8 dialogues; Huitième douzain : Dialogues des Enculées (85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, [95])  – 11 dialogues; Neuvième douzain : Dialogues des Chieuses (97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 104) – 7 dialogues; Dixième douzain : Dialogues des Pisseuses (109, 110, 111, 112, 114) – 5 dialogues; Onzième douzain : Dialogues des Mères (121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132) – 12 dialogues; Douzième douzain : Dialogues des Enfants (134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, [140])  – 7 dialogues. Collation: [1]-[17]4; total 68 leaves plus 11 plates. See another copy of the same book in this collection [LIB-2819.2021], where 13 (blank/limitation) is missing. Edition: This copy of "calligraphié" Douze douzains de dialogues ou petites scènes amoureuses was most probably published in Paris by Libraire Robert Télin in 1927, 100 copies on Japon Nacre as per Dutel (1920-1970) № 1427. This is a complete copy with all 68 leaves; LIB-2819.2021 has 67 leaves. Another "calligraphié" edition published in c. 1940 (Dutel 1429) is bound and has 80 leaves. Dutel unequivocally attributes the drawings to André Collot. Plates in this copy are similar to the ones in a pirated copy of Scènes de péripatéticiennes / Douze douzains de dialogues [LIB-2961.2022] (Dutel № 2366). According to Pia (1978) № 358, this is a 1927 edition published in Paris by libraire Robert Télin: « 1 f. blanc, 1 f. (justification), 1 f. (titre) et 65 ff. n. ch., plus 11 gravures à l’eau-forte rehaussées de couleurs ». Edition limited to 100 copies numbered I – C; this copy is № LII (52). Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970) №№ 1427 and 1429, p. 137 and № 2366, p. 356 ; Pia (1978) 358-9, p. 199-200. Contributors: Pierre Louÿs (French, 1870 – 1925) – author. André Collot (French, 1897 – 1976) – artist.
  • Title: ВСЕВОЛОДЪ СОЛОВЬЕВЪ | ВОЛХВЫ | (Граф Калиостро) | РОМАНЪ |[…]| ИЗДАНIЕ М. ДИДКОВСКАГО | Рига, Ткацкая 9 || Pagination: [1-2] 3-187 [188 blank], [4] advert., in original pictorial wrappers by Г. Дайберъ [Heinrich Deiber]. Size: 21 x 15 cm Allegedly, vol. 1st of 2 vol. edition.
  • Cover:  (black and red in red frame) PARIS POLICE | par | Ch. Virmaitre | PARIS | E. DENTU, ÉDITEUR | LIBRAIRE DE LA SOCIÉTÉ DES GENTES DE LETTRES | Palais-Royal, 15-17-19, Galerie d’Orléans | 1886 || Title page: CH. VIRMAITRE | PARIS–POLICE | {publisher’s device} | PARIS | E. DENTU, ÉDITEUR | LIBRAIRE DE LA SOCIÉTÉ DES GENTES DE LETTRES | PALAIS-ROYAL, 15-17-19, GALERIE D’ORLEANS | 1886 | Tous droits réservés. || Pagination : 3 blank leaves, original pictorial wrapper, [4], [1] 2-359 [360 blank], original back wrapper with publisher's advertisement, 3 blank leaves. Collation: 12mo; π2, 1-1912 206. Binding: owner's hardcover, quarter burgundy percaline, marbled boards, brown title label with gilt lettering, gilt double tail ruler, year, and fleuron to spine; original paper wrappers preserved.
  • Publisher’s pictorial wrappers: CHRISTIE'S | NEW YORK | {three book covers} | Masterpieces of Modern Literature: | The Library of Roger Rechler | FRIDAY 11 OCTOBER 2002 || Red spine with white lettering from top to bottom, multiple illustrations in colour, 26.8 x 21 x 3 cm. Pagination: [1-4] 5-451 [452]. 375 lots, prices realized handwritten next to each lot and on 6 loose leaves inserted.
  • Title-page: COLETTE | LA | VAGABONDE | LITHOGRAPHIES EN COULEURS | DE MARCEL VERTÈS | PARIS | A LA CITE DES LIVRES |—| M DCCCC XXVII || Binding: French flapped wrappers 28.5 x 22.5 cm, in glassine dustcover, front wrapper lettered similarly to title-page but in red and black: COLETTE | LA | VAGABONDE | LITHOGRAPHIES EN COULEURS | DE MARCEL VERTÈS | PARIS | A LA CITE DES LIVRES |—| M DCCCC XXVII ||, in a red marbled cardboard folder 29 x 23 cm with paper label to spine, slipcase missing. Pagination: [2] 1st leaf blank, [2] h.t. / limitation, [2] t.p. / blank, [2] d.t.p. /blank, [3] 4-277 [278 blank], [4 colophon], ils. Collation: π3 1-354 χ1, plus 15 leaves of plates extraneous to collation, incl. frontispiece, chromolithographs by Marcel Vertès. Edition: Limited edition of 305 copies of which this is № 15 (out of numbers 10-24) printed on Japon Impérial paper with three additional suites of plates in black, sanguine and colour, plus 4 refused plates. Printed on the 15th of September 1927: text by Robert Coulouma (Argenteuil, director H. Barthélemy), lithographs by E. Duchatel (Paris) and published by La cité des livres. Missing black versions of LIB-2892.2021-5 and LIB-2892.2021-10 (43 out of 45 prints in place). Refused plates: Plates in black, sanguine, and colour. Contributors: Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette [a.k.a. Colette] (French, 1873 – 1954) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
  • Softcover, in pictorial wrappers, 28 x 21.8 cm, 37 entries, with colour illustrations. Catalogue of the sales exhibition on March 3 - April 5, 2008 in NY; pagination: [1-3] 4-102 [2], ils. Contributor: Sebastian Izzard
  • Softcover, pictorial wrappers, square 21 x 21 cm, 48 leaves, unpaginated, with illustrations in colour, 96 entries, with price list laid in; limited edition of 700 copies. Contributor: Israel Goldman In this collection:

    SVJP 0251.2018. Utagawa Kuniyoshi. A woman on a terrace dancing with a fan, 1853.

    SVJP 0252.2018. Utagawa Kunisada. A woman reading a letter by the light of a lantern, 1840.

    SVJP-0253.2018. Utagawa Kunisada. A beauty seated in a boat, 1856.

    SVJP-0254.2018. Utagawa Kunisada. A geisha eating edamame aboard the boat of the Atari-ya teahouse, 1860.

    SVJP-0250.2018: Toyokuni I. Onoe Matsusuke I as Kudo Saemon Suketsune and Bandō Hikosaburō III as Soga no Goro Tokimune.

  • Paperback, 32 x 29 cm, with signed manuscript gift autograph to t.p., pp.: [1-9] 10-159 [5]. The photographic pictorial album, published on the occasion of the exhibition at Madrid, Circulo de Bellas Artes, Sala Antonio Palacios, from December 12th, 2006 to January 7th, 2007. Valery Katsuba (Belarusian, b. 1965) – artist.
  • Paperback, 22.3 x 15.5 cm, publisher’s tan wrappers, brown lettering to front and spine, imprint and price to back, pp.: [1-3] 4-136 [2] blank/advert.; collated 8vo: [1]-88, 94 χ1, total 69 leaves plus 6 photomechanical plates, incl. frontispiece, four of them portraits. Title-page: И. Мечниковъ | ОСНОВАТЕЛИ | СОВРЕМЕННОЙ МЕДИЦИНЫ. | Пастеръ. — Листеръ. — Кохъ. | — | Изданiе | “НАУЧНАГО СЛОВА”. | Москва — 1915. Contributors and Characters: Илья Ильич Мечников [Élie Metchnikoff] (Russian, 1845 – 1916) – author. "Научное слово" – publisher. Типо-литография Товарищества И. Н. Кушнерев и Ко. — printer. Louis Pasteur (French, 1822 – 1895) – character. Joseph Lister (British, 1827 – 1912) – character. Robert Koch (German, 1843 – 1910) – character.
  • A contemporary reprint in publisher's wrappers, 22.8 x 14.4 cm, untrimmed, stapled, with title on the outer cover and similar to t.p.: The Truth About | "The  Protocols" | A LITERARY FORGERY | From The Times of | August 16, 17, and 18, 1921 | LONDON: | PRINTING HOUSE SQUARE, E.C.4. | ONE SHILLING NET. || Pagination: [2] – t.p. / colophon,  3-24. Collation: [A]2 B10.
  • Title page: ВСЕСОЮЗНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО КУЛЬТУРНОЙ СВЯЗИ С ЗАГРАНИЦЕЙ | ЯПОНСКИЙ ТЕАТР | СБОРНИК СТАТЕЙ | ПОД РЕДАКЦИЕЙ | ПРОФ. Н. И. КОНРАДА | ЛЕНИНГРАД 1928 МОСКВА || T.p. verso: Отпечатано по заказу Всесоюзного | Общества Культурной Связи с загра- | ницей издательством «ACADEMIA» | Государственного Института Истории | Искусств | Обложка работы | Н. А. И А. А. УШИНЫХ | Лениградский Областлит № 12814 […] Тираж 3200 экз. | 2-я типография Транспечати ГКПС, Ленинград, Улица Правды 15. || Bibliographical description: 21.5 x 17 cm; Publisher’s black pictorial wrappers, front cover with lettering: «ЯПОНСКИЙ ТЕАТР» | ВОКС ||, pp. [2] frontis., [2] t.p. / imprint, [2] h.t. / blank, [9] 10-59 [60] – content; collation: [1]7 2-38 46, (first leaf messing from the first gathering), 4 photo illustrations in collation, back black geometrical wrapper. Contents: Н. И. Конрад. Театр в Японии. Общий очерк. — с. 9. Его же. Театр Кабуки, его история и теория. — с. 15. Ол. Плетнер. Театр Кабуки. Социологический очерк. — с. 31. Д. Е. Аркин. Театр Кабуки. Формы и средства театральной выразительности. – c. 45. Personae: Конрад, Николай Иосифович (Russian, 1891 – 1970). Плетнер, Олег Викторович ( Russian, 1893 – 1929). Аркин, Давид Ефимович (Russian, 1899 – 1957). Ушин, Николай Алексеевич (Russian, 1898 – 1942). Ушин , Алексей Алексеевич (Russian, 1904 – 1942).
  • Vol. 1: Front wrapper and title page (in red and black): CONTES | ET | NOUVELLES | DE | LA FONTAINE | ILLUSTRATIONS | EN COULEURS | DE | BRUNELLESCHI | {vignette} | PREMIER ET DEUXIÈME LIVRE | GIBERT JEUNE | LIBRAIRIE D'AMATEURS | 61, BOULEVARD SAINT-MICHEL, 61 | PARIS || Pagination: [2] – blanks, [2] – h.t. / limit., [2] – t.p. / blank, [6] – advert., [2] – d.t.p., 1-164 [165-6], [4] – table, [2] – imprint / blank, [2] – blanks; total 188 pages (94 leaves) with 35 in-text black illustrations, plus 16 colour plates extraneous to collation, incl. frontispiece. Vol. 2: Front wrapper and title page similar to Vol. 1 but TROISIÈME, QUATRIÈME ET CINQUIÈME LIVRE under the vignette. Pagination: [2] – blanks, [2] – h.t. / limit., [2] – t.p. / blank, [2] – d.t.p., 1-233 [234], [4] – table, [2] – colophon / blank, [2] – blanks; total 250 pages (125 leaves) with 42 in-text black illustrations, plus 16 colour plates extraneous to collation, incl. frontispiece. Edition: Limited edition of 3,000 copies, this copy is № 1 (stamped in black in vol. 1). Printed on the 10th of June, 1938 by J. Dumoulin (H. Barthélemy – director, Louis Malexis – mise en page); stencil-colouring (au pochoir) by E. Charpentier under direction of the artist. Binding: Two volumes 26.3 x 20.3 cm, uniformly bound in publisher’s pictorial flapped wrappers with vignettes and lettering to front wrapper and spine and publisher’s device to back wrapper. Description of the stensil (au pochoir) technique.
  • Description: Publisher’s tan French flapped wrappers, in glassine DJ, 25.4 x 19.4 cm, collated in-4to, lettered LA SEMAINE | SECRÈTE DE | VÉNUS | {fleuron} ||, outer margin uncut. Title-page: ≈ | LA SEMAINE | SECRÈTE | DE VÉNUS | Illustrée de huit Dessins | originaux reproduits en | lithographie et coloriés | {vignette} | LA CHRONIQUE CLANDESTINE | ≈ de 1919 à 1925 ≈ || Limitation: Unique copy on Vieux Japon enriched with original drawings and suites of plates, № 1-25 on Japon Imperial, enriched with 1 drawing and 3 suites of plates, № 26-275 on vélin d’Arches «avec les sept lithos en couleurs»; total print run – 275+1. This is copy № 70. Collation: π3 (blank, h.t./limit., t.p.), 1-154 χ1, total 64 leaves plus 7 plates, lithographs after drawings by Marcel Vertès, extraneous to collation. Note: Eight lithographs stated in the title are 7 plates AND a vignette on the title page. Vokaer attributes the printer/publisher as "Imprimerie Daragnès" and the year of publication as 1925. Pagination: [6] 2 blanks, 2 h.t. / limit., 2 t.p., [1-2] 3-115 [7] ; total 128 pages plus ils. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970): № 2386; Pia (Enfer) 1317; Nordmann (1): 246; Vokaer (1967): 8, Contributors : Pierre Mac-Orlan (French, 1882 – 1970) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Paul Cotinaud – publisher (per Dutel) Coulouma (Argenteuil) – printer (per Dutel).
  • Glossy softcover, publisher’s pictorial wrappers, 30 x 23 cm, pp.: [i-v] vi-xi [xii blank], [2] 3-199 [200 blank], ils.; total 106 leaves. Title-page: Vertical from bottom to top along the outer margin in grey: KUNISADA'S WORLD; horizontally: KUNISADA'S WORLD | SEBASTIAN IZZARD | with essays by | J. THOMAS RIMER | JOHN T. CARPENTER | JAPAN SOCIETY, INC., in collaboration with the | UKIYO-E SOCIETY OF AMERICA || Published in conjunction with an exhibition held at the Japan Society Gallery, New York, September 30 - November 14, 1993. Contents: (1) Kunisada: in and out of his times; Kabuki at the time of Kunisada / J. Thomas Rimer. (2) Popular fiction in the age of Kunisada; Kunisada and the art of comic poetry / John T. Carpenter. (3) Kunisada the artist / Sebastian Izzard. Contributors: Sebastian Izzard J. Thomas Rimer (American, b. 1933) John T. Carpenter (American) Utagawa Kunisada [歌川 国貞] a.k.a. Utagawa Toyokuni III [三代歌川豊国] (Japanese, 1786 – 1865) Select illustrations (references in this collection):

    SVJP-0179-3.2014: The Hour of the Tiger, Seventh Hour of Night from the series Twelve Hours of a Modern Clock.

    SVJP-0222.2016: A view of the dressing room of a Theater in Dōtonbori, Ōsaka.

    SVJP-0105.2014: Ichikawa Danjūrō VIII as the ghost of Seigen.

  • Title-page (text in frame): FRANCIS CARCO | RIEN QU'UNE | FEMME | {vignette} | EAUX-FORTES DE | CHAS LABORDE | — | PARIS — M.CM.XXV || Description: 4to, 24.5 x 20 cm, owner’s red cloth, yellow leather label with gilt lettering to spine, original wrappers bound in, woodcut bookplate “ИЗ КНИГ Ф.РОЖАНКОВСКАГО” to front pastedown; chapter titles and initials printed in pink. Collation: fep, 2 blanks before front wrapper, front wrapper with a black lettered pink label, 2 blanks, h.t., t.p., dedication, 1-204 212,2 blanks, rear wrapper, 2 blanks, rep; total 89 leaves within wrappers, plus 15 plates with tissue guards, incl. frontispiece – hand-coloured etchings by Chas [Charles] Laborde, extraneous to collation. In some copies, there are two additional plates. Pagination: [10] [1] 2-162 [2 colophon/blank] [4], total 178 pages. Limitation: Date of printing: September 15, 1925. Printer: Imprimeur Coulouma (Argenteuil) Print run: 267 copies of which 1 copy on Japon Ancien (№1), 15 on Japon Impérial (№№ 2-16), 60 on Hollande (№№ 17-76), and 200 copies on Vélin de Rives (№№ 77-276) ; this is copy № 82. Etchings printed on BFK Rives paper (embossed). Provenance: Rojankovsky, Feodor [Rojan; Рожанковский, Фёдор Степанович] (Russian-American, 1891 – 1970). Contributors: Francis Carco [François Carcopino-Tusoli] (French, 1886 – 1958) – author. Chas Laborde [Charles Laborde] (French, 1886 – 1941) – artist. Roger Lacourière (French, 1892 – 1966) – engraver.