1. Engraved title page by Jacob Neeffs in 1646. On the slab supporting the bust, left: “ANT. VAN DYCK”, right: “Ant. van Dyck fecit aqua forti”. On the face of pedestal: “PRINCIPVM | VIRORVM DOCTORVM, | PICTORVM CHALCOGRAPHORVM, | STATVARIORVM NEC NON AMATORVM | PICTORIÆ ARTIS NVMERO CENTVM | AB | ANTONIO VAN DYCK, | PICTORE AD VIVVM EXPRESSÆ | EIVSQ: SVMPTIBVS ÆRI INCISÆ.” In cartouche: “ANTVERPIÆ | Gillis Hendricx excudit | Anno 1645” (corrected by hand “1646”). At lower left margin: “Iac. Neeffs Sculpsit.” The print with cut off margins pasted to the bound-in leaf. Size of the print: 24.3 x 15.8 cm. |
2. Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Hungary and Bohemia (1608 – 1657); engraved by Cornelis Galle the Younger (Flemish, 1615–1678) in 1649. Inscription: “FERDINANDUS III. DEI GRAT. IMPERATOR ROM.SEMP.AUGUST. | GERM. HUNG. BOH. REX: ARCHIDICUX AU ST. DUX BURGUND. ETC.”. Below: “Ant. van Dÿc pinxit” <–> “Corn. Galle Iunior sculp∫it.”<–> “…excudit Antuerpiæ A.o 1649”. Second state with Meyssens’ name burnished. |
3. Charles I, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland (British, 1600 – 1649); engraved by Adriaen Lommelin (French, 1637 – c. 1673). Inscription: “CAROLVS DEI GRATIA MAGNÆ BRITANNIÆ, FRANCIÆ ET HIBERNIÆ REX”. Below: “Ant. van Dÿc pinxit” <–> “Adr. Lommelin sculpsit”. |
4. Charles I, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland (British, 1600 – 1649); engraved by Johannes [Jan] Meyssens (Flemish, 1612 – 1670). Inscription: “CAROLVS DEI GRATIA MAGNÆ BRITANNIÆ, FRANCIÆ ET HIBERNIÆ REX”. Below: Antonius Van Dÿck eques pinxit” <–> “...excudit”. Meyssens’ name burnished. [See similar print №61 with Ioannes Meysens name present]. |
5. Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange, Count of Nassau (Dutch, 1584 – 1647); engraved by Conrad Waumans [Woumans] (Flemish, 1619 – after 1675). Inscription: “FREDERICVS HENRICVS, D.G. PRINCEPS ARAVSIONENSIVM, COMES | NASSAVIÆ, ETC. | MARCHIO VERÆ ET FLISSINGÆ, BARO BREDÆ GRAVÆ, | DIESTÆ ETC.” Below: “Antonius van Dÿck pinxit” <–> “Conraet Waumans sculpsit” <–> “…excudit”. Meyssens’ name burnished. [Similar to №57, but with Ioannes Meyssens name in place]. |
6. Count Ernst von Mansfield (German, 1580 – 1626); engraved by Robert van Voerst (Dutch, 1597 – 1636). Inscription: “ERNESTO PRINCIPI ET COMITI MANSFELDIÆ, MARCHIONI | CASTELLI-NOVI ET BUTIGLIRIÆ, BARONI AB HELDRUNGEN, GENERALI ETC.” Below “Ant. Van Dÿck pinxit” <–> “Robertus van Voerst Sculpsit”. |
7. Engelbert Taye, Baron of Wemmel (Flemish, ? – 1638); engraved by Cornelis Galle the Younger. “DOMINVS ENGELBERTVS TAIE EQVES, BARO WEMMELIVS ETC.A | DEPVTATVS ORDINARIVS INTER NOBILES STATVS BRABANTIÆ.”. Below: “Antonius van Dyck pinxit”, “Cornelius Galle iunior ∫culpsit” <–> “…excudit Antuerpiæ.”. Second state, with “Ioannes Meyssens” erased. |
8. Antoine de Bourbon, comte de Moret (French, 1607 – 1632); engraved by Pieter de Bailliu (Flemish, 1613 – after 1660). Inscription: “ATHONIVS BOVRBONIVS, COMES MORETANVS, ET ABBAS S.TI STEPHANI | CAENTINI, FILIVS NATVRALIS, HENRICI MAGNI ET JACQVELINÆ BVEILANÆ | COMITISSÆ MORETANÆ,”. Below: “Antonius van dyck pinxit.” <–> “Petrus de Ballu sculpsit.” <–>“… excudit Antverpiæ.”. Second state with “Ioannes Meyssens” erased. Antoine de Bourbon was the illegitimate son of Henri IV, Roi de France and Jacqueline de Bueil, Comtesse de Moret. |
9. Prince Rupert of the Rhine (German, Bohemian, 1619 –1682); engraved by Hendrick Snyers (Flemish, 1611 – 1644). Inscription: “ILLVSTRISSIMVS PRINCEPS ROBBERTVS, COMES PALATINVS RHENI, EQVES | ORDINIS S.TI GEORGII. HIPPARCHVS SVÆ MAI.TIS MAGNÆ BRITANNIÆ. ETC.A”. Below: “Antonius van Dyck pinxit” <–> “Henricus Snyers sculpsit” <–> “...excudit Antuerpiæ.”. Second state with “Ioannes Meyssens” erased. |
10. Gottfried-Heinrich, Count of Pappenheim; engraved by Cornelis Galle the Younger. Inscription: “GODEFRIDVS-HENRICVS COMES DE PAPENHEIM CONSILIARIVS AVLICVS | SVÆ CES. MAIES. EIVSQ³ EXERCITVVM MARESCHALLVS GENERALIS.” Lettered with production details below: “Ant. van Dyck pinxit” <–> “C. Galle ∫chulpsit.” <–> “…excudit”. Second state with “Ioan. Meyßens” erased. |
11. Thomas Howard, 14th Earl of Arundel (British, 1585 – 1646); engraved by Lucas Vorsterman the Elder (1595–1675). Inscription: “Illustri∫∫imus Dñs. D.Thomas Howardvs, Comes Arundeliæ et Surreiæ, Primus Angliæ Comes, Dominus | Howardi, Maltrauers, Mowbray, Segraue, Breus, Clun et O∫estriæ, Comes Mare∫callus Angliæ, Nobilißimi | Pericelidis ∫iue Garterij ordinis Eques, et Serenißimo Regi Carolo, Magnæ Britaniæ, Franciæ et Hiberniæ | Regi ab intimis Consilijs, Liberalium artium Mæcenas, et promotor omnion virtutum Actione et Laude.”. Below: “Ut donum hoc, mantenque probes qua consecro, Amori | Sufficit hocci tuo: Hic Magnvs ARONDELIVS”, “C.O.Q.D.A. VAN DYCK D. Vor∫termani.”, “Cum priuile.”. Third state with ‘Opera Vorstermanni’ burnished and two lines of Latin added below the four lines of the title. |
12. Jan van Montfort [Jean de Montfort] (Flemish, 1567 – 1648); engraved by Pieter de Jode II (Flemish, 1606 – 1670/74). Inscription: “D. IOANNES DE MONTFORT SERENISSIMORVM ARCHIDVCVM ET PRINCIPVM BELGII | ALBERTI ET ELISABETHÆ AVLARVM PRIMARIVS CONSTITVTOR ET EXORNATOR, NEC | NON REGIS CATHOLICI MONETARVM CITRA MONTES CONSILIARIVS, ET MAGISTER. | GENERALIS, NOBILIVMQ3 DOMINARVM PALATII SERENIS.MÆ ELISABETHÆ INVIOLATVS CVSTOS.” Below: “Antonius van Dyck pinxit.” <–> “Petrus de Iode sculpsit.” <–> “…excudit Antuerpiæ”. Second state with “Ioannes Meyssens” erased. |
13. Henry Rich, 1st Earl of Holland (British, 1590 – 1649), engraved by Pieter Clouwet (Flemish, 1629 – 1670). Inscription: “HENRICVS RICHE COMES HOLLANDIÆ BARO DE KENSINGTON NOBILISSIMI | ORDINIS GARTERII EQVES CAROLI. LOREGIS MAGNÆ BRITANIÆ A CONSILIIS. ETC.”. Below: “Ant. van Dÿck pinxit.” | “Pet. Clouwet sculpsit” <–> “Gillis Hendricx | excudit”. Third state with the title added and production details re-engraved. |
14. Honoré d’Urfé, marquis de Valromey, comte de Châteauneuf (French, 1568 – 1625); engraved by Pieter de Bailliu (Flemish, 1613 – 1660). Inscription: “ILLVS.MVS DOMNIVS HONORIVS VRFEIVS NOBILIS ORD.RIVS CVBICVLI REGII, DVX 50. ARMATORVM | HOMINVM A SVO MANDATO, COMES NOVI CASTELLI, BARO ARCIS MORANDANÆ ETC.A”. Below: “Antonius van Dyck pinxit” <–> “Pet. de Bailliue sculpsit.” <–> “… excudit”. Second lettered state with title and production details, with “Ioannes Meyssens” erased. [There is another copy in this binding, №54, where Ioannes Meysens' name is in place]. |
15. Johannes [John VIII], Count of Nassau-Siegen (German, 1583 – 1638); engraved by Lucas Vorsterman I (Flemish, 1595 – 1675). Inscription: in the oval around the portrait “EXCELLENTISSIMVS DOMINVS: D. IOANNES, COMES NASSAOVIÆ, CATTNELLIBOCI: VIANDEN, DIETZ, &C. EQVES AVREI VELLERIS. S. MA: CÆS, MARESCHALIVS, CATH. REG. IN BELGIO. EQVITVM GENERALIS. &C”, in lower margin: “ILLVSTRISSIMÆ PRINCIPI ERNESTINÆ DE LIGNE EIVSDEM D. COMITIS VXORI DD.”, and “AVan Dÿck pinxit.” <–> “Cu Priuleg”. Fourth state with Vorsterman’s address burnished. [For the third state with “Lucas Vorsterman exc” present see № 55]. |
16. Joost de Hertoghe (Flemish, ? –1638); engraved by Jacobus Neefs. Inscription: "Me∫∫ire IOSSE DE HERTOGE chevalier ∫.r de franoÿ, hon∫walle etc: con∫eillier du conseil | de brabant, amba∫∫adeur de la part de ∫a Ma.te catholique co.e ducq de bourgoigne | et des pais bas, a la diete de rati∫bone de l'an 1636." In Lower margine: "Ant: van Dÿck pinxit.", <–>"Jacobus Neefs ∫culp.". Second, lettered state with the title and production details added. |
17. Philippe Le Roy (Flemish, 1596 – 1679). No inscription. The printmaker is unidentified but is possibly Adriaen Lommelin. The print is a copy of the print by Vorsterman and Pontius. |
18. Schelte Adamsz. Bolswert (Flemish, c. 1586 – 1659); engraved by Adriaen Lommelin, published by Gillis Hendricx. Inscription: “SCELTE A BOLSWART | CALCOGRAPHVS ANTVERPIÆ”. In lower margin: “Ant. van Dÿc inuentor | Adr. Lommelin sculpsit” <–> “Gillis Hendricx excudit”. Third state with an entirely different head, title and production details added. |
19. Willem Marquis (Flemish, 1604 – 1640); engraved by Pieter de Jode II. Inscription: “GVILIELMVS MARCQUIS ANTVERP. MED. DOCT. ÆT. 36.A.O 1640.” In lower margin: “Ant. van Dyck Pinxit” <–> “Petr. de Iode sculp.”. Second, lettered state with Borreken’s name burnished and replaced by Van Dyck’s. |
20. Frederik de Marselaer (Flemish, 1584 – 1670); engraved by Adriaen Lommelin. Inscription: “D. FREDERICVS DE MARSELAER, EQVES AVRATVS, TOPARCHA DE PARCK, ELEWYT | HARSEAVX, HOYCKE, BORNAGE, LIBERIQUE DOMINII DE OPDORP, CONSVL BRVXELLÆ.” Three lines of verse below: “Quantum occulta viris vis nominis ominis addat | Ceu fatale aliuid; placidum Mars E Lare, scitum, | Legatusue orbi manifestat, pacis alumnus.”. In lower margin: “Ant. van Dÿck pinxit | Adrian Lommelin sculpsit” <–> “N. Burgund. Cons. Brab:”. Third state with the roll of paper rounded. |
21. Jan Baptist de Wael I (Flemish, 1558 – 1633); engraved by Adriaen Lommelin. Inscription: “IOANNES DE WAEL.”. In lower margin: “Ant. van Dyck pinxit.”<–> and “Adrian Lommelin sculpsit.”. Second, lettered state with the title and production details. British Museum № 1872,1012.4168. |
22. François van der Ee (Flemish, ? – 1645); engraved and published by Johannes Meyssens. Inscription: “D . FRANCISCVS VANDER EE | Dñs de Meys, Pretor Ciuitatis Bruxellensis”. In lower margin: “Anton van Dyck pinxit”, and “fecit et excud.”. Fourth, lettered state, finished with the burin, with second line added to the title, with address “Ioannes Meyssens” almost completely burnished. |
23. Quintijn Simons (Flemish, 1592 – after 1634); engraved by Pieter de Jode II. Inscription: “QVINTINVS SIMONIS. | BRVXELLENSIS PICTOR HISTORIARVM.”. In lower margin: “Ant. van Dijck pinxit.” <–> “Pet. de Iode sculp.”. Third state with second line of title added. |
24. Adriaan Stevens (Flemish, 1561 – 1640); engraved by Adriaen Lommelin. Inscription: "INTEGERRIMVS VIR ADRIANVS STEVENS / S.P.Q. ANTVERP. AB ELEMOSYNIS.". In lower margin:"Ant van Dÿc pinxit." <–> "A. Lommelin sculp.". British Museum # R,1b.20. |
25. Jan van Malderus (Flemish, 1563 – 1633); engraved by Adriaen Lommelin. Inscription: “PERLL.ris et REVEREN.mus DOMINVS. D. IOANNES MALDERVS”. In lower margin: “Ant Van Dÿck pinxit” <–> “Adrianus Lommelin sculpsit”. |
26. Zeger van Hontsum (Flemish, ? – -1643). Engraved by Adriaen Lommelin, published by Gillis Hendricx. Inscription: “Zegerus van Hontsum S.T.L. cathedralis | pænitentiarius et Canonicus Ecclesiæ Antuerpiensis”. In lower margin: “Ant. van Dÿc pinxit” <–> “Adr. Lommelin sculp.” <–> “G. Hendricx excudit”. |
27. Carolus Scribani (Flemish, 1561 – 1629); engraved by Pieter Clouwet. Inscription: “R. P. CAROLVS SCRIBANIVS Bruxellensis, é Societate IESV; in qua Antuerpiæ et I Bruxellæ Rector, ac Flandro-Belgicæ Provincialis, per multos annos fuit. Pietate, | doctrina, consilio, rebus bono publico gestis, libris editis clarus. Obijt Antverpiæ | 24. Iun. anno 1629. ætatis 69.”. In lower margin: “Antonius van Dÿck pinxit.” <–> “Petrus Cloüet Sculpsit.”. Second, lettered state with the title and production details. |
28. Jan Baptist van Bisthoven (Flemish, 1602 – 1655); engraved by Adriaen Lommelin. Inscription: “R.P. IOANNES BAPTISTA DE BISTHOVEN Antverpiensis e societate IESV | Collegÿ Alostani Rector, nec non in missione fidei catholicæ propagandæ apud exteros | præpositus obÿt A.o 1655”. In lower margin: “Ant:van Dÿck pinxit”, and “A. Lommelin sculp”. Second, lettered state with the title and production details. |
29. Maria of Austria (Spanish, 1606 – 1646); engraved by Cornelis Galle the Younger, published by Johannes Meyssens. Inscription: “MARIA AUSTRIACA FERD. III. UXOR. I. DEI G. IMP. ROM. SEMP. AUG. | GERM. HUNG. BOH. REG. ARCHIDUCISSA AUTR. DUCISSA BURGUN. ETC”. In lower margin: “Ant. van Dyck pinxit.” <–> “Corn. Galle Iunior sculpsit.” <–> “...excudit Antuerpiæ A.o 1649”. Third, lettered state with Meyssens’ name burnished badly. |
30. Henriette Marie de Bourbon, Queen of Charles I (French, 1609 – 1669); engraved by Antoine Couchet and Adriaen Lommelin, published by Gillis Hendricx. Inscription: “Serenißima Potenti∫simâq Henrica Maria Dei gratia | Magne Britaniæ, Franciæ, Hibern. Regina”. In lower margin: “Ant. van Dyck pinxit” <–> “Ioseph Couchet sculp” <–> “Gillis Hendricx exc.”. State with “Lommelin sculp.” right after “Ant. van Dyck pinxit” burnished, but still legible. |
31. Henriette Marie de Bourbon, engraved and published by Ioannes Meyssens. Inscription: “HENRICA MARIA DEI GRATIA MAGNÆ BRITANIÆ FRANCIAÆ HIBERN. REGINA.”. In lower margin: “fecit et excud.” <–> “Anton van Dyck Pinxit”. Third state, finished with a burin; with Meyssens’ name burnished. [Similar to print №62 which has "Ioan. Mey∫ens" signature present]. |
32. Amalia van Solms, Princess of Orange (German, 1602 – 1675), engraved by Conraad Waumans and published by Johannes Meyssens. Inscription: “EMELIÆ DE SOLMS, D. G. PRINCPES ARAVSIONENSIVM, COMITISSA NASSAUVIÆ, ETC. | MARCHIONISSA VERÆ ET FLISSINGÆ, BARONISSA BREDÆ, GRAVÆ, DIESTÆ ETC.”. In lower margin: “Antonius van Dijck pinxit.” <–> “Conraet Waumans sculpsit.” <–> “… excudit”. First, lettered state with the title and production details, with Meyssens’ name burnished. [Similar to №66, which has Ioannes Meysens name present]. |
33. Henriette de Lorraine, Princess of Phalsbourg (or Pfalzburg) (French, 1605 – 1660); engraved by Cornelis Galle the Younger, published by Ioannes Meyssens. Inscription: “HENRICA LOTHARINGIÆ, PRINCIPISSA PHALSEBVRGÆ, ET RIXHEIMÆ, COMITISSA | BOVLAYÆ, BARONISSA ASPIRIMONTIS, DOMINA NOVI-CASTELLI, PRENY | HOMBVRGI, S.TI ANOLDI, AVANTGARDÆ, SAMPIGNI, FRANC-ALTORFFI ETC.A”. In lower margin: “Antonius van Dyck pinxit.” <–> “Cornelius Galle iunior sculpsit.” <–> “… excudit.”. First state with the title and production details, with Ioannes Meyssens’ name burnished. British Museum # R,1a.248. |
34. Ernestine Yolande de Ligne, Countess of Nassau-Siegen (Flemish, 1594 – 1668); engraved by Michiel Natalis, published by Jan Meyssens. Inscription: “ERNESTINA PRINCEPS LIGNEANA ET S.TI IMPERII, COMES NASSAVI. ETC.A”. In lower margin: “Antonius van Dyck pinxit.” <–> “Michael Natalis sculpsit.” <–> “…excudit Antuerpiæ.”. Second state with the initials of Ioannes Meyssens erased. |
35. Marie de Barbançon, Princess of Arenberg (1602 – 1675); engraved by Adriaen Lommelin. Inscription: “MARIA DEI GRATIÂ PRINCEPS COMES ARENBERGIÆ | PRINCEPS BARBASONIA ETC.A”. In lower margin: “Ant. van Dÿck pinxit. | Adrian. Lommelin sculpsit.”. Second, lettered state with title and production details and adjustments made in the face. British Museum # 1876,1014.181 |
36. Marie-Claire de Croy, Duchess of Havré (Flemish, 1605 – 1664); engraved by Conraad Waumans, published by Ioannes Meyssens. Inscription: “MARIA CLARA DE CROIIO, DVX HAVREANA CROYANAQ3 PRINCEPS STE. IMPERII, | SOVVERANEA ET BARONISSA FENESTRANGIÆ ET COSTÆ COMES FONTENOIIA ETC.”. In lower margin: “Antonius van Dyck pinxit.” <–> “Coenraerdus Waumans sculpsit.” <–> “…excudit.”. Third state with Ioannes Meyssens’ name burnished. British Museum # 1891,1015.21. [Similar to №64, which has Ioannes Meysens’ name present]. |
37. Marie de Barbançon, Princess of Arenberg (1602 – 1675); engraved by Paulus Pontius, published by Ioannes Meyssens. Inscription: “MARIA DEI GRATIÂ PRINCEPS COMES ARENBERGIÆ, | PRINCEPS BARBASONIA ETC.A”. In lower margin: “Antonius van Dyck pinxit. | Paulus Pontius sculp. Anno 1645.” <–> “… excudit Antuerpiæ”. Second state with a thick borderline, title and production details added, Ioannes Meyssens’s name burnished. |
38. Karl I Ludwig, Elector Palatine (German, 1617 – 1680); engraved by Wenceslaus Hollar (Bohemian, 1607 – 1677). Inscription: “CAROLVS LVDOVICVS D:G: COMES PALATINVS AD RHENVM, S:ri R.ni IM:rii | Princeps, Archidapifer & Elector, Dux Bauariæ, …Nobilissimi Ordinis Garterij Eques etc.”. Below: “Ant: van Dyck pinxit” <–> “WHollar fecit,” <–> “1646”. First, lettered state with the title and production details, without “H: van de Borcht excu:”. British Museum # 1867,1012.598. Hendrik van der Borcht II (Dutch, 1614 – c. 1690) |
39. Richard Weston, 1st Earl of Portland (British, 1577 – 1635); engraved by Wenceslaus Hollar, published by Ioannes Meyssens. Inscription: “PERILLUSTRIS DOMINVS HIERONYMVS WESTONIVS, COMES PORTLANDIÆ, | HEYLANDÆq3, etc’,”. Below: “Antonius van Dyck pinxit”<–> “W: Hollar fecit, aqua forte. 1645”. Ioannes Meyssens’s name completely burnished. |
40. Thomas Howard, 14th Earl of Arundel (British, 1585 – 1646); engraved by Wenceslaus Hollar, published by Ioannes Meyssens. Inscription: "ILLVSTRIS:us & EXCELLENT:mus D:nus. DOMINVS THOMAS HOWARD, COMES ARXNDELIÆ & SVRRIÆ | primus Comes & summus Marescallus Angliæ, etc nobilisimi ordiuis Garterÿ Eques, Serenis∫imi po: | tentis∫imq3 Principis Caroli: Magnæ Britanniæ & Hiberniæ Regis, Fidei defen∫oris, etc. in Anglia, Sco | tia et Hibernia a Secretioribus Consilijs, et eju∫dem Regis Ao1639. Contra | Scotos Supremus & Generalis Militiæ Dux,”. In lower margin: “Ant: van Dyck Eques pinxit” <–> “WHollar fecit 1646”. Second state with Ioannes Meyssens’s name completely burnished. |
41. Lucas de Wael (Flemish, 1591 – 1661) and Cornelis de Wael (Flemish, 1592 – 1667); engraved by Wenceslaus Hollar, published by Ioannes Meyssens. Inscription: “LVCAS ET CORNELIVS DE WAEL ANTV: FFr. GERMANI IOis QUI PICTORIAM AR | TEM HÆREDITARIO IVRE CONSECVTI HIC RVRALIVM, ILLE OMNIGENVM PRÆCIPVEQVE / CONFLICTVVM REPRÆSENTATOR.”. In lower margin: “Ant. van Dyck Eques pinxit.” <–> “W: Hollar fecit, 1646.” <–> “I: Meysens exc”. First, lettered state with the title and production details. |
42. Mary (Elisabetha ) Villiers, Duchess of Lennox and Richmond (British, 1622 – 1685); engraved by Wenceslaus Hollar, published by Ioannes Meyssens. Inscription: “ILLUSTRISS: ma D:ma DOMI.na ELISABETHA VILLIERS DVCESSA DE LENOX ET RICH | MOND. etc: FILIA GEORGIJ VILLIERS DVCIS ET COMITIS BVCKINGHAMIÆ.”. In lower margin: “Ant: van dyck pinxit” <–> “W:Hollar fecit” <–> “… Antverpiæ.”. Ioannes Meyssens’ name completely burnished. First state with the title and production details. |
43. Frances (Maria) Stuart, Countess of Portland (British, 1617 – 1694); engraved by Wenceslaus Hollar, published by Ioannes Meyssens. Inscription: “ILLVSTRIS: DOMINA DNA: MARIA STVART COMITISSA | PORTLANDIÆ NEYLANDIÆ, etc.”. Below: “Ant: Van Dycke pinxit,” <–> “W: Hollar fecit, A:o 1650,”, “...excud: Antuerpiæ,”. Second state with Meyssens’ name burnished. British Museum # 1853,0112.1761 |
44. Lucy Percy, Countess of Carlisle (British, 1599 – 1660); engraved by Pieter de Bailliu, published by Ioannes Meyssens. Inscription: “LVCIA PERCYE, COMES CARLYLENSIS, MARCGRAVIA | DONCASTRENSIS BARONISSA HAYÆ IN SALCÏA, ETC.A”. In lower margin: “Antonius van Dyck pinxit.” <–> “Petrus de Baillue sculpsit.” <–> “...excudit Antuerpia.”. Third, lettered state with Joannes Meyssens’ name burnished. |
45. Marie-Marguerite de Berlaymont ( ? – 1654); engraved by Jacobus Neeffs, published by Ioannes Meyssens. Inscription: “D.DNA. MARIA MARGARETA DE BARLEMONT COMITISSA HEGMONDANA.” In lower margin: “Ant. van Dyck pinxit.” <–> “Iacobus Nefs sculpsit.”<–> “...exc.”. Fourth state with Ioannes Meyssens’ name erased. British Museum # 1876,1014.206. [Similar to №67, which has Ioannes Meysens name present]. |
46. Béatrix Constance de Cussance, Princess of Cantecroix (French, 1614 – 1663); engraved by Pieter de Jode II, published by Ioannes Meyssens. Inscription: “BEATRIX COSANTIA PRINCEPS CANTECROYANA ETC.A”. In lower margin: “Antonius van Dyck pinxit” <–>“Petrus de Iode sculpsit.” <–> “… excudit Antuerpiæ.”. Second, lettered state with Meyssens’ name burnished. |
47. Johanna de Blois; engraved by Pieter de Jode II, published by Gillis Hendricx. Inscription: “D. IOHANNA DE BLOIS”. In the lower margin: “Ant. van Dÿck pinxit | Petr. de Iode sculpsit” <–> “Gillis Hendricx | excudit.”. British Museum # 1876,1014.189. |
48. Katherine Howard, Countess of Newburgh, Lady d’Aubigny (British, ? – 1650); engraved by Adriaen Lommelin, published by Gillis Hendricx. Inscription: “EXCELLmæ ILL.mæq3 DOMINÆ CATHARINÆ HOWARD, EXCELLmi DUCIS LIVOXIÆ | HÆREDIS CONIUGIS DELECTISSIMÆ, VERA EFFIGIES.” In lower margin: “A. van Dÿck pinxit.” <–> “G. Hendricx excudit” <–> “A. Lommelin scup.”. British Museum # P,3.326 |
49. Anna Wake (Flemish, 1606 – 1680); engraved by Pieter Clouwet. Inscription: “D. ANNA WAKE.”. In lower margin: “Ant. van Dÿck pinxit.” <–> “Petrus Clouwet sculpsit”. |
50. Pieter de Jode II (Flemish, 1606-1670/74); engraved by Pieter de Jode II. Inscription: “PETRVS DE IODE IVNIOR / CHALCOGRAPHVS ANTVERPIÆ.”. In lower margin: “Ant. van Dyck pinxit.”<–> “Petrus de Iode sculpsit.”. Third state (before the initials G.H. (of Gillis Hendricx) added. The print with cut off margins pasted to the bound-in leaf. |
51. Mary Ruthven, Lady van Dyck (Scottish, c. 1622 – 1645); engraved and published by Ioannes Meyssens. Inscription: “MARIA RVTEN VXOR D. ANTONI VAN DYCK EQVES”. In lower margin: “Anton.van Dyck pinxit” <–> “Ioan. Meysens fecit et excud.”. First, lettered state with the title and production details. Tired plate. British Museum # 1863,0725.747. Van Dyck's wife. |
52. Sir Balthazar Gerbier (British, Flemish, 1592 – 1663); engraved by Paulus Pontius. Inscription: “D. Balthazar Gerberius Eques Auratus primus post renouationem. | Foederis cum Hispaniarum Rege anno 1630. A Potentissimo | et Serenissimo Carolo Magnæ Britanniæ Franciæ et Hiberniæ. Rege, Bruxellas Prolegatus. A:o 1631”. Below “Anton van Dyck pinxit”<–> “Paul Pontius schupcit.”. Top left corner: “Ætatis suæ 42 | A.o 1634”. The paper in Gerbier’s hand is lettered “viuat | memoria | Buckinga: | mii”. |
53. Paul de Vos (Flemish, 1596 – 1678); printed by Ioannes Meyssens, face and collar engraved by Anthony van Dyck, the body engraved by Ioannes Meyssens. Second, lettered state. Inscription: PAVLVS DE VOS PICTOR”. In lower margin: “Anton. van Dyck pinxit fecit.”, and “Ioan. Meysens excudit.”. British Museum # R,1b.95. [Look s very much alike №68, but with a one-line inscription and engraved by Meyssens instead of Bolswert]. |
54. Honoré d’Urfé, marquis de Valromey, comte de Châteauneuf (French, 1568 – 1625); engraved by Pieter de Bailliu (Flemish, 1613 – 1660). Inscription: “ILLVS.MVS DOMNIVS HONORIVS VRFEIVS NOBILIS ORD.RIVS CVBICVLI REGII, DVX 50. ARMATORVM | HOMINVM A SVO MANDATO, COMES NOVI CASTELLI, BARO ARCIS MORANDANÆ ETC.A”. Below: “Antonius van Dyck pinxit” <–> “Pet. de Bailliue sculpsit.” <–> “Ioanes Meysens excudit.”. Second lettered state with title and production details. [Similar to №14, but with Ioanes Meysens name in place]. |
55. Johannes [John VIII], Count of Nassau-Siegen (German, 1583 – 1638); engraved by Lucas Vorsterman I (Flemish, 1595 – 1675). Inscription: in the oval around the portrait “EXCELLENTISSIMVS DOMINVS: D. IOANNES, COMES NASSAOVIÆ, CATTNELLIBOCI: VIANDEN, DIETZ, &C. EQVES AVREI VELLERIS. S. MA: CÆS, MARESCHALIVS, CATH. REG. IN BELGIO. EQVITVM GENERALIS. &C”, in lower margin: “ILLVSTRISSIMÆ PRINCIPI ERNESTINÆ DE LIGNE EIVSDEM D. COMITIS VXORI DD.”. Below: “AVan Dÿck pinxit.” <–> “Cū Priuleg” <–> “Lucas Vorsterman exc”. Third state. [For the fourth state with Lucas “Vorsterman exc” burnished see № 15]. |
56. James Hamilton, 1st Duke of Hamilton (British, 1606 – 1649); engraved by Peeter van Lisebetten (Flemish,(1630 – 1678), published by Ioannes Meysens. Inscription: “IACOBVS HAMILTONIVS, MARCHIO AB HAMILTON, COMES | CAMBRICENSIS ET ARANENSIS, BARO EVENIVS ET ABER: | BROCHIVS MAGISTRO EQVITVM SVÆ MAIESTATIS | MAGNE BRITTANIÆ, ET EQUES ORDINIS GARTERY.”.In lower margin: “Ant. van Dÿck pinxit” <–> “Pet. van Lisebetius sculp.”<–> “Ioannes Meÿssens excudit.”. Second state with title and signatures. British Museum # P,2.208. |
57. Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange, Count of Nassau (Dutch, 1584 – 1647); engraved by Conrad Waumans [Woumans] (Flemish, 1619 – after 1675). Inscription: “FREDERICVS HENRICVS, D.G. PRINCEPS ARAVSIONENSIVM, COMES | NASSAVIÆ, ETC. | MARCHIO VERÆ ET FLISSINGÆ, BARO BREDÆ GRAVÆ, | DIESTÆ ETC.”. Below: “Antonius van Dÿck pinxit” <–> “Conraet Waumans sculpsit” <–> “Ioannes Meyssens excudit.” First, lettered state with title and production details. [Similar to №5, but this one with Ioannes Meyssens name present]. |
58. Francisco de Moncada, Count d’Osuna (Spanish, 1568 – 1635); engraved by Lucas Vorsterman I. Inscription: “EXCELL.MVS D. FRANCISCVS DE MONCADA MARCHIO AYTONÆ, COMES OSSONÆ VICE– | COMES CABRERÆ ET BAAS, MAGNVS SENESCALCVS REGNI ARRAGONIÆ, PHILIPPO IV. | HISPANIAR.INDIARVMQ3 REGI A CONSILIIS STATVS, EIVSDEMQ3 LEGATVS EXTRAORDIN,ET | SVPREMVS MILITIÆ TERRA MARIQ3 IN BELGIO PRÆFECTVS". Above within portrait frame, to the right: “D.A.van Dÿck pinxit. | LVorsterman sculpsit.”. |
59. Wolfgang Wilhelm, Count of Pfalz-Neuburg and Duke of Jülich (German, 1578 – 1653); engraved by Lucas Vorsterman I. Inscription: "SERENISSIMVS PRINCEPS WOLFGANGVS WILHELMVS, D.G. COMES PALATINVS RHENI, | DVX BAVARIÆ, IVLIACÆ, ET MONTIVM :COMES VELDENTII, SPONHEMII | MARCHIÆ, RAVENSBVRGI ET MOERSII, DOMINVS IN RAVENSTEIN. ETC." In lower margin: "D. A. van Dÿck Eques Pinxit." <–> "Cū. Priuileg:" <–> "LVorsterman sculp.". Fifth state with initials of Gillis Hendricx burnished. British Museum # 1863,0509.825. |
60. Ferdinand, Cardinal Infante of Spain and Archduke of Austria (Spanish, 1609 – 1641); engraved by Pieter de Jode II, published by Ioannes Meyssens. Inscription: “SERENISSIMVS PRINCEPS FERDINANDVS AVSTRIACVS S.R.E CARDINALIS | BELGARVM BORGVNDIORVMQ3 GVBERNATOR ETC.A”. In lower margin: “Antonius van Dÿck pinxit” <–> “Pet. de Iode fecit” <–> “Ioannes Meysens excudit”. Third, lettered state with title and production details. British Museum # R,1a.28. |
61. Charles I, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland (British, 1600 – 1649); engraved by Johannes [Jan] Meyssens (Flemish, 1612 – 1670). Inscription: “CAROLVS DEI GRATIA MAGNÆ BRITANNIÆ, FRANCIÆ ET HIBERNIÆ REX”. Below: “Antonius Van Dÿck eques pinxit” <–> “Ioan. Meysens excudit”. [Similar to №4, but with Ioannes Meysens name present]. |
62. Henriette Marie de Bourbon, engraved and published by Ioannes Meyssens. Inscription: “HENRICA MARIA DEI GRATIA MAGNÆ BRITANIÆ FRANCIAÆ HIBERN. REGINA.” Lettered with production details in lower margin: “Ioan. Meysens fecit et excud.” <–> “Anton van Dyck Pinxit”. Third state, finished with a burin. [Similar to print №31, but this one with Ioan. Mey∫ens signature present]. |
63. Mary Ruthven, Lady van Dyck (Scottish, c. 1622 – 1645); copy in reverse by Richard Gaywood after Bolswert (see also №51 by Meyssens) published by Peter Stent. Inscription: “Maria Ruten nata in Anglia vxor Antonÿ van Dyck Pictoris”. Below: “Ant: van Dyck pinx:”, “P Stent excud”, “R: Gaywood fecit”. Below centre: “Sould by John Ouerton at the white horse without New gate”. John Overton, publisher (British, 1639/40 – 1713); Richard Gaywood (British, fl. c. 1644 – 1677). Peter Stent (British, fl. c. 1637 – 1665). See BM # P,3.351. |
64. Marie-Claire de Croy, Duchess of Havré (Flemish, 1605 – 1664); engraved by Conraad Waumans, published by Ioannes Meyssens. Inscription: “MARIA CLARA DE CROIIO, DVX HAVREANA CROYANAQ3 PRINCEPS STE. IMPERII, | SOVVERANEA ET BARONISSA FENESTRANGIÆ ET COSTÆ COMES FONTENOIIA ETC”. In lower margin: “Antonius van Dyck pinxit.” <–> “Coenraerdus Waumans sculpsit.” <–> “Ioannes Meysens excudit.”. Second state. British Museum # R,1a.188. [Similar to №36, but this one with Ioannes Meysens name present]. |
65. Isabel Clara Eugenia, ruler of the Spanish Netherlands (Spanish, 1566 – 1633); engraved by Lucas Vorsterman I. “SERENISSIMA D. ISABELLA. CLARA. EVGENIA. HISPANIARVM INFANS ETC. | SER.MI ALBERTI. ARCHID. AVSTRIÆ, DVCIS BVRGVNDIÆ, BELGARVM PRINCIPIS, ETC. | VIDVA, MATER CASTRORVM.” In lower margin: “D. A.van Dÿck Eques pinxit.” <–> “Cū Priuileg.” <–> “LVorsterman sculp.”. Fourth state with initials of Gillis Hendricx burnished. British Museum # 1863,0509.820. |
66. Amalia van Solms, Princess of Orange (German, 1602 – 1675), engraved by Conraad Waumans and published by Johannes Meyssens. Inscription: “EMELIÆ DE SOLMS, D. G. PRINCPES ARAVSIONENSIVM, COMITISSA NASSAUVIÆ, ETC. | MARCHIONISSA VERÆ ET FLISSINGÆ, BARONISSA BREDÆ, GRAVÆ, DIESTÆ ETC.” In lower margin: “Antonius van Dijck pinxit.”, “Conraet Waumans sculpsit.” and “Ioannes Meysens excudit.”. First, lettered state with the title and production details lettered. [Similar to №32, but this one with Ioannes Meysens name present]. |
67. Marie-Marguerite de Berlaymont ( ? – 1654); engraved by Jacobus Neeffs, published by Ioannes Meyssens. Inscription: “D.DNA. MARIA MARGARETA DE BARLEMONT COMITISSA HEGMONDANA.” In lower margin: “Ant. van Dyck pinxit.” <–> “Iacobus Nefs sculpsit.” <–> “Ioes Meyssens exc.”. Fourth state. [Similar to №45, but this one with Ioannes Meysens name present]. |
68. Paul de Vos (Flemich, 1596-1678); engraved and etched by Anthony van Dyck and by Schelte Adamsz. Bolswert, published by Gillis Hendricx. Eighth state with the initials of Gillis Hendricx burnished. Inscription: PAVLVS DE VOS PICTOR | VENATIONVM ANTVERPIÆ.”. “Ant. van Dyck pinxit et | fecit aqua forti.” <–> “S. à Bol∫wert | sculpsit. ”. [Look s very much alike №53, but with a two-line inscription and engraved by Bolswert instead of Meyssens, etc.]. |
69. Paul-Bernard de Fontaines (French, 1566 – 1643) delineated and engraved by Lucas Vorsterman I (Flemish, 1595 – 1675) in 1615–75. Inscription: “Excellentissimus Dns. Paulus Bernardus Comes de Fontaine. liber Toparcha supremae terrae de fougerolle etc: Armeme tarij Catho. Matis. per Belgium Gnalis Praefectus: Vrbis Brugensis et Territorij fraconatus Magnus Praetor. Supremus nuper armpru Prouinciam flandriae Moderator etc: D.D.L Vorsterman sculptor. delin”. Cut without margins and pasted to inbound leaf. See: MET: Accession Number: 51.501.1332 |