A two-volume set: (1) Thomas Hugo. The Bewick Collector. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of Thomas and John Bewick; Including cuts, in various states, for Books and Pamphlets, Private Gentlemen, Public Companies, Exhibitions, Races, Newspapers, Shop Cards, Invoice Heads, Bar Bills, Coal Certificates, Broadsides, and other miscellaneous purposes, and Wood Blocks. With an Appendix of Portraits, Autographs, Works of Pupils, etc., etc. The whole described from the Originals contained in the largest and most perfect collection ever formed, and illustrated with a hundred and twelve cuts. — London: Lovell Reeve and Co., MDCCCLXVI [1866]. — [Printed by] J. E. Taylor and Co., printers. — pp.: [i-v] vi-xxiii [xxiv], [1] 2-562. (2) Thomas Hugo. The Bewick Collector. A Supplement to a Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of Thomas and John Bewick; Consisting of additions to the various divisions of cuts, wood blocks. etc., enumerated in that work. The whole described from the Originals contained in the largest and most perfect collection ever formed, and illustrated with a hundred and eighty cuts. — London: L. Reeve and Co, MDCCCLXVIII [1868]. — [Printed by] J. E. Taylor and Co., printers. — pp.: [i-vii] viii-xxxii, [1] 2-353. Both volumes in 8vo, 22.5 x 14.5 cm, hardcover. Contemporary dark brown half morocco, gilt-ruled, with 5 raised bands, gilt titles and decoration to spine, and marbled paper over boards. Top edge gilt; marbled endpapers. Binding splitting at pp.80/81 of the 1st volume. Armorial bookplate of Ralph Hart Tweddle to front pastedown. Ralph Hart Tweddle (1843 – 1895) was a British mechanical engineer, known particularly for inventing the portable hydraulic riveter, which greatly facilitated the construction of boilers, bridges and ships.
Two volumes, 32 x 24 cm each, uniformly bound in grey cloth with crimson morocco labels with gilt lettering to spine “Н. Обольяниновъ | КАТАЛОГЪ | иллюстриров. изданiй | 1725-1860 гг. | I (II)”, original wrappers preserved. To t.p. verso ink stamps “Latvijas PSR Zinātn̦u akadēmija Fundamentālā bibliotēka”, “1964”, “KATALOGS”, and “Z.A.B. Inv. № 80274”. Printed on laid paper, pagination throughout. 3,038 items with bibliographical descriptions. Title-page: КАТАЛОГЪ | РУССКИХЪ ИЛЛЮСТРИРОВАННЫХЪ | ИЗДАНIЙ | 1725—1860 гг. | — | СОСТАВИЛЪ | Н. Обольяниновъ. | Въ двухъ томахъ | Т. I (II). | ~ | МОСКВА – 1914 (1915). | Товарищество ТИПОГРАФIИ А. И. МАМОНТОВА, | Арбатская пл., Филипповский пер., д. № 11. || Vol. I: Collation: π6 1-424, total 174 leaves; pp.: [i-v] vi-xii, [1] 2-335 [336 errata] (total 348 pages); within green publisher’s wrappers. Vol. II: π2 1-444, total 178 leaves; pp.: [4] [337] 338-686 [687 errata], [688 blank] (total 356 pages); within green publisher’s wrappers. Provenance: Fundamental library of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Contributors: Николай Александрович Обольянинов (Russian, 1868 – 1916) – author. Анатолий Иванович Ма́монтов (Russian, 1839 – 1905) – publisher.
Библиотека А.С.Пушкина. Библиографическое описание.
Пушкин и его современники. Материалы и изследования. Вып. IX- X. Повременное изданiе Коммиссiи для изданiя сочиненiй Пушкина при Отдѣленiи Русскаго языка и словесности Императорской Академiи Наукъ.
СПб.: Тип.Императорской Академiи Наук, 1910. - 461 стр.
Б. Л. Модзалевский. Библиотека А.С.Пушкина. Библиографическое описание. Отдѣльный оттискъ из изданiя "Пушкинъ и его современники", вып. IX-X. -- СПб.: Тип. Императорской Академiи Наук, 1910. - 442 стр. [РЕПРИНТ 1988 года.]
Библиотека А. С. Пушкина. Б. Л. Модзалевский. Приложение к репринтному изданию. -- М.: Книга, 1988. - 115 стр. Тираж 10 000 экз.
Л. Б. Модзалевский. Библиотека Пушкина. Новые материалы.
Список условных сокращений.
Л. С. Сидяков. Библиотека Пушкина и ее описание.
Примечание к работам Б. Л. и Л. Б. Модзалевских.