Description: Hardcover, 20.8 x 13.3 cm, green buckram with gilt lettering to spine, gilt serial design and lettering to front cover, pp.: [1-6] 7-479 [480]. Incl. Ф.-Р. де Шатобриан. «Гений христианства», пер. О. Э. Гринберг. Title-page : | — | ЭСТЕТИКА РАННЕГО ФРАНЦУЗСКОГО РОМАНТИЗМА |— | {publisher’s device} | МОСКВА | ИСКУССТВО | 1982 | 3 || François-René de Chateaubriand (French, 1768 – 1848) – author Ольга Эммануиловна Гринберг (Russian, 1950 – 2008) – translator Вера Аркадьевна Мильчина [Vera Miltchina] (Russian, b. 1953) – foreword, translator
Description: Hardcover, 22.2 x 17.2 cm, in green buckram with gilt lettering to front cover and spine, pp.: [1-4] 5-638 [2], 640 pages total. Incl.: Ф.-Р. де Шатобриан. Из «гения христианства». Title-page: ЛИТЕРАТУРНЫЕ | МАНИФЕСТЫ | ЗАПАДНОЕВРОПЕЙСКИХ | РОМАНТИКОВ | Собрание текстов, | вступительная статья и общая редакция | проф. А. С. Дмитриева | Издательство Московского университета | 1980 || Contributors: Дмитриев, Александр Сергеевич (Russian, 1919 – 2001) François-René de Chateaubriand (French, 1768 – 1848)
Description: 12mo, 17 x 11 cm, quarter brown morocco over marbled boards, marbled end-papers, raised bands and gilt lettering to spine, embossed stamp to t.p. “COLPORTAGE CHEMIN DE FER”. Title-page: AFFAIRE | PIERRE BONAPARTE | OU | LE MEURTRE D'AUTEUIL | AVEC PORTRAITS | DU PRINCE PIERRE BONAPARTE & DE VICTOR NOIR | Et nombreuses Gravures, telles que : | SCÈNE DU MEURTRE DANS LE SALON D'AUTEUIL. | LA CHAMBRE DE VICTOR NOIR, | VICTOR NOIR SUR SON LIT DE MORT, | LE PRINCE PIERRE A LA CONCIERGERIE, ETC. | — | Prix : 1 fr. 10 c., franco. | — | PARIS | A. CHEVALIER, EDITEUR | 61, RUE DE RENNES, 61 | 1870. Collation: 18mo; odd [1]-918; 5 x 18 = 90 leaves total. Pagination: [2] [3] 4-177 [178]; total 180 pages. Contributors: Armand Le Chevalier (French, 1802 – 1873) – publisher. Prince Pierre-Napoléon Bonaparte (French, 1815 – 1881) – character. Victor Noir [b. Yvan Salmon] (French-Jewish, 1848 – 1870) – character.
Description: Volume 2 of 3, 16 x 12.5 cm, publisher’s grey wrappers, lettered in black and white to front cover, black to spine. Half-title: publisher’s device «ЗиФ» to recto, to verso: ГЮИ ДЕ-МОПАССАН | СОБРАНИЕ СОЧИНЕНИЙ | ТОМ II | — | «ЗЕМЛЯ и ФАБРИКА» | МОСКВА – ЛЕНИНГРАД || Title-page: ГЮИ ДЕ-МОПАССАН | НАГРАЖДЕН | ОРДЕНОМ | ПЕРЕВОД С ФРАНЦУЗСКОГО | ПОД РЕДАКЦИЕЙ | И. БАБЕЛЯ | ЧЕТВЕРТАЯ ТЫСЯЧА | — | «ЗЕМЛЯ и ФАБРИКА» | МОСКВА – ЛЕНИНГРАД || Imprint: Обложка худ. Н. Альтман | Отпечатано в типогр. рабоч. | Изд-ва «Прибой» им. Евг. | Соколовой, Пр. Красн. | Командиров, 29, в ко- | личестве 4.000 экз. | Главлит № 61.389. | 10 и. лист. | Ленинград | 1926 || Collation: 8vo; 1-108 111, total 81 leaves. Pagination: [1-5] 6-161 [162 contents], total 162 pages. Edition: 1st thus. Print run: 4,000 copies. Contents: Награжден орденом (пер. Александры Чеботаревской); Порт (пер. И. Смидович); Верхом (пер. Валентины Дынник); Ночь под Рождество (пер. Александры Чеботаревской); Пьерро (пер. Валентины Дынник); Болезнь Андрэ (пер. И. Бабеля); Ожерелье (пер. Александра Элиасберга); Мститель (пер. Александры Чеботаревской); Шкаф (пер. Александры Чеботаревской); Заместитель (пер. Александры Чеботаревской); Дождевой зантик; Покинутый (пер. А. Мирэ). Contributors: Guy de Maupassant (French, 1850 – 1893) – author. Исаак Эммануилович Бабель [Isaac Babel] (Russian-Jewish, 1894 – 1940) – translation editor. Натан Исаевич Альтман [Nathan Altman] (Russian-Jewish, 1889 – 1970) – artist. Александра Николаевна Чеботаревская (Russian, 1869 – 1925) – translator. Инна Гермогеновна Смидович (Russian, 1870 – 1940/42) – translator. Валентина Александровна Дынник-Соколова (Russian, 1898 – 1979) – translator. Александр Самойлович Элиасберг [Alexander Eliasberg] (Russian-Jewish, 1878 – 1924) – translator. Александра Михайловна Моисеева [А. Мирэ] (Russian, 1874 – 1913) – translator.
Description: Three volumes 20.5 x 13 cm each, collated 8vo, uniformly bound in quarter calf over marbled boards, with raised bands, gilt in compartments and black and brown gilt-lettered labels to spine; bookplate “Ex libris Jacques Laget” pasted on to front pastedown. Printed on laid paper, with tall “s”. Title-page: L'AN | DEUX MILLE | QUATRE CENT QUARANTE. | Rêve s'il en fût jamais; | SUIVI DE | L'HOMME DE FER, | SONGE. | — | Le présent est gros l’avenir. / Leibnitz. (O utinam !; Le plaisir sans égal seroit de fonder la félicité publique.) | — | NOUVELLE ÉDITION | Avec Figures. | TOME PREMIER (SECOND; TROISIEME). | {device} | — | 1786. || Vol 1: fep a8 A-Z8 2A8; total 201 leaves plus engraved frontispiece by Ghendt after Marillier; pp: ff [i-v] vi-xvi, 1-380 [4]; total 402 pages. Vol. 2: fep π2, A-Z8 2A8 fep; total 196 leaves plus engraved frontispiece by Ghendt after Marillier; pp: [6] 1-381 [5]; total 392 pages. Vol. 3: fep π2, A-T8 V5 fep; total 161 leaves plus engraved frontispiece by Ghendt after Marillier; pp: [6] 1-312 [4]; total 322 pages. Catalogue raisonné: Cohen-DeRicci 701; Lewine 353 Provenance: Jacques Laget (French, 1821 – 1884). Contributors: Louis-Sébastien Mercier (French, 1740 – 1814) – author. Clément Pierre Marillier (French, 1740 – 1808) – artist Emmanuel Jean Nepomucène de Ghendt (Flemish, worked in France, 1738 – 1815) – engraver. See also: LIB-0979.2016 and LIB-2695.2021.
Description: Softcover, French flapped wrappers, lettered front, back (advert.) and spine, collated in-4to, 24.3 x 20.2 cm, printed on thick wove paper Vélin pur fil Lafuma-Navarre, print run limited to 335 copies from which this is copy № 219; outer margin untrimmed, some leaves uncut, glassine DJ. Limitation: 1 copy (A) on Japon Impérial + double suite of plates + suite of original drawings, 4 copies (B-E) on Japon Impérial + double suite of plates, 15 copies on on Japon Impérial + suite of plates on Vieux Japon teinté (F-T), 315 copies on Vélin pur fil Lafuma-Navarre, of which 15 (I-XV) not for sale. Copyright: Libraire Gallimard, 1924. Printed: March 10, 1924 – text by Coulouma (Argenteuil) under direction of H. Barthélemy, lithographs printed by Marchizet (Paris). Front wrapper (in letterpress two-colour border): Tableaux Contemporains – no 4 | . TABLEAU | de | L'AMOUR | VÉNAL | par | FRANCIS CARCO | Illustré | de douze lithographies en noir | par Luc-Albert Moreau | PARIS | ÉDITIONS DE LA NOUVELLE REVUE FRANÇAISE | 3, rue de Grenelle || Title-page: Same, without a frame, in black, L'AMOUR | VÉNAL in brown. Collation: 4to; 14 a4 2-164, total 68 leaves with wrappers included in collation plus 12 plates, incl. frontispiece, extraneous to collation. Pagination: [2 wrapper] [6] [i] ii-vii [viii blank] [9] 10-122 [2 colophon] [2 blank] [2 wrapper]; total 136 pages incl. wrappers, plus ils. Contributors: Francis Carco [François Carcopino-Tusoli] (French, 1886 – 1958) – author. Luc-Albert Moreau (French, 1882 – 1948) – artist. La Nouvelle Revue Française (nrf) (Paris)– publisher. Gaston Gallimard (French, 1881 – 1975) – publisher.
Pictorial title (coloured): Collection Artistique Guillaume et Cie |—| ALPHONSE DAUDET | Trente ans | de Paris | PARIS | C. MARPON ET E. FLAMMARION | 26, RUE RACINE, 26 | 1888 || Title page: Collection Artistique Guillaume et Cie |—| ALPHONSE DAUDET | Trente ans de Paris | À TRAVERS MA VIE ET MES LIVRES | Illustré | PAR BIELER, MONTÉGUT, MYRBACH, PICARD ET ROSSI | Gravure de Guillaume Frères et Cie | PARIS | C. MARPON ET E. FLAMMARION | 26, RUE RACINE, 26 | 1888 | Tous droits réservés. || Pagination: [12] [1] 2-344 [6], total 362 pp., in-text illustration, head- and tailpieces, photomechanical reproductions. Collation: 12mo; π6, 1-2812 +1; total 181 leaves. Binding: 19 x 12.5 cm; red cloth, gilt lettering to spine, gilt lettering and vignette to front board and gilt device to back board; bookplate to front pastedown: Ex Libris Dr. Vodoz = Egg; Gift inscription to flyleaf in German, dated 30/12/87. Contributors: Alphonse Daudet (French, 1840 – 1897) – author. Ernest Biéler (Swiss, 1863 – 1948) – artist. Louis Montégut (French, 1855 – 1906) – artist. Felician Myrbach (Austrian, 1853 – 1940) – artist. Georges Picard (French, 1857 – 1943) – artist. Luigi Rossi (Swiss, 1853 – 1923) – artist. Ernest Flammarion (French, 1846 – 1936) – publisher. Charles Marpon (French, 1838 – 1890) – publisher. Alexis Lahure (French, 1849 – 1928) – printer. Guillaume Frères et Cie – engravers.
Russian translation of: Alphonse Daudet. Trente ans de Paris à travers ma vie et mes livres; (Collection artistique Guillaume et Cie). — Paris: C. Marpon et E. Flammarion, 1888. Series: Книжки Недели, №2-4, 1888. Title: ТРИДЦАТЬ ЛѢТ ВЪ ПАРИЖѢ. | Альфонса Додэ. | Переводъ съ французскаго. | {in waving rules} Изъ "Книжекъ недѣли". | {waving rule} | С.-ПЕТЕРБУРГЪ. | Типографiя Н. А. Лебедева. Невскiй просп., д. № 8. | 1888. || Pagination:[2] [1] 2-108 [2] – back wrapper; total number of pages 112. Collation: 8vo; π7 1-28 7-88 98 78 (six 8vo gatherings) ω1; total number of leaves 56. Binding: 24 x 16.5 cm quarter brown morocco over marbled boards, blind lettering to spine; personal library stamp to a number of pages: “БИБЛИОТЕКА | АЛЕКСАНДРА ПЕТРОВИЧА | МАРТЫНЕНКО | №»; handwritten inscription to front flyleaf: «А. Мартыненко, г. Ленинград, 1943 г.» Contributors: Alphonse Daudet (French, 1840 – 1897) – author of the text. Лебедев, Николай Афанасьевич (Russian, 1813 – 1896) – printer. Гайдебуров, Павел Александрович (Russian, 1841 – 1893/4) – publisher.
Vol. 1: Title: MÉMOIRES | DE | MONSIEUR CLAUDE | CHEF DE LA POLICE DE SURETÉ́ SOUS LE SECOND EMPIRE | {single rule} | PREMIER VOLUME | publisher’s device «JR» in oval} | PARIS | JULES ROUFF ET Cie, ÉDITEURS | 14, CLOITRE SAINT-HONORÉ, 14 | {single rule} || Pagination: [4] – h.t., t.p., [1-3] – engraved t.p. w/portrait, 3-800 [4], in-text and full-page woodcuts; last two leaves (table) has numbered pages 1000 and 1001; the total number of pages 808. Collation: 4to; π2 [1]4 2-1004 Ω2, woodcuts by Quesnel and Ferdinandus, within collation; the total number of leaves 404. Vol. 2: Title: Same but “DEUXIEME VOLUME” Pagination: [4] – h.t., t.p., [801-2] – frontis., 803-2010, [6] – assassinats, [4] – table, in-text and full-page woodcuts; last two leaves (table) has numbered pages 2018 and 2019; the total number of pages 1224. Collation: 4to; π2 101-2524 Ω2, woodcuts by Quesnel and Ferdinandus, within collation; the total number of leaves 612. Binding: Two volumes 28 x 20.5 cm each, uniformly bound in quarter polished brown calf over marbled boards, blind-stamped florets and gilt lettering to spine, marbled endpapers. Contributors: Claude, Antoine (French, 1807 – 1880) – declared author of the text. Labourieu, Théodore (French, 1822 – 1889) – assumed author of the text. Quesnel, Désiré Mathieu (French, 1843 – 1915) – woodcut printmaker. Ferdinandus, Alexandre [Avenet, François] (French, 1850 – 1888) – illustrator. D. Bardin et Cie – printer. Jules Rouff (French, 1846 – 1927) – publisher. Jules Rouff et Cie (Paris, 1873 – 1982) – publisher. Note: Common opinion is that the text was produced by Théodore Labourieu, not by, Antoine Claude. The first edition was published by the same publisher in 10 volumes in wrappers without illustrations, between 1880 and 1883, after the death of Antoine Claude. As stated in WorldCat: “not written or sanctioned by him.” This two-volume edition was published later, with multiple woodcuts.
Title page: Жанъ де Лабрюйеръ. | ХАРАКТЕРЫ | ИЛИ | НРАВЫ ЭТОГО ВѢКА. | (Les Caractères). | СЪ ПРЕДИСЛОВIЯМИ | Прево-Парадоля и Сентъ-Бёва. | ПЕРЕВОДЪ | П. Д. ПЕРВОВА. | {in waving rules} Изданiе журнала "Пантеонъ Литературы". | С.-ПЕТЕРБУРГ. | Типографiя Н. А. Лебедева. Невскiй просп., д. № 8. | 1889. || Pagination: [1-3] 4-371 [372] – handwritten contents, green ballpen; total 372 pages. Collation: 8vo; 1-238 ¼242, total 186 leaves. Binding: 24 x 16.5 cm, owner’s quarter cloth over marbled boards. Contributors: Jean de La Bruyère (French, 1645 – 1696) – author. Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin (French, 1804 – 1869) – author of the foreword. Prévost-Paradol, Lucien-Anatole (French, 1829 – 1870) – – author of the foreword. Первов, Павел Дмитриевич (Russian, 1860 – 1929) – translator. Лебедев, Николай Афанасьевич (Russian, 1813 – 1896) – printer.
Two volumes, 12mo; 14 x 9 cm, uniformly bound in speckled calf with dentelle border in gilt, gilt-stamped spine with two crimson lettered labels, marbled endpapers. Inscription to h.t.: P. Leigh Smith | Moscow | 1921 || Vol. 1: Half-title: MIROIR | DE L'ANCIEN ET DU NOUVEAU | PARIS, | AVEC TREIZE VOYAGES | EN VÉLOCIFÈRES, |DANS SES ENVIRONS. | TOME I. || Title page: MIROIR | DE L'ANCIEN ET DU NOUVEAU | PARIS, | AVEC TREIZE VOYAGES | EN VÉLOCIFÈRES, |DANS SES ENVIRONS. Ouvrage indespensable aus Étrangers et même | aux Parisiens, et qui indique tout ce qu’il faut | connoître et éviter dans cette capitale. | Orné d’un Plan de Paris et de 18 Gravures | {to the right, in single rules} Tels temps, telles mœurs. | Par L. Prudhomme. | Tome I. | PARIS, | PRUDHOMME, fils, rue des Marais, F. B. St.-G. | DEBRAY, rue St. Honoré, barrière des Sergens. | AN XIII. — (1804.) || Pagination: [i-vii] viii-xxxvi, 1-260; total 296 pages + 15 copperplate engravings and 1 folding plan of Paris. Collation: πA-πC6, A-C6, 4-216 224; total 148 leaves + 15 plates + 1 folding. Note: 12mo; πA1 unsigned, A2 unsigned, A–C3 signed A-C5, respectively, 4* unsigned, 9* marked 8*, 18* marked 17*. Vol. 2: Similar half-title and title, TOME II instead of TOME I. Pagination: [4] 1-408; total 412 pages + 3 copperplate engravings. Collation: π2, 1-346; total 206 leaves + 3 plates.
Cover: LA | NOUVELLE PHÈDRE | ET | LE DIRECTEUR DE L'ODEON | PAR | PAGES (DU TARN) | PRIX : 50 CENTIMES | PARIS | GUSTAVE HAVARD, LIBRAIRE–ÉDITEUR | BOULEVARD SÉBASTOPOL (RIVE GAUCHE) et rue de la Harpe. | 1858 || Pagination: [1-3] 4-48. Collation: 8vp; [1]-38 (total 24 leaves) Binding: publisher’s wrappers. Printer: Imprimerie Bonaventure et Ducessois (Paris); Ducessois, Théodore (French, 1804 – after 1864.) Bonaventure, Jules-Frédéric (French, ca. 1816 – 1891) Pagès (du Tarn) (French, fl. 1838 – 1872) – known absolutely nothing. Other works: La France, ode (M. Papailhiau, 1840); Aux Électeurs ... du Tarn (Soupe, 1848) ; Les Funérailles de Napoléon, ode (Pilout, 1840) ; Mazagran, 4, 5 et 6 février 1840, chant héroïque (M. Papailhiau, 1840) ; Herminie, ou l'Amour et l'honneur, tragédie en 5 actes, en vers (Moquet, 1872) ; Lettre à S.E. le ministre de l'Intérieur sur la nouvelle Phèdre et le Théâtre français (Moquet, 1856), etc. There is also a humorous book by Antony de Menou, which does not contain anything of substance: Un contemporain: biographie de Pagès (du Tarn). — Paris: Masgana, 1857. Antony de Menou is an obscure figure in his own right. An article about him can be found at Les derniers bohêmes by Firmin Maillard (1833 – 1901) [LIB-2652.2021].
Title page: АКАДЕМИЯ НАУК СССР | В. П. ВОЛГИН. | ФРАНЦУЗСКИЙ | УТОПИЧЕСКИЙ | КОММУНИЗМ | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО АКАДЕМИИ НАУК СССР | МОСКВА 1960 || Pagination: [1-5] 6-375 [376], errata slip. Collation: 8vo; [1]-228, 234, 248 (total 188 leaves) + errata slip; 171 unsigned. Print run: 4200 copies. Binding: Burgundy buckram, lettering in blind-stamped frame: В. П. Волгин. Французский утопический коммунизм. Contributor: Волгин, Вячеслав Петрович (Russian, 1879 – 1962) – author.
Title page: Juries and the | Transformation of | Criminal Justice | in France | in the Nineteenth & Twentieth Centuries | James M. Donovan | The University of North Carolina Press Chapel Hill || Frontispiece: STUDIES IN LEGAL HISTORY | Published by the University of North Carolina Press | in association with the American Society for Legal History | Daniel Ernst & Thomas A. Green, editors || Pagination: [i-viii] ix [x] 1-262. Binding: black cloth, silver lettering to spine, pictorial DJ.
Front wrapper: In the three-compartment orange frame: 1st compartment: HISTOIRE DES DOCTRINES SOCIALISTES | *** (LES IDÉES ET LES FAITS) *** | 2nd compartment: BLANQUI | PAR | Maurice DOMMANGET | {circular device} | 3rd compartment: *** 1924 *** | LIBRAIRIE DE L'HUMANITÉ | 120 • RUE LAFAYETTE • 120 PARIS | Under the frame : Prix : 2 fr. 50 || Title page: HISTOIRE DES DOCTRINES SOCIALISTES | *** (LES IDÉES ET LES FAITS) *** | BLANQUI | PAR Maurice DOMMANGET | {device in a circle} | *** 1924 *** | LIBRAIRIE DE L'HUMANITÉ | 120 • RUE LAFAYETTE • 120 PARIS || Back wrapper: Advert. in an orange frame. Pagination: wrappers included in pagination ; [1-5] 6-95 [96-98] (total 49 leaves incl. wrappers). Collation: wrappers not included in collation: [1]-68. Binding: 18.5 x 12 cm; publisher’s blue wrappers with an orange frame, black lettering to covers and spine; uncut. Russian translation: LIB-2747.2021
Title page: PARIS | À TABLE | PAR | EUGÈNE BRIFFAULT. | Illustré par Bertall. | {vignette} | PARIS | PUBLIÉ PAR J. HETZEL, | RUE DE RICHELIEU, 76 — RUE DE MÉNARS, 10 | 1846 || Pagination : ffl, [2] – h.t. / imprim., [2] – wood-engraved pictorial t.p. bt Bertall, [2] – t.p. / blank, [i] ii-iv, 2] – f.t. / imprim., [1] 2-184, ffl; in-text woodcuts by Betrall. Collation: π6 1-462; size 8vo. Binding: brown quarter morocco over marbled boards, raised bands, gilt device in compartments and gilt lettering to spine. Matching marbled endpapers, previous owner’s bookplate to front pastedown. Bookplate: Motto: “LITTERÆ SCIENTIA & ARTES / AR (monogram), 7738 BELIURE TOFFIER – TOURS / L. D.” Contributors: Eugène Briffault (French, 1799 – 1854) – author of the text. Bertall [ Bertal; Charles Albert d'Arnoux (French, 1820 – 1882) – illustrator. Pierre-Jules Hetzel (French, 1814 – 1886) – publisher. Printer: Imprimerie Schneider et Langrand, rue d'Erfurth, 1 (Paris). Paper: La papeterie d’Essonne.
Title page: MYSTERIES OF THE | FRENCH SECRET POLICE | by | JEAN GALTIER-BOISSIÈRE | FOUNDER AND EDITOR OF ‘CRAPOUILLOT’ | Translated by | RONALD LESLIE-MELVILLE | AUTHOR OF | ‘THE LIFE AND WORK OF SIR JOHN FIELDING’, ETC. | WITH 22 ILLUSTRATIONS | London | STANLEY PAUL & CO. LTD. || Pagination: [1-8] 9-292 [16 advert], frontis., 14 pp of ill. Collation: 8vo; [A]8 B-R8 S10 + 8 leaves of advertisement + frontispiece and 7 leaves of b/w photomechanical illustrations. Binding: Burgundy cloth, gilt lettering to spine, brown endpapers. Contributors: Galtier-Boissière, Jean (French, 1891 – 1966) – author. Leslie-Melville, Ronald (British, 1905 – 1942) – translator. Stanley Paul (London) – publisher. Mayflower Press (Plymouth), William Brendon & Son (Plymouth) – printers.
Cover: Изданiе "БРОКГАУЗЪ-ЕФРОНЪ" | ИСТОРIЯ ЕВРОПЫ | ПО ЭПОХАМЪ | И СТРАНАМЪ | Н. И. Карѣевъ | ПОЛИТИЧЕСКАЯ ИСТОРIЯ | ФРАНЦIИ | ВЪ XIX ВѢКѢ || Title page: Исторiя Европы по эпохамъ и странамъ в среднiе вѣка и новое время. | Изд. под. ред. Н. И. Карѣева и И. В. Лучицкаго. | Н. И. КАРѢЕВЪ | ПОЛИТИЧЕСКАЯ | ИСТОРIЯ ФРАНЦIИ | ВЪ XIX ВѢКѢ. | (Правительственныя формы и внутренняя политика, политическiя партiи | и общественные классы). | Изданiе Акц. Общ. "Брокгаузъ-Ефронъ". | С.-ПЕТЕРБУРГЪ. | Типографiя Акц. Общ. Брокгаузъ-Ефронъ. Прачешный пер. № 6. | 1902. || Pagination: [2] – title / blank, [i-iii] iv-v [vi], [1] 2-300 +1 colour plate (maps). Collation: 8vo; [π]4 1-188 196 + 1 leaf (maps). Binding: Publisher’s green cloth with black lettering to spine and cover, design elements to cover. Contributors: Кареев, Николай Иванович (Russian, 1850 – 1931) – author.
Cover: МОРИС ДОМАНЖЕ | БЛАНКИ | РАБОЧЕЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО “ПРИБОЙ” | ЛЕНИНГРАД 1925 || Title page: МОРИС ДОМАНЖЕ | БЛАНКИ | Пер. с французского | Рабочее Издательство “ПРИБОЙ” | Ленинград 1925 || Pagination: [2] 3-97 [3]. Collation: 8vo; [1]8 2-68 [7]2, total 50 leaves. Binding: Publisher’s wrappers, lettering to covers and spine, uncut. Contributor: Maurice Dommanget (French, 1888 – 1976) – author. Translation of: Blanqui par Maurice Dommanget. — Paris: Librairie de l'Humanité, 1924.
Title: BLANQUI | by | NEIL STEWART | [blank] | LONDON | VICTOR GOLLANCZ LTD | 1939 || Pagination: [1-7] 8-352. Binding: 20 x 13.5 cm; Red cardstock boards with black lettering, the front board: BLANQUI | by | NEIL STEWART | {BCL device} | LEFT BOOK CLUB EDITION | NOT FOR SALE TO THE PUBLIC ||; Spine with black lettering in the frame, sunned.
Vol. 1. Title: SOUVENIRS | D'UN | PRÉFET DE POLICE | PAR | L. ANDRIEUX | TOME PREMIER | {publisher’s device} | PARIS | JULES ROUFF ET Cie, ÉDITEURS | 14, CLOITRE SAINT-HONORÉ, 14 | 1885 || Pagination : [1-7] 8-356. Collation: 18mo; 1-1718 1916. Vol. 2. Title: Similar but TOME DEUXIÈME. Pagination : [1-5] 6-304. Collation: 18mo; 1-1518 176. Binding: Both volumes are uniformly bound in quarter black morocco over marbled boards, raised bands, gilt lettering, peacock endpapers, all edges marbled; extensive foxing.
Front wrapper and title page : AVRIL – JUIN 1961 […] Numéro 35 |LE MOUVEMENT SOCIAL | Bulletin trimestriel de l'Institut français d'Histoire sociale | (Association reconnue d’utilité publique) | Le mouvement des Universités Populaires | par L. Dintzer, F. Robin et L. Grelaud | La vie de Blanqui sous le second empire | par M. Dommanget | Aperçu des fonds de l'Institut | par C. Chambelland | LES ÉDITIONS OUVRIÈRES | 12 avenue Sœur-Rosalie, Paris (13e) || Pagination : [1, 2] 3-48. Publisher’s wrappers, 24 x 16 cm. The paper by Maurice Dommanget (French, 1888 – 1976) La vie de Blanqui sous le Second Empire : de la sortie de Belle-ile à la sortie de Sainte-Pélagie (1er décembre 1857 – 12 mars 1864), pp. 30–41.
Title : CHARLES VIRMAITRE | LA COMMUNE | A PARIS | 1871 | {cit. 5 lines Emile de Girardin} | PARIS | LIBRAIRIE INTERNATIONALE | A. LACROIX, VERBOECKHOVEN ET Ce, ÉDITEURS | 15 boulevart Montmartre et faubourg Montmartre, 13 | MÉME MAISON A BRUXELLES, A LEIPZIG ET A LIVOURNE | 1871 | DROITS DE TRADUCTION ET DE REPRODUCTION RÉSERVÉS || Pagination : [2] – h.t. / imprint., [2] – t.p. / blank, [2] – dedicatation to Thiers / blank, [2] – table / blank, [1], 2-280; [total 288 pages]. Collation: 18mo; π4 1-1318 1514. Binding: red quarter morocco over red buckram boards, raised bands, gilt lettering, gilt flower lozenges in compartments, marbled endpapers.
Title: LES | CURIOSITÉS DE PARIS | PAR | CH. VIRMAITRE | PRÉFACE DE M. XAVIER EYMA | PARIS | P. LEBIGRE-DUQUESNE, LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR | 16, RUE HAUTEFEUILLE, 16 | 1868 || Collation: 18mo, π6; 1-1918. Pagination: [2] – pictorial title by A. Gill, engr. Marchandeau / blank, [2] – t.p. / blank, [2] dedication to Émile de Girardin / blank, [vii] viii-xii – préface; [1] 2-360, bfl. Note: pp. 223/224 and XIX chapter’s f.t. unpaginated and loose, but collation is not interrupted. Other chapters f.t. paginated. Binding: hardcover, quarter brown buckram over marbled boards, flat spine, gilt fillets, gilt lettering over the black label. Contributors: Charles Virmaître (1835 – 1903) – text. Xavier Eyma (1816 – 1876) – text / preface. André Gill (French, 1840 – 1885) – artist / pictorial title. Marchandeau (French, fl. c. 1867) – engraver / pictorial title.
Cover: Ch. Virmaitre | LES | VIRTUOSES | DU | TROTTOIR | {publisher’s device} | PARIS | P. LEBIGRE-DUQUESNE, ÉDITEUR | 16, RUE HAUTEFEUILLE, 16 | 1868 || Title: Similar. Imprint: De Rouge Frères, Dunon et Fresné (Paris). Pagination: [1-7] 8-161 [162], [2] – table, [2] – advert., [14]; 90 leaves total; publisher’s cream wrappers with red lettering in double frame. Collation: 12mo in 6th; [1]-136, 1412. Charles Virmaître (French, 1835 – 1903).
Title: THE BOHEMIANS | OF | THE LATIN QUARTER. | (SCÈNES DE LA VIE DE BOHÊME.) | By HENRI MURGER. | ILLUSTRATED WITH 10 ETCHINGS FROM DESIGNS BY MONTADER. |{publisher’s device}| LONDON: | VIZETELLY & CO., 16, HENRIETTA STREET, | COVENT GARDEN. | 1888. || Pagination: [i-v] vi-xxxiv, [1] 2-317 [318 blank]; collation: 8vo, π1 (h.t.), [a]-b8, B-U8 X7 + 10 etchings by Charles Courtry after Alfred Montader (incl. frontispiece and portrait of Henri Murger). Binding: 23 x 14.5 cm, olive cloth, black lettering to cover and gilt lettering to spine. Contributors: Murger, Henri [Henry] (French, 1822 – 1861) – original text (French). Montader, Pierre Marie Alfred (French, fl. c. 1881 – 1925) – artist. Courtry, Charles Jean Louis (French, 1846 – 1897) – engraver. Vizetelly, Henry Richard (British, 1820 – 1894) – publisher.
Жан де Лабрюйер | ХАРАКТЕРЫ, | ИЛИ | НРАВЫ | НЫНЕШНЕГО | ВЕКА | Перевод с французского | Э. ЛИНЕЦКОЙ И Ю. КОРНЕЕВА | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | «ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА» | МОСКВА • ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1964 || Pagination: frontis., [2] 3-413 [414-416]; print run 50,000 copies. Collation : 8vo, [1]-268. Binding: 21 x 13.5 cm, olive buckram, lettering to cover and spine. Jean de La Bruyère (French, 1645 – 1696). Юрий Борисович Корнеев (Russian, 1921—1995). Эльга Львовна (Лейбовна) Линецкая [b. Фельдман] (Russian-Jewish, 1909 — 1997)
A two-volume edition. 1st vol. Title (in black and red): МИШЕЛЬ | МОНТЕНЬ | ОПЫТЫ | В ТРЕХ КНИГАХ | КНИГИ | ПЕРВАЯ И ВТОРАЯ | Издание подготовили | А. С. БОБОВИЧ | Ф. А. КОГАН-БЕРНШТЕЙН | Н. Я. РЫКОВА, А. А. СМИРНОВ | Второе издание | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО "НАУКА | МОСКВА | 1979 || Opposite title: MICHEL |de | MONTAIGNE | LES ESSAIS || Pagination: [1-5] 6-703 [1], errata slip. Collation: 16mo, [1]-2216, + frontispiece portrait and 2 plates extraneous to collation. 2nd vol. Title (2) (in black and red): МИШЕЛЬ | МОНТЕНЬ | ОПЫТЫ | В ТРЕХ КНИГАХ | КНИГА ТРЕТЬЯ | Издание подготовили | А. С. БОБОВИЧ | Ф. А. КОГАН-БЕРНШТЕЙН | Н. Я. РЫКОВА, А. А. СМИРНОВ | Второе издание | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО "НАУКА | МОСКВА | 1979 || Opposite title: MICHEL |de | MONTAIGNE | LES ESSAIS || Pagination: [1-5] 6-534 [2]. Collation: 8vo, [1]-348, + frontispiece portrait. Binding: Uniformly bound in serial design green cloth with gilt lettering on an embossed scroll to front cover, gilt lettering to spine, 22 x 18 cm. Print run: 200,000 copies each volume. Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (French, 1533 – 1592) Ананий [Анатолий] Самуилович Бобович (Russian-Jewish, 1904 – 1988) Надежда Януарьевна Рыкова (Russian, 1901 – 1996) Александр Александрович Смирнов (Russian, 1883– 1962) Фаина Абрамовна Коган-Бернштейн [b. Аронгауз] (Russian-Jewish, 1899 – 1976)
A two-volume edition. 1st vol. Title (in black and red): МИШЕЛЬ | МОНТЕНЬ | ОПЫТЫ | КНИГА ПЕРВАЯ | ИЗДАНИЕ ТРЕТЬЕ | ПЕРЕВОД А.С.БОБОВИЧА | СТАТЬЯ Ф.А.КОГАН-БЕРНШТЕЙН | КОММЕНТАРИИ А.С.БОБОВИЧА | И Ф.А.КОГАН-БЕРНШТЕЙН | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО АКАДЕМИИ НАУК СССР | МОСКВА – ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1960 || Opposite title: MICHEL |de | MONTAIGNE | LES ESSAIS | LIVRE PREMIER || Pagination: [1-11] 12-526 [2], errata slip. Collation: 8vo, [1]-338, 5 plates extraneous to collation (incl. frontispiece portrait). 2nd vol. Title (2) (in black and red): МИШЕЛЬ | МОНТЕНЬ | ОПЫТЫ | КНИГА ВТОРАЯ | ИЗДАНИЕ ВТОРОЕ | ИЗДАНИЕ ПОДГОТОВИЛИ | Ф.А.КОГАН-БЕРНШТЕЙН, | А.С.БОБОВИЧ И А.А.СМИРНОВ | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО АКАДЕМИИ НАУК СССР | МОСКВА – ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1960 || Opposite title: MICHEL |de | MONTAIGNE | LES ESSAIS | LIVRE SECOND || Pagination: [1-7] 8-652, errata slip. Collation: 8vo, [1]-428. Binding: Uniformly bound in serial design green cloth with gilt lettering on an embossed scroll to front cover, gilt lettering to spine. 22 x 18 cm. Print run: 10,000 copies each volume. Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (French, 1533 – 1592) Ананий [Анатолий] Самуилович Бобович (Russian-Jewish, 1904 – 1988) Александр Александрович Смирнов (Russian, 1883– 1962) Фаина Абрамовна Коган-Бернштейн [b. Аронгауз] (Russian-Jewish, 1899 – 1976)
Title: HISTORY | OF | SECRET SOCIETIES, | AND OF THE | REPUBLICAN PARTY OF FRANCE | From 1830 to 1848; | CONTAINING SKETCHES OF | LOUIS-PHILLIPE AND THE REVOLUTION OF FEBRUARY; | TOGETHER WITH | PORTRAITS, CONSPIRACIES, AND UNPUBLISHED FACTS. | BY | LUCIEN DE LA HODDE. | Translated from the Paris Edition of 1850. | BY AN AMERICAN. | PHILADELPHIA: | J. B. LIPPINCOTT AND CO. | 1856. || Pagination: blank leaf, [i, ii] – ht / blind, [iii, iv] – t.p. / imprim., [v-vi] – preface / blind, [vii] viii-xv [xvi] [17] 18-479 [480], blank leaf. Collation: 8vo; [1]-308. Binding: 22.8 x 15 cm, publisher's purple blind-spamped cloth to boards, gilt lettering to spine. Lucien de la Hodde (French, 1808 – 1865). Original title: Histoire des sociétés secrètes et du parti républicain de 1830 à 1848 : Louis-Phillippe et le Révolution de février, portraits, scènes de conspirations, faits inconnus. — Paris: Julien, Lanier, 1850. Translated by John Wolcott Phelps (American, 1813 – 1885).
Title (in black and red): АНРИ РОШФОР | ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЯ МОЕЙ ЖИЗНИ | ПЕРЕВОД, ВСТУПИТЕЛЬНАЯ | СТАТЬЯ И ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ | Е. СМИРНОВА | ACADEMIA | 1933 || Opposite title: ИНОСТРАННЫЕ МЕМУАРЫ, ДНЕВНИКИ, | ПИСЬМА И МАТЕРИАЛЫ | Под редакцией И. Т. Смилги ( whited-out) | АНРИ РОШФОР | 1831—1913 | ACADEMIA | МОСКВА — ЛЕНИНГРАД || Title verso: Henri Rochefort | Les Aventures de ma vie. | Переплет и суперобложка | по рисункам М. В. Ушакова-Поскочина. Pagination: [1, 2] – publisher’s device / blank, [3, 4] – opposite title, [5, 6] – t.p. / orig. title, 7-452 [453-460], ill. Collation: [1]-288 296 + 15 plates extraneous to collation. Binding: burgundy cloth ruled blind and stamped in gilt with a lantern to cover and lettering to spine, pictorial DJ; top margin red. Catalogue raisonné: Крылов, Е. В. Кичатова. "Academia" (2004): p. 237-8. Ушаков [Ушаков-Поскочин], Максим Владимирович (Russian, 1893 – 1943) – died in NKVD labor camp. Смилга, Ивар Тенисович (Latvian-Russian, 1892 – 1937) — shot dead by NKVD firing squad.
Cover: LES | RÉUNIONS PUBLIQUES | A PARIS | 1868 — 1869 | PAR | AUGUSTE VITU | TROISIÈME ÉDITION | Augmentée d’un Appendice contenant les Jugements et Arrêts | rendus à Paris en matière de réunions publiques | PARIS | E. DENTU, LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR | PALAIS-ROYAL, 17-19, GALERIE D’ORLÉANS | MAI 1869 || ; t.p. similar with no dash between 17 and 19 in the bottom. Pagination: [1-5] 6-151 [1]; collation: 8vo, [1]8 2-98 103; 23 x 14 cm, publisher’s lettered blue paper wrappers. Printer: Dubuisson et Cie (Paris). Vitu, Auguste-Charles-Joseph (French, 1823 – 1891)
Front pictorial cover: [PRISON | FIN DE | SIÈCLE] – [SOUVENIRS | DE | PÉLAGIE | PAR | E. GEGOUT | ET | CH. MALATO] – [Dessins | de | Steinlen] – [PARIS | G. CHARPENTIER & E. FASQUELLE | ÉDITEURS | Rue de Grenelle, 11 | 1891] || Title page: GEGOUT ET CH. MALATO | PRISON | FIN DE SIÈCLE | — SOUVENIRS DE PÉLAGIE — | Illustrations de Steinlen | PARIS | G. CHARPENTIER ET E. FASQUELLE | ÉDITEURS | 11, RUE DE GRENELLE, 11 | 1891 | Tous droits réservés. || Pagination: [2] – blank / imprint, [2] – h.t. / frontis., [2] – t. p. / blank, [2] – préface, [1] 2-352 [2 blanks], wrappers, illustr. by Steinlen, paginated. Collation: 12mo ; π4 1-1912 203. Binding: 19 x 12 cm, publisher’s pictorial wrappers, block broken; bookplates pasted to verso of the front wrapper: Ex Libris NesClo, Fecit: René Versel; embossed stamp Versel to h.t. and t.p. Autograph of Ernest Gegout handwritten in black ink to half-title: Très amicalement allait à mon aimable cousin Le Roy. Ernest Gegout. Gégout, Ernest (French, 1854 – 1936) Malato, Charles (French, 1857 – 1938) Steinlen, Théophile Alexandre (Swiss-French, 1859 – 1923)
Title page: ЖОРЖ-ЖАК ДАНТОН | ИЗБРАННЫЕ РЕЧИ | РЕДАКЦИЯ, ВВЕДЕНИЕ И ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ | Проф. Н. С. ГОЛЬДИНА | {publisher’s device} | ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО УКРАИНЫ | 1924 Lacking wrappers, [2] – blank / frontispiece portrait of Danton, [2] t.p., / imprint, v-xviii, [2] –f.t / blank, 1-111 [112], collation: π2 *8 1-78. Danton, Georges Jacques [Дантон, Жорж Жак] (French, 1759 – 1794). Гольдин, Николай Сергеевич (Ukrainian-Jewish, 1877 – after 1924). Translator unknown.
Title page: L'AN DEUX MILLE QUATRE CENT QUARANTE. | Rêve s'il en fût jamais. | Le temps présent est gros de l'avenir... | Leibnitz. | {letterpress device} | A LONDRES. | MD CCLXXII. || Pagination: [i-iv] v-xii, 1-402 [2]; Collation: 8vo; π6 A-Z8 Aa-Bb8 Cc2. Binding: 19 x 12 cm, full mottled calf, rebacked, spine with gilt-lettered red label, compartments ruled gilt, with gilt fleuron ornament, marbled endpapers and all edges; printed on laid paper, with tall “s”. Probably published in Paris, anonymously. Handwritten nut-ink inscription to the title "Par Mercier". See also: LIB-0979.2016
Cover: ИЗ ИСТОРИИ | ВЕЛИКОЙ ФРАНЦУЗСКОЙ | РЕВОЛЮЦИИ | ЖАН ЖОРЕС | ИСТОРИЯ КОНВЕНТА | ИЗДАНИЕ 2-е | “Книга” | • МОСКВА • 1923 • ПЕТРОГРАД • || Title page: Жан Жорес | История Конвента | Сокращенный перевод В. Левицкого | под редакцией Ф. Дана. | Второе издание. | {publisher’s device} | “Книга” | Москва. […] Петроград | Тверская, 38, тел. 2-64-61. […] Невский, 74, тел. 1-34-34. || Print run: 3,000 copies. Printer: 10-я типография МСНХ «Мосполиграф». Original Title: Histoire socialiste : 1789-1900. La convention nationale / par J. Jaurès. — Paris : Jules Rouff et Cie, 1901 Bibliographical description: 23.5 x 16 cm, publisher’s letterpress wrappers, pp. [1-3] 4-191 [192]; collation: 8vo, [1-2]8 3-128; ink inscription to front wrapper: Я. Безруков Jean Jaurès [Жан Жорес] (French, 1859 – 1914) Цедербаум, Владимир Осипович [Левицкий, В.] (Russian-Jewish, 1883 – 1938) Дан [Гурвич], Федор Ильич (Russian-Jewish, 1871-1947)
Front wrapper: PARIS SOUS NAPOLÉON III | Mémoires d'un homme du monde | DE 1857 À 1870 | PAR LE COMTE DE ARTHUR GRANDEFFE | {publisher’s device} | PARIS: IMPRIMERIE ET LIBRAIRIE CENTRALES DES CHEMINS DE FER | A. CHAIX ET Cie | RUE BERGÈRE 20, PRÈS DU BOULEVARD MONTMARTRE | 1879 || Similar lettering to t.p. Softcover 18.5 x 12 cm, publisher’s original blue wrappers, first and last leaves glued to wrappers, unevenly trimmed, some uncut, pagination [4] [i] ii-vi, [1] 2-413 [414], authors advert to back wrapper; mispaginated pp. 136-141; collation: 18mo, π6, 1-2218 236. Sticker with gilt lettering to front wrapper “LIBRAIRIE CENTRALE | BERTRAND & QUEYROT | MENTON”; sticker to spine "577".
Cover: Publisher's wrappers, to front cover with black and red lettering: DEUXIÈME ÉDITION |—| AUGUSTE LEPAGE | Les Diners | ARTISTIQUES ET LITTÉRAIRES | de Paris | {publisher's device} | PARIS | BIBLIOTHÈQUE DES DEAUX MONDES| FRINZINE, KLEIN et Cie, ÉDIREURS | 1, RUE BONAPARTE, 1 | 1884 | Tous droits réservés || Title page: Similar lettering t.p. in black only, with "DEUXIÈME ÉDITION" below "de Paris". Pagination: front wrapper with a pasted leaf, [iii-vii] viii-xi [xii] [1-3] 4-360, back wrapper with a pasted 3/4 leaf, black lattering to spine. Collation: 18mo; π5, 1-1918-206.
Front wrapper: Comité politique plébiscitaire | 17, rue de Surène, PARIS, VIIIe | {Napoleon III portrait} | NAPOLÉON III, EMPEREUR | LES BIENFAITS DE L'EMPIRE || Title page: in a double-fillet frame with years in corners: 1848, 1851, 1852, 1870 || LES | BIENFAITS DE L'EMPIRE | PAR | ALEXANDRE BRADIER | {quotation from Napoléon Ier} | {quotation from Napoléon III} | {quotation from Prince Napoléon} | HUITIÈME EDITION | IMPRIMERIES BELLEVILLE | 29 — Rue du Moulin-Vert — 29 | PARIS (XIVe) | Tous Droits réservés || Pagination: [1-3] 4-62 [2 table] 15.5 x 12 cm brochure in publisher’s original lavender wrappers, front cover discoloured to grey, with publisher’s advert to back wrapper. Printed by Imprimeries Bellville. Published by Comité politique plébiscitaire.
Front publisher’s yellow wrapper, in a double frame: SEMPRONIUS | HISTOIRE | DE LA | COMMUNE DE PARIS | EN 1871 | La période impériale. – La Révolution du 4 Septembre. – Le | gouvernement de la Défense nationale. – Le Parti républicain | et le Parti socialiste. – L'Association internationale des | travailleurs. – Menées du parti socialiste. – La Commune en 1793. – Le 31 octobre et le 22 janvier. – La Capitulation de | Paris. – Le 18 mars. – L'Assassinat des généraux Clément | Thomas et Lecomte. – Le Comité central de la Garde nationale. | – La Commune ; – Ses Agissement. – Son Budget. – La | Terreur. – Insolence des Fédérés. – Les journaux. – Les Otages. | – Les Opérations militaires. – Les Fusillades. – Les Vols. – Les | Barricades. – Les Incendies. – Documents officiels de la Commune. | TROISIÈME ÉDITION | PARIS, DECEMBRE - ALONNIER, LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR | 20 RUE SEGUR, 20 | PRÉS DE LA PLACE SAINT-ANDR -DES-ARTS || Title page: similar to the cover with no frame. Pagination: front wrapper, [2] – h.t. / imprint., [2] – t.p. / blank, [i] – table de matières, vi (i.e. ii), vii (i.e. iii), iii (i.e. iv), [1] 2-267 [268 blank], [1] 2-12 – publisher's advert., back wrapper. Collation : 18mo ; π4, 1-1518, ß6. Binding: 18.5 x 12 cm; softcover; original yellow wrappers, black lettering to covers and spine; almost disbound. Réferences: Le Quillec (1997): 2324; University of Sussex > Paris Commune Collection. Author of the book: "SEMPRONIUS" was in reality two men: Moget, Charles Octave [Féré, Octave] (French, 1815 – 1875) and Décembre, Joseph [Décembre-Allonier] (French, 1836 – 1906).
Cover: (original wrapper) PARIS-CANARD| PAR | CH. VIRMAITRE | A. SAVINE, Édeiteur, rue Drouot, 18, PARIS || Wood engraving to cover signed LeNatur — Michelet, sc. Title page: CHARLES VIRMAITRE | PARIS–CANARD | {publisher’s device} | PARIS | NOUVELLE LIBRAIRIE PARISIENNE | ALBERT SAVINE, ÉDITEUR | 18, RUE DROUOT, 18 | 1888 | Tous droits réservés. || Pagination: 2 blank leaves, original pictorial wrapper, [4], [1] 2-319 [320 blank], original back wrapper with publisher’s advertisement, 2 blank leaves. Collation: 12mo; π2, 1-1712 184. Binding: 18 x 12 cm, hardcover; quarter blue percaline, marbled boards, red title label ruled gilt with gilt lettering, gilt double tail ruler, fleuron to spine; original paper wrappers preserved. Bookplate to front pastedown: "EX LIBRIS EUGENE SELIGMANN" written on a ribbon; ink inscription to half-title in french: "To my good friends Paul Vogler and Maurice Radiguet, former – for a new acquaintance, latter – to become great." Signed: Ch. Virmaitre. Paul Vogler (French, 1853 – 1904) – painter in the Impressionist style. Jules Maurice Radiguet (French, 1866 – 1941) – illustrator , caricaturist and cartoonist. Father of Raymond Radiguet (French, 1903 – 1923).
Cover: (black and red in red frame) PARIS POLICE | par | Ch. Virmaitre | PARIS | E. DENTU, ÉDITEUR | LIBRAIRE DE LA SOCIÉTÉ DES GENTES DE LETTRES | Palais-Royal, 15-17-19, Galerie d’Orléans | 1886 || Title page: CH. VIRMAITRE | PARIS–POLICE | {publisher’s device} | PARIS | E. DENTU, ÉDITEUR | LIBRAIRE DE LA SOCIÉTÉ DES GENTES DE LETTRES | PALAIS-ROYAL, 15-17-19, GALERIE D’ORLEANS | 1886 | Tous droits réservés. || Pagination : 3 blank leaves, original pictorial wrapper, [4], [1] 2-359 [360 blank], original back wrapper with publisher's advertisement, 3 blank leaves. Collation: 12mo; π2, 1-1912 206. Binding: owner's hardcover, quarter burgundy percaline, marbled boards, brown title label with gilt lettering, gilt double tail ruler, year, and fleuron to spine; original paper wrappers preserved.
Title page: CHARLES VIRMAITRE | PARIS | qui s'efface | {publisher’s device} | PARIS | NOUVELLE LIBRAIRIE PARISIENNE | ALBERT SAVINE, ÉDITEUR | 18, RUE DROUOT, 18 | 1887 | Tous droits réservés. || Collation: Front pictorial wrapper, ffl, π3 1-1712 181, bfl, back wrapper w/publ. advert. Pagination: [6] [1-3] 4-314.
Cover: CH. VIRMAÎTRE | PARIS OUBLIÉ — PARIS | E. DENTU, ÉDITEUR || Title page: CHARLES VIRMAÎTRE | PARIS OUBLIÉ | {publisher’s device} | PARIS | E. DENTU, ÉDITEUR | LIBRAIRE DE LA SOCIÉTÉ DES GENTES DE LETTRES | PALAIS-ROYAL, 15-17-19, GALERIE D’ORLÉANS | 1886 | Tous droits réservés. || Pagination: publisher’s pictorial wrapper, ffl, [2] – t.p. / blank, 1-327 [328 blank], bfl, publisher’s advert. to back wrapper.
Front wrapper: Quatrième mille | Paris Documentaire | NOUVELLE ÉDITION | TROTTOIRS | ET | LUPANARS | PAR | Ch. VIRMAITRE | A. CHARLES | LIBRAIRE | 8, Rue Monsieur-le-Prince, 8 | PARIS || Title page: Ch. VIRMAITRE | PARIS DOCUMENTAIRE | (Mœurs) | TROTTOIRS | ET | LUPANARS | {fleuron} | A. CHARLES | LIBRAIRE | 8, Rue Monsieur-le-Prince, 8 | PARIS | 1897 || Collation: 18mo; Front pictorial wrapper, 2 ffls, π4, 118, 318, 518, 718, 918, 1118, 1318, 1514, back pictorial wrapper (portrait) Pagination: [1-7] 8-282 [6]. Binding: Publisher’s pictorial wrappers, lettering to spine. Charles Virmaître (French, 1835 – 1903).
Title page: Луи-Себастьен | МЕРСЬЕ | ГОД | ДВЕ ТЫСЯЧИ | ЧЕТЫРЕСТА СОРОКОВОЙ | СОН, КОТОРОГО, ВОЗМОЖНО, И НЕ БЫЛО | {device} | ИЗДАНИЕ ПОДГОТОВИЛИ | А. Л. АНДРЕС, П. Р. ЗАБОРОВ | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО «НАУКА» | ЛЕНИНГРАДСКОЕ ОТДЕЛЕНИЕ | ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1977 || Frontispiece: Louis-Sébastien | MERCIER | L'AN | DEUX MILLE | QUATRE CENT QUARANTE | RÊVE, S'IL EN FUT JAMAIS | {device} || Pagination: [1-5] 6-240, 3 leaves of plates extraneous to collation. Collation: 8vo; [1]8 2-158. Binding: Hardcover, serial design green buckram with gilt lettering on an embossed scroll to front cover, gilt lettering to spine. 23 x 18 cm. Series: АН СССР, Литературные памятники. Autor: Louis-Sébastien Mercier (French, – Translator: Александра Львовна [Лейбовна] Андрес (Russian, 1907 – 1991).
Title: COSTUMES ET MODES | D’AUTREFOIS | HORACE VERNET | Incroyables | et | Merveilleuses | Paris | 1810–1818 | TEXTE PAR | ROGER–ARMAND WEIGERT | Conservateur au Cabinet des Estampes | de la Bibliothèque Nationale | ÉDITIONS ROMBALDI | PARIS || Content: 24 photomechanical reproductions of the images from Bibliothèque nationale de France, printed on vélin paper from Papeteries Aussedat by Papeteries de la Moselle printing presses and stencil-coloured by Edmond Vairel. Text printed by Imprimerie Kapp on October 20, 1955. A print run of 4,000 copies, of which this is №122. Exterior: Pink lettered dust jacket over wrappers. Pagination: loose double leaves, [4 blanks] [4 h.t. and t.p.], i-xi [xii], 24 unnumbered plates, [4 blanks].
Weigert, Roger-Armand (French, 1907-1986).
Émile Jean-Horace Vernet [Horace Vernet] (French, 1789 – 1863). Gatine, Georges Jacques (French, 1773 – after 1841). -
Title: MAROUSSIA | PAR | P.-J. STAHL | D'APRÈS UNE LÉGENDE DE MARKOWOVZOK | DESSINS PAR TH. SCHULER | GRAVURES PAR PANNEMAKER | {vignette} | BIBLIOTHÈQUE | D'ÉDUCATION ET DE RÉCRÉATION | J. HETZEL ET Cie, 18, RUE JACOB | PARIS | Tous droits de reproduction et de traduction réservés || Pagination: [2] – t.p. / blank, [1, 2] – dedication / blank, [3] 4-272, [1] 2-11 [12] – publisher’s advert.; Frontispiece and 22 leaves of wood-engraved plates by F. Pannemaker after Th. Schuler, extraneous to collation, woodcut head- and tailpieces, vignettes in the text by Charles Baude. Collation: 4to; 1-344, + 6 leaves of publisher's advertisement. Binding: “Cartonnage Hetzel” – red cloth stamped in gilt and black with the elements of design to spine, front and back, publisher's device to back, AEG. Author and publisher: Pierre-Jules Hetzel [P.-J. Stahl] (French, 1814 – 1886). Artist: Jules Théophile Schuler (French, 1821 – 1878). Engravers: Adolphe François Pannemaker (Belgian-French, 1822 – 1900) and Charles Baude (French, 1853 – 1935). Author of the legend: Markowovzok [Marko Vovchok; Марко́ Вовчо́к, real name Mariya Vilinskаya; Мария Александровна Вилинская] (Ukrainian, 1833 – 1907). Series: Collection Hetzel (stamped on the front board). Typographie A. Lahure (Paris), Alexis Lahure (French, 1849 – 1929). MAROUSSIA – The French version of the Ukrainian name Маруся.
Title: THE | THIRD REPUBLIC | OF FRANCE | THE FIRST PHASE 1871–1894 | BY | GUY CHAPMAN | Sometime Professor of Modern History in the University of Leeds | LONDON | MACMILLAN & CO LTD | NEW YORK • ST. MARTIN’S PRESS | 1962 Pagination: [i-iv] v-xxii, [1] 2-433 [434 imprint]. Collation: 8vo; [A]8 B-Z8 2A-2D8 2E2 2E210. Binding: blue buckram, bronze lettering to spine, pictorial DJ. Publishing year 1963 according to worldcat. Author: Chapman, Guy Patterson (British, 1889 – 1972)
Title: LETTRES DE GAMBETTA | 1868 – 1882 | recueillies et annotées par | DANIEL HALÉVY ET ÉMILE PILLIAS | ÉDITIONS BERNARD GRASSET | 61, RUE DES SAINTS-PÈRES, VIe | PARIS || Collation: 8vo; [1]8 2-428, unpaginated, (336 leaves) + 4 leaves of plates extraneous to collation, untrimmed wove paper, 587 letters, printed on the 25th of March 1938 by Floch (Mayenne); limited edition, unnumbered copy. Binding: original publisher’s pictorial wrappers, lettering to spine. Series: "Documents", pub. sous la direction de la Société d'histoire de la troisième république. Insert: Lettre Autographe Signée (LAS): Ludovic Halévy (French, 1834 – 1908). Transcript:
Mercredi, Mon cher ami, Reçois mes bien sincères et bien affectueuses félicitations. Si tu continues à marcher de ce pas tu en seras bientôt en grande situation et ce sera justice, et j’en serais bien heureux n’en doute pas. Tout à toi Ludovic Halévy
Gambetta, Léon (French, 1838 – 1882). Halévy, Daniel (French, 1872 – 1962). Pillias, Émile (French, 1905 – 1940). -
Title (black and red): ПЕСНЬ | О КРЕСТОВОМ | ПОХОДЕ ПРОТИВ | АЛЬБИГОЙЦЕВ | {device} | Издание подготовили | И.О. БЕЛАВИН, Е.В. МОРОЗОВА | Научно-издательский центр | «Ладомир» | «Наука» | Москва || Frontispiece (black and red): LA CHANSON DE | LA CROISADE | ALBIGEOISE | {device} || Pagination : [1-9] 10-437 [3] ; 79 illustr. on 20 leaves of colour plates between pp. 224/225, inset: folding double-sided map of the Albigensian Crusade43 x 64 cm; print run 2,000 copies. Binding: serial green buckram blind-stamped with a scroll adorned with gold lettering to board and spine. Отв. ред. М. Л. Андреев. Ред. изд-ва Л. А. Сифурова.
Hardcover, 21.5 x 13.5 cm, pictorial boards, [1-4] 5-412 [2] [2]. Print run 3,000. Translation from German of the original {Siegfried Krakauer. Jacques Offenbach und das Paris seiner Zeit. — Amsterdam: Allert de Lange, 1937} by Serafima Shlapoberskaya – Шлапоберская, Серафима Евгеньевна (Russian, 1921 – 2007).
Title: THE LIFE OF LOUIS ADOLPHE THIERS | BY | FRANCOIS Le GOFF | DOCTEUR-ÈS-LETTRES | TRANSLATED FROM THE UNPUBLISHED MANUSCRIPT | BY | THEODORE STANTON, A. M. | {motto: Patriam dilexit, veritatem coluit.} | NEW YORK | G. P Putnam's Sons, 1879 | 182 FIFTH AVENUE | 1879 || Pagination: 2 blank leaves, frontis.: portrait of A. Thiers engraved on wood by J.I. Pease w/ tissue guard, [2] fac-simile of Thiers’s handwriting / blank, [2] - t.p. / copyright, [2] – dedication / blank, [2] – translators note / blank, [2] contents / blank, [vii] viii-xi [xii], [1] 2-353 [354 blank], [4] advert., 2 blank leaves; ill.: frontis., 1 woodcut plate, 1 folding manuscript fac-simile. Binding: dark-green cloth with bevelled margins, a gilt fac-simile of Thiers’s handwriting to front board, gilt lettering to spine. Note: The motto on the title page (Patriam dilexit, veritatem coluit) is taken from A. Thiers tomb on Père-Lachaise cemetery in Paris: "He cherished his homeland and worshipped the truth".
Title: MEMOIRS OF M. THIERS | 1870—1873 | Translated by | F. M. ATKINSON | {publisher’s device} | LONDON: GEORGE ALLEN & UNWIN LTD. | RUSKIN HOUSE 40 MUSEUM STREET, W.C. Pagination: [6] 7-384. Collation: 8vo; [1]-248. Size: 23 x 15 cm Binding: Blue cloth, top and bottom ruled in blind, gilt lettering to front cover and spine. Original: Adolphe Thiers. Notes et souvenirs de M. Thiers, 1870-1873: voyage diplomatique, proposition d'un armistice, préliminaires de la paix, présidence de la République. — Paris : [s.n.], 1901. — 465 p. The preface and editing signed "F. D." [Félicie Dosne]. Félicie Dosne (French, 1823 – 1906) was Thiers's sister-in-law.