• Title: ПОДРОБНЫЙ СЛОВАРЬ | РУССКИХЪ ГРАВЕРОВЪ | XVI-XIX ВВ. | СОСТАВИЛЪ Д. А. РОВИНСКIЙ. | (ПОСМЕРТНОЕ ИЗДАНIЕ). | СО МНОГИМИ ЦИНКОГРАФIЯМИ ВЪ ТЕКСТѢ. | САНКТПЕТЕРБУРГЪ, 1895. | ПРОДАЕТСЯ У КОМИССIОНЕРОВЪ ИМПЕРАТОРСКОЙ АКАДЕМИИ НАУКЪ: | И. И. Глазунова, М. Эггерса и Комп. и К. Л. Риккера въ С.-Петербургѣ‎, Н. П. Карбасникова въ | С.-Петербургѣ‎, Москвѣ и Варшавѣ, | Н. Киммеля въ Ригѣ. Фоссъ (Г. Гэссель) въ Лейпцигѣ. | Цена 4 руб. Pagination: [2] t.p./colophon, [2] dedication/blank, [2] f.t. ИСТОРИЧЕСКIЙ ОБЗОРЪ | ГРАВИРОВАНIЯ / blank; 1-344 (numbered half-pages, 86 leaves); [2] f.t. СЛОВАРЬ ГРАВЕРОВЪ. / blank, 1-806 [808 blank] (numbered half-pages, 202 leaves) Collation: 8vo; π3 1-258 262. Книга состоит из двух разделов с раздельной пагинацией. Первая часть "Исторический обзор гравирования", вторая – собственно "Словарь граверов". В обеих частях пронумерованы половины страниц.  
  • Title: HISTORY | OF | SECRET SOCIETIES, | AND OF THE | REPUBLICAN PARTY OF FRANCE | From 1830 to 1848; | CONTAINING SKETCHES OF | LOUIS-PHILLIPE AND THE REVOLUTION OF FEBRUARY; | TOGETHER WITH | PORTRAITS, CONSPIRACIES, AND UNPUBLISHED FACTS. | BY | LUCIEN DE LA HODDE. | Translated from the Paris Edition of 1850. | BY AN AMERICAN. | PHILADELPHIA: | J. B. LIPPINCOTT AND CO. | 1856. || Pagination: blank leaf, [i, ii] – ht / blind, [iii, iv] – t.p. / imprim., [v-vi] – preface / blind, [vii] viii-xv [xvi] [17] 18-479 [480], blank leaf. Collation: 8vo; [1]-308. Binding: 22.8 x 15 cm, publisher's purple blind-spamped cloth to boards, gilt lettering to spine. Lucien de la Hodde (French, 1808 – 1865). Original title: Histoire des sociétés secrètes et du parti républicain de 1830 à 1848 : Louis-Phillippe et le Révolution de février, portraits, scènes de conspirations, faits inconnus. — Paris: Julien, Lanier, 1850. Translated by John Wolcott Phelps (American, 1813 – 1885).  
  • THE | ADVENTURES | OF | TELEMACHUS, | THE SON OF ULYSSES. | Translated from the French of | Messire François Salignac de la Mothe–Fenelon, | Archbishop of Cambray. | BY | JOHN HAWKESWORTH, L. L. D. | — | LONDON: | Printed for the AUTHOR, by W. and W. Strahan, | M DCC LXVIII. || Binding: half polished brown calf over marbled boards, wave ruled blind, gilt fillet ruled compartments, black label with gilt lettering to spine; 29.5 x 24.5 cm; marbled endpapers. Pagination: 2 blank leaves (wove paper), [I, ii] – t.p. / blank, [iii] iv – dedication, [v] vi-xv – subscribers, [xvi] blank, [xvii] xviii-xix – preface, [xx] xxi-xxxv – contents, [xxxvi] – errata, subscribers omitted, [1] 2-462, printed on laid paper, 2 blank leaves (wove paper). Collation: 4to; A4, a-c4 d2, B-Z4 Aa-Zz4 Aaa-Mmm4 Nnn3; 24 head- and 24 tailpieces engraved by Charles Grignion the Elder (British, 1721 – 1810) after Samuel Waly (British, 1720 – 1786). Original: François Fénelon. Les Aventures de Télémaque, fils d’Ulysse. See № LIB-2522-2020 in this collection. Not in Lewine, 1898; Not in Cohen De Ricci, 1912.    
  • 22 x 15.5 cm, wrappers, label pasted down to the front cover, lettering in a double frame: П. Е. КОРНИЛОВ. | МАТЕРИАЛЫ К ИКОНОГРАФИИ | КАЗАНИ | Казань | 1930 | Оттиск из издания “Материалы по охране, ремонту и реставрации памятников ТССР”, вып. IVй, 50 экз. Pagination: 1-17, frontispiece and 5 leaves of photomechanical illustrations (plates 1-7), extraneous to collation; pages also numbered for the compiled publication: pp. [15] 16-31 [32], published by «Отдел по делам музея и охраны памятников искусства, старины и природы при Академическом центре Татнаркомпроса». A pre-print of a paper for a compilation, published as a separate limited edition of 50 copies. Autograph: Дорогому Николаю Васильевичу | Ильину с дружеской приязнью | от автора | 18. VIII. 30. | Казань. Корнилов, Петр Евгеньевич (Russian, 1896 – 1981) Ильин, Николай Васильевич (Russian, 1894 – 1954) — График. Окончил МУЖВЗ (1910-1916). В 1922-1930 годах работал по оформлению книг в Нижнем Новгороде. С 1930 года жил и работал в Москве. Художник в издательстве Детгиз, затем главный художник Гослитиздата. Оформлял книги произведений А.С. Пушкина в технике силуэта.
  • Title: Я. Н. ЛЮБАРСКИЙ | ВИЗАНТИЙСКИЕ | ИСТОРИКИ | И ПИСАТЕЛИ| Издание второе, дополненное | Санкт-Петербург | АЛЕТЕЙЯ | 2012 || Pagination: [2] – serial h.t., [1-5] 6-502 [2] +frontispiece portrait. Binding: 21.5 x 15 cm; hardcover, crimson buckram, gilt lettering in the border, gilt serial device on black, pictorial endpapers. Print run: 1,000 copies. ISBN: 978-5-91419-682-7. Любарский, Яков Николаевич (Russian, 1929 – 2003).
  • Cover: Изданiе "БРОКГАУЗЪ-ЕФРОНЪ" | ИСТОРIЯ ЕВРОПЫ | ПО ЭПОХАМЪ | И СТРАНАМЪ | Н. И. Карѣевъ | ПОЛИТИЧЕСКАЯ ИСТОРIЯ | ФРАНЦIИ | ВЪ XIX ВѢКѢ || Title page: Исторiя Европы по эпохамъ и странамъ в среднiе вѣка и новое время. | Изд. под. ред. Н. И. Карѣева и И. В. Лучицкаго. | Н. И. КАРѢЕВЪ | ПОЛИТИЧЕСКАЯ | ИСТОРIЯ ФРАНЦIИ | ВЪ XIX ВѢКѢ. | (Правительственныя формы и внутренняя политика, политическiя партiи | и общественные классы). | Изданiе Акц. Общ. "Брокгаузъ-Ефронъ". | С.-ПЕТЕРБУРГЪ. | Типографiя Акц. Общ. Брокгаузъ-Ефронъ. Прачешный пер. № 6. | 1902. || Pagination: [2] – title / blank, [i-iii] iv-v [vi], [1] 2-300 +1 colour plate (maps). Collation: 8vo; [π]4 1-188 196 + 1 leaf (maps). Binding: Publisher’s green cloth with black lettering to spine and cover, design elements to cover. Contributors: Кареев, Николай Иванович (Russian, 1850 – 1931) – author.
  • Title: Revolution, Krieg und Streik, | Weltausstellung und Volksfest | Der Illustrator und Karikaturist | Leo von Elliot (1816–1890) | von Eckhart G. Franz | Hessische Historische Kommission Darmstadt 2000 || Series: Arbeiten der Hessischen Historischen Kommission, Neue Folge Band 17. Pagination: [1-6] 7-340, 458 b/w illustration. Binding: hardcover, red pictorial boards, 30 x 21.5 cm.
  • Title (chain border): CANDIDE | VOLTAIRE | ILLUSTRATIONS BY | MAHLON BLAINE | {vignette} | NEW YORK | Illustrated Editions Company | 220 FOURTH AVENUE || Title verso: (top) COPYRIGHT, 1930, BY WILLIAMS, BELASCO & MEYERS || (bottom) PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | BY J. J. LITTLE & IVES COMPANY, NEW YORK || Pagination:[1-10] 11-144, headpiece, frontispiece and 5 plates after Blaine’s pen drawings, within the pagination; tailpieces by A. Zaidenberg. Binding: 21 x 14 cm; quarter beige buckram over blue cloth, stamped-gilt and red lettering and vignette to front board and spine. Binding in a way similar to Sterne's A sentimental journey published by Three Sirens Press in c. 1930 [LIB-2784.2021]. Not only that: tailpieces in this Illustrated Editions Company edition are the same as in Cameo Classic edition, with the only difference – here the name of the artist is stated, whether in the Cameo Classic it is not; see [LIB-2777.2021]. Bear in mind that Cameo Classic does not belong to Williams, Belasco and Meyers, it is a Grosset and Dunlap series. Compare Williams, Belasco and Meyers Candide and Illustrated Editions Company Candide title pages:

    Williams, Belasco and Meyers

    Illustrated Editions Company

      Arouet, François-Marie [Voltaire] (French, 1694 – 1778)– author. Woolf, Herman Irwell [Chambers, Dorset] (British, 1890 – 1958) – translator. Blaine, Mahlon [Hudson, G. Christopher] (American, 1894 – 1969) – illustrator. Zaidenberg, Arthur (American, 1902 – 1990) – illustrator. Williams, Belasco and Meyers (NY) – copyright holder. Illustrated Editions Company (1929-1942) – publisher. J. J. Little & Ives Company (NY) – printer. See the Cameo Classic reprint [LIB-2777.2021].
  • Pictorial album of 20 hand-coloured wood engravings by Firmin Gillot after Alfred Grévin; numbered 1 to 20, bound with tissue guards in half-brown cloth over marbled boards, publisher's gilt-lettered blue wrappers preserved, purple-blueish endpapers. Front wrapper (gilt on blue): LES FILLES D'EVE | ALBUM | DE TRAVESTISSEMENTS | PLUS OU MOINS | HISTORIQUES | Par A. GRÉVIN | — | PARIS | AUX BUREAUX : DU JOURNAL AMUSANT, DES MODES PARISIENNES | DE LA TOILETTE DE PARIS ET DU PETIT JOURNAL POUR RIRE | 20. Rue Bergère. || ; Henri Plon's imprint to back wrapper. Contributors: Grevin, Alfred (French, 1827 – 1892) Gillot, Firmin (French, 1820 – 1872) Plon, Henri (French, 1806 – 1872) Ref.: Metropoliten Museum.
  • Title-page: LES ARTISTES DU LIVRE | MARCEL | VERTÈS | ÉTUDE PAR | ANDRÉ SALMON | LETTRE-PRÉFACE PAR | PAUL MORAND | PORTRAIT PAR | JEAN OBERLÉ | { publisher’s device} | HENRY BABOU, ÉDITEUR | 1, RUE VERNIQUET, PARIS | 1930 || Description: 26.3 x 20.5 cm, French flapped brown wrappers with black and blue lettering, lettering to spine, unbound, [1-2] 1st blank leaf, [3-4] h.t. / limitation, two plates (fac-simile letter and portrait of Vertès), [5-6] t.p. /”Cette monographie…”, 7-39 [40-48], incl. Bibliographie des ouvrages, Table des planches, and colophon – all with in-text illustrations; plus 22 leaves of plates, one on a double-page, all with foxing and marginal browning. Printing: December 1930 by Durcos & Colas in Paris. Edition: the 17th edition in the series “Les artistes du livre’, published under the direction of Marcel Valotaire; print run limited to 700 copies of which 50 on Japon (numbered 1-50) enriched with one original unpublished drypoint, 650 copies on Vélin Blanc from Arches (50-650), and 50 “non-commercial” copies (I-L). This copy is numbered № 473. Contributors: Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. André Salmon (French, 1881 – 1969) – author. Paul Morand (French, 1888 – 1976) – author. Jean Oberlé (French, 1900 – 1961) – artist. Maitres-imprimeurs Ducros et Colas (Paris) – printer. Henry Babou (Paris) – publisher. Marcel Valotaire (French, 1889 – 1979) – publisher. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
  • Vol. 1: Collation: 8vo; π4 1-98 104 111, (total 81 leaves), plus 22 plates, incl. frontispiece, each in two states, before and after lettering, (total 44 leaves of plates). Pagination: [i-v] vi-viii [1] 2-154, ils. Vol. 2:  Collation: 8vo; π2 1-118 123, (total 93 leaves), plus 18 plates, each in two states, before and after lettering, (total 36 leaves of plates). Pagination: [4] [1] 2-182, ils. Binding: two volumes, 23.3 x 15.5 cm each, uniformly bound in red crushed morocco, raised bands and gilt lettering to spine, elaborate gilt dentelle inside, marbled endpapers; text printed on slightly blueish laid paper, two edges roughly trimmed, top edge gilt. Plates in two states, before lettering in black and with lettering in sepia, drawn and engraved/etched by Nicolas Ransonnette. Bookplates "Ex Libris Laurentii Aurrie" and another, lettered "D J T F", to front pastedown in both volumes. Catalogue raisonné: Lewine: 248; Cohen-deRicci: 502-3. Both Lewine and Cohen & de Ricci attribute “Aventures” to Diego Hurtado de Mendoza (Spanish, 1503 – 1575, whose authorship seems quite unlikely. Contributors: Nicolas Ransonnette (French, 1745 – 1810) – artist/engraver. Pierre-Nicolas Firmin Didot (French, 1769 – 1836) – publisher/printer. Jean Antoine de Charnes (French, 1641 – 1728) – translator. George De Backer (French, fl. 1691 – 1726) – translator/editor.
  • Description: One volume in cream French flapped wrappers, collated 8vo, 22.5 x 14.8 cm, lettered to front (device in red), printed on wove paper, margins untrimmed, some pages uncut, illustrated with tail- and headpieces and 17 sets of plates (4 of each plate) with tissue guards, after Martin van Maele. Front wrapper (red and black): L'HISTOIRE | COMIQUE DE | FRANCION | COMPOSÉE PAR CHARLES SOREL | Réimprimée intégralement pour la | première fois d'après l'édition | originale de 1623 | ET DÉCORÉE | de 17 eaux-fortes et de 16 gravures | par MARTIN VAN MAELE | {device} | SE VEND | A Paris, chez Jean Fort | Libraire, rue de Chabrol, no 12 | M. CM. XXV. || Title-page (red and black): L'HISTOIRE | COMIQUE DE | FRANCION | En laquelle sont découvertes les plus subtiles | finesses et trompeuses inventions tant des hommes | que des femmes de toutes sortes de conditions et | d’âges. Non moins profitable pour s’en | garder, que plaisante à la lecture. | Nouvelle édition conforme à | l’édition princeps de 1623, et | ornée de 17 eaux-fortes et | de 16 compositions par | MARTIN VAN MAELE | {device} | A PARIS | Chez Jean Fort, libraire, | Rue de Chabrol, no 12 | M. CM. XXV. || Collation: π3 (blank, h.t., t.p.), 1-268 χ3 (colophon, 2 blanks), total 214 leaves plus 17 sets of plates (4 of each). Pagination: [6] i-v [vi], 1-411 [412] [4], total 428 pages, ils. Illustrations: 16 tail- and headpieces, and one full-page vignette etched after drawings by Martin van Maële; 17 gravures coloured à la poupée after van Maële’s watercolours, each accompanied with three b/w plates in a different state of the same, incl. frontispiece; unpaginated. Limitation: The run of 1,203 copies printed on October 2, 1925, by Maurice Darantiere in Dijon; 1 copy (№ 1) on Japon Impérial is unique with the original drawings and three additional suites of plates; 10 copies (2-11) on Japon Impérial with three additional suites of plates; 31 copies (12-42) on Hollande with two additional suites of plates; 61 copies (43-103) on Madagascar with one additional suite of plates; 1,100 copies (104-1203) on Enoshima. This copy is № 10 on Japon Impérial with three additional suites of plates. Catalogue raisonné: S. A. Perry (2015) № 28, p. 31. Contributors: Charles Sorel, sieur de Souvigny (French, c. 1602 – 1674) – author Maurice François Alfred Martin van Maële [Martin van Maële] (French, 1863 – 1926) – artist. Maurice Darantiere (French, 1882 – 1962) – printer. Jean-Marie Fort (French, 20th century) – publisher.
  • Binding: One volume collated 4to, 27 x 19.4 cm in publisher’s French flapped cream wrappers lettered in blue and black to front and spine. Printed on watermarked laid paper (vergé d’Arches), outer and bottom margins untrimmed. Front wrapper (blue and black): PIERRE LOUŸS | LES AVENTURES | DU | ROI PAUSOLE | ILLUSTRATIONS DE | BRUNELLESCHI | {publisher’s device «EM»} | PARIS | L’ESTAMPE MODERNE | 1930 || Title page: PIERRE LOUŸS | LES AVENTURES | DU | ROI PAUSOLE | CONTENANT | DIX-SEPT ILLUSTRATIONS | EN COULEURS DONT NEUF HORS-TEXTE | PAR | BRUNELLESCHI | {publisher’s device} | PARIS | L’ESTAMPE MODERNE | ÉDITEURS | 14, RUE DE RICHELIEU, 14 | 1930 || Collation: 4to; π4 (incl. 1st blank, h.t./limit., t.p., d.t.p.) [1]-414 (last gathering uncut); total 168 leaves plus 9 plates with tissue guards extraneous to collation, incl. frontispiece, stencil-coloured etchings by Gorvel after Brunelleschi. Pagination: [6] [2] 3-324 [6], total 336 pages, ils. Limitation: Edition limited to 524 copies, 6 on Japon Impérial, enriched (№ 1-6); 13 on Japon Impérial, enriched (№ 7-19); 30 on Japon Impérial, enriched (№ 20-49); 450 on vergé d’Arches (№ 50-499); 5 on Japon Impérial (№ I-V) not for sale, and 20 on vergé d’Arches (№ VI-XXV) not for sale. This copy is № 300, on vergé d’Arches. Printed: January 30, 1930, by Coulouma (Argenteuil), plates by Ad. Valcke (Paris), stencil-colouring by J. Saudé. Contributors: Pierre Louÿs (French, 1870 – 1925) – author. Umberto Brunelleschi (Italian, 1879 – 1949) – artist. Georges Emile Louis Eugene Gorvel (French, 1866 – 1938) – etcher. Jean Saudé (French, fl. c. 1890 – 1930) – printer (pochoir, stencil) Coulouma (Argenteuil) – printer L’Estampe Moderne – publisher.
  • Softcover, pictorial wrappers, square 21 x 21 cm, 42 leaves, unpaginated, with illustrations in colour, 83 entries, with price list laid in; limited edition of 700 copies. Contributor: Israel Goldman In this collection:

    JPD-0010.2016: Mori Sosen. Ink and colour on silk.

    JPD-0009.2016: Mori Sosen. Ink and colour on silk.

    SVJP-0301.2019: Kunisada, 1852. Bando Shuka I as Shirai Gonpachi.

  • Title-page: VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM | KUNIYOSHI | BY B. W. ROBINSON | SPACE | LONDON: HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE | 1961 || Description: hardcover, 25.3 x 19 cm, bound in red cloth with embossed vignette to front cover and gilt lettering over the black label to spine, pictorial endpapers, pictorial olive/cyan dust jacket; pp. [i-vi] vii-xv [xvi blank] 1-71 [72 blank] plus frontispiece in colour and 50 leaves of plates (98 pages of b/w ils.) between pp. 64 and 65. Contributor: Robinson, Basil William (British, 1912 – 2005).
  • Mikhail Uspensky, Elena Varshavskaya. The netsuke and Japanese woodblock prints from the collection of S. P. Varshavsky. Printed by demand of The Hermitage Museum. Title-page (vertical bottom to top): ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ОРДЕНА ЛЕНИНА | ЭРМИТАЖ | НЭЦКЭ | И ЯПОНСКАЯ | ГРАВЮРА | из собрания | С. П. Варшавского | КАТАЛОГ ВЫСТАВКИ | — | ЛЕНИНГРАД | “ИСКУССТВО” | ЛЕНИНГРАДСКОЕ ОТДЕЛЕНИЕ | 1983 | {vignette} || Description: Softcover, pictorial wrappers, 21.5 x 14.5 cm, pp.: [1-8] 9-42 [43-51] (b/w plates unpag.) [52] 53-76 [77-95] (b/w plates unpag.) [96] (colophon); total 96 pages plus four leaves of colour plates. Catalogue:137 entries of netsuke, 69 entries of Japanese woodblock prints. Print run: 3,000 copies. Contributors: Mikhail Uspensky [Михаил Владимирович Успенский] (Russian, 1953 – 1997) Elena Varshavsky [Елена Юрьевна Варшавская (Jewish-American, b. 1952) Vladislav Sisauri [Владислав Ираклиевич Сисаури] (Russian, b. 1944) Sergei Petrovich Varshavsky [Сергей Петрович Варшавский] (Jewish-Russian, 1906 – 1980).
  • 129 issues of L'Éclipse, French weekly political magazine; published in Paris, 49 x 34 cm, bound in rebacked green quarter morocco over marbled boards, with gilt fillets and lettering to spine, peacock marbled endpapers, illustrated by André Gill (French, 1840 – 1885). Founder and editor-in-chief François Polo (French, 1838 – 1874). 1874: 271-322 (52 issues) 1875: 323-374 (52 issues) 1876: 375-399 (25 issues)
  • Two volumes 23.2 x 15.6 cm, uniformly bound in full polished calf by Riviere and Son (signed on fep verso), boards with triple gilt fillet border, spine with raised bands, gilt in compartments, gilt-lettered labels; dark blue endpapers, armorial bookplate of William Jennings with the motto “Honor Virtutis Premium” to front pastedown. Vol. 1: THE | ENGLISH SPY: | An Original Work | CHARACTERISTIC, SATIRICAL, AND | HUMOROUS. | COMPRISING | SCENES AND SKETCHES IN EVERY RANK OF SOCIETY, | BEING | PORTRAITS | OF THE | Illustrious, Eminent, Eccentric, and Notorious. | DRAWN FROM THE LIFE | BY BERNARD BLACKMANTLE. | THE ILLUSTRATIONS | DESIGNED BY | ROBERT CRUIKSHANK. | {vignette w/inscription: ‘By Frolic, Mirth, and Fancy gay, | Old Father Time is borne away.’ | — |  LONDON : | PUBLISHED BY SHERWOOD, JONES, AND CO. | PATERNOSTER-ROW. | – | 1825. || Collation: [a]8 b4 B-H8 I4 K2 L-Z8 2A-2E8 2F3; total 221 leaves Pagination: [i-iii] iv-xxiii [xxiv] [1-3] 4-417 [418]; total 442 pages. Illustrations: 35 coloured plates, 1 uncoloured plate, and 29 woodcuts in text, incl vignette on title, all but four by Robert Cruikshank, 1 by G. M.B rightly (p. 335), 1 by T. Wageman (p. 413), and 2 by T. Rowlandson (pp. 411 and 416) Vol. 2: THE | ENGLISH SPY: | An Original Work | CHARACTERISTIC, SATIRICAL, AND | HUMOROUS. | COMPRISING | SCENES AND SKETCHES IN EVERY RANK OF SOCIETY, | BEING | PORTRAITS | OF THE | Illustrious, Eminent, Eccentric, and Notorious. | DRAWN FROM THE LIFE | BY BERNARD BLACKMANTLE. | THE ILLUSTRATIONS | DESIGNED BY | ROBERT CRUIKSHANK. | — | VOL. II. | — | {vignette w/inscription: ‘By Frolic, Mirth, and Fancy gay, | Old Father Time is borne away.’ | — |  LONDON : | PUBLISHED BY SHERWOOD, GILBERT, AND PIPER, | PATERNOSTER-ROW. | – | 1826. || Collation: [A]-Z8 2A-2C8; total 208 leaves. [i-iii] iv-xv [xvi] [1-3] 4-399 [400]; total 416 pages. Illustrations: 36 coloured plates and 25 woodcuts in text. Catalogue raisonné: Martin-Hardie pp. 191-2; Tooley pp. 266-9; Abbey 325, pp.272-4 (see reflections regarding the ‘first issue’). Contributors: Charles Molloy Westmacott (British, c. 1788 – 1868) – author. Isaac Robert Cruikshank (British, 1789 – 1856) – artist, engraver. G. M. Brightly (British, fl. 1809 – 1827) – artist, engraver. Thomas Charles Wageman (British, 1787-1868) – artist, engraver Thomas Rowlandson (British, 1757 – 1827) – artist. Thomas Davison (British, 1794 – 1826) – printer. Sherwood, Jones, and Co. (London) – publisher. Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper (London) – publisher. William Jennings – provenance
  • Softcover volume, 22.8 x 17 cm, French flapped wrapper simulating unprimed canvas with crimson lettering to front; pp.: ffl, [5/6] h.t., [7/8] t.p., 9-109 [110], [111/112] limitation/blank, ffl; plus 12 colour lithographs by Schem (Raoul Serres), incl. frontispiece; printed on wove paper. Title-page (red and black): L'ÉCOLE | DES | BICHES | OU | MŒURS DES | PETITES DAMES DE CE TEMPS | [blank] | M. CM. XXXIX. || Limitation: printed 99 copies of which this is № 27; date of printing July 10, 1939. Catalog raisonné: Dutel III № 1447. As per J.-P. Dutel (II № 231 pp 119-20), the text was published in Brussels in 1868 by Jean-Pierre Blanche. Presumed authors are Alfred Bégis, Frederick Hankey and Edmund Duponchel. [BEGIS, Alfred, with DUPONCHEL, Edmond, and HANKEY, Frederick, attributed to.] L'École des Biches ou Mœurs des petites dames de ce temps. Paris [but Brussels]: [Jean-Pierre Blanche,] 1863 [1868] sold at Christie’s for GBP 1,000 on November 18, 2014. For details, see [LIB-2812.2021] Highlights from the Erotica Library of Tony Fekete / Auction catalogue, Tuesday 18 November 2014. — London: Christie's, 2014. — Lot 36. Contributors: Alfred Bégis (French, 1829 – 1904) – author. Frederick Hankey (British, 1823 – 1882) – author. Edmund Duponchel (French, c. 1795 – 1868) – author. Jean-Pierre Blanche (Beligian, second half of the 19th century) – publisher. Schem [real name Raoul Serres] (French, 1881– 1971) – artist.
  • Paperback, 20 x 12.5 cm, grey pictorial wrappers, lettering to front, back, and spine; pp.: [1-2] 3-127 [128]. Title-page: ВЕНЕДИКТ | EРОФЕЕВ | in grid: МОСКВА  Р/6520  6308  6494 | {text in grid} | ПЕТУШКИ  {publisher’s device}  МОСКВА / «ИНТЕРБУК» / 1990 || Print-run: 250,000. Contributors: Венедикт Васильевич Ерофеев [Venedikt Yerofeyev] (Russian, 1938 – 1990) – author.
  • Hardcover volume, 8vo, 21.5 x 14.5 cm, bound by Riviere & Son (stamped on fep verso bottom) in full brown calf, boards with triple gilt fillet border and gilt dentelle inside, spine with raised bands, gilt in compartments, black label with gilt lettering, all margins gilt, blue endpapers, bookplate of Arthur Rau pasted to front pastedown (text: Les hommes sont méchants mais leurs livres sont bons / Arthur Rau; signed: E. H. New – A.D. 1922), traces of removed owner’s label to fep recto; printed on laid paper. Title-page (engraved, in floral frame): LE TEMPLE | DE GNIDE. | Mis en Vers | Par M. Colardeau | {vignette with portrait of Pierre Corneille} | A PARIS | Chez le Jay, Libraire, Rue St. Jacques au dessus de | celle des Mathurins au Grand Corneille || Collation: 2 blanks, h.t., engraved t.p. with a portrait of Pierre Corneille, a8, A-E8 F4 (52 leaves), 2 blanks, plus 7 plates by various engravers after Charles Monnet. Pagination: [i] ii-xvi, [1] 2-88 (104 pp). Ref: MFA (Boston): accession number 37.1747 Catalogue raisonné: Lewine 114, Cohen-DeRicci 245-6. Contributors: Charles Monnet (French, 1732 – after 1808) – artist. Engravers:  Jean Charles Baquoy (French, 1721 – 1777) Nicolas Delaunay (French, 1739 – 1792) Isidore Stanislas Helman (French, 1743 – 1806) Louis Joseph Masquelier (French, 1741 – 1811) François Denis Née (French, 1735 – 1818) Nicholas Ponce (French, 1746 – 1831) Portrait(s) designed by: Guillaume Voiriot (French, 1713 – 1799) Author: Charles-Pierre Colardeau (French, 1732 – 1776) Publisher: Edmé-Jean Le Jay (French, 1734 – 1795) Bookplate artist: Edmund Hort New (British, 1871 – 1931) Provenance: Arthur Rau (British, 1898 – 1972); his obituary can be found in The Book Collector 1973, vol. 22, n°1, p. 86-89. According to the genealogy service Geni, Arthur Aron Rau was born to Jacob Aryeh Rau and Katharina (Kaethe) Rau, and has a sister Cecilia (Tsipporah) Rosenfelder and a brother Frederick Solomon Rau. He went to Oxford and then joined Maggs Brothers in their Paris establishment. "After some years there, he set up on his own, returning to England at the outbreak of the Second World War to be a schoolmaster for ten years". In 1949 he returned to Paris and retired in 1963, "and his last years he happily spent in Wensleydale...". All he published during his lifetime were two catalogues, Livres Rares Et Anciens. Manuscrits et Autographes. — Paris: Arthur Rau, 1932-3 and Cinquante Tres Beaux Livres Avec Un Appendice. — Paris: Arthur Rau, 1933. He also contributed to The Book Collector.
    Seller’s description: In-8° : [2]-t. gr.-xvi-88 pp. ; 7 h.-t. (qqs rouss.). - Poème d'après le roman de Montesquieu ill. de 7 eaux-fortes par Bacquoy, Delaunay, Née, etc., d'après Charles Monnet. Titre gr. orné d'un portr. de Corneille. Cohen, qui cite un ex. millésimé 1773, signale des ex. avec la date de 1772 ou sans date. - Réf. Cohen 245-246. - Conlon 72:675 (éd. à l'adresse d'Amsterdam et Paris, 1772). - Pas dans Reynaud. - Prov. Arthur Rau (1898-1972), gérant de la librairie Maggs à Paris avant d'ouvrir sa propre librairie en 1932 (ex-libris gr. par E.H. New, 1922 ; réf. BnF). - Traces d'ex-libris décollé à la garde sup.
  • Three volumes, 33 x 26.5 x 7 cm each, uniformly bound in 2/3 vellum over marbled boards, outlined with gilt fillet, brown label with gilt lettering to flat spine with double fillet faux-bands, marbled endpapers, top edge gilt, other untrimmed, publisher’s wrappers preserved, incl. spine; collotype plates with captioned glassine guards; armorial bookplate of Comte Alain de Suzannet to front pastedown in each volume. Two volumes of Première partie, wanting, contain La vie artistique : texte and La vie artistique : planches. Title-page (red and black): JACQUES CALLOT | PAR | J. LIEURE | Introduction de F. Courboin | Conservateur du Cabinet des Estampes à la Bibliothèque Nationale | — | DEUXIÈME PARTIE | CATALOGUE DE L’ŒUVRE GRAVÉ | TOME I (II, III) | — | PARIS | ÉDITIONS DE LA GAZETTE DES BEAUX-ARTS | 106, Boulevard Saint-Germain (6e) | 1924 (1927, 1927) || Vol. 1 (1924): [4] [1] 2-122 [2], wrappers, plates 1-299; printed on September 15, 1924, by André Lesot (Nemours) and D. Jacomet et Cie (Paris). Vol. 2 (1927): [4] [1] 2-106 [2], wrappers, plates 300-652. Vol. 3 (1927): [4] [1] 2-128 [4], wrappers, plates 653-1428; printed on September 5, 1926, by Imprimerie moderne des Beaux-Arts (Bois-Colombes) and D. Jacomet et Cie (Paris). Contributors: Jules Lieure (French, 1866 – 1948) – author. Jacques Callot (French, c. 1592 – 1635) – artist. Gazette des Beaux-Arts (f. 1859) – publisher. François Courboin (French, 1865 – 1926) – author. D. Jacomet et Cie (Paris) – printer. Daniel Jacomet (French, 1894 – 1966) – printer. André Lesot (French, 1874-1951) – printer. Imprimerie moderne des Beaux-Arts (Bois-Colombes) Comte Alain de Suzannet (French, 1882 – 1950) – provenance.
  • Catalogue raisonné of Pascin's erotic drawings. Softcover, 21 x 15 cm, burgundy gloss pictorial paperback with lettering and vignettes, pp.: [1-3] 4-102 [2], illustrated throughout. Limited edition of 1,000 copies. Title-page: Pascin érotique | {round vignette} | éditions Astarté - Paris || Contributors: Alexandre Dupouy (French) Pascin, Jules [Pincas, Julius Mordecai] (French-Jewish, 1885 – 1930)
  • Title (black and red): ШИЦЗИН | [device} | ИЗДАНИЕ ПОДГОТОВИЛИ | А.А. ШТУКИН И Н.Т. ФЕДОРЕНКО | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО АКАДЕМИИ НАУК СССР | МОСКВА | 1957 Title page verso: РЕДАКЦИОННАЯ КОЛЛЕГИЯ СЕРИИ «ЛИТЕРАТУРНЫЕ ПАМЯТНИКИ» (names) Ответственный редактор доктор филологических наук Н. Т. ФЕДОРЕНКО Поэтическая редакция А. Е. АДАЛИС Pagination: [1, 2] – serial h.t / title in Chinese 诗经, [3, 4] – t.p. / editorial board, [5, 6] – editorial / blank, [7, 8] – f.t. / blank, 9-610 [611] [612 colophon]; print run 3,500 copies. Collation: [1]8 2-398. Binding: 23 x 17.5 cm; serial green cloth blind-stamped with a scroll adorned with gold lettering to board and spine. Содержание: От редакции. — С. 5; Шицзин / Пер. A.A. Штукина: Нравы царств. — С. 7-193; Малые оды. — С. 195-325; Великие оды. — С. 327-409; Гимны. — С. 411-466. Приложения: Федоренко Н.Т. «Книга песен». — С. 469-530; Комментарии / Сост. A.A. Штукин, ред. В.А. Кривцов. — С. 531-600.


  • Title: Emblemata | Florentii Schoon~ | hovii I. C. Goudani, | Partim moralia | partim etiam Civilia. | Cum latiori eorundem ejusdem | Auctoris interpretatione. | Accedunt et alia quædam | Poëmatia in alijs Poëma | tum suorum libris non | contenta. | Amstelodami. | Apud | Joannem Janßonium •1635• Size: 20 x15.5 cm, small 4to Edition: 3rd edition (the first two editions being by Burier, Gouda, 1618 and by Elzevir, Leiden, 1626. Collation: ¶/*6, A-Z4, Aa-Ff4, Gg2. Pagination: [2] - enrgaved t.p. / blank, [6] - dedication, [2] - lectori benevolo, [2] - in commend. / frontis. engraved portrait of  Gerardus Traudenius – academic/intellectual; author/poet (Dutch, fl. 1615 – 1623), 1-235. Illustrated with engraved title, portrait of dedicatee, and 74 engraved emblems by Crispijn van de Passe the Younger (1594/5 – 1670). Binding: bound in full contemporary Dutch blind-stamped parchment over thin boards, laced case construction, inked title to spine, no flyleaves, signature washed from the title, the blank margin of title trimmed away at head, slight marginal water stain to the first signature, front bottom board corner bumped.  
  • Hardcover volume, collated in-8o, 21.1 x 14.9 cm, bound in half black polished morocco over green buckram boards, gilt lettering in rules to flat spine, brown diaper over cream endpapers, red ink oval library stamp in Estonian to t.p. «AJALOOMUUSEUM RAAMATUKOGU» (history museum library); pp.: [4] [1] 2-524, total 528 pages; collation π2 1-328 336, total 264 leaves. Title-page: ДЕШЕВАЯ БИБЛIОТЕКА ТОВАРИЩЕСТВА "ЗНАНIЕ". | № 274. | Э. Лиссагарэ. | ИСТОРIЯ ПАРИЖСКОЙ КОММУНЫ | въ 1871 г. | Съ французскаго. Полный переводъ | подъ редакцiей В. Базарова.| С.-ПЕТЕРБУРГЪ | 1906. || Original title: Prosper-Olivier Lissagaray. Histoire de la Commune de 1871. — Paris: E. Dentu, 1876. English translation by Eleanor Marx Aveling: [LIB-1110.2016] Prosper-Olivier Lissagaray. History of the Commune of 1871. — London: Reeves and Turner, 1886. Contributors: Hippolyte Prosper-Olivier Lissagaray (French, 1838 – 1901) – author. Владимир Александрович Базаров [Руднев, Vladimir Bazarov] (Russian, 1874 – 1939) – translator.
  • Half-titleÜBERREICHT VON | GILHOFER UND RANSCHBURG | SORTIMENT–, BÜCHER– UND KUNST– | ANTIQUARIAT | WIEN 1, BOGNERGASSE 2 || Title: Red letterpress lettering in black ornamental frame: Insel- | Almanach | auf das Jahr | 1907 || Pagination: [6] – h.t., frontis., title; [1-16] 17-150 [2], + 2 folding plates (op. p. 30 and 32), and 2 plates op. p. 50 (Franz von Bayros "Francine" for Die Bohème by Henri Murger) and 112 (colour). Binding: 17.3 x 9.9 cm;  original olive paper wrappers with gilt lettering and elements to cover, lettering to spine. Catalogue raisonné: Heinz Sarkowski (1999): № 1986, pp. 329-30, with contents. Contributors: Gilhofer und Ranschburg – antiquarian bookstore in Vienna. Schröder, Rudolf Alexander (German, 1878 – 1962) – title and cover. Wieynk, Heinrich (German, 1874 – 1931) – typeset. Kippenberg, Anton Hermann Friedrich (German, 1874 – 1950) – editor. Brandstetter, Oscar (German, 1844 – ?) – printer.
  • Half-title: THE WORKS | OF | GEORGE CRUIKSHANK | CLASSIFIED AND ARRANGED.|| Title: (in black and red) THE WORKS | OF | GEORGE CRUIKSHANK | CLASSIFIED AND ARRANGED | WITH REFERENCES TO REID'S CATALOGUE | AND THEIR APPROXIMATE VALUES| BY | CAPTN. R. J. H. DOUGLAS | WITH A FRONTISPIECE | (a facsimile of the frontispiece to the rare Holiday Grammar) | LONDON | PRINTED BY J. DAVY & SONS AT THE DRYDEN PRESS 137 LONG ACRE | AND SOLD BY MESSRS. H. SOTHERAN & CO. 140 STRAND AND 37 PICADILLY ; PICKERING & CATTO | 66 HAYMARKET ; ROBSON & CO 23 COVENTRY STREET ; F. T. SABIN 118 SHAFTESBURY AVENUE ; | W. T. SPENSER 27 NEW OXFORD STREET ; AND CHARLES SCRIBNER’S SONS NEW YORK. | MDCCCCIII || Imprint (title verso): One Thousand Copies of this book have been printed and the type distributed. This is No. 205. Bookplate to recto ffl: Reference Library of Francis Edwards Ltd. Not for sale. Inscription to recto ffl: “With the author’s compliments”. Pagination: ffl, [i, ii] – h.t. / blank, [2] – blank / frontis., [iii, iv] – t.p. (black and red) / Print run, [v] v-vi –preface, [2] – contents, [2] – f.t. / note; [1] 2-301 [302] – colophon; insert one sheet with type writing on Francis Edwards letterhead, bfl. (OCLC: ix, 302 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm) Collation:  [A]5 B-T8 U7 Binding: Hardcover, burgundy cloth gilt-stamped with title and publisher’s device to front board and gilt lettering to spine.
  • ERNEST HEMINGWAY | A Moveable Feast | {Citation} | CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, | New York || Pagination: [12] – incl: advert., h.t., t.p., colophon, contents, preface, and note, [1, 2] - f.t. / blank, 3-211 [212]. Publisher’s cloth-backed stamped boards, original dust jacket. Ref.: Hanneman A31a.
  • Hardcover volume in 8vo, 21.2 x 15.4 cm, tan cloth with black on gilt background circular publisher’s device "TFU" to front cover, gilt-stamped compartments and burgundy labels with gilt lettering to spine. Ink inscription to fep verso dated Jan 18, 1907. Publisher's device and serial device to h.t. Title-page: ❦❦❦ THE MEMOIRS AND | TRAVELS OF MAURITIUS AUGUSTUS COUNT DE | BENYOWSKY | IN SIBERIA, KAMCHATKA, JAPAN, THE LIUKIU ISLANDS AND FORMOSA | FROM THE TRANSLATION OF HIS | ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT (1741–1771), | BY WILLIAM NICHOLSON, F.R.S., 1790 | EDITED BY CAPTAIN | PASFIELD OLIVER | ILLUSTRATED | LONDON: T. FISHER UNWIN, | PATERNOSTER SQUARE. MDCCCXCIII ❦❦❦ ||. Collation/Pagination: [1]-25plus 7 plates, incl. frontispiece and 1 map. [1, 2] – serial h.t. "The Adventure Series" / advert. THE ADVENTURE SERIES. Illustrated. Crown 8vo, 5s. 17 titles, [3, 4] – t.p. / blank, [5] 6-9 contents, [10] blank, [11, 12] illustrations/blank, [13] 14-52 introduction, 53-399, [400] colophon: THE GRESHAM PRESS, | URWIN BROTHERS, | CHILWORTH AND LONDON. Contributors: Publisher: T. Fisher Unwin (London); Thomas Fisher Unwin (British, 1848 – 1935). Author: Maurice Auguste count de Benyowsky [Мориц Август Бенёвский] (Polish-Slovak-Hungarian, 1746 –1786). Editor: Samuel Pasfield Oliver (British, 1838 – 1907). Translator: William Nicholson (British, 1753 – 1815). Originally published in 1790, in London (I have not seen it anywhere) and in Dublin by P. Wogan [etc.], and in 1791 in French, in Paris by Buisson; see LIB-2742.2021. For another copy of the same edition, see LIB-3139.2023. For the 1904 edition, see LIB-2703.2021.
  • Cover: MAURICE TALMEYR | LA | FRANC-MAÇONNERIE | ET LA | RÉVOLUTION FRANÇAISE | — | Prix : 1 fr.  […] Librairie académique PERRIN et Cie. Title page: MAURICE TALMEYR | LA | FRANC-MAÇONNERIE | ET LA | RÉVOLUTION FRANÇAISE | — | PARIS | LIBRAIRIE ACADÉMIQUE DIDIER | PERRIN ET Cie, LIBRAIRES–ÉDITEURS | 35, QUAI DES GRANDS-AUGUSTINS, 35 | 1904 | Tous droits réservés || Autograph: Inscription to h.t. to Charles Foley from the author. Bibiographical description: Blue lettered publisher’s wrappers, 19 x 12 cm, pagination: [8] [1] 2-94 [2], collation: 8vo, π4 1-68. The Russian translation Н. Л. Фран-масонство и государственная измена. — СПб.: Издание В. П., 1906 is here: LIB-0940.2016. Contributors: Maurice Talmeyr [Marie-Justin-Maurice Coste] (French, 1850 – 1931) Pierre-Paul Didier (French, 1800 – 1865) Émile Perrin (French, 1828 – 1884)
  • LIB-2734-1.2021. Vol. 1, title in black, DJ in black and red: JEAN-PIERRE DUTEL | BIBLIOGRAPHIE | DES | OUVRAGES ÉROTIQUES | PUBLIÉS CLANDESTINEMENT EN FRANÇAIS | ENTRE 1880 ET 1920 | {publisher’s device} | CHEZ L’AUTEUR, | 16, RUE JACQUES-CALLOT 75006 PARIS | MMII || Pagination: [1-6] 7-669 [670] [8] [2 imprint/blank]; №2046. LIB-2734-2.2021. Vol. 2, title in black, DJ in black and blue: JEAN-PIERRE DUTEL | BIBLIOGRAPHIE | DES | OUVRAGES ÉROTIQUES | PUBLIÉS CLANDESTINEMENT EN FRANÇAIS | ENTRE 1920 ET 1970 | VOLUME II | {publisher’s device} | J-P DUTEL, LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR | 16, RUE JACQUES-CALLOT 75006 PARIS | MMV || Pagination: [1-8] 9-891 [2 acknowl./blank] [2 imprint/blank]; №4281. LIB-2734-3.2021. Vol. 3, title in black, DJ in black and green: JEAN-PIERRE DUTEL | BIBLIOGRAPHIE | DES | OUVRAGES ÉROTIQUES | PUBLIÉS CLANDESTINEMENT EN FRANÇAIS | ENTRE 1650 ET 1880 | (VOLUME III) | {publisher’s device} | CHEZ L’AUTEUR | 16, RUE JACQUES-CALLOT 75006 PARIS | MMIX || Pagination: [1-6] 7-667 [668 blank] [2 table/blank] [2 imprint/blank]; №5726. All three volumes uniformly bound in black cloth, white DJ with lettering; vol. 1 with author’s manuscript to half-title, vol. 2 and 3 – fac-similé to title page (autographed copy).
  • Title page: ГИЛЬГАМЕШЪ | ВАВИЛОНСКIЙ ЭПОСЪ | ПЕРЕВОДЪ | Н. ГУМИЛЕВА | ВВЕДЕНИЕ В. ШИЛЕЙКО | Изданiе З. И. Гржебина | С.-ПЕТЕРБУРГЪ — 1919. Pagination: [1-4] 5-78 [2]; head and tail pieces (William Hayes Ward, The seal cylinders of Western Asia, Washington, 1910). Binding: Publisher’s wrappers, lettering, vignette. Contributors: Гумилёв, Николай Степанович (Russian, 1886 – 1921) – translator from the French. Шилейко, Владимир Казимирович (Russian, 1891 – 1930) – editor.
  • Title page: GRAHAM GREENE | {double rule} | Our Man in Havana | AN ENTERTAINMENT | {publisher’s device: windmill among the hills, letters W and H} | HEINEMANN | LONDON MELBOURNE TORONTO || Title verso: William Heinemann Ltd | LONDON MELBOURNE TORONTO | CAPE TOWN AUCKLAND | THE HAGUE | First published 1958 | © by William Heinemann Limited 1958 | All rights reserved | Printed in Great Britain | at The Windmill Press | Kingswood, Surrey || Pagination: [6] [1, 2] 3-273 [274]. Binding: 20.2 x 13.5 cm, publisher’s blue cloth, gilt lettering to spine (top): OUR | MAN | IN | HAVANA | {double rule} | GRAHAM GREENE | (bottom): HEINEMANN ||; blind-stamped publisher’s device to back cover in the lower-right corner without lettering; pp. 1-122 and 253-274 darker, than the middle pages; original dust jacket designed by Donald Green, unclipped, 15s NET in the lower-right corner of the front flap, advertisement of The quiet American on the back. Edition: 1st edition, 1st printing. Contributors: Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991) – author. Donald Green (British, 1919 – 1983) – DJ artist. William Henry Heinemann (British-Jewish, 1863 – 1920); William Heinemann Limited – publisher. The Windmill Press (Kingswood, Surrey) – printer.
  • Title page: A | BIBLIOGRAPHY | OF | THE WRITINGS OF | JOSEPH CONRAD (1895–1920) | BY THOMAS J. WISE | ❦ | LONDON: | PRINTED FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY | By Richard Clay & Sons, Ltd. | 1920 || Pagination: [i-viii] ix-xiii [xiv-xvi], [1, 2] 3-105 [106-112], frontispiece with tissue guard in collation; 128 pages total. Collation: 8vo; [A]-H8, 64 leaves total. Binding: 22.5 x 18 cm; terracotta paper boards, black lettering to front and spine; uncut. The device on the recto of the last leaf inscribed: The Ashley library. Privately printed. 1920. Insert: ALS from Thomas J. Wise dated 22/3/21 on watermarked paper (King of Kent | Extra Fine) with letterhead “Kirkstead”, 25 Heath Drive, Hampstead, N.W.3. The letter is a response to a request for two copies of Volume II of Wise’s Swinburne bibliography, which Wise promises to supply the next day to Stevens & Brown (founded in 1864, Literary and Fine Arts Agents). Limitation: 150 copies, private printing. Contributors: Joseph Conrad [Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski] (British-Polish, 1857 – 1924) Wise, Thomas James (British, 1859 – 1937) – compiler, bibliographer. R. Clay & Sons Ltd. (London); Clay, Richard (British, 1789 – 1877) – publisher. The Ashley Library (London) – printer.
  • Title page: ROMEYN DE HOOGHE | VIRTUOSO ETCHER | JOSEPH B. DALLETT | with | Tatyana Petukhova LaVine | edited by | Andrew C. Weislogel | HERBERT F. JOHNSON MUSEUM OF ART | CORNELL UNIVERSITY || Pagination: [1-5] 6-96; 57 entries, bibliography. Binding: 28 x 21.7 cm, publisher’s pictorial wrappers. Contributors: Romeyn de Hooghe (Dutch, 1645 – 1708) Joseph B. Dallett – author/introduction. Andrew C. Weislogel – editor. Tatyana Petukhova LaVine – contributor.
  • Title-page: THE HUMAN | FACTOR | Graham Greene | {citation from Joseph Conrad, 3 lines} | {publisher’s device} | THE BODLEY HEAD | LONDON SYDNEY | TORONTO || Green publisher’s cloth with gilt lettering to spine, cream dust jacket, lettered on front, back and spine, designed by Michael Harvey, unclipped (£4.50 NET | IN U.K. ONLY), [1-8] 9-338 [339] [340 blank]. Previous owners' inscriptions to FFEP. Printed by William Clowes & Sons Ltd. (Beccles). © Graham Greene 1978. Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991).
  • Description: Six softcover volumes, collated in-4to, 14.3 x 10 cm in publisher’s lettered wrappers; printed on laid paper; series "Les petits mémoires de Paris"  illustrated with 23 out of 24 etchings by Henri Boutet: (I) Les coulisses de l’amour; (II) Rues et Intérieurs; (III) Le carnet d’un suiveur; (IV) Le petits métiers; (V) Les nuits de Paris; (VI) Toutes les bohêmes. Vol. I: Cream cover, lettered black and red in a black frame: LA MÉSSAGÈRE | LES | PETITS MÉMOIRES | DE | PARIS | CONTENANT | Quatre Eaux-Fortes originales | PAR | Henri BOUTET | I | Les Coulisses de l’Amour | {vignette brown Notre-Dame de Paris} | A PARIS | CHEZ DORBON l’AINÉ, LIBRAIRE | 53 ter, Quai des Grands-Augustins || Title-page: similar, in black, with «MDCCCVIII» in the bottom. Edition not stated. [1-8] ( 7 marked 1) 9-125 [3] contents, colophon; h.t. uncut from 1st blank, three original etchings instead of four (one missing?), incl. frontispiece. Colophon: IMPRIMÉ PAR SOINS | DE LA | SOCIÉTÉ TYPOGRAPHIQUE | DE | CHATEAUDUN || Back wrapper blank. Vol. II: Mint-green cover, lettered black and red in a black frame: LA MÉSSAGÈRE | LES | PETITS MÉMOIRES | DE | PARIS | CONTENANT | Quatre Eaux-Fortes originales | PAR | Henri BOUTET | II | Rues et Intérieurs | {vignette brown Notre-Dame de Paris} | A PARIS | CHEZ DORBON l’AINÉ, LIBRAIRE | 53 ter, Quai des Grands-Augustins || Title-page: similar, in black, with «MDCCCIX» in the bottom. Edition not stated. [1-6] 7-125 [2] contents, colophon (same as in Vol. I); h.t. uncut from 1st blank, four original etchings, incl. frontispiece. Back wrapper blank. Vol. III: Cream cover, lettered blue in a blue frame: LA MÉSSAGÈRE | LES | PETITS MÉMOIRES | DE | PARIS | CONTENANT | Quatre Eaux-Fortes originales | PAR | Henri BOUTET | III | Le Carnet d’un Suiveur | 4e Edition | {vignette smoking gentleman in a top hat} | A PARIS | CHEZ DORBON L’AINÉ, LIBRAIRE | 53 ter, Quai des Grands-Augustins || Title-page: similar, in black, with «MDCCCIX» in the bottom. 4th edition. [1-6] 7-124 [4] contents, colophon (uncut); h.t. uncut from 1st blank, four original etchings, incl. frontispiece. Colophon: Imprimé par soins de | l’Imprimerie de Paris | Têtes de chapitre, lettrines et culs de lampe de | M. Paul Guignebault | Eaux-fortes tirées sous la direction de | M. Henri Boutet || Back wrapper with a frame and a ribbon at center, in blue. Vol. IV: Tan cover, lettered red and black in a black frame: LA MÉSSAGÈRE | LES | PETITS MÉMOIRES | DE | PARIS | CONTENANT | Quatre Eaux-Fortes originales | PAR | Henri BOUTET | IV | Le Petits Métiers | {vignette worker with a ladder} | A PARIS | CHEZ DORBON L’AINÉ, LIBRAIRE | 53 ter, Quai des Grands-Augustins || Title-page: similar, in black, with «MDCCCIX» in the bottom. Edition not stated. [1-6] 7-119 [120 colophon, uncut] [8 advert., uncut];  four original etchings, incl. frontispiece. Colophon: IMPRIMERIE DE PARIS | 22, RUE DES VOLONTAIRES PROLONGÉE | – PARIS - XVe – || Back wrapper with a black frame and a red ribbon at center. Vol. V: Olive-green cover, lettered red and blue in a blue frame: LA MÉSSAGÈRE | LES | PETITS MÉMOIRES | DE | PARIS | CONTENANT | Quatre Eaux-Fortes originales | PAR | Henri BOUTET | V | Les nuits de Paris | Deuxième Édition | {vignette woman on a street} | A PARIS | CHEZ DORBON L’AINÉ, LIBRAIRE | 53 ter, Quai des Grands-Augustins || Title-page: similar, in black, with «MDCDIX» in the bottom. 2nd edition. [1-8] 9-118 [2 colophon, uncut] [8 advert., uncut]; four original etchings, incl. frontispiece. Colophon: IMPRIMERIE DE PARIS | 22, RUE DES VOLONTAIRES PROLONGÉE | – PARIS - XVe – || Back wrapper with a blue frame and a red ribbon at center. Vol. VI: Cream cover, lettered red and blue in a blue frame: LA MÉSSAGÈRE | LES | PETITS MÉMOIRES | DE | PARIS | CONTENANT | Quatre Eaux-Fortes originales | PAR | Henri BOUTET | VI | Toutes les bohêmes | Cinquième Édition | {vignette windmill} | A PARIS | CHEZ DORBON L’AINÉ, LIBRAIRE | 53 ter, Quai des Grands-Augustins || Title-page: similar, in black, with «MDCDIX» in the bottom and “Deuxième Édition”. 5th or 2nd edition. [1-7] 8-120 [2 colophon] [4 advert.] [2 blank]; four original etchings, incl. frontispiece. Colophon: IMPRIMERIE DE PARIS | 22, RUE DES VOLONTAIRES PROLONGÉE | – PARIS - XVe – || Back wrapper with a blue frame and a red ribbon at center. Contributors: Henri Boutet [La Mésangère] (French, 1851 – 1919) – author, artist, etcher. François Louis Dorbon [Dorbon Aîné] (French, 1878 – 1956) – publisher.
  • Description: Publisher’s French flapped wrappers 28.2 x 19.2 cm, lettering to front cover “SCÈNES | DE | PÉRIPATÉTICIENNES | Εις το αφρωδιαζειν αγει | MCMIII”, pp. [1-6] 7-132 [4]. 10 laid-in (unbound) colour plates after André Collot, including the title-page vignette. Text printed on laid paper, plates on wove paper. According to J.-P. Dutel (1920-1970) № 2366, p. 356, this is a pirated reprint with 11 plates of the 1927 or 1935 edition of “Douze douzains de dialogues”, illustrated with 12 hand-coloured etchings after André Collot (№ 1427, 1428, p. 137, ibid.). Limitation of 200 copies seems fake as per Pia, the copy in BNF bears number 262 (Pia № 1213, p. 635; № 359, p. 200). Title-page: SCÈNES DE | PÉRIPATÉTICIENNES (arch) | Εις το αφρωδιαζειν αγει | MCMIII || Pictorial t.p.: {vignette in colour} | Douze douzains de Dialogues | ou | Petites scènes amoureuses | * || (text in fac-simile ms). Limitation: edition is limited to 200 copies of which this is copy № 44. Contributors: Pierre Louÿs (French, 1870 – 1925) – author. André Collot (French, 1897 – 1976) – artist. See: LIB-2819.2021 in this collection.
  • A hardcover pictorial album, 25 x 25.5 cm, bound in black buckram with silver lettering to spine, in pictorial dust jacket; pp.: [1-6] 7-175 [176 blank], total 88 leaves, illustrated in colour throughout. Title-page: Shunga | EROTIC ART | IN JAPAN | ROSINA BUCKLAND | THE BRITISH MUSEUM PRESS || Subject: Art, Japanese – Edo period, 1600-1868; Erotic art – Japan; Prints, Japanese – History. Contributor: Rosina Buckland (British, b. 1974)
  • Description: Softcover, 22 x 17 cm, in a blue-grey double slipcase 23.3 x 17.8 cm, publisher’s French flapped wrappers with a pink burning heart pierced with arrow diaper pattern, 15 unbound gatherings in 4to, and a suite of 12 stencil-coloured photogravures (au pochoir) after Shem, printed on wove pur fil paper; numerous tailpieces and in-text vignettes in blue. Half-title: Petites Cousines || Title-page: Alice • Simonne | Marcelle • Andrée | — | Souvenirs érotiques d’un homme | de qualité touchant les petites | cousines... les femmes du monde | et les belles filles de province | AUX DÉPENS D'UN AMATEUR ET | ~~ POUR SES AMIS ~~ || Pagination: [4] [1-4] 5-111 [112] [4], total 120 pages, incl. those in wrappers; 12 unnumbered suite of plates laid-in. Limitation: An edition of 255 copies of which 5 copies on Arches paper, enriched with one suite in b/w and one coloured plus one original drawing and two sketches (№№ 1-5); 15 copies on Arches paper, enriched with one suite in b/w plus one original drawing and one sketch (№№ 6-20); 235 copies on Pur Fil paper (№№ 21-255). This copy is № 85, with a suite of plates in colour. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel № 965, pp. 31-2. Note: Title-page per Dutel ALICE • SIMONNE | MARCELLE • ANDRÉE | — | Souvenirs érotiques d’un homme | de qualité touchant les petites | cousines... les femmes du monde | et les belles filles de Province | AUX DÉPENS D'UN AMATEUR ET | ~~ POUR SES AMIS ~~ || Contributors: Pierre Mac Orlan (born Pierre Dumarchey] (French, 1882 – 1970) – author. Schem [real name Raoul Serres] (French, 1881– 1971) – artist.
  • Description: exhibition catalogue, softcover terra-cotta paper with lettered black label to front and black lettering to spine, black endpapers; pp.: [1-6] 7-131 [132] plus colour frontispiece and 5 colour plates outside pagination, 190 entries with b/w in-text illustrations. Front cover (in the octagonal black label): UKIYO-E | PRINTS AND PAINTINGS | THE PRIMITIVE PERIOD | 1680–1745 | THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO || Title-page: THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO | UKIYO-E PRINTS AND PAINTINGS | THE PRIMITIVE PERIOD, 1680–1745 | An Exhibition in Memory of Margaret O. Gentles | November 6th–December 26th, 1971 | Catalogue by DONALD JENKINS || Foreword by Charles C. Cunningham, Tribute to Margaret O. Gentles by Jack V. Sewell. Contributors: Margaret O. Gentles (American, 1905 – 1969) Donald John Jenkins (American, b. 1931) Charles Crehore Cunningham (American, 1910 – 1979) Jack V. Sewell (American, 1923 – 2010)
  • Hardcover, 25.2 x 17 cm, quarter burgundy shagreen with raised bands and gilt lettering to spine over turkish marbled boards and endpapers, publisher’s wrappers preserved. Title-page: JEAN BERLEUX | LA | CARICATURE POLITIQUE | EN FRANCE | PENDANT LA GUERRE, LE SIÈGE DE PARIS | ET LA COMMUNE | (1870–1871) | {vignette} | PARIS | LABITTE, ÉM. PAUL ET Cie | LIBRAIRES DE LA BIBLIOTHÈQUE NATIONALE | 4, RUE DE LILLE, 4 | – | 1890 || Collation: 4to; π8 1-274 282, plates within collation; total 118 leaves. Pagination: [i-ix] x-xvi, [1] 2-217 (printed 317) [3], total 236 pages, profusely illustrated, incl. in-text and full-page b/w ils, all within pagination. Condition: Good, scattering foxing, pencil marks. Contributors: Maurice Quentin-Bauchart [pseud. Jean Berleux] (French, 1857 – 1910) – author. Georges Chamerot (French, 1845 – 1922) – printer, president of the 'Chambre syndicale des imprimeurs typographes', married to Claudie Viardot (French, 1852 – 1914) in 1874 – printer. Labitte, Ém. Paul et Cie (Paris) – publisher, Adolphe Labitte (French, 1832 – 1882); Émile Paul (French, 1847 – ?). Another copy in poor condition: LIB-1653.2016, and another, a modern reprint: LIB-0814.2015.
  • Paperback reprint on demand, 28 x 22 cm, in green malachite wrappers with yellow lettering to both covers; pp. [i-ii] iii-v[vi] 1-122 [4]. Title-page: Okhrana | The Paris Operations of | the Russian Imperial Police | Ben B. Fischer | History Staff | Center for the Study | of Intelligence | Central Intelligence Agency | 1997 || ISBN-10: 1907521992 Benjamin B. Fischer Contents. Foreword. Preface. Okhrana: The Paris Operations of the Russian Imperial Police. From Paris to Palo Alto. CIA Interest in the Okhrana Files. Origins of the Okhrana and Its Paris Office. Foreign Operations. Change and Continuity Dramatis Personae Conclusions Rita T. Kronenbitter Paris Okhrana 1885-1905. The Illustrious Career of Arkadiy Harting. The Sherlock Holmes of the Revolution. Okhrana Agent Dolin. The Okhrana's Female Agents: Part I: Russian Women. The Okhrana's Female Agents: Part II: Indigenous Recruits. Review of Edward Ellis Smith, The Young Stalin, by Harry Gelman. Commentary by Rita T. Kronenbitter.
  • Hardcover volume, 17 x 11.3 cm, in-12, quarter orange cloth (percaline) over marbled boards, black morocco label with gilt lettering to spine, marbled endpapers, text printed on laid paper, five plates on India paper (papier Chine). Title-page: LE | LIBERTIN | DE QUALITÉ | OU | MA CONVERSION | PAR | M. D. R. C. D. M. F. | (LE COMTE DE MIRABEAU) | Edition revue sur celle originale de 1783 | {fleuron} | LONDRES | – | 1783-1866 || Pagination: [4] (h.t., t.p.), [1] 2-200; total 204 pages plus 5 engraved plates, incl. frontispiece; 2 blank leaves at the front and 2 at the back, laid paper, watermarked Canson & Montgolfier. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel I: A-653. Ref.: Illustrations were earlier published in Vie privée, libertine et scandaleuse de feu Honoré-Gabriel Riquetti Comte de Mirabeau, 1791, (see [LIB-2633.2021] Apollinaire, et al. L’Enfer de la Bibliothèque nationale, 1912 : № 795). M. D. R. C. D. M. F stands for Monsieur de Riqueti comte de Mirabeau Fis. Catalogue Poulet-Malassis & ses amis description: № 55. M. D. R. C. D. M. F. (le comte de Mirabeau). Le Libertin de qualité ou Ma conversion, édition revue sur celle de l’originale de 1783. Londres 1783-1866 [Christiaens, 1867]. In-12 de 2 .n.ch. et 200 pages, demi-percaline orange, pièce de titre, tête jaspée, tranches naturelles (reliure de l’époque). Illustré de 5 gravures originales, dont l’une en frontispice, qui reprennent celles de l’édition de Vie privée libertine et scandaleuse de feu Honoré-Gabriel-Riqueti, ci-devant comte de Mirabeau [...] de 1791. Contributors: Honoré-Gabriel Riqueti de Mirabeau (French, 1749 – 1791) – author. Alexis Christiaens (Belgian, d. 1880) – publisher.
  • Hardcover volume, 22.2 x 17.5 cm, bound in green cloth, black lettering to spine, in a pictorial dust jacket, pp.: [1-4] 5-151 [152], ils. Title-page: С. ВАРШАВСКИЙ • Б. РЕСТ | РЯДОМ С ЗИМНИМ | «СОВЕТСКИЙ ХУДОЖНИК» | ЛЕНИНГРАД • 1969 || Half-title: Из истории Государственного Эрмитажа | ЭРМИТАЖ ПЕРЕД ОКТЯБРЕМ || Print run: 25,000 copies. Contributors: Sergei Petrovich Varshavsky [Сергей Петрович Варшавский] (Jewish-Russian, 1906 – 1980) – author. B. Rest [Б. Рест; Юлий Исаакович Шапиро] (Jewish-Russian, fl. 1940 – 1980) – author.
  • Hardcover, 22.8 x 17.6 cm, green buckram, black and red vignette and black lettering to front cover, pp.: [1-2], 3-98 [2], last page colophon; collated 8vo: 1-68 72, total 50 leaves plus 7 leaves of two-colour chromolithograph plates, incl. frontispiece, after Сергiй Адамович, extraneous to collation; b/w initials and in-text vignettes; yellow block type at the beginning and at the end of the story; purple ink library stamp to pp. 1 (t.p.) and 99: 2-а ИЗЮМСЬКА | МIСЬКА ДИТЯЧА | БIБЛIОТЕКА || in frame and ink ms number 17794. Title-page (red and black): МАРКО ВОВЧОК | Маруся | Оповідання | {vignette} | ДЕРЖАВНЕ ВИДАВНИЦТВО ДИТЯЧОЇ ЛIТЕРАТУРИ УССР | Київ | 1959 || Print run: 34,000 copies. Translation to Ukrainian from Russian. Contributors: Марко Вовчок [Marko Vovchok; Марія Олександрівна Вілінська] (Ukrainian, 1833 – 1907) – author. Сергiй Адамович [Serhii Adamovych] (Ukrainin, 1922 – 1998) – artist. The French version of the Ukrainian name Маруся —> MAROUSSIA. The French version of the book: LIB-2674.2021; another copy of the Ukrainian edition (1943): LIB-3136.2023. Other variants of the author's name Марко Вовчок: Markowovzok and Marko Vovtchok.  
  • Hardcover volume, 35 x 26 cm, bound in pictorial paper boards with a lettered label to front cover, black lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket, pictorial endpapers, pp.: [1-5] 6-787 [788], 1028 colour ils., trilingual edition (English, German, French). Title-page (red and black): LUIGI FICACCI | ISTITUTO NAZIONALE PER LA GRAFICA, ROME | Giovanni Battista | PIRANESI | Catalogue of the Complete Etchings | Gesamtkatalog der Radierungen | Catalogue raisonné des eaux-fortes | TASCHEN || Contributors: Luigi Ficacci (Italian, b. 1954) – author. Giovanni Battista [Giambattista] Piranesi (Italian, 1720 – 1778) – artist.
  • Hardcover volume, 311 x 235 mm, bound in blue cloth, gilt lettering to spine, olive endpapers, pictorial dust jacket with text to flaps, pp.: [i-xi] xii-xvi, [1] 2-245 [246 blank], plus 19 leaves of plates and 4 leaves of captions, extraneous to collation (169 leaves total). Title-page: MARBLED | PAPER | ITS HISTORY, TECHNIQUES, | AND PATTERNS | With Special Reference to the Relationship of | Marbling to Bookbinding in Europe and | the Western World | RICHARD J. WOLFE {publisher’s device} | UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS | Philadelphia || Imprint: Copyright © 1990 by the University of Pennsylvania Press | All rights reserved | Printed in Japan | Second printing 1991 || Frontispiece: A Publication of the | A. S. W. ROSENBACH FELLOWSHIP | IN BIBLIOGRAPHY || Wolfe, Richard J. (American, 1928 – 2017)

    Rosenbach Fellowship in Bibliography

  • Phaedri, Aug. Liberti Fabularum Aesopiarum libri V / notis illustravit in usum serenissimi principis Nassavii David Hoogstratanus. Accedunt ejusdem opera duo indices, quorum prior est omnium verborum, multo quam antehac locupletior, posterior eorum, quae observatu digna in notis occurunt. — Amstelaedami : Ex Typographia Francisci Halmae, MDCCI [1701]. — pp.: [1] title, [1] (portr.), [32] 160, [84], 18 leaves of plates. Vita Phaedri is written by Johannes Schefferus (February 2, 1621 – March 26, 1679). Appendix fabularum is written by Marquard Gude (Gudius) (1 February 1635 – 26 November 1689). Gaius Julius Phaedrus was a 1st-century CE Roman fabulist and the first versifier of a collection of Aesop's fables into Latin. David van Hoogstraten (Rotterdam, March 14, 1658 - Amsterdam, November 21, 1724), a physician, poet and linguist, annotated the fables and dedicated them to Johan Willem Friso van Oranje-Nassau (14 August 1687 – 14 July 1711). The book was published in Amsterdam by François Halma (Langerak, January 3, 1653 - Leeuwarden, January 13, 1722), a Dutch printer, publisher and bookseller, with a portrait of Prince of Orange-Nassau, engraved by Pieter van Gunst (Dutch, Amsterdam 1659–1724) after Bernard Vaillant (Dutch, Lille 1632–1698 Leyden). The title page was engraved by P. Boutats after Jan Goeree (Dutch, Middelburg 1670–1731 Amsterdam). The edition is adorned throughout with 18 plates, each with 8 médaillons, designed and engraved by Jan van Vianen (Dutch, 1660–1726), and with vignettes, head- and tailpieces, inhabited initials, etc. Contemporary vellum over boards, title in red and back, red edges, 4to, 26 x 20 cm. Seller's description:
    4to, engraved general title, letterpress red & black title page with allegorical engraved vignette. 18 full-page copper-engraved plates by Jan van Vianen, each featuring six circular images, and 38 in-text reproductions, engraved decorative initials, and head- and tailpieces. Phaedrus (15 BC - 50 AD, Italy), was a "Roman fabulist, the first writer to Latinize whole books of fables, producing free versions in the iambic metre of Greek prose fables then circulating under the name of Aesop." (Ency. Brit.). This deluxe edition was specially created for the Prince of Nassau, profusely illustrated with fine engravings. Dibdin spoke highly of it in his Greek and Latin Classics (4th edition): "I have always considered this as a correct and very sumptuous edition. It is ornamented with a great number of small plates, or medallions, in which the subject of the fable is very ably and spiritedly executed.
    Ref.: Metropolitan Museum; Musée Médard      
  • Title: AN | ESSAY | CONCERNING | HUMANE UNDERSTANDING, |—| In Four BOOKS. |—| Written by JOHN LOCKE, Gent. |—| The Third EDITION. |—| Quam bellum est velle confiteri potius nescire quod nes- | cias, quam ista effutientem nauseare, atque ipsum sibi | displicere! Cic. De Natur. Deor. l. I. |—| LONDON: | Printed for Awnsham and John Churchil, at the Black | Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, and Samuel Manship, at the | Ship in Cornhill, near the Royal Exchange, 1695. Collation: [π2]-b6, a-c4, B-Z4 Aa-Zz4 Aaa-Fff4 Ggg-Iii2 Pagination: [40] 1-407 [13]. Catalogue raisoné: The works of John Locke; a comprehensive bibliography from the seventeenth century to the present. Compiled by John C. Attig. Series: Bibliographies and Indexes in Philosophy, Number 1. Greenwood Press, Westport, CT & London, England, 1985. p. 42, №230 provides for pagination [40] 407, [13]p. Page by page reprint of 1694 edition. Regarding the epigraph on t.p.: The correct citation from CICERODe Natura Deorum: "Quam bellum erat, Vellei, confiteri potius nescire, quod nescires, quam ista effutientem nauseare atque ipsum sibi displicere." [How delightful it would be, Velleius, if when you did not know a thing you would admit your ignorance, instead of uttering this drivel, which must make even your own gorge rise with disgust!] This life-time edition was presented as a gift to Dr Elisha Atkins (1949 – 2019), professor at Yale University School of Medicine, on July 1st, 1967, by his students, namely Carolyn Wells [Bush] (1923 – 2013), John Mooney (now a psychiatrist in Boston), and Charles Dinarello. Size: 32 x 23 cm Binding: Fill modern morocco, panelled and ruled gilt, raised bands, gilt in compartments, red label with gilt lettering; in a slipcase.
  • Title: Ю. И. МАСАНОВ | В МИРЕ | ПСЕВДОНИМОВ, | АНОНИМОВ | И ЛИТЕРАТУРНЫХ | ПОДДЕЛОК | Под редакцией и со вступительной статьей | П. Н. БЕРКОВА | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО ВСЕСОЮЗНОЙ КНИЖНОЙ ПАЛАТЫ | МОСКВА • 1963 || Frontispiece: ИСТОРИКО- | ЛИТЕРАТУРНЫЕ | И | БИОГРАФИЧЕСКИЕ | ОЧЕРКИ Pagination: [1-6] 7-318 [2], errata slip; 15 leaves of plates. Collation: 8vo; [1]8 2-208. Binding: 22.0 x 18 cm, hardcover; publisher's tan cloth, gilt arabesque to front board, brown labels with gilt lettering to spine; pictorial DJ. Масанов, Юрий Иванович (Russian, 1911 – 1965). Берков, Павел Наумович (Russian, (1896 – 1969).
  • First MGM edition, original maroon cloth, front and spine panels stamped in gold with decorations and lettering, partially darkened, wrap-around dust-jacket, chipped and torn near the head of spine with some loss, small chip and larger closed tear to lower panel. Photoplay edition. Film tie in edition for the 1926 French silent film which does not exist at this time in a full version. The front and rear panels depict scenes from the film. Bleiler (1978), p. 161. Not in Reginald (1979; 1992). Pagination: [2] – blank / advert., [2]  – t.p. / coloph., [4] –advert.  / editor's note, [2] – advert. / blank, [13] 14-251 [252: printer's imprint] [2] – blanks, note: [first and last leaves used as front and rear paste-downs]. Dimensions: 17 x 10.7 cm. Publisher: The Readers Library Publishing Company Ltd. (London). Publishing Year: 1927 (not indicated). Description of Shapero Rare Books, London: An attractive copy from this popular series of film editions, notable for their use of actors and scenes from the film version in question on the wrap-around dust-jacket, and sometimes photographic plates. A number of the film-makers involved were exiles from the Russian Revolution of 1917. The film's art direction was by Eduardo Gosch (Russian, American, 1890 – ?), César Lacca, Alexandre Lochakoff (Russian, French, fl. 1918–1939), Vladimir Meingard and Pierre Schild [Lakka Schildknecht] (Russian, Spanish, 1897 – 1968) who recreated the atmosphere of mid-nineteenth century Tsarist Russia. “Jules Verne has written no better book than this, in fact, it is deservedly ranked as one of the most thrilling tales ever written." Leonard S. Davidow, Classic Romances of Literature, 1937.