Hardcover volume, 25.2 x 20.5 cm, in a double slipcase 26.3 x 21.5 cm; black boards on cloth spine, front board with pasted photocollage in colour, first leaf thick verge paper different to the rest of the edition; top margin red, text printed on cream laid paper without a watermark and adorned with 14 in-text lithographs in black. A suite of 20 coloured lithographs 245 x 195 mm in the inner slipcase. Plates by Berthomme Saint-André. Pagination: [2] blanks, [3-8] 9-100 [101] blank, [2] colophon, limit. [2] blanks. Title-page (red and black): A. DE M. | GAMIANI | ou | deux nuits d'excès | Édition Réalisée | par les soins | et au profit exclusif des | « Vrais Amateurs Romantiques » | (Groupement de bibliophiles) || Limitation: № 1 – on Tonkin à la forme paper with two sets of plates, on Tonkin and one on Arches, printed in colour and in black, etc.; № 2 – similar but with the earlier state of one suite of plates; №№ 3-52 on Arches verge with plates on Tonkin; №№ 53-127 on Arches verge with plates on the same; №№ 128-227 on Rives with the suites on paper watermarked “Japon”; №№ 228-672 on Rives with the suites on the same; 25 copies marked A-Z of which A-J on Arches vergé and suites on Tonkin, and K-Z on Rives. Altogether 697 copies, of which this is copy № 27. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 1650, p. 187-8; honesterotica.com. with a partially different set of in-text illustrations. Alfred de Musset (French, 1810 – 1857) – author. Louis Berthomme Saint-André (French, 1905 – 1977) – artist.
Three hardcover volumes, in-12mo, 16.2 x 10.6 cm each, uniformly bound in quarter brown cloth over marbled boards, all margins marbled, gilt lettering to spine; plus an oblong volume of similar binding, 24.5 x 39.5 cm, with 88 engraved plates by Riepenhausen after Hogarth (83 pp, unnumbered). Catalogue raisonné of William Hogarth's engravings, published by Carl Armbruster in Vienna and Dieterichsche Buchhandlung in Göttingen. A detailed explanation of Hogarth's prints divided in 14 parts. Vol. 1.
- C. G. Lichtenberg’s Ausführliche Erklärung der Hogarthischen Kupferstiche, mit verkleinerten Copien derselben von Carl Rahl. Erste Lieferung. Wien, 1818. Bey Chr. Kaulfuß und C. Armbruster. Gedruckt bey Anton Strauß. [i-v] vi-xxxvi, [1-3] 4-136, plus engraved t.p.
- C. G. Lichtenberg’s Ausführliche Erklärung der Hogarthischen Kupferstiche, mit verkleinerten Copien derselben von Carl Rahl. Zweite Lieferung. Wien, 1818. Bey Chr. Kaulfuß und C. Armbruster. Gedruckt bey Anton Strauß. [i-iii] iv-viii [2] 11-207 [1 blank], plus engraved t.p.
- C. G. Lichtenberg’s Ausführliche Erklärung der Hogarthischen Kupferstiche, mit verkleinerten Copien derselben von Carl Rahl. Dritte Lieferung. Wien, 1818. Bey Chr. Kaulfuß und C. Armbruster. Gedruckt bey Anton Strauß. [i-iii] iv-vi [3] 10-215 [1 blank], plus engraved t.p.
- C. G. Lichtenberg’s Ausführliche Erklärung der Hogarthischen Kupferstiche, mit verkleinerten Copien derselben von Carl Rahl. Vierte Lieferung. Wien, 1818. Bey Chr. Kaulfuß und C. Armbruster. Gedruckt bey Anton Strauß. [1-5] 6-180 [1 blank], plus engraved t.p.
- C. G. Lichtenberg’s Ausführliche Erklärung der Hogarthischen Kupferstiche, mit verkleinerten Copien derselben von Carl Rahl. Fünste Lieferung. Wien, bey Carl Armbruster 1819. Gedruckt bey Anton Strauß. [1-3] 4-144, plus engraved t.p.
- C. G. Lichtenberg’s Ausführliche Erklärung der Hogarthischen Kupferstiche, mit verkleinerten Copien derselben von Carl Rahl. Sechste Lieferung. Mit zufåßen nach den schriften der englischen Erflårer. Wien, bey Carl Armbruster 1819. Gedruckt bey Anton Strauß. [i-iii] iv-x [2] 13-100, plus engraved t.p.
- C. G. Lichtenberg’s Ausführliche Erklärung der Hogarthischen Kupferstiche, mit verkleinerten Copien derselben von Carl Rahl. Siebente und achte Lieferung. Mit zufåßen nach den Schriften der englischen Erflårer. Wien, bey Carl Armbruster 1820. Gedruckt bey Anton Strauß. [1-8] 9-191, plus engraved t.p.
- C. G. Lichtenberg’s Ausführliche Erklärung der Hogarthischen Kupferstiche, mit verkleinerten Copien derselben von Carl Rahl. Neunte und zehnte Lieferung. Mit zufåßen nach den Schriften der englischen Erflårer. Wien, bey Carl Armbruster 1823. Gedruckt bey Anton Strauß. [1-7] 8-168, plus engraved t.p.
- C. G. Lichtenberg’s Erklärung der Hogarthischen Kupferstiche, mit verkleinerten aber vollständigen Copien derselben von E. Riepenhausen. Eilfte Lieferung mit zufåßen nach den schriften der englischen Erflårer. Göttingen in der Dieterichsche Buchhandlung 1809. [1-3] 4-81 [82 blank].
- C. G. Lichtenberg’s Ausführliche Erklärung der Hogarthischen Kupferstiche, mit verkleinerten aber vollständigen Copien derselben von E. Riepenhausen fortgefeßt vom Berausgeber der fechsten Lieferung mit Benußung der englischen Erflårer. Zwölfte Lieferung. Göttingen in der Dieterichsche Buchhandlung 1816. [i-iii] iv [1-3] 4-76.
- J. P. Lyser’s Ausführliche Erklärung der Hogarthischen Kupferstiche, mit verkleinerten aber vollständigen Copien derselben von E. Riepenhausen. Dreizehnte Lieferung Göttingen in der Dieterichsche Buchhandlung 1833. [i-v] vi-xii, [1-3] 4-117 [118].
- Dr. le Petit’s Ausführliche Erklärung der Hogarthischen Kupferstiche, mit verkleinerten aber vollständigen Copien derselben von E. Riepenhausen, Berausgeber Karl Gutzkow. Vierzehnte Lieferung. Göttingen in der Dieterichsche Buchhandlung 1835. [i-iii] iv-xvi, [1-3] 4-132.
Softcover volume, 19.5 x 14.3 cm, olive French flapped wrappers, glassine dust cover, printed on laid paper (Hollande), outer and bottom margins untrimmed, some pages uncut; pagination: [2] blank, [i-iv] h.t./limit., t.p./blank, v-viii, 1-196 [197] [5], total 212 pages plus frontispiece; head- and tailpieces and in-text stencil-coloured etchings after Chéripoulos. Title-page (olive and black): LE ROMAN | DE | VIOLETTE | {vignette} | A LA ROYNE DE CYTHÈRE | SODOME | 1920 || Limitation: Cet ouvrage, achevé d'imprimer le cinq Janvier Mil Neuf Cent Vingt à trois cents exemplaires dont vingt-cinq exemplaires sur Japon Impérial contenant chacun un dessin original de Chéripoulos, numérotés de un à vingt-cinq; deux cent soixante-quinze exemplaires sur papier de Hollande, numérotés de vingt-six à trois cents; en plus cinq exemplaires de collaborateurs marqués de A à E. Le présent exemplaire porte le numéro 72. Edition: Printed on the 5th of January 1920 in 305 copies (№№ 1-25 on Japon Impérial, №№ 26-300 on Hollande, A–E for collaborators). Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 2339, p. 350. Contributors: Henriette de Mannoury d'Ectot [Henriette Nicolas Le Blanc] (French 1815 – 1899) Charles Auguste Edelmann [Chéripoulos] (French, 1879 – 1950).
Hardcover, white lettered boards, pictorial DJ, pp.: [1-8] 9-359 [360 blank].
ISBN: 9789004191464.
Description: One volume, collated 4t0, 27.3 x 20 cm, bound in contemporary quarter black chagrin, gilt ornaments and lettering to spine (reliure à l'époque romantique), marbled end-papers; printed on wove paper (vélin fort). Title-page (red): UN | AUTRE MONDE | TRANSFORMATIONS, VISIONS, INCARNATIONS | ASCENSIONS, LOCOMOTIONS, EXPLORATIONS, PÉRÉGRINATIONS | EXCURSIONS, STATIONS || COSMOGONIES, FANTASMAGORIES, RÈVERIES, FOLATRERIES | FACÉCIES, LUBIES || MÉTAMORPHOSES, ZOOMORPHOSES | LITHOMORPHOSES, MÉTEMPSYCHOSES, APOTHÉOSES | ET AUTRES CHOSES | PAR GRANDVILLE | [device] | PARIS | H. FOURNIER, LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR | RUE SAINT-BENOIT, 7 | M DCCC XLIV Pagination: ff, [2] half-title in red / imprim., [2] blank / frontis. in black, [2] title page in red / blank, [1] 2-295, [1] explication and erratum, bf, illustrations. Collation: 4to, (1)-(37)4 with frontispiece, 133 woodcut vignettes, 15 full-page black woodcuts, and 36 hand-coloured plates. Catalogue raisonné: Carteret (p. 285) describes the book as 'in-8', but the collation is actually in quarto (in-4, or 4to) with series signed in Arabic numerals. Ray (French): p. 275-7. The publication is anonymous, however, Grandville reveals the author's name (that's Taxile Delord) on the vignette on p. 292 at the bottom of the plate (under ICI).
Казанова Д. Истрия моей жизни. — М.: Моск. рабочий, 1991. — 734 с. Составление, вступительная статья, комментарии А. Ф. Строева. Перевод И. К. Стаф, А. Ф. Строева, 1990. ISBN: 5—239—00590—7 Original title: Giacomo Casanova. Histoire de ma vie.
Half-title: BARON MUNCHAUSEN Title: THE TRAVELS | AND | SURPRISING ADVENTURES | OF | BARON MUNCHAUSEN. | ILLUSTRATED WITH | THIRTY-SEVEN CURIOUS ENGRAVINGS, | FROM | THE BARON'S OWN DESIGNS, | AND FIVE WOODCUTS, | BY G. CRUIKSHANK. | [device] | LONDON : WILLIAM TEGG. | 1869.|| [RASPE, Rudolf Erich]. The Travels and Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen. / Illustrated with 37 curious engravings, from the Baron's own designs, and five woodcuts, by G. Cruikshank. — London: William Tegg, 1869. Pagination: xii + [10] + 268 pp, 23 plates: hand-coloured engraved frontispiece, 5 woodcuts by Cruikshank, other b/w etchings, two folding plates. Binding: 19 x 13 cm; hardbound, 8vo, early 20th century 3/4 dark plum morocco gilt-ruled, raised bands, title label, gilt lettering, gilt in compartments, top edge gilt. Catalogue raisonné: A. Cohn: #584, p. 172. This edition is an identical re-issue of the 1867 edition.
Half-title: THE CONNOISSEURS LIBRARY | GENERAL EDITOR : CYRIL DAVENPORT | […] | ENGLISH COLOURED BOOKS || Title: ENGLISH | COLOURED BOOKS | BY | MARTIN HARDIE | [device: THE CONNOISSEURS LIBRARY] | METHUEN AND CO. | 36 ESSEX STREET | LONDON || Dedication: TO MY WIFE | LOVE’S LABOUR : LOVE’S GIFT Pagination: ffl [i, ii] – h.t. / blank, [2] – blank / frontis. In colour, [iii, iv] – t.p. / First Published in 1906, [v, vi] – dedication / blank, vii-xxiv; 1-339 [340] bfl; 27 sheets of plates, colour and b/w. Collation: 8vo; a8 b4 A-X8 Y2. Binding: Hardcover, 26.3 x 19 x 5.7 cm; red cloth, blind-stamped with repeated fleuron, gilt floral designs and lettering in the frame to front cover, elaborate gilt floral design and lettering to spine; top margin gilt, other untrimmed, some pages uncut; plates w/guards. Printed on laid paper. Printed in Scotland by T. and A. Constable, at the Edinburgh university press. Contributors: Martin Hardie (British, 1875 – 1952) – Author Cyril Davenport (British, 1848 – 1941) – Editor of the series Sir Algernon Methuen (British, 1856 – 1924) – Publisher Thomas Constable (British, 1812 – 1881); Archibald Constable (British, 1774 – 1827) – Founders of the Publishing House "T. and A. Constable".
ATLAS | SHRUGGED | AYN RAND | {Publisher's device} | RANDOM HOUSE | NEW YORK || Pagination: [2] - h.t. / advert., [2] – t.p. / colophon, [2] – dedication / blank, [2] – contents / cont., [1, 2] ¬ f.t. / blank, [3] 4-1168 [1169] blank, [1170/71] about the author [1172] blank, two blank leaves. Original green cloth with gilt lettering, black label with gilt lettering and publisher device to spine; top margin green, lateral margin untrimmed. Stated first edition, first printing. Original dust jacket with $6.95 printed price and 10/57 code present on the front flap.
Title: AN ESSAY | ON THE | PRINCIPLE OF POPULATION; | OR, | A VIEW OF ITS PAST AND PRESENT EFFECTS | ON | HUMAN HAPPINESS; | WITH | AN INQUIRY INTO OUR PROSPECTS RESPECTING THE FUTURE | REMOVAL OR MITIGATION OF THE EVILS WHICH | IT OCCASIONS | BY T. R. MALTHUS, A. M. | Late Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, and Professor of History and Political Economy in the East-India College, Hertfordshire. | IN THREE VOLUMES. | VOL. I. [or II. or III.] | THE FIFTH EDITION, | WITH IMPORTANT ADDITIONS. | LONDON: | JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE-STREET. | 1817. || Pagination and collation: Vol. 1: ffl, [i, ii] – t. p. / imprint., [iii] iv-xvi, [1] 2-496, bfl; A-Z8 2A-2I8. Vol. 2: ffl, [i, ii] – t. p. / imprint., [iii]-iv – contents, [1]-2-507 [508], bfl; [A]2 B-Z8 2A-2I8 2K6. Vol. 3: ffl, [i, ii] – t. p. / imprint., [iii]-iv – contents, [1]-2-500, bfl; [A]2 B-Z8 2A-2I8 2K2. Binding: Three volumes printed on wove paper, uniformly bound in quarter brown polished calf, blind-ruled, black label, ruled and lettered in gilt to spine, green buckram boards; 22.2 x 13.5 cm. Edition: 5th edition, corrected with a new preface, an updated appendix of Malthus’ responses to his critics, and addition of several chapters to the whole: on France, England, and on the poor laws. Lifetime edition. Ref.: Einaudi 3670; Goldsmiths’ 21761; Kress B.6974; Mattioli 2210. Printed by W. Clowes: William Clowes Ltd. (London). Clowes, William (British, 1779 – 1847). Malthus, Thomas Robert (British, 1766 – 1834). Murray, John (British, 1737 – 1793) Murray, John II (British, 1778 – 1843) John Murray (publishing house)
26 x 18 cm, black cloth, white lettering to cover and spine, pictorial DJ, pp. [1-4] 5-207 [208 colophon], 233 b/w illustrations; essay by Wilhelm M. Busch.
Cover: Ch. Virmaitre | LES | VIRTUOSES | DU | TROTTOIR | {publisher’s device} | PARIS | P. LEBIGRE-DUQUESNE, ÉDITEUR | 16, RUE HAUTEFEUILLE, 16 | 1868 || Title: Similar. Imprint: De Rouge Frères, Dunon et Fresné (Paris). Pagination: [1-7] 8-161 [162], [2] – table, [2] – advert., [14]; 90 leaves total; publisher’s cream wrappers with red lettering in double frame. Collation: 12mo in 6th; [1]-136, 1412. Charles Virmaître (French, 1835 – 1903).
Half-title: АКАДЕМИЯ НАУК СССР | Литературные памятники | {serial device} || Title page: ФЕОФРАСТ | ХАРАКТЕРЫ | ПЕРЕВОД, СТАТЬЯ И ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ | Г. А. CТРАТАНОВСКОГО | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО «НАУКА» | Ленинградское отделение | Ленинград | 1974 || Frontispiece: ΘΕΟΦΡΑΣΤΟΥ | ΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΕΣ Pagination: [1-5] 6- 123 [124]. Collation: 8vo; [1]-68, 76, 88 (total 62 leaves); signed ¼7, ½7. Binding: publisher’s serial green wrappers, lettering on a scroll. Contributors: Theophrastus [Θεόφραστος, Theόphrastos, Теофраст, Феофраст] (Greek, c. 371 – c. 287 BC) – author. Стратановский, Георгий Андреевич (Russian, 1901 – 1986) – translator.
Cover and title, in green and black: VINGT CONTES | DE BOCCACE / TRADUITS DE L’ITALIEN |PAR | ANTOINE LE MAÇON | ILLUSTRATIONS DE | BRUNELLESCHI | {vignette} | GIBERT JEUNE | LIBRAIRIE D’AMATEURS | 61, BOULEVARD SAINT-MICHEL, 61 | PARIS || Pagination : [4] 1-165 [7] with 19 black head- and tailpieces, plus 16 colour plates extraneous to collation, incl. frontispiece, printed by J. Dumoulin and stencil-coloured (au pochoir) by E. Charpentier after gouache and watercolour drawings by Umberto Brunelleschi, plus 2 blank flyleaves; total 106 leaves. Limited edition of 3,000 copies, this is № 1630. Printed by Louis Malexis at Imprimerie J. Dumoulin, Paris (H. Barthélemy, director) on May 28, 1941. Binding: 20.5 x 13.5 cm, publisher’s pictorial wrappers, vignettes and lettering to front wrapper and spine, publisher’s device to back wrapper. Contributors: Giovanni Boccaccio (Italian, 1313 – 1375) – author Antoine Le Maçon (French, c. 1500 – 1559) – translator Umberto Brunelleschi (Italian, 1879 – 1949) – artist Joseph Dumoulin (French, 1875 – 1953) – printer The first, 2-volume limited edition (2,500 copies) of Les Contes de Boccace Decameron (les cinq premières journées, les cinq dernières journées) was published by Gibert Jeune, Librairie d’Amateurs in 1934 with 70 black and 32 colour designs after Brunelleschi – see [LIB-2813.2021]. Description of the stensil (au pochoir) technique.
Title (chain border): CANDIDE | VOLTAIRE | ILLUSTRATIONS BY | MAHLON BLAINE | {vignette} | NEW YORK | Illustrated Editions Company | 220 FOURTH AVENUE || Title verso: (top) COPYRIGHT, 1930, BY WILLIAMS, BELASCO & MEYERS || (bottom) PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | BY J. J. LITTLE & IVES COMPANY, NEW YORK || Pagination:[1-7] 8-144, headpiece, frontispiece and 5 plates after Blaine’s pen drawings, within the pagination; tailpieces by A. Zaidenberg. Binding: 21 x 14 cm; quarter beige buckram over blue cloth, stamped-gilt and red lettering and vignette to front board and spine. Binding in a way similar to Sterne's A sentimental journey published by Three Sirens Press in c. 1930 [LIB-2784.2021]. Not only that: tailpieces in this Illustrated Editions Company edition are the same as in Cameo Classic edition, with the only difference – here the name of the artist is stated, whether in the Cameo Classic it is not; see [LIB-2777.2021]. Bear in mind that Cameo Classic does not belong to Williams, Belasco and Meyers, it is a Grosset and Dunlap series; a cream dust-jacket lettered in red and blue, and with a citation from W. Somerset Maugham; all edges red. Compare with LIB-2791.2021. Illustrations in the current copy are exactly the same. Compare Williams, Belasco and Meyers Candide and Illustrated Editions Company Candide title pages: Arouet, François-Marie [Voltaire] (French, 1694 – 1778)– author. Woolf, Herman Irwell [Chambers, Dorset] (British, 1890 – 1958) – translator. Blaine, Mahlon [Hudson, G. Christopher] (American, 1894 – 1969) – illustrator. Zaidenberg, Arthur (American, 1902 – 1990) – illustrator. Williams, Belasco and Meyers (NY) – copyright holder. Illustrated Editions Company (1929-1942) – publisher. J. J. Little & Ives Company (NY) – printer. See the Cameo Classic reprint [LIB-2777.2021].
Engraved title: The | Costume | of the | Empire of Russia | {copper horseman vignette} | signed under: Printed for E. Harding at the Crown and Mitre Pall Mall || English title: COSTUME | OF THE | RUSSIAN EMPIRE, | ILLUSTRATED BY UPWARDS OF | SEVENTY RICHLY COLOURED ENGRAVINGS. | DEDICATED BY PERMISSION TO | HER ROYAL HIGHNESS | THE | PRINCESS ELIZABETH. | LONDON: | PRINTED BY T. BENSLEY, BOLT COURT, FLEET STREET; | FOR JOHN STOCKDALE, PICCADILLY. | 1811. || Paper: thick wove paper, the leaf with “Copper Horseman” watermarked J. Whatman 1808; the French title – Edmeads & Co 1809, E2 – E & P 1807, plates are not watermarked [NYPL: An “1803” copy of The Costumes of the Russian Empire has watermarks from 1796 (W Elgar), 1809 (Edmeads & Co), 1811, 1813 (J. Whatman), 1818, and 1829]. Collation: 4to; (1) engraved title by E. Harding (“Copper Horseman” monument of Peter the Great), (2) English title, (3) French title, (4) Dedication to her Royal Highness the Princess Elizabeth by E. Harding (1803), (5) Contents —> π5 a2 B-S4 T2, all second leaves in all quires but C and T signed “2”, 77 leaves total, unpaginated, plus 72 plates (34.5 x 25.5 cm), stipple and line engravings, hand-coloured, by John Dadley after William Alexander. Binding: 36 x 27 cm, straight-grain green morocco, blind-stamped palmette border withing gilt-stamped palmette border to boards, raised bands decorated in gilt, gilt in compartments, two brown morocco labels with gilt lettering, brown endpapers, 2 additional flyleaves at front and back, AEG. Authorship and artistic work are attributed to Alexander and Dadley, but not signed. 1st edition in 1803 was published by William Richard Beckford Miller (British, 1769 – 1844). Catalogue raisonné: Tooley (1906): p. 151. Contributors: William Alexander (British, 1767 – 1816) – artist, author. John Dadley (British, 1767 – 1817) – engraver. Thomas Bensley (British, 1759 – 1835) – printer. John Stockdale (British, 1750 – 1814) – publisher. Edward Harding (British, 1755 – 1840) – publisher of 1803 edition (author of dedication) Princess Elizabeth of the United Kingdom (British, 1770 – 1840) – dedicatee.
Title-page: GRAHAM GREENE | DOCTOR FISCHER | OF GENEVA | or | THE BOMB | PARTY | {publisher’s device} | THE BODLEY HEAD | LONDON SYDNEY | TORONTO || Green publisher’s cloth with gilt lettering to spine, cream dust jacket, lettered on front, back and spine, unclipped (£4.50 NET | IN U.K. ONLY), [1-8] 9-139 [140] + 2 blank leaves. Printed by Clowes Ltd. (Beccles). © Graham Greene 1980. Dust jacket design by Michael Harvey. Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991).
Description: Two volumes, collated 4to, usually described as 12mo, 16.5 x 10.5 cm each, uniformly bound in full calf, bordered in gilt with a triple-fillet over blind dentelle, flat spine ornamented in gilt with two crimson labels, gilt dentelle inside, blue marbled endpapers with previous owner bookplate to front pastedown in each vol.: "W. E. A. MACDONNELL. | NEW HALL | Co. of Clare.", and a ticket in a blue border “162”. Illustrated by T. Bewick after J. Thurston with frontispiece portrait of Robert Burns, numerous woodcut endpieces and a total of 14 full-page woodcut vignettes throughout. Title-page: THE | POETICAL WORKS | OF | ROBERT BURNS; | WITH HIS LIFE | ORNAMENTED WITH | ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD BY MR. BEWICK | FROM ORIGINAL DESIGNS BY MR. THURSTON. | — | IN TWO VOLUMES. | VOL I. (VOL. II.) | — | ALNWICK: | Printed by William Davison. | SOLD BY THE BOOKSELLERS IN ENGLAND, SCOTLAND | AND IRELAND. | – | 1808. || Vol. 1: Collation: π3 (1st blank, engraved frontispiece portrait of R. Burns, t.p.), a2 b-e4, A-Z4, 2A-2E4 (2E)4 (last two blank); total 137 leaves, numerous endpieces and 9 woodcut plates by Thomas Bewick after John Thurston within collation. Pagination: [2 blank] [i-v] 6 (i.e. vi) xlii [43-45] 46-268 (265-268 marked 263–266, respectively, [4 blank]; total 274 pages, of which 6 blank (pagination by Hugo: xlii, 297, 26), full-page plates opposite to pp. 73, 82, 106, 127, 141, 178, 192, 213, 219. Vol. 2: Collation: π5 (1st blank, t.p., 3 leaves of contents), A-B4 (C omitted) D-Z4, 2A-2G4 (2H omitted) 2I2 2K-2M4 2N1 χ2; total 138 leaves, numerous endpieces and 6 woodcut plates by Thomas Bewick after John Thurston within collation. Pagination: [2 blank] [i-iii] iv-xi (v marked vii, viii marked ix), 12-270 (16 marked 17, 76 marked 67, 84 marked 86, 96 marked 90, 112 marked 110, 203-207 marked 205-209, 220-224 marked 222-226), [4 blank]; total 276 pages, of which 6 blank (pagination by Hugo: xii, 320), full-page plates opposite to pp. 11, 40, 70, 191, 221. Catalogue raisonné: Hugo (1866): № 230, v. 1, p. 92-93; according to Hugo, the year 1808 was not stated, the number of pages in each volume is different to my copy. Provenance: Colonel William Edward Armstrong-Macdonnell (Irish, 1858 – 1883) of New Hall, Ennis, County Clare, Ireland (presumed). Contributors: Robert Burns (Scottish, 1759 – 1796) – author. Thomas Bewick (British, 1753 – 1828) – engraver. John Thurston (British, 1774 – 1822) – artist. William Davison (British, 1781 – 1858) – printer/publisher.