• Title-page: COLETTE | L'INGÉNUE | LIBERTINE | ILLUSTRÉ DE VINGT POINTES SÈCHES ORIGINALES EN COULEURS | DE P.-E. BÉCAT | GEORGES GUILLOT, ÉDITEUR | 7, RUE PERRONET | PARIS (VIIe) || French flapped wrapper in a blue double slipcase with dark blue and gilt lettering to spine, 29.5 x 24 x 8 cm, in-folio, leaves 28.5 x 22.5 cm, unbound, with 20 coloured drypoint engravings, with tissue-guards, with 77 initials and tailpieces by Marie Monnier. Limited edition of 420 copies, of which this is copy № XXVII, one of 45 copies marked with Roman numbers and reserved for the artist and collaborators. Printed on November 1st, 1947. Pagination: [16] 1-215 [216] [6], 238 pages (119 leaves) total, incl. plates. Moderate foxing. Contributors: Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette [a.k.a. Colette] (French, 1873 – 1954) Paul-Émile Bécat (French, 1885 – 1960) Marie Monnier (French, 1894 – 1976) Solange et Georges Guillot – publishers. Georges Girard – printer, typography. Manuel Robbe – printer, drypoint engravings.
  • Description: Bound in brown ¾ morocco over marbled boards by R. et R. Mativet (ink stamp to ffep verso), collated 4to, 26.4 x 20.7 cm, raised bands, gilt arabesque and lettering to spine, original glossy pink pictorial wrappers preserved, marbled endpapers, bookplate to front pastedown “ML”, to front fep “EX-LIBRIS | Jacques | Crépineau”; A.L.s. of Marcel Vertès pasted to one of the feps: "Biblis [6] rue Jacques Callot. Cher Monsieur Le Bodo, Voudriez-vous avoir l’amabilité et de céder un exemplaire de « Dimanche » à M. Risler à un prix très réduit? Merci d’avance. Bien à vous, Vertès". Jean Le Bodo – abord gérant de la Librairie Biblis (20, rue du Vieux-Colombier, Paris 6e), et en 1946, libraire au Livre de France, Paris 16e; Risler – probablement Jean-François Risler (1910-1952), fils d’un pianiste Joseph-Édouard Risler (1873 – 1929). Title-page: DAISY FELLOWES | Les | Dimanches | de la | Csse de Narbonne | ILLUSTRATIONS | DE | VERTÈS | ÉDITIONS DE France | 20, AVENUE RAPP, PARIS || Collation: 1 blank, front wrapper, π4 (2 blanks with A.L.s. pasted to the 2nd, h.t., t.p.), 1-244 χ4 (table, colophon, 2 blanks) back wrapper, 1 blank; total 104 leaves within the wrappers, numerous in-text and 7 full-page prints after drawings by Marcel Vertès, within collation. Pagination: [8] [1-2] 3-191 [192] [8], total 208 pages, ils. Limitation: printed on June 25, 1935 by Coulouma (Argenteuil) under the direction of H. Barthélemy, 20 copies (№1-20) on Japon blanc super-nacré + two suites, 80 copies on Japon a la forme (№21-100) + one suite, 900 (№101-1000) on Vélin blanc. This is copy № 598. Catalogue raisonné: Vokaer (Vertès) № 34, p. 15. ProvenanceJacques Crepineau (French, 1932 – 2017). Contributors: Daisy Fellowes [Marguerite Séverine Philippine Decazes de Glücksberg] (French, 1890 – 1962) – author Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist.
  • Description: One volume, 27 x 21 cm, collated 4to, bound in ¾ red morocco over marbled boards, raised bands, gilt in compartments, gilt lettering to spine, marbled endpapers, publisher’s wrappers and spine preserved, T.E.G. Title-page: ALFRED MACHARD | – | PRINTEMPS | SEXUELS… | L'EPOPEE AU FAUBOURG‎ | Des anges ? Non. | Des petit d’hommes… | LITHOGRAPHIES DE | JEAN AUSCHER | PARIS | ‎ÉDITIONS M.-P. TRÉMOIS | 43, AVENUE RAPP | – | 1928 || Collation: 1st blank, front wrapper, 3 blanks, π5 (h.t./limitation, t.p./copyright, dedication, Freud, Rimbaud), 1-214, 2 blanks, back wrapper, spine, last blank; total 94 leaves between the wrappers, and 10 plates extraneous to collation, incl. frontispiece – chromolithographs by Jean Auscher. Pagination: [6 blanks] [1-10] 11-175 [176] [2 colophon] [4 blanks], total 178 pages, ils. Limitation: Print run limited to 352 copies, one № 0 unique on Japon paper, enriched; one № 00 on Japon paper, enriched; 15 copies marked A-O on Japon paper, enriched; 35 copies on Hollande Van Gelder, enriched with one suite in black, № I-XXXV; 300 copies on vélin d’Arches, № 1-300, of which this copy is № 127. Colophon: Printed on April 20, 1928; text by Coulouma (Argenteuil), plates by Mourlot Frères (Paris). Contributors: Alfred Machard (French, 1887 – 1962) –author. Jean Auscher (French, 1896 – c. 1950) – artist.
  • Softcover, in pictorial flapped wrappers, 28 x 21.8 cm, 26 entries, with colour illustrations, some folding. Catalogue # 7 of the sales exhibition on March 25 - April 1, 2003 in NY; pagination: [1-3] 4-90 [2], ils., some folding. Contributor: Sebastian Izzard
  • Description: One volume 22.8 x 25.4 cm, in contemporary gilt-ruled brown half morocco over green buckram boards, spine with raised bands, gilt in compartments, lettered in gilt, marbled endpapers, all edges marbled, printed in sanguine; pp. [6] [1-3] 4-234 [4], 36 blank leaves ruled red, 12 blank leaves; total 170 leaves; 35 mounted marbled paper samples on 10 sheets. Title-page: THE PROGRESS | OF THE MARBLING ART | FROM | TECHNICAL SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES | BY JOSEF HALFER | WITH A SUPPLEMENT ON THE | DECORATION OF BOOK EDGES | Translated by Herman Dieck, Philadelphia {gothic} | BUFFALO, N. Y. | LOUIS H. KINDER | 1893 || Edition: 1st American edition (and first edition in English) after two editions in Budapest (Austro-Hungary) in 1884 and 1890. Contributors: Josef Halfer (Austrian, 1846 – 1916) – author. Herman Dieck (American, fl. 1883 – 1896) – translator. Louis H. Kinder (American, 1867 – 1938) – publisher.  
  • Description: softcover, 16.5 x 13 cm, in wrappers, white lettering on blue panel to front: “C. ВАРШАВСКИЙ  Б. РЕСТ | СЫН | ОТЕЧЕСТВА | — | ВОЕНМОРИЗДАТ  1942”. Pagination: [2] 3-71 [72]; collated 8vo: [1]-48 54, total 36 leaves. Title-page: СМЕРТЬ НЕМЕЦКИМ ОККУПАНТАМ! | БИБЛИОТЕКА КРАСНОФЛОТЦА  | C. ВАРШАВСКИЙ, Б. РЕСТ | СЫН | ОТЕЧЕСТВА | {publisher’s device} |—| ВОЕННО-МОРСКОЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО НКВМФ СОЮЗА ССР | МОСКВА • 1942 || Another copy: LIB-3083.2022. Contributors: Сергей Петрович Варшавский [Sergei Varshavsky] (Russian-Jewish, 1906 – 1980) – author. Б. Рест (Юлий Исаакович Шапиро (Russian-Jewish, 1907 – 1984) – author.  
  • One volume collated 8vo, 19 x 14 cm, bound in black alligator leather. Front wrapper  (green) / title-page (white): A female figure smoking a pipe next to a beer mug, reclining over an arch ring lettered “…VERSITÉ” (UNI… not shown), her dress ribbon lettered “MUSA STUDIORUM”, holding a book lettered “SCIENTIA”; within the arch « ALMANACH | CROCODILIEN | DÉDIÉ | AUX ÉTUDIANTS BELGES. | BIBLIOTHÈQUE | DE LA JEUNESSE MUSULMANE. »; below lies a book lettered “1856.”, next to it is a smoking skull; three male figures embracing the arch columns. Half-title: ALMANACH CROCODILIEN | POUR | L’ANNÉE BISSEXTILE, MAIS NÉANMOINS DE GRACE | 1856. || Pagination: [1-5] 6-14 [15-41] 42-134 [137] 138, total 136 pages within the wrappers, original publisher's green wrappers preserved, carte de visite ‘Félicien Rops, Étudiant’ and pink invitation card № 129 for ‘Bal des femmes’ on March 19, 1892 at ‘Fête annuelle du Courier Français’ bound in; in-text woodcuts, initials, head- and tail-pieces after Félicien Rops. Bookplate “Ex Libris Marcellus Schlimovich” with motto “Ars naturam adiuvat” on front pastedown. Stamp of the "Sociedad Hebraica Argentina / Coleccion M. Schlimovich / Varios / No. 2-492” to half-title. Pencil inscription to half-title: "Ex. Félicien Rops" – possibly an own copy of the artist. Collation: π2 1-88 92, total 68 leaves within wrappers. Printer: Typ. de J. Vanbuggenhoudt (Bruxelles). Sociedad Hebraica Argentina; Marcelo Schlimovich (Argentine-Jewish, ca. 1880 – 1960) – provenance. Félicien Rops (Belgian, 1833 – 1898) – artist.
  • Hardcover, 26.2 x 20.3 cm, quarter blue cloth over pictorial boards, pictorial endpapers, collated in-8vo, 1-58 64, pp.: [2] 3-87 [88], total 44 leaves with in-text woodcuts plus 8 leaves of colour plates (14 illustrations printed on both sides) and colour frontispiece (blank recto) after Gustave Doré. The story was written by Rudolf Erich Raspe in English and published anonymously in book form in Oxford in 1786 under the title Baron Munchausen's Narrative of his marvellous travels and campaigns in Russia, etc. The French translation from German of Gottfried August Bürger was performed by Théophile Gautier and published by Charles Furne in Paris in 1862 with illustrations after Gustave Doré – 158 wood engravings, including a frontispiece, 1 vignette on the title, 31 full-page plates and 125 vignettes in the text). Korney Chukovsky retold the Raspe story in Russian using the Būrger-Gautier version of the text, changing the order, time, and location of events. In addition, artist Yuri Syrnev (Ю. А. Сырнев) coloured Dore's woodcuts, and the book was born (first edition in 1928). Title-page (black and yellow earth): Э. РАСПЭ | ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЯ | {vignette} | МЮНХАУЗЕНА | С ИЛЛЮСТРАЦИЯМИ | ГУСТАВА | ДОРЭ |  • | ДЛЯ | ДЕТЕЙ | ПЕРЕСКАЗАЛ К.ЧУКОВСКИЙ | • | ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО ДЕТСКОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ | НАРКОМПРОСА РСФСР | Москва 1945 Ленинград || Colophon: Для младшего возраста | РАСКРАСКА ВКЛЕЕК, ТИТУЛ И ОБЛОЖКА | худ. Ю. Сырнева | Издание десятое || Edition: 10th Russian edition thus. Print run: 11,000 copies. Contributors: Rudolf Erich Raspe (German, 1736 – 1794) – author. Korney Chukovsky [Корней Иванович Чуковский, Николай Корнейчуков] (Russian, 1882 – 1969) – translator. Gustave Doré (French, 1832 – 1883) – artist. Юрий Аркадьевич Сырнев (Russian, 1905 – 1943) – artist. Fictional author: Baron Munchausen [Baron Münchhausen] / Karl Friedrich Hieronymus von Münchhausen (German, 1720 – 1797).  
  • One volume in-4o, 26.5 x 21 x 4 cm, bound by Durvand (signed) in tan quarter morocco over marbled boards, spine with raised bands and gilt lettering, top margin gilt, marbled endpapers, publisher’s wrappers preserved; enriched with 39 original prints after Félicien Rops. Collation: 2 blanks, π5 (original front wrapper ‘Canicule’/blank, 2 blanks, h.t./justification, t.p/blank), 1-294 301 (paginated 1-233 [234]) χ1 (advert.) plus frontispiece (photographic seated portrait of Félicien Rops, collotype, artist unknown) and 39 leaves of bound-in original prints by various printers on different papers, with tissue guards; back wrapper and original spine, 2 blanks; loosely inset a marriage invitation for Dr Robert Fasquelle and Mlle Suzanne Luneau with a partial list of prints, incl. page numbers. Title-page (red and black): Études sur quelques Artistes originaux | — | FÉLICIEN ROPS | par | CAMILLE LEMONNIER | {fleuron} | PARIS | H. FLOURY, ÉDITEUR1, Boulevard des Capucines, 1 | – | 1908 || Limitation: 125 copies with two original plates «Canicule» and «Seule» numbered 1-125, of which 100 copies on Japon à la forme, 25 copies on papier de Chine; plus 50 copies on papier vélin with one coloured plate «Canicule», numbered 126-175, printed by Edmond Deman in Brussels. Our copy is on dense wove paper (vélin), without a number. Photographs here represent the original prints only. Camille Lemonnier (Belgian, 1844 – 1913) – author. Félicien Rops (Belgian, 1833 – 1898) – artist. Henri Floury (French, 1862 –1961) – publisher. Edmond Deman (Belgian, 1857–1918) – printer. Lucien Durvand (French, 1852 – 1924) – bookbinder.
  • Paperback volume, 25.7 x 18.6 cm, brown embossed wrappers with framed Japanese characters along the outer margin, pictorial dust jacket with series design (black lettering and vignette in silver border to wrappers, black lettering on silver to spine); pp: [1-6]: h.t./frontis. (colour plate pasted in), t.p./imprint, contents/blank), 7-32 text, 33-96 (59 plates w/captions). Title-page (in frame): MASTERWORKS OF UKIYO-E | EARLY PAINTINGS | by Muneshige Narazaki | English adaptation by Charles A. Pomeroy | {publisher’s device} | KODANSHA INTERNATIONAL LTD. | Tokyo, Japan & Palo-Alto, Calif., U.S.A | {vertical between rules 初期 浮世絵} || Series: Masterworks of ukiyo-e, № 1. Contributors: Muneshige Narazaki [楢崎 宗重] (Japanese, 1904 – 2001) – author. Charles A. Pomeroy (American, b. 1930) – adaptation.  
  • Hardcover volume, 35.3 x 27 cm, bound in grey cloth, blind stamped characters to front, brown characters to spine, in a glassine dust jacket, in a double slipcase, the outer case pictorial paper over cardboard, 36 x 28 cm, pp.: [4] [1] 2-88 (plates with photographs of 129 items), [2] 91-108 [3]. Seto ware [瀬戸焼] (Seto-yaki) – ceramics produced in and around the city of Seto in Aichi Prefecture. Yellow seto [黄瀬戸] (Kiseto) – a yellow glaze seto ware. Black seto [瀬戸黒] (Setoguro) –  a black glaze seto ware. 日本の陶磁 – Japanese ceramics, series title. Contributors: Yasunari Kawabata [川端 康成] (Japanese, 1924 – 1972) – author. Tetsuzo Tanikawa [谷川 徹三] (Japanese, 1895 – 1989) – author. Seizo Hayashiya [林屋晴三] (Japanese, 1928 – 2017) – editor. Chūōkōron-sha [中央公論社] – publisher.
  • Three 8vo volumes, 20.8 x 13.8 cm each, uniformly bound in brown cloth with gilt lettering and embossed design to front and spine; v. 1: [1-4] 5-537 [3], total 540 pages plus frontispiece, two-colour woodcut portrait, by Ivan Nikolaevtsev; v. 2: [1-6] 7-537 [3], total 540 pages; v. 3: [1-6] 7-620 [4], total 624 pages. Waterstain throughout the third volume. Title-page (red and black): Марко Вовчок | СОБРАНИЕ СОЧИНЕНИЙ | ТОМ ПЕРВЫЙ (ВТОРОЙ, ТРЕТИЙ) | {fleuron} | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО «ИЗВЕСТИЯ» | Москва | 1957 || Opposite t.p. (red and black): Марко Вовчок | СОБРАНИЕ СОЧИНЕНИЙ | В ТРЕХ | ТОМАХ | {fleuron} | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО «ИЗВЕСТИЯ» | Москва | 1957 || Half-title (red and black): БИБЛИОТЕКА КЛАССИКОВ | ЛИТЕРАТУР | НАРОДОВ СССР | | {fleuron} || Imprint: Вступительная статья А. Белецкого. Подготовка текста и примечания С. Машинского. Print run: 30,000 copies. Contributors: Марко Вовчок [Marko Vovchok; Марія Олександрівна Вілінська] (Ukrainian, 1833 – 1907) – author. Other variants: Markowovzok and Marko Vovtchok. Олександр Іванович Білецький  [Александр Иванович Белецкий] (Ukrainian, 1884 – 1961) – author/preface. Семен Иосифович Машинский (Ukrainian, 1914-1978) – author/editing and comments. Иван Григорьевич Николаевцев (Ukrainian, 1902–1960) – artist.  
  • Hardcover, 23 x 17 x 4.7 cm, burgundy buckram, bevelled boards, blind geometrical design with a gilt medallion at the centre, gilt lettering and blind design elements to spine, text in frame, all edges red; pp.: [i-v] vi-xvi, [1] 2-494, [2 advert.], [1] 2-32 advert.], collation 4to: a-b4, B-3R4, a16. Title-page (red and black, in red frame): A HISTORY | OF | CARICATURE & GROTESQUE | {gothic letters} In Literature and Art. | By THOMAS WRIGHT, Esq., M.A., F.S.A., | Hon. M.R.S.L., &c.; | Corresponding Member of the Imperial Institute of France | (Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres). |{double rules} | WITH | ILLUSTRATIONS FROM VARIOUS SOURCES, | DRAWN AND ENGRAVED BY | F. W. FAIRHOLT, Esq., F.S.A. | {double rules} | {gothic letters} London : | VIRTUE BROTHERS & CO., 1, AMEN CORNER, | PATERNOSTER ROW. | 1865. Contributors : Thomas Wright (British, 1792 – 1849) – author. Frederick William Fairholt (British, 1814 – 1866) – artist/engraver. Virtue Brothers & Co. (London) – publisher/printer.
  • [Michael Hoyer]. Vita B. Ioannis Chisii a Maciaretto, ord. ermit. s. p. Augustini. — Antverpiæ, Apud Henricum Aertssens, Anno MDCXLI [1641]. Pagination: [2] *3+recto unpag. *4+recto unpag., [10], 5-135 [3]. Illustrations: Frontispiece missing, 4 copperplate engravings (pp. 22, 64, 90, and 120) by Pieter de Jode the Younger (1606–1674, Flemish printmaker, draughtsman, painter and art dealer) after Erasmus Quellinus the Younger (1607–1678, Flemish painter, engraver, draughtsman and tapestry designer). Size: Pott 8vo (15.5 x 10 cm), vellum binding. Expanded title: Vita Beati Ioannis Chisii, a Maciaretto, Ordinis Eremitarum Sancti Patris Augustini. [Translation: Life of Blessed Giovanni Chigi from Maciaretto, Order of Hermits of St. Augustine]. Blessed Giovanni Chigi (1300 - 1363) [1] was a lay brother of the Order of Hermits of St. Augustine. The Chigi family is a Roman princely family of Sienese extraction descended from the counts of Ardenghesca. The earliest authentic mention of them is in the 13th century, with one Alemanno, counsellor of the Republic of Siena. The Wikipedia article does not mention Giovanni Chigi, however, it states that one of the Chigi, Cardinal Fabio Chigi, was elected pope as Alexander VII at the Conclave of 1655. The book was published in 1641 with a dedication to the said Cardinal Fabio Chigi before he was elected pope. The town, Maciaretto, where Giovanni Chigi was from, is unclear because there is no such place in modern Italy, and there are two places called Macereto: (1) Macereto Alta/Basso in Perugia province and (2) Macereto in the municipality of Visso, in the province of Macerata, region Marche. I assume that our Giovanni Chigi was from the one that is closer to Siena, i.e. Macereto in Perugia province. Regarding the author. There is no author's name in the book. However, in various sources, the book is mentioned as written by Michel Hoyer, who was born in Hesdin, Flanders in 1593 and died in 1650. He pursued an ecclesiastical career and professed rhetoric at the College of Saint Pierre in Lille. He later joined the Order of Saint Augustine, in the convent of Ypres, and settled in various schools in the Netherlands. His reputation attracted many students, among them Albert Rubens (1614–1657), the eldest son of Peter Paul Rubens and Isabella Brant. Michel Hoyer wrote several books, the most known is Flammulae amoris, S.P. Augustini versibus et iconibus exornatae: Surprisingly, there is only limited information about Michel Hoyer in Spanish Wikipedia; other language versions of his biography do not exist. Another author mentioned in the book is some anonymous Augustinian from Cologne. Regarding the illustrations. In our copy, the frontispiece is missing. It was probably ripped off by some unscrupulous seller of antique prints. The image on the missing frontispiece is this: The names of the artists engraved in the bottom of the stone: E. Quellinus, delin. to the left and P. de Jode, fecit. to the right. We can infer that the other illustrations in that book are produced by the same duo. The image represents three cherubs: one with Athena's serpent in his left hand and a cardinal's hat in his right hand; another in Athen's helmet on his head and her owl beside his feet, with the staff of Mercurius (serpent-twined staff adorned with a winged hat) in his left hand, and the House of Chigi - Della Rovere coat of arms in his right hand; the third cherub depicted with the Hercules attributes - lion pelt and a  club. Regarding the publisher. Henricum Aertssens or Hendrik Aertssen, 1586-1658. Besides the other books, he published PIA DESIDERIA by Herman Hugo in 1636 [1621 french edition by Jean Cnobbartin in Antwerp in his collection LIB-1657.2018]. According to Nina Lamal [2], nothing is known about career of this publisher, besides what's said in Adresboek van zeventiende-eeuwse drukkers, uitgevers en boekverkopers in Vlaanderen / Directory of seventeenth-century Printers, Publishers and Booksellers in Flanders / Vlieger-De Wilde, Koen De (editor). The list of his publications can be seen here. Other artists who turned to the figure of Blessed Giovanni Chigi were Abraham van Diepenbeeck (painter) and Conrad Lauwers (engraver). The print is in Rijksmuseum, in Amsterdam. Here we see a more complex composition but with a clear reference to the work of Quellinus and de Jode: The cherub in Athena's helmet takes away the old coat of arms of the Chigi, and the other cherub points out to the new one, with papal symbols of St. Peter's keys, another cherub carries the papal tiara. Rijksmuseum dates the image as 1642 - 1685; most probably it is ca. 1655, when Fabio Chigi became Pope Alexander VII, and propaganda was focused on promoting his outstanding ancestor Giovanni, who died 300 years before. Giovanni Chigi is depicted here resurrected, accompanied by the archangel, and receiving the blessing from Jesus on the cross. 1 - Michael J. Walsh. A New Dictionary of Saints: East and West, p. 308. 2 - Nina Lamal. Publishing military books in the Low Countries and in Italy in the early seventeenth century in 'Specialist Markets in the Early Modern Book World', ed. Richard Kirwan, Sophia Mullins, Leiden: Koninklijke Brill, 2015, pp. 232-233.
  • Title: ДЖОЗЕФ КОНРАД |{device} | ТАЙНЫЙ АГЕНТ | • | НА ВЗГЛЯД ЗАПАДА | • |  Издание подготовил | В.М. ТОЛМАЧЕВ | Научно-издательский центр | «Ладомир» | «Наука» | Москва || Frontispiece: JOSEPH CONRAD |{device} | THE SECRET AGENT | • | UNDER WESTERN EYES || Pagination: [1-9] 10-595 [3] [2 advert.]. Binding: serial green cloth blind-stamped with a scroll adorned with gold lettering to board and spine, 22.5 x 17 cm. Original titles: [LIB-2762.2021] Joseph Conrad. The secret agent: a simple tale. — London: Methuen & Co., [1907]; [LIB-3213.2023] Joseph Conrad. The secret agent: A drama in three acts. — London, T. Werner Laurie, 1923.  
  • GEORGE CRUIKSHANK | A CATALOGUE RAISONNÉ | OF THE WORK EXECUTED | DURING THE YEARS 1806-1877 | WITH COLLATIONS, NOTES, APPROXIMATE VALUES, | FACSIMILES, AND ILLUSTRATIONS | BY | ALBERT M. COHN | Author of A Bibliographical Catalogue of the Printed | Works Illustrated By George Cruikshank, etc. | LONDON |FROM THE OFFICE OF "THE BOOKMAN'S JOURNAL" | 7 HENRIETTA STREET, STRAND, W.C.2 | 1924. Pagination: ffl, [i, ii] – h.t. / Limited edition (122 of 500), [2] – blank / frontis. lith. portrait of G. Cruikshank w/guard, [iii, iv] – t.p. / printed in G.B., [v, vi] – dedicat. / blank, vii-xvi; [1, 2] – f.t. / blank, 3-375, [376] – Imprint., bfl; 31 leaves of plates, some mounted. Binding: size 30 x 24 x 5.5 cm, hardcover, bevelled boards, original brown cloth with gilded lettering to spine. Top edge gilt, other untrimmed; printed on laid paper. To front pastedown: "Ex libris – Fred Robison Heryer" (round, 55 mm, resembles a coin, printed on heavy gold-coloured foil with embossed lettering and an image of a seated man lettered ALEXANDROY in Greek. To back pastedown: Seller's sticker "From the book of J.W.Robinson Co., Seventh & Grand, Los Angeles." J. W. Robinson Co. – a chain of department stores, established by Joseph Winchester Robinson (American, 1846 – 1891). Some Fred Robison Heryer (American, 1907 – 1992) died in Kansas.
  • Front pictorial cover: [PRISON | FIN DE | SIÈCLE] – [SOUVENIRS | DE | PÉLAGIE | PAR | E. GEGOUT | ET | CH. MALATO] – [Dessinsde | Steinlen]  – [PARIS | G. CHARPENTIER & E. FASQUELLE | ÉDITEURS | Rue de Grenelle, 11 | 1891] || Title page: GEGOUT ET CH. MALATO | PRISON | FIN DE SIÈCLE | — SOUVENIRS DE PÉLAGIE — | Illustrations de Steinlen | PARIS | G. CHARPENTIER ET E. FASQUELLE | ÉDITEURS | 11, RUE DE GRENELLE, 11 | 1891 | Tous droits réservés. || Pagination: [2] – blank / imprint, [2] – h.t. / frontis., [2] – t. p. / blank, [2] – préface, [1] 2-352 [2 blanks], wrappers, illustr. by Steinlen, paginated. Collation: 12mo ; π4 1-1912 203. Binding: 19 x 12 cm, publisher’s pictorial wrappers, block broken; bookplates pasted to verso of the front wrapper: Ex Libris NesClo, Fecit: René Versel; embossed stamp Versel to h.t. and t.p. Autograph of Ernest Gegout handwritten in black ink to half-title: Très amicalement allait à mon aimable cousin Le Roy. Ernest Gegout. Gégout, Ernest (French, 1854 – 1936) Malato, Charles (French, 1857 – 1938) Steinlen, Théophile Alexandre (Swiss-French, 1859 – 1923)
  • Title: THE NEW LIFE | OF DANTE ALIGHIERI | TRANSLATED BY | DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI | {Publisher's device} | Portland, Maine | THOMAS B. MOSHER | Mdccccv Pagination: Ffl [i-viii] ix-xii [xiii] [xiv blank], [1, 2] 3-97 [98] bfl; frontis. w/guard; Note: “This fourth edition on Van Gelder paper consists of 925 copies”. Binding: Hardcover, 18.2 x 10.2 cm, full brown morocco possibly by Sangorski & Sutcliffe, with embossed design elements, raised bands, gilt lettering to spine, TMG, other untrimmed; printed on laid paper with watermark.