Front board: CASANOVA | Erinnerungen aus | galanter Zeit | Illustriert von | F.v. Bayros | {gigniette} | BERLIN | Verlegt bei Wilhelm Borngräber || Title: Giacomo Casanova | Erinnerungen aus galanter Zeit | Mit Bildern von F.v. Bayros | Eingeleitet von | Hanns Heinz Ewers | 66. Bis 70 Tausend | — | Wilhelm Borngräber Verlag | Berlin || Pagination: [2] , [1-4] 5-557 [558] [2] + frontispice + 5 plates (photogravures). Collation: 8vo; [1]8 2-358. Size: 18.8 x 13 x 4.3 cm Binding: hardcover, quarter cloth, paper boards with vignette and lettering, gilt lettering to spine. Note: the year and the edition were not stated and could not be inferred so far, probably one of the early editions between 1911 and 1925.
Казанова Д. Истрия моей жизни. — М.: Моск. рабочий, 1991. — 734 с. Составление, вступительная статья, комментарии А. Ф. Строева. Перевод И. К. Стаф, А. Ф. Строева, 1990. ISBN: 5—239—00590—7 Original title: Giacomo Casanova. Histoire de ma vie.
Title: LETTRES DE GAMBETTA | 1868 – 1882 | recueillies et annotées par | DANIEL HALÉVY ET ÉMILE PILLIAS | ÉDITIONS BERNARD GRASSET | 61, RUE DES SAINTS-PÈRES, VIe | PARIS || Collation: 8vo; [1]8 2-428, unpaginated, (336 leaves) + 4 leaves of plates extraneous to collation, untrimmed wove paper, 587 letters, printed on the 25th of March 1938 by Floch (Mayenne); limited edition, unnumbered copy. Binding: original publisher’s pictorial wrappers, lettering to spine. Series: "Documents", pub. sous la direction de la Société d'histoire de la troisième république. Insert: Lettre Autographe Signée (LAS): Ludovic Halévy (French, 1834 – 1908). Transcript:
Mercredi, Mon cher ami, Reçois mes bien sincères et bien affectueuses félicitations. Si tu continues à marcher de ce pas tu en seras bientôt en grande situation et ce sera justice, et j’en serais bien heureux n’en doute pas. Tout à toi Ludovic Halévy
Gambetta, Léon (French, 1838 – 1882). Halévy, Daniel (French, 1872 – 1962). Pillias, Émile (French, 1905 – 1940). -
Title (black and red): М. С. ЛУНИН | — | ПИСЬМА ИЗ СИБИРИ | — | Издание подготовили | И. А. Желвакова и Н. Я Эйдельман | МОСКВА | «НАУКА» | 1987 || Pagination: [1, 2] Serial h.t. / blank, [3, 4] t.p. / imprint, [5] 6-492 [4], 1 portrait and 8 leaves of plates. Collation: 16mo; [1]16 216 38 (plates), 4-1716. Binding: serial green buckram blind-stamped with a scroll adorned with gold lettering to board and spine.
NEWSoftcover volume 185 x 135 mm, publisher’s cream wrappers with lettering and author’s portrait to front, lettering to spine; pp.: [1-6] 7-237 [238 blank] [2], total 240 pp., incl. h.t., t.p., contents, text and colophon. ISBN 2-904228-02-0. Title-page: ЕВГЕНИЙ ШВАРЦ | МЕМУАРЫ | Подготовка текста, предисловие | и примечания Льва Лосева | La Presse Libre | Paris || Contra-title: EVGENIY CHVARTZ | MÉMOIRES | Édition préparée, préfacée et annotée | par Lev Loseff | La Presse Libre | Paris || Imrprint: Titre original en russe: | EVGENIY CHVARTZ. MEMUARI | Édition préparée, préfacée et annotée | par Lev Loseff | © Edition de «La Presse Libre» | 1982 | ISBN 2-904228-02-0 || Colophon: ACHEVÉ D'IMPRIMER | LE 13 OCTOBRE 1982 | PAR L'IMPRIMERIE | DE LA MANUTENTION | A MAYENNE | N° 7993 || Contributors: Шварц, Евгений Львович [Schwartz, Evgueni] (Russia, 1896 – 1958) Лосев, Лев Владимирович [Лифшиц; Loseff, Lev] (Jewish-Russian-American, 1937 – 2009)
NEWHardcover volume 211 x 141 mm, bound in quarter black buckram over green buckram boards, gilt lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket with white lettering, ink inscriptions and paper clipping pasted to free endpaper, laid-in two newspaper clippings – January 26, 1970 and late 1950s; pp.: [1-10] [2] 3-342, plus 3 photo plates, extraneous to collation. 1st edition, 2nd printing, October 1953. Title-page: CARESSE CROSBY | THE | PASSIONATE | YEARS | {publisher’s device} | THE DIAL PRESS […] 1953 • NEW YORK || Imprint: Copyright, 1953, by Caresse Crosby | Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 52-10093 | FIRST PRINTING, MARCH 1953 | SECOND PRINTING, OCTOBER 1953 | DESIGNED BY WILLIAM R. MEINHARDT | PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY | THE HADDON CRAFTSMEN, SCRANTON, PA. Contributors: Caresse Crosby [Mary Phelps Jacob] (American, 1892 – 1970) – author. Haddon Craftsmen (Scranton, PA) – printer. The Dial Press – publisher (1923-85)
honesterotica.com: Here is what Caresse wrote about May and Frans during their time together in interwar Paris, from the copy of her autobiography which she inscribed to them with the telling inscription ‘our most passionate years with you!’: ‘Frans de Geetere came to France dragging his barge behind him, and having manoeuvered the dikes of Holland and the frontiers of Belgium and the northern waterways of France, he strode into Paris one summer evening towing his dwelling with May den Engelsen, his timid blonde bride atop of it – he on the footpath, a stout rope about his lean and muscular middle. At twenty-one with the sunburned torso, a crest of wild black curls, and snapping black eyes, Frans was a storybook character, and May, his Netherlands wife, was as frail and honey-golden as some princesse lointaine. There were two tortoiseshell kittens aboard and a hold stuffed with paintings of flowers and nudes in profusion, for Frans had come to Paris for Art’s sweet sake, not to study because he was already confident and bold, but to compete in the marketplace with the greatest artists of the day.’