Red cloth portfolio 313 x 250 mm, with gilt lettering in frame to front, contains an in-folio brochure (4 sheets folded in-half), unbound, pp. [2] 3-15 [1], plus 24 leaves of loose plates 300 x 239 mm; title page, full-length photo portrait of Pilotell by Charles Reutlinger (German-French, 1816 – 1881), autograph of the former, and a copy of his birth certificate. Printed by l'Imprimerie Union in Paris in 1970 (2nd edition). Portfolio title: AVANT | PENDANT ET APRÈS | LA | COMMUNE || Title-page: PILOTELL | Dessinateur et Communard | PAR | CHARLES FELD | LIVRE-CLUB DIDEROT – PARIS || Contributors: Pilotell [Pilotelle, Georges Raoul Eugène] (French, 1845 – 1918) Feld, Charles Léon Salomon (Jewish-French, 1919 – 1995) Imprimerie Union (Paris, 1910 – 1995)
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    A jigsaw pocket map of Paris, 763  x 1086 mm, coloured, 36 segments on a canvas base; folded size: 190 x 125 mm. A high-quality image at WikipédiA. Reference: "An extremely large 1878 pocket of Paris by A. Logerot. It covers the walled centre of Paris and its immediate vicinity, including the Bois de Boulogne and Bois de Vincennes. All streets and many important buildings are noted throughout. Colour-coded by arrondissement. All text is in French. This map was first issued by Logerot in 1859 and updated annually through the 1880s. This is the 1878 edition drawn by Ch. Smith". [Geographicus Rare Antique Maps] Label: ATELIER DE COLLAGE | de Cartes | Géographiques Tableaux etc. | PLAN | de | PARIS | AUGUSTE • LOGEROT | Quai des Augustins, 55. | (Près le Pont neuf) || Top : NOUVEAU PLAN DE PARIS DIVISE EN 20 ARRONDISSEMENTS. | Dans un rayon de 10 kilomètres. | PUBLIÉ PAR AUG. LOGEROT, ÉDITEUR. [—] PARIS, QUAI DES AUGUSTINS, 55. Bottom centre :1878, Right : IMP. MONROCQ, PARIS. Description: Entoilage beige de l’époque, 36 segments. Arrondissements, forts et fortifications en couleurs. Contributors: Logerot, Auguste (French, fl. c.1839 – c.1880) Monrocq, Jean Noël (French, 1819 – 1913) Imprimerie Monrocq (Paris)    
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    A folding pocket map of Paris, 620 x 890 mm, hand-coloured, folded size: 168 x 102 mm. A high-quality image at Wikimedia Commons. Description by seller: "Contours des arrondissements et mur des fortifications aquarellés. Les arrondissements nouvellement annexés ne sont pas reproduits à l'échelle. Avec indication en bleu des percements haussmaniens en cours. Deux panoramas gravés en marge". Label: NOUVEAU PLAN | DE PARIS, | ou Guide des Étrangers. | {Panthéon} | A Paris chez LALLEMAND Rue de Poitevins No. 6. Title: NOUVEAU PARIS [—] FORTIFIÉ 1860. || PLAN GARANTI~COMPLET | OU | LE GUIDE DAN PARIS | DRESSÉ | PAR LALLEMAND, GÉOGRPHE. GRAV. AU DÉPOT DE LA GUERRE | 1860 | A Paris Rue de Poitevins No. 6. Engraver: Dépôt de la guerre Publisher/Cartographer: Lallemand, Armand Joseph (French, c.1810 – 1871)    
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    Green paper cardboard flapped portfolio 325 x 235 mm with the pasted label "• ENTRÉE • | INTERDITE | AU | PUBLIC", contains a folded by half in-folio sheet with the title "INTERDITE | AU | PUBLIC", limitation statement "TIRÉ A 250 EXEMPLAIRES TOUS SUR JAPON IMPÉRIAL | N° 22", and a notice by Pierre Mac-Orlan; and 20 loose leaves of plates—heliogravures, printed in black, bistre, red or green on Japon Impérial laid paper ~ 275 x 210 mm, each in a passepartout 314 x 226 mm, plate marks from 63x92 to 220x277 mm. According to J.-P. Dutel № 1487, pp. 150/1, five of these prints have not been published before, while fifteen are copies of two original works by Vertés:
    • Six from Le Pays A Mon Gout: 12 etchings. — Paris: [n.p.], 1921; Limited to 550 copies.
    • Nine from L'Heure exquise: 20 pointes sèches originales. — Paris [Vienne], 1920 ; Limited to 200 copies.
    Interestingly, Michel Vokaer lists this portfolio as № 1 in his catalogue raisonné Bibliographie de Marcel Vertès (1967) and attributes it to 1920. Catalogue Raisonné: Vokaer № 1; Dutel № 1487. Text by Mac-Orlan: "Le titre est de ceux qui invitent à entrer. Derrière cette fragile barrière d'une couverture en carton toute une humanité aimable et galante se divertit selon les rythmes éternels de 'amour et du libertinage qui demeure encore la garantie de l'amour. A ceux qui suivent le mouvement artistique contemporain, il ne sera pas difficile de mettre à sa place la signature du jeune maître qui créa ces délicieuses figures de femme. Il est encore nécessaire que l'art se dérobe sous le chaste manteau pour reproduire certains gestes parmi les plus harmonieux et les plus délicats de la vie. La pensée secrète peut être interdite au public, mais il ne peut être question d'anéantir un témoignage de goût, parmi les plus merveilleux, d'une époque que l’érotisme domine, parce que c'est là une grande joie de vivre et que la joie de vivre est la rançon du sang versé. Dans ces jolis croquis, qui ne diminuent en rien la grâce et la pudeur de la femme, 'artiste a créé un document précieux. Il faut remercier le hasard qui en assemble les éléments sous une forme séduisante et qui permettra à quelques rares privilégiés d'en apprécier l'émouvante sensibilité." Google Translation: The title is one of those that invites you to enter. Behind this fragile barrier of a cardboard cover, a whole kind and gallant humanity are entertained according to the eternal rhythms of love and libertinage that remain the guarantee of love. For those who follow the contemporary artistic movement, it will not be challenging to put in its place the signature of the young master who created these delicious female figures. It is still necessary for art to hide under the chaste cloak to reproduce some of the most harmonious and delicate gestures of life. Secret thoughts can be forbidden to the public. Still, there can be no question of destroying a testimony of taste, among the most marvellous, of an era dominated by eroticism because it is a great joy of living, and the joy of living is the ransom of bloodshed. In these pretty sketches, which in no way diminish the grace and modesty of women, the artist has created a precious document. We must thank Chance for assembling the elements in an attractive form and allowing a few privileged people to appreciate its moving sensitivity Contributors: Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) Pierre Mac Orlan, a.k.a. MacOrlan, Mac-Orlan (born Pierre Dumarchey] (French,1882 – 1970), other names used: Docteur Fowler, Pierre du Bourdel, Pierre de Jusange, Sadie Blackeyes, Chevalier de X, and Sadinet. Paul Cotinaud – publisher    
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    Hardcover 470 x 305 mm, bound in 20th century by a previous owner in quarter vellum over marbled boards, 2 blank fly leaves as endpapers, in-folio, 15 laid paper leaves 450 x 290 mm, i-iv t.p., preface, 8 unpag. leaves incl. f.t. “Première partie / la myologie”, incl. 7 plates, and 5 leaves under f.t. “Deuxieme partie / l’osteologie”, incl 3 plates. A ms signed letter from a previous seller laid in: Librars & Antiquaria s.r.l., Roma, dated 17/7/83; their ticket at rear pastedown. Title-page: ABRÉGÉ | D'ANATOMIE, | ACCOMMODÉ AUX ARTS | DE PEINTURE | ET | DE SCULPTURE, | Par FRANÇOIS TORTEBAT, Peintre de l'Académie de Peinture & de Sculpture, | Et mis dans un ordre nouveau, dont la méthode est très-facile & débarrassée de toutes les | difficultés & choses inutiles, qui ont toujours eté un grand obstacle aux Peintres pour | arriver à la perfection de leur Art. | PAR DE PILES. | OUVRAGE très-utile & très-nécessaire à tous ceux | qui font profession du Dessin. | — | A PARIS, | Du Fonds de CHARLES-ANTOINE JOMBERT, | Chez {BARRIOS, l’aîné, Libraire, rue de Savoie, № 23; | MAGIMEL, Libraire, quai das Augustins, près le Pont-neuf. | — | 8. || Faux-title (1): ABRÉGÉ | D'ANATOMIE, | ACCOMMODE AUX ARTS | DE PEINTURE | ET | DE SCULPTURE | LA PREMIÈRE PARTIE (in double-rules) | CONTENANT | LA MYOLOGIE | OU DESCRIPTION DES MUSCLES, | ET LA CONNOISSANCE DE LEURS PRINCIPALS FONCTIONS. || Faux-title (2): […] DEUXIEME PARTIE (in double-rules) | CONTENANT | L'OSTÉOLOGIE | OU | LA CONNOISSANCE DES OS. || Contributors: François Tortebat (French, 1616 – 1690) – artist/engraver Roger de Piles (French, 1635 – 1709) – author Charles-Antoine Jombert (French, 1712 – 1784) – publisher
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    Hardcover, 165 x 105 mm, full tree sheepskin, flat spine with gilt bands, black calf label with gilt lettering, marbled endpapers, all margins marbled; collation: 2ffl, a4 ([i] engraved t.p., [ii] letterpress t.p., iii-vi frontis.), A-F8 a8 (i.e. G8), i.e. 60 leaves, pp.: [8] 1-79/90-106, 1-16, plus one plate (p. 106); iron gall ink ms to first rear ffl. Two parts in one volume, 1st illustrated edition, engraved t.p. and five plates, only one extraneous to collation with blank verso. Engraved title (tall ‘s’): LES | QVATRAINS | DV SIEUR | PIBRAC. Enrichis de figures. | Dedie a Monseigneur | le DAVPHIN. | A PARIS, |Chez ANTOINE ROBINOT, | en la place Dauphine au | Soleil d’Or. | 1640. || Title-page (tall ‘s’): LES | QVATRAINS | DES SIEVRS | PYBPRAC, FAVRE, | ET MATHIEV : Ensemble les Plaisirs de la Vie Rustique. | Enrichis de Figures en Taille-douce. | Dediez | A MONSEIGNEVR LE DAVPHIN | {fleuron} | A PARIS, | Chez ANTOINE ROBINOT, en l'Isle du | Palais, au Soleil d'Or, & en la Boutique | sur le Pont-neuf. | — | M. DC. XL | AVEC PRIVILEGE DV ROY. || Contributors: Guy du Faur de Pibrac (French, 1529 – 1584) – author Pierre Matthieu (French, 1563 – 1621) – author Antoine Favre (French, 1557 – 1624) – author Pierre Brébiette (French, 1598? – 1642) – engraver
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    Hardcover, 169 x 100 mm, quarter brown sheepskin over speckled paper, flat spine, gilt double fillet bands, crimson morocco label with gilt lettering, printed on French paper watermarked “FIN 1787”; two volumes in one, collated in 12mo. Tome premier: π1 h.t., A8 (A1 t.p., A2,3 Lettre de Sophie au chevalier d'Olzan), B4 C8 D4 E8 F4 G8, H4, I4; pp.: [2] [i-iii] iv-vi, [7] 8-104, plus three plates, p. 24 printed on cream wove paper,  pp. 66, 67 on blue laid paper (or pasted on such). Tome second: A8 (incl. h.t. and t.p.) B4 C8 D4 E8 F4 G8 H4 I8 K4, L4; pp.: [1-5] 6-127 [1 blank]; all three plates printed on cream wove paper; plate marked as p.68 is after p. 64, plate marked p.64 is after p. 68, plate p. 79 is on its place. Plates attributed to Louis Binet. Text is attributed mainly to Comte de Mirabeau; however, Guillaume Apollinaire, in his L’Enfer de la Bibliothèque Nationale (1913), believes that Marquis de Sentilly wrote it. Catalogue raisonné: Cohen-de Ricci 709; Dutel I A-988, p. 294. Contributors: Mirabeau, Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, Comte de (French, 1749 – 1791) Binet, Louis (French, 1744 – 1800) Seller's description: Deux parties en un volume in-12. 165 x 97 mm. Tome premier: I f. n. ch. faux-titre, 104 pp. y compris le titre avec une vignette gravée, la "Lettre de Sophie au chevalier d'Olzan" qui débute l'ouvrage est paginée en chiffres romains. Tome second: 127 pp. tout compris et 1 p. bl. 6 gravures libres non signées qui sont de Binet. Reliure de l'époque. Demi-basane brune, plats de papier coquille moucheté, dos lisse omé de deux filets dorés répétés, pièce de titre de maroquin rouge, lettres dorées, tranches jaspées. Reliure un peu frottée, coins émoussés. Quelques rousseurs. Rarissime deuxième édition de cet Émile de l'éducation sexuelle enrichie de gravures libres attribuables à Binet.
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    Set of three tablespoons and three forks of fiddle thread pattern with imperial monogram NE under crown to handle in .950 silver by Etienne Henri Sanoner (Paris), with his hallmarks:
    1. Minerva’s head with a lock of hair on the temple in an irregular octagonal frame; Paris from 1838 to 1919.
    2. E (rabbit) S in a diamond of Etienne Henri Sanoner, 79 rue Quincampoix, 75003 Paris.
    3. Grasshopper (la sauterelle) with chevron
    The set is housed in a hinged box with a blue velvet and silk insert; the outside is made of dark green chagrin and monogrammed with gilt NE under the crown on the lid; two brass swing clasps. Length of spoon, fork = 20 cm; weight spoon 64.3 g, fork 63.0 g; box 24 x 25 x 4 cm; weight of the set in box brutto 957.6 g. Provenance: Présent du couple impérial Napoléon III et Eugénie. Napoleon III [Charles Louis Napoléon Bonaparte] (French, 1808 – 1873), Eugénie de Montijo [María Eugenia Ignacia Agustina de Palafox y Kirkpatrick] (Spanish-French, 1826 – 1920). Contributors: Etienne Henri Sanoner (French, 1824 – 1868) – silversmith
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    Two volumes, 135 x 85 mm each, uniformly bound in full brown morocco with triple fillet border, flat spine with gilt fleurons and double fillet bands, gilt lettered label, interior dentelle, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt; four volumes in two, collated in 12mo. Vol. 1: pp.: [1-5] 6-100, coll.: 1-86 92;(i.e. 50 leaves); [1-5] 6-130; coll.: 1-106 115 (i.e. 65 leaves); plus two blanks in the front and at the rear, and nine plates, incl. frontispiece. Vol. 2: pp.: [1-5] 6-111 [112 blank], coll.: 14 2-96 104 (i.e. 56 leaves); [4 ht, tp] [1] 2-99 [100 blank], coll.: π2 1-86 92 (i.e. 52 leaves); plus two blanks in the front and at rear, and four plates. Title-page: FÉLICIA, | OU | MES FREDAINES. | {in rules} La faute en est aux Dieux qui me firent si folle.|  TOME PREMIER/ SECOND/ TROISIÉME/ QUATRIÈME. | —•— | A LONDRES | M. DCC. LXXVI. || Catalogue raisonné: Dutel, A-399, p. 132. Contributors: André-Robert Andréa de Nerciat (French, 1739 – 1800) – author.
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    French weekly periodical, full set for the year 1893 (53 issues), 4 leaves (8 pages) each issue, bound in green half sheepskin over green shagreen, ruled with blind dentelle, raised bands, gilt floral diamonds and gilt lettering in compartments, marbled endpapers, blank flyleaves; size 405 x 280 mm. Illustrated mainly by Théophile Alexandre Steinlen (French, 1859 – 1923), Paul Balluriau [Jean-Baptiste Balluriau] (French, 1860 – 1917) and Albert Guillaume (French, 1873 – 1942).
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    French weekly periodical, full set for the year 1896 (52 issues), 4 leaves (8 pages) each issue, bound in green half sheepskin over green shagreen, ruled with blind dentelle, raised bands, gilt floral diamonds and gilt lettering in compartments, marbled endpapers, blank flyleaves; size 405 x 280 mm. Illustrated mainly by Théophile Alexandre Steinlen (French, 1859 – 1923), Paul Balluriau [Jean-Baptiste Balluriau] (French, 1860 – 1917) and Albert Guillaume (French, 1873 – 1942).
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    Hardcover, 206 x 138 mm, quarter blue buckram over marbled paper boards, red and green calf labels with gilt lettering to spine; pp.:[2] [1-5] 6-34 (53, i.e. 35), [36], [2]; collated [1]6, 24, 34, 46 i.e. 20 leaves plus 13 leaves of plates. Bookseller ticket to front pastedown A. Aubry libraire, 18 rue Séguier, Paris. Title-page: NOTICE | DE | QUELQUES COPIES TROMPEUSES | D'ESTAMPES ANCIENNES | Extraite et traduite de l'Ouvrage intituled : | ANLEITUNG ZUR KUPFERSTICHKUNDE, PAR BARTSCH | AVEC DES ADDITIONS | PAR M. CH. LE BLANC | DE LA BIBLIOTHÈQUE NATIONALE DE PARIS. | — | ( Tiré à deux cents exemplaires. ) | PARIS | Chez l'AUTEUR, rue du Bac, 89; | Chez DEFLORENNE Neveu, quai de l'École, 16. | 1849. || Author: Charles Le Blanc (French, 1817 – 1865)
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    Hardcover, 287 x 227 mm, pictorial boards with white lettering on blue background, red endpapers, glossy dust jacket of similar design, pp.: ffl, [1-6] 7-462 [2], addenda sheet laid in, ffl; illustrated throughout in b/w and colour. Title-page: BERNARD SAUGIER | SYLVAIN SAUVAGE | 1888 – 1948 | VOYAGE AU PAYS LITTÉRAIRE | D'UN ILLUSTRATEUR | {vignette} | Chez l'auteur | rule in red || Colophon: ACHEVÉ D'IMPRIMER | SUR LES PRESSES | DE CHAZELLE IMPRIMEURS | ZONE PORTUAIRE | 39100 DOLE | JUIN 2014 | Bertrand CHAZELLE, | Ancien élève de l'École Estienne, étant directeur. | Dépôt légal N°447 || Contributors: Sylvain Sauvage [Félix Roy] (French, 1888 – 1948) Saugier, Bernard (French) Chazelle, Bertrand (French)
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    Two hardcover volumes, 205 x 160 mm each, uniformly bound in red quarter-shagreen over marbled boards, raised bands and gilt lettering to spine, original wrappers preserved, marbled endpapers, previous owner’s bookplate to front pastedown “Ex libris de Alfred de Maghellen 02”, and his initials to spine. Text printed on wove paper, red initials, top margin speckled, other trimmed roughly. La Rive Droite: [1-11] 12-278 [12], pagination includes wrappers; collated 8vo: ffl, front wrapper, π3 [1]-178 184, rear wrapper, ffl; plates within collation, i.e. 145 leaves total, excl. ffls. La Rive Gauche: [1-11] 12-290 [12], pagination includes wrappers; collated 8vo: ffl, front wrapper, π3 1-188 192, rear wrapper, ffl; plates within collation, i.e. 151 leaves total, excl. ffls. Title-page (red and black): PARIS VIEUX & NEUF | DESSINS DE CHARLES HUARD | TEXTE PAR ANDRÉ BILLY | LA RIVE GAUCHE (LA RIVE DROITE) | ❦ |  ÉDITÉ PAR EUGÈNE REY, LIBRAIRE | 8, BOULEVARD DES ITALIENS, PARIS | 1909 || Colophon: IMPRIME | SUR LES PRESSES | DE " LA SEMEUSE " | POUR | EUGÈNE REY | LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR | PARIS || Contributors: André Billy (French, 1882 – 1971) – author. Charles Huard (French, 1874 – 1965) – artist. Eugène Rey (French, 1868 – 1949) – publisher Alfred de Maghellen (French, 1871 – 1959) – provenance (bookplate)
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    Two volumes in one, 131 x 89 mm, bound in full burgundy morocco, panels ruled with triple gilt fillet, gilt filleted edges, interior gilt dentelle, flat spine with double gilt fillet bands, gilt fleurons in compartments, gilt title label and date at the foot to spine (modern pastiche binding); all edges gilt, marbled endpapers, two bookplates to front pastedown: “MK” and “Ex-libris Yves Refoulé”, the latter drawn by Georges Leone and engraved by Picard. Laid paper with a hardly legible watermark resembles Van Gelder’s beehive. Letterpress head- and tailpieces. Collation 6to: (24mo) t. 1: π3 A-L6 M5; t. 2: χ3 N-Z6 2A6, 2B5, 2 blanks, 100 plates (pl. 32 and 33 is one) within collation, but extraneous to pagination, thus uncounted — pp.: t. 1: [4] 1-48, t. 2: [4] 49-100, total 155 leaves or 310 pages, incl. plates and everything but two binder’s flyleaves at the front and two at the rear. Vigesimo-quarto, 24mo (13 x 9 cm) – typical Cazin’s book format. Title-page: LE | CABINET | DE | LAMPSAQUE, | OU | Choix d'Épigrammes érotiques des plus célebres | Poëtes François. | (in rules) TOME PREMIER/SECOND). | {fleuron putto 1/2} | A PAPHOS. | | 1784. || One hundred figures are executed by burin on a copper plate and attributed to Claude Louis Desrais (French, 1746 – 1816) or some Leclerc, who is unlikely to be Sébastien Leclerc (1637 – 1714), living 100 years earlier. The author of the text is unknown. Catalogue raisonné: Cohen p.197 – provides for 16mo; Dutel № A-171 – provides for 12mo, pagination as 1-50 and 51-100, and mentions the 1st edition in 1744, but does not provide a description of the latter. “Lampsacus was also notable for its worship of Priapus, who was said to have been born there”.
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    Two volumes, 132 x 85 mm, uniformly bound in mottled calf, panel bordered with gilt garland, flat spine richly tooled in gilt, gilt lettered black label, blue endpapers, “MK” bookplate to front pastedown, gilt-ruled edges and dentelle inside, all edges gilt, an etching on india paper laid in; text and plates printed on laid paper, with tall ‘s’. Vol. 1: Collation 18mo: A-C-E-G12 B-D-F-H6 I10(I10 blank) (i.e. 82 leaves); pp. [1-5] 6-161 [3], plus 9 plates with tissue guards, extr. to collation; and a flyleaf at the front and at the rear. Title-page: THÉRESE | PHILOSOPHE, | OU | MÉMOIRES | Pour servir à l'Histoire de D. DIRRAG, & | de Mademoiselle ERADICE. | Nouvelle édition, augmentée d'un plus | grand nombre de figures que toutes les | précédentes. | (in rules) TOME PREMIER. | {fleuron} | A LONDRES. | — | M.DCC.LXXXV. || Vol. 2: Collation 18mo: ffl, π2 A-C-E6 B-D12 (D11,12 blank) ffl (i.e. 44 leaves); pp.: [4] [1] 2-80 [4], plus 11 plates with tissue guards, extr. to collation; and a flyleaf at the front and at the rear. Title-page: THÉRESE | PHILOSOPHE, | AVEC | L'HISTOIRE | DE | MME BOIS-LAURIER. | Nouvelle édition, augmentée d'un plus | grand nombre de figures que toutes les | précédentes. | (in rules) TOME SECOND. | A LONDRES. | M.DCC.LXXXV. || Twenty plates were executed in stipple engraving by an unknown engraver after François-Rolland Elluin (French, 1745 – 1810) after Antoine Borel (French, 1743 – 1810). Elluin’s plates are executed in etching and burin, besides: pl. 2 mirror image, pl. 5 and 6 mixed up, pl. 9 here is pl. 19 in the original, pl. 12 here is pl. 9 in the original, pl. 11 is 10, pl. 10 is 11, pl. 13 is p. 12, pl. 16 is pl. 13, pl. 14 does not have clocks, p. 14 corrected by hand to 15 and it is 15 indeed, pl. 17 is pl. 16, pl. 18 is pl. 17, pl. 19 is pl. 18, woman has no hat. The edition is legitimate; however, the plates are pirated copies. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel № 1092, p. 235/6. Contributors: Boyer d'Argens, Jean-Baptiste (French, 1703 – 1771)] Borel, Antoine (French, 1743 – 1810) « Eradice » – Cadière, Marie-Catherine (French, 1709 – ?) « D. Dirrag » – Girard, Jean-Baptiste (French, 1680 – 1733) Laid in sheet — illustration to Thérèse philosopher by Félicien Rops. Microphotographs of certain plates in this edition:  
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    Three volumes, 124 x 80 mm each, uniformly bound in full marble calf, panels ruled in triple gilt fillet, board edges ruled in gilt, flat spine tooled in gilt with fleurons in compartments, burgundy calf labels lettered in gilt; marbled endpapers, text printed with tall ‘s’ on laid paper with letter “E” under fleur-de-lis watermark. Title-page: LE | MOYEN | DE | PARVENIR. | NOUVELLE ÉDITION, | Augmentée d'une Table sommaire | des Chapitres. | (in rules) Caritas inter jocosve regnat Moria. | TOME PREMIER / SECOND. | {fleuron} | A LONDRES. | — | M. DCC. LXXXI. || Collation 32mo, 1 flyleaf at the front and 1 at the rear in each vol. Vol. 1: πA6 b-e6 f2, A-Q6 R3 (i.e. 131 leaves); pp.: [i, ii] iii-lxiv, [1] 2-197 [198]. Vol. 2: π1 A-Y6, Z2 (i.e. 135 leaves); pp.: [2] [1] 2-267 [268]. Vol. 3: π1 A-Y6, Z2 2A1 (136); pp.: [2] [1] 2-270. Author: Béroalde de Verville, François (French, 1556 – 1626)
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    Two volumes, 133 x 88 mm each, uniformly bound in full tree calf, bordered in gilt garland, board edges and flat spine tooled in gilt, gilt fleurons in compartments, two crimson morocco labels to spine lettered in gilt; marbled endpapers, bookplate “MK” to front pastedown, one binder’s flyleaf in the front and one in the rear. Title-page: MÉMOIRES | DE | SATURNIN, | ÉCRITS PAR LUI-MÊME, | Nouvelle édition, corrigée & augmentée, | avec Figures. | (in rules) PREMIERE PARTIE / SECONDE PATIE [sic]. | {fleuron} | A LONDRES. | | M. DCCLXXXVII. || Collation 18mo: Vol. 1: π2 A-T6 V4 (i.e. 118 leaves); pp.: [4] 1-235 [236 blank], plus 13 plates, incl. frontispiece, extraneous to collation. Vol. 2: π2 A-M6 N4 (i.e. 76 leaves); pp.: [4] [1] 2-151 [152], plus 11 plates, extraneous to collation. Twenty-four plates were executed in etching and burin on copper plate by  François-Rolland Elluin (French, 1745 – 1810) after Antoine Borel (French, 1743 – 1810). Catalogue raisonné: Cohen 431; Dutel I № A-523, p. 166/7 ; Nordmann I № 156 (large 185 x 125 mm) Author: Gervaise de La Touche, Jean-Charles (French, 1715 – 1782) Microphotographs:  
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    Hardcover volume 129 x 84 mm boards, 123 x 76 mm block, full contemporary lavalier-glazed calf, signed DUCASTIN at spine tail, panels framed with a gold fillet and a blind frieze, flat spine decorated with gilt fillets and fleurons, roulettes at the head and tail, garnet red calf title label with gilt lettering, gilt dotted lines on the edges, interior dentelle, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt, “GERARD NORDMANN EX-LIBRIS” bookplate to front pastedown. Collation 18mo: A-O6 P5 (i.e. 89 leaves); pp.: [i-v] vi-viii [9] 10-178, plus 5 plates with tissue guards, incl. frontispiece, and one flyleaf at the front and one at the rear. Plates: It is believed the edition had only 3 plates, including the frontispiece, and two plates were added, one signed “C. p. Marillier, inv. — E. De Ghendt sculp.” Title-page: ELÉONORE, | OU | L'HEUREUSE PERSONNE. | Deuxième Édition. | — | A PARIS, | Chez les Marchands de nouveautés. | | AN VIII. || Catalogue raisonné: Dutel № A-314, p. 109 ; Nordmann II №188, p. 93. Provenance: Gustave Lehec (French, 1841 – 1922); Gérard Nordmann (Swiss, 1930 – 1992). Contributors: Clément Pierre Marillier (French, 1740–1808) – artist Emmanuel Jean Nepomucène de Ghendt (Flemish, worked in France, 1738–1815) – engraver Alexis Pierre Ducastin [Ducastaing] (French, 1785 – 1860) – binder Nordmann's description: In-18 écu (124 x 78 mm). 178 pp. A frontispiece and 2 free figures. 2 added figures, one signed after Marillier and engraved by de Ghendt. Contemporary binding signed by Ducastin. Glazed lavallière calf, double frame of the covers with a gold fillet and a blind frieze, spine decorated with gilt fillets and fleurons, roulettes at the head and tail, garnet calf title piece, gilt title, dotted lines on the edges, interior lace, marbled guards, gilt edges (some minor foxing). The second edition (very likely a fictitious mention) is of great rarity. It is decorated with a frontispiece and has engraved figures, to which two additional plates have been added. The story is the reverse of that of Tiresias: a woman is endowed by a sylph with the power to be alternately a man and a woman and to taste the pleasures of each of the two sexes. "This results in numerous and very piquant adventures; easy and graceful style" (Galitzin). MAGNIFICENT COPY, RARE IN ITS FULL STRICTLY CONTEMPORARY BINDING and signed on the back by one of the great bookbinders of the time, Pierre Alexis Ducastin (1785-1860), member of a dynasty of printers and bookbinders dating back to Henri IV. Lehec cites this copy in his Galitzin catalogue (no. 546): "...charming copy; lavalier calf stamped very rare, admirable conservation". Pia Enfer, 412; B.N. Enfer, 634.
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    Hardcover, 132 x 86 mm boards, 127 x 78 mm block, full brown mottled calf bordered with triple gilt fillet, flat spine tooled in gilt, gilt fleurons in compartments, black title label with gilt lettering, board edge tooled gilt, gilt dentelle inside, marbled endpapers, “MK” and “EX-LIBRIS • YVES • REFOULÉ” bookplates to front pastedown (the latter by Picart after Georges Leone), block of watermarked laid paper (Van Gilder?), all edges gilt; text with tall ‘s’. Title-page: L'ARETIN | FRANÇOIS, | PAR UN MEMBRE | DE L'ACADÉMIE DES DAMES. | (in rules) J'appelle un Chat, un Chat. / BOILEAU. | {fleuron} | A LONDRES. | | 1787. || Faux-t.p.: LES ÉPICES | DE VÉNUS | OU |PIECES DIVERSES | DU MÊME ACADEMICIEN. | (in rules) Les plus intolérans sont les plus vicieux. / ANONYME. | {fleuron} | A LONDRES. | | 1787. || Collation 18mo: Two ffl at front and two at rear, [a1] h.t./blank, [a2] blank/frontis. stanza, frontispiece plate with guard, [a3] t.p./blank, [a4] advert., [a5] intro/blank; after that the structure is following: recto blank/octave stanza on verso, tissue guard, plate on recto, repeated 17 times, χ1 décima stanza ‘Résumé’ (subtotal 23 leaves unsigned, unpaginated); π2 (h.t., t.p.), A-D6 E3 (subtotal 29 leaves), paginated [4] 1-53 [54], plus one plate with guard oppos. p. 8. The total number is 23+29=52 leaves plus 19 plates with tissue guard each and 4 flyleaves. Plates were executed in etching and burin on copper plates by  François-Rolland Elluin (French, 1745 – 1810) after Antoine Borel (French, 1743 – 1810). Catalogue raisonné: Fekete № 141; Dutel № A-99; Nordmann II №№ 396, 397; Eros invaincu № 3, p. 26; Cohen de Ricci pp. 89/90. Text attributed to: Nogaret, François-Félix (French, 1740 – 1831)  
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    Hardcover, 130 x 87 mm boards, 124 x 79 mm block, full mottled sheepskin, gilt-tooled flat spine, gilt fleurons in compartments, crimson morocco label lettered in gilt, board edges tooled gilt; marbled endpapers, bookseller ticket and bookplate “ GERARD NORDMANN EX-LIBRIS”; text and plates printed on laid paper. Collated 18mo: A-M6 (i.e. 72 leaves); pp.:[1-3] 4-143 [144], plus 8 engraved plates, incl. frontispiece, plus one flyleaf in the front and one in the rear. Title-page: BIBLIOTHÈQUE | DES | PAILLARDS, | CHOIX DE POÉSIES | EROTIQUES. | — | A PARIS, | Chez Madame BELLE MOTTE; | rue des Déchargeurs. | AU TEMPLE DE LA VOLUPTÉ. || Title-page: ELÉONORE, | OU | L'HEUREUSE PERSONNE. | Deuxième Édition. | — | A PARIS, | Chez les Marchands de nouveautés. | | AN VIII. || Faux-t.p.: LA | COMTESSE | D'OLONNE, | COMEDIE | DE M. DE BUSSI RABUTIN. || Table des matières. Épitre dédicatoire La Foutro-Manie Ode à Priape Quatrain du comte de Guiche à M. d'Olonne La Comtesse d'Olonne, comédie Mon testament Le Chapitre général des Cordeliers Le débauché converti La gageure, conte Étymologie de l'Aze-te-foute, conte. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel I № A-146, p. 63; Nordmann II № 90. Provenance: Gérard Nordmann (Swiss, 1930 – 1992).
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    Paperback exhibition/sales catalogue, 270 x 210 mm, publisher’s flapped wrappers, pictorial on pink background, pp.: [1-6] 7-110 [2], pages 7 to 100 are plates – photomechanical reproductions from original photographs. Limited edition of 1000 copies, 1-980 numbered, of which this is № 532. Title-page: Rudolf Lehnert | (1878 - 1948) | Ernst Landrock | (1878 - 1966) | Tunis intime | Portraits et nus 1904 – 1910 | Préface d'Hervé Le Goff | Toutes les photographies sont d'époque (Vintages) | Elles font l'objet d'une exposition du 19 septembre au 1er décembre 2007 | et seront en venteà la galerie du mardi au samedi de 14h30 à 19h30 | All pictures are vintages and are for sale at the gallery open thuesday till saturday 2,30 pm - 7,30 pm | Nicole Canet | Galerie Au Bonheur du Jour | 11, rue Chabanais - 75002 Paris - Tél. +33 (0)1 42 96 58 64 | www.aubonheurdujour.net - aubonheurdujour@curiositel.com | Métro Bourse, Palais-Royal, Pyramides || Limitation: L'édition originale de cet ouvrage est limitée à 1000 exemplaires | numérotés de 1 à 980 dont 20 exemplaires hors commerce | numérotés de H.C. I à H.C. XX | (ms) 532 || Contributors: Le Goff, Hervé (French, b. 1947) Lehnert, Rudolf Franz (Austrian, 1878 – 1948) Landrock, Ernst Heinrich (German, 1878 – 1966) Canet, Nicole (French, b. 1945)
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    Publisher’s pink wrappers 376 x 277 mm and spine preserved by being bound in ¾ red morocco over marbled boards 384 x 285 mm outlined in gilt by Semet & Plumelle (stamp to free endpaper verso); marbled endpapers, raised bands, gilt and black decorated compartments, gilt lettering to spine, top edge gilt. Collation: 2 ffl, front wrapper, half-title with autograph “A Robert … Vertès 1956” and original gouache vignette / limitation imprint, title-page in turquoise and black / blank, i-iii [iv], 1-45 [2 table/colophon], back wrapper, spine, 2 ffl, plus two sets of 12 plates by Marcel Vertès – one on laid paper (vélin) and one on wove paper (chine), and one additional lithograph on thick wove paper laid in. Limited edition of 100 copies on vellum (Papier d'Annam) №№ 1-100 and 500 copies on Vélin pur fil Lafuma №№ 101-600. This copy is № 57. For another copy in this collection without the number, see LIB-2893.2021. Title-page (turquoise and black): LES JEUX | DU DEMI-JOUR | PAR | PIERRE MAC ORLAN | {vignette} | AVEC | DOUZE LITHOGRAPHIES DE | VERTÈS | LES ARTS ET LE LIVRE | 47, RUE LAFFITTE, PARIS |  | 1926 || Imprint: EXEMPLAIRE SUR PAPIER D'ANNAM | N° 57 (signed 'Vertès' in pencil) || Colophon: LE PRÉSENT ALBUM, ACHEVÉ | D'IMPRIMER POUR LE TEXTE | PAR LE MAITRE IMPRIMEUR | COULOUMA, D'ARGENTEUIL, | H. BARTHELEMY ETANT DIREC- | TEUR, ET POUR LES LITHOGRA- | PHIES PAR DUCHATEL, A PARIS, | A ÉTÉ TIRÉ A 600 EXEMPLAIRES | DONT 100 EXEMPLAIRES SUR | PAPIER D'ANNAM (TEXTE) ET | CHINE (HORS-TEXTE) AVEC UNE | SUITE SUR VELIN BLANC, NUME- | ROTES DE I A 100 ET 500 EXEM- | PLAIRES SUR VELIN PUR FIL LA- | FUMA, NUMÉROTÉS DE 101 A 600. Catalogue raisonné: Vokaer № 9, p. 8. Contributors: Pierre Mac-Orlan (French, 1882 – 1970) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes Seller's description: Les Jeux du Demi-Jour. Avec douze lithographies de Vertès. Paris, Les Arts et Le Livre, 1926. In-folio, demi-maroquin rouge à coins, dos à nerfs finement orné, titre doré, filet doré sur les plats, tête dorée, couverture et dos conservés (Semet & Plumelle). Vignette de titre et 12 lithographies originales hors-texte de Marcel VERTÈS. Premier tirage et édition originale tirée à 600 exemplaires numérotés ; n°57 des 100 sur Annam (texte) et chine (hors texte) avec suite sur vélin blanc, enrichi d'un grand DESSIN ORIGINAL au feutre et à l'aquarelle avec envoi signé ("à Robert ...") et daté 1956.