Title: Joseph Burke and Colin Caldwell | Hogarth | The Complete Engravings | Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, New York || Pagination: [1-4] 5-30 (text), unpaginated: 128 leaves of illustrations (267 plates), 16 leaves of descriptions, folding list of plates: total number of leaves 160, incl. one folding. Exterior: 34 x 24.5 cm, hardbound; original brown cloth, silver lettering to spine, pictorial DJ. Harry N. Abrams (British-American, 1905 – 1979). Joseph Terence Burke (British, 1913 – 1992). Colin Caldwell (British, 1913 – 1989).
Title: The amorous drawings | of the | Marquis von Bayros | Part I | THE CYTHERA PRESS | NEW YORK Pagination: [1-3] 4-238 [2], 292 illustrations within pagination. Content: Preface by Wilhelm M. Busch, biography of Von Bayros by Johann Pilz, two essays by Von Bayros; 292 illustrations by Marquis Franz von Bayros; Part I and II in one volume. Exterior: 33 x 26 cm, publisher's black cloth with white lettering and fac-simile drawing of von Bayros to cover, white lettering to spine, similarly designed DJ. The original Cythera Press hardcover edition of 1968.
Title: The amorous drawings | {vignette} | of the | Marquis von Bayros | Part I | BRANDON HOUSE | NORTH HOLLYWOOD || Title page verso: A BRANDON HOUSE BOOK | PUBLISHED BY ARRANGEMENT WITH | CYTHERA PRESS | COPYRIGHT 1968 BY CYTHERA PRESS | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | MANUFACTURED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA || Pagination: [1-3] 4-238 [2], 292 illustrations within pagination. Content: Preface by Wilhelm M. Busch, biography of Von Bayros by Johann Pilz, two essays by Von Bayros; 292 illustrations by Marquis Franz von Bayros; Part I and II in one volume. Exterior: 28 x 22 cm, publisher's green wrappers with yellow lettering and fac-simile drawing of von Bayros to cover, lettering to spine. A re-print softcover edition of the original Cythera Press 1st edition, see: LIB-2246.2019
Title (black and orange): Presenting | Stefano della Bella | Seventeenths – century Printmaker | {Stefano's fac-simile} | by Phyllis Dearborn Massar | The Metropolitan Museum of Art | Distributed by New York Graphic Society || Pagination: [1-6] 7-141 [3], pp. 7-10 – introduction, 1-133 – plates with annotations, 134-140 – notes. Binding: Hardcover, brown cloth with gilt lettering to spine and a small print in orange frame pasted to front cover, pictorial DJ.
Dust jacket (black lettering, sanguine vignettes over light blue) : {vignette} | P. M. HANDOVER | PRINTING | IN LONDON | from Caxton to | Modern Times | {vignette} || Title page: PRINTING IN LONDON | FROM 1476 TO MODERN TIMES | COMPETITIVE PRACTICE AND | TECHNICAL INVENTION | IN THE TRADE OF | BOOK AND BIBLE PRINTING | PERIODICAL PRODUCTION | JOBBING &C |—| P. M. HANDOVER | M.A. F.R.HIST.S. | HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS | CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS | 1960 || Pagination: [1, 2] – h.t. / blank ; frontispiece; [3, 4] – t.p. / imprint; [5, 6] – dedication / blank; [7] 8-224, inset: 7 sheets of plates between pp. 112-113 extraneous to collation, other illustrations in text; insert: invitation card "Publication date JUL 11 1960 Handover". Collation: 8vo; [A]8 B-O8. Binding: publisher’s blue cloth, red label to spine, silver lettering, DJ.
Binding: 25. 3 x 19.5 cm, light blue cloth, black labels with gilt lettering to cover and spine. Title: Dictionary of | Victorian | Wood Engravers | {fleuron} | Rodney K Engen | Chadwyck-Healey || Pagination: frontispiece; [i-iv] v-xxi [2] 3-297 [298]. Author’s signature dated 1987 to recto frontis.
Title: HISTORY | OF | SECRET SOCIETIES, | AND OF THE | REPUBLICAN PARTY OF FRANCE | From 1830 to 1848; | CONTAINING SKETCHES OF | LOUIS-PHILLIPE AND THE REVOLUTION OF FEBRUARY; | TOGETHER WITH | PORTRAITS, CONSPIRACIES, AND UNPUBLISHED FACTS. | BY | LUCIEN DE LA HODDE. | Translated from the Paris Edition of 1850. | BY AN AMERICAN. | PHILADELPHIA: | J. B. LIPPINCOTT AND CO. | 1856. || Pagination: blank leaf, [i, ii] – ht / blind, [iii, iv] – t.p. / imprim., [v-vi] – preface / blind, [vii] viii-xv [xvi] [17] 18-479 [480], blank leaf. Collation: 8vo; [1]-308. Binding: 22.8 x 15 cm, publisher's purple blind-spamped cloth to boards, gilt lettering to spine. Lucien de la Hodde (French, 1808 – 1865). Original title: Histoire des sociétés secrètes et du parti républicain de 1830 à 1848 : Louis-Phillippe et le Révolution de février, portraits, scènes de conspirations, faits inconnus. — Paris: Julien, Lanier, 1850. Translated by John Wolcott Phelps (American, 1813 – 1885).
Black and white photographic half-length portrait of Fred Astaire [Frederick Austerlitz] (American, 1899 – 1987) in sailor's uniform, signed "Fred Astaire" in black ink. Probably, from "Following the Fleet", a 1936 American RKO musical comedy. Size: 26.2 x 20.6 cm sheet; 23.3. x 19.3 cm image. Certificate of authenticity from John Reznikoff, University Archives.
Audrey Hepburn [Audrey Kathleen Ruston] (British, 1929 – 1993) black and white head-shot in profile to right, pre-production photo testing hairstyle. "War and Peace", a 1956 epic historical drama film based on Leo Tolstoy's 1869 novel of the same name. Stamp on verso: Blue ink, in oval, "AUDREY | HEPBURN | The Personal Collection Part III | May 2018 | CHRISTIE'S || Size: 12.0 x 17.5 cm sheet; 12.0 x 16.7 cm image. Condition: small abrasion to cheek and rough lower edge. Certificate of authenticity from John Reznikoff, University Archives.
Title: THE SLEEPING | BEAUTY | TOLD BY C S EVANS | AND ILLUSTRATED BY | ARTHUR RACKHAM | LONDON WILLIAM HEINEMANN | PHILADELPHIA J B LIPPINCOTT Co || T.p. verso: LONDON WILLIAM HEINEMANN, 1920. Pagination: [1, 2] – h.t. / advert., [3, 4] – “WH” publisher’s device / frontis., [5, 6] – pictorial t.p. / publisher, year, [7, 8] – silhouette girls / Briar rose w/pasted offset ill., [9] 10-110 [2] – imprint / blank]. Collation: 8vo; B-G8, 3 double-leaf 3-colour woodcut illustrations extraneous to collation, in-text woodcuts. Illustrations: 25 full-page silhouettes, comprising 9 in colour (frontispiece and 4 double plates)--and 16 in black (including 4 double illustrations); one mounted coloured plate; silhouette head- and tailpieces and other silhouettes throughout the text, in black. Binding: Quarter cloth with black lettering, pictorial boards, pictorial endpapers. Size: 26 x 19.5. 1st edition. Inscription to h.t.: "To Dear Julia, Xmas 1947."
Hardcover volume, 24 x 18 cm, pictorial paper over cardboard boards, pictorial endpapers, and pictorial DJ; pp.: [2] – pictorial t.p. / copyrignt+imprint + [26] unpaginated pages (13 leaves); in-text photomechanical b/w and coloured illustrations after Feodor Rojankovsky. DJ and front cover (pictorial): JUST SO STORIES SERIES | RUDYARD KIPLING | THE | ELEPHANT'S | CHILD | PICTURED BY F. ROJANKOVSKY || Title-page (pictorial): JUST SO STORIES SERIES | THE | ELEPHANT'S | CHILD | RUDYARD KIPLING | ILLUSTRATED BY | F. ROJANKOVSKY | GARDEN CITY PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC., GARDEN CITY, N. Y. || Contributors: Rudyard Kipling (British, 1865 – 1936) Feodor Rojankovsky [Rojan; Фёдор Степанович Рожанковский] (Russian-American, 1891 – 1970)
Title page: Juries and the | Transformation of | Criminal Justice | in France | in the Nineteenth & Twentieth Centuries | James M. Donovan | The University of North Carolina Press Chapel Hill || Frontispiece: STUDIES IN LEGAL HISTORY | Published by the University of North Carolina Press | in association with the American Society for Legal History | Daniel Ernst & Thomas A. Green, editors || Pagination: [i-viii] ix [x] 1-262. Binding: black cloth, silver lettering to spine, pictorial DJ.
Title page: The Mathematical Theory | Of Communication | By CLAUDE E. SHANNON | and WARREN WEAVER | THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS: URBANA | 1949 || Pagination: [8] [2] 3-117 [3 blanks]. Size: 23.5 x 16 cm Binding: Publisher’s burgundy cloth, silver lettering to spine, yellow pictorial DJ with lettering: THE MATHEMATICAL THEORY OF | COMMUNICATION | {8 lines of text} {graph} | CLAUDE SHANNON WARREN WEAVER || Contributors: Shannon, Claude Elwood (American, 1916 – 2001) Weaver, Warren (American, 1894 – 1978)
Christie's Auction Catalog; Sale WALTER-15785; New York, September 26-27, 2017; Publisher's pictorial wrappers, front cover: THE COLLECTION OF | PAUL F. WALTER | NEW YORK 26–27 SEPTEMBER 2917 | {profile chest portrait of Paul F. Walter} | CHRISTIE'S || 26.8 x 21.2 x 3 cm; 662 lots, illustrations in colour and b/w, pictorial dust jacket; pp: [2] 3-462.
Paul F. Walter (American, 1935 – 2017) – "Collector. Following studies in history and history of art Oberlin College, Ohio, and Columbia University, he began to collect in the1960s, starting with prints by Whistler and moving on to the Aesthetic Movement and the Arts & Crafts in Britain, as well as the arts of the Indian subcontinent and modern American painting. He was Trustee of the Museum of Modern Art from 1992-2006, and a benefactor to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Cooper-Hewitt Design Museum, the Morgan Library and Museum, the Brooklyn Museum, the Allen Memorial Art Museum at Oberlin College, and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art."
Publisher’s pictorial wrappers: CHRISTIE'S | NEW YORK | {three book covers} | Masterpieces of Modern Literature: | The Library of Roger Rechler | FRIDAY 11 OCTOBER 2002 || Red spine with white lettering from top to bottom, multiple illustrations in colour, 26.8 x 21 x 3 cm. Pagination: [1-4] 5-451 [452]. 375 lots, prices realized handwritten next to each lot and on 6 loose leaves inserted.
Title: A CONRAD | MEMORIAL LIBRARY | THE COLLECTION OF | GEORGE T. KEATING | {Conrad's portrait in a circle} | 1929 | Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc. | Garden City, New York || Pagination: [2] – blanks, [i-vi] vii-xvi, [1-2] 3-448 [449-450], [2] – blanks, [2] – justification (501 copies printed, 425 for sale, this is № 365), verso blank, plus frontispiece – a colour portrait of sitting Mr Conrad from the painting by Walter Tittle with lettered tissue guard; the total number of pages 472; 304 items recordered and described. Binding: 27 x 19.5 cm, bevelled boards, blue cloth, white embossed head portrait of Conrad pasted to front board, spine sunned to green-yellowish, paper label with lettering to spine, top edge gilt, other untrimmed, printed on laid paper; in a black buckram slipcase with a green label to spine. Contributors: Joseph Conrad [Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski] (British-Polish, 1857 – 1924) George Thomas Keating (American, 1892 – 1976) – author Printer: R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company Richard Robert Donnelley (American, 1838 – 1899) Publisher: Doubleday, Doran & Co. Frank Nelson Doubleday (American, 1862 – 1934) George Henry Doran (American, 1869 – 1956) Tittle, Walter (American, 1883 – 1966) – artist (portrait)
The Objectivist Newsletter, vol. 1 – 1962 (12 issues), vol. 2 – 1963 (12 issues), vol. 3 – 1964 (12 issues), vol. 4 – 1965 (12 issues) / 48 issues total (complete run). — New York: The Objectivist, Inc., 1962–1965. In green buckram publisher’s springback binder with stamped THE | OBJECTIVIST | NEWSLETTER to front board in the lower right corner, with remnants of gilt. Loose inserts: two order form pamphlets with a table of contents. Pagination: 8 pages table of contents, 56 + 50 + 52 + 62, total 228 pages (114 leaves). Size: Binder 29 x 24 cm, leaves 28 x 22 cm. Contributors: Rand, Ayn [O'Connor, Alice; Розенбаум, Алиса Зиновьевна] (Russian-American, 1905 – 1982) – editor, author. Branden [Blumenthal], Nathaniel (Canadian–American 1930 – 2014) – editor, author.
Title: A SENTIMENTAL | JOURNEY | THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY | BY | LAURENCE STERNE | ILLUSTRATED BY | MAHLON BLAINE | {vignette} | Illustrated library | HALCYON HOUSE | GARDEN CITY, NEW YORK || Pagination: [1-6] – first leaf blank, h.t., t.p., 7-192, total 192 pages; frontispiece plus 4 plates within collation, and a headpiece, all photomechanical reproductions of Mahlon Blaine’s pen drawings. Binding: 20.5 x 14 cm, off-white pictorial paper boards decorated with black ivy-clad pink lattice, black lettering in a pink frame to spine, pink pictorial dust jacket with spine sunned to beige. Contributors: Sterne, Laurence (British-Irish, 1713 – 1768) – author of the text. Blaine, Mahlon (American, 1894 – 1969) – illustrator (pseudonym: G. Christopher Hudson). The Illustrated library series was started by Halcyon House, a reprint division of Doubleday Publishers, in 1950. This edition of Sterne with Blaine’s illustrations is a reprint of the same, published by Three Sirens Press of New York in 1930. Blaine's illustrations of this kind are pen drawings, not wood engravings.