//1st edition, 1st issue
  • Title page: ACROSS THE RIVER | AND | INTO THE TREES | BY | ERNEST HEMINGWAY | CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS | NEW YORK | 1950 || Pagination: [12] 1-308; total 160 leaves. Binding: black cloth, gilt Hemingway's fac-simile to front board, lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket designed by A. Ivancich; $3.00 price clipped from top of front flap. Bookplate of Feodor Rojankovsky to front pastedown. Size: 21.5 x 15 cm. Edition: 1st edition, 1st printing; DJ with yellow on spine (later copies have orange); letter “A” and the Scribner’s device to copyright page. Provenance: Rojankovsky, Feodor [Rojan; Рожанковский, Фёдор Степанович] (Russian-American, 1891 – 1970) Contributors: Ernest Hemingway (American, 1899 – 1961) – author. Adriana Ivancich (Italian, 1930 – 1983) – artist of the dust jacket (Ivancich inspired the figure of Renata in the novel). Charles Scribner's Sons – publisher.  
  • Two volumes 23.2 x 15.6 cm, uniformly bound in full polished calf by Riviere and Son (signed on fep verso), boards with triple gilt fillet border, spine with raised bands, gilt in compartments, gilt-lettered labels; dark blue endpapers, armorial bookplate of William Jennings with the motto “Honor Virtutis Premium” to front pastedown. Vol. 1: THE | ENGLISH SPY: | An Original Work | CHARACTERISTIC, SATIRICAL, AND | HUMOROUS. | COMPRISING | SCENES AND SKETCHES IN EVERY RANK OF SOCIETY, | BEING | PORTRAITS | OF THE | Illustrious, Eminent, Eccentric, and Notorious. | DRAWN FROM THE LIFE | BY BERNARD BLACKMANTLE. | THE ILLUSTRATIONS | DESIGNED BY | ROBERT CRUIKSHANK. | {vignette w/inscription: ‘By Frolic, Mirth, and Fancy gay, | Old Father Time is borne away.’ | — |  LONDON : | PUBLISHED BY SHERWOOD, JONES, AND CO. | PATERNOSTER-ROW. | – | 1825. || Collation: [a]8 b4 B-H8 I4 K2 L-Z8 2A-2E8 2F3; total 221 leaves Pagination: [i-iii] iv-xxiii [xxiv] [1-3] 4-417 [418]; total 442 pages. Illustrations: 35 coloured plates, 1 uncoloured plate, and 29 woodcuts in text, incl vignette on title, all but four by Robert Cruikshank, 1 by G. M.B rightly (p. 335), 1 by T. Wageman (p. 413), and 2 by T. Rowlandson (pp. 411 and 416) Vol. 2: THE | ENGLISH SPY: | An Original Work | CHARACTERISTIC, SATIRICAL, AND | HUMOROUS. | COMPRISING | SCENES AND SKETCHES IN EVERY RANK OF SOCIETY, | BEING | PORTRAITS | OF THE | Illustrious, Eminent, Eccentric, and Notorious. | DRAWN FROM THE LIFE | BY BERNARD BLACKMANTLE. | THE ILLUSTRATIONS | DESIGNED BY | ROBERT CRUIKSHANK. | — | VOL. II. | — | {vignette w/inscription: ‘By Frolic, Mirth, and Fancy gay, | Old Father Time is borne away.’ | — |  LONDON : | PUBLISHED BY SHERWOOD, GILBERT, AND PIPER, | PATERNOSTER-ROW. | – | 1826. || Collation: [A]-Z8 2A-2C8; total 208 leaves. [i-iii] iv-xv [xvi] [1-3] 4-399 [400]; total 416 pages. Illustrations: 36 coloured plates and 25 woodcuts in text. Catalogue raisonné: Martin-Hardie pp. 191-2; Tooley pp. 266-9; Abbey 325, pp.272-4 (see reflections regarding the ‘first issue’). Contributors: Charles Molloy Westmacott (British, c. 1788 – 1868) – author. Isaac Robert Cruikshank (British, 1789 – 1856) – artist, engraver. G. M. Brightly (British, fl. 1809 – 1827) – artist, engraver. Thomas Charles Wageman (British, 1787-1868) – artist, engraver Thomas Rowlandson (British, 1757 – 1827) – artist. Thomas Davison (British, 1794 – 1826) – printer. Sherwood, Jones, and Co. (London) – publisher. Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper (London) – publisher. William Jennings – provenance
  • Title: Life in Paris ; | COMPRISING THE | RAMBLES, SPREES, AND AMOURS, | OF | DICK WILDFIRE, | OF CORINTHIAN CELEBRITY, | And his Bang-up Companions, SQUARE JENKINS | AND | CAPTAIN O’SHUFFLETON ; | WITH THE | Whimsical Adventures of the Halibut family ; | Including Sketches of a Variety of other Eccentric Characters in the | FRENCH METROPOLIS. | BY DAVID CAREY |[Vignette]| Embellished with Twenty-One COLOURED PLATES, representing SCENES from REAL LIFE, | designed and engraved by Mr. GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. | Enriched also with Twenty-Two Engravings on Wood, drawn by the same Artist, and | executed by Mr. WHITE. | LONDON : | PRINTED FOR JOHN FAIRBURN, BROADWAY, LUDGATE HILL; | Sold by Sherwood, Neely, and Jones ; Langman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown ; and | Baldwin, Craddoc, and Joy ; Paternoster-Row ; Simpkin and Marshall, Statio- | ners’ Court ; Whittakers Ave-Maria-Lane ; Humphrey, St. James’s | Street ; and Wilson, Royal Exchange. | 1822. ||

    Edition: 1st edition in book form, 1st issue; large-paper copy bound from the parts in original blue paper boards, "most scarce" (Cohn).

    Pagination: ffl, [i, ii] – h.t. ‘LIFE IN PARIS’ / ‘MARCHANT, Printer, Ingram-Court, London’, [2] – blank / Frontispiece (Ville la Bagatelle!!) hand-coloured, [iii, iv] – t.p. with vignette / blank, [v] vi-xxiv, [1] 2-489 [490 blank], [2] – 'TO THE BINDER' and 'Marchant, Printer, Ingram-Court, Fenchurch Street' "considered indispensable to a complete copy" (Cohn) / blank, bfl watermarked 1800; 21 hand-coloured aquatints and 22 wood-engraved text vignettes; cancelled leaves 143/4 and 335/6; pinholes from printing visible in most gatherings.

    Collation: 4to; [a]-c4, B-Z4 Aa-Zz4 3A-3Q4 3R1 + [Ω]1

    Binding: Original boards sometime re-backed with red paper, binder's end leaf watermarked 1800; red hard-grained morocco clamshell box.

    Catalogue raisonné: Albert M. Cohn, 1924: № 109 p. 37/8; Abbey, J. R. (Life in England), 112; Tooley (Some English Books with Coloured Plates) 129; Hardie (English coloured books) 199.

    Description of Shapero Rare Books, London: Of the copies that have come to auction since 1975 only one has been a large-paper copy in original boards. "The pictures are extremely spirited and true and are all the more wonderful in view of the fact that the artist’s continental experiences were limited to one day spent in Boulogne." (Hardie). In 1821, the journalist Pierce Egan published Life in London, an immediate success illustrated by the Cruikshank brothers, George and Robert. In order to capitalise on this success, another journalist, David Carey, decided to publish his own Life in Paris in monthly instalments (just like Life in London) and with a very similar frontispiece to the one that appears in Egan’s work; Life in Paris, however, was illustrated only by George Cruikshank. One of the earliest and most notable examples of the work of George Cruikshank, with fine, clean plates.
  • Title-page: GRAHAM GREENE | — | A Burnt Out Case | {publisher's device} | HEINEMANN | LONDON MELBURNE TORONTO || Black buckram with silver lettering to spine, green pictorial dust jacket, unclipped (16s | NET), [2] h.t. / books by GG, [2] t.p. / copyright, [2] quotations / blank, [2] dedication to Doctor Michel Lechat; [1, 2] d.t.p. Part I / blank, 3-256. Total 264 pages. Publisher: William Heinemann Ltd. Printer: Windmill Press Ltd., Kingswood, Surrey. Copyright: © Graham Greene 1960, 1961. Wrapper design: Lacey Everett. Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991) William Henry Heinemann (Jewish-British, 1863 – 1920) Michel Lechat (Belgian, 1927 – 2014)
  • Title page: DIALOGUE AUX ENFERS | ENTRE | MACHIAVEL | ET MONTESQUIEU | OU LA POLITIQUE DE MACHIAVEL | AU XIXe SIÈCLE, | PAR UN CONTEMPORAIN. | {6 lines of citations} | ~ | BRUXELLES, | IMPRIMERIE DE A. MERTENS ET FILS, | RUE DE L’ESCALIER, 22. | – | 1864 || Description: 19 x 12.7 cm, quarter green morocco over blue marbled boards, spine with raised bands ruled in gilt, gilt fleurons in compartments, gilt lettering, marbled endpapers; three paper clippings laid in. Collation: 12mo; π5 1-2712 292; total 175 leaves. Pagination: [2] blank,  [2] h.t, [2] t.p. [i] ii-iii [iv] [1] 2-337 [338] blank [2] errata]; total 350 pages. Contributors: Maurice Joly (French, 1829 – 1878) – author. Characters: Niccolò Machiavelli (Italian, 1469 – 1527) Charles Louis de Secondat, baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu (French, 1689 – 1755) The publication was funded by the author and smuggled into France. See other copies: LIB-2913.2021, LIB-1034.2016 and LIB-0460.2015. Other related objects: SVVP-0062.2021. Seller's description: [JOLY (Maurice)]: Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu. Bruxelles, Mertens et fils, 1864 ; un volume in 12, demi-chagrin vert orné de l'époque. C'est dans ce livre que Joly écrit, au prétexte d'une discussion philosophique et politique, comment Napoléon III, selon lui, a manipulé les milieux économiques, la presse, l'opinion publique, les syndicats, les milieux ouvriers, le peuple, etc., pour établir un pouvoir politique fort, ce qui lui valut un séjour de 15 mois à la prison Sainte-Pélagie à Paris.
  • Title: MEMOIRS | OF | VIDOCQ. |THE | Principal Agent of the French Police. | WRITTEN BY HIMSELF, | AND TRANSLATED FROM THE | ORIGINAL FRENCH, EXPRESSLY FOR THIS EDITION. | WITH ILLUSTRATIVE ENGRAVINGS, | FROM | ORIGINAL DESIGNS BY CRUIKSHANK. | PHILADELPHIA: | T. B. PETERSON AND BROTHERS, | 306 CHESTNUT STREET. || Pagination: ffl, engraved frontispiece w/guard, engraved t.p., [2] t.p. / copyright, 19-580, [12], [2] 3-17 [18-30], bfl + 4 plates. Collation: 8vo; [1]8 2-358 362 + 22 leaves of advert., + frontis., t.p., 4 plates. Correct collation despite pagination starts at p. 19. Binding: Publisher's brown pebbled cloth, front stamped in blind, gilt spine lettering, yellow endpapers. Owner's ink inscription to ffl, dated 1936. Ref.: HathiTrust and OCLC identify the plates as 'by George Cruikshank' though none is signed. Authorship of Eugène-François Vidocq (French, 1775 – 1857) is doubtful too. The translator is not stated.
  • Title-page: GRAHAM GREENE | DOCTOR FISCHER | OF GENEVA | or | THE BOMB | PARTY | {publisher’s device} | THE BODLEY HEAD | LONDON SYDNEY | TORONTO || Green publisher’s cloth with gilt lettering to spine, cream dust jacket, lettered on front, back and spine, unclipped (£4.50 NET | IN U.K. ONLY), [1-8] 9-139 [140] + 2 blank leaves. Printed by Clowes Ltd. (Beccles). © Graham Greene 1980. Dust jacket design by Michael Harvey. Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991).
  • Hardcover volume, 20.2 x 14.5 cm, aubergine cloth, gilt lettering and publisher’s device to spine, aubergine top edge, aubergine dust jacket with gilt lettering and black fleuron to front, gilt lettering and black fleuron and publisher’s device to spine, and a captioned photographic portrait to back, blurb text to flaps, price ”35s net | in U.K. only” unclipped; pictorial endpapers. Pp.: [1-8] 9-445 [446] [2], collation: A-O16, total 224 leaves. Title-page (in oval frame): JOHN FOWLES | THE | FRENCH | LIEUTENANT'S | WOMAN | — | Every emancipation is a restoration of the human | world and of human relationships to man himself. | MARX, Zur Judenfrage (1844) | JONATHAN CAPE | THIRTY BEDFORD SQUARE | LONDON || Contributors: John Fowles (British, 1926 – 2005) – author. Herbert Jonathan Cape (British, 1879 – 1960) – publisher. Ebenezer Baylis & Son, Ltd. (f. 1858) – printer. The Trinity Press – printer.
  • ATLAS | SHRUGGED | AYN RAND | {Publisher's device} | RANDOM HOUSE | NEW YORK || Pagination: [2] - h.t. / advert., [2] – t.p. / colophon, [2] – dedication / blank, [2] – contents / cont., [1, 2] ¬ f.t. / blank, [3] 4-1168 [1169] blank, [1170/71] about the author [1172] blank, two blank leaves. Original green cloth with gilt lettering, black label with gilt lettering and publisher device to spine; top margin green, lateral margin untrimmed. Stated first edition, first printing. Original dust jacket with $6.95 printed price and 10/57 code present on the front flap.
  • Title-page: THE HUMAN | FACTOR | Graham Greene | {citation from Joseph Conrad, 3 lines} | {publisher’s device} | THE BODLEY HEAD | LONDON SYDNEY | TORONTO || Green publisher’s cloth with gilt lettering to spine, cream dust jacket, lettered on front, back and spine, designed by Michael Harvey, unclipped (£4.50 NET | IN U.K. ONLY), [1-8] 9-338 [339] [340 blank]. Previous owners' inscriptions to FFEP. Printed by William Clowes & Sons Ltd. (Beccles). © Graham Greene 1978. Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991).
  • Hardcover volume, 19 x 13 cm, grey cloth with gilt lettering to spine, grey/cream dust jacket lettered throughout, price “10s 6d | NET” unclipped. Covers rubbed, dust jacket has a purple ink stain on the back bottom. Black ink inscription to recto ffl. Collation: a-o8 p10, total 122 leaves; pp.: [6] 1-237 [238]. 1st edition, 1st issue / Great Britain. Title-page: THE END OF THE | AFFAIR | by | GRAHAM GREENE | {publisher’s device} | — | WILLIAM HEINEMANN LTD | MELBOURNE :: LONDON :: TORONTO || Imprint: FIRST PUBLISHED 1951 | PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN | AT THE WINDMILL PRESS | KINGSWOOD, SURREY || Dedication: To C. (Catherine Walston, nee Crompton, American, 1925 – 1978) Contributors: Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991) William Henry Heinemann (Jewish-British, 1863 – 1920)
  • ERNEST HEMINGWAY | A Moveable Feast | {Citation} | CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, | New York || Pagination: [12] – incl: advert., h.t., t.p., colophon, contents, preface, and note, [1, 2] - f.t. / blank, 3-211 [212]. Publisher’s cloth-backed stamped boards, original dust jacket. Ref.: Hanneman A31a.
  • Title-page: Graham Greene | Monsignor Quixote | {citation from Shakespeare, 3 lines} | {publisher’s device} | THE BODLEY HEAD | LONDON SYDNEY || Green publisher’s cloth with silver lettering to spine, purple glossy dust jacket, lettered on front, back and spine, designed by Michael Harvey, unclipped (£9.95 NET | IN U.K. ONLY), [1-10] 11-220 [221 text /2 blank] + 1 blank leaf. © Graham Greene 1982. Printed by: William Clowes Ltd. (Beccles) Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991).
  • A suite of 12 etchings 160 x 118 mm each, in the first state, pasted on paper, 2 per sheet, with a cover (250 x 210 mm).
    0. Cover. Les femmes de Paris pendant le siège./R.Martial/1871.
    1. Lorsqu'à l'approche de l'ennemi on demandait l'éloignement des bouches inutiles [...] 2. L'Ennemi ! 3. No inscription 4. Quête pour les veuves. 5. Concert et quête pour les enfants blessés, malades, infirmes. 6. Au bastion/Et celles non moins précieuses qui dirigeaient ces ventes [...] 7. Vente pour les orphelins de la guerre. 8. No inscription 9. Une ration, bouillie romaine et Vin/Cantine municipale[...] 10. No inscription 11. No inscription 12. Les effets de cette union patriotique des femmes sont connus.[...]
  • Title-page: A SORT OF LIFE | — | Graham Greene | — | {publisher’s device} | THE BODLEY HEAD | LONDON SYDNEY | TORONTO || Green publisher’s cloth with silver lettering to spine, aubergine dust jacket, lettered on front and spine, designed by Michael Harvey, unclipped (£1.80 NET | IN U.K. ONLY), [1-8] 9-215 [216] + 2 blank leaves. © Graham Greene 1971. Printed by: William Clowes & Sons Ltd. (Beccles). Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991).
  • Title: THE | FABLES OF ÆSOP, | AND OTHERS, | WITH DESIGNS ON WOOD, | BY | THOMAS BEWICK. | “The wisest of the Ancients delivered their Conceptions of the Deity, and their Lessons of Morality, in Fables and Parables.” | {vignette} | NEWCASTLE: | PRINTED BY E. WALKER, FOR T. BEWICK AND SON. | SOLD BY THEM, LONGMAN AND CO. LONDON, AND ALL BOOKSELLERS. | 1818. || Pagination: [2] – blank / receipt with thumbprint, [i, ii] – t.p. / blank, [iii] iv-xvi – introduction with “Auld Clouty” vignette, [xvii] xviii-xxiv – table of contents, [1] 2-376; 188 wood-engraved head-pieces to the fables and 136 other vignettes, tail-pieces, etc. Collation: demy 8vo( octavo in fours); π1 (receipt), a-c4, B-3B4; A and 2P2 unsigned. Binding: Original blue boards, rebacked, original spine laid down, with original paper spine label ("Demy Paper/Price 15 s."); wove paper, top edge trimmed, the others are not; round book-plate to front paste-down “TWM, The Whitehead Library”; in a clamshell case, also book-plated inside. Size: case: 24.2 x 16.2 cm; boards: 22.8 x 14.2 cm; 22 x 14 cm. Note from seller: First copy in boards to ever appear at auction. Edition: First edition (one of 1,000 copies printed in demy 8vo), with Bewick's thumbprint and signature in facsimile, “Demy” and “15” in manuscript on receipt (page facing title-page), variant A (with "Auld Clouty" wood-engraving at bottom of p. XVI, and with the last line in p. 248 reading "road of honour and honesty"). "According to Roscoe, demy 8vo copies were apparently the first to be issued". There is 1 copy at the University Library, Cambridge and 1 at Liverpool public libraries. Catalogue raisonné: Roscoe: pp. 155-165, 45c for Variant A [see LIB-2714.2021]; Hugo (I vol.): p. 261; Ray: p. 35; Steedman: №№ 99-104, pp. 34-35 (№ 103 for Variant A).

    Description:18.7 x 11.8 cm, quarter red morocco over marbled boards, spine with raised bands ruled in gilt, gilt lettering, marbled endpapers.

    Collation: 12mo; fep, 1 blank, π4 1-2712, 292, 1 blank, fep.; total 176 leaves. Pagination: [2] [2 h.t] [2 t.p.] [i] ii-iii [iv] [1] 2-337 [338] [2 errata] [2]. Other copies: LIB-0460.2015 and LIB-1034.2016. Other related objects: SVVP-0062.2021. The publication was funded by the author and smuggled into France. Contributors: Maurice Joly (French, 1829 – 1878)
  • DJ: Graham Greene | Travels with my aunt || Title page: TRAVELS | WITH MY AUNT | A NOVEL | Graham Greene |{publisher’s device}|  THE BODLEY HEAD | LONDON SYDNEY | TORONTO || Edition: 1st edition, 1st printing. Binding: 20.5 x 13.5 cm; publisher's green cloth, gilt lettering on spine, pictorial dust-jacket. Pagination: [1-8] 9 – 319 [320]. Collation: 16mo; [1]16, 2-1016 (total 160 leaves). Contributors: Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991) – author. Stephen Russ (British, 1919 – 1983) – DJ artist. The Bodley Head – publisher. William Clowes & Sons, Ltd. (Beccles) – printer.