Seventeen drypoint prints in purple plus one original ink sketch by Marcel Vertés (French, 1895 – 1961) – illustrations to the book by Pierre Louÿs Trois filles de leur mère, in a paper folder. Front : DIX-SEPT POINTES SÈCHES | D'UN ARTISTE INCONNU | POUR | TROIS FILLES | DE | LEUR MÈRE | {space} | AUX DÉPENS D'UN AMATEUR | NON MIS DANS LE COMMERCE || Pencil manuscript Vertés under “ARTISTE”, autograph vignette above “AMATEUR”, erased dedication inscription above “DÉPENS” À L’AMI [erased] X. Back: JUSTIFICATION DU TIRAGE | 17 EXEMPLAIRES SUR VÉLIN D’ARCHES CONTENANT | UNE SUITE DES DIX-SEPT POINTES SÈCHES EN | NOIR : UNE SUITE EN COULEURS COLORIÉE PAR | L’ARTISTE ; UN DESSIN ORIGINAL ET SA PLANCHE | DE CUIVRE ; DIX-SEPT CROQUIS ORIGINAUX | MARQUÉS A à Q. | 50 EXEMPLAIRES SUR VÉLIN D’ARCHES CONTE- | NANT UNE SUITE DES DIX-SEPT POINTES | SÈCHES ET TROIS CROQUIS ORIGINAUX | NUMÉROTÉS DE 1 à 50. | {space} | EXEMPLAIRE № {by hand} H. C. || Size : folder 28 x 17.5 cm; sketch 26.6 x 17.6 cm; prints 27.5 x 19 cm. Printed on wove paper with MBM watermark (Arches MBM Paper). Bookplate pasted to the makeshift extra folder with title: “EX-LIBRIS | Jacques | Crepineau”. Provenance: Jacques Crepineau (French, 1932 – 2017). Description by seller: [CURIOSA - VERTÈS (Marcel)]. Dix-sept pointes sèches d'un artiste inconnu pour Trois filles de leur mère. S.l. : Aux dépens d'un amateur, [1927]. — In-8, en feuilles. Dutel 2517*. Rare suite de 17 pointes-sèches libres réalisées par Marcel VERTÈS, probablement publiée par Marcel Cotinaud. Elle était destinée à accompagner l'édition originale de Trois filles de leur mère de Pierre Louÿs publiée un an plus tôt. Tirage à 67 exemplaires sur vélin d'Arches. Les épreuves sont tirées en violet. Exemplaire sans le feuillet de titre, ni celui de la justification. Il comprend un croquis original de l'artiste, non signé, ayant servi d'étude pour l'une des planches. Selon les tirages, chaque exemplaire devrait comprendre 17 croquis pour les 17 premiers, ou 3 pour les 50 autres, non n'en avons ici qu'un seul. Envoi de Vertès sur la couverture, accompagné d'un dessin original. Le nom du destinataire a été effacé. Manque la chemise et l'étui. Description by DUTEL v.3, p. 389, № 2517: In-4 (28 x 19) de 2 ff., 17 pointes sèches, étui, chemise. … publiée en 1927 probablement par Marcel Cotinaud (SV : publisher of Vertés was Paul Cotinaud)… Les planches sont tirées en violet (SV : like this one). Tirage : 17 ex. …avec une suite coloriée par l’artiste, un dessin, un cuivre et 17 croquis. 50 ex. … avec 3 croquis. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
Description: one volume, 31.3 x 23.8 cm, bound in crimson cloth with gilt lettering to spine, in a pictorial dust jacket, lettered to front: GEISHA | {image} | Beyond | the | Painted | Smile | {image} || Title-page: GEISHA | Beyond | the | Painted | Smile | edited by the | Peabody Essex | Museum | published by | George Braziller, Inc. | in association with the | Peabody Essex Museum || Pagination: 1-159 [160], ils. Contributors: Lisa Dalby, Lesley Downer, Arthur Golden, Peter M. Grilli, Money L. Hickman, Allen Hockley, Andrew L. Maske, Yoko Yamamoto.
One volume collated 8vo, 19 x 14 cm, bound in black alligator leather. Front wrapper (green) / title-page (white): A female figure smoking a pipe next to a beer mug, reclining over an arch ring lettered “…VERSITÉ” (UNI… not shown), her dress ribbon lettered “MUSA STUDIORUM”, holding a book lettered “SCIENTIA”; within the arch « ALMANACH | CROCODILIEN | DÉDIÉ | AUX ÉTUDIANTS BELGES. | BIBLIOTHÈQUE | DE LA JEUNESSE MUSULMANE. »; below lies a book lettered “1856.”, next to it is a smoking skull; three male figures embracing the arch columns. Half-title: ALMANACH CROCODILIEN | POUR | L’ANNÉE BISSEXTILE, MAIS NÉANMOINS DE GRACE | 1856. || Pagination: [1-5] 6-14 [15-41] 42-134 [137] 138, total 136 pages within the wrappers, original publisher's green wrappers preserved, carte de visite ‘Félicien Rops, Étudiant’ and pink invitation card № 129 for ‘Bal des femmes’ on March 19, 1892 at ‘Fête annuelle du Courier Français’ bound in; in-text woodcuts, initials, head- and tail-pieces after Félicien Rops. Bookplate “Ex Libris Marcellus Schlimovich” with motto “Ars naturam adiuvat” on front pastedown. Stamp of the "Sociedad Hebraica Argentina / Coleccion M. Schlimovich / Varios / No. 2-492” to half-title. Pencil inscription to half-title: "Ex. Félicien Rops" – possibly an own copy of the artist. Collation: π2 1-88 92, total 68 leaves within wrappers. Printer: Typ. de J. Vanbuggenhoudt (Bruxelles). Sociedad Hebraica Argentina; Marcelo Schlimovich (Argentine-Jewish, ca. 1880 – 1960) – provenance. Félicien Rops (Belgian, 1833 – 1898) – artist.
Description: Suite of 16 hand-coloured drypoints, in 39 x 29 cm, in cream French flapped wrappers with lavender lettering “SYMPHONIES AMOUREUSES” and a sanguine drypoint vignette (platemark 15 x 13 cm) to front, 17 leaves plus 2 leaves in the wrappers, 38.5 x 57 cm vertically folded once, lettering to one page, plate to another page, unbound, only the top margin trimmed, unpaginated, wove paper watermarked "BFK Rives", in a faux chagrin double slipcase 39.8 x 30 cm. Title-page (in lavender and black): SYMPHONIES AMOUREUSES | Suite de seize gravures | à la pointe sèche | rehaussées | {blank} | imprimé aux dépens | de Bibliophiles et non mis dans le commerce || Titles of the plates : 1. Ouverture. 2. Gamme. 3. Rêverie. 4. Pas redoublé. 5 Fantasia. 6. Pastorale. 7. Estudiantina. 8. Presto. 9. Arpège. 10. Menuet. 11 .Symphonie médiévale. 12. Jeux d’eau. 13. Galop. 14. Impromptu. 15. Variation. 16. Ariette. Limitation: Print run of 100 copies, 5 copies on Japon Manchou, numbered №№ 1-5, enriched; 11 copies on vélin à la forme de Rives, numbered №№ 6-16, enriched; 84 copies on vélin à la forme de Rives, numbered №№ 17-100, of which this is copy № 32. Cat. raisonné: Dutel III, № 2478. Contributors: André Collot (French, 1897 – 1976) – artist, engraver.
Hardcover volume, 18.2 x 11.8 cm, bound in quarter black polished calf with gilt lettering “cartonnage romantique” design to spine, marbled boards, matching marbled endpapers, blue margins. Title-page: SCÈNES | DE LA BOHÊME | PAR | HENRY MURGER | {publisher’s device ML} | PARIS | MICHEL LÉVY FRÈRES, LIBRAIRES-ÉDITEURS | RUE VIVIENNE, 2 bis. | 1851 || Half-title: ŒUVRES | D’HENRY MURGER || Advertisement: Chez le même Éditeurs. | BIBLIOTHEQUE CONTEMPORAINE | (page of text) || Collation: π2 (h.t/advert., t.p. / blank), 1-33 (17)12, χ6; total 212 leaves without ffls (3 front, 2 back). Pagination: [2] – h.t. / blank, [2] – t.p. / blank, [i] ii-xiii [xiv blank], [1] 2-406; total 424 pages. Scènes de la bohême, in later editions Scènes de la vie de bohème. Translations: Into English: LIB-2719.2021. Henri Murger. The Bohemians of the Latin Quarter. (Scènes de la vie de Bohême) / Translated from the French. — London: Vizetelly & Co., 1883. Into German: LIB-2686.2021. Henri Murger. Die Bohème : Szenen aus dem Pariser Künstlerleben. — Leipzig: Insel-Verlag, 1906. Into Russian: LIB-3182.2023. А. Мюрже. Сцены из жизни богемы / Пер. с франц. и прим. Е. А. Гунста; вст. ст. С. И. Великовского; художник Н. А. Кравченко. — М.: Художественная литература, 1963. Contributors: Murger, Henri [Henry] (French, 1822 – 1861) – author.
Engraved title page: ILLUSTRATION | OF | TIME. | GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. | "THERE IS A TIME FOR ALL THINGS". | TEMPUS EDAX RERUM. | LONDON | Published May 1st 1827 by the Artist - 22 Myddelton Terrace Pentonville. - Sold by Js. Robins & Co. Ivy Lane Paternoster Row.
Oblong folio, 33.5 x 44 cm. Engraved vignette title page and six not-coloured engraved plates with multiple images showing thirty-five humorous scenes.
First edition, first issue. Uncoloured. Pristine condition.
Half-leather bound in marbled cardboard and red morocco and gild lettering and arabesque. Frontispiece and 6 plates with protective tissues.
Content:1. Time-Called & Time-Come (five sketches)
2. Behind Time (seven sketches)
3. Time Thrown Away (six sketches)
4. Hard Times [&] Term Time (five sketches)
5. Time Badly Employed (five sketches)
6. Christmas Time (seven sketches)
British Museum № 1978,U.3026.1. BM description: "Frontispiece, the title on a background of symmetrical but dilapidated and grass-grown masonry. On the summit stands a little laughing gnome, with a wide hat and a body formed of an hour-glass; Inset is an oval bordered by a serpent with its tail in its mouth (emblem of eternity), in which is an aged and all-devouring Time (bald except for a forelock), seated behind a table whose surface is the base of the design. He puts to his mouth a fork on which is speared an elephant with a castle on its back containing tiny figures with spears. In his r. hand is a spoon containing a country church. His table is covered with dishes, and at his r. hand is a sickle. The central and biggest dish is heaped with a jumble of tiny objects: crown, table, chair, wheelbarrow, picture; round the room sit little figures: a soldier, parson, lady and child, &c. The ten other dishes contain: an antique glass coach with horses and footmen; an overladen camel beside a palm-tree; ruins of a castle; a farmhouse; a shepherd and sheep; a dismantled cannon and balls, cattle, a man-of-war in full sail; a ruinous Gothic cathedral; a clump of trees (the last two are dominated by a large decanter). Below Time are two (Egyptian) pyramids. Above: 'There Is A Time For All Things'; below: 'Tempus Edax Rerum'. 1 May 1827. Etching."Bibliography:- Reid, G W, A descriptive catalogue of the works of George Cruikshank, London, 1871.
- Stephens, Frederic George; George, Mary Dorothy, Catalogue of Political and Personal Satires in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum, 11 vols, London, BMP, 1870.
- Cohn, A M, George Cruikshank, catalogue raisonné, London, 1924.
Catalogue of the exhibition held in The Metropolitan Museum of Art in NY from October 21, 2003, to January 11, 2004. Pagination: [i-vi] vii-xviii, [2]3-390, ils. Binding: 29 x 24 cm, grey cloth, gilt lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket.
Half-title: AQUATINT ENGRAVING || Title: AQUATINT ENGRAVING | A CHAPTER IN THE HISTORY | OF BOOK ILLUSTRATION BY | S. T. PRIDEAUX | ILLUSTRATED BY AN ORIGINAL AQUATINT, TWO COLLOTYPE PLATES | AND NUMEROUS HALF-TONE PLATES | [Prideaux device] | LONDON | DUCKWORTH & CO. | 3 HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN, W.C. || Pagination: ffl, [i, ii] – h.t. / blank, [2] – blank / frontis. w/guard, [iii, iv] – t.p. / coloph. "First Published, December 1909", [v, vi] – dedication "TO MY FATHER" / blank, vii-xv [xvi], [1] 2-434, bfl, + 24 pl. (incl. port). Collation: [a]6 b8 A-Z8 2A-2C8 2D4 Binding: Original navy cloth, gilt-ruled and lettered front board, gilt lettering to spine, a blind device to back board; upper margin gilt, free margin untrimmed. Author: Sarah Prideaux. "Engravers and the books they illustrated": p. 388-405. "Publications by Ackermann with aquatint plates": p. 374-378. "Biographical notices of engravers whose names appear on the plates": p. 358-371. "Books published before 1830 with aquatint plates": p. 325-357.
Title: MAROUSSIA | PAR | P.-J. STAHL | D'APRÈS UNE LÉGENDE DE MARKOWOVZOK | DESSINS PAR TH. SCHULER | GRAVURES PAR PANNEMAKER | {vignette} | BIBLIOTHÈQUE | D'ÉDUCATION ET DE RÉCRÉATION | J. HETZEL ET Cie, 18, RUE JACOB | PARIS | Tous droits de reproduction et de traduction réservés || Pagination: [2] – t.p. / blank, [1, 2] – dedication / blank, [3] 4-272, [1] 2-11 [12] – publisher’s advert.; Frontispiece and 22 leaves of wood-engraved plates by F. Pannemaker after Th. Schuler, extraneous to collation, woodcut head- and tailpieces, vignettes in the text by Charles Baude. Collation: 4to; 1-344, + 6 leaves of publisher's advertisement. Binding: “Cartonnage Hetzel” – red cloth stamped in gilt and black with the elements of design to spine, front and back, publisher's device to back, AEG. Author and publisher: Pierre-Jules Hetzel [P.-J. Stahl] (French, 1814 – 1886). Artist: Jules Théophile Schuler (French, 1821 – 1878). Engravers: Adolphe François Pannemaker (Belgian-French, 1822 – 1900) and Charles Baude (French, 1853 – 1935). Author of the legend: Markowovzok [Marko Vovchok; Марко́ Вовчо́к, real name Mariya Vilinskаya; Мария Александровна Вилинская] (Ukrainian, 1833 – 1907). Series: Collection Hetzel (stamped on the front board). Typographie A. Lahure (Paris), Alexis Lahure (French, 1849 – 1929). MAROUSSIA – The French version of the Ukrainian name Маруся.
Title: IDYLLE | PRINTANIÈRE || Verso: {Headpiece} | Justification du tirage | {7 lines of text} | Exemplaire № 56 (digits by hand) | HP (monogram by hand) | {tailpiece} || Album of 30 hand-coloured lithographs and frontispiece in a cardboard folder; each sheet mounted in a 32.5 x 25 cm passepartout with 19 x 13 cm window; published in Paris in 1938 by Henri Pasquinelli (attributed). No artist, no publisher name indicated. According to Justification du tirage, the print run of 516 copies on Arches laid tinted paper (vergé), copy A – control artist’s uncoloured, 15 copies B–P reserved for collaborators and friends, copies 1–500 – for bibliophiles. This copy № 56, autographed by the publisher's monogram: "HP". Catalogue Raisonné: J.-P. Dutel, vol 2 (1920–1970), #1726, p. 207-8. Provenance: J.-P. Dutel.
Title: Revolution, Krieg und Streik, | Weltausstellung und Volksfest | Der Illustrator und Karikaturist | Leo von Elliot (1816–1890) | von Eckhart G. Franz | Hessische Historische Kommission Darmstadt 2000 || Series: Arbeiten der Hessischen Historischen Kommission, Neue Folge Band 17. Pagination: [1-6] 7-340, 458 b/w illustration. Binding: hardcover, red pictorial boards, 30 x 21.5 cm.
Title page: ROMEYN DE HOOGHE | VIRTUOSO ETCHER | JOSEPH B. DALLETT | with | Tatyana Petukhova LaVine | edited by | Andrew C. Weislogel | HERBERT F. JOHNSON MUSEUM OF ART | CORNELL UNIVERSITY || Pagination: [1-5] 6-96; 57 entries, bibliography. Binding: 28 x 21.7 cm, publisher’s pictorial wrappers. Contributors: Romeyn de Hooghe (Dutch, 1645 – 1708) Joseph B. Dallett – author/introduction. Andrew C. Weislogel – editor. Tatyana Petukhova LaVine – contributor.
Hardcover volume, 33 x 25.5 cm, bound in grey cloth, vignette and Vertès signature fac-simile to front cover, unclipped ($ 17.50) pictorial dust jacket with black lettering, polyester jacket cover, pp.: [2] [1-4] 5-150 [2], 77 leaves total, ils. Title-page: VARIATIONS | Drawings, water colors, etchings and lithographs | by | VERTÈS | Text by | CLAUDE ROGER-MARX | { publisher’s device} | NEW YORK GRAPHIC SOCIETY | GREENWICH, CONNECTICUT || Limitation: edition of 1,000 copies, of which 5 copies (A-E) were enriched with one original drawing; 100 copies (1-100) were enriched with one original signed lithograph; and 895 copies (101-1000). This is copy № 984. Contributors: Roger-Marx, Claude (Jewish-French, 1888 – 1977) – author. Vertès, Marcel [Vértes, Marcell] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist
Paperback, pictorial wrappers, 20.5 x 14 cm, pp.: [1-4] 5-271 [272 colophon]. Title-page: Я. С. Лурье | ИЗБРАННЫЕ СТАТЬИ | И ПИСЬМА | Санкт-Петербург 2011 || Contributors: Яков Соломонович Лурье (Russian-Jewish, 1921 — 1996) Варвара Гелиевна Вовина-Лебедева (Russian, b. 1961) Михаил Маркович Кром (Russian, b. 1966)
Hardcover volume, 24.3 x 17.3 cm, bound in black buckram with blind barbed wire design and silver lettering to front cover and spine, pp.: [2] 3-959 [960]. Одеський мартиролог: Данi про репресованих Одеси i Одеськоï областi за роки радянськоï влады (Серiя «Реабiлiтованi iсторiэю») (Том 4) / Уклад.: Л. В. Ковальчук, Г. О. Разумов— Одеса: СМИЛ, 2006. Title-page: Научно-документальная серия книг | «РЕАБИЛИТИРОВАННЫЕ ИСТОРИЕЙ» | ОДЕССКИЙ | МАРТИРОЛОГ | ТОМ 4 | Одесса | СМИЛ | 2006 || ISBN: 966-8127-63-3 Print run: 1,000 copies. Ковальчук, Лидия Всеволодовна Разумов, Георгий Александрович
Hardcover volume 36 x 27.5 cm, bound in grey cloth, gilt lettering ЛЕНИНГРАД to front board, red and black labels with gilt lettering, gilt compartments to flat spine, red endpapers with black and white border, pp.: [1-6] 7-402 [2], total 202 leaves with numerous b/w illustrations, plus frontispiece with pasted in b/w plate. Bookplate of Feodor Rojankovsky to front pastedown, ms inscription: “Дорогой Федя, дарю Вам на Ваше рождение эту книгу” signed “Ф. Рожанковский” Half-title (red on tan): ИЗДАНО В ЛЕНИНГРАДЕ | В ДНИ ВЕЛИКОЙ | ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННОЙ ВОЙНЫ || Half-title verso (red on tan): ЛЕНИНГРАДСКИЙ ГОРОДСКОЙ СОВЕТ | ДЕПУТАТОВ ТРУДЯЩИХСЯ | ИСПОЛНИТЕЛЬНЫЙ КОМИТЕТ | {vignette «plan»} | АРХИТЕКТУРНО-ПЛАНИРОВОЧНОЕ | УПРАВЛЕНИЕ | 1943 || Title-page (red on tan) ЛЕНИНГРАД | {vignette «Admiralty»} | ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | «ИСКУССТВО» | ЛЕНИНГРАД – 1943 – МОСКВА || Blue ink stamp to bottom right: Printed in Soviet Union. Title-page verso: РЕДАКЦИОННАЯ | КОЛЛЕГИЯ | Ответственный редактор | БАРАНОВ Н. В. | КАМЕНСКИЙ В. А. | МОРОЗОВ М. В. | РУБАНЕНКО Б. Р. | ФОМИН И. И. | Художник издания | КАМЕНСКИЙ В. А. | Технический редактор | АНИСИМОВ М. Н. Contents (red on tan): АРХИТЕКТУРНО-ПЛАНИРОВОЧНЫЙ | ОБЗОР РАЗВИТИЯ ГОРОДА | РАЗВИТИЕ ГОРОДА В XVIII ВЕКЕ | С. М. ЗЕМЦОВ | РАЗВИТИЕ ГОРОДА В XIX ВЕКЕ | А. Г. ЯЦЕВИЧ | РАЗВИТИЕ ГОРОДА С 1917 ПО 1935 г. | Б. Р. РУБАНЕНКО | ГЕНЕРАЛЬНЫЙ ПЛАН РАЗВИТИЯ | ЛЕНИНГРАДА | Н. В. БАРАНОВ | ИЛЛЮСТРАЦИИ | ГОРОДА || verso: {vignette} | ГЕНЕРАЛЬНЫЙ ПЛАН ГОРОДА ЛЕНИНГРАДА. || Print run: 2,500 copies. Provenance: Feodor Rojankovsky [Rojan, Фёдор Степанович Рожанковский] (Russian-American, 1891 – 1970). Contributors: Каменский, Валентин Александрович (Russian, 1907 – 1975) Земцов, Станислав [Исай] Маркович (1906 – ?) Яцевич, Андрей Григорьевич (Russian, 1887 – 1942) Рубаненко, Борис Рафаилович (Russian-Jewish, 1910 – 1985) Баранов, Николай Варфоломеевич (Russian, 1909 – 1989) Фомин, Игорь Иванович (Russian, 1904 – 1989)
Title (in a frame): THE TEMPTATION | OF ST. ANTHONY | BY | GUSTAVE FLAUBERT | TRANSLATED BY | LAFCADIO HEARN | ILLUSTRATED BY | MAHLON BLAINE | {vignette} | NEW YORK | WILLIAMS, BELASCO | AND MEYERS || Pagination: ffl, [1, 2 - ht, blank] [2 - blank, frontis.] [3, 4 - t.p., colophon] [5, 6 - plate, blank] [7, 8 - list of ill., blank] [9 'argument'] 10-189 [190] bfl; frontispiece and 4 plates reproduced from Blaine's pen drawings in "woodcut" manner. Binding:25.5 x 17 cm., original black cloth, front cover and spine stamped in gilt; printed on thick paper, margins trimmed unevenly; pink pictorial DJ. Contributors: Gustave Flaubert (French, 1821 – 1880) – author. Mahlon Blaine (American, 1894 – 1969) – artist. Patrick Lafcadio Hearn [Koizumi Yakumo; 小泉 八雲] ( Greek-Irish, 1850 – 1904) – translator. Williams, Belasco and Meyers – publisher. J. J. Little & Ives, Co., NY – printer.
Hardcover, 273 x 200 mm, original cardboard, lettering, vignette, frame to front, lettering to spine, colour plates after pp. 4, 10, 40, 64, 96, 232, and 240. Collated 8vo: π10 1-268, i.e. 218 leaves, profusely illustrated in b/w, plus 7 colour plates extraneous to collation; pp.: [i-viii] ix-xix [xx] [2] 3-414 [2]. Title-page: МАСТЕРА | СОВРЕМЕННОЙ ГРАВЮРЫ | И ГРАФИКИ | СБОРНИК МАТЕРИАЛОВ | ★ | РЕДАКЦИЯ ВЯЧ. ПОЛОНСКОГО | — | СТАТЬИ | B. AДAPЮKOBA, M. БАБЕНЧИКОВА, E. ДАНЬКО, | K. KУЗЬMИНCKOГO, Л. PO3EHTAЛЯ, A. СИДOPOBA, | K. ТИХОНОВОЙ, M. ФАБРИKAHTA, | A. ФEДOPOBA-ДАВЫДОВА | {publisher’s device} | — | ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | МОСКВА — 1928 — ЛЕНИНГРАД || Imprint: Отпечатано в 1-й Образцовой типографии | Гиза. Москва, Пятницкая, 71, в количестве | 2000 экз. Х. 60. Гиз 18467. Главлит 82394. | Заказ № 467. | ★ | Обложка работы Н. И. Пискарева | макет для верстки В. В. Гольцева || Print run 2000 copies. Editor: Полонский [Гусев], Вячеслав Павлович [Polonsky, Vyacheslav] (Russian, 1886 – 1932) Contents:Предисловие Вяч. Полонского ... VIIIA. П. Остроумова-Лебедева. В. Я. Адарюкова ... 1Е. С. Кругликова. В. Я. Адарюкова ... 13М. В. Добужинский. Л. В. Розенталя ... 31С. В. Чехонин. Е. Данько ... 61Г. И. Нарбут. А. А. Сидорова ... 77Д. Н. Кардовский. К. С. Кузьминского ... 107П. А. Шиллинговский. В. Я. Адарюкова ... 135Д. И. Митрохин. М. В. Бабенчикова ... 149Ю. А. Анненков. М. В. Бабенчикова ... 167Ленинградская школа графических искусств. А. Федорова-Давыдова ... 189IIИ. Н. Павлов. В. Я. Адарюкова ... 227М. А. Добров. В. Я. Адарюкова ... 245И. И. Нивинский. В. Я. Адарюкова ... 257B. А. Фаворский. М. И. Фабриканта ... 273A. И. Кравченко. А. А. Сидорова ... 297B. А. Ватагин. К. С. Кузьминского ... 325Д. П. Штеренберг. К. С. Тихоновой ... 343Московская школа графики. А. А. Сидорова ... 357IIIБиблиография современной русской графики. А. А. Сидорова ... 405Artists:Остроумова-Лебедева, Анна Петровна [Ostroumova-Lebedeva, Anna] (Russian, 1871 – 1955) Кругликова, Елизавета Сергеевна [Kruglikova, Elizaveta] (Russian, 1865 – 1941) Добужинский, Мстислав Валерианович [Dobuzhinsky, Mstislav] (Russian-Lithuanian, 1875 – 1957) Чехонин, Сергей Васильевич [Chekhonin, Sergey] (Russian, 1878 – 1936) Нарбут, Георгий Иванович [Narbut, Heorhiy] (Ukrainian, 1886 – 1920) Кардовский, Дмитрий Николаевич [Kardovsky, Dmitry] (Russian, 1866 – 1943) Шиллинговский, Павел Александрович (Russian, 1881 – 1942) Митрохин, Дмитрий Исидорович [Mitrohin, Dmitry] (Russian, 1883 – 1973) Анненков, Юрий Павлович [Annenkov, Yury] (Russian-French, 1889 – 1974) Павлов, Иван Николаевич [Pavlov, Ivan] (Russian, 1972 – 1951) Добров, Матвей Алексеевич (Russian, 1877 – 1958) Нивинский, Игнатий Игнатьевич [Nivinski, Ignati] (Russian, 1881 – 1933) Фаворский, Владимир Андреевич [Favorsky, Vladimir] (Russian, 1886 – 1964) Кравченко, Алексей Ильич [Kravchenko, Aleksei] (Russian, 1889 – 1940) Ватагин, Василий Алексеевич [Vatagin, Vasily] (Russian, 1883 – 1969) Штеренберг, Давид Петрович [Shterenberg, David] (Ukrainian-Jewish, 1881 – 1948)