NEWThree volumes, hardcover in-folio, 495 x 350 mm, 1st edition, uniformly bound in red faux-chagrin with gilt coat of arms of the city of Paris in the centre of gild-decorated panel, gilt decorated spine with lettering, marbled endpapers, 3 vol. (122 p.-[46] pl., 76-44-24-22-36-26...); vol. 1 – 340 pp, vol. 2 – 296 pp, vol. 3 – 268 pp ; total 100 leaves of plates. Title-page (red and black): PARIS | DANS SA SPLENDEUR | MONUMENTS, VUES, SCÉNES HISTORIQUES, DESCRIPTIONS ET HISTOIRE | DESSINS ET LITHOGRAPHIES | […] | VIGNETTES DE FÉLIX BENOIST ET CATENACCI, EXÉCUTÉES SUR BOIS PAR LES PREMIERS GRAVURS | TEXTE | […] | Premier Volume (Deuxième Volume, Troisième Volume) | PREMIERE PARTIE. — DESCRIPTION DE PARIS | {vignette} | Publié par | HENRI CHARPENTIER, IMPRIMEUR-ÉDITEUR | PARIS, QUAI DES GRANDS-AUGUSTINS, 55. — ÉTABLESSEMENT A NANTES, RUE DE LA FOSSE. | M. DCCC. LXI. || Contributors: Mérimée, Prosper (French, 1803 – 1870) – text Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène (French, 1814 – 1879) – text Audiganne, Armand (French, 1814 – 1875) – text Philippe Benoist (French, 1813 – 1896) – lithography Benoist, Félix (French, 1818 – 1896) – woodcuts Catenacci, Hercule Louis (French, 1816 – 1884) – woodcuts Charpentier, Henri-Désiré (French, 1806 – 1882) Henri Charpentier imprimeur (Nantes) – printer Henri Charpentier éditeur (Paris) –publisher
NEWHardcover, 250 x 310 mm, black cloth, gilt lettering to spine, grey end papers, pictorial dust jacket; pp.: [1-8] 9-237 [3], illustrated in colour throughout. ISBN 0.8457.3150-5 Title-page (pictorial): The Beinecke Library OF YALE UNIVERSITY | Edited by Stephen Parks Architectural photography by Richard Cheek | Dedication photography by Ezra Stoller Collection photography by Stan Godlewski | With contributions by | Robert G. Babcock Vincent Giroud George A. Miles Stephen Parks Patrick L. Pinnell Christa Sammons Barbara A. Shailor Patricia C. Willis Marjorie G. Wynne Timothy G. Young | Published by | The Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library | Yale University | Distributed by | University Press of New England || Contents: Introduction The Building Ezra Stoller Dedication Portfolio Crossing Wall Early Manuscripts and Books Modern Books and Manuscripts The Collection of American Literature The Osborn Collection: English Manuscripts German Literature Collection Western Americana Collection Music in the Beinecke
NEWPaperback, 240 x 155 mm, publisher’s wrappers, series red label of Cahiers des Annales Publiés avec le concours du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, red vertical rule and black lettering to front, black lettering to spine, and red and black lettering to back; collated 8vo: 1-158 χ2, i.e. 122 leaves, pp.: [i-vi] vii-viii, 1-234 [2]. Autograph dedication signed by Maurice Dommanget to Pierre Dumayet, blue ballpen ms at the top of ffl « À Pierre Dumayet | En Souvenir et bien cordialement | Dommanget ». Title-page: CAHIERS DES ANNALES | 14 | MAURICE DOMMANGET | BLANQUI | ET L'OPPOSITION | RÉVOLUTIONNAIRE | à la fin | du Second Empire | {publisher’s device « economies – sociétés – civilisation » } | LIBRAIRIE ARMAND COLIN | 103, boulevard Saint-Michel, PARIS - 5e | 1960 || Contents: De Belle-Île à la Conciergerie. Vues et action politiques à Sainte-Pélagie. L'action à l'hôpital Necker. Le séjour à Bruxelles et l'action des étudiants blanquistes. L'action blanquiste, de décembre 1867 à la grève du Creusot. Le Blanquisme et l'Internationale. Contributors: Dommanget, Maurice (French, 1888 – 1976) Dumayet, Pierre (French, 1923 – 2011) Blanqui, Auguste (French, 1805 – 1881)
NEWHardcover, 231 x 165 mm, half brown cloth over cardboard, lettering in a frame to front, similar to t.p., pp.: [4] [1] 2-151 [152], collated 4to: π2 1-194, i.e. 78 leaves. Entries are in alphabetic order by name. Title-page (and front cover): Bibliotheca Germanorum | erotica. | Verzeichniss der gesammten | deutschen erotischen Literatur | mit Einschluss der Uebersetzungen. | Nachschlagebuch für Literaturhistoriker, | Antiquare und Bibliothekare. | Nach den zuverlässigsten Quellen | bearbeitet von | H. Nay. | — •— | Leipzig, 1875. || [Bibliotheca Germanorum erotica. List of all German erotic literature, including translations. Reference book for literary historians, antiquarians and librarians. Based on the most reliable sources edited by H. Nay]. Imprint: Druck von E. Rupfer in Stuttgart. Ref: Worldcat. Author: Hugo Hayn [Nay, H.] (German, 1843 – 1923)
NEWSoftcover, 210 x 136 mm, in publisher’s wrappers, black and red lettering to front and spine; pp.: [4] i-xi [xii], [2] 1-607 [608], i.e. 313 leaves. Printed from microfiches smuggled from the USSR to the West. English title Life and Fate. Front wrapper: ВАСИЛИЙ ГРОССМАН | ЖИЗНЬ | И СУДЬБА | РОМАН | L’AGE D’HOMME || Title-page: ВАСИЛИЙ ГРОССМАН | ЖИЗНЬ И СУДЬБА | РОМАН | ИЗДАНИЕ ПОДГОТОВИЛИ | С. МАРКИШ И Е. ЭТКИНД | ВСТУПИТЕЛЬНАЯ СТАТЬЯ Е. ЭТКИНДА | L’AGE D’HOMME || Contributors: Гроссман, Василий Семёнович [Grossman, Vasily] (Soviet-Jewish, 1905 – 1964) Маркиш, Симон Перецович [Markish, Shimon] (Soviet-Jewish-Swiss, 1931 – 2003) Эткинд, Ефим Григорьевич [Etkind, Efim] (Soviet-Jewish-French, 1918 – 1999)
NEWHardcover, 226 x 226 mm, pictorial cardboard, pp.: [1-7] 8-205 [3], illustrated in colour throughout. Title-page (crimson and black): PRÉFACE | MARIE-HÉLÈNE LAFON | DIRECTION | MARIE-PAULE CAIRE-JABINET | De la séduction… | CARTES POSTALES | DE LA BELLE ÉPOOUE | ET DES ANNÉES FOLLES | TEXTES DE | CORINNE LEGOY | LAIN QUELLA-VILLÉGER | JULIETTE RENNES | MARIANNE RÖTIG | ATCHA SALMON | CHRISTELLE TARAUD | SYLVAIN VENAYRE | Bleu autour || ISBN: 9782358480727
NEWThe good old days of naughty postcards: Softcover, 160 x 160 mm, blue flapped wrappers, front with a keyhole openwork showing the vignette in colour on the flap; pp. [1-9] 10-272 [4], colour illustrations throughout, topics from A to Z, historical erotic postcards from the author's collection. Title-page: LA BELLE ÉPOQUE | DES CARTES COQUINES | Christian DEFLANDRE | HORAY || Annotation (back wrapper): De A comme Adam, à Z comme Zizi, de lestes galanteries aux vertes gauloiseries témoignent de 'esprit facétieux de la vie amoureuse à la Belle Époque. Qualifies de « grivoises » par les amateurs de nudités, « licencieuses » par les moralistes, ces cartes au charme désuet dévoilent la sensualité et 'érotisme de nos arrière-grands-parents. ISBN 978-2-7058-0466-4
NEWTwo-volume edition, uniform pictorial glossy oblong 215 x 263 mm hardcover, catalogue of the sales exhibition from May 25 to July 17, 1993, held at the former rooms of the Galerie Wimmer & Co. in Munich. Vol. 1: The Nude in Art: From Romanticism to the Present; pp.: [2] 3-109, 86 colour plates and 16 b/w illustrations. Artists represented: Otto Müller, Paul Paede, Max Liebermann, Rudolf Nissl, Hans Licht, Leopold Schmutzler, Julius Schlegel, Paul Peel, Karl Truppe, Otto Herbig, Mozart Rottmann, Karl Schlageter, Wilhelm Hempfing, Jean Gabriel Domergue, Franz von Stuck, Marcel Herrfeldt, Jörg Trübner (Sohn des Wilhelm), Julius Hüther, Ludwig Bock, Ernst Fuchs, etc. Title-page: “Der Akt in der Kunst” | Von der Romantik bis zur Gegenwart | Gemälde, Aquarelle, Pastelle, Zeichnungen, Bronzen, Graphiken | — | Verkaufsausstellung vom 25. Mai bis 17. Juli 1993 | ~ | DAS GEMÄLDE CABINETT UNGER | in den ehemaligen Räumen der Galerie Wimmer & Co. seit 1825 | 8000 München 2, Brienner Straße 7, Telefon (089) 22 75 15 u. 29 84 04 | Montag - Freitag 10 - 18 Uhr, Samstag 10 - 14 Uhr, langer Samstag 10 - 16 Uhr || Vol. 2: Eroticism in Art: From Eroticism to Perversion; pp.: [2] 3-100, 93 colour plates and 29 b/w illustrations. Artists represented: Otto Rudolf Schatz (28 watercolours), Fried Pal, Alois Harbeck, Jean Gabriel Domergue, Max Brüning, Max Schwimmer, Alfons Walde, Karl Heidelbach, Josef Werner Leben, etc. Two aquatints by Emil Sartori (Ranzenhofer) marked as Emil Sartou, and two others of him as Erotischer Meister des 19. Jahrhunderts; two aquatints by Frans von Bayros marked as Unbekannter Meister des 19. Jahrhunderts. Title-page: Erotik in der Kunst | “Von der Erotik bis zur Perversion” | Gemälde, Aquarelle, Pastelle, | Zeichnungen, Bronzen, Graphiken | (ibid).
NEWHardcover, 305 x 235 mm, bound in blue cloth with gilt lettering to front and spine, collated in 4to: 544, pp. [1-4] 5-94 [95, 96], [I, II] III-CDXXXII (432), i.e. 216 leaves; 578 watermarks catalogued. Title-page (red and black): WATERMARKS | IN PAPER | IN HOLLAND, ENGLAND, | FRANCE, ETC., IN THE XVII | AND XVIII CENTURIES AND | THEIR INTERCONNECTION | BY | W. A. CHURCHILL | {publisher’s device} | MENNO HERTZBERGER & Co. — AMSTERDAM | MCMXXXV || Contributors: Churchill, William Algernon (British, 1865 – 1947) – author. Menno Hertzberger & Co. (Amsterdam) – publisher. Hertzberger, Emanuel [Menno] (Dutch, 1897 - 1982) – publisher.
NEWHardcover convolute 186 x 120 mm of two volumes of the French periodical La Revue hebdomadaire, bound in quarter red faux-chagrin over marbled boards, vol. 11, pp. [3-5] 6-506 [2], vol. 12 pp. [3-5] 6-634, plus Le supplément illustré №№ 45-53, 3 leaves of b/w photo reproductions each. Ref.: http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb34350607j Author: Lambelin, Roger (French, 1857 – 1929)
NEWTwo softcover volumes, 4th and 5th of the series Les arts décoratifs, collated 8vo, in uniform brown wrappers with red and black lettering to the front cover and black lettering to the spine and back cover, 215 x 152 mm, published by Librairie d'art R. Ducher, overtaken by Flammarion.
- Vol. 4: 1-48, pp. [1-5] 6-63 [64]; LES ARTS DÉCORATIFS (in rules) | JACQUES RUPPERT | LE COSTUME | IV | LOUIS XVI – DIRECTOIRE | = 150 ILLUSTRATIONS = | | {vignette } | PARIS | Flammarion (pasted over) ||
- Vol. 5: 1-48, pp. [1-5] 6-63 [64]; LES ARTS DÉCORATIFS (in rules) | JACQUES RUPPERT | LE COSTUME | V | CONSULAT - PREMIER EMPIRE -LOUIS-PHILIPPE - NAPOLÉON III | = 145 ILLUSTRATIONS = | {vignette } | PARIS | Flammarion (pasted over) ||
- Le costume sous le Consulat et l'Empire: Caractères généraux. Costume masculin. Costume militaire.
- Le costume féminin sous le premier Empire : Éléments caractéristiques. Spencers et canezous. Robes de cour. Redingotes. Witz-chouras.
- Les coiffures sous le premier Empire : Coiffures masculines et féminines.
- La Restauration : Caractères généraux. Costume masculin. Costume féminin. Coiffures féminines.
- Louis-Philippe: Caractères généraux. Costume masculin. Costume féminin. Robes de bal. Robes à pèlerine. Faux et vrai canezous. Mantelets. Robes à corsage plat et crinolines. Coiffures féminines. Chapeaux et bonnets.
- Deuxième République et Napoléon III: Costume masculin. Costume féminin. Crinolines et tournures. Coiffures.
NEWHardcover miniature book, 150 x 85 x 30 mm, brown buckram with gilt lettering to front and spine, embossed black admiralty boat (crest of Sankt-Peterburg) to front cover, yellow dust jacket with vignette and lettering; pp.: [1-4] 5-454 [2], woodcut frontispiece, plates pp. 211-434. Title-page: Л. М. СОСКИН | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСКИЕ | МАРКИ | ПЕТРОГРАДА – | ЛЕНИНГРАДА | MOCKBA | «НОВЫЙ СВЕТ» | «КНИГА» | 1995 || Contributors: Соскин, Леонид Маркович (Soviet, ? – ?) – коллекционер-библиофил, чл. Ленингр. о-ва книголюбов, первый председатель секции миниатюрных изданий. Баренбаум, Иосиф Евсеевич (Soviet-Jewish, 1921 – 2006)
NEWSoftcover, pictorial wrappers, 235 x 165 mm, pp. [1-9] 10-176, 120 illustrations, incl. 109 in full colour, 3 maps, glossary, and timeline. An enveloped postcard to E. Varshavsky laid in. Text profusely marked with coloured highlighters. Title-page (pictorial): Art of Edo Japan | The Artist and the City 1615-1868 | Christine Guth | PERSPECTIVES | HARRY N. ABRAMS, INC. PUBLISHERS || Contents: NOTE TO THE READER Map: Japan during the Edo period INTRODUCTION: Mapping the Artistic Landscape
- The Artist and the City
- Kyoto Artists
- Edo Artists
- Osaka and Nagasaki Artists
- Itinerant, Provincial, and Rural Artists; Itinerant Monk-Artists and Pilgrimage Art; Poet and Literati Painters; Provincial and Rural Artists
NEWHardcover, 217 x 140 mm, olive cloth with gilt lettering to front and spine, black endpapers, printed on craft laid paper watermarked “Ingres”, pp. [1-7] 8 (frontispiece) –154, [155/6] blank, 157/8 Dans la même collection/colophon, [159/160] blank; 130 captured plates and an uncaptured frontispiece, all framed (a total of 131 images, not 132, as stated). Limited edition of 33 copies plus 10 not for sale on Arches vellum; this copy is not numbered. There are images that include Albert Einstein, Karl Marx, Fidel Castro, John Lennon, and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, among the others. Title page: GARNON | Cent trente deux | positions amoureuses | préface | Gérard ZWANG | IMAGES OBLIQUES || Colophon: Ce volume | le dixième de la collection IMAGES OBLIQUES | dirigée par Roger BORDERIE et Michel CAMUS | a été achevé d'imprimer en Février 1981 | sur les presses de l'Imprimerie EUROGRAPHIC | 32, rue des Annelets 75019 PARIS | […] | L'édition originale | est constituée par un tirage de 33 exemplaires | sur vélin d'Arches | numérotés de 1 à 33 | […] | En outre, il a été tiré, | dix exemplaires hors commerce marqués HC 1 à HC 10 | réservés aux collaborateurs de la collection | […] | Dépôt légal : 1° trimestre 1981 | Numéro d'éditeur : 49 | ISBN - 2-86380-019-1. Ref.: honesterotica.com. Almost .othing is known about the artist. Contributors: Zwang, Gérard (French, b. 1930) Garnon, Gilbert (French, 1921 – 2005) – artist Borderie, Roger (French) – publisher
NEWHardcover, 305 x 258 mm, black cloth with gilt lettering to spine, black pictorial dust jacket with white lettering to front and spine, olive endpapers; pp. [1-5] 6-144, 150 colour illustrations. ISBN 185177 316. Title-page: JAPANESE TEXTILES | IN THE VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM | Anna Jackson | Photographs by Ian Thomas | V&A PUBLICATIONS || Contents Acknowledgements Introduction Map Japanese textiles List of plates The plates Bibliography
NEWBook: Hardcover, 187 x 125 mm, modern binding ‘à la Bradel’ by Boichot in full orange morocco with gilt lettering to spine, in a morocco-bordered slipcase with gilt floral arabesque design, similar endpapers; original wrappers preserved; collated in 18mo, pp: [4] 1-441 [3]. Bookplate of Jean-Pierre Dutel to ffl. Fifteen illustrations 181 x 115 mm tipped in after pp. 46, 72, 88, 118, 202, 234, 236, 244, 290, 300, 354, 360, 378, 382, and 390. Front wrapper (red and black): J.-K. HUYSMANS | ~~ | Là-Bas | {publisher’s device} | PARIS | TRESSE & STOCK, ÉDITEURS | 8, 9, 10, Galerie du Théâtre-Français | — | 1891 || Title-page: same as wrapper, in black. Limitation: Il a été tiré de cet ouvrage dix exemplaires sur papier de Hollande et dix exemplaires sur papier du Japon, numérotés à la presse. This copy is not from the limited edition and printed on a regular paper. Printer: Darantiere (Dijon) Illustrations: According to Luc Binet [LIB-3301.2024], “In 2016, the Turin bookseller Roberto Cena put up for sale two full-leather bound albums, one containing watercolours illustrating Huysmans' famous novel, the other the preparatory drawings. The first volume contained 16 plates (sheet 25 x 16.5 cm, drawing 15 x 9.5 cm), i.e. 15 drawings in ink and pencil and one pencil drawing. Each plate is numbered at the top right, in pencil or ink, and captioned in the lower margin. Volume II contained 15 watercolours (sheet 25 x 16 cm, image 15 x 9.5 cm). This is probably a commission from a bibliophile since the chosen format is perfectly compatible with the original edition of Huysmans' text (19 x 13 cm)”. Catalogue raisonné: Luc Binet 2017: X-12, p. 908. Contributors: Huysmans, Joris-Karl (French, 1848 – 1907) – author. Maële, Martin van (French, 1863 – 1926) – artist. Darantiere, Maurice (French, 1882 – 1962) – printer.
Softcover, 328 x 250 mm, green French flapped wrappers, lettered; 22 leaves plus 2 in wrappers, unpaginated, incl. frontispiece (etching), headpiece (lithography), 4 in-text illustrations (1 lithography + 3 etchings), and 5 plates (3 dry points + 1 etching = 1 lithography) by Albert Marquet. Limited edition of 200 copies on Arches Vellum, watermarked, of which this is copy № 144; published by Manuel Bruker on May 16, 1948; lithographs printed by André Clot. Title-page (olive and black): ÉLOGE | DE | ALBERT MARQUET | PAR | LÉON WERTH | ORNÉ | DE GRAVURES ORIGINALES | {publisher’s device} | MANUEL BRUKER ÉDITEUR || Colophon: J'AI ACHEVÉ D'IMPRIMER | CET OUVRAGE LE JOUR DE | LA PENTECOTE 1948 A 200 | EXEMPLAIRES SUR VÉLIN | D'ARCHES A LA FORME NU | MÉROTES DE 1 A 200. ON | A JOINT AUX 20 PREMIERS | EXEMPLAIRES UNE SUITE | SUR PAPIER JAPON ANCIEN | ET UNE SUITE DES PLAN | CHES NON UTILISEES. LES | LITHOGRAPHIES ONT ÉTÉ | TIRÉES PAR ANDRÉ CLOT. The day of Pentecost in 1948 was Sunday, May 16. Contributors: Werth, Léon (French, 1878 – 1955) – author Marquet, Albert (French, 1875 – 1947) – artist Bruker, Manuel [Mendel] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1891 – 1979) – publisher Clot, André (French, 1909 – 2002) – printer
Softcover, 193 x 252 mm, pictorial wrappers, lettered, 24 leaves numbered on recto 2-23 with 23 photogravures after Charles Castellani and advertisement to verso. Front wrapper: (ribbon) EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE DE 1889 | ESPLANADE • DES • INVALIDES • | — | PANORAMA | LE | ”TOVT – PARIS” | peint par | Ch. Castellani | — || Title-page: (in frame) PANORAMA | LE | “TOUT – PARIS” | PEINT PAR | CH. CASTELLANI || Ref: BNF, département Estampes et photographie, 4-NA-62; Getty Research Institute Accession Number 2623-796. Contributors: Charles Castellani (French, 1838 – 1913) Arents, Pierre-Marie (Belgian, 1842 – 1916) Characters: Fouquier, Henry (French, 1838 – 1901) Bernhardt, Sarah [Bernard, Henriette-Rosine] (French, 1844 – 1923) Lesseps, Ferdinand Marie, Comte de (French, 1805 – 1894) Clemenceau, Georges (French, 1841 – 1929) Troubetzkoy, Pyotr Petrovich, Prince (French, 1822 – 1892) Shah Qajar, Naser al-Din (Persian, 1831 – 1896) Floquet, Charles (French, 1828 – 1896) Marinoni, Hippolyte Auguste (French, 1823 – 1904) Charcot, Jean-Martin (French, 1825 – 1893) Poupart-Davyl Louis (French, 1835 – 1890) Eiffel, Gustave (French, 1832 – 1923) Grévy, Jules (French, 1807 – 1891) Zola, Émile (French, 1840 – 1902) Granier de Cassagnac, Paul (French, 1843 – 1904) Claretie, Jules Arsène Arnaud (French, 1840 – 1913) Rochefort, Victor Henri, Marquis de Rochefort-Luçay (French, 1831 – 1913) Pasteur, Louis (French, 1822 – 1895) Broglie, Albert, duc de (French, 1821 – 1901) Gounod, Charles (French, 1818 – 1893) Dumas fils, Alexandre (French, 1824 – 1895) Ferry, Jules (French, 1932 – 1893) Pyat, Félix (French, 1810 – 1889) Loti, Pierre (French, 1850 – 1923) Michel, Louise (French, 1830 – 1905) Péan, Jules-Émile (French, 1830 – 1898) among others.