Title: ИЗБРАННЫЕ | СКАЗКИ | БРАТЬЕВ ГРИММ | Перевод | Григория Петникова | {device} | ACADEMIA | Москва—Ленинград | 1937 || Title verso: Kinder- und Hausmärchen | gesammelt durch die | Brüder Grimm | иллюстрации с рисунков Ракхама 1900 г. | Переплет, контр-титул, фронтиспис, заставка и концовка А. Д. Силина. Pagination: [1-4] 5-634 [2] ; b/w illustrations in text, 2 colour plates. Collation: 8vo; [1]8 2-398 406. Print run: 15,300 copies. Binding: publisher’s blue cloth stamped with lettering and elements of design to cover and spine, pictorial endleaves. Петников, Григорий Николаевич (Russian, 1894 – 1971) Силин, Александр Дмитриевич (Russian, 1883 – 1942)
Volume 1: Title: HISTORY | OF | BRITISH BIRDS. | THE FIGURES ENGRAVED ON WOOD BY T. BEWICK. | VOL. I. | CONTAINING THE | HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION OF LAND BIRDS. | [Vignette] | NEWCASTLE: | PRINTED BY SOL. HODGSON, FOR BEILBY & BEWICK : SOLD BY THEM, | AND G. G. & J. ROBINSON, LONDON. | [Price 10s 6d. in Boards] | 1797|| Pagination: [2 blanks], [i, ii] – t.p. / blank, [iii] iv-xxx, [2] – f.t. / blank, [1] 2-335 [336 advert.] [2 blanks]; vignettes on t.p.'s; head- and tail-pieces; publisher's advertisement on final p. of v. 1. Collation: demi 8vo; a-b8, B-Y8; no sigs. A, p. 279 numbered correctly. Woodcuts: 140 descriptions of birds, 117 figures of birds, 91 vignettes, tail-pieces, etc. 1,000 copies printed. Variant B with a vignette at p. 22 printed vertically. Vignette at p. 285 without bars. Volume 2: Title: HISTORY | OF | BRITISH BIRDS. | THE FIGURES ENGRAVED ON WOOD BY T. BEWICK. | VOL. I. | CONTAINING THE | HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION OF WATER BIRDS. | [Vignette] | NEWCASTLE: | PRINTED BY EDWARD WALKER, FOR T. BEWICK : SOLD BY HIM, AND | LONGMAN AND REES, LONDON. | [Price 12s in Boards] | 1804|| Pagination: [2 blanks], [i, ii] – t.p. / blank; [iii] iv-xx, [1] 2-400, [2 blanks]. Collation: Demy 8vo in fours; a2 b-c4, A-3D4; E2, P2, Cc2 insigned. Woodcuts: 144 descriptions of birds, 101 figures of birds, 136 vignettes, tail-pieces, etc. Variant C: Vignette on p. 136 in 1st state, vignettes on pp. 269 and 359 in 2nd state. Binding: speckled full brown calf (restored), contemporary boards ruled in gilt, later spine with raised bands, gilt lettering and florets in compartments, marbled endpapers; 261 woodcut illustrations; printed on wove paper. In both volumes: armorial bookplate of "Clark, Knedlington, Yorks." with the motto "The time will come" on the front pastedown. Size: 21.5 x 14 cm, page: 20.6 x 12.6 cm, demi 8vo. Catalogue raisonné: Hugo (1866): № (99) 94 –120 (108) / pp. 40-58; Roscoe (1953): № 14 a-d, 17 a-d / pp. 46-52 and 65-76. See later edition in this collection: LIB-0860.2015.
Title: AN INTRODUCTION TO | BIBLIOGRAPHY | FOR LITERARY STUDENTS | BY | RONALD B. McKERROW | OXFORD | AT THE CLARENDON PRESS | 1927 Pagination: [i-iv] v-xv [xvi blank], 1-358 [2]. Collation: [a]4 b4 B-Z4 Aa-Zz4. Exterior: 23 x 15 cm, publisher’s black cloth, gilt lettering and publisher’s device to spine. Bookseller's sticker to ffl: CHAS. E. LAURIAT CO., | IMPORTERS & BOOKSELLERS | 385 Wash’n St. Boston || – this is of Lauriat, Charles Emelius Jr. (American, 1874 – 1937).
Title: THE SLEEPING | BEAUTY | TOLD BY C S EVANS | AND ILLUSTRATED BY | ARTHUR RACKHAM | LONDON WILLIAM HEINEMANN | PHILADELPHIA J B LIPPINCOTT Co || T.p. verso: LONDON WILLIAM HEINEMANN, 1920. Pagination: [1, 2] – h.t. / advert., [3, 4] – “WH” publisher’s device / frontis., [5, 6] – pictorial t.p. / publisher, year, [7, 8] – silhouette girls / Briar rose w/pasted offset ill., [9] 10-110 [2] – imprint / blank]. Collation: 8vo; B-G8, 3 double-leaf 3-colour woodcut illustrations extraneous to collation, in-text woodcuts. Illustrations: 25 full-page silhouettes, comprising 9 in colour (frontispiece and 4 double plates)--and 16 in black (including 4 double illustrations); one mounted coloured plate; silhouette head- and tailpieces and other silhouettes throughout the text, in black. Binding: Quarter cloth with black lettering, pictorial boards, pictorial endpapers. Size: 26 x 19.5. 1st edition. Inscription to h.t.: "To Dear Julia, Xmas 1947."
Publisher’s pictorial wrappers: CHRISTIE'S | NEW YORK | {three book covers} | Masterpieces of Modern Literature: | The Library of Roger Rechler | FRIDAY 11 OCTOBER 2002 || Red spine with white lettering from top to bottom, multiple illustrations in colour, 26.8 x 21 x 3 cm. Pagination: [1-4] 5-451 [452]. 375 lots, prices realized handwritten next to each lot and on 6 loose leaves inserted.
Publisher’s blue wrapper: DÜRERS | KUPFERSTICHE UND HOLZSCHNITTE. | EIN KRITISCHES VERZEICHNIS | VON | R. v. RETBERG. | MÜNCHEN. | THEODOR ACKERMANN. | 1871. || Title page: similar to front wrapper, 2.5 cm cut at the bottom, text not affected. Pagination: front wrapper with lettering in a frame, flyleaf, [4] 1-169 [170 blank] [2], flyleaf, back wrapper with imprint plus 2 plates (frontis., Il. entry №129, and op. p., il. entry 100 № 260, printed on laid paper without watermark). Collation: π2 1-88 9-134 142, plus 2 plates extraneous to collation, incl. frontispiece. Binding: 26.4 x 17.5 cm, quarter green morocco over marbled boards, black compartment fillets and lettering to spine, publisher’s wrappers preserved. Marks: bookplate 6 x 9 cm to front pastedown: “БИБЛИОТЕКА | ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО | ЭРМИТАЖА ИЗ СОБРАНИЯ | СТЕПАНА ПЕТРОВИЧА | ЯРЕМИЧА | (1869 – 1939)”, purple ink stamp “В ПРОДАЖУ”. To front wrapper: Ink manuscript on top “Dr. Lichtenstein”… etc., black ink seal of rampant lion and pencil number “949” in the middle; pencil marks to p. 162.
Contents: Inhalt - Berichtigungen - Vorwort und Einleitendes - Dürers Lebenskizze - [Text] - Nachtrag zu Dürers "Lebenskizze". A critical directory of Albrecht Dürer (German, 1471 – 1528) copperplate engravings and woodcuts by Ralf von Retberg (German, 1812 – 1885): the description of 167 woodcuts and 103 copperplate engravings.
Provenance: From the collection of a Russian artist Stepan Petrovich Yaremich, sold by Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. Ref: Royal Academy. -
Description: Hardcover photographic pictorial album, 29.2 x 23.1 cm, quarter crimson percaline over grey cloth with lettered paper labels to front cover and spine, grey endpapers; pp. [1-4] 5-109 [3], total 56 leaves, additional spine and cover labels tipped-in. Oliver Hill (British, 1887 – 1968).
Hardcover volume, 24.5 x 17.5 cm, pictorial boards and endpapers, pp. [2] 3-167 [168]; 2 t.p., 129 pp. of plates, 33 pp. of text, 4 pp. of thumbnails, 1 colophon. Front cover (grey vignette, blue lettering): Das Leningrader Album | We are on | our way to school | singing songs | hip and cool | Вместе в школу | мы идём | песни модные | поём. | von | Evgenij | Kozlov | konkursbuch Verlag | Claudia Gehrke || ISBN: 3-88769-315-9. Evgenij Kozlov (Russian-German, b. 1955) – artist.
Hardcover volume, 24.5 x 17.5 cm, bound in black buckram with blind barbed wire design and silver lettering to front cover and spine, pp.: [2] 3-750 [2]. Одеський мартиролог: Данi про репресованих Одеси i Одеськоï областi за роки радянськоï влады (Серiя «Одеського Меморiалу») (Том 1) / Уклад.: Л. В. Ковальчук, Г. О. Разумов— Одеса : ОКФА, 1997. Title-page: (in rules) СЕРИЯ «ОДЕССКОГО МЕМОРИАЛА» | ОДЕССКИЙ | МАРТИРОЛОГ | ТОМ 1 | Одесса | ОКФА | 1997 || ISBN: 966-571-065-9 Ковальчук, Лидия Всеволодовна Разумов, Георгий Александрович
Owner’s quarter cloth over faux marbled paper binding, 19.8 x 15.1 cm, pp.: [1-4] 5-227 [3], total 230 pages plus frontispiece (b/w photographic portrait w/facsimile); library blue ink stamp to t.p. “Библиотека средней политехнической школы № 76 г. Харькова Октябрьского района Инв. № ___». Title-page: ДИТЯЧА БIБЛIОТЕКА УКРАЇНСЬКИХ ПИСЬМЕННИКIВ | За редакцiєю В. АРНАУТОВА та О. ПОПОВА | — | ВИБРАНI ТВОРИ | Упорядкував С. МIЗЕРНИЦЬКИЙ | Державний Науково-Методологiчний Комитет | Наркомосвiти УСРР по секциï сицiяльного | виховання дозволив до вжитку як допомiчний | посiбник в книгозбiрнях установ соцвиху | ДЕРЖАВНЕ ВИДАВНИЦТВО УКРАЇНИ | 1928 || Contents: Передмова, Викуп, Паньска воля (Горпина), Козачка, Ледащиця, Чумак, Не до пари, Тюлева баба, Кармелюк, Гайдамаки. Print run: 5,000 copies. Contributors: Марко Вовчок [Marko Vovchok; Марія Олександрівна Вілінська] (Ukrainian, 1833 – 1907) – author. Other variants: Markowovzok and Marko Vovtchok.
Шарль Монтескье. Храм Книдийский (пер. Иван Сичкарев). Лисимах. Разговор Суллы с Эвкратом. Опыт о вкусе (пер. Семён Башилов). — СПб.: [Тип. Акад. наук], 1770. Pagination: [2 blank] [2 t.p. храм, blank] [4 preface] [1] 2-72, [1, 2 t.p. лисимах, blank] [1] 2-12 [13, 14 t.p. силла] 16-33, [34 blank] [35, 37 t.p. опыт, blank] 38-95 [96 errata] [2 blank]. Size: 12mo, 20 x 12.5 cm, Binding: Contemporary polished brown slightly stained calf, gilt-ruled borders, flat spine with gilt bands and tools in compartments, black title label with gilt lettering to spine, marbled end-papers. Inscriptions and marks: Ink hand-writing to ff: "Люб. Дубенская, Москва XII 1931"; "Ленкнигторг" label glued to the recto of back free leaf; "Антикварная торговля В. И. Клочкова. СПБ., Литейный 55" label pasted to back pastedown. Printed on laid paper with "key" image printed on recto and protruding to the verso to t.p. of Храм Книдийский and Лисимах. Imperial orthography. Engraved head and tailpieces.
Title: ПОДРОБНЫЙ СЛОВАРЬ | РУССКИХЪ ГРАВЕРОВЪ | XVI-XIX ВВ. | СОСТАВИЛЪ Д. А. РОВИНСКIЙ. | (ПОСМЕРТНОЕ ИЗДАНIЕ). | СО МНОГИМИ ЦИНКОГРАФIЯМИ ВЪ ТЕКСТѢ. | САНКТПЕТЕРБУРГЪ, 1895. | ПРОДАЕТСЯ У КОМИССIОНЕРОВЪ ИМПЕРАТОРСКОЙ АКАДЕМИИ НАУКЪ: | И. И. Глазунова, М. Эггерса и Комп. и К. Л. Риккера въ С.-Петербургѣ, Н. П. Карбасникова въ | С.-Петербургѣ, Москвѣ и Варшавѣ, | Н. Киммеля въ Ригѣ. Фоссъ (Г. Гэссель) въ Лейпцигѣ. | Цена 4 руб. Pagination: [2] t.p./colophon, [2] dedication/blank, [2] f.t. ИСТОРИЧЕСКIЙ ОБЗОРЪ | ГРАВИРОВАНIЯ / blank; 1-344 (numbered half-pages, 86 leaves); [2] f.t. СЛОВАРЬ ГРАВЕРОВЪ. / blank, 1-806 [808 blank] (numbered half-pages, 202 leaves) Collation: 8vo; π3 1-258 262. Книга состоит из двух разделов с раздельной пагинацией. Первая часть "Исторический обзор гравирования", вторая – собственно "Словарь граверов". В обеих частях пронумерованы половины страниц.
Title: NOUVELLE | LISTE | DES JOLIES FEMMES | DE PARIS ; | LEURS NOMS ET LEUR DEMEURE. | PRIX TROIS FRANCS. | Se trouve A Paris , au Palais des plaisirs. | — | An 1808. || Pagination : [1-6] 7-70 [2 blank] Collation : 9vo, [A]9 B-D9. Binding: Original blue wrappers, 15 x 9 cm. Ref: OCLC finds only one copy, at the British Library. The BnF has a work of the same title, with the same pagination, dated 1803. The stated publisher seems to be fictitious. Quaritch description: 12mo, pp. 70; a little dusty, a few spots and marks; a very good uncut copy in original blue/grey wrappers; somewhat worn and stained. Very rare guide to Parisian prostitutes providing an extraordinary snapshot of the state of prostitution in the city during the First French Empire. The anonymous compiler begins with a brief history of prostitution in the capital, and its regulation, under Charlemagne and Louis VIII, describes a brothel established by Joanna I of Naples at Avignon and discusses Pierre-Jean Grosley’s estimate of the number of prostitutes in London. He then provides his liste, divided into categories including ‘houses of the first order’, ‘bawdy houses’, ‘actresses’, ‘washerwomen’, and ‘procuresses’, giving the name of each prostitute, an indication of their age, and their physical attributes, character, and particular talents. Rosanne, for example, chez Madame l’Évêque at the Palais du Tribunat, offers ‘unspeakably voluptuous pleasures to the nether regions’; Honorine prefers women; Scholastique likes wine with her lovemaking; Nanette has a penchant for soldiers; Genevieve favours the priapic; Dorsay enjoys S&M, and Madame Laperriere promises rejuvenation to the elderly. One Ducroisy is poetically described as possessing ‘a tuft as black as a crow above two alabaster columns’, while Félicité has skin ‘soft and white, sprinkled with golden freckles, like gold in Maraschino liqueur’. The author hopes that his listed will bring business to the ladies and pleasure to their clients, beseeching both to look after their health so that his guide might ‘serve Love, not Asclepius’.
Pagination: [2] – letterpress title / blank, t.p. with contents / to readers, [1] 2-376 + 7 b/w and 16 coloured plates (total 23); this differs to Abbey’s description of 372 pages + 4 pages index, and 41 plates (lacking 18 plates). In No 73 lacking 3 plates: Quadrant Regent st., Morning dress and Full dress. In No 74 lacking 5 plates: Charles str., Brienz, head dresses, full dress, and muslin patterns. In No 75 lacking 5 plates: 4 with bank notes and Castle of Rinkenberg. In No 76 lacking 1 plate: Cavern St. Beat. In No 77 lacking 2 plates: Wetzar and Lake Thun. In No 78 lacking 2 plates: Crescent at Portland Place and Environs of Thun. Collation: 4to; letterpress title, [A]1 B-Z4 Aa-Zz4 3A-3C4 3D2. Binding: 23.5 x 15.5 cm; double fillet blind-ruled half-calf over pebbled cloth boards, raised bands ruled blind, crimson label with gilt lettering to spine. References: Martin Hardie (1906), p.310 [LIB-2623.2021]; R. V. Tooley (1935), p. 26 [LIB-2641.2021]; J. R. Abbey (1953), Cat. № 212, p. 174 [LIB-2622.2021].
50 issues (full 1920 year) of the French anti-Semitic journal La Vieille France published by Urbain Gohier in Paris from 1916 to 1924. LIB-LIB-2731-1.2021 to LIB-2731-50.2021.
Title page: BOOKLEGGERS | AND | SMUTHOUNDS | THE TRADE IN EROTICA, 1920-1940 | JAY A. GERTZMAN | UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS • PHILADELPHIA || Pagination: [8] [1] 2-418 [6] blanks, total 216 leaves. Binding: 24.5 x 16 cm; black cloth, silver lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket.
Title-page: THE HUMAN | FACTOR | Graham Greene | {citation from Joseph Conrad, 3 lines} | {publisher’s device} | THE BODLEY HEAD | LONDON SYDNEY | TORONTO || Green publisher’s cloth with gilt lettering to spine, cream dust jacket, lettered on front, back and spine, designed by Michael Harvey, unclipped (£4.50 NET | IN U.K. ONLY), [1-8] 9-338 [339] [340 blank]. Previous owners' inscriptions to FFEP. Printed by William Clowes & Sons Ltd. (Beccles). © Graham Greene 1978. Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991).
Сборник. Редактор Г. Н. Павлов, оформление И. З. Копеляна. Description: 8vo, 23 x 18 cm, grey cloth with black lettering, pictorial dust jacket. Inscription to front pastedown: “Дорогой | Броне Ароновне | от финансистов. | 31 октября 1961 г. | г. Ленинград.” Collation: 8vo; [1]-238 246; total 190 leaves with numerous b/w in-text illustrations plus 11 colour plates extraneous to collation. Pagination: [1-4] 5-378 [2]; total 380 pages. Print run: 25,000 copies. Articles by Sergei Varshavsky: Ф. А. Васильев. «Оттепель»; А. И. Куинджи. «Лунная ночь на Днепре»; В. Е. Маковский. «На бульваре»; И. И. Левитан. «Свежий ветер. Волга». Sergei Petrovich Varshavsky [Сергей Петрович Варшавский] (Jewish-Russian, 1906 – 1980)