//1st edition
  • Cover (in blackletter): H. L. Rosegger. | Von Königen u. Jakobinern | {vignette by von Bayros} | Verlag C. Seifert | • Köstritz u Leipzig • || Title (blackletter): Von Königen | und Jakobinern | Von | Hans Ludwig Rosegger | mit vier Vollbildern und Buchschmuck | von Marquis F. von Bayros | {publisher’s device} | 1913 | C. Seifert Verlag, G.m.b.H. | Köstritz und Leipzig || Pagination: [2] – t.p. / blank, [2] – contents / blank, [1-3] 4-263 [264 vignette, colophon], 4 plates extraneous to collation, 2 vignettes. Collation: 8vo; 1-168 174. Binding: Hardcover, pictorial paper boards, lettering to spine, lettering and vignette by von Bayros to cover. Owner's inscription to ffl: "T. Lewe. März, 1919."
  • NEW
    Hardcover, 231 x 165 mm, half brown cloth over cardboard, lettering in a frame to front, similar to t.p., pp.: [4] [1] 2-151 [152], collated 4to: π2 1-194, i.e. 78 leaves. Entries are in alphabetic order by name. Title-page (and front cover): Bibliotheca Germanorum | erotica. | Verzeichniss der gesammten | deutschen erotischen Literatur | mit Einschluss der Uebersetzungen. | Nachschlagebuch für Literaturhistoriker, | Antiquare und Bibliothekare. | Nach den zuverlässigsten Quellen | bearbeitet von | H. Nay. | — •— | Leipzig, 1875. || [Bibliotheca Germanorum erotica. List of all German erotic literature, including translations. Reference book for literary historians, antiquarians and librarians. Based on the most reliable sources edited by H. Nay]. Imprint: Druck von E. Rupfer in Stuttgart. Ref: Worldcat. Author: Hugo Hayn [Nay, H.] (German, 1843 – 1923)
  • Title: PROCESSES OF | GRAPHIC REPRODUCTION | IN PRINTING | BY | HAROLD CURWEN | [space] | LONDON | FABER AND FABER | 24 RUSSELL SQUARE || Pagination: [i-vii] viii-xvi [6] [1-3] 4-142 [2], ills. Collation: 8vo; π3 [A]8 B-K8, 14 plates extraneous to collation, in-text illustrations; (quire K – 'Binding'). Binding: 22.8 x 15 cm, black cloth, gilt lettering to spine; calligraphic MS bookplate to fep "Dorothy Mahoney | 1942." Edition: 1st edition, printed by The Curwen Press in Plaistow. Contributors: Harold Curwen (British, 1885 – 1949), grandson of John Curwen (British, 1816 – 1880) – author. The Curwen Press (Plaistow, London) – printer. Faber and Faber Limited (London) – publisher. Dorothy Mahoney – provenance; author of the book The Craft Of Calligraphy, first published on October 12th, 1981 by Pelham Books. The 1st American edition was published the same year in New York by Oxford University Press [LIB-2835.2021].
  • Hardcover volume, 31 x 23.5 cm, bound in full crimson canvas, reproduction colour print with black border pasted to embossed panel, ivory paper label with black lettering to spine, pp.: ffl, [1-4] (t.p./imprint, dedication/blank, 5-337 [338] colophon, 146 b/w woodblock prints by Sharaku photomechanically reproduced, within the pagination. Title-page: THE SURVIVING WORKS OF | SHARAKU | By HAROLD G. HENDERSON | and LOUIS V. LEDOUX | {device} | {blank} | PUBLISHED BY E. WEYNE • NEW YORK | ON BEHALF OF THE | SOCIETY OF THE JAPANESE STUDIES | 1939 || Colophon: PRINTED BY PETER BEILENSON AT THE WALPOLE PRINTING OFFICE | MOUNT VERNON • NEW YORK || Contributors: Harold Gould Henderson (American, 1889 – 1974)– author. Louis Vernon Ledoux (American, 1880 – 1948) – author. Tōshūsai Sharaku [東洲斎 写楽] (Japanese, fl. 1794 – 1795) – artist. Peter Beilenson (American, 1905 – 1962) – printer. Society for Japanese Studies – publisher. Walpole Printing Office (Mount Vernon, NY) – printer
  • 1st French edition (Paris, 1853) of Harriet Beecher Stowe's book Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly, with 27 illustrations on wood by George Cruikshank (British, 1792 – 1878), translated into French by Paul-Émile Daurand-Forgues [pseudonym Old Nick] (French, 1813 – 1883) and Adolphe Joanne (French, 1813 – 1881). Title: LA CASE | DE | L'ONCLE TOM | OU | TABLE AUX DE L'ESCLAVAGE DANS LES ÉTATS-UNIS D'AMÉRIQUE ; | PAR MISTRESS HARRIET BEECHER STOWE. | TRADUCTION NOUVELLE | PAR OLD NICK & ADOLPHE JOANNE, | Collaboarteurs de la Revue britannique, | PRÉCÉDÉE D'UN PORTRAIT ET DE LA BIOGRAPHIE DE L'AUTEUR; | ORNÉE D'IU GRAND NOMBRE DE GRAVURES D'APRES LES DESSINS DE GEORGE CRUIKSHANK ; | SUIVIE DE POÉSIES COMPOSÉES PAR DES NÈGRES ET D'UNE NOTICE SUR LA | COLONIE DE LIBERIA. | [vignette] | PARIS. | AUX BUREAUX DU MAGASIN PITTORESQUE, | RUE JACOB, 30. | 1853. Pagination:  ffl blank; [i-ii]: h.t. with stamped letters D. W. in the upper centre / imprim. to verso; [iii-iv] t.p. / blank; [v-vi] blank / frontispiece: portrait of Harriet Beecher Stowe, half-length to left, with hair in ringlets, and a shawl over shoulders, landscape behind, Henry Linton (British, 1815 – 1899) after Henry Anelay (British,1817 – 1883), wood-engraving with letterpress; [vij] Viij-xij; [1] 2-563 [564]; bfl blank; illustrations: 27 woodcuts by George Cruikshank. Collation: 8vo, π7 (1)–(35)8 363 Binding:  Quarter brown calf, spine with raised bands, gilt-ruled compartments, title lettering, "D. W." in the bottom, marbled boards and endpapers. Dimensions: 24.1 x 16.4 cm. Catalogue raisonné: Albert M. Cohen (1924), №777, p. 221. "An edition was published in French with the woodcuts direct from the blocks, not, as in the English, merely from the stereotypes. The illustrations are far more impressive than those of Cassell's edition".
  • Title: PROBLÈMES ET DOCUMENTS | HENRI ROLLIN | L'APOCALYPSE | DE | NOTRE TEMPS | Les dessous de la propagande allemande | d'après des documents inédits | nrf | S. P. | GALLIMARD | Paris — 43, rue de Beaune Pagination: [1-9] 10-567 [9]. Size: 22.6 x 14.2 cm Binding: original publisher's wrappers. Ex libris Lorenzo Grazzini of Librairie Scritti (book store in Paris). Publishing Year: 1939; Publisher: Gallimard; Acheve d'impremier - Le 23 Septembre 1939 par l'Impremierie Orleanaise 68, rue Royale, Orleans.
  • Hardcover volume, 18.2 x 11.8 cm, bound in quarter black polished calf with gilt lettering “cartonnage romantique” design to spine, marbled boards, matching marbled endpapers, blue margins. Title-page: SCÈNES | DE LA BOHÊME | PAR | HENRY MURGER | {publisher’s device ML} | PARIS | MICHEL LÉVY FRÈRES, LIBRAIRES-ÉDITEURS | RUE VIVIENNE, 2 bis. | 1851 || Half-title: ŒUVRES | D’HENRY MURGER || Advertisement: Chez le même Éditeurs. | BIBLIOTHEQUE CONTEMPORAINE | (page of text) || Collation: π2 (h.t/advert., t.p. / blank), 1-33 (17)12, χ6; total 212 leaves without ffls (3 front, 2 back). Pagination: [2] – h.t. / blank, [2] – t.p. / blank, [i] ii-xiii [xiv blank], [1] 2-406; total 424 pages. Scènes de la bohême, in later editions Scènes de la vie de bohème. Translations: Into English: LIB-2719.2021. Henri Murger. The Bohemians of the Latin Quarter. (Scènes de la vie de Bohême) / Translated from the French. — London: Vizetelly & Co., 1883. Into German: LIB-2686.2021. Henri Murger. Die Bohème : Szenen aus dem Pariser Künstlerleben. — Leipzig: Insel-Verlag, 1906. Into Russian: LIB-3182.2023. А. Мюрже. Сцены из жизни богемы / Пер. с франц. и прим. Е. А. Гунста; вст. ст. С. И. Великовского; художник Н. А. Кравченко. — М.: Художественная литература, 1963. Contributors: Murger, Henri [Henry] (French, 1822 – 1861) – author.
  • Front cover: LONDON | Highlights from | the Erotica Library | of Tony Fekete | Tuesday 18 November 2014 | {vignette in colour} | CHRISTIE'S || Pagination: [2] 3-134 [2], total 136 pages, 221 lot. Binding: 16.7 x 21 cm, publisher’s pictorial wrappers, red spine with white lettering.
  • NEW
    Hardcover, 217 x 140 mm, bound in quarter vellum over marbled boards, lettering to spine, collated 8vo: π4 1-108 114 (i.e. 88 leaves), pp.: [i-v] vi-viii, [1] 2-168; to front pastedown armorial bookplate “Bibliothèque de Mr de Barante № ___” and pencil inscription “B-183-F”, to rear pastedown bookseller’s ticket “№ 2683”. Title-page: ÉTUDES | SUR LE | SYSTÈME PÉNITENTIAIRE | ET SUR | SON APPLICATION | AU RÉGIME DES PRISONS DE FRANCE | Par M. H. DIARD | PRÉSIDENT HONORAIRE A LA COUR D'APPEL DE RIOM, OFFICIER DE LA LÉGION | D'HONNEUR ET DE L'INSTRUCTION PUBLIQUE, MEMBRE DE LA SECIÉTÉ D'AGRICULTURE, | SCIENCES, ARTS ET BELLES-LETTRES DU DÉPARTEMENT D'INDRE-ET-LOIRE | — | TOURS | IMPRIMERIE LADEVÈZE | Rue Chaude, 6. | — | 1875 || Provenance: Engraved armorial bookplate of Claude Antoine Prosper Félix Brugière, baron de Barante (French, 1851 – 1925). Author: Charles François Hippolyte Diard (French, 1795 – 1877), président à la cour impériale de Riom, Officier de la Légion d'honneur (12 AUG 1869). Printer/publisher: Imprimerie Rouillé-Ladevèze (1834 - 1910). Seller's note: "Rare first edition, rare in commerce. Proposes reforms for the French prison system based on the study of the methods of America and other European countries, including Ireland and England. With a section on the handling of young offenders and agricultural detention centres, like that at Mettray".
  • Title: Illustrated Catalogues of Tokyo National Museum: Ukiyo-e Prints [東京国立博物館図版目録 | 浮世絵版画編] (Tōkyō Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan zuhan mokuroku | Ukiyoe hanga hen); Publisher: Tokyo National Museum [東京国立博物館] (Tōkyō Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan). Three volumes, 26.3 x 18.7 cm, uniformly bound in black cloth with white characters to front cover and spine. Title-page: ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES OF | TOKYO NATIONAL MUSEUM | UKIYO-E PRINTS | <1 (2, 3) > | 東京国立博物館図版目録 | 浮世絵版画編 | < 上 (中, 下) > || Volume 1 [上]:  unpaginated 1 t.p., 2 colour plates, 1 contents, 70 (1-1354) – b/w plates, 1 + 48 paginated leaves (1-95 [96]) – text. Volume 2 [中]: unpaginated 1 t.p., 2 colour plates, 1 contents, 67 (1355-2493) – b/w plates + 33 paginated leaves (1-65 [66]) – text. Volume 3 [下]: unpaginated 1 t.p., 2 colour plates, 1 contents, 83 (2494-3926) – b/w plates + 35 paginated leaves (1-69 [70]) – text. Black and white photomechanical reproduction of almost four thousand woodblock prints with titles by the artist and in chronological order.
  • Half-titleÜBERREICHT VON | GILHOFER UND RANSCHBURG | SORTIMENT–, BÜCHER– UND KUNST– | ANTIQUARIAT | WIEN 1, BOGNERGASSE 2 || Title: Red letterpress lettering in black ornamental frame: Insel- | Almanach | auf das Jahr | 1907 || Pagination: [6] – h.t., frontis., title; [1-16] 17-150 [2], + 2 folding plates (op. p. 30 and 32), and 2 plates op. p. 50 (Franz von Bayros "Francine" for Die Bohème by Henri Murger) and 112 (colour). Binding: 17.3 x 9.9 cm;  original olive paper wrappers with gilt lettering and elements to cover, lettering to spine. Catalogue raisonné: Heinz Sarkowski (1999): № 1986, pp. 329-30, with contents. Contributors: Gilhofer und Ranschburg – antiquarian bookstore in Vienna. Schröder, Rudolf Alexander (German, 1878 – 1962) – title and cover. Wieynk, Heinrich (German, 1874 – 1931) – typeset. Kippenberg, Anton Hermann Friedrich (German, 1874 – 1950) – editor. Brandstetter, Oscar (German, 1844 – ?) – printer.
  • Owner’s wrappers, 28 x 21 cm, printed on laid paper, unpaginated, collated ffl, [A, B]4 C-G4, 2 ffl; total 28 leaves plus 5 engraved plates by Allegrini after Mariotti; engraved title-page (Vercruys after Soderini), head- and tailpieces (Gregori after del Moro) and initials. Owner's label to front pastedown: Marc Burdinprêtre.  Title-page (engraved, red and black): IOANNIS BAPTISTAE PASSERI | PISAUREN. NOB. EUGUBINI | DE TRIBUS VASCULIS ETRUSCIS | ENCAUSTICE PICTIS | A CLEMENTE XIIII. | P.O.M. | IN MUSEUM VATICANUM INLATIS | DISSERTATIO. | {VIGNETTE} | FLORENTIAE. MDCCLXXII. | ~ | in Typographia Moückiana. Cum adprobat. || Dedication: ANTIQVARIAE. ERVDITIONIS. PROPAGATORI EXIMIO ABSOLVTISSIMAM . HANC. DISSERTATIONEM CLARISS. PASSERII DE . IMAGINIBVS . ET . SYMBOLIS TRIVM . VASORVM . ETRVSCI . OPERIS QVAE PRINCIPIS. NOSTRI.SANCTISS. ET. SAPIENTISS. LARGITATE IN . VATICANVM . MVSEVM A. SE. CVMVLATISSIME . DITATVM INVE CTA . FVERVNT REGINALDVS.COMES.ANSIDAEVS.PATR.PERVS. M. A. CARD. PRONEPOS DEVOTVS. NOMINI . MAIESTATIQVE . EIVS DEMISSISSIME. Translation: "To the most excellent promoter of antiquities, the most accomplished: This most complete dissertation concerning the images and symbols of three Etruscan vases, which were most abundantly bestowed by our most holy and wise Prince onto the Vatican museum, was composed by the illustrious Passerius. Reginald, Count of Ansidius, true ancestral father, grandson by blood of the Cardinal, devoted most humbly and devoutly to his name and majesty." NoteP.O.M. stands for "Papa Optimo Maximo", which translates to "Father Most Excellent." For a similar vase in this collection, see VO-0098. This vase is attributed to Apulia, ca. 330 BCE. Passeri was probably wrong to attribute this type of vessel to Etruscan vase painting, produced from the 7th through the 4th centuries BC. Contributors: Giovanni Battista Passeri (Italian, 1694 – 1780) – author. Francesco Moücke (Italian, fl. 1729 – 1787) – publisher. Pope Clement XIV [Ganganelli, Giovanni Vincenzo Antonio] (Italian, 1705 – 1774) – dedicatee. Artists:  Mauro Soderini (Italian, 1704 – after 1751) Carlo Spiridione Mariotti (Italian, 1726 – 1790) Lorenzo del Moro (Italian, 1677 – 1735) Engravers: Theodor Vercruys [Teodoro Vercruysse] (Dutch, 1678 – 1739) Francesco Allegrini da Gubbio (Italian, 1587 – 1663) Carlo Bartolomeo Gregori (Italian, 1702 – 1759)
  • Description: Three volumes, in brown cloth, gilt-lettered to front and spine, in pictorial dust jacket, 34 x 25 cm each, T.E.G., in a slipcase 35 x 25.5 x 13.5 cm. Pagination: Vol. 1: [i-vi] vii-xix [xx] 1-349 [1 blank], ils. №№ 1-382; Vol. 2: [7] 350-673 [1], ils. №№ 383-667 ; Vol. 3: [7] 674-1034, ils. №№ 668-973. Edition: Limited edition of 2,000 copies of which this is copy № 935. Title-page: JACK HILLIER | Japanese Prints | & Drawings from | the Vever Collection | Volume One (Two; Three) | Rizzoli International | Sotheby Parke Bernet | 1976 || Contributors: Jack Ronald Hillier (British, 1912 – 1995) Henri Vever (French, 1854 – 1942)
  • Title: JACK KAHANE | ★ | Memoirs of a | Booklegger | [space] | {publisher’s device} | MICHAEL  JOSEPH LTD. | 26, Bloomsbury Street, London, W.C.I || Pagination: [1-6] 7-287 [288 blank]; total 288 pages. Collation: 8vo; [A]8 B-S8; total 144 leaves. Binding: 21.5 x 15 cm, by James Burn, publisher’s blue cloth, silver lettering to spine, yellow endpapers; cream dust-jacket with black and red lettering and reproduced photo portrait of the author. Contributors: Jack Kahane (British, 1887 – 1939) – author. Michael Joseph (British, 1897 – 1958); Michael Joseph Ltd. (London) – publisher. William Brendon & Son, Ltd.; Mayflower Press (Plymouth) – printer. John Dickinson & Co.; John Dickinson (British, 1782 – 1869) – paper maker. Frederick E. Kahane – dedicatee (brother of Jack).
  • NEW
    Hardcover volume 226 x 206 mm, bound in black cloth, orange paper panel with lettering, black endpapers, pp.: [1-8] 9-128 [4]; print run limited to 502 copies, with 500 printed on Papeir Libris numbered from 1 to 500, of which this is copy № 443. Gift ms in blue ballpen to h.t. by Jacques Duprilot for Guy Parguez (French, 1936 – 2021), a librarian at Lyon Public Library (Bibliothèque de la Ville de Lyon) : « Pour Guy Parguez afin qu'il n'ignore plus rien du presque du catalogue du cabinet secret du Prince G***. Aves toute ma sympathie. A Lyon 1e 18 Juin 1989. Duprilot ». Title-page: JACQUES DUPRILOT | L'ÉNIGME DU CATALOGUE | DU CABINET SECRET | DU PRINCE G*** | OU LES RUSES DU LIBRAIRE LEHEC || Half-title: LES CURIOSA DE MONSIEUR LEHEC | ET | LA GENÈSE | DU CATALOGUE DU CABINET SECRET | DU PRINCE G*** | (1887-1890) || Limitation (colophon): ÉDITION ORIGINALE | ACHEVÉE D'IMPRIMER EN MARS 1989 | PAR DUMARET & GOLAY À CAROUGE-GENÈVE | COMPRENANT | 2 EXEMPLAIRES DE TÊTE NOMINATIFS | SUR JAPON KOZU VELLUM | ET 500 EXEMPLAIRES SUR PAPIER LIBRIS | NUMÉROTÉS DE 1 À 500 | EXEMPLAIRE N° 443 ||
  • NEW
    Two softcover volumes, 4th and 5th of the series Les arts décoratifs, collated 8vo, in uniform brown wrappers with red and black lettering to the front cover and black lettering to the spine and back cover, 215 x 152 mm, published by Librairie d'art R. Ducher, overtaken by Flammarion.
    1. Vol. 4: 1-48, pp. [1-5] 6-63 [64]; LES ARTS DÉCORATIFS (in rules) | JACQUES RUPPERT | LE COSTUME | IV | LOUIS XVI – DIRECTOIRE | = 150 ILLUSTRATIONS = | | {vignette } | PARIS | Flammarion (pasted over) ||
    2. Vol. 5: 1-48, pp. [1-5] 6-63 [64]; LES ARTS DÉCORATIFS (in rules) | JACQUES RUPPERT | LE COSTUME | V | CONSULAT - PREMIER EMPIRE -LOUIS-PHILIPPE - NAPOLÉON III | = 145 ILLUSTRATIONS = | {vignette } | PARIS | Flammarion (pasted over) ||
    Contents of Vol. 5.
    1. Le costume sous le Consulat et l'Empire: Caractères généraux. Costume masculin. Costume militaire.
    2. Le costume féminin sous le premier Empire : Éléments caractéristiques. Spencers et canezous. Robes de cour. Redingotes. Witz-chouras.
    3. Les coiffures sous le premier Empire : Coiffures masculines et féminines.
    4. La Restauration : Caractères généraux. Costume masculin. Costume féminin. Coiffures féminines.
    5. Louis-Philippe: Caractères généraux. Costume masculin. Costume féminin. Robes de bal. Robes à pèlerine. Faux et vrai canezous. Mantelets. Robes à corsage plat et crinolines. Coiffures féminines. Chapeaux et bonnets.
    6. Deuxième République et Napoléon III: Costume masculin. Costume féminin. Crinolines et tournures. Coiffures.
  • Title page: Juries and the | Transformation of | Criminal Justice | in France | in the Nineteenth & Twentieth Centuries | James M. Donovan | The University of North Carolina Press   Chapel Hill || Frontispiece: STUDIES IN LEGAL HISTORY | Published by the University of North Carolina Press | in association with the American Society for Legal History | Daniel Ernst & Thomas A. Green, editors || Pagination: [i-viii] ix [x] 1-262. Binding: black cloth, silver lettering to spine, pictorial DJ.
  • HUMAN PHYSIOGNOMY | EXPLAIN'D: | IN THE | Crounian LECTURES | ON MUSCULAR MOTION. | For the Year MDCCXLVI. | Read before the | ROYAL SOCIETY: | By James Parsons, M.D. and F.R.S. | Being a SUPPLEMENT to the Philosophical | Transactions for that Year. | {Citation in the Greek from Aristotle, 6 lines} | LONDON: | Printed for C. Davis, over against Gray's Inn Gate | in Holbourn; Printer to the Royal Society. | M. DCC. XLVII. || Pagination: [4] i-viii [8] 1-82 [4]; collation: 4to; [a]4 b4 c2 <inset> B-L4 M3, wanting 1 leaf with An Index For the Lectures of the Years 1744, and 1745; Inset: 5 folding plates engraved by J. Mynde after J. Parsons ('I. Ps. MD del.'). Page 22.5 x 16.5 cm; plates 22.5 x 34 cm. Printed on laid paper, with tall "s". Binding: 23 x 17 cm, modern hardcover in marbled paper, modern endpapers, white paper label with black lettering to spine. Crounian Lectures (i.e. Croonian Lectures), named after William Croone (British, 1633 – 1684). Contributors: James Parsons (British, 1705 – 1770). James Mynde (British, 1702 – 1771). Davis, Printer to the Royal Society of London (British, 1665 – 1775). Ref.: Royal Academy, The Royal Society, Wellcome Collection.