Description: Original cream French flapped wrappers, 27.4 x 20 cm, in a white moiré double slipcase 28.5 x 21.5 cm; collated 4to, gatherings with double-page illustrations collated 6to; printed on thick wove paper watermarked “BFK RIVES”, outer and bottom margins untrimmed; paginated: [2 blanks] [1-8] 9-140 [4] [2 blanks], total 44 pages (besides the blanks in wrappers), illustrated with 12 full-page and 4 in-text drypoint plates by Georges Viglino after pencil drawings by Gaston de Sainte-Croix. Enriched with 16 leaves of plates printed in sepia on Arches teinté paper (watermarked). Title-page (in salmon and black): NOUS | DEUX | ILLUSTRE DE | SEIZE POINTES SÈCHES ORIGINALES | ÉDITIONS DU CYCLAMEN – M CM LVI || Limitation: A print run of 200 copies, of which 2 copies (A and B) on Japon Nacré + one suite of plates on Japon Impérial, 30 copies (№ 1-30) on Rives + one suite of plates on Arches, and 168 copies (№ 31-198) on Rives pur fil. This copy is № 29, on BFK Rives with a suite on Arches. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970) № 2055, p. 282. Contributors: Marcel Valotaire (French, 1889 – 1979) – author Gaston de Sainte-Croix (French, 1904 – 1977) – artist Georges Viglino – engraver/printer (attributed by Dutel). Jacques Vialetay – publisher (attributed by Dutel).
Description: One volume bound in green morocco, sunned spine with raised bands and gilt lettering, collated 8vo, 28.3 x 23 cm, original wrappers and spine preserved, top margin gilt; numerous in-text woodcuts, 30 full-page plates and one plate tipped-in. Front wrapper (red and black): RABELAIS | GARGANTUA | LITHOGRAPHIES DE SCHEM | {publisher’s device lettered in red “ÉDITIONS DU MANOIR”} | HENRI PASQUINELLY | DIJON || Half-title: LA VIE TRESHORRIFIQUE | DU | GRAND GARGANTUA | PERE DE PANTAGRUEL | JADIS COMPOSÉE | PAR MAISTRE ALCOFRIBAS | ABSTRACTEUR DE QUINTE ESSENCE | — | LIVRE PLEIN DE PANTAGRUELISME || Title-page (red and black): RABELAIS | GARGANTUA | LITHOGRAPHIES DE SCHEM | AVEC UNE PRÉFACE ET DES RÉSUMÉS EXPLICATIFS PAR | PIERRE HUGUENIN | UN GLOSSAIRE ET DES NOTES DE | LOUIS PERCEAU | {publisher’s device lettered in red “ÉDITIONS DU MANOIR”} | HENRI PASQUINELLY | DIJON || Collation: 2 blanks, front wrapper, [1] 2-118, spine, back wrapper, 2 blanks, total 88 leaves between the wrappers plus 30 plates incl. frontispiece, two of which are double-page, extraneous to collation with lettered tissue guards, and one cancelled plate with lettered tissue guard tipped-in. Pagination: [1-7] 8-171 [172] [2 colophon] [2 blank], total 176 pages, ils. Printed on February 20, 1937, at Imprimerie Darantière (Dijon), lithographs were printed by Desjobert (Paris). Limitation: The print run of 3,335 copies, of which 10 (№ I-X) on Japon Impérial, 300 copies (№ 1-300) on Vélin de Rives, 3000 copies (№ 301-3,300) on Bouffant Dauphinois, and 25 copies (A-Z ) on Vélin de Rives for collaborators. This is copy № 45 on Vélin de Rives, enriched with one cancelled plate (see image below).Collaborators: François Rabelais [Alcofribas Nasier] (French, c. 1494 – 1553) – author. Pierre Huguenin (French, 1874 – 1937) – author. Louis Perceau (French, 1883 – 1942) – author. Raoul Serres [Schem] (French, 1881– 1971) – artist. Éditions du manoir; Henri Pasquinelly [Pasquinelli] (French, 20th century) – publisher. Imprimerie Darantière (Dijon) – printer. Edmond Desjobert (French, 1888 – 1963); Edmond et Jacques Desjobert – lithography printer.
Ce petit paillard tousjours tastonnoyt ses gouvernantes cen dessus dessous, cen devant darriere.
Description: Two volumes 34 x 26.5 cm each, each in a green/gilt marbled in a slipcase, bound in green morocco, spine with raised bands and two gilt-lettered brown labels, original wrappers bound in, marbled endpapers; printed on Montval watermarked wove paper, top margin gilt, outer and bottom margins untrimmed. Front wrapper (in oval red frame): CH. De LACLOS | LES | LIAISONS | DANGEREUSES | {fleuron} | TOME PREMIER (TOME SECOND) | — | CHEZ SYLVAIN SAUVAGE | 16 RUE CASSINI A PARIS | ANNO DOMINI | MCMXXX || Title-page (black and red): ~ CHODERLOS DE LACLOS ~ | LES | LIAISONS | DANGEREUSES | OU | LETTRES | RECUEILLIES DANS UNE SOCIETE ET | PUBLIEES POUR L’INSTRUCTION | DE QUELQUES AUTRES | {vignette} | TOME PREMIER (TOME SECOND) | AVEC DES FIGURES DE S. SAUVAGE | GRAVEES SUR CUIVRE AVEC LA COLLABORATION DE D.A.MAILLART | A PARIS EN L’AN GRACE | MCMXXX || Vol. 1: Collation: 2 blanks, 1 front wrapper, 1 blank/limitation, 1 h.t./frontis., 1 t.p., 3 advert., 1 d.t.p. première partie, 106 leaves, 1 blank, 1 back wrapper, 1 blank/spine, 1 blank; total within wrappers 114 leaves with woodcut fleurons and tailpieces, and 23 engraved and coloured plates, incl. frontispiece, full-page and in-text, some with tissue guards. Pagination: [14] [1] 2-211 [212] [2], ils. Vol. 2: 2 blanks, 1 front wrapper, 1 blank, 1 h.t./frontis., 1 t.p., 1 d.t.p., 109 leaves, 1 plate, 1 colophon, 1 back wrapper, 1 blank/spine, 1 blank; total within wrappers 115 leaves, with woodcut fleurons and tailpieces, and 25 engraved plates, engraved and coloured plates, incl. frontispiece, full-page and in-text, some with tissue guards. Pagination: [8] [1] 2-218 [4], ils. Limitation: Printed on September 29, 1930, 165 copies (1-165), the first four enriched with a suite of b/w plates and one original drawing; 10 copies for collaborators marked I-X. This is copy № 129. Contributors: Choderlos de Laclos, Pierre Ambroise François (French, 1741 – 1803) – author. Sylvain Sauvage [Félix Roy] (French, 1888 – 1948) – artist, publisher. Pierre Bouchet (text), Paul Haasen (plates) – printers.
French flapped tan wrappers, 24.3 x 18.8 cm, lettered in red “Les Vacances | de Suzon | Journal Secret | AUX DÉPENS | DES AMIS DE CUPIDON ||”, collation: 1 blank, 1 t.p., lettering similar to front wrapper, 1 blank, 24 leaves of plates with fac-simile ms text, 2 blanks; total 29 leaves; the said 24 leaves are made by glueing together pairs of 48 individual leaves, printed on one side. Dutel (1920-1970) № 2578, p. 406, describes the edition as a photocopy of “Il s'agit d'une copie de Suzon en Vacances” printed in the late 1940s, the print run is limited to 300 copies. The edition is attributed to Leon Courbouleix (French, 1887 – 1972).
Description: One volume in French flapped cream wrappers, 25.5 x 19.5 cm, lettered “PYBRAC”, in glassine DJ, collated 4to, printed on watermarked Van Gelder laid paper, outer and bottom margins untrimmed, illustrated with 20 in-text drypoints on recto of each 1st and 3rd leaf of 1-10 gatherings, some with tipped-in tissue guards, unbound. This copy lacks the frontispiece, 10 full-page plates, and does not have any enrichment. It is one volume instead of two. Title-page: PYBRAC | ILLUSTRE DE TRENTE POINT SÈCHES | D’UN | ARTISTE INCONNU | PARIS | AUX DÉPENS D’UN AMATEUR | — | M. CM. XXVIII || Limitation: Edition limited to 30 copies, 1 copy unique on Japon Nacré with 30 original sketches, one suite in colour, two suites in black and 5 cancelled plates; 29 copies on Hollande Van Gelder, with one original watercolour, four original sketches, one suite in colour, two suites in black and 5 cancelled plates. This is copy № 8 (but without 11 full-page plates and with no enrichment). For a unique copy of the enriched edition in this collection, see LIB-3065.2022. Collation: π4 (2 blanks, h.t., t.p.), 1-104, χ2 (2 blanks), total 46 leaves. Pagination: [8] 1-78 [2] [4], total 92 pages. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970): № 2279, p. 334, Pia (Enfer):№ 1117, p. 586, Nordmann (I):№ 235; Vokaer № 23, p. 13; Fekete:№ 216. Contributors: Pierre Louÿs (French, 1870 – 1925) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist.
Description: One volume in grey-blue French flapped wrapper, 24 x 16.7 cm, collated 8vo, with black and red lettering to front cover, printed on watermarked thick wove paper Alfax Navarre, margins untrimmed, some pages uncut, illustrated with 12 aquatint plates signed Le Loup. Front wrapper and title (red and black): RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE | L'ANTI-JUSTINE | OU | LES DÉLICES DE L' AMOUR | Nouvelle édition entièrement revue et corrigée, | établie pour la première fois sur le texte original de 1798. | PRÉCÉDÉE D'UNE NOTICE BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE | par HELPEY | bibliographe poitevin | {device} | ILE SAINT-LOUIS | DE L’IMPRIMERIE DE Monsieur Nicolas. Limitation: Printed 350 copies, numbered 1-350, on alfax paper; this copy is № 256. Collation: 1-158 166, incl. the 1st and last leaves within the wrappers, total 126 leaves plus 12 plates extraneous to collation. Pagination: [4 blank] [1-4] 5-243 [244 blank] [4 blank], total 252 pages, ils. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970) № 1025, p. 45. Ref.: Danson Erotica Collection at Trinity College, Oxford – KK.6.33. Contributors: Nicolas Edmé Restif de la Bretonne (French, 1734 – 1806) – author. Louis Perceau [Helpey] (French, 1883 – 1942) – author. Maurice Henri Hector Duflou (French, 1885 – 1951) – publisher. The artist – Le Loup – unidentified.
Description: One volume in cream French flapped wrappers, collated 8vo, 22.5 x 14.8 cm, lettered to front (device in red), printed on wove paper, margins untrimmed, some pages uncut, illustrated with tail- and headpieces and 17 sets of plates (4 of each plate) with tissue guards, after Martin van Maele. Front wrapper (red and black): L'HISTOIRE | COMIQUE DE | FRANCION | COMPOSÉE PAR CHARLES SOREL | Réimprimée intégralement pour la | première fois d'après l'édition | originale de 1623 | ET DÉCORÉE | de 17 eaux-fortes et de 16 gravures | par MARTIN VAN MAELE | {device} | SE VEND | A Paris, chez Jean Fort | Libraire, rue de Chabrol, no 12 | M. CM. XXV. || Title-page (red and black): L'HISTOIRE | COMIQUE DE | FRANCION | En laquelle sont découvertes les plus subtiles | finesses et trompeuses inventions tant des hommes | que des femmes de toutes sortes de conditions et | d’âges. Non moins profitable pour s’en | garder, que plaisante à la lecture. | Nouvelle édition conforme à | l’édition princeps de 1623, et | ornée de 17 eaux-fortes et | de 16 compositions par | MARTIN VAN MAELE | {device} | A PARIS | Chez Jean Fort, libraire, | Rue de Chabrol, no 12 | M. CM. XXV. || Collation: π3 (blank, h.t., t.p.), 1-268 χ3 (colophon, 2 blanks), total 214 leaves plus 17 sets of plates (4 of each). Pagination: [6] i-v [vi], 1-411 [412] [4], total 428 pages, ils. Illustrations: 16 tail- and headpieces, and one full-page vignette etched after drawings by Martin van Maële; 17 gravures coloured à la poupée after van Maële’s watercolours, each accompanied with three b/w plates in a different state of the same, incl. frontispiece; unpaginated. Limitation: The run of 1,203 copies printed on October 2, 1925, by Maurice Darantiere in Dijon; 1 copy (№ 1) on Japon Impérial is unique with the original drawings and three additional suites of plates; 10 copies (2-11) on Japon Impérial with three additional suites of plates; 31 copies (12-42) on Hollande with two additional suites of plates; 61 copies (43-103) on Madagascar with one additional suite of plates; 1,100 copies (104-1203) on Enoshima. This copy is № 10 on Japon Impérial with three additional suites of plates. Catalogue raisonné: S. A. Perry (2015) № 28, p. 31. Contributors: Charles Sorel, sieur de Souvigny (French, c. 1602 – 1674) – author Maurice François Alfred Martin van Maële [Martin van Maële] (French, 1863 – 1926) – artist. Maurice Darantiere (French, 1882 – 1962) – printer. Jean-Marie Fort (French, 20th century) – publisher.
Description: One volume in cream French flapped wrappers, 28.5 x 19.5 cm, lettered to front in blue, printed on wove paper, [1-8] 9-157 [158] [6 blanks] + 8 plates tipped-in; total 82 leaves, first two and last three blank (total 8 blanks), the first and last leaves in the wrappers. Clandestine pirate edition with 8 collotype reproductions of coloured etchings after André Collot. Some plates with a water stain in the upper left corner, one plate has a long closed tear along the left margin. Compare to the original etchings, these plates look dull. Front wrapper (blue): LA SEMAINE | SECRÈTE | DE SAPHO || Title-page (black): LA SEMAINE | SECRÈTE | DE SAPHO | Illustrée de huit gravures | coloriées à la main | LA CHRONIQUE DES DAMES | CONTEMPORAINES || Limitation: The run of 300 copies printed on vélin de luxe “illustrée de huit gravures avec remarques colorées à la main”. This copy is № 128. Note: According to J.-P. Dutel (1920-1970) № 2385, p. 360, it is a pirate edition, printed in c. 1930. Jean-Pierre does not indicate that the plates are collotype reproductions, however, it is obvious when assessed under a microscope with a magnification of 60. The original edition published in 1929 has a different title-page and is illustrated with hand-coloured etchings, see Dutel (1920-1970) № 2384, p. 360. Contributors: Pascal Pia [Pierre Durand] (French, 1903 – 1979) – author. André Collot (French, 1897 – 1976) – artist.
Description: Three volumes, 17 x 14 cm each, uniformly bound in quarter crimson morocco over marbled boards, spine with raised bands tooled gilt with gilt lettering and fleuron, marbled endpapers, publisher’s wrappers preserved (moire-waffle in light pink (vol. 1), cream (vol. 2) and blue (vol. 3), engraved), printed on wove paper, outer and bottom margin untrimmed, illustrated with etched/aquatint front wrapper, frontispiece, tail- and headpieces, and full-page plates in sepia, presumably after Zyg Brunner. Title-page (red and black): LE DIABLE | AU | CORPS | ŒUVRE POSTHUME | DU TRÈS RECOMMANDABLE DOCTEUR | CAZZONÉ | (ANDRÉA DE NERCIAT) | Membre extraordinaire de la joyeuse Faculté | phallo-coîro-pygo-glottonomique | TOME PREMIER (DEUXIÈME; TROISIÈME) | ALENÇON | 1930 || Vol. 1: front wrapper, blank leaf, h.t./limitation, t.p., [1] 2-180, 2 blank leaves, back wrapper; frontispiece, 7 full-page plates (incl. frontispiece), and 13 tail- and headpieces. Vol. 2: front wrapper, blank leaf, h.t./limitation, t.p., [1] 2-193 [194 blank], blank leaf, back wrapper; 8 full-page plates (incl. frontispiece), and 12 tail- and headpieces. Vol. 3: front wrapper, blank leaf, h.t./limitation, t.p., [1] 2-180 [181 colophon], [182 blank], blank leaf, back wrapper; frontispiece, 8 full-page plates (incl. frontispiece), and 13 tail- and headpieces. Limitation: 30 copies (№ 1-30) on Japon Impérial, 300 copies (№ 31-331) on Vélin d’Arches. This copy is № 109. Colophon: Printed on May 25, 1930, 350 copies on Vélin d’Arches with numbers from 31 to 380 [sic!] Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970) № 1394, p. 129. Contributors: André-Robert Andréa de Nerciat (French, 1739 – 1800) – author. Zyg [Zygismund; Sigismond Leopold] Brunner (Polish, 1878 – 1961) – artist.
Description: one volume 25.5 x 22 cm, quarter calf with raised bands and gilt lettering over gilt-decorated boards, text within decorated borders printed on wove paper, with 8 mounted colour plates, 16 x 14 cm, photomechanical reproductions after Franz von Bayros, with lettered tissue guards, t.e.g. Title-page (in decorated border): INPANDEANVALE | PICTURED {} IN COLOUR | BY THE MAR {} QUIS F.BAYROS {vignette} | AMALTHEA PUBLISHING OFFICEZURICH || Pagination: [2 blank] [1-6] 7-156 [2 blank], total 80 leaves, incl. 8 colour plates with lettered tissue guards. Limitation: Copyright by Amalthea Publishing Office, Vienna. Printed by Adolf Holzhauzen in Vienna. Bound by Karl Scheibe, Vienna. Edition A: №№ I-V, full leather signed by von Bayros; Edition B: №№ 1-495 in half-leather. This copy is № 130, signed by the author. Contributors: Geoffrey Sephton – author, nothing is known. Franz von Bayros (Austrian, 1866 – 1924) – artist. Adolf Holzhausen the Younger (Austrian, 1868 – 1931) – printer. Karl Scheibe (Austrian) – bookbinder.
Description: Publisher’s French flapped wrappers 28.2 x 19.2 cm, lettering to front cover “SCÈNES | DE | PÉRIPATÉTICIENNES | Εις το αφρωδιαζειν αγει | MCMIII”, pp. [1-6] 7-132 [4]. 10 laid-in (unbound) colour plates after André Collot, including the title-page vignette. Text printed on laid paper, plates on wove paper. According to J.-P. Dutel (1920-1970) № 2366, p. 356, this is a pirated reprint with 11 plates of the 1927 or 1935 edition of “Douze douzains de dialogues”, illustrated with 12 hand-coloured etchings after André Collot (№ 1427, 1428, p. 137, ibid.). Limitation of 200 copies seems fake as per Pia, the copy in BNF bears number 262 (Pia № 1213, p. 635; № 359, p. 200). Title-page: SCÈNES DE | PÉRIPATÉTICIENNES (arch) | Εις το αφρωδιαζειν αγει | MCMIII || Pictorial t.p.: {vignette in colour} | Douze douzains de Dialogues | ou | Petites scènes amoureuses | * || (text in fac-simile ms). Limitation: edition is limited to 200 copies of which this is copy № 44. Contributors: Pierre Louÿs (French, 1870 – 1925) – author. André Collot (French, 1897 – 1976) – artist. See: LIB-2819.2021 in this collection.
In an owner’s quarter buckram cardboard folder with a vegetation diaper design, ms blue ink lettering to front: “Songes galantes | 12 dessins par | Margit Gaal” at the centre, “Arpad Rob Laszlo | à Paris | 1938” in the lower right corner. Loose sheets with the 1st leaf t.p. / table de planches, and then 12 leaves of lithograph plates. Title-page: SONGES GALANTES | 12 DESSINS PAR | MARGIT GAAL | ÉDITION PRIVÉE | PARIS 1920 ||, ms inscription in blue ink in the middle : “Collection par | Árpad Rob Laśzló | techn. d’avion | Paris 1937”. Limitation: Edition limited to 500 copies of which № 1-100 signed by the author. This is copy № 407. References: Dutel (1920-1970) № 1413 (published in 1921); Honesterotica (indicated the year of death as 1965, however, there is no proof). Contributors: Gaál, Margit (Hungarian, 1898 – 1920) – artist.
Description: One volume, 27 x 21 cm, collated 4to, bound in ¾ red morocco over marbled boards, raised bands, gilt in compartments, gilt lettering to spine, marbled endpapers, publisher’s wrappers and spine preserved, T.E.G. Title-page: ALFRED MACHARD | – | PRINTEMPS | SEXUELS… | L'EPOPEE AU FAUBOURG | Des anges ? Non. | Des petit d’hommes… | LITHOGRAPHIES DE | JEAN AUSCHER | PARIS | ÉDITIONS M.-P. TRÉMOIS | 43, AVENUE RAPP | – | 1928 || Collation: 1st blank, front wrapper, 3 blanks, π5 (h.t./limitation, t.p./copyright, dedication, Freud, Rimbaud), 1-214, 2 blanks, back wrapper, spine, last blank; total 94 leaves between the wrappers, and 10 plates extraneous to collation, incl. frontispiece – chromolithographs by Jean Auscher. Pagination: [6 blanks] [1-10] 11-175 [176] [2 colophon] [4 blanks], total 178 pages, ils. Limitation: Print run limited to 352 copies, one № 0 unique on Japon paper, enriched; one № 00 on Japon paper, enriched; 15 copies marked A-O on Japon paper, enriched; 35 copies on Hollande Van Gelder, enriched with one suite in black, № I-XXXV; 300 copies on vélin d’Arches, № 1-300, of which this copy is № 127. Colophon: Printed on April 20, 1928; text by Coulouma (Argenteuil), plates by Mourlot Frères (Paris). Contributors: Alfred Machard (French, 1887 – 1962) –author. Jean Auscher (French, 1896 – c. 1950) – artist.
Description: one volume 28.5 x 23 cm in publisher’s French flapped wrappers, with lettering to front “Pierre Louÿs”, in glassine dust jacket, in tan cardboard double slipcase 29.7 x 24 cm with ticket “Haeusgen | 8 München 90 | Reinekestrasse 36”; 13 gatherings in-4to (52 leaves), unbound, with 20 drypoint illustrations by Louis Berthomme Saint-André, 15 of them full-page plates, with tissue guards, printed on wove paper watermarked “Lana 15‡90”, unpaginated. Title-page (black and purple): PIERRE LOUŸS | POÉSIES | ÉROTIQUES | ILLUSTRÉES DE VINGT POINTES | SÈCHES PAR ARTISTE | INCONNU | AUX DÉPENS D’UN AMATEUR | CHIHUAHUA ~ MEXIQUE | L’AN I DE LA IVe RÉPUBLIQUE || Limitation (colophon): total print run of 350 copies on Lana paper, of which 20 copies marked A-T with an original drawing, etc. enriched; 30 copies numbered I-XXX, and 300 numbered 1-300. This is copy № 295. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970) № 2231, p. 324; Nordmann-Christie’s (2): № 322, p. 157. Contributors: Pierre Louÿs (French, 1870 – 1925) – author. Louis Berthomme Saint-André (French, 1905 – 1977) – artist.
Description: One volume, 25.5 x 19.8 cm, bound in ochre morocco, raised bands, gilt lettering to spine, gilt fillet inside, marbled endpapers, T.E.G., printed on wove paper watermarked “Lafuma”, original wrappers and spine bound in; in a slipcase 26 x 20 cm. Front wrapper and title-page (red and black): LE MARIAGE | DE | DON QUICHOTTE | PAR | P.-J. TOULET | {publisher’s device} | ILLUSTRATIONS DE | (CHARLES) MARTIN | — | LA RENAISSANCE DU LIVRE | PARIS — 78, BOULEVARD SAINT-MICHEL || Collation: two blank leaves, front wrapper, π4 (blank, h.t./limitation, t.p., preface), 1-274, back wrapper, spine, two blank leaves, 112 leaves between the wrappers plus 9 plates extraneous to collation, incl. frontispiece – stencil-coloured photogravures after Charles Martin. Pagination: [8] 1-210 [2] [4], total 224 pages between the wrappers, ils. Limitation: Edition limited to 775 copies, of which 1 copy on Vieux Japon (№ 1), 24 on Japon Imperial (№2-25), and 750 on Vélin Lafuma (№ 26-775). This copy is № 625. Colophon: Printed on November 15, 1922 – text by Coulouma (Argeneuil), director H. Barthélemy, photogravures by Héliogravure de Schutzenberger (Paris), coloured by Charpentier. Contributors: Paul-Jean Toulet (French, 1867 – 1920) – author. Charles Martin (French, 1884 – 1934) – artist. Léon Maurice Schützenberger (French, 1863 – 1950)
Description: One volume, 27 x 21.5 cm, collated 4to, bound in full dark crimson calf with gilt floral border, raised bands with gilt filets, gilt lettering to spine, 16 colour plates, one of them loose, and numerous woodcut tailpieces. Title-page: (black and blue): VOLTAIRE | L'INGÉNU | {VIGNETTE} | ILLUSTRATIONS DE BERTHOMMÉ SAINT-ANDRÉ | ÉDITIONS DE LA BONNE ÉTOILE | PARIS || Collation: 4to; π4 (2 blanks, h.t./limitation, t.p.), 1-184, last blank; total 76 leaves plus 16 colour plates after Louis Berthommé Saint-André and two flyleaves, first and last. Pagination: [4 blanks] [1-4] 5-143 [144] [4 blanks]; total 152 pages, ils. Limitation: Edition limited to 2,500 copies, of which this is copy № 1621. Colophon: Printed under direction of Paul Cotinaud at L’Union Typographique by Henri Leduc; photogravures executed by G. Duval and coloured by E. Vairel fils. Contributors: François Marie Arouet de Voltaire (French, 1694 – 1778) – author. Louis Berthomme Saint-André (French, 1905 – 1977) – artist.
Description: one volume in French flapped wrappers 25.3 x 19 cm, lettered “MUSSET” to front, 5 gatherings of 4 and one of 6 leaves, 26 leaves total, pp.: [4] [2] 3-43 [44] [4], total 52 pages, incl. those in wrappers, unbound; plus coloured and uncoloured suites of 12 lithographs, in a paper folder; in a cardboard tan slipcase 2.8 x 19.3 cm. Artist unknown, publisher unknown, published at the end of 1940s (per J.-P. Dutel). Illustrations are a loose interpretation of original lithographs by Devéria and Henri Grévedon or Octave Tassaert for the 1833 edition ((1926 re-print LIB-3135.2023). Limitation: Edition limited to 250 copies printed on Vélin Chiffon numbered 1 -250 and 24 copies marked by letters A to Z. This is copy № 246, with two suites of plates, one coloured and one b/w. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970) № 1657, p. 189. Alfred de Musset (French, 1810 – 1857) – author.
Description: One volume in publisher’s pink wrappers (folder), 24 x 19.5 cm, lettered "LES AVENTURES SINGULIÈRES | DU FAUX CHEVALIER | DE WARWICK" with the device below, in a double slipcase 25 x 20.2 cm with a lettered label to spine; collated 14 gatherings of 4 leaves and 5 gathering of 6 leaves, total 86 leaves, unbound; pp.: [10] 11-161 [162] [10], total 172 pages; illustrated with 8 full-page and 8 in-text coloured collotype reproductions after watercolours by André Collot and enriched with a suite of the same 16 plates before colouring. Text and illustrations in a purple frame, printed on wove paper watermarked “Arches”. Title-page (purple and black, in purple frame): DUPRÉ D'AULNAY | LES AVENTURES SINGULIÈRES | DU FAUX CHEVALIER | DE WARWICK | présentées par Jacques Perret | et illustrées de | 16 compositions originales | par | ANDRÉ COLLOT | {publisher’s device} | LA TRADITION | PARIS || Limitation: Edition is limited to 530 copies; first 128 copies on Vélin d’Arches, incl. 16 copies (№ 1-16) enriched with a suite before colouring and an original watercolour; 16 copies (№ 7-32) enriched with a suite before colouring and an original sketch; 96 copies (№ 33-128) enriched with a suite before colouring; 372 copies (№ 129-500) on Crèvecœur du Marais; plus 30 copies not for sale numbered I-XXX. This copy is № 53 (on Arches with a b/w suite). Colophon: Printed under the direction of Paul Durupt and Gerard Ribot on October 15, 1958, in the press of Pierre Larrive. Illustrations reproduced by Duval (Paris) and coloured by Le Coloris Moderne; bound by La Reliure Randeynes S.A. (Paris). Contributors: Louis Dupré d'Aulnay (French, 1670 – 1758) – author Jacques Perret (French, 1901 – 1992) – author André Collot (French, 1897 – 1976) – artist.