Two volumes, 16.6 x 11.4 cm each, uniformly bound in sprinkled calf, spine with raised bands, gilt in compartments, with crimson and black gilt lettered labels. Ink inscription to title page of vol. 1: “Thomas Fry. St: John's, Oxford.” Vol. 1: Collation: 4to; π2 ✶2 a4 b3 A-Z4 2A-2E4 2F1, (total 124 leaves), plus frontispiece, 29 in-text vignettes. Pagination: [2] – h.t., [2] – t.p., [4] – preface, [i] ii-xiv – Vie de La Fontaine, [1] 2-224, [2] – table, (total 248 pages), ils. Vol. 2: Collation: 4to; π2 ✶3 A-Z4 2A-2K4 2L3, (total 140 leavs), 40 in-text vignettes. Pagination: [2] – h.t., [2] – t.p., [6] – preface, [1] 2-268, [2] – table, (total 280 pages), ils. Illustrations: frontispiece by Lebas (signature erased), Vie de La Fontaine headpiece by Fessard after Cochin, 2 fleurons on two title pages, 69 vignettes by Chedel, Fessard, and Ravenet after Cochin (not signed). Catalogue raisonné: Lewine: 278; Cohen-deRicci: 557-8. Contributors: Charles-Nicolas Cochin (French, 1715 – 1790) – artist. Engravers: Pierre Quentin Chedel (French, 1705 – 1763). Étienne Fessard (French, 1714 – 1774). Simon François Ravenet (French, 1706 – 1764). Jacques-Philippe Le Bas [Lebas] (French, 1707 – 1783). Provenance: Thomas Fry (British, 1718 – 1772) – English priest and academic, president of St John's College, Oxford from 1757.
Title page: LES | BAISERS , | PRÉCÉDES | DU MOIS DE MAI, | POËME. | [vignette] | A LA HAYE , | Et se trouve à Paris | Chez Lambert , Imprimeur, rue de la Harpe. | Et Delalain , rue de la Comédie Françoise. | M. DCC. LXX Size: 8vo; 24.5 x 15.5 cm; Binding by Hippolyte Duru – stamp at the back of the front end paper DURU, 1855; full red calf, boards decorated in gilt, raised bands and gilt decorations in compartments, gilt lettering, AEG, peacock marbled end papers, text and illustrations printed on Holland paper. Collation: 2 ffls, engraved half-title by N. Ponce after Ch. Eisen, frontispiece by Etienne Fessard after Claude-Jean-Baptiste Hoin (French, 1750 – 1817) w/guard tissue, t.p. by J. Aliamet after Ch. Eisen, Réflexions préliminaires: A8, B4; 'Le Mois de Mai' half-title, imprim. note on verso, frontispice by De Longueil after Ch. Eisen w/guard tissue, A4 C-F(8) H4; 2bfls. Frontispiece by Etienne Fessard is unique in this edition. Pagination: [2] 3-24, [27]/28, 5/6, 31/32 31/34 11/12 37-119 [120], 22 head-pieces after Ch. Eisen and 22 end-pieces after Marillier, engraved by Baquoy, Binet, Delaunay, Lingée, De Longueil, Masquelier, Massard, and Née. Mistakes in pagination likely confirms first printing first edition. Catalogue raisonné: Cohen, De Ricci (1912): 308-311). Artists: Charles Eisen (French, 1720–1778); Clément Pierre Marillier (French, 1740–1808), and Claude-Jean-Baptiste Hoin (French, 1750–1817). Engravers: Jacques Aliamet (French, 1726–1788); Jean Charles Baquoy (French, 1721–1777); Louis Binet (French, 1744–about 1800); Nicolas Delaunay (French, 1739–1792); Etienne Fessard (French, 1714–1777); Charles Louis Lingée (French, 1748–1819); Joseph de Longueil (French, 1730–1792); Louis Joseph Masquelier (French, 1741–1811); Jean Massard (1740–1822); François Denis Née (French, 1735–1818); Nicholas Ponce (French, 1746–1831).
Title-page in black and red: LE | SOPHA, | CONTE MORAL. | NOUVELLE EDITION. | PREMIERE PARTIE. | {vignette} | A PEKIN, | Chez l'imprimeur de l'Empereur, | 1749. || Pagination: Two volumes in one. [2] – blanks, [2] – blank / frontis., [i, ii] – t.p. / blank, [iii] iv-xxi [xxii] ; [1] 2-253, [254-256] – table / blank, [2] – blanks; [i, ii] f.t. (seconde partie). [iii] 4-237 [238-240] – table / blank, [2] – blanks ; ills. 1 frontispiece, 4 plates and 2 vignettes by Pelletier after Clavereau, 2 fleurons by Fessard after Cochin. Collation: 12mo; a12, A8B4–T8V4, X8 [*1]; A8B4–T8V4. Binding: Full mottled calf, flat spine, compartments double-ruled in gilt, gilt flowers and foliage in compartments, crimson title label; marbled endpapers. Printed on laid paper, watermarked. Size: 14.8 x 8.8 cm Catalogue raisonné: Cohen, de Ricci (266); J. Lewine (124-5).