• Two volumes in-12, 16.8 x 11.5 cm each, uniformly bound in ¾ red crushed morocco over marbled boards, spine with raised bands and gilt lettering, marbled endpapers, text printed on laid paper, 6 plates (3 in each vol.) on India paper pasted in on thick laid paper leaves. This edition seems similar to Nordmann I 203 but without Félicien Rops' frontispiece and plates, replaced by unsigned etchings attributed to Gustave Staal. Title-page (red and black): LE RICHE DE LA POPELINIÈRE | – | TABLEAUX | DES | MŒURS DU TEMPS | DANS LES DIFFÉRENTS AGES DE LA VIE | – | NOTICE DE | CHARLES MONSELET | – | TOME PREMIER (SECOND) | {fleuron} | PARIS | IMPRIMERIE DES CI-DEVANT FERMIERS GÉNÉRAUX | – | M D CCC L XVII || Vol. 1: π2 (h.t., t.p.) a4 (Notice), 1-1312 151 (Table); total 91 leaves plus three leaves of plates. Pagination: [4] [i] ii-vii [viii] [3] 4-168 [2]; total 182 pp, ils. facing pp. 59, 78, and 94. Vol. 2: π2 (h.t., t.p.), 1-1312, 152; total 88 leaves plus three leaves of plates. Pagination: [4] [1] 2-170 [2]; total 176 pp, ils. facing pp. 74, 78, and 145. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel I: A-1044 — without Félicien Rops ‘ornementations’, but with ‘6 gravures de 1865’. Dutel suggests that the edition was performed by A. Poulet-Malassis, Briard or Lécrivain. Catalogue Poulet-Malassis & ses amis description: № 43. LE RICHE DE LA POPELINIÈRE. Tableaux des mœurs du temps dans les diérents âges de la vie, tome premier (— second). Notice de M. Charles Monselet. Imprimerie des ci-devant fermiers généraux, Paris, M D CCC LXVII [A. Poulet-Malassis, 1867]. Exemplaire sans le frontispice de Félicien Rops mais bien complet des 6 figures de Staal, justification qui illustre les aléas de la confection des publications clandestines. D’une part, c’est une autre édition qui est décrite par Launay. L’exemplaire vendu chez Maître Loudmer avait 6 figures, comme ici. Cluzel a vu un “front. et 4 vignettes de Rops plus cinq figures libres (par Staal)”, Simonson a vu 5 figures de Rops, etc., etc. Il y a 3 bandeaux et 3 culs-de-lampe de Rops qui ont été fréquemment utilisés par d’autres éditeurs pour d’autres titres pendant toute la seconde moitié du xixe siècle. La Léonina présente une fiche détaillée sur 4 pages. 3 bandeaux et 3 culs-de-lampe gravés sur bois de Rops. Bibliographie : Pia 1389, Launay 327, Gay 6-308, Pey 122 (1800 frs avec 5 figures), PC 503 et 504, Lemonnyer 3-1173, LL 66, Leonina 81, Nordmann 1-203, Dutel A-1043. Contributors: Alexandre Jean Joseph Le Riche de La Popelinière (French, 1693 – 1762) – author. Charles Monselet (French, 1825 – 1888) – author (foreword). Pierre-Gustave-Eugène Staal (French, 1817 – 1882) – artist. Auguste Poulet-Malassis (French, 1825 – 1878) – publisher.
  • Hardcover volume, 35 x 26 cm, bound in pictorial paper boards with a lettered label to front cover, black lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket, pictorial endpapers, pp.: [1-5] 6-787 [788], 1028 colour ils., trilingual edition (English, German, French). Title-page (red and black): LUIGI FICACCI | ISTITUTO NAZIONALE PER LA GRAFICA, ROME | Giovanni Battista | PIRANESI | Catalogue of the Complete Etchings | Gesamtkatalog der Radierungen | Catalogue raisonné des eaux-fortes | TASCHEN || Contributors: Luigi Ficacci (Italian, b. 1954) – author. Giovanni Battista [Giambattista] Piranesi (Italian, 1720 – 1778) – artist.
  • Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 288 x 426 mm; black ink stamp “5305” to reverse. Top centre: "FAMILLE IMPÉRIALE", right: "67." Under the image: "Le Prince Murat." — "Le Prince Impérial." — "L' Empereur et l'Impératrice." — "Le Prince Napoléon." Bottom: "Fabrique d'Estampes de Gangel et P. Didion, à Metz." — "Déposé." Bottom: ms in pencil "1861 – 1868". Publisher/printer: Gangel et P. Didion (Metz); Paulin Didion (French, 1831 – 1879). Characters: Napoleon III [Charles-Louis Napoléon Bonaparte] (French, 1808 – 1873) Eugénie de Montijo [L'impératrice Eugénie] (Spanish-French, 1826 – 1920) Napoléon, Prince Imperial (Napoléon Eugène Louis Jean Joseph Bonaparte] (French, 1856 – 1879) Prince Murat [Lucien Charles Joseph Napoléon] (French, 1803 – 1878) Napoléon-Jérôme Bonaparte [Prince Napoléon] (French, 1822 – 1891)
  • Vol. 1 title: OVID'S | METAMORPHOSES | IN LATIN AND ENGLISH, | TRANSLATED BY | THE MOST EMINENT HANDS. | With HISTORICAL EXPLICATIONS | Of the FABLES, | WRITTEN IN FRENCH BY | The ABBOT BANIER, | MEMBER OF THE ACADEMY OF INSCRIPTIONS | AND BELLES LETTRES. | TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH. | Adorned with Sculptures, by B. Picart, and other able Masters. | VOLUME THE FIRST. | [Device] | AMSTERDAM, | Printed for the WETSTEINS and SMITH. | MD CC XXII || — Pagination: [26 – Half-title, frontis., t.p., dedic., The Bookseller's Preface To This Edition, Mr. Banier's Preface To The French Translation, Contents], [1] 2-247 – Text of books 1-7, with illus., [1 blank]. Vol. 2 half-title: OVID'S | METAMORPHOSES | IN LATIN AND ENGLISH | TWO VOLUMES || — Pagination: [2 – half-title / blank], 249-524 – Text of books 8-15, with illus., incl. 3 leaves of pl., [4 – Index]. Three leaves between pages 264 and 271 are included in the pagination as pp. [265-70] but do not carry page-numbers or letterpress text. They each carry two prints on their rectos and are blank on the verso. Vol. II without the engraved title page. The names of the translators are given in the list of Contents as Dryden, Addison, Eusden, Arthur Mainwaring, Croxall, Tate, Stonestreet, Vernon, Gay, Pope, Stephen Harvey, Congreve, Ozel, Temple Stanyan, , Catcot, Rowe, Samuel Garth, Welsted. The frontispiece is signed as made by B. Picart. The six plates on pages [265, 267, 269] are all signed as painted by C. Le Brun and engraved by Iakob Folkema. Of the 124 illustrations, most are unsigned by a draughtsman, but some are signed as designed by G. Maas, one as designed by Jul. Romain, two as designed by G. Maas and drawn by J. de Wit, one as drawn by 'HA', one as painted by C. le Brun, one as made by B. Picart, one as designed by P. Testa and drawn by B. Picart, one as designed by S. Le Clerc, one as designed by B. Picart. Many are signed by their engravers - Philip à Gunst (one as directed by B. Picart and engraved by Phil. à Gunst), J. Vandelaar (or I. Wandelaar), Martin Bouche, Jan Schenck, 'MB', Petr. Paul. Bouche, Iakob Folkema, W. Jongman, Fred. Bouttats. The title-page vignette of Volume I is signed as drawn by B. v. Overbeke and engraved by F. Mulder. Many tailpieces are signed 'VLS'. The book is dedicated by the publishers, R. and J. Wetstein and W. Smith, to the Countess of Pembroke. [Description is cited from the Royal Academy of Arts] Physical description: Two large 4to volumes, first title page printed in red and black, added engraved title in the first volume; half-title in the second volume; illustrated throughout with copperplate engravings in text; text printed in parallel columns in Latin and English; three leaves extraneous to collation each with two engravings in the second volume; bookplate pasted to the front endpaper in each volume: Ex Libris Theodore C. Tebbetts (Theodore Charles Tebbetts, American, 1871 – 1920) designed after Francis Carruthers Gould (British, 1844 – 1925); pages 517-520 of the second volume torn with loss of bottom blank corners and a word or two; original full leather, spines tooled elaborately in gilt; some boards detached, endcaps and corners rather worn, contents bright and fresh. Size: Large 4to; 47.5 x 31 cm.
  • Title: L'ADAM | LASCIF | OU | LETTRES A LA MARQUISE |{fleuron}| AVEC | des figures finement gravées | pour animer par ces billets | fort galamment troussés | AU CARQUOIS D’ARGENT || Edition: Limited numbered edition of 252 copies, artist’s copy on Marais paper with watermark, final state. Pagination: [2] blanks, [2] h.t./tirage, [2] blank / exemplaire, [2] t.p. / blank, i-iii [iv], f.t. / blank; 13-183 [184] [2] blanks, [2] ex-libris / blank; frontispiece, 9 vignettes and 9 plates by Gaston Barret, dry point, sanguine; woodcut vignettes at the faux-title of each chapter. Binding: Unbound, in publisher's blue velour paper folder with gilt device to front cover, original wrappers with blue silhouette and grey medallions, in publisher's grey slipcase. Ref: (1) Jean-Pierre Dutel, Bibliographie des ouvrages érotiques publiés clandestinement en français entre 1920 et 1970, № 951, Inconnu à Pia. (2) Curiosa: An exhibition of illustrated erotic books 1987 — London: Hobart & Maclean, 1987, № 8. (3)  Honesterotica (793). Note: Most sources reference black prints, not sanguine. The publishing year was established by Jean-Pierre Dutel; in any case, it was published before the jury hearings at Cour d'Assises in Paris on May 29, 1956. The fact of hearings was not independently confirmed.
  • DICTIONNAIRE | d'Argot | FIN-DE-SIÈCLE | PAR | Charles VIRMAITRE | {publisher's device "A.C."} | PARIS | A. CHARLES, LIBRAIRE | 8, RUE MONSIEUR-LE-PRINCE, 8 | 1894 || Pagination : [i-ix] x-xxiii [xxiv blank] [1] 2-336 + [3] 6-176; note: in Supplement – before page 6 only 3 pages. Collation: π4 ii8 [1]-1718 196 (180 leaves) + [1]17 3-[7]18 916 (87 leaves). Binding: Brown cloth, blind double-fillets, gilt lettering to the title.
  • Front wrapper and title page (in red and black): LES CONTES DE | CHARLES | PERRAULT | ILLUSTRATIONS | EN COULEURS | DE | BRUNELLESCHI | {vignette} | GIBERT JEUNE | LIBRAIRIE D'AMATEURS | 61, BOULEVARD SAINT-MICHEL, 61 | PARIS || Pagination: [2] – blanks, [2] – h.t. / limit., [2] – t.p. / blank, [4] – preface, [2] – d.t.p., 1-168 [169-70], [4] – table, [2] – imprint / blank; total 188 pages (94 leaves) with 55 in-text illustrations, plus 16 colour plates extraneous to collation, incl. frontispiece. Edition: Limited edition of 1,000 copies, this copy is № 1 (stamped in black). Printed on the 31st of October 1946 by J. Dumoulin (H. Barthélemy – director, Louis Malexis – mise en page); stencil-colouring (au pochoir) by E. Charpentier under direction of the artist. Binding: 26.7 x 20.3 cm, publisher’s flapped pictorial wrappers, vignettes and lettering to front wrapper and spine, publisher’s device to back wrapper, uncut. Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (French, 1628 – 1703): Griselidis (Griselda) — Peau d'Asne (Donkeyskin) — Les Souhaits ridicules (The Ridiculous Wishes— La Belle au Bois dormant (Sleeping Beauty) — Le Petit Chaperon rouge (Little Red Riding Hood) — La Barbe-Bleue (Bluebeard) — Le Maistre Chat ou Le Chat Botté (Puss in Boots) — Les Fées (The Fairies) — Cendrillon ou La Petite Pantoufle de verre (Cinderella)— Riquet à la Houppe (Riquet with the Tuft) — Le Petit Poucet (Hop-o'-My-Thumb) Description of the stensil (au pochoir) technique.

    Description:18.7 x 11.8 cm, quarter red morocco over marbled boards, spine with raised bands ruled in gilt, gilt lettering, marbled endpapers.

    Collation: 12mo; fep, 1 blank, π4 1-2712, 292, 1 blank, fep.; total 176 leaves. Pagination: [2] [2 h.t] [2 t.p.] [i] ii-iii [iv] [1] 2-337 [338] [2 errata] [2]. Other copies: LIB-0460.2015 and LIB-1034.2016. Other related objects: SVVP-0062.2021. The publication was funded by the author and smuggled into France. Contributors: Maurice Joly (French, 1829 – 1878)
  • Description: Two volumes 34 x 26.5 cm each,  each in a green/gilt marbled in a slipcase, bound in green morocco, spine with raised bands and two gilt-lettered brown labels, original wrappers bound in, marbled endpapers; printed on Montval watermarked wove paper, top margin gilt, outer and bottom margins untrimmed. Front wrapper (in oval red frame): CH. De LACLOS | LES | LIAISONS | DANGEREUSES | {fleuron} | TOME PREMIER (TOME SECOND) | — | CHEZ SYLVAIN SAUVAGE | 16 RUE CASSINI A PARIS | ANNO DOMINI | MCMXXX || Title-page (black and red): ~ CHODERLOS DE LACLOS ~ | LES | LIAISONS | DANGEREUSES | OU | LETTRES | RECUEILLIES DANS UNE SOCIETE ET | PUBLIEES POUR L’INSTRUCTION | DE QUELQUES AUTRES | {vignette} | TOME PREMIER (TOME SECOND) | AVEC DES FIGURES DE S. SAUVAGE | GRAVEES SUR CUIVRE AVEC LA COLLABORATION DE D.A.MAILLART | A PARIS EN L’AN GRACE | MCMXXX || Vol. 1: Collation: 2 blanks, 1 front wrapper, 1 blank/limitation, 1 h.t./frontis., 1 t.p., 3 advert., 1 d.t.p. première partie, 106 leaves, 1 blank, 1 back wrapper, 1 blank/spine, 1 blank; total within wrappers 114 leaves with woodcut fleurons and tailpieces, and 23 engraved and coloured plates, incl. frontispiece, full-page and in-text, some with tissue guards. Pagination: [14] [1] 2-211 [212] [2], ils. Vol. 2: 2 blanks, 1 front wrapper, 1 blank, 1 h.t./frontis., 1 t.p., 1 d.t.p., 109 leaves, 1 plate, 1 colophon, 1 back wrapper, 1 blank/spine, 1 blank; total within wrappers 115 leaves, with woodcut fleurons and tailpieces, and 25 engraved plates, engraved and coloured plates, incl. frontispiece, full-page and in-text, some with tissue guards. Pagination: [8] [1] 2-218 [4], ils. Limitation: Printed on September 29, 1930, 165 copies (1-165), the first four enriched with a suite of b/w plates and one original drawing; 10 copies for collaborators marked I-X. This is copy № 129. Contributors: Choderlos de Laclos, Pierre Ambroise François (French, 1741 – 1803) – author. Sylvain Sauvage [Félix Roy] (French, 1888 – 1948) – artist, publisher. Pierre Bouchet (text), Paul Haasen (plates) – printers.
  • Description: Softcover, 22 x 17 cm, in a blue-grey double slipcase 23.3 x 17.8 cm, publisher’s French flapped wrappers with a pink burning heart pierced with arrow diaper pattern, 15 unbound gatherings in 4to, and a suite of 12 stencil-coloured photogravures (au pochoir) after Shem, printed on wove pur fil paper; numerous tailpieces and in-text vignettes in blue. Half-title: Petites Cousines || Title-page: Alice • Simonne | Marcelle • Andrée | — | Souvenirs érotiques d’un homme | de qualité touchant les petites | cousines... les femmes du monde | et les belles filles de province | AUX DÉPENS D'UN AMATEUR ET | ~~ POUR SES AMIS ~~ || Pagination: [4] [1-4] 5-111 [112] [4], total 120 pages, incl. those in wrappers; 12 unnumbered suite of plates laid-in. Limitation: An edition of 255 copies of which 5 copies on Arches paper, enriched with one suite in b/w and one coloured plus one original drawing and two sketches (№№ 1-5); 15 copies on Arches paper, enriched with one suite in b/w plus one original drawing and one sketch (№№ 6-20); 235 copies on Pur Fil paper (№№ 21-255). This copy is № 85, with a suite of plates in colour. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel № 965, pp. 31-2. Note: Title-page per Dutel ALICE • SIMONNE | MARCELLE • ANDRÉE | — | Souvenirs érotiques d’un homme | de qualité touchant les petites | cousines... les femmes du monde | et les belles filles de Province | AUX DÉPENS D'UN AMATEUR ET | ~~ POUR SES AMIS ~~ || Contributors: Pierre Mac Orlan (born Pierre Dumarchey] (French, 1882 – 1970) – author. Schem [real name Raoul Serres] (French, 1881– 1971) – artist.
  • Hardcover volume, 19 x 13 cm, collated in-12mo, bound by Henri Creuzevault (signed) in full crushed brown morocco, spine with raised bands, gilt lettering “H. DE RÉGNIER | – | LA PÉCHERESSE” and “PARIS 1920” in the bottom compartment; gilt fillet to cover margin, five gilt fillets inside, marbled endpapers, bookplate of J.-P. Dutel to flyleaf, original yellow publisher’s wrappers preserved, top edge gilt, in a marbled slipcase; printed on dense wove paper (Japon). Inset: Receipt from Librairie ancienne et modern – Georges Venot (Lyon), dated April 16, 1938. Title-page / Cover: HENRI DE RÉGNIER | DE L’ACADÉMIE FRANÇAISE | – | La Pécheresse | HISTOIRE D’AMOUR | {publisher’s device} | PARIS | MERCVRE DE France | XXVI, RVE DE CONDÉ, XXVI | MCMXX || Limitation: 158 copies on Japon (№№ 1-158), 95 copies on Chine (№№ 159-253), 515 copies on Hollande (№№ 254-768), 1,650 copies on vélin pur fil de Lafuma (№№ 769-2393, and 25 copies not for sale marked A-Z. This is № 75 (on Japon), a unique copy enriched with 7 original watercolours by Serge de Solomko. Collation: 3 blank flyleaves, front wrapper, π6 (1 h.t./advert., 1 t.p./limit., 1 dedication, 3), 1-206, 212, back wrapper, spine, 3 blank flyleaves, list of illustrations pasted to recto endpaper “La Pécheresse. | 7 aquarelles de Solemko (sic.) | 57, 64, 168, 256, 289, 320, 346”, seven plates bound in as per the list. Pagination: [1-5] 6-350, ils. OCLC Number / Unique Identifier: 715077259. Contributors: Henri de Régnier (French, 1864 – 1936) – author. Auguste Gilbert de Voisins (1877 – 1939) – dedicatee. Sergueï Solomko [Сергей Сергеевич Соломко, Serge de Solomko] (Russian-French, 1867 – 1928) – artist. Henri Creuzevault (French, 1905 – 1971) – bookbinder. J.-P. Dutel description: RÉGNIER, Henri de. LA PECHERESSE. Paris, Mercure de France, 1920. In-12 (18,3 x 11,4 cm) de [1] f., 350 pp., maroquin janséniste grenat, dos à 5 nerfs, filets dorés intérieurs, tête dorée, filets dorés sur les coupes, non rogné, couverture et dos conservés, étui bordé. (Creuzevault). ÉDITION ORIGINALE. Tirage : 95 ex. sur chine. 158 ex. sur japon. 515 ex. sur hollande. UN DES 158 EXEMPLAIRES SUR JAPON. EXEMPLAIRE UNIQUE ENRICHI DE 7 AQUARELLES ORIGINALES HORS-TEXTE SIGNÉES PAR SERGE DE SOLOMKO. Sergueï Sergueïevitch Solomko « Serge de Solomko », (Saint-Petersburg, 1867- Sainte Geneviève des bois, 1928) est un illustrateur, graphiste et aquarelliste russe qui vécut en partie en France. Qualifiée d'histoire d'amour, cette œuvre d'Henri de Régnier est dédiée à Gilbert de Voisins, poète et romancier, en témoignage de fraternelle amitié. Elle est placée par son auteur sous les auspices du moraliste et critique libertin Saint-Evremond dont une citation figure en exergue du livre : « Il y a des temps où l'on pleure les plaisirs perdus, des temps où l'on pleure les péchés commis. » Et l'auteur d'incipiter comme suit : « J'ai toujours été si curieux des particularités que l'on découvre au caractère des femmes que, pas une fois, je n'ai négligé de m'instruire sur le sujet. » « (...) le point où se montre le mieux et le plus ouvertement ce que la nature les a faites, est celui de l'amour. »
  • Hardcover volume 20 x 14 cm, bound in burgundy half faux chagrin over brown faux chagrin boards, gilt lettering to spine, marbled endpapers, all margins sprinkled blue. Convolute: 1) SPIRITOMANES ET SPIRITOPHOBES |— | ÉTUDE | SUR LE | SPIRITISME | PAR LE | DOCTEUR HUGUET | De la Faculté de Paris | {« ED » publsiher’s device} | PARIS | E. DENTU, LIBRAIRE-ÉDUTEUR | Palais-Royal, 17-19, Galerie d’Orléans | – | 1875 | Tous droits réservés ||; pp. [1-7] 8-48, with Dr Huguet signature to h.t. verso. Contents: Introduction. I. Le procès du 16 juin 1875; MM. Firman, Buguet, Leymarie. II. Le Spiritisme dans ses rapports avec le dogme, l’histoire, la science. Conclusion. 2) Same, pp. [1-7] 8-48, with Dr Huguet signature to h.t. verso. 3) FÉDÉRATION SPIRITE BELGE | — | Étude critique | DU LIVRE INTITULÉ | L'Hypnotisme | et le Spiritisme | du Docteur Joseph LAPPONI | Médecin de L. L. S. S. LÉON XIII et PIE X. | * | CONFÉRENCE | PAR | J. FRAIKIN | Président de la Fédération Spirite de Liége, | Vice-Président de la Fédération Spirite Belge. | * | Imp. Emile Dumon | Rue Haute-Marexhe, 27, Herstal-Liége. ||;  pp. [1-3] 4-50 [51] errata/blank. 4) BUREAU PERMANENT D’ÉTUDE | DES | PHÉNOMÈNES SPIRITES | ANVERS | * | Cours De Doctrine Spirite | — |       Imprimerie et Publicité « LA GÉNÉRALE » (SOC. AN.) Anvers. ||; 6 leaves, pagination trimmed out with partly visible numbers 13 and 18 ; includes Deuxième leçon « Du passage de la vie… », t.p., 7 pp. of text, last three pages blank. 5) LA PSYCHOLOGIE EXPERIMENTALE || Manifeste adresse par le « Syndicat de la Presse spiritualiste de France » | au Congres spiritualiste de Londres (Juin 1898); pp. [1] 2-31 [32]. Contents: I. Prolégomènes. II. Télépathie. III. Médiumnité. Conclusion. 6) LE FLUIDE HUMAIN | Son existence/ | Ses lois * Ses propriétés | — |  CONFÉRENCE | DONNÉE PAR LE | Sous-Lieutenant DE BACKERE | — ||; pp. [1-3] 4-28. Contributors: Hilarion Huguet (French, ? – ?) Alfred-Henri Firman (American, ? – ?) Édouard Isidore Buguet (1840 – 1901) Pierre-Gaëtan Leymarie (1827 – 1901) Giuseppe Lapponi (Italian, 1851 – 1906) Jacques Fraikin (Belgian, ? – ?) Franz de Backere (Belgian, ? – ?)
  • Publisher’s peach cloth box 555 x 410 mm with coloured lithograph on the lid, autographed with crayons "Le Cirque | 14 LITHOGRAPHIES | DE | {vignette} | Vertes"; in-folio unbound 4 pp. booklet on laid paper watermarked “Marais” and 14 loose leaves of plates on laid paper 520 x 395 mm without a watermark with coloured lithographs signed “Vertes” and numbered “195/250” in pencil; interleaved with tracing paper. Box and plates foxed. Title-page (red and black): LE | CIRQUE | 14 LITHOGRAPHIES DE | VERTÈS | PRÉSENTÉ | PAR | JEAN COCTEAU || Imprint: LES LIVES MERVEILLEUX | MONACO | Il a été tiré de cet album : | 150 Exemplaires, | destinés à | l'Amérique, | distribués bar les soins de | Arthur H. Harlow | de New-York, | & | 100 Exemplaires, | réservés à la France. | 15 Avril 1949 || Limitation: Edition limited to 250 copies (150 for USA, 100 for France); this is copy № 195 printed for France as the American copies marked “Published by Arthur H. Harlow & Co., New York. Seller’s Description: VERTÈS, Marcel (Hungarian-French, 1895-1961). Le Cirque 14 Lithographies de Vertès. Présénte par Jean Cocteau. [Monaco: Les Livres Merveilleux, 1949]. [vi] pp. With all 14 lithographs, each signed by the artist and numbered “195/250”. Text and lithographs 15 ¼ x 20 ½”. In original publisher’s peach cloth box with printed label on lid (box foxed, soiled, lightly worn; lithographs and text foxed). Still, a very good example of this lovely collection, with an introduction by Jean Cocteau (1889-1963). Catalogue Raisonné: Vokaer № 50. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Arthur H. Harlow (American, c. 1877 – 1958) – publisher. Jean Cocteau (French, 1889 – 1963) – author.
  • Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 472 x 365 mm; black ink stamp “5275” to reverse. Top centre: "LE PRINCE IMPÉRIAL"; right: "№143." Image in the middle: Prince Impérial, with his father, conducts a review of the children's army "REVUE DES PUPILLES DE LA GARDE". Besides – five tiers of captioned cartoons. Bottom left: "Imp. lith. de Pellerin à Épinal"; right: Propriété de l’Éditeur. Déposé." Jean Charles Pellerin (French, 1756 – 1836) – printer/publisher.  
  • Three priests: Le Pere Matthieu Ricci, Le Pere Adam Schaal, and Le Pere Ferdinand Verbiest. Three priests with navigational instruments. Image taken from Description geographique, historique, chronologique et physique de l'Empire de la Chine et de la Tartarie Chinoise. Enrichies des cartes generales et particulieres de ces pays, etc. by Jean-Baptiste Du Halde (1674–1743), vol. 3, page 78. Originally published/produced in La Haye [The Hague], 1736. J.v.Solingen fecit

    Jean-Baptiste Du Halde (Chinese: 杜赫德; 1 February 1674 – 18 August 1743) was a French Jesuit historian specializing in China. He did not travel to China, but collected seventeen Jesuit missionaries' reports and provided an encyclopedic survey of the history, culture and society of China and "Chinese Tartary," that is, Manchuria. Voltaire said of Du Halde's work: "Although it is developed out of Paris, and he hath not known the Chinese, [he] gave on the basis of the memoirs of his colleagues, the widest and the best description the empire of China has had worldwide." Le Pere Matthieu Ricci, a.k.a. Matteo Ricci, S.J. (Italian pronunciation: [matˈtɛːo ˈrittʃi]; Latin: Mattheus Riccius Maceratensis; 6 October 1552 – 11 May 1610), was an Italian Jesuit priest and one of the founding figures of the Jesuit China missions. His 1602 map of the world in Chinese characters introduced the findings of European exploration to East Asia. He is considered a Servant of God by the Roman Catholic Church. Ricci arrived at the Portuguese settlement of Macau in 1582 where he began his missionary work in China. He became the first European to enter the Forbidden City of Beijing in 1601 when invited by the Wanli Emperor, who sought his services in matters such as court astronomy and calendrical science. He converted several prominent Chinese officials to Catholicism, such as Xu Guangqi, who aided in translating Euclid's Elements into Chinese as well as the Confucian classics into Latin for the first time. Le Pere Adam Schaal, a.k.a. Johann Adam Schall von Bell (1 May 1591 – 15 August 1666) was a German Jesuit and astronomer. He spent most of his life as a missionary in China (where he is remembered as "Tang Ruowang") and became an adviser to the Shunzhi Emperor of the Qing dynasty. Le Pere Ferdinand Verbiest, a.k.a. Father Ferdinand Verbiest (9 October 1623 – 28 January 1688) was a Flemish Jesuit missionary in China during the Qing dynasty. He was born in Pittem near Tielt in the County of Flanders (now part of Belgium). He is known as Nan Huairen (南懷仁) in Chinese. He was an accomplished mathematician and astronomer and proved to the court of the Kangxi Emperor that European astronomy was more accurate than Chinese astronomy. He then corrected the Chinese calendar and was later asked to rebuild and re-equip the Beijing Ancient Observatory, being given the role of Head of the Mathematical Board and Director of the Observatory. He became close friends with the Kangxi Emperor, who frequently requested his teaching, in geometry, philosophy and music. Verbiest worked as a diplomat and cartographer, and also as a translator because he spoke Latin, German, Dutch, Spanish, Hebrew, and Italian. He wrote more than thirty books. During the 1670s, Verbiest designed what some claim to be the first ever self-propelled vehicle – many claims this as the world's first automobile, in spite of its small size and the lack of evidence that it was actually built.

    Joshua Van Solingen was an engraver and publisher from Holland, working, besides other places, in Scotland. Information about him can be found at Catastrophic Bliss (The Griot Project Book Series) by Myronn Hardy;  Accounting in Scotland (RLE Accounting): A Historical Bibliography edited by Janet E. Pryce-Jones, Robert H. Parker; History of the Scottish Metrical Psalms: With an Account of the Paraphrases ... by John West MacMeeken;  The History of Edinburgh, from the Earliest Accounts to the Present Time ... by Hugh Arnot;  History of the Bassandyne Bible, the First Printed in Scotland: With Notices ... by William T. Dobson.

  • Title: PROBLÈMES ET DOCUMENTS | HENRI ROLLIN | L'APOCALYPSE | DE | NOTRE TEMPS | Les dessous de la propagande allemande | d'après des documents inédits | nrf | S. P. | GALLIMARD | Paris — 43, rue de Beaune Pagination: [1-9] 10-567 [9]. Size: 22.6 x 14.2 cm Binding: original publisher's wrappers. Ex libris Lorenzo Grazzini of Librairie Scritti (book store in Paris). Publishing Year: 1939; Publisher: Gallimard; Acheve d'impremier - Le 23 Septembre 1939 par l'Impremierie Orleanaise 68, rue Royale, Orleans.
  • Front wrapper: Comité politique plébiscitaire | 17, rue de Surène, PARIS, VIIIe | {Napoleon III portrait} | NAPOLÉON III, EMPEREUR | LES BIENFAITS DE L'EMPIRE || Title page: in a double-fillet frame with years in corners: 1848, 1851, 1852, 1870 || LES | BIENFAITS DE L'EMPIRE | PAR | ALEXANDRE BRADIER | {quotation from Napoléon Ier} | {quotation from Napoléon III} | {quotation from Prince Napoléon} | HUITIÈME EDITION | IMPRIMERIES BELLEVILLE | 29 — Rue du Moulin-Vert — 29 | PARIS (XIVe) | Tous Droits réservés || Pagination: [1-3] 4-62 [2 table] 15.5 x 12 cm brochure in publisher’s original lavender wrappers, front cover discoloured to grey, with publisher’s advert to back wrapper. Printed by Imprimeries Bellville. Published by Comité politique plébiscitaire.
  • Vol. 1 : Title : LES | RUES DE PARIS | PARIS ANCIEN ET MODERNE | ORIGINES, HISTOIRE | MONUMENTS, COSTUMES, MŒURS, CHRONIQUES ET TRADITIONS | OUVRAGE | RÉDIGÉ PAR L’ÉLITE DE LA LITTÉRATURE CONTEMPORAINE | SOUS LA DIRECTION DE | LOUIS LURINE | et illustré de 300 dessins exécutés par les artistes les plus distingués | TOME PREMIER | { publisher’s device «G.K.» in vignette} | PARIS | G. KUGELMANN, ÉDITEUR, 25 RUE JACOB | 1844 || Pagination: [4] [1] 2-396 [4], total number of pages 404, plus 21 wood-engraved plates, incl. frontispiece, extraneous to collation. Collation: 4to; π2 [1]4 2-504, total number of leaves 202, plus 21 leaves of plates. Vol. 2: Title: Same, “TOME SECOND”. Pagination: [4] [1] 2-411 [412] [4], total number of pages 420, plus 22 wood engraved plates, incl. frontispiece, extraneous to collation. Collation: 4to; π2, 1-524, total number of leaves 210, plus 22 leaves of plates. Binding: 27 x 17 cm, two volumes uniformly bound by the publisher in brown cloth, blind-stamped frame and gilt design (corners, coat of arms of Paris, lettering) to boards and spine, yellow endpapers. CONTRIBUTORS: Printer: Alfred Wittersheim (French, 1825 – 1881) Publisher: Georges Kugelmann (French, 1809 – 1882) Editor/Compiler: Louis Lurine (French, 1816 – 1860) Texts by: Briffault, Eugène (French, 1799 – 1854); Janin, Jules Gabriel (French, 1804 – 1874); Huart, Louis Adrien (French, 1813 – 1865); Burette, Théodose (French, 1804 – 1847); Beauvoir, Roger de (French, 1806 – 1866); Brot, Charles Alphonse (French, 1807 – 1895); Le Roux de Lincy, Antoine (French, 1806 – 1869); Achard, Louis Amédée Eugène (French, 1814 – 1875). Illustrated book, profusely illustrated with over 300 woodcuts by: ArtistsDaumier, Honoré (French, 1808 – 1879); Gavarni , Paul [Chevalier, Hippolyte Guillaume Sulpice] (French, 1804 – 1866); Nanteuil, Célestin François (French, 1813 – 1873); Baron, Henri (French, 1816 – 1885); Beaumont, Édouard de (French, 1821 – 1888); David, Jules (French, 1808 – 1892); Marckl, Louis (French, b. 1807); Schlesinger, Heinrich [Henri-Guillaume] (German-French, 1814 – 1893); Collignon, François Jules (French, d. 1850); Godefroy, Félix (French, 1765 – 1848); Lemercier, Charles Nicolas (French, 1797 – 1859); Loutrel, Victor Jean-Baptiste (French, 1821 – 1908); May, Edouard (French, c. 1807 – 1881); Moraine, Louis-Pierre René de (French, 1816 – 1864); Moynet, Jean Pierre (French, 1819 – 1876); Rossigneux, Charles (French, 1818 – 1907). Engravers: Bara, J. (French, b. c. 1812); Brugnot (French, fl.c. 1834 – 1873); Castan, André (French, 19th century); Budziłowicz, Ignacy (Polish-French, 1805 – 1863); Chevauchet (French, fl. 1837 – 1850); Pégard (French, 19th century); Czechowicz, A. (Polish-French, fl. 1840 – 1850); Debraine, T. Etienne (French, 19th century); Deschamps, M. (French, 19th century); Fauchery, Jean-Claude Auguste (French, 1798 – 1843); Ghouy, de (French, fl. mid-19th century); Montigneul, Émile (French, fl. 1840 – 1850); Joret, J. (French, 19th century); Fity, A. (French, 19th century); Guillaumot, Eugène (French, 1813 – 1869); Halley-Hiback (French, 19th century); Lacoste père et fils (French, fl. 1830s – 1860s); Lenepveu (French, 19th century); Lesestre, Jean Théophile Gustave (French, 1815 – 1873); Pannemaker, Adolphe François (Belgian-French, 1822 – 1900); Piaud, Antoine Alphée (French, 1813 – 1867); Pisan, Héliodore Joseph (French, 1822 – 1890); Pollet A. (French, 1840 – 1860); Pouget, Jean-Achille (French, fl. 1844 – 1877); Porret, Henri Désiré (French, 1800 – 1867); Pontenier, Auguste [Etienne, François] (French, 1820 – 1888); Rose, Alphonse Antoine (French, fl. 1840 – 1860); Timms, J. (English-French, fl. c. 1839 – 1865); Verdeil, Pierre (French, 1812 – 1874); Vien, Alphonse Jean-Baptiste (French, b. 1814).
  • Title-page: LES ARTISTES DU LIVRE | MARCEL | VERTÈS | ÉTUDE PAR | ANDRÉ SALMON | LETTRE-PRÉFACE PAR | PAUL MORAND | PORTRAIT PAR | JEAN OBERLÉ | { publisher’s device} | HENRY BABOU, ÉDITEUR | 1, RUE VERNIQUET, PARIS | 1930 || Description: 26.3 x 20.5 cm, French flapped brown wrappers with black and blue lettering, lettering to spine, unbound, [1-2] 1st blank leaf, [3-4] h.t. / limitation, two plates (fac-simile letter and portrait of Vertès), [5-6] t.p. /”Cette monographie…”, 7-39 [40-48], incl. Bibliographie des ouvrages, Table des planches, and colophon – all with in-text illustrations; plus 22 leaves of plates, one on a double-page, all with foxing and marginal browning. Printing: December 1930 by Durcos & Colas in Paris. Edition: the 17th edition in the series “Les artistes du livre’, published under the direction of Marcel Valotaire; print run limited to 700 copies of which 50 on Japon (numbered 1-50) enriched with one original unpublished drypoint, 650 copies on Vélin Blanc from Arches (50-650), and 50 “non-commercial” copies (I-L). This copy is numbered № 473. Contributors: Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. André Salmon (French, 1881 – 1969) – author. Paul Morand (French, 1888 – 1976) – author. Jean Oberlé (French, 1900 – 1961) – artist. Maitres-imprimeurs Ducros et Colas (Paris) – printer. Henry Babou (Paris) – publisher. Marcel Valotaire (French, 1889 – 1979) – publisher. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
  • Above the frame: PLAN DE PARIS EN MDCCCLIII. Below the frame: Gravé par F. DELAMARE […] PARIS. TYP. DE FIRMIN DIDOT FRÈRES, 56, RUE JACOB. […] PANICONOGRAPHIE DE GILLOT. Q. ST. MICHEL 23. Dimensions: Sheet: 37 x 52.5 cm: Image: 33 x 50 cm. Technique: Photozincography Contributors: Ferdinand Théodore Delamare (French, fl. 1850 – 1889) – engraver. Firmin Didot Frères ; Firmin Didot (French, 1764 – 1836) – publisher. Firmin Gillot (French, 1819 – 1872) – printer.  
  • Description: 19th-century binding, 8vo,18.9 x 11.7 cm, in patterned quarter green shagreen over marbled boards, gilt elements and lettering to spine (reliure romantique), printed on laid paper, with tall "s", margins sprinkled blue. Title-page (red and black): L'ART | D'AIMER, | NOUVEAU POËME | EN SIX CHANTS, | Par Monsieur ***** Gouge de Cessières. | Edition fidéle & complette, enrichie de | Figures. | {vignette} | A LONDRES. | Aux dépens de la Compagnie. | = | M. DCC. L. || Includes: La Mort de Zulnï (pp.  175-190 ), Idée de l'Art d'aimer d'Ovide (pp. 191-244), and Lettre écrite à Monsieur *** de ******de l'Académie... (pp. 245-261). Collation: 8vo; a-b8, A-Q8 R3, lacking K2 (pp. 147/8); total 146 leaves (of 147) plus 8 engraved plates, unsigned, incl. frontispiece. Pagination: [i, ii] iii-xxxii, [1, 2] 3-261 [262 blank], lacking pp. 147/8 (K2), possibly containing Argument du chant VI; total 292 pages (of 294), ils. Catalogue raisonné: Cohen-DeRicci (under Ovid) 775, Lewine (under Ovid) 398. The artist and engravers of this edition are unknown. "Another edition, Londres (Paris), 1760, with frontispiece after Eisen by Martinet, and 6 plates after Martinet". Contributors: François-Étienne Gouge de Cessières (French, 1724 – 1782) – author. Ovid [Publius Ovidius Naso] (Roman, 43 B.C. – A.D. 17) – author. Aux dépens de la Compagnie (1685 – 1780) (Amsterdam) – publisher.
  • Title-page (text in frame): FRANCIS CARCO | RIEN QU'UNE | FEMME | {vignette} | EAUX-FORTES DE | CHAS LABORDE | — | PARIS — M.CM.XXV || Description: 4to, 24.5 x 20 cm, owner’s red cloth, yellow leather label with gilt lettering to spine, original wrappers bound in, woodcut bookplate “ИЗ КНИГ Ф.РОЖАНКОВСКАГО” to front pastedown; chapter titles and initials printed in pink. Collation: fep, 2 blanks before front wrapper, front wrapper with a black lettered pink label, 2 blanks, h.t., t.p., dedication, 1-204 212,2 blanks, rear wrapper, 2 blanks, rep; total 89 leaves within wrappers, plus 15 plates with tissue guards, incl. frontispiece – hand-coloured etchings by Chas [Charles] Laborde, extraneous to collation. In some copies, there are two additional plates. Pagination: [10] [1] 2-162 [2 colophon/blank] [4], total 178 pages. Limitation: Date of printing: September 15, 1925. Printer: Imprimeur Coulouma (Argenteuil) Print run: 267 copies of which 1 copy on Japon Ancien (№1), 15 on Japon Impérial (№№ 2-16), 60 on Hollande (№№ 17-76), and 200 copies on Vélin de Rives (№№ 77-276) ; this is copy № 82. Etchings printed on BFK Rives paper (embossed). Provenance: Rojankovsky, Feodor [Rojan; Рожанковский, Фёдор Степанович] (Russian-American, 1891 – 1970). Contributors: Francis Carco [François Carcopino-Tusoli] (French, 1886 – 1958) – author. Chas Laborde [Charles Laborde] (French, 1886 – 1941) – artist. Roger Lacourière (French, 1892 – 1966) – engraver.
  • Publisher’s wrappers, 21.3 x 14.8 cm, 10 four-leave gatherings, unsigned, pp.: [8] 1-70 [2]; total 40 leaves (80 pages), illustrated with 73 in-text woodcuts in sanguine after Feodor Rojankovsky drawings. [1]4 recto reproduces the author’s handwriting. Unbound. Some foxing to the wrappers, all pages clean. Title-page: Poésies Érotiques | de | Pierre Louys | {vignette} | ROME | 1937 || Print run limited to 311 copies, 230 copies (№№ 71-300) on BFK Rives wove paper (watermarked); of which this is copy № 93. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III 2230. Contributors: Pierre Louÿs (French, 1870 – 1925) – author. Feodor Rojankovsky [Rojan, Фёдор Степанович Рожанковский] (Russian-American, 1891 – 1970).
  • Title page: DIALOGUE AUX ENFERS | ENTRE | MACHIAVEL | ET MONTESQUIEU | OU LA POLITIQUE DE MACHIAVEL | AU XIXe SIÈCLE, | PAR UN CONTEMPORAIN. | {6 lines of citations} | ~ | BRUXELLES, | IMPRIMERIE DE A. MERTENS ET FILS, | RUE DE L’ESCALIER, 22. | – | 1864 || Description: 19 x 12.7 cm, quarter green morocco over blue marbled boards, spine with raised bands ruled in gilt, gilt fleurons in compartments, gilt lettering, marbled endpapers; three paper clippings laid in. Collation: 12mo; π5 1-2712 292; total 175 leaves. Pagination: [2] blank,  [2] h.t, [2] t.p. [i] ii-iii [iv] [1] 2-337 [338] blank [2] errata]; total 350 pages. Contributors: Maurice Joly (French, 1829 – 1878) – author. Characters: Niccolò Machiavelli (Italian, 1469 – 1527) Charles Louis de Secondat, baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu (French, 1689 – 1755) The publication was funded by the author and smuggled into France. See other copies: LIB-2913.2021, LIB-1034.2016 and LIB-0460.2015. Other related objects: SVVP-0062.2021. Seller's description: [JOLY (Maurice)]: Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu. Bruxelles, Mertens et fils, 1864 ; un volume in 12, demi-chagrin vert orné de l'époque. C'est dans ce livre que Joly écrit, au prétexte d'une discussion philosophique et politique, comment Napoléon III, selon lui, a manipulé les milieux économiques, la presse, l'opinion publique, les syndicats, les milieux ouvriers, le peuple, etc., pour établir un pouvoir politique fort, ce qui lui valut un séjour de 15 mois à la prison Sainte-Pélagie à Paris.
  • Hand-coloured lithography on wove paper, 395 x 280 mm; black ink stamp “5309” to reverse. On image: artist's initials "L. H."; on stone: "Lith. de Fr. Wentzel a Wissembourg. — Déposé — DÉPÔT, Fr. Wentzel Editeur rue St. Jacques 65, PARIS"; below centre: "239"; bottom : La famille Impériale. Die Kaizerliche Familie. Napoleon III [Charles-Louis Napoléon Bonaparte] (French, 1808 – 1873) Eugénie de Montijo [L'impératrice Eugénie] (Spanish-French, 1826 – 1920) Napoléon, Prince Imperial (Napoléon Eugène Louis Jean Joseph Bonaparte] (French, 1856 – 1879) Jean Frédéric Wentzel (French, 1807 – 1869) – publisher/printer.
  • Softcover, 257 x 168 mm, publisher’s cream French flapped wrappers with red lettering to front in a beige double slipcase, printed on wove paper watermarked “Marais” in italic script; edges untrimmed; pp.: [8] [2] [1] 2-130 [131] [3]; collated 4to as 184, 72 leaves incl. those in the wrappers, plus 9 photomechanical stencil-coloured plates extraneous to collation and 9 b/w headpieces (in-text etchings) after anonymous artist. According to the seller and J.-P. Dutel: “In-8 of 130 pages... Illustrated with 10 full-page in colour and some headbands. Limited edition of 500 copies on vélin du Marais". Title-page (red and black): GUILLAUME APOLLINAIRE | LES | ONZE MILLE VERGES | OU | LES AMOURS D'UN HOSPODAR | BRUXELLES | 1942 || Limitation: Il a été tiré de cet ouvrage réservé uniquement aux souscripteurs particuliers 500 exemplaires tous sur vélin du marais. Exemplaire n° 147. Edition: The clandestine edition on vélin de Marais paper limited to 500 copies for subscribers only; this copy is № 147. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 2109. In my copy, similarly to the one of STEVE M., it is only 9 colour plates, while Dutel sites 10. Author: Guillaume Apollinaire (French, 1880 – 1918). Micro photo of a colour plate: Micro photo of an etching:
  • Engraved title-page: Contes | Moraux | Par | M. Marmontel, | de l'Academie Françoise. | A Paris | Chez J. Merlin Libraire, | Rue de la Harpe, | M DCC LXV ||
    Description: 3 volumes, 8vo, 20.4 x 13 cm, first issue, bound in the contemporary speckled calf, all edges gilt, spines gilt with double red/brown lettering labels (vol 1. labels missing); raised bands, gilt in compartments, double gilt-ruled borders; marbled endpapers. With the contemporary signature in each volume of Caroline Marlborough of Blenheim Palace, and bookplates of Lord F. A. Spencer. This is certainly Lady Caroline Russell, wife of George Spencer, Fourth Duke of Marlborough; she was daughter to the Duke of Bedford and was married in 1762. She died at Blenheim in 1811. The later bookplate in each volume pasted to the front pastedown of her son Francis Almeric Spencer (British, 1779-1845). Pagination: Vol. I: [two blank leaves] [half-title, verso blank] [recto blank, frontispiece on verso: portrait of Marmontel by St. Aubin after Cochin] [engraved t.p. by Duclos after Gravelot, verso blank], [i] ii-xvi, [table des contes with 5-line Errata (autograph Lordine Marlborough), verso blank], [1] 2–345 [346-50 blanks]; 9 plates after Gravelot by: Baquoy, de Longueil (2), Legrand, Leveau (2), Rousseau, Voyez, and unsigned (1). Vol. 2: [two blank leaves] [half-title, verso blank] [engraved t.p. by Duclos after Gravelot, verso blank]  [table des contes with 10-line Errata (autograph Lordine Marlborough), verso blank], [1] 2–376 [377-50 blanks]; 9 plates after Gravelot by: de Longueil (5), Leveau (2), Pasquier and  Rousseau. Vol. 3: [two blank leaves] [half-title, verso blank] [engraved t.p. by Duclos after Gravelot, verso blank]  [table des contes with 9-line Errata, verso blank] [two leaves: approbation and Privilege du Roi] [1] 2–312 [313-16 blanks]; 5 plates after Gravelot by: de Longueil (2), Le Mire (2), and Pasquier. Catalogue raisonné: Cohen-De Ricci 686-7; Gordon N. Ray. The Art of the French Illustrated Book 1700 to 1914. — NY, London: The Pierpont Morgan Library; Cornell University Press, 1982, Vol. 1. pp. 44-5. [In their copy vol. 2 and 3 in a different order]; MFA ACCESSION NUMBER 37.1488a-c Illustrated by: Hubert François Gravelot (French, 1699–1773) Engraved by: Jean Charles Baquoy (French, 1721–1777) Engraved by: Antoine Jean Duclos (French, 1742–1795) Engraved by: Louis Legrand (French, 1723–1807) Engraved by: Noël Le Mire (French, 1724–1801) Engraved by: Jean Jacques André Le Veau (French, 1729–1785) Engraved by: Joseph de Longueil (French, 1730–1792) Engraved by: Jean Jacques Pasquier (French, died in 1785) Engraved by: Jean François Rousseau (French, born in 1740) Engraved by: Nicolas Joseph Voyez l'ainé (French, 1742–1806) Portrait(s) designed by: Charles-Nicolas Cochin le fils (French, 1715–1790) Engraved by: Augustin de Saint-Aubin (French, 1736–1807) Author: Jean-François Marmontel (French, 1723–1799) Publisher: Joseph Merlin (French, 1718–1783) Printer: Pierre-Alexandre Le Prieur (French, born in 1722)
  • LA PUCELLE | D'ORLÉANS, | POËME HÉROÏ-COMIQUE, | EN DIX-HUIT CHANTS. |{vignette}| A GENEVE. | M. DCC.LXXXVIII.|| Pagination: engraved frontis., engraved portrait, [1, 2] – t.p. / blank, [3] 4-304; plates: engraved frontispiece, engraved portrait of Jeanne d'Arc and 18 engraved plates (the so-called 'suite anglaise' by Marillier, Clément-Pierre (French, 1740 – 1808) after Duflos, Pierre (French, 1742 – 1816). Publisher: Cazin, Hubert-Martin (French, 1724 – 1795). Modern binding to imitate full mottled calf of the 18th century, gilt double-ruled boards, gilt decorated spine with the crimson label “LA PUCELLE”, AEG, laid paper. Size: 13.3 x 8.7 cm; 18mo. Catalogue raisonné: Cohen, De Ricci 1032 (for 1777 and 1780 editions). J. Lewine p.559 (for 1777 16mo and even 12mo editions). The 'correct' 1st thus edition is called suite anglaise because instead of 'chant number' it's printed 'book number' on top of the pages. This copy is definitely a later pirated edition.
  • LIB-2734-1.2021. Vol. 1, title in black, DJ in black and red: JEAN-PIERRE DUTEL | BIBLIOGRAPHIE | DES | OUVRAGES ÉROTIQUES | PUBLIÉS CLANDESTINEMENT EN FRANÇAIS | ENTRE 1880 ET 1920 | {publisher’s device} | CHEZ L’AUTEUR, | 16, RUE JACQUES-CALLOT 75006 PARIS | MMII || Pagination: [1-6] 7-669 [670] [8] [2 imprint/blank]; №2046. LIB-2734-2.2021. Vol. 2, title in black, DJ in black and blue: JEAN-PIERRE DUTEL | BIBLIOGRAPHIE | DES | OUVRAGES ÉROTIQUES | PUBLIÉS CLANDESTINEMENT EN FRANÇAIS | ENTRE 1920 ET 1970 | VOLUME II | {publisher’s device} | J-P DUTEL, LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR | 16, RUE JACQUES-CALLOT 75006 PARIS | MMV || Pagination: [1-8] 9-891 [2 acknowl./blank] [2 imprint/blank]; №4281. LIB-2734-3.2021. Vol. 3, title in black, DJ in black and green: JEAN-PIERRE DUTEL | BIBLIOGRAPHIE | DES | OUVRAGES ÉROTIQUES | PUBLIÉS CLANDESTINEMENT EN FRANÇAIS | ENTRE 1650 ET 1880 | (VOLUME III) | {publisher’s device} | CHEZ L’AUTEUR | 16, RUE JACQUES-CALLOT 75006 PARIS | MMIX || Pagination: [1-6] 7-667 [668 blank] [2 table/blank] [2 imprint/blank]; №5726. All three volumes uniformly bound in black cloth, white DJ with lettering; vol. 1 with author’s manuscript to half-title, vol. 2 and 3 – fac-similé to title page (autographed copy).
  • Title page (blue and black): RENE BOYLESVE | LA | LEÇON D'AMOUR | DANS UN PARC | ILLUSTRATIONS EN COULEURS | DE | BRUNELLESCHI | PARIS | ÉDITIONS ALBIN MICHEL | 22, RUE HUYGHENS (14e) || Pagination: [6] 1-173 [174] [4], total 184 pages, ils. Collation: publisher’s pictorial wrappers with 2 blank leaves – front and back, π2 (h.t. / justification, t.p. / blank), 87 leaves of text, [1] colophon / blank, total 92 leaves plus 21 plates, incl. frontispiece. Binding: 33.5 x 26 cm; original flapped wrappers, blue fountain and lettering to front, lettering to spine, back blank, in a marbled buckram folder (33.5 x 27 cm) with lettered paper label to spine; printed on Arches wove paper, margins untrimmed. Illustrations: 42 vignettes, tail- and headpieces in color, frontispiece and 20 plates after watercolours and gouaches by Umberto Brunelleschi printed in black and stencil-coloured (au pochoir) on the 18th of November 1933 at R. Coulouma press (Argenteuil), Jacomet press and Padovani press. Contributors: René Boylesve [Tardiveau] (French, 1867 – 1926) – author. Umberto Brunelleschi (Italian, 1879 – 1949) – artist. Daniel Jacomet (French, b. 1894 – ?) – printer. Imprimerie Coulouma (Argenteuil), Robert Coulouma (French, 1887-1976) – printer. Éditions Albin Michel (Paris) ; Albin Michel (French, 1873 – 1943) – publisher. First edition of René Boylesve's novel La Leçon d’amour dans un parc was conducted in Paris by Éditions de la Revue Blanche, in 1902. Description of the stensil (au pochoir) technique.
  • Title-page: MARCEL AYMÉ | IMAGES DE L'AMOUR | Lithographies | originales | de | Vertès (fac-simile ms) | ÉDITIONS GEORGES GUILLOT | 39 rue de Paradis à Paris || French flapped wrapper in a natural canvas double slipcase with gilt lettering to spine, 34.8 x 27.3 cm. Leaves 33 x 25.5 cm, 4 blanks at the beginning, to the second pair of leaves pasted two autograph letters signed by Marcel Aymé; [1-8] 9-119 [120] [6], last leaf blank, h.t. with inscription "En sincère hommage" signed by both Marcel Aymé and Marcel Vertès; 9 full-page chromolithographs, 6 headpieces and 2 tailpieces by Marcel Vertès, tissue-guards; in-4to, unbound. Printed on October 20, 1957. The edition is limited to 190 copies + 25 not for sale, this is copy № 1, printed on Japon Nacré paper and enriched with three additional suites of lithographs: one on  Japon Nacré, one on Japon ancien, one on Hollande, plus a set of decomposition of one chromolithograph; lacking three original drawings. Contributors: Marcel Aymé (French, 1902 – 1967) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Georges Guillot – publisher. Andrée Koch – designer. Fequet et Baudier – printers, typography. Edmond et Jacques Desjobert – lithographers. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
  • Description: One volume, publisher’s original tan French flapped wrappers with engraved vignette, in glassine DJ, unbound, 25.5 x 19.5 cm, collated in-4to, bottom and outer margins untrimmed, some pages uncut, printed on laid watermarked Van Gelder Zonen paper, illustrated with 15 full-page drypoint plates, some with tissue guard; front wrapper, t.p. and table vignettes, numerous head- and tailpieces by R. Lacourière after drawings by Marcel Vertès, enriched with two cancelled images printed on different laid papers in different states, three of each image. Printed on June 10, 1926 by Coulouma (Argenteuil) under the direction of H. Barthélemy, drypoints by Roger Lacourière (Paris). Limitation: 95 copies of which № 1 on Japon Ancien, № №  2-26 on Japon Impérial, and №№ 27-95 on Hollande. This is copy № 78. Front wrapper: FRANCIS CARCO | L'AMOUR | VÉNAL | {vignette with inscription in oval tablet «POINTES | SÈCHES | DE» } | VERTÈS | PARIS | MCMXXVI || Title-page: FRANCIS CARCO | L'AMOUR | VÉNAL | {vignette} | POINTES SÈCHES DE | VERTÈS | PARIS | MCMXXVI || Collation: 2 leaves in wrapper, π4 (fac-simile of Carco a.l.s., h.t., t.p., authorship) a4 (preface), 1-164 [17]4, 2 leaves in wrapper; total without the wrapper 76 leaves plus 15 plates, plus 6 plates of enrichment plates. Pagination: [8] [i] [ii-viii] [1] 2-128 [8], total 152 pages, ils. Note: The edition is not in Dutel, not in Pia (Enfer); Fekete (2014): № 215, p. 117; Vokaer (1967): № 15, p.10. According to both sources, it is a 2-volume edition, with text in vol. 1 and plates in vol. 2. Vokaer attributes publishing to La Roseraie (Paris) and provides for 45 drypoints of which 18 full-page plates in the second volume. Fekete (Christie’s) provides for 15 full-page plates and 25 illustrations in text. Contributors: Francis Carco [François Carcopino-Tusoli] (French, 1886 – 1958) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Roger Lacourière (French, 1892 – 1966) – engraver, printer.
  • Description: Large volume collated in 4to, 33 x 25 cm, ¾ navy morocco bordered with a gilt double-fillet over marbled boards, raised bands, floral gilt arabesque in compartments, gilt lettering to spine, gilt endpapers, T.E.G. Text printed on wave paper watermarked “Whatman Turkey Mill 1884”; etchings printed on laid paper 32.2 x 24.3 cm, 20 x 13 platemark, 17 x 11 cm image; etched head- and tailpieces, initials. Printed on November 1, 1885. Title-page: CATULLE MENDÈS | — | LES | îles d'Amour | Avec six Eaux-Fortes et trente-huit Dessins originaux | DE | G. FRAIPONT | {publisher’s device} | PARIS | BIBLIOTHÈQUE DES DEUX MONDES | L. FRINZINE & Cie, ÉDITEURS | 1, Rue Bonaparte, 1 | – | M D CCC LXXXVI || Collation: 4to; π4, 1-114 122, total 50 leaves, two binder’s flyleaves in the front and in the back, and 6 plates extraneous to collation. Pagination: [i-v] vi-vii [viii] [1-3] 4-85 [86] [6], total 100 pages, ils. Limitation (printed in red and balck): 1000 copies on vergé (№ 1-1,000), 25 copies on Whatman (№ I-XXV), 15 copies on Japon Impérial (marked A-O). This is copy № III, signed by the publisher. Contributors: Catulle Mendès (French, 1841 – 1909) – author. Gustave Fraipont (Belgian-French, 1849 – 1923) – artist. Charles Unsinger (French, 1823 – 1891) – printer.
  • Description: Two volumes, 16.5 x 11 cm, collated 8vo, uniformly bound in the mid-19th century by H. Stamper (stamp to verso free endpaper) in red Morocco, ornated with gilt fillets and dentelles to boards and turn-ins, spine with raised bands and gilt decorations and lettering in compartments, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt; printed on laid paper; bookplate to front pastedown “EX LIBRIS | DANIEL | BERDITCHEVSKY”. Title-page (red and black, tall ‘s’): LES CENT | NOUVELLES | NOUVELLES. | SUIVENT LES CENT NOUVELLES | CONTENANT | Les Cent Histoires Nouveaux, | Qui sont moult plaisans a raconter, | En toutes bonnes Compagnies, | Par MANIERE DE JOYEUSETÉ. | Avec d'excellentes Figures en Taille-douce, | Gravées sur les desseins du fameux Mr. | ROMAIN DE HOOGE | & retouchées par feu | B. PICART LE ROMAIN | TOME PREMIER (TOME SECOND) |{device} | A COLOGNE | Chez Pierre Gaillard. | M.DCCXXXVI. || Vol. 1: Collation: [1] flyleaf torn out, [1] frontispiece, [1] title-page, [3] preface (*2-4), [1] Auertissement, [10] table (2+**-**8), A-Bb8 (Bb8 blank); 45 in-text half-page copperplate etchings by various engravers after Romain de Hooge; total 215 leaves plus ffl and frontispiece by Gilliam van der Gouwen after Romain de Hooge. Pagination (starting from t.p.): [30] 1-397 [398] [2], total 430 pages. Vol. 2: Collation: ffl, [*1] t.p., [11] table (*2-8, **-4), A-Aa8 Bb4 (Bb4 blank); 55 in-text half-page copperplate etchings by various engravers after Romain de Hooge; total 208 leaves plus ffl. Pagination: [24] 1-389 [390] [2], total 416 pages. Catalogue raisonné: Landwehr (1970) № 94, p. 203; Lewine (1898) p. 326; Cohen-DeRicci (1912) p. 658. Landwehr cites two editions after the 1st of 1701: Amsterdam 1732 and Cologne 1786 [i.e. 1736]. Both Lewine and Cohen-DeRicci attribute the text to Louis XI and mention the 1736 reprint (though not 1786). The first edition of “Les cent nouvelles nouvelles” appeared in 1486 by commission of Duke of Burgundy Philippe le Bon; the text is attributed to Philippe Pot (1428 – 1493), Antoine de La Sale (c. 1385 – c. 1460) or King Louis XI (1423 – 1483). Contributors: Artists: Romain de Hooge (Dutch, 1645 – 1708) Bernard Picart (French, 1673 – 1733) Engravers: Gilliam van der Gouwen (Dutch, c. 1657 – 1716) (frontispiece) Laurens Scherm (Dutch, fl. 1689 – 1701) (nouvelles XXIX, XXX, LXXVII) Jan Van Vianen (Dutch, c.1660 – 1726?) (nouvelles L, LII, LVII-LX, LXIV-LXVII, LXX) Binder: Henry Stamper (British, 1802? – 1887) Commissioner: Philippe le Bon [Philip III] (French, 1396 – 1467) Publisher: Pierre Gaillard (French, fl. 1715 – 1737)
  • Two volumes in-12, 16.7 x 11.5 x 3.5 cm each, uniformly bound in quarter crimson morocco over marbled boards, spine with raised bands, gilt lettering, marbled endpapers, top margin gilt; text printed on laid paper, plates – on India paper: loose frontispiece by Félix Lukkow after Félicien Rops with tissue guard and 4 loose engraved plates by Félix Lukkow after Sigmund Freudenberger, in each volume. This edition is a reprint of an earlier publication: ANDRÉA DE NERCIAT, André-Robert (1739 - 1800). Les Aphrodites ou Fragments thali-priapiques pour servir à l'histoire du plaisir. Numéro Un et deux [Numéro trois et quatre [...] sept et huit]. 1793-1864. [Bruxelles : Briard pour Poulet-Malassis, 1864] with plated recarved by Félix Lukkow. Title-page: LES | APHRODITES | OU | FRAGMENTS THALI-PRIAPIQUES | POUR SERVIR A | L’HISTOIRE DU PLAISIR | — | Priape, soutiens mon hàleine… | Piron, Ode | — |  Tome premier (second). | {publisher’s device} | A LAMPSAQUE | – | 1793 || Limitation: Edition is limited to 150 copies of which 130 on papier vergé, 5 on papier album jaune, 10 copies in-8o on large papier fort de Hollande, and one unique copy on peau de vélin. The number of this copy is left blank in both volumes. Vol. 1: π4 (h.t./limit., t.p./table, Éclaircissements historiques par V. M. D.), 1-2712 2910; total 182 leaves plus 5 leaves of plates, incl. frontispiece. Pagination: [1-5] 6-364, ils. V. M. D. stands for Vital Désiré Maximilien [Puissant]. Vol. 2: π2 (h.t., t.p.), 1-2912, 3110; total 192 leaves plus 5 leaves of plates, incl. frontispiece. Pagination: [1-5] 6-384, ils. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel I: A-95. Catalogue Poulet-Malassis & ses amis description: № 67. André-Robert ANDRÉA DE NERCIAT - [Félix LUKKOW]. Les Aphrodites, ou fragments thali-priapiques pour servir à l’histoire du plaisir. Tome premier (— second). A Lampsaque, 1793 [Vital Puissant, vers 1872]. 2 volumes in-12 de 364 et 384 pages, demi-maroquin rouge, dos à nerfs, tête dorée, non rogné (reliure de l’époque). Illustré de 2 frontispices et 8 planches volantes, par Félix Lukkow, d’après Félicien Rops pour les frontispices et Freundeberg pour les figures. Tirage limité à 151 ex. Contributors: André-Robert Andréa de Nerciat (French, 1739 – 1800) – author. Sigmund Freudenberger (Swiss, 1745 – 1801) – artist. Félicien Rops (Belgian, 1833 – 1898) – artist. Félix Lukkow (French, fl. c. 1870 – 1875) – engraver.
  • A set of sixteen planographic prints, signed and titled in pencil by owner “Chevalier F. de Bouval” (pseudonym of Franz von Bayros (Austrian, 1866 – 1924). Titles include: 1) Ouverture, 2) champagne brut, 3) maternité, 4) piano, 5) crudité délicieuse, 6. la belle vue, 7) au pensionnat, 8) le collier, 9) languelles pénètrelles, 10) introduction, 11) le sourrogat, 12) variation amoureuse, 13) la surprise, 14) le clef délicat, 15) le monstre gomme, 16) fruits de sud. Printed on wove paper, possibly engraved on wood after ink drawings by Franz von Bayros (Austrian, 1866 – 1924) under the pseudonym Chevalier F. de Bouval. Size: sheet 30 x 24 cm, image 18 x 17.5 cm. In another source, there are two more images from the same set: le passe-partout and la doublette, making 18 images altogether; the set is titled “Lesbia: XVIII sujets”, signed by Chevalier François René de Bouval.