• Flapped folder of thick embossed paper 353 x 263 mm, with a vignette and manuscript to front: Stunden der Erbauung | 7 | ergötz liebe Bilder aus | dem Leben frommer Brü | der und Schwestern | • | M. Leÿtho. ||, six graphite pencil drawings, each glued to a paper sheet with guard tissue; mat size 339 x 253 mm mat; drawing size 220 x 165 mm. Translation of the title: Hours of Edification / 7 delightful pictures from the lives of pious brothers and sisters. Information about the artist at www.honesterotica.com: "Mitja Leytho, almost certainly a pseudonym, is yet another mediocre yet fascinating amateur artist from the Germany of the 1920s about whom we know absolutely nothing beyond the four portfolios which bear the ‘Leytho’ signature".        
  • Title page (in Gothic script): Peter Schlemihl's | wundersame Geschichte | mitgetheilt | von | Adelbert von Chamisso. | {vignette} | Nach des Dichters Tode neu herausgegeben | von Julius Eduard Hitzig. | Stereotypausgabe mit Holzschnitten. | Nürnberg, | Johann Leonhard Schrag. || Pagination: [i-iii] iv-xvi, [1] 2-82 [2], 15 woodcut vignettes by Unzelmann after Menzel. Collation: 8vo; π8 1-58 62. Binding: 21.5 x 13.5 cm, blind olive wrappers. Year of publication inferred from the foreword. This is the first posthumous edition of Chamisso's novel. Personae: Chamisso, Adelbert von (German, 1781 – 1838). — Author of the text. Hitzig, Julius Eduard [Itzig, Isaac Elias] (German-Jewish, 1780 – 1849). — Author of the foreword. Menzel, Adolph Friedrich Erdmann von (German, 1815 – 1905). — Artist of the vignettes. Unzelmann, Friedrich Ludwig (German, 1797 – 1854). — Engraver of the woodcuts. Schrag, Johann Leonhard (Germany, 1783 – 1858). — Publisher.
  • Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 265 x 378 mm; black ink stamp “5051 1” to reverse. Top left: "ARMÉE FRANCAISE. ARTILLERIE"; right: (gothic font) "Französische Armee  Artillerie" — "№ 107". Below left: "Fabrique d’Images de Fr. Wentzel à Wissembeurg. Bas-Rhin." — "Déposé" —, centre: "Bilderfabrit von Fr. Wentzel in Weissenburg", right: "Fr. Wentzel, Éditeur, rue St. Jacques, 65, Paris". Bottom: "Trompette | Trompeter" — "Capitaine | Gauptmann" — "Porte-Étendard | Fahnenträger" — "Artilleur | Artillerist" — "Cantinière | Marketenderin". Jean Frédéric Wentzel (French, 1807 – 1869) – publisher/printer.
  • Half calf binding 33.5 x 25 cm, gilt lettering within rules “GODAL | JO”, engraved title-page and 9 etchings printed in sepia on sheets 32.5 x 24 cm of thick wove paper, pencil signed, presumably, by the artist; a newspaper clipping tipped-in. The number of copies is unknown. Ticket to front pastedown: "Haeusgen |8 München 90 | Reinekestrasse 36" According to seller: “Extraordinarily rare series of erotic original etchings. - Cf. Bilderlexikon II, 451 u. Vollmer II, 261 - According to KVK not in any library”. Contributors: Erich Godal [Erich Goldbaum] (German-Jewish, 1899 – 1969) – artist.  
  • A limited-edition (№26/500) set of 42 etchings and drypoints after Félicien Rops (Belgian, 1833 – 1898), each mounted in a numbered passe-partout, printed posthumously by an anonym in Germany in 1905; in a flapped half faux suede-backed cardboard portfolio with straps, 442 x 335 mm, red embossed lettering to the front cover, bookplate of Richard Teschner (Austrian, 1879 – 1948) pasted inside.

    Title-page (in a red frame): Das erotische Werk | des Felicien Rops | Zweiundvierzig Radie- | rungen des Meisters | in schwarzem und | farbigem Lichtdruck | 1905 | Privatdruk ||

    Limitation (in a red two-section frame) : Dieses Werk wurde in einer | einmaligen Auflage von | 500 numerierten Exemplaren | hergestellt. — Ein Nachdruck | findet nicht statt, die Platten | == sind vernichtet == | Exemplar Nr. 26 ||

    Verzeichnis der Tafeln (Table of Contents): 1. Initiation sentimentale; 2. La croix; 3. Entre-acte; 4. Holocauste; 5. La bonne hollandaise; 6. Étude; 7. La femme au pantin; 8. L’amour de Satan; 9. Au pays des féminies; 10. La volupté; 11. Evocation; 12. De castitate; 13. Joujou; 14. Vengeance d’une femme; 15. Phantasies; 16. Indolence; 17. Théâtre gaillard; 18. Appel au peuple; 19. Masques modernes; 20. Tout est grand chez les rois; 21. Marie-Madeleine; 22. L’amante du Christ; 23. Feuille de vigne; 24. La messe de Guide; 25 Viol et prostitution; 26. Le maillot; 27. Les jeunes France; 28. Les diaboliques; 29. Coquetterie au miroir; 30. Jeune homme; 31. La femme et la mort; 32. Confidence; 33. La bergère; 34. La mère aux satyrions; 35. Les exercices de dévotion de Mr. Henri Roch; 36. Mademoiselle de Maupin; 37. Le bonheur dans le crime; 38. La sirène; 39. Les cabotinages de l’amour; 40. Document sur l’impuissance d’aimer; 41. A cœur perdu; 42. Curieuse.

  • Pictorial title by von Bayros: Die | Bohème. | Scenen aus dem Pariser | Künstlerleben | von | Henri Murger | Leipzig im | InselVerlag | 1906. | F. Bayros || Pagination: [2] – pictorial frontispiece, [2] – pictorial t.p., 1-280 [2] – inhalt, [2] – colophon, [2] – blank, + 4 plates drawn by Franz von Bayros and reproduced as photogravure, with guards. Binding: 23.5 x 15.5 cm, cream parchment, raised bands, gilt-lettered orange morocco label to spine; text printed on laid paper (Linden Paper watermark), untrimmed, illustrations on wove paper as photogravure. Bookplate: “Ex libris Walter Schniewind” engraved by C. L. Becker. Original title: Henry Murger. Scenes De La Vie De Boheme. — Paris: Michel Lévy frères, 1851. Tirage: 50 copies on laid paper, of which this is № 14 (per Sarkowski: 50 numerierte Ex. auf Bütten. Pergament mit Goldschnitt). Author: Murger, Henri [Murger, Louis-Henri, Henry] (French, 1822 – 1861). Translator: Grove, Frederick Philip [Greve, Felix Paul] (German-Canadian, 1879 – 1948). Illustrator: Bayros, Franz von (Austrian, 1866 – 1924). Printer: Drugulin, Wilhelm Eduard (German, 1822 – 1879); Offizin W. Drugulin (Leipzig). Provenance: Schniewind, Walter (German, 1870 – 1927). Catalogue raisonné: Heinz Sarkowski (1999): № 1175 VA, p. 195; Bayros Zeichnungen, pp. 43-46.
  • Two hardcover volumes, 17 x 11.5 cm, collated in-8vo, uniformly bound in dark grey mottled calf bordered with gilt fillet, flat spine with gilt lettering in compartments outlined in gilt; top edge gilt, text and plates printed on dense wove paper (Japanpapier). Privately printed by Gustav Röttig & Sohn (Ödenburg) in 800 copies, of which this is copy № 16, signed by von Bayros in 1st vol. Each volume is illustrated with four heliogravures (title-page and three plates) after drawings by Franz von Bayros. According to the seller, this is one of only 35 copies of the deluxe edition on Japanpapier, a fact which was mentioned by the bibliographers but not in the imprint. Bookplate to front pastedown in each volume, lettering to bottom “Ex libris Dr. phil. Rudolf Ludwig”, 120 x 100 mm, heliogravure after von Bayros. Pp.: vol. 1 [4] 1-198 plus engraved t.p. and 3 plates. Vol. 2: 1-204 [2] plus engraved t.p. and 3 plates. Title-page: DIE MEMOIREN | DER | FANNY HILL | VON | JOHN CLELAND | ESTER (ZWEITER) BAND | PAPHOS IM JAHR DER | CYTHERE | MDCCCCVI || Author of the text: John Cleland (British, c. 1709 – 1789). Translator: Franz Blei [Dr. Erich Feldhammer] (Austrian, 1871 – 1942). Illustrator: Franz von Bayros (Austrian, 1866 – 1924). Provenance: Dr. Phil. Rudolf Ludwig. Catalogue raisonné: The amorous drawings of the Marquis von Bayros. — New York: Cythera Press, 1968. The Beautiful Maiden of Pao, pp. 31-38. Seller's Description: Erster [und] Zweiter Band. Paphos [Wien, C. W. Stern], im Jahr der Cythere 1906. Mit sechs Tafeln und zwei illustrierten Titeln nach Franz von Bayros, alle zweifarbig. Grau marmorierte Originalkalblederbände mit Rücken-, Deckelkanten- und Kopfschnittvergoldung. Privatdruck. – Eins von 35 Exemplaren der Luxusausgabe auf Japanpapier, im Druckvermerk von Band I von Bayros signiert. – Die Übersetzung stammt von Franz Blei, der hier unter dem Pseudonym Dr. Erich Feldhammer genannt wird. Als Textvorlage diente die Ausgabe London 1749. – Gedruckt wurde bei Gustav Röttig & Sohn in Ödenburg. – Sehr seltene Vorzugsausgabe, die zwar bei den Bibliographen, nicht aber im Druckvermerk genannt wurde. – Fast tadellos. – »Dieses Werk ist eines der berühmtesten in der erotischen Literatur« (Stern-Szana). Nach Hinweis bei Brettschneider wurde die Auflage beschlagnahmt. – Exlibris Dr. phil. Rudolf Ludwig, Wien (Heliogravüre nach Zeichnung von Franz von Bayros, Brettschneider 156) in beiden Bänden. 17 : 11,5 cm. [4], 198, [2], [4], 204, [2] Seiten. Zusammen 8 Tafeln. Brettschneider 38. – Hayn/Gotendorf I, 618. – Stern-Szana 243 und ausführlich S. 222ff
  • A German translation of de Musset’s “Gamiani ou deux nuits d’excès” illustrated with a reprint title-page and 11 (instead of 16) hand-coloured photogravures after original lithographs by Devéria and Henri Grévedon or Octave Tassaert for 1833 edition, though from the re-drawn stones. Large volume, 40.5 x 31 cm, collated 4to, in black calf with lettering and elaborate gilt border to front and blind border to back, outer and bottom margins uncut, marbled endpapers, text and plates printed on wove paper. The reprint t.p. is different from the original one; in the 1833 edition, the line deux nuits d’excès is waving while here it is straight. Letterpress title-page: ALFRED DE MUSSET | GAMIANI | ODER | ZWEI NÄCHTE DER AUSSCHWEIFUNG || Reprint title-page: Gamiani | OU | DEUX NUITS D’EXCÈS. | {vignette} | Bruxelles | 1833 || Collation: π2 1-74 82, total 32 leaves plus reprint t.p. and 11 plates. Pagination: [4] [1] 2-59 [60], total 64 pages, ils. Limitation: Edition limited to 300 numbered copies, of which this is copy № 32. Contributors: Alfred de Musset (French, 1810 – 1857) – author. Karl Spieler (German, 19th/20th century) – author of the foreword and translator. Achille Devéria (French, 1800 – 1857) – artist (attributed). Pierre Louis Henri Grévedon (French, 1776 – 1860) – artist (attributed). Octave Tassaert (French, 1800 – 1874) – artist (attributed). Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1650-1880) № A-460, p. 149; Eros invaincu № 68, p. 171-3.
  • Hardcover volume, 35 x 26 cm, bound in pictorial paper boards with a lettered label to front cover, black lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket, pictorial endpapers, pp.: [1-5] 6-787 [788], 1028 colour ils., trilingual edition (English, German, French). Title-page (red and black): LUIGI FICACCI | ISTITUTO NAZIONALE PER LA GRAFICA, ROME | Giovanni Battista | PIRANESI | Catalogue of the Complete Etchings | Gesamtkatalog der Radierungen | Catalogue raisonné des eaux-fortes | TASCHEN || Contributors: Luigi Ficacci (Italian, b. 1954) – author. Giovanni Battista [Giambattista] Piranesi (Italian, 1720 – 1778) – artist.
  • 26 x 18 cm, black cloth, white lettering to cover and spine, pictorial DJ, pp. [1-4] 5-207 [208 colophon], 233 b/w illustrations; essay by Wilhelm M. Busch.
  • A set of 49 prints, heliogravures and etchings, tipped-in on 285 x 257 mm grey cards, in a green marbled folder with a gilt-lettered black label to the front. No publisher, no place, no year (s.l., s.n., s.d.), printed in circa 1910.
    1. Vlastimil Blažek (Czech, 1878 – 1950): heliogravure, sheet 180 x 137 mm, plate 152 x 114 mm; laid paper, black sepia ink; unsigned.
    2. Ex libris Gerhard Wunderlich (architect in Dresden): heliogravure, sheet 205 x 150 mm, plate 158 x 115 mm; wove paper, brown sepia ink; inscription: heliogravure, sheet 180 x 137 mm, plate 152 x 114 mm; laid paper, sepia ink; inscription to top “Es ist alles so eng”; signed “F (backwards). Bayros”.
    3. Ex libris William Lipka: heliogravure, sheet 140 x 125 mm, plate 112 x 98 mm; laid paper, black sepia ink; signature hardly legible.
    4. Nikolaus Schindler (amateur photographer in Vienna): heliogravure, sheet 142 x 150 mm, plate 110 x 117 mm; laid paper, black sepia ink; unsigned.
    5. Sussy de Coiquard: heliogravure, sheet 160 x 140 mm, plate 128 x 110 mm; laid paper, black sepia ink; unsigned.
    6. Illegible, looks like “Vielluer Febréy”: heliogravure, sheet 120 x 109 mm, plate 93 x 85 mm; laid paper, black, sepia ink; signed “F (backwards). Bayros:”.
    7. Ex libris Erich Liebermann-Rosswiese (Greman-Jewish, 1886 – 1942): heliogravure, sheet 180 x 139 mm, plate 118 x 88 mm; wove paper, black sepia ink; unsigned.
    8. Ex libris Dr. phil. Rudolf Ludwig: before letters, heliogravure, sheet 150 x 132 mm, plate 120 x 110 mm; laid paper, black sepia ink; unsigned. See [LIB-3258.2023] John Cleland. Die Memoiren der Fanny Hill. — Paphos [i.e. Vienna]: C. W. Stern, 1906.
    9. Unidentified: before letters, heliogravure, sheet 150 x 115 mm, plate 113 x 88 mm; laid paper, black sepia ink; signed “F. Bayros” in the manuscript. Circumstantial evidence tells that this bookplate belongs to someone A.W.(Artur Wolf). See №22.
    10. Lulu. Monachia. Gest. v. Ritter Dialekt und Junker Erich: heliogravure, sheet 204 x 152 mm, plate 160 x 118 mm; wove paper, black sepia ink; unsigned. See №20.
    11. Kellner Jstván: (István): heliogravure, sheet 118 x 100 mm, plate 85 x 70 mm; laid paper, black sepia ink; signed “Franz Bayros” in the script (hardly legible).
    12. Adyton: heliogravure, sheet 170 x 130 mm, plate 113 x 85 mm; wove paper, black, sepia ink; signed “F (backwards). Bayros”.
    13. 13.Ex libris George Arthur Buhl (American, 1883 – 1959): heliogravure, sheet 166 x 140 mm, plate 120 x 92 mm; wove paper, black sepia ink; inscription “!I will! | !And I can!”; bust inscribed “T. Carlyle”; signed “F (backwards). Bayros” (hardly legible).
    14. Ex-Libris Heinrich und Lise Fuhrmann: heliogravure, sheet 165 x 149 mm, plate 120 x 103 mm; wove paper, black sepia ink; signed “F (backward). Bayros”; inscription “So schaff ich am sausenden Webstuhl der Zeit und wirke der Gottheit lebendiges Kleid” (from ‘Faust’ by Goethe).
    15. Ex libris Gerhard Wunderlich (architect in Dresden): heliogravure, sheet 165 x 137 mm, plate 135 x 105 mm; laid paper, black, sepia ink; signed “F (backwards). Bayros”.
    16. Ex Libris Walther u. Amelia Fahrenhorst; Walter Fahrenhorst (German, 1871 – 1938): heliogravure, sheet 165 x 140 mm, plate 128 x 95 mm; wove paper, black sepia ink; signed “F. Bayros” in the manuscript. The inscription behind the strings: NITOR (lat. beauty, glamour).
    17. Ex Libris Margot Lewknecht; heliogravure, sheet 145 x 140 mm, plate 128 x 118 mm; laid paper, black sepia ink; signed “F. Bayros”.
    18. Ex Libris Walther Heinisch (publisher in Carlsbad); heliogravure, sheet 185 x 145 mm, plate 140 x 110 mm; wove paper, sanguine; male bust with an inscription to the base: “Arnold Boeklin” / Arnold Böcklin (Swiss, 1827 – 1901); inscription: “mit gêru scal man geba infâhan” – a line from Hildebrandslied, the earliest poetic text in German. Unsigned.
    19. Bookplate with music score GGDBGC; heliogravure, sheet 125 x 135 mm, plate 100 x 110 mm, with monogram «HCJ»; laid paper, brown sepia ink; signed “F. Bayros”.
    20. Bookplate with inscription: Lulu aus Praga | Gest v. Ritter Dialekt / Monachia / Monachia / und Junker Erich; heliogravure, sheet 182 x 147 mm, plate 160 x 120 mm, image 122 x 105 mm; wove paper, bluish-black sepia ink; unsigned. See №10.
    21. Bookplate, no inscription; heliogravure, laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 148 x 127 mm, image 84 x 79 mm; signed F. Bayros in the manuscript beneath the image.
    22. Ex libris Artur Wolf: heliogravure, laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 170 x 150 mm, image 120 x 105 mm; signed F. Bayros in the manuscript to the frame of the image. See №9.
    23. Ex Libris E. K. Weigl: heliogravure, laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 139 x 121 mm, plate 112 x 97 mm; unsigned; inscription above male portrait: “LEONARDO”.
    24. Ex libris Dr. A. Bergmann: heliogravure, wove paper, sepia ink; sheet 180 x 140 mm, plate 130 x 105 mm; signed F. Bayros in the manuscript.
    25. Grete Cäcilie (monogram “PS”): heliogravure, laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 161 x 130 mm, plate 128 x 103 mm, signature illegible.
    26. Emma Steigleder: heliogravure, laid paper, black ink, sheet 181 x 141 mm, plate 158 x 117 mm, signed F. Bayros in the manuscript. Inscription “Si vis amari, ama! Seneca” [If you want to be loved, love] to the attic of the arch.
    27. Bruno Fischer: heliogravure, laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 186 x 145 mm, plate 155 x 116 mm, signed “F (backward). Bayros”. Inscription to bottom “Gehl Weck’ ihn nicht auf seien wir froh dass er einmal schläft!”
    28. Harnasch: heliogravure, wove paper, sepia ink; unsigned; sheet 140 x 132 mm, plate 100 x 85 mm; unsigned.
    29. Eduard Klampfl: heliogravure, laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 165 x 145 mm, plate 135 x 110 mm, signed “F (backwards). Bayros”; portrait bust of the composer Richard Wagner (German, 1813 –1883).
    30. Jorge Monsalvatje: heliogravure, wove paper, sepia ink; sheet 189 x 160 mm, plate 150 x 115 mm; signed F. Bayros in the manuscript.
    31. E. K. W.: wove paper, sepia ink; sheet 150 x 120 mm; signed “Bayros”.
    32. Unidentified bookplate: wove paper, sepia ink; sheet 150 x 120 mm; signed “F. Bayros 09” in the manuscript.
    33. Ex-Libris Helene and Emil Lemberger: heliogravure (or soft ground etching), laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 180 x 163 mm, plate 150 x 130 mm, signed “F. Bayros” in the manuscript.
    34. M. Z.: wove paper, sepia ink; sheet 130 x 170 mm, plate 90 x 120 mm; signed “F (backwards) Bayros”.
    35. Ex libris Frankl Frigyes Vilmos: heliogravure (or soft ground etching), laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 140 x 148 mm, unsigned. Frigyes Frankl, born in Tejfalu, Szlovákia, died in 1943.
    36. Ex libris Anton Bürck: heliogravure, wove paper, sepia ink; sheet 170 x 137 mm, plate 123 x 104 mm; unsigned. Anton Burck (German,1881 – 1951) of Palatinate, Bavaria.
    37. Aus den büchern A. W.: heliogravure, laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 152 x 136 mm, plate 120 x 105 mm, signed “F. Bayros” in the manuscript.
    38. Ex libris Hans Hickl: heliogravure, laid paper, sepia ink, sheet 150 x 125 mm, plate 115 x 95 mm, signed “Ω”.
    39. Ex libris Karl Wehle: soft ground etching, laid paper, brown sepia ink, sheet 107 x 90 mm, plate 80 x 65 mm, inscription “Gut!” in the centre; unsigned. Karl Wehle (Austrian, 1901 – 1933)
    40. Ex libris Dr. Paul Berger: etching, laid paper, black ink, sheet 140 x 115 mm, plate 115 x 85 mm, signed “F (backwards). Bayros”.
    41. Unidentified bookplate: etching, laid paper, black ink, sheet 145 x 115 mm, plate 85 x 70 mm, unsigned.
    42. Ex Bibliotheca Erotica Carl Georg von Maassen: soft ground etching, india paper, black ink, sheet 76 x 78 mm, signed “FB”.
    43. Ex Bibliotheca Erotica Carl Georg von Maassen: soft ground etching, india paper, black ink, sheet 79 x 79 mm, signed “F. von Bayros”.
    44. Paul Mixa: soft ground etching, laid paper, sanguine ink, sheet 122 x 111 mm, plate 90 x 85 mm, inscription: “Gerne hör’ich wenn du singest und ich horche wenn du schweigest” [I like to hear when you sing and I listen when you are silent].
    45. Ex libris Drs Q. M. Vyskocil.: etching, laid paper, sanguine ink, sheet 141 x 115 mm, plate 115 x 75 mm, inscription: “MIT REINEN HAENDEN” [with pure hands], signed “F. Bayros” in the manuscript.
    46. Ex libris Andrée Bearn de Riquer: soft ground etching, laid paper, sanguine ink, sheet 136 x 88 mm, plate 100 x 62 mm, signed “F (backwards). Bayros”. Andrée Béarn [Marguerite Laborde] (French, 1880 – 1973), spouse of Alexandre de Riquer (Catalan, 1856 – 1920).
    47. Ex musicis Drs Blažek VL: etching, wove paper, sanguine ink, sheet 141 x 116 mm, plate 115 x 90 mm, inscription: “MIT REINEN HAENDEN” [with pure hands], signed “F. Bayros” in the manuscript. See Vlastimil Blažek (Czech, 1878 – 1950) № 1 in this series.
    48. Ex libris Paul Lindenberg: etching, wove paper, sanguine ink, sheet 130 x 114 mm, plate 95 x 90 mm, image 80 x 72 mm, inscription: “ad pios usus” (for pious uses); signed with monogram “F (backwards). B”.
    49. Unidentified bookplate: heliogravure, laid paper, sanguine ink, sheet 150 x 131 mm, plate 120 x 100 mm, signed “F. Bayros” in the manuscript.
  • Oblong album of forty photogravures printed on wove paper in sanguine after drawings by Mihály Zichy; 31.5 x 40.5 cm gilt-decorated half-parchment over red boards with a gilt diaper design; embossed gilt label in the top left corner “Michael | von Zichy. | Liebe”. Anonymous edition. Bookplate to front pastedown: “P•U•H | EX | LIBRIS”. Photogravures made from the original watercolours and crayon drawings produced in 1874-1879; the original album consisted of 51 compositions was sold at Christie’s sale of Gérard Nordmann collection on December 14-15, 2006 in Paris. Some of these photogravures were reproduced photomechanically and printed in 1869 [LIB-2244.2019] and 1989 [LIB-2242.2019]. Limitation: 300 copies were privately printed in Leipzig in 1911 for subscribers only; photogravure copper plates were destroyed. This is copy 285. Title-page (brown and black): MICHAEL VON ZICHY | LIEBE | VIERZIG ZEICHNUNGEN | PRIVATDRUCK LEIPZIG 1911 || Dimensions: album: 31.5 x 40.5 cm; sheets 31 x 40 cm, uncut. Catalogue raisonné: Bibliothèque érotique: Gérard Nordmann; Livres, manuscrits, dessins, photographies du XVIe au XXe siècle / Catalogues de ventes, seconde partie. — Paris: Christie’s, 2006; p. 280, № 564 (drawings); №  565 photogravures [LIB-2810.2021]. Contributors: Mihály Zichy [Michael von Zichy; Михаил Александрович Зичи] (Hungarian, 1827 – 1906).
  • Book size: 25.5 x 21 cm. Hardbound: original olive cloth, lettering and elements on FC and lettering on Sp.

    Ex Libris Dr. H. Smidt, with the motto: "Sapienti sat" and a naked bold man at the seashore, holding a fruit behind his back.

    Full title: Japanische Schwertzieraten. Beschreibung einer kunstgeschichtlich geordneten Sammlung, mit Charakteristiken der Künstler und Schulen von Gustav Jacoby. Hierzu siebenunddreissig Tafeln in Heliogravüre. [The second volume, which conteined 'heliogravures' is missing and had not be found elsewhere].

  • Six in-folio leaves, 2o, incl. title-page, engraved portrait of P. Fendi after Josef Danhauser, 4 pages of printed text, and 10 of 40 colour photomechanical reproductions of Fendi’s watercolour plates (205 x 140 mm), mounted on vellum paper with blind stamp (398 x 305 mm) in a parchment-backed flapped album (defective), gilt-stamped, with straps. Limited edition of 600 copies. The publisher is not stated but is sometimes attributed to C. W. Stern in Vienna. Limitation statement and imprint missing. Title-page (brown and black): PETER FENDI | VIERZIG EROTISCHE AQUARELLE | IN FAKSIMILEREPRODUKTION. MIT EINEM PORTRÄT | PETER FENDIS VON JOSEF DANHAUSER | UND EINER EINFÜHRUNG | VON KARL MERKER || Catalogue Raisonné: Nordmann II № 198, p.96. Contributors: Peter Fendi (Austrian, 1796 – 1842) Josef Danhauser (Austian, 1805 – 1845) Karl Merker – author/introduction.
  • Title: DER INSEL VERLAG | EINE BIBLIOGRAPHIE | 1899-1969 | […] Bearbeitet und herausgegeben | von Heinz Sarkowski | INSEL VERLAG || Pagination: [i-vi] vii-xiii [xiv] [2] 1-452. Binding: Blue cloth, black label with gilt lettering to spine, lettered and blind-stamped DJ.
  • A pictorial photographic album, 19.5 x 15.3 cm, hardcover, paper pictorial covers, pictorial endpapers, pp. [2] 3-39 [40]; total 20 leaves; text by Susan Jacobasch, photographs by Josef Breitenbach. Published in connection with the exhibition "Josef Breitenbach" on October, 10 – November 28, 1998, at Galerie Bodo Niemann in Berlin. Josef Breitenbach (Jewish-German-American, 1896 – 1984).
  • The edition consists of two albums:

    1) Skizzenbuch: Hundert Federzeichnungen von Heinrich Kley. — München: Albert Langen, [1909]. — pp.: [1-4] 5-63 [64], illustr. Printed by Hesse & Becker in Leipzig. Bound in the original brown moire covered boards, with a paste-down drawing on the front, gilt cover titles, original patterned endpapers.

    2) Skizzenbuch II. Hundert Federzeichnungen von Heinrich Kley. — München: Albert Langen, [1910]. — pp.: [1-4] 5-64, illustr. Printed by Hesse & Becker in Leipzig; paper by Bohnenberger & Cie.; binding by E. A. Enders, Leipzig. Bound in the original bluish-gray moire covered boards, with a paste-down drawing on the front, gilt cover titles, original patterned endpapers.

    The number of printed copies unknown. Reproduction of ink drawings by Heinrich Kley, 1st edition.

    Dimensions of each album: 32 x 24.5 cm; Quarto. Heinrich Kley (April 15, 1863 in Karlsruhe – 1945? in Munich) was a German illustrator, editorial illustrator and painter.
  • Seven pen and ink and colour crayon drawings on thin wove paper approx. 140 x 100 mm, each attached to a sheet 310 x 240 mm and mounted in a passepartout, placed in an aubergine cardboard folder 310 x 250 mm with a tan vellum spine and paper flaps inside; olive label with double border and gilt lettering to front cover "Dessins" [Drawings]. The first sheet is a title-page lettered in manuscript: Freundinnen | {vignette} | Originalzeichnungen | M. Leytho || [Girlfriends. Original drawings]. Information about the artist at www.honesterotica.com: "Mitja Leytho, almost certainly a pseudonym, is yet another mediocre yet fascinating amateur artist from the Germany of the 1920s about whom we know absolutely nothing beyond the four portfolios which bear the ‘Leytho’ signature". We shall notice that this set of drawings was produced by a talented professional, not an amateur.        
  • A woodcut illustration after drawing by Leo von Elliot, published at Illustrirte Zeitung, 17 January 1863. English translation: Student bar "The Hole" in Brussels.

    The official name of this bar, located at Rue des Sols in Bussels, was "À la vue de l'Université" (In sight of the University). This was the place where the students of the Université libre de Bruxelles (Free University of Brussels), and especially the members of Société, ou Cercle, des Crocodiles (The Crocodile Society, or Circle), gathered in the 1860s.
  • Publisher's flapped portfolio 32.8 x 26.8 cm, gilt-ruled and gilt-lettered quarter faux-parchment waxed paper over brown paper boards with pasted illustration after von Bayros within gilt arabesque frame. Possibly published in Vienna by Heinrich Conrad in 1905 or 1908. The portfolio contains the title page with a vignette and 15 loose wove paper sheets 32 x 26.2 cm of collotype reproductions after drawings by Franz von Bayros. Cover gilt lettering: Choisÿ | le Conin | Erzählungen | am | Toiletten- | tische || Title-page: Erzählungen | am Toilettentische | von | CHOISY LE CONIN | {vignette} || Title-page verso: Inhalt: | 1. Die Tabaksdose | 2. Viola de Gamba | 3. Der Bote | 4. Nicht drängeln, Kinder! | 5. Die blaue Feder | 6. O what a pretty like-place! | 7. Die Sonnenuhr |8. Der Temel der der Cotÿs | 9. Der Fetischist | 10. Jupiter und Europa | 11. Die Witwe | 12. Paroxÿsme-erotique | 13. Der Rivale | 14. Die rote Lehrerin | 15. Tantalus | Nicht im Handel. || Catalogue raisonné: The amorous drawings of the Marquis von Bayros / Part I and II. — NY: Cythera Press, 1968; pp. 95-111 [LIB-2246.2019]  
  • Of the limited edition of 1150 copies, this is №54 (on Japan paper, signed by Bartsch and by von Bayros). Owner's binding imitating quarter-morocco, a red label with gilt lettering to spine (possibly by Ms Hunt, who was an amateur bookbinder). Bookplate on front pastedown: "Ex libris Rachel McMasters Miller Hunt | S. B. Hill Dec 1913 | A.J. Downey Sc." Alfred James Downey (1882-1944). Rachel McMasters Miller Hunt (1882-1963). Sarah B. Hill had done lettering for Ms Hunt. On back pastedown: Stamp "Hunt Libraries CMU" and sticker "Gotham Book Mart | 128 West 45th street | New York". This is from an edition of Carcassonne:
  • Hardcover, 31 x 24 cm, blue cloth over cardboard, orange lettering to spine, pictorial front cover, embossed back cover, pp.: [1-6] 7-271 [1], approx. 700 colour illustrations. Monograph and catalogue raisonné. ISBN: 978-3-85415-570-6. Title-page (orange): CORNELIA CABUK | {O. R. Schatz as vignette} | MONOGRAFIE | und | WERK= | VERZEICHNIS | mit Textbeiträgen von | STELLA ROLLIG | DIETER KRAFT | CORNELIA CABUK | Belvedere Werkverzeichnisse, Band 7 | Stella Rollig, Christian Huemer (Hg.) || Contributors: Otto Rudolf Schatz (Austrian, 1900 – 1961) Österreichische Galerie Belvedere Cornelia Cabuk Dieter Kraft Stella Rollig Ritter Verlag (Vienna)
  • Title: Revolution, Krieg und Streik, | Weltausstellung und Volksfest | Der Illustrator und Karikaturist | Leo von Elliot (1816–1890) | von Eckhart G. Franz | Hessische Historische Kommission Darmstadt 2000 || Series: Arbeiten der Hessischen Historischen Kommission, Neue Folge Band 17. Pagination: [1-6] 7-340, 458 b/w illustration. Binding: hardcover, red pictorial boards, 30 x 21.5 cm.
  • Title-page: JOHANN WOLFGANG GOETHE | DAS TAGEBUCH | Mit handkolorierten Zeichnungen von Max Schwimmer || Description: Oblong cardboard binding 24.5 x 17.5 cm, with sanguine vignette to front cover, 28 unpaginated leaves, 24 hand-coloured etchings on verso of each leaf with text on recto, numbered edition, this is № 549, signed by the artist (pencil). Contributors: Max Schwimmer (German, 1895 – 1960) – atrist. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (German, 1749 – 1832) – author.
  • Half-titleÜBERREICHT VON | GILHOFER UND RANSCHBURG | SORTIMENT–, BÜCHER– UND KUNST– | ANTIQUARIAT | WIEN 1, BOGNERGASSE 2 || Title: Red letterpress lettering in black ornamental frame: Insel- | Almanach | auf das Jahr | 1907 || Pagination: [6] – h.t., frontis., title; [1-16] 17-150 [2], + 2 folding plates (op. p. 30 and 32), and 2 plates op. p. 50 (Franz von Bayros "Francine" for Die Bohème by Henri Murger) and 112 (colour). Binding: 17.3 x 9.9 cm;  original olive paper wrappers with gilt lettering and elements to cover, lettering to spine. Catalogue raisonné: Heinz Sarkowski (1999): № 1986, pp. 329-30, with contents. Contributors: Gilhofer und Ranschburg – antiquarian bookstore in Vienna. Schröder, Rudolf Alexander (German, 1878 – 1962) – title and cover. Wieynk, Heinrich (German, 1874 – 1931) – typeset. Kippenberg, Anton Hermann Friedrich (German, 1874 – 1950) – editor. Brandstetter, Oscar (German, 1844 – ?) – printer.
  • Letterpress title-page, engraved title-page, and 10 sheets of collotype plates printed on india paper mounted on thick wove paper, with captioned guard sheets, loose in a vellum-backed cardboard portfolio with cloth-mounted flaps; floral diaper design inside throughout; bookseller's label to front board verso; limited edition of 550 copies of which this is copy № 103. Dimensions: 338 x 268 mm portfolio; 325 x 260 mm sheet, 225 x 195 mm image. Front board with lettering and vignette: GÖTTERLIEBSCHAFTEN | DAS MIT WINKENDEM HAUPT ICH GEWAHRET | {vignette} | {signature} | ARTUR WOLF / VERLAG WIEN || Letterpress title-page: FRANZ VON BAYROS | “GÖTTERLIEBSCHAFTEN” | ARTUR WOLF / VERLAG WIEN | 1914 || Verso to letterpress t.p. VERZEICHNIS DER TAFELN.
    1. Europa und der Stier
    2. Leda und die Schildkröte
    3. Sterope und Herkules
    4. Herodikos und die Turnerinnen
    5. Phoroneus und die Hirtin
    6. Minos und Persipeia
    7. Phryne und Mutter
    8. Pytalos und Demeter
    9. Kirke und die Ferkel
    10. Putiphar
    And limitation statement: Dieses Werk wurde im Auftrage des Verlages Artur Wolf, Wien, in der Kunstanstalt Jaffé, Wien, in Faksimile-Lichtdruck in einer einmalign numerierten Auflage von 550 Exemplaren hergestellt. Die Nummern 1 bis 50 wurden vom Künstler signiert. Dieses Exemplar erhielt die Nummer 103. Contributors: Franz von Bayros (Austrian, 1866 – 1924) – artist Arthur Wolf (Austrian-Jewish, 1887 ­ 1932) – publisher Artur-Wolf-Verlag (1911 – 1937)– publisher (company)
  • Publisher’s blue wrapper: DÜRERS | KUPFERSTICHE UND HOLZSCHNITTE. | EIN KRITISCHES VERZEICHNIS | VON | R. v. RETBERG. | MÜNCHEN. | THEODOR ACKERMANN. | 1871. || Title page: similar to front wrapper, 2.5 cm cut at the bottom, text not affected. Pagination: front wrapper with lettering in a frame, flyleaf, [4] 1-169 [170 blank] [2], flyleaf, back wrapper with imprint plus 2 plates (frontis., Il. entry №129, and op. p., il. entry 100 № 260, printed on laid paper without watermark). Collation: π2 1-88 9-134 142, plus 2 plates extraneous to collation, incl. frontispiece. Binding: 26.4 x 17.5 cm, quarter green morocco over marbled boards, black compartment fillets and lettering to spine, publisher’s wrappers preserved. Marks: bookplate 6 x 9 cm to front pastedown: “БИБЛИОТЕКА | ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО | ЭРМИТАЖА ИЗ СОБРАНИЯ | СТЕПАНА ПЕТРОВИЧА | ЯРЕМИЧА | (1869 – 1939)”, purple ink stamp “В ПРОДАЖУ”. To front wrapper: Ink manuscript on top “Dr. Lichtenstein”… etc., black ink seal of rampant lion and pencil number “949” in the middle; pencil marks to p. 162.

    Contents: Inhalt - Berichtigungen - Vorwort und Einleitendes - Dürers Lebenskizze - [Text] - Nachtrag zu Dürers "Lebenskizze". A critical directory of Albrecht Dürer (German, 1471 – 1528) copperplate engravings and woodcuts by Ralf von Retberg (German, 1812 – 1885): the description of 167 woodcuts and 103 copperplate engravings.

    Provenance: From the collection of a Russian artist Stepan Petrovich Yaremich, sold by Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. Ref: Royal Academy.
  • Description: bound in light yellow cloth with red and orange geometrical design to front cover and black lettering to spine, in pictorial DJ “An dem kleinen Himmel | meiner Liebe | {colour vignette} | Heiter-amouröse Dichtung | Mit 24 farbigen Zeichnungen von | Max Schwimmer”; pp.: [1-6] 7-95 [96], total 48 leaves, with 22 offset colour full-page illustrations, DJ and title-page vignettes by Max Schwimmer; plates with pagination. Anthology of German love poetry from Caspar Stieler (1632 – 1707) to Wolfgang Tilgner (1932 – 2011). Title-page: An dem kleinen Himmel | meiner Liebe | Heiter-amouröse Dichtung | Mit 24 farbigen Zeichnungen | von Max Schwimmer | {vignette} | Verlag der Nation | Berlin || Contributors: Bruno Brandl (German, fl. c. 1969 – 1991)– editor. Max Schwimmer (German, 1895 – 1960) – artist. VEB Druckhaus “Maxim Gorki” (Altenburg) – printer. Verlag der Nation (Berlin) – publisher.
  • Title (Gothic typeset): Peter Schlemihls | wundersame Geschichte | Mitgeteilt | von | Adelbert von Chamisso | {publisher’s device} | — | Im Insel-Verlag zu Leipzig || Series: Insel-Bücherei, Nr. 194. Pagination: 8vo; [1, 2] 3-79 [80]; 4 photomechanical reproductions of woodcuts by Adolf Schrödter [1838] within collation. Binding: 18.5 x 12.5 cm, hardcover, original patterned paper over cardboard, title label in yellow and black pasted to cover, label to spine. According to Herbert Kästner Die Insel-Bücherei: Bibliographie, 1912 - 1999: 4 illustrations by Adolf Schrödter, produced for 1838 edition as wood engravings here reproduced by photogravure. There were four print runs of this edition:  1916: 1.-10. Tsd;  1923: 35. Tsd; 1940: 55. Tsd. There is currently no way to tell which one is this. Contributors: Chamisso, Adelbert von (German, 1781–1838) – author. Schrödter, Adolf (German, 1805 – 1875) – artist.  
  • Three hardcover volumes, in-12mo, 16.2 x 10.6 cm each, uniformly bound in quarter brown cloth over marbled boards, all margins marbled, gilt lettering to spine; plus an oblong volume of similar binding, 24.5 x 39.5 cm, with 88 engraved plates by Riepenhausen after Hogarth (83 pp, unnumbered). Catalogue raisonné of William Hogarth's engravings, published by Carl Armbruster in Vienna and Dieterichsche Buchhandlung in Göttingen. A detailed explanation of Hogarth's prints divided in 14 parts. Vol. 1.
    1. C. G. Lichtenberg’s Ausführliche Erklärung der Hogarthischen Kupferstiche, mit verkleinerten Copien derselben von Carl Rahl. Erste Lieferung. Wien, 1818. Bey Chr. Kaulfuß und C. Armbruster. Gedruckt bey Anton Strauß. [i-v] vi-xxxvi, [1-3] 4-136, plus engraved t.p.
    2. C. G. Lichtenberg’s Ausführliche Erklärung der Hogarthischen Kupferstiche, mit verkleinerten Copien derselben von Carl Rahl. Zweite Lieferung. Wien, 1818. Bey Chr. Kaulfuß und C. Armbruster. Gedruckt bey Anton Strauß. [i-iii] iv-viii [2] 11-207 [1 blank], plus engraved t.p.
    3. C. G. Lichtenberg’s Ausführliche Erklärung der Hogarthischen Kupferstiche, mit verkleinerten Copien derselben von Carl Rahl. Dritte Lieferung. Wien, 1818. Bey Chr. Kaulfuß und C. Armbruster. Gedruckt bey Anton Strauß. [i-iii] iv-vi [3] 10-215 [1 blank], plus engraved t.p.
    4. C. G. Lichtenberg’s Ausführliche Erklärung der Hogarthischen Kupferstiche, mit verkleinerten Copien derselben von Carl Rahl. Vierte Lieferung. Wien, 1818. Bey Chr. Kaulfuß und C. Armbruster. Gedruckt bey Anton Strauß. [1-5] 6-180 [1 blank], plus engraved t.p.
    Vol. 2.
    1. C. G. Lichtenberg’s Ausführliche Erklärung der Hogarthischen Kupferstiche, mit verkleinerten Copien derselben von Carl Rahl. Fünste Lieferung. Wien, bey Carl Armbruster 1819. Gedruckt bey Anton Strauß. [1-3] 4-144, plus engraved t.p.
    2. C. G. Lichtenberg’s Ausführliche Erklärung der Hogarthischen Kupferstiche, mit verkleinerten Copien derselben von Carl Rahl. Sechste Lieferung. Mit zufåßen nach den schriften der englischen Erflårer. Wien, bey Carl Armbruster 1819. Gedruckt bey Anton Strauß. [i-iii] iv-x [2] 13-100, plus engraved t.p.
    3. C. G. Lichtenberg’s Ausführliche Erklärung der Hogarthischen Kupferstiche, mit verkleinerten Copien derselben von Carl Rahl. Siebente und achte Lieferung. Mit zufåßen nach den Schriften der englischen Erflårer. Wien, bey Carl Armbruster 1820. Gedruckt bey Anton Strauß. [1-8] 9-191, plus engraved t.p.
    4. C. G. Lichtenberg’s Ausführliche Erklärung der Hogarthischen Kupferstiche, mit verkleinerten Copien derselben von Carl Rahl. Neunte und zehnte Lieferung. Mit zufåßen nach den Schriften der englischen Erflårer. Wien, bey Carl Armbruster 1823. Gedruckt bey Anton Strauß. [1-7] 8-168, plus engraved t.p.
    Vol. 3.
    1. C. G. Lichtenberg’s Erklärung der Hogarthischen Kupferstiche, mit verkleinerten aber vollständigen Copien derselben von E. Riepenhausen. Eilfte Lieferung mit zufåßen nach den schriften der englischen Erflårer. Göttingen in der Dieterichsche Buchhandlung 1809. [1-3] 4-81 [82 blank].
    2. C. G. Lichtenberg’s Ausführliche Erklärung der Hogarthischen Kupferstiche, mit verkleinerten aber vollständigen Copien derselben von E. Riepenhausen fortgefeßt vom Berausgeber der fechsten Lieferung mit Benußung der englischen Erflårer. Zwölfte Lieferung. Göttingen in der Dieterichsche Buchhandlung 1816. [i-iii] iv [1-3] 4-76.
    3. J. P. Lyser’s Ausführliche Erklärung der Hogarthischen Kupferstiche, mit verkleinerten aber vollständigen Copien derselben von E. Riepenhausen. Dreizehnte Lieferung Göttingen in der Dieterichsche Buchhandlung 1833. [i-v] vi-xii, [1-3] 4-117 [118].
    4. Dr. le Petit’s Ausführliche Erklärung der Hogarthischen Kupferstiche, mit verkleinerten aber vollständigen Copien derselben von E. Riepenhausen, Berausgeber Karl Gutzkow. Vierzehnte Lieferung. Göttingen in der Dieterichsche Buchhandlung 1835. [i-iii] iv-xvi, [1-3] 4-132.
    Vol. 4.: 88 plates on 83 unnumbered leaves. Contributors: George Christoph Lichtenberg (German, 1743 – 1799) Johann Peter Lyser (German, 1804 – 1870) Karl Ferdinand Gutzkow (German, 1811 – 1878) Ernst Ludwig Riepenhausen (German, 1762 – 1840) Christoph Friedrich von Pommer [Dr. le Petit] (German, 1787 – 1841) Carl Rahl [Karl Rahl] (Austrian, 1812 – 1865) Carl Armbruster (Austrian, fl. c.1830) Dieterichsche Buchhandlung (Göttingen) Johann Christian Dieterich (German, 1722 – 1800) Anton Strauß (Austrian, 1775 – 1827) William Hogarth (British, 1697 – 1764)
  • Cover with title: Im Garten der Aphrodite | 18 Bildgaben | von | Franz von Bayros | {vignette} | Privatdruck || in a frame; table of contents and limitation to verso; 18 plates with the drawings of Bayros in collotype reproduction, each mounted on cardboard and protected with the remnants of tissue guards, some lacking. Of the publisher’s folder, only the front board with an oval title label is present. Some images signed “Choisy le Conin” – von Bayros’s pseudonym. Two prints are missing: (1) Das Füßchen and (2) Die Liebesschaukel, the other 16 prints present. The vignette on the cover is a photomechanical reproduction. Edition: limited to 350 copies of which this is № 253. According to Christie’s: a collotype reprint, about twenty years after their first publication. English equivalent: The Garden of Aphrodite. Portfolio with 18 photogravures. Catalogue raisonné: The amorous drawings of the Marquis von Bayros (1968): pp. 177-1877; Bayros Zeichningen (1987): pp. 143-152.
  • Description: Hardcover, 18.8 x 13 cm, pictorial front cover (after Franz von Bayros) in colour over tan cloth, lettering to spine, all margins red, laid paper endpapers, pp.: [4] 1-185 [3]; collated 8vo as π2 1-118, 126, total 192 pages (96 leaves) plus 5 b/w photogravures after drawings by Franz von Bayros. Title-page (blackletter): Gustav Hochstetter | Das Füsschen der gnädigen Frau | und Anderes | {publisher’s device} | {blank} | 1912 | München und Leipzig bei Georg Müller || T.p. verso (blackletter): Umschlagzeichnung und fünf Bildbeigeben von | Franz von Bayros | {blank} | (serif) Copyright 1912 by Georg Müller in München || Colophon: Druck von Mänicke u. Jahn, Rudolstadt. Contributors: Gustav Hochstetter (German-Jewish, 1873 – 1944) – author. Franz von Bayros (Austrian, 1866 – 1924) – artist. Mänicke und Jahn (Rudolstadt) – printer. Georg Müller (München, Leipzig) – publisher.
  • Front board: CASANOVA | Erinnerungen aus | galanter Zeit | Illustriert von | F.v. Bayros | {gigniette} | BERLIN | Verlegt bei Wilhelm Borngräber || Title: Giacomo Casanova | Erinnerungen aus galanter Zeit | Mit Bildern von F.v. Bayros | Eingeleitet von | Hanns Heinz Ewers | 66. Bis 70 Tausend | — | Wilhelm Borngräber Verlag | Berlin || Pagination: [2] , [1-4] 5-557 [558] [2] + frontispice + 5 plates (photogravures). Collation: 8vo; [1]8 2-358. Size: 18.8 x 13 x 4.3 cm Binding: hardcover, quarter cloth, paper boards with vignette and lettering, gilt lettering to spine. Note: the year and the edition were not stated and could not be inferred so far, probably one of the early editions between 1911 and 1925.
  • Portfolio 265 x 225 mm, black half-buckram over diapered cardboard with flaps, black with gilt lettering in frame to front “R. KELLER | MÄRCHEN”, t.p. printed on wave paper, the folder and engravings printed on laid paper, 10 loose plates, 240 x 210 mm sheet, 135 x 110-115 mm plate; re-issue of ten plates of the first edition of 16 plates published in Austria in c. 1910s. Title-page: EROTISCHE | MÄRCHEN | 10 RADIERUNGEN | VON | RUDOLF KELLER | PRIVATDRUCK 1919 || Die Mappe enthält folgende originalradierungen: 1. Aschenbrödel; 2. Dornröschen; 3. Zwerg Nase; 4. Froschkönig; 5. Der gestiefelte Kater; 6. Hänsel und Gretel; 7. Der fliegende Koffer; 8. Schneewittchen mit den 7 Zwergen; 9. Die kleine Seejungfer; 10. Der kleine Daumling Dieses Werk wurde in einer einmaligen Auflage von 250 numerierten Exemplaren hergestellt und darf nur an Gelehrte und Sammler abgegeben werden. Die Platten wurden vernichtet. Nr. 1—50 sind vom Künstler signierte Vorzugsdrucke. Dieses Exemplar erhielt Nr. 0153. Translation: The folder contains the following original etchings: 1. Cinderella; 2. Sleeping Beauty; 3. Dwarf nose; 4. The Frog Prince; 5. Puss in Boots; 6. Hansel and Gretel; 7. The Flying Trunk; 8. Snow White with the Seven Dwarfs; 9. The Little Mermaid; 10. Little Thumbling. This work was produced in a one-time edition of 250 numbered copies and may only be sold to scholars and collectors. The copperplates were destroyed. Nos. 1-50 are special prints signed by the artist. This copy was given number 0153. Seller's description: Erotische Märchen. S.l., Privatdruck, 1919. In-8, en feuilles, sous chemise demi-chagrin vert recouverte de papier japonais. Recueil de 10 eaux-fortes originales de Rudolf Keller. Ces eaux-fortes érotiques dans les teintes brunes s'inspirent des contes de fées traditionnels comme Cendrillon, La Belle au bois dormant, Hansel et Gretel, Blanche-Neige, Le Petit Poucet etc. Tirage à 250 exemplaires. Chemise défraîchie. Jacob Grimm (German; 1785 – 1863) Wilhelm Grimm (German, 1786 – 1859) Charles Perrault (French, 1628 – 1703) Hans Christian Andersen (Danish, 1805 – 1875)
  • An album 45 of 50 prints, 31 photogravures and 14 in raster chromotype after drawings and paintings by Franz von Bayros; most with tissue guards, some in passepartout; colour prints mounted on the same paper that is used for photogravures. Title-page: BAYROS | MAPPE | MIT VORWORT VON | RUDOLF HANS BARTSCH | VERLAG ED. STRACHE / WIEN • PRAG • LEIPZIG || Limited edition of 500 copies. This is copy № 286. Lacking 5 prints: (1) Abschied vom Paradies, (2) Weihnacht, and (3) Harmonie from Symphonie von der Gūte, die Schönheit ist; (4) Divina commedia from Florentiner Phantasien; and (5) Mozart from Varia. Contributors: Franz von Bayros (Austrian, 1866 – 1924) Rudolf Hans Bartsch (Austrian, 1873 – 1952)
  • Description: Hardcover, in-folio, 32 x 23.5 cm, bound in dark blue morocco, boards and spine richly decorated in gilt, front cover gilt-lettered in Chinese [幽王寵褒姒], pictorial endpapers, laid paper with unicorn watermark, margins uncut, printing performed by Joh. Enschedé (Haarlem), pp. [10] 1-210 [6], total 226 pages, collated π5 1-532 χ2, first and last leaves blank, total 113 leaves plus 7 plates after Franz von Bayros, some signed; adorned with woodcut borders, frames, head- and tailpieces throughout. The binding work was done by Hübel und Denck (Leipzig) based on designs by Paul Renner. Title-page: DAS | SCHÖNE | MÄDCHEN | VON PAO | — | EIN CHINESISCHER | ROMAN VON | OTTO JULIUS BIERBAUM | — | PRACHTAUSGABE |  MIT BILDERN VON BAYROS | — | Bei Joh. Enschedé en Zonen in | Haarlem gedruckt für Georg | Müllers Verlag in München || Catalogue raisonné: The amorous drawings of the Marquis von Bayros. — New York: Cythera Press, 1968. The Beautiful Maiden of Pao, pp. 153-8. Contributors: Otto Julius Bierbaum (German, 1865 – 1910) – author. Franz von Bayros (Austrian, 1866 – 1924) – artist. Johannes Enschedé (Dutch, 1708 – 1780) – printer. Joh. Enschedé (Haarlem) – printer. Hübel und Denck (Leipzig) – bookbinder. Paul Friedrich August Renner (German, 1878 – 1956) – designer.