NEWSoftcover, 240 x 170 mm, creme dust jacket with red and black lettering and circular opening in the middle to front, red lettering to spine, over pictorial wrappers, pp. [1-8] 9-143 [1], ISBN 978-88-95598-25-3. 1st edition. Title-page (red and black): LACLOS | ILLUSTRE | « SCÈNES DES « LIAISONS DANGEREUSES» | Editions réunies et présentées | par Michel Delon et Michèle Sajous D'Oria | lineadacqua || Colophon: Imprimé à Venise, Italie | En février 2014 | Par Grafiche Veneziane || Publisher: Lineadacqua Edizioni; San Marco 3717/d, 30124 Venezia; www.lineadacqua.com Contributors: Michel Delon (French, b. 1947) – author Michèl Sajous D’Oria – author Contents: ILLUSTRATION ET INTERPRÉTATION – Michel Delon METTRE LES LETTRES ENSCÈNES – Michèle Sajous D'Oria LES LETTRES L'ÉCRITURE LE SECRET LA TRAHISON LE REFUS LA MARQUISE DE MERTEUIL LA PETITE MAISON LE CHEVALIER DE PRÉVAN LE RIVAL LE PIÈGE LE VICOMTE, DE VALMONT SÉDUCTIONS CÉCILE DE VOLANGES LA SURPRISE DES SENS LE VIOL LAPRÉSIDENTE DE TOURVEL L'AMOUR LA MORT FINALE Bibliographie des éditions illustrées Notices sur les illustrateurs
NEWSoftcover, 278 x 243 mm, French flapped pictorial wrappers with blue lettering and oval vignette in the middle to front, blue lettering to flaps; pp. [1-4] 5-113 [3], ISBN 88-8082-523-2. Title-page: Laclos en images | Editions illustrées de Liaisons dangereuses | réunies et présentées | par Michel Delon et Michèle Sajous D'Oria | Mario Adda Editore | PRESSES DE L'UNIVERSITE DE PARIS-SORBONNE || Imprint: (convex) le cabinet des curiosités | collection dirigée par Michel Delon | et Michèle Sajous D'Oria | (bottom left) ISBN 88-8082-523-2 | © Copyright 2003 | Mario Adda Editore - Via Tanzi. 59 – Bari | Tel e Fax 080/5539502 | Web: www.addaeditore.it | E-mail: addaeditore @addaeditore.it | Fotocomposizione: La Matrice – Bari | Stampa: Edizioni Pugliesi srI.- Martina Franca (Ta) || Contributors: Michel Delon (French, b. 1947) – author Michèl Sajous D’Oria – author
NEWSoftcover, 210 x 149 mm, white wrappers with red and black lettering and a vignette to front, red and black lettering to spine and black lettering to back; pp. [1-8] 9-143 [1]. ISBN 978-88-95598-98-7. Title-page (red and black): CASANOVA | IN | VENICE | Illustrated editions of The story of my life | collected and presented | by Michel Delon and Michèl Sajous D’Oria | lineadacqua || Colophon: Printed in Venice, Italy | In may 2019 | By Grafiche Veneziane, Venice || Back wrapper: 100 illustrations enrich | Casanova's own telling | of his adventures in Venice || First edition in French: April 2013 First edition in English: March 2019 Contributors: Michel Delon (French, b. 1947) – author Michèl Sajous D’Oria – author Lucian Comoy – translator Contents: A WORLD OFIMAGES – Michel Delon OF PLACES AND BOOKS – Michèle Sajous D'Oria PORTRAITS AND ALLEGORIES NANETTE AND MARTON VEDUTE C.C. A LETTER M.M. RENDEZ-VOUS AND AMBUSH THE CASINO AT THE OPERA AND THE RIDOTTO A MASKED BALL AT THE CONVENT THE QUADRILLE COMPARISON MELANCHOLY TONINE AND BARBERINE MASKS ARREST THE PIOMBI ADIEU VENICE Bibliography of the illustrated editions Notes concerning the illustrators
Hardcover, 242 x 168 mm, quarter burgundy cloth over blue paper boards, outer edge untrimmed; pp.: [6] [1-4] 5-516 [2 colophon/blank] [6 blanks]. First published in France in 2000 as “Haussmann” by Librairie Arthème Fayard. Title-page: HAUSSMANN | ~ | His Life and Times, | and the Making of Modern Paris | MICHEL CARMONA | TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH BY PATRICK CAMILER | {publisher’s device} | Ivan • R • Dee | Chicago 2002 || Michel Carmona (French, b. 1940) Georges-Eugène Haussmann [Baron Haussmann] (French, 1809 – 1891)
Oblong album of forty photogravures printed on wove paper in sanguine after drawings by Mihály Zichy; 31.5 x 40.5 cm gilt-decorated half-parchment over red boards with a gilt diaper design; embossed gilt label in the top left corner “Michael | von Zichy. | Liebe”. Anonymous edition. Bookplate to front pastedown: “P•U•H | EX | LIBRIS”. Photogravures made from the original watercolours and crayon drawings produced in 1874-1879; the original album consisted of 51 compositions was sold at Christie’s sale of Gérard Nordmann collection on December 14-15, 2006 in Paris. Some of these photogravures were reproduced photomechanically and printed in 1869 [LIB-2244.2019] and 1989 [LIB-2242.2019]. Limitation: 300 copies were privately printed in Leipzig in 1911 for subscribers only; photogravure copper plates were destroyed. This is copy № 285. Title-page (brown and black): MICHAEL VON ZICHY | LIEBE | VIERZIG ZEICHNUNGEN | PRIVATDRUCK LEIPZIG 1911 || Dimensions: album: 31.5 x 40.5 cm; sheets 31 x 40 cm, uncut. Catalogue raisonné: Bibliothèque érotique: Gérard Nordmann; Livres, manuscrits, dessins, photographies du XVIe au XXe siècle / Catalogues de ventes, seconde partie. — Paris: Christie’s, 2006; p. 280, № 564 (drawings); № 565 photogravures [LIB-2810.2021]. Contributors: Mihály Zichy [Michael von Zichy; Михаил Александрович Зичи] (Hungarian, 1827 – 1906).
Title: MEMOIRS | OF | VIDOCQ. |THE | Principal Agent of the French Police. | WRITTEN BY HIMSELF, | AND TRANSLATED FROM THE | ORIGINAL FRENCH, EXPRESSLY FOR THIS EDITION. | WITH ILLUSTRATIVE ENGRAVINGS, | FROM | ORIGINAL DESIGNS BY CRUIKSHANK. | PHILADELPHIA: | T. B. PETERSON AND BROTHERS, | 306 CHESTNUT STREET. || Pagination: ffl, engraved frontispiece w/guard, engraved t.p., [2] t.p. / copyright, 19-580, [12], [2] 3-17 [18-30], bfl + 4 plates. Collation: 8vo; [1]8 2-358 362 + 22 leaves of advert., + frontis., t.p., 4 plates. Correct collation despite pagination starts at p. 19. Binding: Publisher's brown pebbled cloth, front stamped in blind, gilt spine lettering, yellow endpapers. Owner's ink inscription to ffl, dated 1936. Ref.: HathiTrust and OCLC identify the plates as 'by George Cruikshank' though none is signed. Authorship of Eugène-François Vidocq (French, 1775 – 1857) is doubtful too. The translator is not stated.
Title: MEMOIRS OF M. THIERS | 1870—1873 | Translated by | F. M. ATKINSON | {publisher’s device} | LONDON: GEORGE ALLEN & UNWIN LTD. | RUSKIN HOUSE 40 MUSEUM STREET, W.C. Pagination: [6] 7-384. Collation: 8vo; [1]-248. Size: 23 x 15 cm Binding: Blue cloth, top and bottom ruled in blind, gilt lettering to front cover and spine. Original: Adolphe Thiers. Notes et souvenirs de M. Thiers, 1870-1873: voyage diplomatique, proposition d'un armistice, préliminaires de la paix, présidence de la République. — Paris : [s.n.], 1901. — 465 p. The preface and editing signed "F. D." [Félicie Dosne]. Félicie Dosne (French, 1823 – 1906) was Thiers's sister-in-law.
Two-volume set. MÉMOIRES | DE | JACQUES | CASANOVA | DE SEINGALT | 1734 — Extraits — 1755 | COLLIGÉS PAR | RÉNE GROOS | ILLUSTRATIONS | DE | BRUNELLESCHI | {vignette} | GIBERT JEUNE | LIBRAIRIE D’AMATEURS | 61, BOULEVARD DE SAINT-MICHEL, 61 | PARIS || Pagination: [6], 1-345 [346], [8]; frontispiece and 15 colour plates (collotype), b/w tail-pieces and vignettes (offset). MÉMOIRES | DE | JACQUES | CASANOVA | DE SEINGALT | 1755 — Extraits — 1772 | COLLIGÉS PAR | RÉNE GROOS | ILLUSTRATIONS | DE | BRUNELLESCHI | {vignette} | GIBERT JEUNE | LIBRAIRIE D’AMATEURS | 61, BOULEVARD DE SAINT-MICHEL, 61 | PARIS || Pagination: [6] 1-337 [348] [8]; frontispiece and 15 colour plates (collotype), b/w tail-pieces and vignettes (offset). Limited edition, №2507 of 3000. Binding: original tan pictorial wrappers, in a slipcase.
Cover: MAURICE TALMEYR | LA | FRANC-MAÇONNERIE | ET LA | RÉVOLUTION FRANÇAISE | — | Prix : 1 fr. […] Librairie académique PERRIN et Cie. Title page: MAURICE TALMEYR | LA | FRANC-MAÇONNERIE | ET LA | RÉVOLUTION FRANÇAISE | — | PARIS | LIBRAIRIE ACADÉMIQUE DIDIER | PERRIN ET Cie, LIBRAIRES–ÉDITEURS | 35, QUAI DES GRANDS-AUGUSTINS, 35 | 1904 | Tous droits réservés || Autograph: Inscription to h.t. to Charles Foley from the author. Bibiographical description: Blue lettered publisher’s wrappers, 19 x 12 cm, pagination: [8] [1] 2-94 [2], collation: 8vo, π4 1-68. The Russian translation Н. Л. Фран-масонство и государственная измена. — СПб.: Издание В. П., 1906 is here: LIB-0940.2016. Contributors: Maurice Talmeyr [Marie-Justin-Maurice Coste] (French, 1850 – 1931) Pierre-Paul Didier (French, 1800 – 1865) Émile Perrin (French, 1828 – 1884)
Title page: MAURICE JOLY | LES | AFFAMÉS | ÉTUDES | DE MŒURS CONTEMPORAINES |{publisher’s device «ED»}| PARIS | E. DENTU, LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR | PALAIS-ROYAL, 15-17-19, GALERIE D’ORLÉANS | 1876 | Tous droits réservés.|| Pagination: short ffl, [2] h.t. / colophon [2] t.p. / blank] [i] ii-xvi, 1-340. Collation: 12mo ; π10 1-1812 198. Binding: 19 x 12 cm; softcover; original wrappers with lettering to front and spine in black and red in a frame, untrimmed lateral edge.
NEWSoftcover, 170 x 120 mm, in white publisher’s wrappers, vignette to front by A.-M. Carmant, red and black lettering to both covers, red lettering to spine, pp.: [1-3 4-109 [3]. ISBN 2-911314-02-6. Title-page: Maurice Joly | Le Plébiscite | Épilogue | du Dialogue aux Enfers | entre Machiavel et Montesquieu | précédé de | César | paris-zanzibar || Front cover (red and black): maurice joly | le plébiscite | épilogue du dialogue aux enfers | entre machiavel et montesquieu | {vignette par A.-M. Carmant | paris-zanzibar || Contents: Préface : F. Leclercq. Maurice Joly, un suicidé de la démocratie César Épilogue au Dialogue aux Enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu. Premier dialogue. L' arsenal de Machiavel II. L'appel au peuple III. Le plébiscite IV. La noyade parlementaire V. Le oui et le non VI. Comment Montesquieu votera-t-il VIIe et dernier dialogue. Non Annexe La Cloche, dimanche 19 juin 1870 Maurice Joly, son passé, son programme par lui-même (extrait)
NEWPaperback, 240 x 155 mm, publisher’s wrappers, series red label of Cahiers des Annales Publiés avec le concours du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, red vertical rule and black lettering to front, black lettering to spine, and red and black lettering to back; collated 8vo: 1-158 χ2, i.e. 122 leaves, pp.: [i-vi] vii-viii, 1-234 [2]. Autograph dedication signed by Maurice Dommanget to Pierre Dumayet, blue ballpen ms at the top of ffl « À Pierre Dumayet | En Souvenir et bien cordialement | Dommanget ». Title-page: CAHIERS DES ANNALES | 14 | MAURICE DOMMANGET | BLANQUI | ET L'OPPOSITION | RÉVOLUTIONNAIRE | à la fin | du Second Empire | {publisher’s device « economies – sociétés – civilisation » } | LIBRAIRIE ARMAND COLIN | 103, boulevard Saint-Michel, PARIS - 5e | 1960 || Contents: De Belle-Île à la Conciergerie. Vues et action politiques à Sainte-Pélagie. L'action à l'hôpital Necker. Le séjour à Bruxelles et l'action des étudiants blanquistes. L'action blanquiste, de décembre 1867 à la grève du Creusot. Le Blanquisme et l'Internationale. Contributors: Dommanget, Maurice (French, 1888 – 1976) Dumayet, Pierre (French, 1923 – 2011) Blanqui, Auguste (French, 1805 – 1881)
Title: MEMOIRS AND TRAVELS | OF | MAURITIUS AUGUSTUS COUNT DE | BENYOWSKY | MAGNATE OF THE KINGDOMS OF HUNGARY AND POLAND, ONE OF | THE CHIEFS OF THE CONFEDERATION OF POLAND | ETC., ETC. | Consisting of his Military Operations in Poland, his Exile into Kamchatka, | his Escape and Voyage from that Peninsula through the Northern | Pacific Ocean, touching at Japan and Formosa, to Canton | in China, with an Account of the French Settle- | ment he was appointed to form upon the | Island of Madagascar | WITH AN INTRODUCTION, NOTES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY | BY | CAPTAIN S. PASFIELD OLIVER || Half-title (ornamental, in black and red): MEMOIRS & | TRAVELS of | MAURITIUS | AUGUSTUS | COUNT | DE | BENYOWSKY | LONDON•KEGAN• | PAUL•TRENCH• | TRÜBNER•&•Co 1904 || Pagination: [i, ii] – owner pasted wood engraving “A woman of Kamchatka” / Dryden House advert., [iii, iv] – serial title / MAB (years), frontis. Portrait of MAB by Walter L. Colls w/guard, [v, vi] – ornamental h.t / copyright, [vii, viii] – t.p. / list of ill., ix-xxxvi, 1-635 [636]. Collation: 2 blank leaves (binding), [a]-b8 c2 1-398 406, 2 plates, 2 blank leaves (binding). Binding: Modern ¾ morocco over marbled boards, raised bands, gilt fleur-de-lis-cross in compartments, burgundy label with gilt lettering, by Atkinson Book Binders, Salisbury (sticker to back pastedown). Contributors: Printed by Neill and Co., Edinburgh. Published by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.; Kegan Paul, Charles (British, 1828 – 1902). Author: Maurice Auguste comte de Benyowsky [Мориц Август Бенёвский] (Polish-Slovak-Hungarian, 1746 –1786). Editor: Samuel Pasfield Oliver (British, 1838 – 1907). Translator: William Nicholson (British, 1753 – 1815). Originally published in 1790, in London (I have not seen it anywhere) and in Dublin by P. Wogan [etc.], and in 1791 in French, in Paris by Buisson.
Hardcover, 32 x 23.5 cm, publisher's blue cloth, blind-stamped to cover, gilt lettering to spine, pictorial DJ; pp.: [1-6] 7-375 [376 blank], ill.
This catalogue features the top ten percent of the collection ... presented in an exhibition ['Great ukiyo-e masters : common pleasures, uncommon prints : Japanese woodcuts from the Minneapolis Institute of Arts', sponsored by Asano Laboratories] that opened in Tokyo at the Shoto Museum of Art on October 2, 2007, and traveled to the Nara Prefectural Museum of Art and the Sanritz Hattori Museum of Arts"--Foreword. "This [2011] publication ... coincides with a special exhibition, 'Edo Pop: Japanese Master Prints from the Minneapolis Institute of Arts' (October 16, 2011, through January 8, 2012), which will [also] be shown at the High Museum of Art in Atlanta ..."--Foreword. "With contributions by Shūgō Asano, Akane Fujisawa, Murasaki Fujisawa, Yuriko Iwakiri, Yōsuke Katō, Junko Mutō, Noriko Yamamoto. Contents: Foreword / Kaywin Feldman Acknowledgments / Matthew Welch, Yuiko Kimura-Tilford Seductive beauty : coveting and collecting Ukiyo-e / Matthew Welch Time line of the artists Catalogue of selected prints Object list in English and Japanese
Title: Masterpieces | of French Faience | SELECTIONS FROM THE | SIDNEY R. KNAFEL COLLECTION | Charlotte Vignon | with Sidney R. Knafel | The Frick Collection, New York | in association with D Giles Limited, London | {device} || Pagination: [1-6] 7-72. Contributors: Charlotte Vignon (American, b. c. 1975) – Curator of Decorative Arts at The Frick Collection. Sidney R. Knafel (American, b. c. 1950) – Collector.
Softcover, in pictorial flapped wrappers, 28 x 21.8 cm, 26 entries, with colour illustrations, some folding. Catalogue # 7 of the sales exhibition on March 25 - April 1, 2003 in NY; pagination: [1-3] 4-90 [2], ils., some folding. Contributor: Sebastian Izzard
Set of 21 etchings by Martin van Maele for the English edition of ‘Thais’ by Anatole France published in London by Charles Carrington in 1901. Printed on vowe paper without a watermark in two colours with the black image and sepia historiated border. All etchings are inscribed with the artist's monogram; one of the etchings bears inscriptions ORGUEIL, LUXURE, DOUTE (mirror image). Dimensions: sheet: 317 x 250 mm; plate: 170 x 115 mm; image: 155 x 100 mm. Catalogue raisonné: S. A. Perry: № 64. Per Perry, the edition was printed in 500 copies on 'handmade paper watermarked 'Van Gelder'. Contributor: Martin van Maële [Martin, Maurice François Alfred] (French, 1863 – 1926)
NEWTwelve etchings printed in black on laid paper, uncoloured, sheet 236 x 140 mm, platemark 155 x 100 mm, red ink stamp “ARS EROTICA | Hans-J. Döpp” to verso; image title in pencil to recto of some sheets. Pale ‘remarque’ on the lower margin of plate 2 ‘L’Eden’. Traces of original binding along the right edge. No folder. Catalogue raisonné: Luc Binet 2017: 100-B, pp. 639-51 ; S. A. Perry 2015: 80, p. 70-1.
List of images:
- Le Coït des Atomes
- L’Éden
- La Flûte
- Portes d’enfer
- Danaë
- L’obsession
- Europe
- Le crâne
- Mélancolie blennorhagique [sic]
- Parisienne
- La chanson du vieux moine
- Reine du monde