Hardcover volume, 35 x 27 cm, bound in grey cloth, blind stamped characters to front, brown characters to spine, in a slipcase, the outer case missing, pp.: [4] [1] 2-116 (plates with photographs of 202 items), [2] 119-154 [4]. Ninsei [仁清] and Kenzan [乾山] ceramics produced by Ninsei Nonomura [野々村仁清] (Japanese, c. 1640 – c. 1690) and Ogata Kenzan [尾形 乾山] (Japanese, 1663 – 1743), respectively. 日本の陶磁 – Japanese ceramics, series title. Contributors: Yasunari Kawabata [川端 康成] (Japanese, 1924 – 1972) – author. Tetsuzo Tanikawa [谷川 徹三] (Japanese, 1895 – 1989) – author. Seizo Hayashiya [林屋晴三] (Japanese, 1928 – 2017) – editor. Chūōkōron-sha [中央公論社] – publisher.
NEW"The Jewish Hungarian artist Nicolas Sternberg moved to Paris in the 1920s, remaining there for the rest of his life, hiding during the German occupation of the city in the 1940s under false identity papers". [MIA: Minneapolis Institute of Art, cited] Jean-Pierre Dutel provides the following information: Nicolas Sternberg was born to Jewish parents on July 9, 1902, in Nagyvárad, in Austro-Hungary. According to the archives of the Préfecture de police in Paris (1930), he was Hungarian. His real name was Miklós Szines-Sternberg. At the time, it was common among painters and sculptors to retain their original German names while adopting Hungarian-German double surnames. From age twelve, he worked as a newspaper illustrator in Budapest before moving to Paris in the early 1920s after studying in Munich. He published regularly in Paris-Soir, one of the most important French daily newspapers between the wars. Despite his talent, only one solo exhibition seems to have been dedicated to him at the Galerie Georges Petit (Georges Petit, 1856–1920) in 1929. Jules Pascin (1885 –1930) exhibited there in 1930 and committed suicide on the opening day. Sternberg is known for his drawings devoted to the circus, madmen, and pornography. He excelled in portraits and self-portraits, particularly fine portraits of his wife Miche and his friend Michel Simon (1895–1975). In 1927, he made drawings for Les Flambeaux de la Noce, a play at the Comédie-Française. He also contributed to the illustration of La Légende des sexes by Edmond Haraucourt (1856 –1941). In 1930, he created illustrations for Les Aventures du Roi Pausole by Pierre Louÿs (1870–1925), published by Simon Kra (1853–1940), and for an edition of the bawdy songs Les Trois Orfèvres à la Saint Éloi, which led to an investigation into its publisher and illustrator. He also produced original watercolours for an edition of Manuel de Civilité by Pierre Louÿs. In 1933, he illustrated Madame de Pompadour by Paul Reboux (1877 –1963). In 1937, Sternberg illustrated Souls and Secrets, a collection of Hasidic stories by József Patai (1882–1953), translated by his son, the anthropologist, ethnologist, and historian Raphael Patai (Budapest, 1910 – Tucson, 1996), who kept some of Sternberg’s works in his home. Portraits of Michel Simon dating from 1932, along with numerous pornographic photographs of Sternberg taken by the actor between 1940 and 1960, demonstrate the longevity of their relationship. In 1940, Sternberg miraculously escaped the Nazi’s aerial bombardment that killed several members of his family. During the Occupation, he lived in hiding with false papers and resumed his career in Paris after the war. Despite visual differences, Jules Pascin and Nicolas Sternberg shared some curious similarities. Their works, though employing different techniques, reflect the same underlying despair. Like Pascin, Sternberg committed suicide.
Title: BLANQUI | by | NEIL STEWART | [blank] | LONDON | VICTOR GOLLANCZ LTD | 1939 || Pagination: [1-7] 8-352. Binding: 20 x 13.5 cm; Red cardstock boards with black lettering, the front board: BLANQUI | by | NEIL STEWART | {BCL device} | LEFT BOOK CLUB EDITION | NOT FOR SALE TO THE PUBLIC ||; Spine with black lettering in the frame, sunned.
Artist: Natalia Goncharova (July 3, 1881 – October 17, 1962). Russian/French. Lithographic illustration (frontispiece) for Sergei Bobrov book of poetry "The gardeners upon the grapevines", Moscow, Lirika Publishers, 1913. Size: 18 х 11,5 cm.
Book was printed on May 20, 1913 for Lirika Publishers, by V. I. Voronov printshop in 500 copies, of them 50 authored and numbered. 10 lithographs by Natalia Goncharova printed at Kushneryov & Co. lithography in Moscow.
Наталия Гончарова (3 июля 1881 – 17 октября 1962). Россия/Франция. Литографическая иллюстрация (фронтиспис) к книге С. П. Боброва "Вертоградари над лозами" [Сергей Бобров. М.: /Лирика, 1913]. Формат: 18 х 11,5 см.Тираж 500 экз, из них 50 авторизованных и нумерованных. Десять цветных рисунков работы Н. Гончаровой исполнены в технике литографии на отдельных листах. Книга отпечатана 20 мая 1913 года в типографии В.И. Воронова для книгоиздательства «Лирика». В мягкой издательской обложке. На с. 162 после списка литографий: Отпечатаны литографией т-ва И.Н. Кушнерев и К° в Москве.
Artist: Natalia Goncharova (July 3, 1881 – October 17, 1962). Russian/French. Lithographic illustration "An elder astride a bull" for Aleksei Kruchenykh book "Two poems. The Hermit. The Hermitess", Moscow, Kuzmin and Dolinsky Publishers, 1913. This sheet is from the book "Natalia Goncharova / Mikhail Larionov" by Eli Eganbyuri (pen-name of Ilia Zdanevich), published by Z. A. Münster in 1913. Inscription on the back: hand-written copy (allegedly by the hand of Osip Brik) of Vladimir Mayakovsky verses for "Red Pepper" (Krasny peretz) magazine issue of 1924, included in the compilation "Ferocious laugh" (Grozny smekh) that was published after Mayakovsky death in 1931. Text of the manuscript on verso. Size: 18,5 х 14,3 cm. Наталия Гончарова (3 июля 1881 – 17 октября 1962). Россия/Франция. Автолитография "Старец верхом на быке" для книги А. Е. Крученых "Две поэмы. Пустынники. Пустынница"; - М.: Изд. Г.Л. Кузьмина, С.Д. Долинского, 1913. Данный лист из книги Эли Эганбюри (псевдоним Ильи Зданевича) "Наталия Гончарова / Михаил Ларионов"; - М. : Изд. Ц. Мюнстера, 1913. На обороте список стихов из подписей к "Красному перцу" 1924 г., которые вошли в сб. "Грозный смех" (вышел после смерти Маяковского в 1931). Вероятно список сделан рукой Осипа Брика. Текст манускрипта. Формат: 18,5 х 14,3 см.
Г. Л. Кузьмин и С. Д. Долинский знамениты, в частности, тем, что в 1912 году издали футуристский манифест "Пощечина общественному вкусу". О них можно найти дополнительную информацию в статье об Л. Л. Кузьмине. Издатель Цезарь Александрович Мюнстер был сыном знаменитого русского литографа Александра Эрнестовича Мюнстера, открывшего свое литографическое заведение в Санкт-Петербурге в 1850 году. Судьба Ц. А. Мюнстера и его издательства после революции 1917 года мне неизвестна.
Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 400 x 277 mm. Top: "NAPOLÉON, LOUIS, EUGÈNE, PRINCE IMPÉRIAL"; bellow 12 captioned frames:
- Le Prince impérial vient au monde dans le palais des Tuileries, le 16 mars 1856, au moment où la France victorieuse signe le traité de Paris.
- Le Prince impérial est baptisé à Notre-Dame et présenté par l'Empereur au Peuple, à l’Armée et aux Maires des villes de France.
- Au retour des troupes d'Italie, l'Empereur victorieux place le Prince impérial sur son cheval. Napoléon Ier, du haut de la colonne, semble bénir sa race.
- Le Prince impérial préside, dans le jardin des Tuileries, la fête donnée aux enfants des classes ouvrières.
- Le Prince impérial est nommé caporal au 1er régiment des Grenadiers de la Garde impériale.
- Le Prince impérial fait sa première communion dans la chapelle des Tuileries, après avoir reçu l'instruction religieuse de l'abbé Deguerry, le saint otage.
- Le Prince impérial, à l'exposition universelle, remet à son père. en présence du Sultan, le prix mérité par l'Empereur pour les associations ouvrières.
- Le Prince impérial reçoit courageusement, auprès de son père, le baptême du feu.
- Le Prince impérial en prières devant le lit de son père. Il récite le « notre père qui ètes aux cieux. »
- Le Prince impérial conduit le deuil de l'Empereur, et la nombreuse assistance des Français portage sa douleur.
- Le Prince impérial apprend l’art militaire et obtient de brillants succès à l'écolo de Woolwich, (Angleterre).
- Le Prince impérial, devant la foule des Français venus pour sa fête en Angleterre, le 15 out 1873, salue le drapeau tricolore et s'écrie : « Tout pour le peuple et par le peuple… »
Another copy of SVFC-0745-3.2023, 395 x 290 mm; black ink stamp “5322” to reverse. Jean Charles Pellerin (French, 1756 – 1836)
Hand-coloured lithography on wove paper 423 x 332 mm; On reverse: black ink stamp “4956”, ms “A”, ms pencil “428” and “Ernest”. Under the image, centre: "NAPOLEON III | Kaiser der Franzosen." Velow: | NAPOLEON III | Czaar of the French — NAPOLEON III | Czaar van Frankrijk — NAPOLÉON III | Empereur des Francais. — NAPOLEONE III | El emperador delos Franceses; bottom left: "Verlag u. Eigenthum | von. Fried. G. Schulz in Stuttgart.", right: "No 146." The artist's and printer's names in stone are not legible. Published in Stuttgart by Friederich Gustav Schulz (German, 1786 – 1859) during the time of the Second French Empire (1852-1870).
Hand-coloured chromolithography on wove paper, 600 x 470 mm; black ink stamp “4921” to reverse, horizontal and vertical centrefolds. Image of Napoléon III on horseback, in a frame; lettering under the frame: 34 — Déposé | NAPOLÉON III | EMPEREUR DES FRANÇAIS. | Lith. de Gangel frères et P. Didion, à Metz. || Gangel frères et P. Didion (Metz) – printer/publisher. Paulin Didion (French, 1831 – 1879)
Lithography poster on wove paper, 492 x 614 mm; black ink stamp “5036” to reverse, vertical centerfold. Image in frame; under the frame left: "J. B. Gadola, éditeur. Cours de Brosses 1, à LYON."; right: "Lith LAURANT & Cie r. de Bernardins 34, Paris." Title and text below the image. Jean-Baptiste Gadola (French, 1818 – 1870) – publisher.
Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 460 x 356 mm; black ink stamp “5055” to reverse. Top centre: "NAPOLÉON III ET LA GARDE IMPÉRIALE"; right: "№ 86". Napoléon III ahorseback in middle, beside (top to bottom): Escadron des cent Gardes — Cuirassiers 1er et 2me regiment; Gendarmes à cheval. — Lancier., Dragon de l’Impératrice.; Guide., Chasseur à cheval. — Artillerie à cheval, Train des équipages.; Gendarme. Génie. Voltigeur. Grenadier. Sapeur. Sapeur. Chasseur. Artillerie. Zouave. Tambour. Bottom left: Imprimerie Lith. de Pellerin à Épinal; right: Propriété de l’Éditeur. Déposé. Jean Charles Pellerin (French, 1756 – 1836) – printer/publisher.
Hand-coloured lithography on wove paper, 380 x 298 mm; black ink stamp “4912” to reverse. On stone left: "A, Paris Miné Éditeur, imp.;" right: "Lith. R. St. Jacques. 41." Bottom center: "Napoléon III"; below: "EMPEREUR DES FRANÇAIS", under: "Élu les 21 el 22 novembre par 8,000,000 de voix et proclamé Empereur le 2 Xbre 1852." Printer/publisher: Miné, éditeur, imprimeur en lithographie, Rue Saint-Jacques, 41. Napoleon III [Charles-Louis Napoléon Bonaparte] (French, 1808 – 1873)
Softcover, in pictorial flapped wrappers, 28 x 21.6 cm, 21 entries, with colour illustrations. Catalogue # 10 of the sales exhibition on March 30 - April 6, 2005 in NY; pagination: [1-3] 4-50 [2], ils. Contributor: Sebastian Izzard
Hardcover volume, 35 x 26.8 cm, bound in grey cloth, blind stamped characters to front, brown characters to spine, in a double slipcase, the outer case pictorial paper over cardboard, 36 x 28.2 cm, pp.: [4] [1] 2-144 (plates with photographs of 332 items), [2] 147-182 [4]. 鍋島 – Nabeshima – book title. 日本の陶磁 – Japanese ceramics, series title. Contributors: Yasunari Kawabata [川端 康成] (Japanese, 1924 – 1972) – author. Tetsuzo Tanikawa [谷川 徹三] (Japanese, 1895 – 1989) – author. Seizo Hayashiya [林屋晴三] (Japanese, 1928 – 2017) – editor. Chūōkōron-sha [中央公論社] – publisher.
Hardcover volume from the series Masterworks of ukiyo-e, 26.3 x 19.2 cm, bound in unprimed canvas, red characters on black strip to front, red and black lettering to spine, tan flat endpapers, in a pictorial slipcase with series design (black lettering on silver spine); pp: [1-6]: h.t./frontis. (colour plate pasted in), t.p./imprint, contents/acknowledgements), 7-31 text, [32] blank, 33-96 (58 plates w/captions). Title-page (in frame): MASTERWORKS OF UKIYO-E | STUDIES IN NATURE | HOKUSAI-HIROSHIGE | by Muneshige Narazaki | Translated by John Bester | {publisher’s device} | KODANSHA INTERNATIONAL LTD. | Tokyo, Japan & Palo-Alto, Calif., U.S.A | {vertical, between rules 花鳥風月} || 花鳥風月 (Kachou Fugetsu) – beauties of nature. Series: Masterworks of ukiyo-e, № 11. Contributors: Muneshige Narazaki [楢崎 宗重] (Japanese, 1904 – 2001) – author. John Bester (British, 1927 – 2010) – translator. Katsushika Hokusai [葛飾 北斎] (Japanese, 1760 – 1849) – artist. Utagawa Hiroshige [歌川 広重] a.k.a. Andō Hiroshige [安藤 広重] (Japanese, 1797 – 1858) – artist.
Hardcover volume from the series Masterworks of ukiyo-e, 26.1 x 19 cm, bound in canvas, red characters on black strip to front, red and black lettering to spine, tan embossed endpapers, in a pictorial slipcase with series design (black lettering on silver spine); pp: [1-6]: h.t./frontis. (colour plate pasted in), t.p./imprint, contents/acknowledgements), 7-16 text, 17-96 (79 plates w/captions). Title-page (in frame): MASTERWORKS OF UKIYO-E | HOKUSAI | SKETCHES AND PAINTINGS | by Muneshige Narazaki | English adaptation by John Bester | {publisher’s device} | KODANSHA INTERNATIONAL LTD. | Tokyo, Japan & Palo-Alto, Calif., U.S.A | {vertical, between rules 漫画肉筆画} || Series: Masterworks of ukiyo-e, № 7. Muneshige Narazaki [楢崎 宗重] (Japanese, 1904 – 2001) – author. Katsushika Hokusai [葛飾 北斎] (Japanese, 1760 – 1849) – artist. John Bester (British, 1927 – 2010) – adaptation.
Hardcover volume from the series Masterworks of ukiyo-e, 26.3 x 19 cm, bound in unprimed canvas, red characters on black strip to front, red and black lettering to spine, tan flat endpapers, in a pictorial slipcase with series design (black lettering on silver spine); pp: [1-6]: h.t./frontis. (colour plate pasted in), t.p./imprint, contents/acknowledgements), 7-67 text, 27-30 map, 31-32 f.t./blank, 33-96 (65 plates w/captions). Title-page (in frame): MASTERWORKS OF UKIYO-E | HIROSHIGE | FAMOUS VIEWS | by Muneshige Narazaki | English adaptation by Richard L. Gage | {publisher’s device} | KODANSHA INTERNATIONAL LTD. | Tokyo, Japan & Palo-Alto, Calif., U.S.A | {vertical, between rules in ms 広重]} || Series: Masterworks of ukiyo-e, № 5. Edition: 1st edition ©1968, 2nd printing 1970. Muneshige Narazaki [楢崎 宗重] (Japanese, 1904 – 2001) – author. Utagawa Hiroshige [歌川 広重] a.k.a. Andō Hiroshige [安藤 広重] (Japanese, 1797 – 1858) – artist. Richard L. Gage (American, b. 1934) – adaptation.
Paperback volume, 25.7 x 18.6 cm, brown embossed wrappers with framed Japanese characters along the outer margin, pictorial dust jacket with series design (black lettering and vignette in silver border to wrappers, black lettering on silver to spine); pp: [1-6]: h.t./frontis. (colour plate pasted in), t.p./imprint, contents/blank), 7-32 text, 33-96 (59 plates w/captions). Title-page (in frame): MASTERWORKS OF UKIYO-E | EARLY PAINTINGS | by Muneshige Narazaki | English adaptation by Charles A. Pomeroy | {publisher’s device} | KODANSHA INTERNATIONAL LTD. | Tokyo, Japan & Palo-Alto, Calif., U.S.A | {vertical between rules 初期 浮世絵} || Series: Masterworks of ukiyo-e, № 1. Contributors: Muneshige Narazaki [楢崎 宗重] (Japanese, 1904 – 2001) – author. Charles A. Pomeroy (American, b. 1930) – adaptation.