• Paperback, 21.2 x 13.6 cm, dark blue pictorial covers with white lettering, pp.: [2] 3-316 [4]. Title-page: Рав. Й.-Д. Соловейчик | И СТАНЕТЕ ИСКАТЬ | ОТТУДА… | Перевод Мириам Китросской | Памяти | Миши Шнейдера и Лены Гальпериной | {publisher’s device} | Иерусалим 5782 (2022) || Contributors: Иосеф Дов-Бер ха-Леви Соловейчик [יוסף דב הלוי סולובייצ'יק‏‎, Joseph Dov-Ber Soloveitchik) (Jewish-American, 1903 – 1993) Мириам Китросская [Miriam Kitrossky] (Israeli, b. 1957)
  • Softcover, in pictorial wrappers, 28 x 21.7 cm, 70 entries, with colour illustrations. Catalogue of the sales exhibition on March 17-24, 2023 in NY; pagination: [1-3] 4-142 [2], ils. Invitation card laid in. Contributor: Sebastian Izzard
  • Hardcover volume, 23 x 15 cm, bound in full pictorial olive cloth, lettering to spine, in a green slipcase 23.5 x 15.9 cm; pp.: [1-4] 5- 267 [268] [4 blanks], b/w tailpieces, frontispiece and 8 colour photomechanical plates after John Holder. Title-page: GRAHAM GREENE | TRAVELS WITH MY AUNT | A Novel | Introduced by John Mortimer | Illustrated by John Holder | FOLIO SOCIETY | LONDON MMIV || Contributors: Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991) – author. John Mortimer (British, 1923 – 2009) – author/introduction. John Holder (British, b. 1941) – artist. St. Edmundsbury Press (UK) – printer. Hunter & Fouls (Haddington) – binder. Folio Society (UK) – publisher. For the 1st edition, see [LIB-2758.2021] Graham Greene. Travels with my aunt: a novel. — London: Bodley Head, 1969.
  • Offset lithography in back ink on paper, 448 x 448 mm, description by OMCA COLLECTIONS (Oakland Museum of California): The top edge of the poster has a stylized drawing of an eagle. Below, the poster has a drawing with eight male police officers and two female figures: one with the crown and torch of the Statue of Liberty, the other holding scales and wearing a blindfold in the style of personifications of justice. In the foreground of the drawing, one of the police officers is holding the liberty figure on the ground and raping her while a second officer holds one of her legs. In the background, the justice figure is being held up and raped by two officers. The rest of the police officers look at this scene and laugh or pat one another on the back. The bottom of the drawing is bordered by a semicircle of text that reads: "...WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL." [...] This provocative poster was described at a 1968 House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) hearing as "one of the most vile, obscene pieces of literature that I have seen disseminated in San Francisco" by San Francisco Examiner reporter Edward S. Montgomery. Contributors: Frank Cieciorka (American, 1939 – 2008) – artist.
  • Hand-coloured chromolithography on wove paper, 600 x 470 mm; black ink stamp “4921” to reverse, horizontal and vertical centrefolds. Image of Napoléon III on horseback, in a frame; lettering under the frame: 34 — Déposé  | NAPOLÉON III | EMPEREUR DES FRANÇAIS. | Lith. de Gangel frères et P. Didion, à Metz. || Gangel frères et P. Didion (Metz) – printer/publisher. Paulin Didion (French, 1831 – 1879)  
  • Kitagawa Tsukimaro (Kikumaro): 喜多川 月麿, fl. c. 1794–1836.

    Mother is playing with her child: they left playing with shadow lantern for freeing a turtle (Hojo-e, or "Rite for the Release of Living Beings").

    Signed: Tsukimaro hitsu (月麿筆); Publisher's mark; censor's seal: Kiwame + Yamaguchiya Tôbei gyōji seal (1811-14).

  • Herni Cohen. Guide de l'amateur de livres à gravures du XVIIIe siècle (6e édition) / Revue, corrigée et considérablement augmentée par Seymour de Ricci, préface par R. Portalis; 2 Volumes. – Paris: Librairie A. Rouquette, 1912. – Achevé d'Imprimer à Melun par Émile Legrand le 25 juin MDCCCCXII [1912]. Vol. 1, Première partie – ABAA-LUY: ffl [4 blanks] [2 - orig. grey front wrapper w/title, verso blank] [2 blanks] [2 - ht, tirage] [2 - blank, frontis. w/protect. sheet] [2 - blank, frontis. w/protect. sheet] (double frontis. - correct), [2 - t.p., blank] [i - avant-propos w/vignette] ii-vi, [vii - préface w/vignette] viii-xxvi; [1-2 - Tome 1, I] 2-668 (two numbers per page), [2 - fin, blank] [2 blanks] [2 - orig. grey back wrapper, recto blank] [orig. spine strip] [4 blanks] bfl. Vol. 2, Seconde partie – MAB-ZUR : ffl [4 blanks] [2 - orig. grey front wrapper w/title, verso blank] [2 blanks] [2 - ht, blank] [2 - t.p., blank] [2 - blank, frontis. w/protect. sheet] [2 - blank, frontis. w/protect. sheet] (double frontis. - correct), [1-2 - Tome II, 22] 671-1248 (two numbers per page), [2 - printer, blank] [2 blanks] [2 - orig. grey back wrapper, recto imprim.] [orig. spine strip] [4 blanks] bfl. Size: Super Royal 8vo, 26.2 x 17.2 x 5.1 cm. Binding: Contemporary blue half morocco over marbled boards, marbled end-papers, top margin gilt, gilt lettering to spine (title, owner: P. R.).; bookplate pasted to verso of the first blank leaf: " Ex Libris R. Decamps Scrive." – for bibliophile René Descamps-Scrive (French, 1853 –1924). Original wrappers preserved. Printed on Hollande paper, copy № 2 of the first 50; total print-run 1050 copies. Catalogue raisonné of French illustrated books of the 18th century.
  • Front wrapper, t.p.: Общедоступная философiя | ВЪ ИЗЛОЖЕНИИ | АРКАДIЯ ПРЕССА | — | ГРОЦIЙ. | О ПРАВѢ ВОЙНЫ И МИРА. | Цена 40 коп. | [two medals] С.-Петербург | Изданiе П. П. Сойкина [two medals] | Книжный Складъ / Стремянная, 12 | Книжный Магазинъ / Невский, 96 || Verso to front wrapper: publisher's advert.; verso to back wrapper: publisher's advert.; back wrapper: Series advert. Series: Общедоступная философия в изложении Аркадия Пресса Pagination: [1, 2] – t.p. /censor's approval dated September 30, 1902 г., imprint, [3] 4-50 [2] – publisher's advert. Collation: 8vo;  [1]8 2-38 42. Inscriptions: Handwriting to front wrapper "1902"; to title page "1902" and  in Russian: "Ензику от Тышки 19/III-26г." Size: 19.5 x 12.3 cm. Binding: original publisher's wrappers, lettering, pp. 35-46 loose. Author: Hugo Grotius [Huig or Hugo de Groot] (Dutch, 1583 – 1645). Originally published by Nicolas Buon in Paris in 1625 in Latin under the title: De iure belli ac pacis (English: On the Law of War and Peace). Compiler/translator: Аркадий Германович Пресс [Аркадиус Пресас or Arkadius Presas] (Russian-Finish, 1870 – 1952).
  • Title: Joseph Burke and Colin Caldwell | Hogarth | The Complete Engravings | Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, New York || Pagination: [1-4] 5-30 (text), unpaginated: 128 leaves of illustrations (267 plates), 16 leaves of descriptions, folding list of plates: total number of leaves 160, incl. one folding. Exterior: 34 x 24.5 cm, hardbound; original brown cloth, silver lettering to spine, pictorial DJ. Harry N. Abrams (British-American, 1905 – 1979). Joseph Terence Burke (British, 1913 – 1992). Colin Caldwell (British, 1913 – 1989).
  • Title: Life in Paris ; | COMPRISING THE | RAMBLES, SPREES, AND AMOURS, | OF | DICK WILDFIRE, | OF CORINTHIAN CELEBRITY, | And his Bang-up Companions, SQUARE JENKINS | AND | CAPTAIN O’SHUFFLETON ; | WITH THE | Whimsical Adventures of the Halibut family ; | Including Sketches of a Variety of other Eccentric Characters in the | FRENCH METROPOLIS. | BY DAVID CAREY |[Vignette]| Embellished with Twenty-One COLOURED PLATES, representing SCENES from REAL LIFE, | designed and engraved by Mr. GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. | Enriched also with Twenty-Two Engravings on Wood, drawn by the same Artist, and | executed by Mr. WHITE. | LONDON : | PRINTED FOR JOHN FAIRBURN, BROADWAY, LUDGATE HILL; | Sold by Sherwood, Neely, and Jones ; Langman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown ; and | Baldwin, Craddoc, and Joy ; Paternoster-Row ; Simpkin and Marshall, Statio- | ners’ Court ; Whittakers Ave-Maria-Lane ; Humphrey, St. James’s | Street ; and Wilson, Royal Exchange. | 1822. ||

    Edition: 1st edition in book form, 1st issue; large-paper copy bound from the parts in original blue paper boards, "most scarce" (Cohn).

    Pagination: ffl, [i, ii] – h.t. ‘LIFE IN PARIS’ / ‘MARCHANT, Printer, Ingram-Court, London’, [2] – blank / Frontispiece (Ville la Bagatelle!!) hand-coloured, [iii, iv] – t.p. with vignette / blank, [v] vi-xxiv, [1] 2-489 [490 blank], [2] – 'TO THE BINDER' and 'Marchant, Printer, Ingram-Court, Fenchurch Street' "considered indispensable to a complete copy" (Cohn) / blank, bfl watermarked 1800; 21 hand-coloured aquatints and 22 wood-engraved text vignettes; cancelled leaves 143/4 and 335/6; pinholes from printing visible in most gatherings.

    Collation: 4to; [a]-c4, B-Z4 Aa-Zz4 3A-3Q4 3R1 + [Ω]1

    Binding: Original boards sometime re-backed with red paper, binder's end leaf watermarked 1800; red hard-grained morocco clamshell box.

    Catalogue raisonné: Albert M. Cohn, 1924: № 109 p. 37/8; Abbey, J. R. (Life in England), 112; Tooley (Some English Books with Coloured Plates) 129; Hardie (English coloured books) 199.

    Description of Shapero Rare Books, London: Of the copies that have come to auction since 1975 only one has been a large-paper copy in original boards. "The pictures are extremely spirited and true and are all the more wonderful in view of the fact that the artist’s continental experiences were limited to one day spent in Boulogne." (Hardie). In 1821, the journalist Pierce Egan published Life in London, an immediate success illustrated by the Cruikshank brothers, George and Robert. In order to capitalise on this success, another journalist, David Carey, decided to publish his own Life in Paris in monthly instalments (just like Life in London) and with a very similar frontispiece to the one that appears in Egan’s work; Life in Paris, however, was illustrated only by George Cruikshank. One of the earliest and most notable examples of the work of George Cruikshank, with fine, clean plates.
  • Vol. 1: A | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL | Antiquarian and Picturesque | TOUR | IN THE | NORTHERN COUNTIES OF ENGLAND | AND IN | SCOTLAND. | BY THE REVEREND | THOMAS FROGNALL DIBDIN, D.D. | CHAPLAIN IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY. | VOL. I. |{device} motto: DEI OMNIA PLENA | LONDON: | PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR BY C. RICHARDS, ST. MARTIN’S LANE : | AND SOLD BY JAMES BOHN, 12 KING WILLIAM STREET, STRAND, LONDON : | LAING AND FORBES, EDINBURGH : JOHN SMITH AND SON, | GLASGOW : AND E. CHARNLEY, NEWCASTLE. | MDCCCXXXVIII.|| Pagination: ffl, frontispiece by W. Douglas after T. M. Richardson, [i-ii] t.p. / blank; [iii-iv] - dedication to Frances Mary Richardson Currer (British, 1785 – 1861) / blank, [v] vi-xv – preface, [i] ii-xxx – supplement & index, [2] – corrections / colophon, [2] list of plates, [2] – contents, [1] 2-436, bfl; 11 plates extraneous to collation (incl. frontis.), lacking one plate (facing p. 213. “Thos. Bridges…”), in-text woodcut vignettes, head- and tailpieces. Collation: 8vo; π8 a-b8 [c2] B-Z8 2A-2E8 2F2. Vol. 2: Similar title but "VOL. II." Pagination: ffl, frontispiece portrait of Hugh Stewart, Aged 84 by Robert Bell after Alison (nothing known); [2] – t.p. / blank, [2] – contents / cont., [437-8] f.t. / blank [439] 440-1090, bfl; 453/4 misprinted 449/50; lacking list of subscribers. Collation: 8vo; π2 [2F3-2F6] 2G-2Z8 3A-3Z8. Binding: By J. Leighton, Brewer Street. Later half dark brown morocco over marbled boards, raised bands with gilt fillets, gilt titling and fillets in compartments, all edges gilt, marbled endpapers. Edition: 1st edition of Dibdin’s last major work and the only edition of this title. Size: 24.5 x 15.5 cm Provenance: Lord Ronald Gower (British, 1845 – 1916); Frank Hird (British, 1873 – 1937). Catalogue raisonné: Jackson 89; Windle & Pippin A65, pp. 179–188 [LIB-2669.2021]. Artists:  Abraham, [I.] Frederic Henry (British, 1790 – 1845) Carmichael, James John Wilson (British, 1800 – 1868) Geikie, Walter (British, 1795 – 1837) Harraden, Richard Bankes (British, 1778 – 1862) Hill, David Octavius (British, 1802 –1870) McLea, John Watson (British, fl.1832-1861) Nixon, James Henry (British, b. c. 1808) Reynolds, Sir Joshua (British, 1723 – 1792) Richardson, Thomas Miles (British, 1784 – 1848) Scott, J. (British, fl. 19th c.) Wilkinson, T. M. (British, fl. 19th c.) Engravers: Aikman, Alison [spouse of George Aikman?] (British, 1788 – 1865) Bell, Robert Charles (British, 1806 – 1872) Byfield, Mary (British, 1794/5 – 1871) Douglas, William (British, 1780 – 1832) Harraden, F. (British, fl. 1838) Horsburgh, John (British, 1791 –1869) Johnstone, John (British, fl. 1835 – ) Leith & Smith, Lithogrs (Edinburgh) Lizars, William Home (British, 1788 – 1859) Miller, William (British, 1796 – 1882) Penny, William (British, fl. 19th c.) Prior, Thomas Abiel (British, 1809 – 1886) Robinson, H. (British, fl. 19th c.) Smith, Charles John (British, 1803 – 1838) Thomson, James (British, 1788 – 1850)
  • Title: MAROUSSIA | PAR | P.-J. STAHL | D'APRÈS UNE LÉGENDE DE MARKOWOVZOK | DESSINS PAR TH. SCHULER | GRAVURES PAR PANNEMAKER | {vignette} | BIBLIOTHÈQUE | D'ÉDUCATION ET DE RÉCRÉATION | J. HETZEL ET Cie, 18, RUE JACOB | PARIS | Tous droits de reproduction et de traduction réservés || Pagination: [2] – t.p. / blank, [1, 2] – dedication / blank, [3] 4-272, [1] 2-11 [12] – publisher’s advert.; Frontispiece and 22 leaves of wood-engraved plates by F. Pannemaker after Th. Schuler, extraneous to collation, woodcut head- and tailpieces, vignettes in the text by Charles Baude. Collation: 4to; 1-344, + 6 leaves of publisher's advertisement. Binding: “Cartonnage Hetzel” – red cloth stamped in gilt and black with the elements of design to spine, front and back, publisher's device to back, AEG. Author and publisher: Pierre-Jules Hetzel [P.-J. Stahl] (French, 1814 – 1886). Artist: Jules Théophile Schuler (French, 1821 – 1878). Engravers: Adolphe François Pannemaker (Belgian-French, 1822 – 1900) and Charles Baude (French, 1853 – 1935). Author of the legend: Markowovzok [Marko Vovchok; Марко́ Вовчо́к, real name Mariya Vilinskаya; Мария Александровна Вилинская] (Ukrainian, 1833 – 1907). Series: Collection Hetzel (stamped on the front board). Typographie A. Lahure (Paris), Alexis Lahure (French, 1849 – 1929). MAROUSSIA – The French version of the Ukrainian name Маруся.  
  • Title page: L'AN DEUX MILLE QUATRE CENT QUARANTE. | Rêve s'il en fût jamais. | Le temps présent est gros de l'avenir... | Leibnitz. | {letterpress device} | A LONDRES. | MD CCLXXII. || Pagination: [i-iv] v-xii, 1-402 [2]; Collation: 8vo; π6 A-Z8 Aa-Bb8 Cc2. Binding: 19 x 12 cm, full mottled calf, rebacked, spine with gilt-lettered red label, compartments ruled gilt, with gilt fleuron ornament, marbled endpapers and all edges; printed on laid paper, with tall “s”. Probably published in Paris, anonymously. Handwritten nut-ink inscription to the title "Par Mercier". See also: LIB-0979.2016
  • Three hardcover volumes 247 x 177 mm each, all uniformly bound in black cloth with white dust jackets lettered in black and colour, an autographed copy. [Vol. 1 – LIB-2734-1.2021]: Jean-Pierre Dutel. Bibliographie des ouvrages érotiques publiés clandestinement en français entre 1650 et 1880. — Paris: Chez l’Auteur, 2009. ISBN 978-2-9517742-2-3. DJ in black and green: JEAN-PIERRE DUTEL | BIBLIOGRAPHIE | DES | OUVRAGES ÉROTIQUES | PUBLIÉS CLANDESTINEMENT EN FRANÇAIS | ENTRE 1650 ET 1880 | {publisher’s device} | CHEZ L’AUTEUR | 16, RUE JACQUES-CALLOT 75006 PARIS | MMIX || Similar lettering to t.p., but all in black, pp: [1-6] 7-667 [668 blank] [2 table/blank] [2 colophon/blank]; author's fac-similé to title page. [Vol. 2 – LIB-2734-2.2021]: Jean-Pierre Dutel. Bibliographie des ouvrages érotiques publiés clandestinement en français entre 1880 et 1920. — Paris: Chez l’Auteur, 2002. ISBN 2-9517742-0-6. DJ in black and red: JEAN-PIERRE DUTEL | BIBLIOGRAPHIE | DES | OUVRAGES ÉROTIQUES | PUBLIÉS CLANDESTINEMENT EN FRANÇAIS | ENTRE 1880 ET 1920 | {publisher’s device} | CHEZ L’AUTEUR, | 16, RUE JACQUES-CALLOT 75006 PARIS | MMII || Similar lettering to t.p., but all in black, pp.: [1-6] 7-669 [670 blank] [8 blank notes] [2 colophon/blank]; author’s manuscript to half-title 'To Sergei Varshavsky from Jean-Pierre Dutel". [Vol. 3 – LIB-2734-3.2021]: Jean-Pierre Dutel. Bibliographie des ouvrages érotiques publiés clandestinement en français entre 1920 et 1970. — Paris: Chez l’Auteur, 2005. ISBN 2-9517742-1-4. DJ in black and blue: JEAN-PIERRE DUTEL | BIBLIOGRAPHIE | DES | OUVRAGES ÉROTIQUES | PUBLIÉS CLANDESTINEMENT EN FRANÇAIS | ENTRE 1920 ET 1970 | {publisher’s device} | J-P DUTEL, LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR | 16, RUE JACQUES-CALLOT 75006 PARIS | MMV || Similar lettering to t.p., but all in black, pp.: [1-8] 9-891 [892 blank] [2 acknowl./blank] [2 colophon/blank]; author's fac-similé to title page. See also LIB-2996.2022 – Jean-Pierre Dutel. Bibliographie des ouvrages érotiques publiés clandestinement en français entre 1650 et 1970 (Supplément). — Paris: J.-P. Dutel, 2021. ISBN 978-2-9517742-4-7.
  • Title page: ГИЛЬГАМЕШЪ | ВАВИЛОНСКIЙ ЭПОСЪ | ПЕРЕВОДЪ | Н. ГУМИЛЕВА | ВВЕДЕНИЕ В. ШИЛЕЙКО | Изданiе З. И. Гржебина | С.-ПЕТЕРБУРГЪ — 1919. Pagination: [1-4] 5-78 [2]; head and tail pieces (William Hayes Ward, The seal cylinders of Western Asia, Washington, 1910). Binding: Publisher’s wrappers, lettering, vignette. Contributors: Гумилёв, Николай Степанович (Russian, 1886 – 1921) – translator from the French. Шилейко, Владимир Казимирович (Russian, 1891 – 1930) – editor.
  • Title page: Title page: MODERN | FILM | SCRIPTS | THE THIRD MAN | a film by | Graham Greene | and Carol Reed | Lorrimer, London. Pagination: [1-4] 5-134 [2] blank; pasted into the last page: The film The Third Man is owned and distributed by British | Lion Films Ltd. Binding: publisher’s pictorial wrappers with the film still and lettering in white to front, and in black to back, and spine. Size: 20.2 x 14 cm. The Third Man is a 1949 British film directed by Carol Reed, written by Graham Greene and starring Joseph CottenAlida ValliOrson Welles, and Trevor Howard. Contributors: Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991) – author. Carol Reed (British, 1906 – 1976) – film director. Lorrimer Publishing Limited (London) – publisher. Villiers Publications, Ltd. (London) – printer.
  • Vol. 1: Front wrapper (green and black): Pascal Pia | les | Livres | de l'Enfer | du XVIeme siècle à nos jours | TOME I | C. Coulet et A. Faure || Title page: Pascal Pia | les | Livres (historiated initial «L») | de l'Enfer | Bibliographie critique des ouvrages | érotiques dans leurs différentes | éditions du XVIe siècle à nos jours. | Tome I | A à L | C. Coulet et A. Faure | 5 rue Drouot | Paris 9e | 1978 || Pagination: [1-6] 7-413 [414]. Vol. 2: Front wrapper similar to Vol. 1 but “TOME II”; title similar to Vol. 1 but “Tome II | M à Z”. Pagination: [6] 415-837 [838] [2] – colophon / blank. Entries in the main sections are not numbered, each page has two columns of text and the columns are numbered 1-778 in vol. 1 and 779-1440 in vol. 2; p. 751– 792 – l'enfer BNF (numbered list); pp. 793-837 – index of authors, artists, editors, publishers, etc. Edition: 1st; limited to 900 copies, first 100 numbered 1-100 and printed on Ingres paper, next 800 numbered 1-800 and printed on Centaure Ivoire paper. This copy is № 34 (stamped in black) from the first hundred. Binding: 25 x 16.5 cm, both volumes printed on laid watermarked paper “Ingres”, untrimmed, uncut, uniformly bound in publisher’s wrappers lettered on front and spine. Contributors: Pascal Pia [Pierre Durand] (French, 1903 – 1979) – author/compiler. Imprimerie centrale de l'Ouest (Roche-sur-Yon) – printer.
  • Title-page: LUKAS ROTGANS | POËZY, | VAN VERSCHEIDE | MENGELSTOFFEN; | MET KONSTPLAATEN VERSIERT. | Tweede Druk | {vignette} | TE AMSTERDAM; | By ANTONI SCHOONENBURG, 1735. || Collation: 4to; fep, 1st blank, engraved t.p. by M. Pool, t.p., *3,4; 2*-9*4, 10*1, *LII2, *LII, 10*2 —> *-10*4 (40 leaves);  A-Z4, 2A-2Z4, 3A-3Z4, 4A-4Q4, last blank, fep; (340 leaves), 2 plates extraneous to collation. Pagination: [2] [1-5] 6-14 [15-80] [1-3] 4-680 [2], 2 unsigned plates not included in pagination after pp. 634 and 652, 50 headpieces by Jacob Folkema after Arnold Houbraken, and 2 tailpieces by Jan de Ruijter. Marks: Armorial bookplate: “Ex Libris J. J. Mak | {coat of arms} | Inveni Intermanere Melius”. Oval ink stamp: “HOOGERE BURGERSCHOOL. | DELFT” Provenance: Johannes Jacobus Mak (Dutch, 1908 – 1975). Edition: 2nd, 1st edition published in 1715 in Leeuwarden by François Halma. Contributors: Lukas Rotgans (Dutch, 1653 – 1710) – author. Arnold Houbraken (Dutch, 1660 – 1719) – artist. Jacob Folkema (Dutch, 1692 – 1767) – engraver. Matthijs Pool (Dutch, 1676 – 1740) – engraver. Jan de Ruijter (Dutch, 1688 – 1744) – engraver. Antoni Schoonenburg (Dutch, 1682 – 1754) – publisher.