Description: Hardcover, 20.8 x 13.3 cm, green buckram with gilt lettering to spine, gilt serial design and lettering to front cover, pp.: [1-6] 7-479 [480]. Incl. Ф.-Р. де Шатобриан. «Гений христианства», пер. О. Э. Гринберг. Title-page : | — | ЭСТЕТИКА РАННЕГО ФРАНЦУЗСКОГО РОМАНТИЗМА |— | {publisher’s device} | МОСКВА | ИСКУССТВО | 1982 | 3 || François-René de Chateaubriand (French, 1768 – 1848) – author Ольга Эммануиловна Гринберг (Russian, 1950 – 2008) – translator Вера Аркадьевна Мильчина [Vera Miltchina] (Russian, b. 1953) – foreword, translator
Mikhail Uspensky, Elena Varshavskaya. The netsuke and Japanese woodblock prints from the collection of S. P. Varshavsky. Printed by demand of The Hermitage Museum. Title-page (vertical bottom to top): ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ОРДЕНА ЛЕНИНА | ЭРМИТАЖ | НЭЦКЭ | И ЯПОНСКАЯ | ГРАВЮРА | из собрания | С. П. Варшавского | КАТАЛОГ ВЫСТАВКИ | — | ЛЕНИНГРАД | “ИСКУССТВО” | ЛЕНИНГРАДСКОЕ ОТДЕЛЕНИЕ | 1983 | {vignette} || Description: Softcover, pictorial wrappers, 21.5 x 14.5 cm, pp.: [1-8] 9-42 [43-51] (b/w plates unpag.) [52] 53-76 [77-95] (b/w plates unpag.) [96] (colophon); total 96 pages plus four leaves of colour plates. Catalogue:137 entries of netsuke, 69 entries of Japanese woodblock prints. Print run: 3,000 copies. Contributors: Mikhail Uspensky [Михаил Владимирович Успенский] (Russian, 1953 – 1997) Elena Varshavsky [Елена Юрьевна Варшавская (Jewish-American, b. 1952) Vladislav Sisauri [Владислав Ираклиевич Сисаури] (Russian, b. 1944) Sergei Petrovich Varshavsky [Сергей Петрович Варшавский] (Jewish-Russian, 1906 – 1980).
Volume collated 4to, 32.5 x 21 cm, later full calf, blind-tooled boards, sunned, raised bands and gilt lettering to spine. bound without the additional engraved title-page sometimes present; title printed in black and red, woodcut headpieces and initials; a little foxing (mostly marginal) throughout, title lightly dust stained with slight chipping at extremities, minor marginal worming to early leaves (b3-I4), paper flaw to outer margin of E1; contemporary English ownership inscription of George Legh to the title, a handful of manuscript corrections to text and annotations to index. Title-page (double frame, red and black, tall ‘s’): THE MOST EXCELLENT | HUGO GROTIUS | HIS THREE | BOOKS | Treating of the | RIGHTS | OF | WAR & PEACE. | In the First is handled, | Whether any War be Just. | In the Second is shewed , | The Causes of War, both Just and Uujust (sic). | In the Third is declared , | What in War is Lawful ; that is, | Unpunishable. | With the Annotations digested into the | Body of every Chapter. | — | Translated into ENGLISH by | William Evats, B. D. | — | LONDON, | Printed by M. W. for Thomas Basset at the George in Fleetstreet, and | Ralph Smith at the Bible under the Piazza of the Royal Exchange | in Cornhill. M DC LXXXII. || Collation: A4 a-b4 c3 B-Z4 2A-2D4 2E6 3A-3Z4 4A-4D4 4E-4L2; total 247 leaves as called for; lacking engraved title-page. Pagination: [4] i-xxi [5] 1-220 (text continuous) 361-572 [573] [574 blank] [30 table]; total 494 pages. Seller’s note: First edition of the first complete English translation, following Barksdale’s abridgement, of Grotius’s landmark work of political philosophy, the first treatise on international law. First published in Latin in 1625, Grotius’s De iure belli ac pacis “became the basic manual for both the theoretical justification and the entire practice of the international law of war as well as of international law in general for the whole period of the ancien régime in Europe” [Duchhardt, p. 288]. “It would be hard to imagine any work more central to the intellectual world of the Enlightenment … [By] the time of the post-First World War settlement, Grotius was regarded almost exclusively as the founder of modern civilized interstate relations, and as a suitable tutelary presence for the new Peace Palace at The Hague … [In] some ways that was to radically misunderstand Grotius’s views on war; he was in fact much more of an apologist for aggression and violence than many of his more genuinely innovative qualities of his moral theory, qualities that entitle him to an essential place in the history of political theory …” [Tuck, pp. xi-xii]. Contributors: Hugo Grotius (Dutch, 1583 – 1645) – author. William Evats (British, c.1606 – 1677) – translator. Margaret White (British, fl. 1678 – 1683) – printer. Thomas Bassett (British, fl. c. 1659 – 1693) – publisher/bookseller. Ralph Smith (British, fl. 1642 – 1684) – publisher/bookseller.
Hardcover volume, 24.2 x 17.2 cm, bound in black buckram with blind barbed wire design and silver lettering to front cover and spine, pp.: [2] 3-892 [4]. Одеський мартиролог: Данi про репресованих Одеси i Одеськоï областi за роки радянськоï влады (Серiя «Реабiлiтованi iсторiэю») (Том 3) / Уклад.: Л. В. Ковальчук, Г. О. Разумов— Одеса : ОКФА, 2005. Title-page: Научно-документальная серия книг | «РЕАБИЛИТИРОВАННЫЕ ИСТОРИЕЙ» | ОДЕССКИЙ | МАРТИРОЛОГ | ТОМ 3 | Одесса | ОКФА | 2005 || ISBN: 966-571-124-5 Print run: 1,000 copies. Ковальчук, Лидия Всеволодовна Разумов, Георгий Александрович
Paperback, 21.3 x 14.4 cm, 8vo, in original wrappers, lettered to front and spine, printed on brownish paper, previous owner's blue crayon manuscript, water stain to the outside, collated [1] 2-208 2110 (total 340 pp.); pp: [1-5] 6-340. Title-page: Пооф. В. Я. ПРОПП | ИСТОРИЧЕСКИЕ | КОРНИ | ВОЛШЕБНОЙ СКАЗКИ | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | ЛЕНИНГРАДСКОГО ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО | ОРДЕНА ЛЕНИНА УНИВЕРСИТЕТА | ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1946 || Print run: 10,000 copies. Contributors: Владимир Яковлевич Пропп [Vladimir Propp] (Russian, 1895 – 1970) For the circulation copy see [LIB-1710.2019] В. Я. Пропп. Исторические корни волшебной сказки (2-е изд.) — Л.: Изд-во ЛГУ, 1986. English title: [LIB-1615.2018] V. Propp. Morphology of the Folktale. — Austin: University of Texas Press, 1979.
Portfolio 265 x 225 mm, black half-buckram over diapered cardboard with flaps, black with gilt lettering in frame to front “R. KELLER | MÄRCHEN”, t.p. printed on wave paper, the folder and engravings printed on laid paper, 10 loose plates, 240 x 210 mm sheet, 135 x 110-115 mm plate; re-issue of ten plates of the first edition of 16 plates published in Austria in c. 1910s. Title-page: EROTISCHE | MÄRCHEN | 10 RADIERUNGEN | VON | RUDOLF KELLER | PRIVATDRUCK 1919 || Die Mappe enthält folgende originalradierungen: 1. Aschenbrödel; 2. Dornröschen; 3. Zwerg Nase; 4. Froschkönig; 5. Der gestiefelte Kater; 6. Hänsel und Gretel; 7. Der fliegende Koffer; 8. Schneewittchen mit den 7 Zwergen; 9. Die kleine Seejungfer; 10. Der kleine Daumling Dieses Werk wurde in einer einmaligen Auflage von 250 numerierten Exemplaren hergestellt und darf nur an Gelehrte und Sammler abgegeben werden. Die Platten wurden vernichtet. Nr. 1—50 sind vom Künstler signierte Vorzugsdrucke. Dieses Exemplar erhielt Nr. 0153. Translation: The folder contains the following original etchings: 1. Cinderella; 2. Sleeping Beauty; 3. Dwarf nose; 4. The Frog Prince; 5. Puss in Boots; 6. Hansel and Gretel; 7. The Flying Trunk; 8. Snow White with the Seven Dwarfs; 9. The Little Mermaid; 10. Little Thumbling. This work was produced in a one-time edition of 250 numbered copies and may only be sold to scholars and collectors. The copperplates were destroyed. Nos. 1-50 are special prints signed by the artist. This copy was given number 0153. Seller's description: Erotische Märchen. S.l., Privatdruck, 1919. In-8, en feuilles, sous chemise demi-chagrin vert recouverte de papier japonais. Recueil de 10 eaux-fortes originales de Rudolf Keller. Ces eaux-fortes érotiques dans les teintes brunes s'inspirent des contes de fées traditionnels comme Cendrillon, La Belle au bois dormant, Hansel et Gretel, Blanche-Neige, Le Petit Poucet etc. Tirage à 250 exemplaires. Chemise défraîchie. Jacob Grimm (German; 1785 – 1863) Wilhelm Grimm (German, 1786 – 1859) Charles Perrault (French, 1628 – 1703) Hans Christian Andersen (Danish, 1805 – 1875)
Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 487 x 365 mm; black ink stamp “5056” to reverse. Top left: imperial coat of arms; centre: "FAMILLE IMPERIALE. GRANDS DIGNITAIRES DE L'EMPIRE, MAISON DE L'EMPEREUR."; right: "№144." Image of the imperial family under imperial eagle and standards; besides – four tiers of captioned cartoons. Bottom left: "Imprimerie Lith. de Pellerin, à Épinal"; right: "Propriété de l’Éditeur. — Déposé." Jean Charles Pellerin (French, 1756 – 1836) – printer/publisher.
Ten postcards 90 x 140 mm, text in yellow "ВСЕМIРНЫЙ ПОЧТОВЫЙ СОЮЗЪ. РОССIЯ. | UNION POSTALE UNIVERSELLE RUSSIE. | ОТКРЫТОЕ ПИСЬМО. — CARTE POSTALE. || On the reverse, a blue ink woodcut image is printed in the upper left corner, and a blue ink numbered image title is in the bottom centre. Holding the postcard against the backlight reveals a hidden image of an indecent nature (erotic). The use of Latin characters "R" and "N" instead of Russian "Р" and "Н" suggests that the cards were produced in Europe, probably in France. Inscriptions: 1. ПЕRВЫЕ ДNИ; 2. ПОRА ЛЮБВИ; 3. ВЪ ЛЮДИ; 4. КЪ "СВОБОДNОМУ ИСКУССТВУ"; 5. "СВОБОДNЫЙ ТRУДЪ; 6. БЕЗЪ ГОRЯ И ПЕЧАЛИ; 7. NАЗАДЪ КЪ "СВОБОДNОЙ ЛЮБВИ"; 8. ВСЕ ЧТО ОСТАЛОСЬ!; 9. БЕЗЪ КRОВА И ПRИСТАNИЩА; 10. ИЗЪ ЗА ХЛѢБА.
This print was sold to me with the following description: "Ikkansai EISHO (Fl. early 19th c.). A portrait of the wrestler Kuroyanagi Matsujiro, ring name Kumagatake Inosuke. Eisho was a pupil of Eishi. Published c. 1820s by Uoya Eikichi. Signed Shunsai Eisho ga." As a result of our joint effort with my beloved sister, we have so far found the following: The artis is mentioned in The Hotei Encyclopedia of Japanese Woodblock Prints, 2005, Vol 2; p. 438 under the name of Harukawa Eichō. From this source we learned that the artist was active from about 1818 till 1844, and was a print designer in Kyoto. He was a student first of Harukawa Goshichi and later studied in Edo (Tokyo) with Keisai Eisen, when he assumed the art name 'Eichō'. Other names: Shunsai. The Japanese web page dedicated to Harukawa Eichō provides more details: The artist lived from the 4th year of Tenmei ( 1784 ) to the first year of Kaei ( 1848 ). He was a student of Harukawa Goshichi, Kikukawa Eizan as well as of Keisai Eisen. His popular name was Kamenosuke. He was from Kyoto. He took "gagō" (artistic names) of Eishō when he was a student of Harukawa Goshichi; later, when he became a student of Kikukawa Eizan and Keisai Eisen he took the name of Kikukawa Eichō. The artist was mostly known for his bijinga (beautiful women) prints as well as kanazōshi illustrations. Nothing is said anywhere about his sumo prints, though the reference to another Kyushu sumo wrestler portrait has been found. The sumo wrestler Kuroyanagi Matsujiro is also a somewhat obscure figure: information about his life and career is quite inconsistent. It may so happened that two different persons were combined together. Wikipedia page about Aoi Aso Jinja, a Shinto shrine in Hitoyoshi in Kumamoto prefecture, tells us the following:This information has some inconsistencies already. If our hero was born in 1807 and promoted to ōzeki at the age of 32, it should have been the year 1839, not 1847. I found Kumagatake Isuke at "Sumo Reference" website:
Kuroki Matsujiro (黒木松次郎) was born in the village of Itsuki in Kuma district, Kumamoto prefecture, island of Kyushu in Bunka era, 4th year (1807). Since from his childhood he was blessed by great physique and tough strength. He had affection for sumo. At the age of 18 he became a sumo student of Kumamoto Shimakawa Ikuhei and took the name of Toyama Hidekichi (遠山日出吉). At the age of 23 (1830), he entered sumo stables in Kyoto, mastered the art of taming of young horses, and his talents improved. At the age of 31 he went to Edo, and became a disciple of the ōzeki Oitekaze Kitaro of Hirado domain in Hizen province, also from Kyushu island. After that, he changed his name and became Kuroyanagi Matsujiro (黒柳松次郎 – as on the print). In 1847 (Bunka era, 4th year) he distinguished himself by advancing to the first grade, and at the age of 32 he was promoted to ozeki level, becoming sekitori. After changing his name to Kuma-ga-take Inosuke (熊ヶ嶽猪之介 / くまがたけいのすけ) he displayed further efforts, and became one of the strongmen that fermented sumo wrestling in Edo. In 1853 (Kaei era, 6th year) he retired and returned to his village, becoming an employee as a strongman of Sagara domain (相良藩), and worked hard as instructor of the sumo training hall to train successors until 1855 (Ansei era, 2nd year) when he passed away at the age of 48. Even today Kuma-ga-take's home exists in Itsukimura (his native village). Also, on those grounds a descendant of Kuma-ga-take runs minshuku (guest house) that bears the name of "The Kuroki Pension (lodging) ", and tourists come to visit from various parts of Japan. In 2015, tenth month, within the borders of Aoi Aso Shrine there was built a gravestone publicly honoring Kuma-ga-take Inosuke, sumo wrestler from Edo / of Edo period.
Highest Rank Maegashira 4 Real Name Kuroki Birth Date 1815 Shusshin Kumamoto-ken, Kuma-gun Death Date March 6, 1855 (40 years) Heya Oitekaze Shikona Kuroyanagi Matsujiro - Kumagatake Isuke Hatsu Dohyo 1836.02 (Sandanme) Intai 1853.02 On another important sumo history website, I found that Kuroyanagi first appeared at ring in the spring of 1823 (he might have been 16 years old then, which does not seem right). Then, in the winter tournament of 1848 Kuroyanagi took the name Kumagatake. At the spring tournament of 1853 Kumagatake (Kuroyanagi) retired. This is quite consistent so far.
Then, I found Oitekaze Kitaro, allegedly the teacher of Kuroyanagi.Highest Rank Ozeki Real Name SATO Matsujiro (Matsutaro#) Birth Date 1799 Shusshin Kanagawa-ken, Tsukui-gun Death Date May 4, 1865 (66 years) Heya Oitekaze Shikona Kuroyanagi Matsujiro - Kuroyanagi Sumiemon - Oitekaze Kitaro Hatsu Dohyo 1817.10 (Jonokuchi) Intai 1839.03 -
Engraved title-page: Contes | Moraux | Par | M. Marmontel, | de l'Academie Françoise. | A Paris | Chez J. Merlin Libraire, | Rue de la Harpe, | M DCC LXV ||Description: 3 volumes, 8vo, 20.4 x 13 cm, first issue, bound in the contemporary speckled calf, all edges gilt, spines gilt with double red/brown lettering labels (vol 1. labels missing); raised bands, gilt in compartments, double gilt-ruled borders; marbled endpapers. With the contemporary signature in each volume of Caroline Marlborough of Blenheim Palace, and bookplates of Lord F. A. Spencer. This is certainly Lady Caroline Russell, wife of George Spencer, Fourth Duke of Marlborough; she was daughter to the Duke of Bedford and was married in 1762. She died at Blenheim in 1811. The later bookplate in each volume pasted to the front pastedown of her son Francis Almeric Spencer (British, 1779-1845). Pagination: Vol. I: [two blank leaves] [half-title, verso blank] [recto blank, frontispiece on verso: portrait of Marmontel by St. Aubin after Cochin] [engraved t.p. by Duclos after Gravelot, verso blank], [i] ii-xvi, [table des contes with 5-line Errata (autograph Lordine Marlborough), verso blank], [1] 2–345 [346-50 blanks]; 9 plates after Gravelot by: Baquoy, de Longueil (2), Legrand, Leveau (2), Rousseau, Voyez, and unsigned (1). Vol. 2: [two blank leaves] [half-title, verso blank] [engraved t.p. by Duclos after Gravelot, verso blank] [table des contes with 10-line Errata (autograph Lordine Marlborough), verso blank], [1] 2–376 [377-50 blanks]; 9 plates after Gravelot by: de Longueil (5), Leveau (2), Pasquier and Rousseau. Vol. 3: [two blank leaves] [half-title, verso blank] [engraved t.p. by Duclos after Gravelot, verso blank] [table des contes with 9-line Errata, verso blank] [two leaves: approbation and Privilege du Roi] [1] 2–312 [313-16 blanks]; 5 plates after Gravelot by: de Longueil (2), Le Mire (2), and Pasquier. Catalogue raisonné: Cohen-De Ricci 686-7; Gordon N. Ray. The Art of the French Illustrated Book 1700 to 1914. — NY, London: The Pierpont Morgan Library; Cornell University Press, 1982, Vol. 1. pp. 44-5. [In their copy vol. 2 and 3 in a different order]; MFA ACCESSION NUMBER 37.1488a-c Illustrated by: Hubert François Gravelot (French, 1699–1773) Engraved by: Jean Charles Baquoy (French, 1721–1777) Engraved by: Antoine Jean Duclos (French, 1742–1795) Engraved by: Louis Legrand (French, 1723–1807) Engraved by: Noël Le Mire (French, 1724–1801) Engraved by: Jean Jacques André Le Veau (French, 1729–1785) Engraved by: Joseph de Longueil (French, 1730–1792) Engraved by: Jean Jacques Pasquier (French, died in 1785) Engraved by: Jean François Rousseau (French, born in 1740) Engraved by: Nicolas Joseph Voyez l'ainé (French, 1742–1806) Portrait(s) designed by: Charles-Nicolas Cochin le fils (French, 1715–1790) Engraved by: Augustin de Saint-Aubin (French, 1736–1807) Author: Jean-François Marmontel (French, 1723–1799) Publisher: Joseph Merlin (French, 1718–1783) Printer: Pierre-Alexandre Le Prieur (French, born in 1722)
Title: THE COMPLETE ETCHINGS OF | Goya | With a Foreword by Aldous Huxley | CROWN PUBLISHERS. NEW YORK|| Pagination: [2 blank] [1-6] 7-16 [6], 234 plates on 118 leaves [2 blank] Contents: The capriccios [Los caprichos]. The disasters of the war [Los desastres de la guerra]. The art of bullfighting [La Tauromaquia]. The proverbs [Los disparates, Proverbios]. Miscellany. Binding: Hardcover, grey cloth, black lettering to cover and spine, pictorial DJ.
Hardcover, publisher's white cloth with a black imprint to cover, red and black lettering to spine, pictorial DJ, pp.: [1-4] 5-398 [2]. Послесловие В. Столбова, художник В. Юрлов. Russian translation of Cien años de soledad by Gabriel García Márquez.
Quaritch's description: Single sheet (435 x 625 mm); coloured lithograph by Kirchmayr after a drawing by M. Fontana; hand-painted details; signed to lower left ‘M. Fon[tana]’ and to lower right ‘M. Fontana Edit. Prop. S. Giacomo dall’Orio in Isola N°.1481’; lower margin with the title ‘Il bombardamento di Venezia nell’Agosto 1849’ and key; restored tears in many places, especially along upper and lower blank margins, some affecting print; losses to lower left corner, affecting a small portion of the print, ruled border, and key, restored and re-drawn where needed; loss to the upper left corner of blank margin; two small areas of restoration to the centre of upper blank margin; the whole sheet backed; nevertheless a remarkable survival. Exceedingly rare and striking lithograph of Venice as seen from Fusina, depicting the first ever aerial bombardment in history. The bombardment took place in 1849, under the orders of Field Marshal Josef Radetzky (1766–1858), to quell the revolts that had started the previous year during the First Italian War of Independence. This curious and little-known action was the brainchild of Colonel Benno Uchatius, a brilliant young officer in the Austro-Hungarian Artillery. After long months of unsuccessful siege, Uchatius decided to deploy an unusual weapon: a hot air balloon able to bomb the city from above. Having calculated the wind speed and direction and evaluated the requisite dimensions of the hot-air balloon, Uchatius set up a workshop near Mestre, where a group of engineers and craftsmen began to manufacture a balloon equipped with a large wicker basket which could transport two crewmen and approximately one hundred kilograms of small long-fuse devices (metal spheres filled with gunpowder, pitch, oil and five hundred rifle buckshot). The initial trials, however, proved to be a disaster, because the balloon would drift off course, making it impossible to accurately deploy the bombs. Uchatius then hit upon the idea of using several smaller unmanned balloons roped together. These were to be launched over the city and, using the position of the first ‘pilot’ balloon, which was unarmed, the Austrians could calculate the correct fuse settings for the bombs. The ‘bomber’ balloons had a cloth envelope of one hundred cubic metres and a reduced load of about twenty kilograms of ordnance. According to Uchatius’ calculations, the line of balloons, launched from Mestre, would reach the lagoon city in thirty-five to forty minutes, carried by the north-west wind. In July 1849, a first launch was attempted, but when a breeze began to blow from the sea some of the balloons broke the connecting ropes and floated away, while others settled in the water in front of the northern part of the city, where a curious crowd of Venetians observed the failure of the enterprise and commented colourfully on the ‘buffoonery of Radetzky’. Uchatius’ second attempt, which is depicted in this lithograph, was also largely unsuccessful: only a few of the unmanned bomber balloons reached their target, and some even drifted back over the Austrian lines. Uchatius, having accomplished the first ever aerial bombardment, and having designed the first ever military ‘drones’, was forced to abandon the project permanently. Another fascinating aspect of this work is the vantage point used to depict the city of Venice, seen here from Fusina, a very rare viewpoint that makes this piece even more remarkable. We were unable to locate any copies in any institution or bibliography. G. Kirchmayr (fl. mid-19th century) is mentioned at British Museum database as "Lithographer active in Venice; related to Venetian painter Cherubino Kirchmayr (b. 1848)?" However, I was not able to find that name on the print. Not much is known of M. Fontana either.
Softcover, 242 x 165 mm, French flapped wrappers with black and red lettering to front and spine, top edge trimmed, pages uncut, printed on wove paper watermarked BFK Rives in italic script; illustrations in colour. Title: JEAN DE LA FONTAINE | LES AMOURS | DE | PSYCHÉ ET DE CUPIDON | ÉDITION CONFORME AUX TEXTES ORIGINAUX | ÉTABLIE PAR | LOUIS PERCEAU | ET ORNÉE D’ILLUSTRATIONS EN COULEURS | PAR | CARLÈGLE | LE LIVRE DU BIBLIOPHILE | GEORGES BRIFFAUT, ÉDITEUR | 4, RUE DE FURSTENBERG, PARIS | 1932 || Limited edition: 1230 copies of which this ic copy № 247. Collated 8vo: π4 1-24 3-48 58 *58 6-168 χ2, total 134 leaves, incl. frontispiece. Pagination: [8] 1-253 [254] [6]. Colophon: Le volume des Amours de Psyché et de Cupidon de La Fontaine a été achevé d'imprimer le quinze juin mil neuf cent trente-deux sur les presses du maitre imprimeur Coulouma, a Argenteul, H. Barthélemy étant directeur. Coloris de E. Charpentier, Paris.
2 volume set, ¾ burgundy morocco over peacock marbled boards, ruled gilt, raised bands, gilt-ruled in compartments, gilt lettering, marbled endpapers and all margins, binding by W. S. Hiltz, NY. Vol. 1. Title: Typographia, | OR THE | Printers' Instructor: | INCLUDING AN ACCOUNT | of the | ORIGIN OF PRINTING, | with | Biographical Notices of the Printers of | England, from Caxton to the close | of the Sixteenth Century : | A Series of | Ancient and Modern Alphabets, | and | DOMESDAY CHARACTERS: | Together with | An Elucidation of every Subject con- | nected with the Art. | By J. JOHNSON, Printer. |{stanza}| Vol. I. | In frame: Published by Messrs. Longman, Hurst, | Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, Pater- | noster Row, London | Under the frame: 1824. || Pagination: Blank leaf, [2] – blank / engraved frontispiece (portrait of William Caxton by W. Hughes) w/guard, [2] – engraved t.p. by Thompson (upper margin almost none, tall lower margin, unframed) / blank, letterpress t.p. w/guard / blank, [2] – dedication to Earl Spenser and Roxburghe Club members / list of members, [2] – engraved Roxburgh Club plate by W. Hughes / blank, [4] – the pedigree of Earl Spenser, [i] ii-xii preface, [1] 2-610, [10] – index, blank leaf; printed on wove paper, text within double rule border. Vol. 2. Title: Typographia, | OR THE | Printers' Instructor: | INCLUDING AN ACCOUNT | of the | ORIGIN OF PRINTING, | with | Biographical Notices of the Printers of | England, from Caxton to the close | of the Sixteenth Century : | A Series of | Ancient and Modern Alphabets, | and | DOMESDAY CHARACTERS: | Together with | An Elucidation of every Subject con- | nected with the Art. | By J. JOHNSON, Printer. |{stanza}| Vol. II. | In frame: Published by Messrs. Longman, Hurst, | Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, Pater- | noster Row, London | Under the frame: 1824. || Pagination: Blank leaf, [2] – blank / engraved frontispiece (portrait of John Johnson ÆTATIS XLVI by William Harvey), w/o guard, [2] – engraved t.p. by G. W. Bonner (framed) / blank, letterpress t.p. w/o guard / blank, [2] – advert. / explanation of engraved title, [i]-iv contents, [1, 2] 3-663 [664], [14] – index, [2] – cantata, blank leaf; printed on wove paper, text within double rule border. Note: This is the book that served as a source of plagiarism for Adams's Typographia: a brief sketch of the origin, rise, and progress of the typographic art published in Philadelphia by himself in 1837.
Title page: ВСЕСОЮЗНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО КУЛЬТУРНОЙ СВЯЗИ С ЗАГРАНИЦЕЙ | ЯПОНСКИЙ ТЕАТР | СБОРНИК СТАТЕЙ | ПОД РЕДАКЦИЕЙ | ПРОФ. Н. И. КОНРАДА | ЛЕНИНГРАД 1928 МОСКВА || T.p. verso: Отпечатано по заказу Всесоюзного | Общества Культурной Связи с загра- | ницей издательством «ACADEMIA» | Государственного Института Истории | Искусств | Обложка работы | Н. А. И А. А. УШИНЫХ | Лениградский Областлит № 12814 […] Тираж 3200 экз. | 2-я типография Транспечати ГКПС, Ленинград, Улица Правды 15. || Bibliographical description: 21.5 x 17 cm; Publisher’s black pictorial wrappers, front cover with lettering: «ЯПОНСКИЙ ТЕАТР» | ВОКС ||, pp. [2] frontis., [2] t.p. / imprint, [2] h.t. / blank, [9] 10-59 [60] – content; collation: [1]7 2-38 46, (first leaf messing from the first gathering), 4 photo illustrations in collation, back black geometrical wrapper. Contents: Н. И. Конрад. Театр в Японии. Общий очерк. — с. 9. Его же. Театр Кабуки, его история и теория. — с. 15. Ол. Плетнер. Театр Кабуки. Социологический очерк. — с. 31. Д. Е. Аркин. Театр Кабуки. Формы и средства театральной выразительности. – c. 45. Personae: Конрад, Николай Иосифович (Russian, 1891 – 1970). Плетнер, Олег Викторович ( Russian, 1893 – 1929). Аркин, Давид Ефимович (Russian, 1899 – 1957). Ушин, Николай Алексеевич (Russian, 1898 – 1942). Ушин , Алексей Алексеевич (Russian, 1904 – 1942).
Title: DER INSEL VERLAG | EINE BIBLIOGRAPHIE | 1899-1969 | […] Bearbeitet und herausgegeben | von Heinz Sarkowski | INSEL VERLAG || Pagination: [i-vi] vii-xiii [xiv] [2] 1-452. Binding: Blue cloth, black label with gilt lettering to spine, lettered and blind-stamped DJ.
DJ: Graham Greene | Travels with my aunt || Title page: TRAVELS | WITH MY AUNT | A NOVEL | Graham Greene |{publisher’s device}| THE BODLEY HEAD | LONDON SYDNEY | TORONTO || Edition: 1st edition, 1st printing. Binding: 20.5 x 13.5 cm; publisher's green cloth, gilt lettering on spine, pictorial dust-jacket. Pagination: [1-8] 9 – 319 [320]. Collation: 16mo; [1]16, 2-1016 (total 160 leaves). Contributors: Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991) – author. Stephen Russ (British, 1919 – 1983) – DJ artist. The Bodley Head – publisher. William Clowes & Sons, Ltd. (Beccles) – printer.