Hardcover, 22.8 x 17.6 cm, green buckram, black and red vignette and black lettering to front cover, pp.: [1-2], 3-98 [2], last page colophon; collated 8vo: 1-68 72, total 50 leaves plus 7 leaves of two-colour chromolithograph plates, incl. frontispiece, after Сергiй Адамович, extraneous to collation; b/w initials and in-text vignettes; yellow block type at the beginning and at the end of the story; purple ink library stamp to pp. 1 (t.p.) and 99: 2-а ИЗЮМСЬКА | МIСЬКА ДИТЯЧА | БIБЛIОТЕКА || in frame and ink ms number 17794. Title-page (red and black): МАРКО ВОВЧОК | Маруся | Оповідання | {vignette} | ДЕРЖАВНЕ ВИДАВНИЦТВО ДИТЯЧОЇ ЛIТЕРАТУРИ УССР | Київ | 1959 || Print run: 34,000 copies. Translation to Ukrainian from Russian. Contributors: Марко Вовчок [Marko Vovchok; Марія Олександрівна Вілінська] (Ukrainian, 1833 – 1907) – author. Сергiй Адамович [Serhii Adamovych] (Ukrainin, 1922 – 1998) – artist. The French version of the Ukrainian name Маруся —> MAROUSSIA. The French version of the book: LIB-2674.2021; another copy of the Ukrainian edition (1943): LIB-3136.2023. Other variants of the author's name Марко Вовчок: Markowovzok and Marko Vovtchok.
Hardcover, 20.7 x 14.7 cm, pictorial glossy paper over cardboard, vignettes and lettering to front and back covers, pp. [1-2] 3-140 [4]; collated 8vo: 1-98, total 72 leaves. Five full-page plates and numerous tailpieces after woodcuts by Myron Levytsky. This is a translation from the French version of Pierre-Jules Hetzel into Ukrainian, published in Toronto and New York in 1971: Марко Вовчок. Маруся. Повiсть. З французского видання П.-Ж. Сталя. — Торонто, Нью-Йорк: Бiблiотека молодi, 1971. Vignettes to the covers and other design elements are by Л. Гринiв. Title-page: МАРКО ВОВЧОК | МАРУСЯ | ПОВIСТЬ | Львів | “Поклик сумління” | 1993 || Contributors: Марко Вовчок [Marko Vovchok; Марія Олександрівна Вілінська] (Ukrainian, 1833 – 1907) – author. Іван Овксентійович Денисюк (Ukrainin, 1924 – 2009) – author/foreword. Мирон Миколайович Левицький [Myron Levytsky] (Ukrainin-Canadian, 1913 – 1993) – artist. Pierre-Jules Hetzel [P.-J. Stahl] (French, 1814 – 1886) – author. The French version of the Ukrainian name Маруся —> MAROUSSIA. The French version of the book: LIB-2674.2021; other copies of the Ukrainian edition (1943): LIB-3136.2023, LIB-3137.2023 (1959) and LIB-3170.2023 – all translated from the Russian by Vasyl Domanytskyi [Василь Миколайович Доманицький, Василий Николаевич Доманицкий] (Ukrainian, 1877 – 1910). Other variants of the name Марко Вовчок: Markowovzok and Marko Vovtchok.
Hardcover volume, 22.2 x 14.8 cm, bound in grey buckram, gilt lettering in an ornamental frame to front and spine, blind-stamped lettering to back; pp.: [1-2] 3-364 [4], collated 8vo:1-238, total 184 leaves, 368 pages. Title-page: ЛЕНИНГАДСКИЙ ОРДЕНА ЛЕНИНА | И ОРДЕНА ТРУДОВОГО КРАСНОГО ЗНАМЕНИ | ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ИМЕНИ А. А. ЖДАНОВА | {in two-compartment frame: В. Я. ПРОПП {within a compartment} | ИСТОРИЧЕСКИЕ КОРНИ ВОЛШЕБНОЙ СКАЗКИ {within a compartment} | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО ЛЕНИНГРАДСКОГО УНИВЕРСИТЕТА | ЛЕНИНГРАД 1986 || Print run: 25,000 copies. Edition: 2nd edition; for the 1st edition, see [LIB-3184.2023] В. Я. Пропп. Исторические корни волшебной сказки. — Л.: ЛГУ, 1946. English title: [LIB-1615.2018] The historical roots of the fairy tale. Contributors: Владимир Яковлевич Пропп [Vladimir Propp] (Russian, 1895 – 1970)
Paperback, 21.3 x 14.5 cm, publisher’s grey and black wrappers with black and grey lettering, respectively; pp. [1-4] 5-151 [1], 152 pages total; collated 8vo: 1-98 104, 76 leaves total. Title-page: В. ПРОПП | МОРФОЛОГИЯ СКАЗКИ | «ACADEMIA» | ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1928 || Frontispiece: ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ИНСТИТУТ ИСТОРИИ ИСКУССТВ | ВОПРОСЫ ПОЭТИКИ | НЕПЕРИОДИЧЕСКАЯ СЕРИЯ, ИЗДАВАЕМАЯ | ОТДЕЛОМ СЛОВЕСНЫХ ИСКУССТВ | ВЫПУСК XII | «ACADEMIA» | ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1928 || English title: [LIB-1615.2018] V. Propp. Morphology of the Folktale. — Austin: University of Texas Press, 1979. Print run: 1,600 copies. Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова № 328, p. 199. Contributors: Владимир Яковлевич Пропп [Vladimir Propp] (Russian, 1895 – 1970) See also [LIB-1710.2019] (circulation copy) В. Я. Пропп. Исторические корни волшебной сказки (2-е изд.) — Л.: Изд-во ЛГУ, 1986 and (first edition) [LIB-3184.2023] В. Я. Пропп. Исторические корни волшебной сказки. — Л.: Изд-во Ленинградского ун-та, 1946.
Hardcover volume, 35 x 26.8 cm, bound in grey cloth, blind stamped characters to front, brown characters to spine, in a double slipcase, the outer case pictorial paper over cardboard, 36 x 28.2 cm, pp.: [4] [1] 2-144 (plates with photographs of 332 items), [2] 147-182 [4]. 鍋島 – Nabeshima – book title. 日本の陶磁 – Japanese ceramics, series title. Contributors: Yasunari Kawabata [川端 康成] (Japanese, 1924 – 1972) – author. Tetsuzo Tanikawa [谷川 徹三] (Japanese, 1895 – 1989) – author. Seizo Hayashiya [林屋晴三] (Japanese, 1928 – 2017) – editor. Chūōkōron-sha [中央公論社] – publisher.
Hardcover volume, 35.2 x 27 cm, bound in grey cloth, blind stamped characters to front, brown characters to spine, in a glassine dust jacket, in a double slipcase, the outer case pictorial paper over cardboard, 36 x 28 cm, pp.: [4] [1] 2-104 (plates with photographs of 206 items), [2] 107-138 [4]. Kakiemon [柿右衛門] – book title. 日本の陶磁 – Japanese ceramics, series title. Contributors: Yasunari Kawabata [川端 康成] (Japanese, 1924 – 1972) – author. Tetsuzo Tanikawa [谷川 徹三] (Japanese, 1895 – 1989) – author. Seizo Hayashiya [林屋晴三] (Japanese, 1928 – 2017) – editor. Chūōkōron-sha [中央公論社] – publisher.
Hardcover volume, 35.3 x 27 cm, bound in grey cloth, blind stamped characters to front, brown characters to spine, in a glassine dust jacket, in a double slipcase, the outer case pictorial paper over cardboard, 36 x 28 cm, pp.: [4] [1] 2-88 (plates with photographs of 129 items), [2] 91-108 [3]. Seto ware [瀬戸焼] (Seto-yaki) – ceramics produced in and around the city of Seto in Aichi Prefecture. Yellow seto [黄瀬戸] (Kiseto) – a yellow glaze seto ware. Black seto [瀬戸黒] (Setoguro) – a black glaze seto ware. 日本の陶磁 – Japanese ceramics, series title. Contributors: Yasunari Kawabata [川端 康成] (Japanese, 1924 – 1972) – author. Tetsuzo Tanikawa [谷川 徹三] (Japanese, 1895 – 1989) – author. Seizo Hayashiya [林屋晴三] (Japanese, 1928 – 2017) – editor. Chūōkōron-sha [中央公論社] – publisher.
Hardcover volume, 35 x 26.8 cm, bound in grey cloth, blind stamped characters to front, brown characters to spine, in a slipcase, the outer case missing, pp.: [4] [1] 2-136 (plates with photographs of 211 items), [2] 139-166 [4]. Kutani ware [九谷焼] (Kutani-yaki); old kutani [古九谷] (kokutani) – ceramic objects produced in Kutani in the 17th century. 日本の陶磁 – Japanese ceramics, series title. Contributors: Yasunari Kawabata [川端 康成] (Japanese, 1924 – 1972) – author. Tetsuzo Tanikawa [谷川 徹三] (Japanese, 1895 – 1989) – author. Seizo Hayashiya [林屋晴三] (Japanese, 1928 – 2017) – editor. Chūōkōron-sha [中央公論社] – publisher.
Hardcover volume, 35.1 x 27 cm, bound in grey cloth, blind stamped characters to front, brown characters to spine, in a glassine dust jacket, in a double slipcase, the outer case pictorial paper over cardboard, 36 x 27.8 cm, pp.: [4] [1] 2-108 (plates with photographs of 217 items), [2] [111] 112-150 [3]. Imari ware [伊万里焼] (Imari-yaki) – ceramics produced in and around the area of Arita, in the former Hizen Province, northwestern Kyūshū. 日本の陶磁 – Japanese ceramics, series title. Old imari [古伊万里] (koimari) – book title. Contributors: Yasunari Kawabata [川端 康成] (Japanese, 1924 – 1972) – author. Tetsuzo Tanikawa [谷川 徹三] (Japanese, 1895 – 1989) – author. Seizo Hayashiya [林屋晴三] (Japanese, 1928 – 2017) – editor. Chūōkōron-sha [中央公論社] – publisher.
Hardcover volume, 35 x 27 cm, bound in grey cloth, blind stamped characters to front, brown characters to spine, in a slipcase, the outer case missing, pp.: [4] [1] 2-116 (plates with photographs of 202 items), [2] 119-154 [4]. Ninsei [仁清] and Kenzan [乾山] ceramics produced by Ninsei Nonomura [野々村仁清] (Japanese, c. 1640 – c. 1690) and Ogata Kenzan [尾形 乾山] (Japanese, 1663 – 1743), respectively. 日本の陶磁 – Japanese ceramics, series title. Contributors: Yasunari Kawabata [川端 康成] (Japanese, 1924 – 1972) – author. Tetsuzo Tanikawa [谷川 徹三] (Japanese, 1895 – 1989) – author. Seizo Hayashiya [林屋晴三] (Japanese, 1928 – 2017) – editor. Chūōkōron-sha [中央公論社] – publisher.
Hardcover volume, 35 x 27 cm, bound in grey cloth, blind stamped characters to front, brown characters to spine, in a glassine dust jacket, in a double slipcase, the outer case pictorial paper over cardboard, 36 x 28 cm, pp.: [4] [1] 2-124 (plates with photographs of 241 items), [2] 127-171 [3]. Kyō ware [京焼] (Kyō-yaki) – pottery from Kyoto. 日本の陶磁 – Japanese ceramics, series title. Contributors: Yasunari Kawabata [川端 康成] (Japanese, 1924 – 1972) – author. Tetsuzo Tanikawa [谷川 徹三] (Japanese, 1895 – 1989) – author. Seizo Hayashiya [林屋晴三] (Japanese, 1928 – 2017) – editor. Chūōkōron-sha [中央公論社] – publisher.
Hardcover, 20 x 14 cm, owner’s later green buckram with the original wrapper pasted to front board: wood engraving printed in green (egg and dart border with “1925” on top and “ИЗД-ВО «БЫЛОЕ» ЛЕНИНГРАД” in the bottom, inside the border a pictorial frame, depicting chains, manacles, and axes with red and green lettering inside: “ЦАРСКАЯ РОССИЯ (framed) | РУССКИЙ | РОКАМБОЛЬ | ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЯ | МАНАСЕВИЧА-МАНУЙЛОВА | {fleuron}”; in the bottom corners of the frame monogrammed letters “В” and “Б”, for Вениамин Белкин (Veniamin Belkin). Pagination: [1-4] 5-239 [240]; collated 8vo: [1]-158, total 120 leaves. Title-page: — | К. Бецкий и П. Павлов | РУССКИЙ РОКАМБОЛЬ | (ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЯ И. Ф. МАНАСЕВИЧА-МАНУЙЛОВА) | — | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО «БЫЛОЕ» | ЛЕНИНГРАД • 1925 || Print run: 5,000 copies. Contributors: Вениамин Павлович Белкин [Veniamin Belkin] (Russian, 1884 – 1951) – artist of the cover. К. Бецкий (pseudonym), real name Иосиф Яковлевич Кобецкий (Jewish-Russian, ? – ?) – author. П. Павлов (pseudonym), real name Павел Елисеевич Щеголев (Russian, 1877 – 1931) – author. Иван Фёдорович Манасевич-Мануйлов [Исаак Тодресович Манасевич, Ivan Manassievitch-Manouïlov] (Jewish-Russian, 1869/71—1918) – character.
Paperback brochure, 17.5 x 12.8 cm, in publisher’s wrappers, blue and brown lettering in an architectural frame to front, publisher’s device and price in blue to back; errata slip laid in; pp.: [1-6] 7-76 [4]; collated 8vo: 1-58, total 40 leaves. Title-page (red and black): ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | “ACADEMIA” | КАТАЛОГ ИЗДАНИЙ | 1929—1933 | С ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕМ ПЛАНА | ИЗДАНИЙ НА ТРЕХЛЕТИЕ | 1933—1935 | МОСКВА—ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1932 || Print run: 10,000 copies.
Hardcover volume, 20.8 x 13.5 cm, pictorial paper backed with grey cloth, black and white lettering to spine (serial design), pp.: [1-4] 5-333 [3]; collated 8vo: 1-218; total 168 leaves plus 13 photomechanical plates. Title-page (blue and black): Евг. Брандис | МАРКО ВОВЧОК | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | ЦК ВЛКСМ | «МОЛОДАЯ ГВАРДИЯ» | — || Frontispiece (blue and black): ЖИЗНЬ | ЗАМЕЧАТЕЛЬНЫХ | ЛЮДЕЙ | Серия биографий | ОСНОВАНА | В 1933 ГОДУ | М. ГОРЬКИМ | ВЫПУСК 19 / 460 {torch} МОСКВА / 1968 || Print-run: 100,000 copies. Contributors: Евгений Павлович Бра́ндис (Russian, 1916 – 1985) – author. Марко Вовчок [Марія Олександрівна Вілінська, Marko Vovtchok] (Ukrainian, 1833 – 1907) – character. Борис Борисович Лобач-Жученко (Russian, 1899 – 1995) – dedicatee.
Hardcover volume, 17.2 x 13.6 cm, bound in grey cloth with colour design elements and black and gilt lettering to front cover and spine, pp: [1-4] 5-455 [456]; collated 8vo: 1-228, 23-2410, 25-288; total 228 leaves. Frontispiece and headpieces – woodcuts by Н. А. Кравченко. Bookplate “EX LIBRIS | Д. И. Ривкиной” to front pastedown. Half-title: ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННОЙ | ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ | Москва 1963 || Title-page: А. МЮРЖЕ | СЦЕНЫ | ИЗ | ЖИЗНИ | БОГЕМЫ | {lyre} | Перевод с французского | Е. А. ГУНСТА || Title-page verso: HENRY MURGER | SCÈNES | de la | VIE DE BOHÈME | 1851 | Редактор перевода | Е. Н. БИРУКОВА | Вступительная статья | С. И. ВЕЛИКОВСКОГО | Примечания | Е. А. ГУНСТА | Художник | Н. А. КРАВЧЕНКО || Print run: 50,000 copies. Сцены из жизни богемы [Scènes de la vie de bohème]; First edition: Henry Murger. Scènes de la bohême. — Paris: M. Lévy frères, 1851 [LIB-2732.2021]. Contributors: Murger, Henri [Henry] (French, 1822 – 1861) – original text (French). Евгений Анатольевич Гунст (Russian, 1901 – 1983) – translation, commentary. Самарий Израилевич Великовский (Russian, 1931 – 1990) – foreword. Наталья Алексеевна Кравченко (Russian, 1916 – 2017) – atrist. Д. И. Ривкина – provenance.
Hardcover volume, 18.2 x 11.8 cm, bound in quarter black polished calf with gilt lettering “cartonnage romantique” design to spine, marbled boards, matching marbled endpapers, blue margins. Title-page: SCÈNES | DE LA BOHÊME | PAR | HENRY MURGER | {publisher’s device ML} | PARIS | MICHEL LÉVY FRÈRES, LIBRAIRES-ÉDITEURS | RUE VIVIENNE, 2 bis. | 1851 || Half-title: ŒUVRES | D’HENRY MURGER || Advertisement: Chez le même Éditeurs. | BIBLIOTHEQUE CONTEMPORAINE | (page of text) || Collation: π2 (h.t/advert., t.p. / blank), 1-33 (17)12, χ6; total 212 leaves without ffls (3 front, 2 back). Pagination: [2] – h.t. / blank, [2] – t.p. / blank, [i] ii-xiii [xiv blank], [1] 2-406; total 424 pages. Scènes de la bohême, in later editions Scènes de la vie de bohème. Translations: Into English: LIB-2719.2021. Henri Murger. The Bohemians of the Latin Quarter. (Scènes de la vie de Bohême) / Translated from the French. — London: Vizetelly & Co., 1883. Into German: LIB-2686.2021. Henri Murger. Die Bohème : Szenen aus dem Pariser Künstlerleben. — Leipzig: Insel-Verlag, 1906. Into Russian: LIB-3182.2023. А. Мюрже. Сцены из жизни богемы / Пер. с франц. и прим. Е. А. Гунста; вст. ст. С. И. Великовского; художник Н. А. Кравченко. — М.: Художественная литература, 1963. Contributors: Murger, Henri [Henry] (French, 1822 – 1861) – author.
Paperback, 21.3 x 14 cm, original grey wrappers, vignette and lettering in frame, lettering to spine, publisher’s device to back, all in blue; pp.: [1-4] 5-112. Title-page: МАРКО ВОВЧОК | МАРУСЯ | ПОВIСТЬ | {fleuron} | ВИДАННЯ | СОЮЗУ УКРАÏНЦIВ У ВЕЛИКIЙ БРИТАНIÏ | ЛОНДОН 1967 || Title-page verso: “MARUSIA” | by | MARKO VOVCHOK | NOVEL IN UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE | — | REPRINT | — | Republished by | ASSOCIATION OF UKRAINIANS IN GREAT BRITAIN LTD. | (PUBLISHING DEPARTMENT) | {four lines of text in double-rules} | Printed in the United Kingdom for Association of Ukrainians | in Great Britain Ltd. by | Ukrainian Publishers Limited, 200 Liverpool Rd., London, N. 1. || The French version of the Ukrainian name Маруся —> MAROUSSIA. The French version of the book: LIB-2674.2021; another copy of the Ukrainian edition (1943): LIB-3136.2023. Other variants of the author's name Марко Вовчок: Markowovzok and Marko Vovtchok. Contributors: Марко Вовчок [Marko Vovchok; Марія Олександрівна Вілінська] (Ukrainian, 1833 – 1907) – author. Василь Миколайович Доманицький [Василий Николаевич Доманицкий; Vasyl Domanytskyi] (1877 – 1910) – translator from Russian to Ukrainian. Святомир Фостун (Ukrainian, 1924 – 2004) – foreword.
Softcover, 24 x 18 cm, black and white original wrappers, lettering; pp. [1-6] 7-541 [3]; purple ink library stamps and numbers. Title-page: ПРОЦЕСС “ПРОМПАРТИИ” | (25 ноября – 7 декабря 1930 г.) | СТЕНОГРАММА | СУДЕБНОГО ПРОЦЕССА | И МАТЕРИАЛЫ, | ПРИОБЩЕННЫЕ К ДЕЛУ | 1931 | ОГИЗ — “СОВЕТСКОЕ ЗАКОНОДАТЕЛЬСТВО” — МОСКВА || Процесс Промпартии [Industrial Party Trial] Андрей Януарьевич Вышинский [Andrey Vyshinsky] (Russian, 1883 – 1954) – chairman. Николай Васильевич Крыленко [Nikolai Krylenko] (Russian, 1885 – 1938) – public prosecutor.