Watercolour, pen and black ink on card stock, 179 x 247 mm; pencil inscription to verso "Otto Rudolf Schatz 3233-03", traces of mounting. Untitled. Artist: Otto Rudolf Schatz (Austrian, 1900 – 1961).
Watercolour, pen and ink wash on thick wove paper, 295 x 298 mm, monogrammed in the bottom right corner "ORSx"; pencil inscription to verso "Um 1950 Otto Rudolf Schatz 3233-03"; two margins cut, traces of mounting on top margin. Untitled. Artist: Otto Rudolf Schatz (Austrian, 1900 – 1961).
Watercolour, pen and ink on thick wove paper, 177 x 235 mm; to verso: blue ink stamp “Nachlaß O R SCHATZ" and fuchsia ink stamp ARS EROTICA | Hans-J. Döpp; traces of framing along all the margins; traces of framing along the margins; remains of hinges. Artist: Otto Rudolf Schatz (Austrian, 1900 – 1961).
Watercolour, pen and ink on thick wove paper, 180 x 220 mm; to verso: blue ink stamp “PROF O. R. SCHATZ | Wien II, Gr. Mohreng 3b | Tel.: 55 82 566”; fuchsia ink stamp "ARS EROTICA | Hans-J. Döpp"; traces of framing along the margins. Artist: Otto Rudolf Schatz (Austrian, 1900 – 1961).
Graphite on wove paper, 250 x 340 mm, blue ink stamp to verso: “Nachlaß O R SCHATZ"; margins trimmed unevenly, traces of hinges. Artist: Otto Rudolf Schatz (Austrian, 1900 – 1961).
Japanese-style bound oblong horizontal album of 20 colour drawings (watercolour and pencil on paper), 187 x 269 mm, monogrammed on the first page ORS, signed and dated on the last page O. R. SCHATZ | 1954 | x || Artist: Otto Rudolf Schatz (Austrian, 1900 – 1961).
Hardcover, 208 x 135 mm, quarter blue cloth over pictorial cardboard, gilt elements and lettering to spine, collated 8vo: 1-218 χ2, i.e. 170 leaves, pp.: [1-4] 5-336 [4]. Title-page (blue and black): В. Гауф | {vignette} | Сказки | {vignette} | ИВАНОВСКОЕ КНИЖНОЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО – 1959 || Contents: КАРАВАН. Перевод Н. Г. Касаткиной Рассказ о калифе аисте Рассказ о корабле приведений Рассказ об отрубленной руке Спасение Фатимы Рассказ о Маленьком Муке Сказка о мнимом принце АЛЕКСАНДРИЙСКИЙ ШЕЙХ И ЕГО НЕВОЛЬНИКИ. Перевод И. С. Татариновой Карлик Нос Обезьяна в роли человека История Альмансора ХАРЧЕВНЯ В ШПЕССАРТЕ. Перевод М. А. Полиевктовой Рассказ о гульдене с изображением оленя Холодное сердце. Часть первая. Приключения Саида Стинфольская пещера. Шотландское предание Холодное сердце. Часть вторая. Contributors: Wilhelm Hauff [Вильгельм Гауф] (German, 1802 – 1827) – author. Касаткина, Наталья Григорьевна (Russian, 1902 – 1985) – translator Татаринова, Ирина Сергеевна (Russian, 1895 – 1978) – translator Полиевктова, Мария Александровна (Russian, 1892 – 1982) – translator
Softcover, 193 x 252 mm, pictorial wrappers, lettered, 24 leaves numbered on recto 2-23 with 23 photogravures after Charles Castellani and advertisement to verso. Front wrapper: (ribbon) EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE DE 1889 | ESPLANADE • DES • INVALIDES • | — | PANORAMA | LE | ”TOVT – PARIS” | peint par | Ch. Castellani | — || Title-page: (in frame) PANORAMA | LE | “TOUT – PARIS” | PEINT PAR | CH. CASTELLANI || Ref: BNF, département Estampes et photographie, 4-NA-62; Getty Research Institute Accession Number 2623-796. Contributors: Charles Castellani (French, 1838 – 1913) Arents, Pierre-Marie (Belgian, 1842 – 1916) Characters: Fouquier, Henry (French, 1838 – 1901) Bernhardt, Sarah [Bernard, Henriette-Rosine] (French, 1844 – 1923) Lesseps, Ferdinand Marie, Comte de (French, 1805 – 1894) Clemenceau, Georges (French, 1841 – 1929) Troubetzkoy, Pyotr Petrovich, Prince (French, 1822 – 1892) Shah Qajar, Naser al-Din (Persian, 1831 – 1896) Floquet, Charles (French, 1828 – 1896) Marinoni, Hippolyte Auguste (French, 1823 – 1904) Charcot, Jean-Martin (French, 1825 – 1893) Poupart-Davyl Louis (French, 1835 – 1890) Eiffel, Gustave (French, 1832 – 1923) Grévy, Jules (French, 1807 – 1891) Zola, Émile (French, 1840 – 1902) Granier de Cassagnac, Paul (French, 1843 – 1904) Claretie, Jules Arsène Arnaud (French, 1840 – 1913) Rochefort, Victor Henri, Marquis de Rochefort-Luçay (French, 1831 – 1913) Pasteur, Louis (French, 1822 – 1895) Broglie, Albert, duc de (French, 1821 – 1901) Gounod, Charles (French, 1818 – 1893) Dumas fils, Alexandre (French, 1824 – 1895) Ferry, Jules (French, 1932 – 1893) Pyat, Félix (French, 1810 – 1889) Loti, Pierre (French, 1850 – 1923) Michel, Louise (French, 1830 – 1905) Péan, Jules-Émile (French, 1830 – 1898) among others.
Hardcover, 220 x 180 mm, green buckram with gilt lettering on an embossed scroll to front cover and faded gilt lettering to spine (serial design), collated 8vo: 1-208 2110 228 (i.e. 178 leaves), pp. [1-4] 5-354 [2], errata slip laid in before back ffl. Title-page (red and black): ШОДЕРЛО де ЛАКЛО | ~ | ОПАСНЫЕ | СВЯЗИ | ~ | ПЕРЕВОД С ФРАНЦУЗСКОГО, | СТАТЬЯ И ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ | Н. Я. РЫКОВОЙ | ~ | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО «НАУКА» | МОСКВА • ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1965 || Opposite t.p. (red and black): CHODERLOS de LACLOS | ~ | LES LIAISONS | DANGEREUSES | OU | LETTRES RECUEILLIES | DANS UNE SOCIÉTÉ | ET PUBLIÉES POUR L’INSTRUCTION | DE QUELQUES AUTRES | ~ || Series: АН СССР, Литературные памятники. Contributors: Choderlos de Laclos, Pierre Ambroise François (French, 1741 – 1803) – author. Рыкова, Надежда Януарьевна (Russian, 1901 – 1996) – translator Молок, Александр Иванович (Russian, 1898 – 1977) : Дворянство во Франции накануне буржуазной революции XVII века (pp. 317-335).
Softcover, 278 x 243 mm, French flapped pictorial wrappers with blue lettering and oval vignette in the middle to front, blue lettering to flaps; pp. [1-4] 5-113 [3], ISBN 88-8082-523-2. Title-page: Laclos en images | Editions illustrées de Liaisons dangereuses | réunies et présentées | par Michel Delon et Michèle Sajous D'Oria | Mario Adda Editore | PRESSES DE L'UNIVERSITE DE PARIS-SORBONNE || Imprint: (convex) le cabinet des curiosités | collection dirigée par Michel Delon | et Michèle Sajous D'Oria | (bottom left) ISBN 88-8082-523-2 | © Copyright 2003 | Mario Adda Editore - Via Tanzi. 59 – Bari | Tel e Fax 080/5539502 | Web: www.addaeditore.it | E-mail: addaeditore @addaeditore.it | Fotocomposizione: La Matrice – Bari | Stampa: Edizioni Pugliesi srI.- Martina Franca (Ta) || Contributors: Michel Delon (French, b. 1947) – author Michèl Sajous D’Oria – author
Softcover, 240 x 170 mm, creme dust jacket with red and black lettering and circular opening in the middle to front, red lettering to spine, over pictorial wrappers, pp. [1-8] 9-143 [1], ISBN 978-88-95598-25-3. 1st edition. Title-page (red and black): LACLOS | ILLUSTRE | « SCÈNES DES « LIAISONS DANGEREUSES» | Editions réunies et présentées | par Michel Delon et Michèle Sajous D'Oria | lineadacqua || Colophon: Imprimé à Venise, Italie | En février 2014 | Par Grafiche Veneziane || Publisher: Lineadacqua Edizioni; San Marco 3717/d, 30124 Venezia; www.lineadacqua.com Contributors: Michel Delon (French, b. 1947) – author Michèl Sajous D’Oria – author Contents: ILLUSTRATION ET INTERPRÉTATION – Michel Delon METTRE LES LETTRES ENSCÈNES – Michèle Sajous D'Oria LES LETTRES L'ÉCRITURE LE SECRET LA TRAHISON LE REFUS LA MARQUISE DE MERTEUIL LA PETITE MAISON LE CHEVALIER DE PRÉVAN LE RIVAL LE PIÈGE LE VICOMTE, DE VALMONT SÉDUCTIONS CÉCILE DE VOLANGES LA SURPRISE DES SENS LE VIOL LAPRÉSIDENTE DE TOURVEL L'AMOUR LA MORT FINALE Bibliographie des éditions illustrées Notices sur les illustrateurs
Softcover, 210 x 149 mm, white wrappers with red and black lettering and a vignette to front, red and black lettering to spine and black lettering to back; pp. [1-8] 9-143 [1]. ISBN 978-88-95598-98-7. Title-page (red and black): CASANOVA | IN | VENICE | Illustrated editions of The story of my life | collected and presented | by Michel Delon and Michèl Sajous D’Oria | lineadacqua || Colophon: Printed in Venice, Italy | In may 2019 | By Grafiche Veneziane, Venice || Back wrapper: 100 illustrations enrich | Casanova's own telling | of his adventures in Venice || First edition in French: April 2013 First edition in English: March 2019 Contributors: Michel Delon (French, b. 1947) – author Michèl Sajous D’Oria – author Lucian Comoy – translator Contents: A WORLD OFIMAGES – Michel Delon OF PLACES AND BOOKS – Michèle Sajous D'Oria PORTRAITS AND ALLEGORIES NANETTE AND MARTON VEDUTE C.C. A LETTER M.M. RENDEZ-VOUS AND AMBUSH THE CASINO AT THE OPERA AND THE RIDOTTO A MASKED BALL AT THE CONVENT THE QUADRILLE COMPARISON MELANCHOLY TONINE AND BARBERINE MASKS ARREST THE PIOMBI ADIEU VENICE Bibliography of the illustrated editions Notes concerning the illustrators
Hardcover, 280 x 121 mm, glossy white pictorial cover with mahogany lettering, pp. [1] 2-210 [2]. Lettering on the cover: ITŌ MITSURU | NOBUIE-TSUBA | {vignette} | TRANSLATED BY MARKUS SESKO || Title-page: Nobuie Tsuba | 信家鐔 | Itō Mitsuru (伊藤満) | translated by Markus Sesko | © 2016 Itō Mitsuru | Copyright translation: Markus Sesko | Print and Publishing: Lulu Press, Inc. ||
Softcover, publisher’s pictorial wrappers, stapled, 215 x 145 mm, pp.: [2] 3-38 [2], a few in-text and five full-page illustrations within collation; 8vo: 28 34, i.e. 20 leaves. Title-page: В. ГАУФ | {vignette} | КАРЛИК | НОС | ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО ДЕТСКОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ | МИНИСТЕРСТВА ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЯ РСФСР | ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1955 || Print run 200,000 copies. Contributors: Wilhelm Hauff [Вильгельм Гауф] (German, 1802 – 1827) – author. Шабанов, Иван Васильевич (Russian, 1906 – 1973) – artist.
Hardcover volume, 8vo, 200 x 140 mm, bound in light blue cloth with vignette to front, cream printed label and lettering to flat spine; pictorial dust jacket, black lettering to spine, publisher’s device to back, and black lettering to flaps. Print-run 5,000 copies. Faux frontispieces, binding, and dust jacket designed by Н. В. Кузьмин. Collation: 1-388 394, i.e. 308 leaves plus 12 plates extraneous to collation, incl. frontispiece portrait of the author [1-7] 8-611 [5], errata slip tipped in. Title-page (blue and black): АЛЬФРЕД ДЕ МЮССЕ | ТЕАТР | Перевод, вступительная | статья и комментарии | А. В. Федорова | ACADEMIA | 1934 || Contre-title (blue and black): ФРАНЦУЗСКАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА | Под общей редакцией | А. М. Эфроса | АЛЬФРЕД ДЕ МЮССЕ | (1810 – 1857) | СОЧИНЕНИЯ | ACADEMIA | Москва – Ленинград || Title verso: ALFRED DE MUSSET | THÉÂTRE | Фронтисписы титулов, | переплет и супер-обложка | Н. В. Кузьмина || Catalogue Raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова 653 (p. 250). Contents: Венецианская ночь, или Свадьба Лауретты; Андреа дель Сарто; Фантазио; Любовью не шутят; Лоренцаччо; Подсвечник; Не надо биться об заклад; Молча за дело; Всего не предусмотришь; Беттина (пер. Е. Геркена) Contributors: Musset, Alfred de (French, 1810–1857) – author Фёдоров, Андрей Венедиктович (Russian, 1906 – 1997) – translator Геркен, Евгений Георгиевич (Russian, 1886 – 1962) – translator Кузьмин, Николай Васильевич (Russian, 1890 – 1987) – artist Эфрос, Абрам Маркович (Russian-Jewish, 1888 – 1954) – editor
Two hardcover volumes, 8vo, 200 x 140 mm each, uniformly bound in cream cloth with gilt triple fillet frame to front, same blind to back, and blind volutes to corners, gilt lettering, fillets and blind fleurons in compartments to flat spine; cream dust jacket with red lettering and black vignette to front, black spine with cream lettering to spine, publisher’s device to back, and black lettering to flaps. Print-run 5,300 copies. Besides these two volumes, Academia later published volumes 5 (1936), 3, 4, and 8 (1937); other volumes were published in 1939-47 by ОГИЗ-Гослитиздат. Vol. 1: 1-318 324, i.e. 252 leaves plus 13 b/w plates extraneous to collation; pp.: [1-7] 8-501 [3]. Title-page (red and black): ДЕНИ ДИДРО | СОБРАНИЕ СОЧИНЕНИЙ | ТОМ I | ФИЛОСОФИЯ | Редакция и вступительная статья | И. К. Луппола | Перевод И. Б. Румера, | В. К. Сережникова, П. С. Юшкевича | Примечания А. Н. Лаврентьева | ACADEMIA | 1935 || Vol. 2: 1-368 374, i.e. 292 leaves plus 14 b/w plates extraneous to collation; pp.: [1-7] 8-582 [2]. Title-page (red and black): ДЕНИ ДИДРО | СОБРАНИЕ СОЧИНЕНИЙ | ТОМ II | ФИЛОСОФИЯ | Редакция и вступительная статья | И. К. Луппола | Перевод В. К. Сережникова и П. С. Юшкевича | Примечания М. Д. Цебенко| ACADEMIA | 1935 || In both volumes: Contre-Title: ФРАНЦУЗСКАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА | ДЕНИ ДИДРО | (1713 – 1784) | СОБРАНИЕ СОЧИНЕНИЙ | в десяти томах | Под общей редакцией | И. К. ЛУППОЛА | ACADEMIA | Москва – Ленинград || Title verso: DENIS DIDEROT | OEUVRES CHOISIES | Супер-обложка и переплет | Б. В. Шварца || Catalogue Raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова 723, 724 (pp. 261-2). Contributors: Denis Diderot (French, 1713 – 1784) Луппол, Иван Капитонович (Russian, 1896 – 1943) – killed in GULAG Румер, Исидор Борисович (Russian-Jewish, 1884 – 1938) – killed in GULAG Серёжников, Виктор Константинович (Russian, 1873 – 1944) – killed in GULAG Юшкевич, Павел Соломонович (Ukrainian-Jewish, 1873 – 1945) Цебенко, Мария Дмитриевна (Russian, ? – 1957) Шварц, Борис Владимирович (1906 – 1967) Лаврентьев, А. Н.
Hardcover volume 295 x 240 mm, pictorial front cover and purple spine with gilt embossed lettering, back cover with orange lettering, craft endpapers, pp.: [1-6] 7-255 [1], profusely illustrated. Exhibition catalogue with 123 reproductions of Japanese woodblock prints. Title-page: The Riddles of | UKIYO-E | Women and Men in Japanese Prints 1765–1865 | Chris Uhlenbeck / Jim Dwinger / Josephine Smit | {publisher’s device LUDION} || Table of contents: Preface; Introduction; Beauties; Shunga; Legends; Kabuki; INDEX; LIST OF WORKS; BIBLIOGRAPHY; AUTHORS.
Hardcover, 17 x 13 cm, grey cloth, gelt lettering to front and spine, pp.: [1-6] 7-671 [1], errata slip tipped-in at pp 2/3, plus laid-in 16 pp booklet Дополнение к справочнику Союза Писателей СССР 1966 г. по состоянию на 15. I. 66 г. Title-page: СОЮЗ ПИСАТЕЛЕЙ СССР | СПРАВОЧНИК | Составлен по данным | на 1 ноября 1965 года | СОВЕТСКИЙ ПИСАТЕЛЬ | МОСКВА 1966 || On page 104: Варшавский Сергей Петрович (критик, литературовед) – г. Ленинград Ф-13, Серпуховская ул., д. 2, кв. 24, тел. К 2-14-46. Print run: 6,000 copies.