Front wrapper and t.p.: THE | INTERNATIONAL | JEW | The Truth About | "The Protocols of Zion" | By ERIC D. BUTLER | ∞ | Hitler’s Views on “The Protocols”: | “I SAW AT ONCE WE MUST COPY IT.” | “The question of the Jews and their influence on the world, past and present, cuts to the root of all things and should be discussed by every honest thinker” | — Dr. Oscar Levy, Famous Jewish Writer. | Price — 2/6 || (T.p.: same with the full stop (.) after 2/6. Stamp to t.p.: Women’s Voice | 537 SO. DEARBORN ST. | ROOM 800 | CHICAGO 5. ILL. || [2] 3-167 [168]. Binding: Lettered publisher’s wrappers, 18 x 12 cm. Butler, Eric Dudley (Australian, 1916 – 2006) Osborne, Robert Martin (British-Australian, 1862 – 1931) — Australian printer and publisher. Levy, Oscar (German-Jewish, 1867 – 1946) Hitler, Adolf (German, 1889 – 1945)
Cover: LES | RÉUNIONS PUBLIQUES | A PARIS | 1868 — 1869 | PAR | AUGUSTE VITU | TROISIÈME ÉDITION | Augmentée d’un Appendice contenant les Jugements et Arrêts | rendus à Paris en matière de réunions publiques | PARIS | E. DENTU, LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR | PALAIS-ROYAL, 17-19, GALERIE D’ORLÉANS | MAI 1869 || ; t.p. similar with no dash between 17 and 19 in the bottom. Pagination: [1-5] 6-151 [1]; collation: 8vo, [1]8 2-98 103; 23 x 14 cm, publisher’s lettered blue paper wrappers. Printer: Dubuisson et Cie (Paris). Vitu, Auguste-Charles-Joseph (French, 1823 – 1891)
Title page: PHROSINE | ET | MELIDORE, | POËME | EN QUATRE CHANTS. | A MESSINE, | Et se trouve A Paris, | Chez Le Jay, Libraire, au Grand Corneille, | rue S. Jacques. | M. DCC. LXXII. || Pagination : ffl, [2] – h.t. / blank, [2] t.p. / blank, [1] 2-55 [56 blank], bfl ; 4 copperplate engravings by Nicolas Ponce (French, 1746 – 1831) after Charles Eisen (French, 1720 – 1778), one before each chant. Collation: 8vo; π2 (h.t., t.p. ) A-C8 D4. Binding: 20.5 x 14 cm, full mottled calf, gilt-ruled with triple fillet, flat spine, gilt in compartments, black label with gilt lettering, printed on laid paper, all edges red. Catalogue raisonné: Cohen de Ricci p. 132; J. Lewine: p. 53. Contributors: Nicolas Ponce (French, 1746 – 1831) Jean Charles Baquoy (French, 1721–1777) Charles-Dominique-Joseph Eisen (French, 1720 – 1778) Pierre-Joseph Bernard [Gentil-Bernard] (French, 1708 – 1775).
Pictorial title by von Bayros: Die | Bohème. | Scenen aus dem Pariser | Künstlerleben | von | Henri Murger | Leipzig im | InselVerlag | 1906. | F. Bayros || Pagination: [2] – pictorial frontispiece, [2] – pictorial t.p., 1-280 [2] – inhalt, [2] – colophon, [2] – blank, + 4 plates drawn by Franz von Bayros and reproduced as photogravure, with guards. Binding: 23.5 x 15.5 cm, cream parchment, raised bands, gilt-lettered orange morocco label to spine; text printed on laid paper (Linden Paper watermark), untrimmed, illustrations on wove paper as photogravure. Bookplate: “Ex libris Walter Schniewind” engraved by C. L. Becker. Original title: Henry Murger. Scenes De La Vie De Boheme. — Paris: Michel Lévy frères, 1851. Tirage: 50 copies on laid paper, of which this is № 14 (per Sarkowski: 50 numerierte Ex. auf Bütten. Pergament mit Goldschnitt). Author: Murger, Henri [Murger, Louis-Henri, Henry] (French, 1822 – 1861). Translator: Grove, Frederick Philip [Greve, Felix Paul] (German-Canadian, 1879 – 1948). Illustrator: Bayros, Franz von (Austrian, 1866 – 1924). Printer: Drugulin, Wilhelm Eduard (German, 1822 – 1879); Offizin W. Drugulin (Leipzig). Provenance: Schniewind, Walter (German, 1870 – 1927). Catalogue raisonné: Heinz Sarkowski (1999): № 1175 VA, p. 195; Bayros Zeichnungen, pp. 43-46.
26 x 18 cm, black cloth, white lettering to cover and spine, pictorial DJ, pp. [1-4] 5-207 [208 colophon], 233 b/w illustrations; essay by Wilhelm M. Busch.
Cover: MAURICE TALMEYR | LA | FRANC-MAÇONNERIE | ET LA | RÉVOLUTION FRANÇAISE | — | Prix : 1 fr. […] Librairie académique PERRIN et Cie. Title page: MAURICE TALMEYR | LA | FRANC-MAÇONNERIE | ET LA | RÉVOLUTION FRANÇAISE | — | PARIS | LIBRAIRIE ACADÉMIQUE DIDIER | PERRIN ET Cie, LIBRAIRES–ÉDITEURS | 35, QUAI DES GRANDS-AUGUSTINS, 35 | 1904 | Tous droits réservés || Autograph: Inscription to h.t. to Charles Foley from the author. Bibiographical description: Blue lettered publisher’s wrappers, 19 x 12 cm, pagination: [8] [1] 2-94 [2], collation: 8vo, π4 1-68. The Russian translation Н. Л. Фран-масонство и государственная измена. — СПб.: Издание В. П., 1906 is here: LIB-0940.2016. Contributors: Maurice Talmeyr [Marie-Justin-Maurice Coste] (French, 1850 – 1931) Pierre-Paul Didier (French, 1800 – 1865) Émile Perrin (French, 1828 – 1884)
HUMAN PHYSIOGNOMY | EXPLAIN'D: | IN THE | Crounian LECTURES | ON MUSCULAR MOTION. | For the Year MDCCXLVI. | Read before the | ROYAL SOCIETY: | By James Parsons, M.D. and F.R.S. | Being a SUPPLEMENT to the Philosophical | Transactions for that Year. | {Citation in the Greek from Aristotle, 6 lines} | LONDON: | Printed for C. Davis, over against Gray's Inn Gate | in Holbourn; Printer to the Royal Society. | M. DCC. XLVII. || Pagination: [4] i-viii [8] 1-82 [4]; collation: 4to; [a]4 b4 c2 <inset> B-L4 M3, wanting 1 leaf with An Index For the Lectures of the Years 1744, and 1745; Inset: 5 folding plates engraved by J. Mynde after J. Parsons ('I. Ps. MD del.'). Page 22.5 x 16.5 cm; plates 22.5 x 34 cm. Printed on laid paper, with tall "s". Binding: 23 x 17 cm, modern hardcover in marbled paper, modern endpapers, white paper label with black lettering to spine. Crounian Lectures (i.e. Croonian Lectures), named after William Croone (British, 1633 – 1684). Contributors: James Parsons (British, 1705 – 1770). James Mynde (British, 1702 – 1771). Davis, Printer to the Royal Society of London (British, 1665 – 1775). Ref.: Royal Academy, The Royal Society, Wellcome Collection.
Engraved title page:
- In an oval cartouche at the centre, flanked by female personifications of Painting and Poetry, surmounted by an eagle, Mars and Envy chained by Cupid below: HET GULDEN CABINET | VANDE EDEL VRY SCHILDER, CONST | INHOUDENDE | DEN LOF VANDE VERMARSTE | SCHILDERS, | ARCHITECTE, BELDTHOWERS | ENDE PLAETSNYDERS | VAN DESE EEVW | DOOR | CORN: DE BIE NOTS. | TOT | LIER | 1661. ||
- In lower margin below the image frame: t’Antwerpen gedruckt by Ian Meyssens Constvercooper op de Eyermert inden goude Rexdalder | Abrah. a Diepenbeck delin. — Cornelis Meyssens sculpsit. || Handwritten inscription below: Frederik Verachter
Cornelis de Bie. Het Gulden Cabinet. — Antwerp: [J. van Montfort for] Jan Meyssens, 1661 [colophon: 1662]. First edition, quarto, with engraved title, added portrait of De Bie dated 1708 mounted and inserted*, illustrated with 97 full-page engravings of artists, and an engraving of a personification of the city of Rome repeated five times; bound in full contemporary Dutch parchment over boards, tooled in blind, titled on spine; ex libris Frederik Verachter (Dutch, 1797 – 1870), archivist of the Antwerp city library, with pages of notes in his hand, signature to title, and inserted leaf with extra biographical information about one of the 280 artists of the Low Countries profiled and illustrated in this volume; contents good; ex libris Gustave Van Havre (Dutch, 1817 – 1892), with his armorial bookplate inside the front board, 24 x 19.5 x 4.5 cm.
Catalogue raisonné: J. F. Van Someren (1888) pp. 200-202. * CORNELIUS DE BIE. ÆT. 81. 1708. | Dat Ick op D'aard Niet Anders Ben | Als Stof En Assen Ick Beken: | En Alle Mijnen Arrebeijd | Noch Van Veel Minder Weerdigheijt. || J. C. de Cock delin: — H. F. diamaer Sculpsit Antv: Ref.: Royal Collection Trust. Backer, Jacob de (Flemish, c. 1555 – c. 1585) (artist) Balen, Jan van (Flemish, 1611 – 1654) (artist) Bally, David (Dutch, 1584 – 1657) (artist) Beck, David [Beek] (Dutch, 1621 – 1656) (artist) Bie, Cornelis de (Flemish, 1627 – 1711) (author) Bloemaert, Abraham (Dutch, 1565 – 1658) (artist) Borcht I, Hendrik van der, the Elder (Flemish, 1583 – 1651) (artist) Borcht II, Hendrik van der, the Younger (German 1614 – 1676) (artist) Bouttats, Frederik, the Elder (Flemish, 1590 – 1661) (attributed to) (engraver) Bramer, Leonard [Leendert] (Dutch, 1596 – 1674) (artist) Bronckhorst, Jan Gerritsz van (Dutch, 1603-1661) (artist) Bylert, Jan van (Dutch, 1603 – 1671) (artist) Caukercken, Cornelis van (Flemish, 1626 – 1680) (engraver) Collin, Richard (Luxembourgish, 1627 – 1698) (engraver) Coques, Gonzales (Flemish, 1614 – 1684) (artist) Cossiers, Joannes (Flemish, 1600 – 1671) (artist) Danckerts de Rij, Peter (Dutch, 1605-1660) (artist) Dipenbeeck, Abraham van (Dutch, 1596 – 1675) (artist) Does, Antony van der (Flemish, 1609 –1680) (engraver) Dyck, Anthony van (Flemish, 1599 – 1641) (artist) François, Pierre (fl. 1643) (artist) Hecke, Jan van den, the Elder (Flemish, 1620 – 1684) (engraver) Heil, Daniel van (Flemish, 1604 – 1664) (artist) Heil, Jan Baptiste van (Flemish, 1609 – 1685) (artist) Heil, Leo van (Flemish, 1605 – c. 1664) (artist) Helt Stockade, Nicolaes van (Dutch, 1614 – 1669) (artist) Hollar, Wenceslaus [Hollar, Václav; Wenzel] ( Bohemian, 1607 – 1677) (artist) Hondius I, Hendrick [de Hondt] (Flemish-Dutch, 1573 – 1650) (artist) Janssens, Cornelis van Ceulen [Johnson, Cornelius] (Flemish-Dutch, 1593-1664) (artist) Jode I, Pieter de, the Elder (1570 – 1634) (engraver) Jordaens, Jacob (Flemish, 1593 – 1678) (artist) Lint, Peter van (Flemish, 1609 – 1690) (artist) Meyssens, Cornelis (Flemish, 1639 – fl.1673) (engraver) Meyssens, Joannes [Johannes, Jan, Jean] (Flemish, 1612 – 1670) Mola, Pier Francesco (Italian, 1612 – 1666) (artist) Monte, Deodat del [Mont, Deodat van der; Delmont, Deodatus] (Flemish, 1582 – 1644) (artist) Montfort, Jan van (fl. c. 1595 – 1644) (printer) Padoanino, Francisco (Italian, 1660) (artist) Poelenburgh, Cornelis van [Poelenburch] (Dutch, 1594 – 1667) (artist) Pontius, Paulus (Flemish, 1603 – 1658) (engraver) Quellinus, Erasmus, the Younger (Flemish, 1607 – 1678) (artist) Reni, Guido (Italian, 1575 – 1642) (artist) Sadeler II, Egidius (Flemish, c.1570 – 1629) (artist) Saftleven, Herman, the Younger (Dutch, 1609 – 1685) (artist) Seghers, Gerard (Flemish, 1591 - 1651) (artist) Snyers, Hendrik (Flemish, 1611 – 1644) (engraver) Soutman, Pieter Claesz (Dutch, 1593/1601 – 1657) (artist) Steen, Franciscus van der (Flemish, 1625 – 1672) (engraver) Teniers, David, the Younger (Flemish, 1610 – 1690) (artist) Venne, Adriaen van de [Adriaen Pietersz] (Dutch, 1589 – 1662) (artist) Voet, Alexander, the Elder (Flemish, 16-8/1613 – 1689) (engraver) Vorsterman, Lucas, the Elder (Flemish, 1595-1675) (engraver) Waumans, Conraed (Flemish, 1619 – 1675) (engraver) Willaerts, Adam (Dutch, 1577 – 1664) (artist) -
THE | POETICAL | WORKS | OF | Mr. John Milton. | Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, | Sampson Agonistes, and his Poems | on several Occasions. | TOGETHER WITH | Explanatory NOTES on each Book of the | PARADISE LOST, and a TABLE | never before Printed. | LONDON: | Printed for Jacob Tonson, at Judges-Head near Inner-Temple-| Gate in Fleet – street , M DC XC V. || Pagination: [6] 1-343 [5] 1-66 [4] 1-57 [5] 1-60 [2] 321 [1], frontispiece and 12 plates, one before each book of Paradise Lost. Collation: 4to, folio; blank leaf, π3 B2, C-Z4, Aa-Yy4, A-H4 I2, [A]-D2 †D2 E-Q2 [A]1 B-Z2 Aa-Zz2 Aaa-Zzz2 Aaaa-Mmmm2 [N]1, 2 blank leaves, + frontis. portrait and 12 plates extraneous to collation. Plates: Portrait of John Milton (British, 1608 – 1674) engraved by Robert White (British, 1645 – 1703) after William Faithorne (British, 1616 – 1691) 11 plates engraved by Michael Burghers (Dutch, c. 1640 – c. 1723) after John Baptiste de Medina (Flemish, 1659 –1710); 1 plate (for Book IV) engraved by Peter-Paul Bouché (Dutch, 1646 – c. 1697) after Bernard Lens (British, 1659 – 1725). Binding: Folio, bound in full contemporary English panelled and speckled calf, tooled in blind, re-backed, corners repaired, the lines in Paradise Lost numbered; title pages of Paradise Regain'd and Samson Agonistes dated 1695; without a list of subscribers after the general title; with the Table for Paradise Lost; printed on laid paper, with tall "s", margins sprayed red. Provenance: near-contemporary ex libris of Sarah Bugg inside front board; along with that of Sam Bontham, 1726; later owned by forger Osborne Charles Vyse Aldis (1843 – 1916), with his signature on general title, with a nine-line note in his hand and initialled on page 343. Catalogue raisonné: Gordon N. Ray, Illustrated book in England (1976): p. 3. Ref: National Gallery of Art Contributors: Bouché, Peter-Paul (Dutch, 1646 – c. 1697) Burghers, Michael (Dutch, c. 1640 – c. 1723) Faithorne, William (British, 1616 – 1691) Lens, Bernard (British, 1659 – 1725) Medina, John Baptiste de (Flemish, 1659 – 1710) Milton, John (British, 1608 – 1674) Tonson, Jacob, the Elder (British, 1655 – 1736) White, Robert (British, 1645 – 1703)
Title: MEMOIRS AND TRAVELS | OF | MAURITIUS AUGUSTUS COUNT DE | BENYOWSKY | MAGNATE OF THE KINGDOMS OF HUNGARY AND POLAND, ONE OF | THE CHIEFS OF THE CONFEDERATION OF POLAND | ETC., ETC. | Consisting of his Military Operations in Poland, his Exile into Kamchatka, | his Escape and Voyage from that Peninsula through the Northern | Pacific Ocean, touching at Japan and Formosa, to Canton | in China, with an Account of the French Settle- | ment he was appointed to form upon the | Island of Madagascar | WITH AN INTRODUCTION, NOTES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY | BY | CAPTAIN S. PASFIELD OLIVER || Half-title (ornamental, in black and red): MEMOIRS & | TRAVELS of | MAURITIUS | AUGUSTUS | COUNT | DE | BENYOWSKY | LONDON•KEGAN• | PAUL•TRENCH• | TRÜBNER•&•Co 1904 || Pagination: [i, ii] – owner pasted wood engraving “A woman of Kamchatka” / Dryden House advert., [iii, iv] – serial title / MAB (years), frontis. Portrait of MAB by Walter L. Colls w/guard, [v, vi] – ornamental h.t / copyright, [vii, viii] – t.p. / list of ill., ix-xxxvi, 1-635 [636]. Collation: 2 blank leaves (binding), [a]-b8 c2 1-398 406, 2 plates, 2 blank leaves (binding). Binding: Modern ¾ morocco over marbled boards, raised bands, gilt fleur-de-lis-cross in compartments, burgundy label with gilt lettering, by Atkinson Book Binders, Salisbury (sticker to back pastedown). Contributors: Printed by Neill and Co., Edinburgh. Published by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.; Kegan Paul, Charles (British, 1828 – 1902). Author: Maurice Auguste comte de Benyowsky [Мориц Август Бенёвский] (Polish-Slovak-Hungarian, 1746 –1786). Editor: Samuel Pasfield Oliver (British, 1838 – 1907). Translator: William Nicholson (British, 1753 – 1815). Originally published in 1790, in London (I have not seen it anywhere) and in Dublin by P. Wogan [etc.], and in 1791 in French, in Paris by Buisson.
Title: OVID'S | METAMORPHOSES | IN | FIFTEEN BOOKS. | Translated by the most Eminent Hands. | Adorn’d with Sculptures | London: | Printed for Jacob Tonson at Shakespeare’s–Head | over-against Katharine-Street in the Strand. | M DCC XVII. || Physical description: Folio, laid paper, engraved title as frontispiece, letterpress title-page, portrait of the dedicatee, the Princess of Wales, engraved by George Vertue (British, 1684 – 1756) after Sir Godfrey Kneller (German, 1646 – 1723), [4] – dedication with headpiece vignette engraved by Elisha Kirkall (British, 1682 – 1742) after Peter Berchet (French, 1659 – 1720 London), [i]-xx – preface, [4] – contents, 1-548; collation: π3 a-f2, B-Zzzzzz2, +15 full-paged engravings, one heading each book; bound in full contemporary tan English calf blind-tooled with a darker panel, raised bands, crimson label with gilt lettering, sprinkled compartments with blind tooling, rebacked, later endpapers, 15 1/4 x 9 1/2 in (39.5 x 26 x 5 cm). Contributors: Author: Ovid (Roman, 43 B.C. – A.D. 17) Translator: Sir Samuel Garth (British, 1661 – 1719) Translator: John Dryden (British, 1631 – 1700) Translator: Joseph Addison (British, 1672 – 1719) Translator: John Gay (British, 1685 – 1732) Dedicatee / Sitter: Caroline Wilhelmina of Brandenburg-Ansbach, Princess of Wales, Queen of England (German-British, 1683 – 1737) Engraver: Elisha Kirkall (British, 1682 – 1742) Artist: Peter Berchet (French-British, 1659 – 1720) Artist: Sir Godfrey Kneller (German, 1646 – 1723) Engraver: George Vertue (British, 1684 – 1756) Engraver: Louis Du Guernier, the younger (French, 1677 – 1716) Engraver: Michael Vandergucht (Flemish, 1660 – 1725) Engraver: Elisha Kirkall (British, 1682 – 1742) Engraver: R. Smith (British, fl. early 18th century) Engraver: Matthys Pool (Dutch, 1670 – c. 1732) Publisher: Jacob Tonson, the Elder (British, 1655 – 1736)
Title: ACADEMIE | DES | SCIENCES | ET DES | ARTS, | Contenant les Vies & les Eloges Historiques des | Hommes Illustres, | Qui ont excellé en ces Professions depuis environ quatre Siécles | parmy diverses Nations de l’Europe : |Avec leurs Pourtraits tirez sur des Originaux au Naturel, & plusieurs Inscriptions | funebres, exactement recueïlies de leurs Tombeaux | Par Isaac Bullart , Chevalier de l’Ordre de Saint Michel. | TOME PREMIER | {allegorical vignette, signed Abr. A Diepenbeke delineavit – Pet. Clouwet sculp.} | Imprimé par les soins de l’Autheur. | A PARIS, | Se vendent chez Loüis Bilane, Marchand Libraire à la ruë S. Jaques, | & au Palais, M. DC. LXXXII. || Pagination : [2] – h.t. / blank ; [2] – 1st vol. t.p. in black and red with vignette engraved by Pet. Clouwet after Abr. Diepenbeke / blank; [7] – dedication to Jacques Theodore de Brias {Jacques-Théodore de Bryas (Dutch, 1630 – 1694)}, [9] – preface, [2] – table demonstrative / stanza by Guilielmus Riverius, [2] – vignette “Tardius sed grandius” with an elephant in ornamental frame / text; [2] – noms politiques / blank (A1 before f.t.), [2] – f.t. livre premiere, illustres politiques / blank, 3(A2)-421, [422-424] – table eloges; [2] – f.t. tome second / blank, [2] – 2nd vol. t.p. in black and red with vignette…, [4] – advertisement, [2] – livre premier f.t. / blank, [2] – noms theologiens / blank, 1-501, [3] – table eloges. Collation : vol.1: [*]6, **6, A6 B-Ggg4; vol. 2: *4, **2, A-Sss4. (12 prelim. leaves, while in LIB-2239.2019 and in LIB-2675.2021 there is 14 prelim. leaves). Binding: contemporary full calf, size: 34 x 23 x 7.2 cm; crimson label with gilt lettering separated. Provenance: Bookplate of Sir Philip Crampton Smyly to the front pastedown; Stephen White Collection. The title is drawn by Abraham van Diepenbeeck (Dutch, 1596 - 1675) and engraved by Pieter Clouwet (Flemish, 1629–1670). The volume illustrated throughout with 279 portraits of important scientists, artists, thinkers, explorers, printers, and others of the period by a variety of artists. Tome 1: 120 plates of which 30 engraved by Esme de Boulonois (French, 1645 – 1681), 87 by Nicolas de Larmessin I (French, 1632 – 1694)Lavinia Vecellio (Italian, 1530 – 1575) engraved by Lamerssin after Titian, Portrait of Jacques Auguste de Thou engraved by de Boulonois after Daniel Dumonstier (French, 1574 – 1646). Tome 2: 159 plates of which 63 by Esme de Boulonois, 79 by Nicolas de Larmessin, 15 unsigned, 1 by Pieter Clouwet, and 1 by Wenceslaus Hollar (Bohemian, 1607 – 1677). Portraits of Knelme Digby, Juste Lipse, Nicolas Claude Fabri de Peiresc, Michel Mirevelt, Jacques Calot, Martin Richart, Pierre Paul Rubens, Venceslas Coberghe, Theodore Rombouts, Adrien Brouwer, Simon Vouet, Gerard Segers, Gaspar de Crayer, Antoine Van Dyck himself, and his wife Mary Ruthven – after Anthony Van Dyck. Young Man with a Skull engraved by Esme de Boulonois after Lucas van Leyden (Dutch, c. 1494 – 1533). Portrait of Louis Arioste engraved by Nicolas de Larmessin after Titian. Portrait of Balthasar de Castillon engraved by Nicolas de Larmessin after Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino (Italian, 1483 – 1520). Petrarch's Laura – by Larmessin after Palma Vecchio (Italian, c. 1480 – 1528). Vittoria Colonne – by Larmessin after Sebastiano del Piombo (Italian, c. 1485 – 1547). The portrait of Albert Durer is engraved by Esme de Boulonois after Tommaso Vincidor (Flemish, 1493 – 1536). Vol. 1, Book 1. Politicians Vol. 1, Book 2. Historians Vol. 1, Book 3. Jurists Vol. 1, Book 4. Writes and Linguists Vol. 1, Book 5. Italian Artists Vol. 2, Book 1. Theologians Vol. 2, Book 2. Philosophers, Mathematicians, Astronomers, and Physicians Vol. 2, Book 3. Scientists Vol. 2, Book 4. Inventors and Explorers Vol. 2, Book 5. Poets Vol. 2, Book 6. Netherlandish painters
Title: ACADEMIE | DES | SCIENCES | ET DES | ARTS, | Contenant les Vies & les Eloges Historiques des | Hommes Illustres, | Qui ont excellé en ces Professions depuis environ quatre Siécles | parmy diverses Nations de l’Europe : |Avec leurs Pourtraits tirez sur des Originaux au Naturel, & plusieurs Inscriptions | funebres, exactement recueïlies de leurs Tombeaux | Par Isaac Bullart , Chevalier de l’Ordre de Saint Michel. | TOME PREMIER | {allegorical vignette, signed Abr. A Diepenbeke delineavit – Pet. Clouwet sculp.} | Imprimé par les soins de l’Autheur. | A AMSTERDAM, | Se vendent chez les Heritiers de Daniel Elzevier, 1682. || Vol. 1: Pagination: 2 blank end-leaves, [2] – Two-volumes h.t. / blank ; [2] – 1st vol. t.p. in black and red with vignette engraved by Pieter Clouwet (Flemish, 1629–1670) after Abraham van Diepenbeeck (Dutch, 1596 - 1675), book-label 'I. A. Aubert' pasted / blank; [7] – dedication to Jacques Theodore de Brias {Jacques-Théodore de Bryas (Dutch, 1630 – 1694)}, [9] – preface, [2] – table demonstrative / stanza by Guilielmus Riverius, [2] – vignette “Tardius sed grandius” with an elephant in ornamental frame / text; [2] – Advis au lecteur; [1, 2] – noms politiques / blank (A1), 3(A2)-416, 2 blank end-leaves; laking 8 last pages 417-424 if compared to Paris 2 in 1 vol. edition LIB-2676.2021, and lacking 4 last pages if compared with another Amsterdam edition LIB-2239.2019. These last 4 pages contain portraits and eulogies of François Primatici and Jacques Barozzi de Vignole. Collation: 4to; [*]6, **8, A6 B-Fff4, lacking Ggg4, 118 plates (instead of 120) within a collation. Vol. 2: Pagination: 2 blank end-leaves, [2] – tome second h.t. / blank ; [2] – 2nd vol. t.p. in black and red with vignette similar to vol. 1, with book-label 'I. A. Aubert' / blank; [4] – advertissement; [2] – f.t. Theologiens / blank; [2] – noms theologiens / blank 1-501 [3] – table eloges, 1 blank end-leaf. Collation: 4to; [*]4, **2, A-Sss4, 159 plates within a collation. Binding: both volumes uniformly bound in full contemporary cream vellum with blind double fillet over boards, raised bands, compartments tooled in black, brown calf labels with gilt lettering to spine. Printed on laid paper, with tall "s", all margins sprinkled red; the size of each vol.: 32.2 x 20.5 x 4.7 cm. A full description of plates, as well as their images, presented in LIB-2676.2021.
Title: LA | BELLE ASSEMBLÉE | OR, | BELL'S | COURT AND FASHIONABLE | MAGAZINE, | ADDRESSED PARTICULARLY TO | THE LADIES. | VOL. XI.—NEW SERIES. | FROM JANUARY 1, TO JUNE 30, 1815. | LONDON: | Printed for J. BELL, GALLERY OF FINE ARTS, | Clare-Court, Drury-Lane. | 1815. || Pagination: [2] – 11th volume wood-engraved pictorial title page, [1, 2] – January faux-title and table of content, [3] 4-284 [2] – index to 11th vol. Notes: February f.t. not paginated, but within the collation; the last page of the index at the very end paginated [iii]/iv, so pages i/ii missing (the gathering Nn lacking one sheet) Collation: 4to; π1 A-Mm4 Nn3, 28 plates extraneous to collation (lacking 2 plates). Binding: Half brown morocco over marbled boards, flat spine, compartments gilt-ruled with double-fillet and gilt-lettered. Contents: Jan: pp. 1-48, 5 plates. Feb: pp. 51-96, 5 plates. Mar: pp. 97-144, 5 plates. Apr: pp. 145-192, 5 plates. May: pp. 193-240, 5 plates. Jun: pp. 241-284, 3 plates (lacking 2 colour prints). Fashion plates, two per issue, are hand-coloured copperplate engravings, unsigned. Stipple engraved portraits, one per issue as frontispiece: (1) Actress Catherine Stephens, Countess of Essex (British, 1794 – 1882) by James Hopwood the Elder [James Hopwood Senior] (British, c. 1740s/50s – 1819) after Sir George Hayter (British, 1792 – 1871); (2) Madame de Talleyrand, Princesse De Bénévent (Danish-French, 1761– 1834), unsigned, but can be attributed to François Gérard (French, 1770 – 1837); (3) Actress Miss Sarah Booth (1793 – 30 December 1867), unsigned; (4) Group portrait of the French Royal family (Louis XVI, Louis XVII, Marie Antoinette, Madam Elizabeth, Louis Antoine de Bourbon, Duke d'Enghien, and Marie Thérèse Louise of Savoy, Princesse de Lamballe), unsigned, (5) Actress, Miss Sarah Blanche Matthews (b.1794) by Thomas Burke (Irish, 1749 – 1815) after George Hayter. The sixth print, in the March issue, is a lithographic portrait of Napoléon Bonaparte (French, 1769 – 1821), unsigned.
Title (in black and red): АНРИ РОШФОР | ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЯ МОЕЙ ЖИЗНИ | ПЕРЕВОД, ВСТУПИТЕЛЬНАЯ | СТАТЬЯ И ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ | Е. СМИРНОВА | ACADEMIA | 1933 || Opposite title: ИНОСТРАННЫЕ МЕМУАРЫ, ДНЕВНИКИ, | ПИСЬМА И МАТЕРИАЛЫ | Под редакцией И. Т. Смилги ( whited-out) | АНРИ РОШФОР | 1831—1913 | ACADEMIA | МОСКВА — ЛЕНИНГРАД || Title verso: Henri Rochefort | Les Aventures de ma vie. | Переплет и суперобложка | по рисункам М. В. Ушакова-Поскочина. Pagination: [1, 2] – publisher’s device / blank, [3, 4] – opposite title, [5, 6] – t.p. / orig. title, 7-452 [453-460], ill. Collation: [1]-288 296 + 15 plates extraneous to collation. Binding: burgundy cloth ruled blind and stamped in gilt with a lantern to cover and lettering to spine, pictorial DJ; top margin red. Catalogue raisonné: Крылов, Е. В. Кичатова. "Academia" (2004): p. 237-8. Ушаков [Ушаков-Поскочин], Максим Владимирович (Russian, 1893 – 1943) – died in NKVD labor camp. Смилга, Ивар Тенисович (Latvian-Russian, 1892 – 1937) — shot dead by NKVD firing squad.
Title: L'ART | D'AIMER, | ET | POÉSIES DIVERSES | DE M. BERNARD. Pagination: [2] – t.p. / stanza by Voltaire; engraved t. p., frontispiece, [1] 2-170; pp. 1-61 – L'art d'aimer; pp. 62-111 – Phrosine et Mélidore; pp. 112-170 – Poésies diverses; illustrations. Collation: 8vo; π1 (letterpress t.p.), A-K8 L5; + 8 plates: (1)* engraved title page facing the stanza by Ch. Baquoy; (2) plate as a frontispiece by Ponce after Ch. Eisen, inscribed Chant I above the image, dated 1772, facing p. [1], chant 1er of l’art; (3)* Ch. Baquoy after P. Martini, inscribed Chant II below the image, facing p. 22, chant 2nd of l’art; (4) Ch. Baquoy after Eisen, inscribed Chant III above the image, facing p. 44, chant 3rd of l’art; (5)* Patas after P. Martini, inscribed Chant Ier below the image, dated 1775, facing p. 62, chant 1er of Phrosine; (6) Ch. Baquoy after Eisen, inscribed Chant II above the image, facing p. 74, chant 2nd of Phrosine; (7)* C. Gaucher after P. Martini, facing p. 84, chant 3rd of Phrosine; (8) Ch. Baquoy after Eisen, inscribed Chant IV above the image, facing p. 97, chant 4th of Phrosine; * – images additional to 1772 edition by Le Jay [LIB-2706.2021] (i.e. plates 1, 3, 5, and 7 are new). A counterfeit edition by an anonymous publisher. Binding: brown pebbled morocco, triple fillet gilt-ruled boards, raised bands, gilt in compartments, gilt label lettering to spine, marbled endpapers, AMG; printed on laid paper, with tall 's'. Catalogue raisonné: Cohen, De Richi (1912): p. 132: describes a counterfeit edition with 170 pages and 3 additional plates plus an engraved title. This seems to be a combination of Lejan [sic] Paris 1775 edition, which normally has 134 pages, 8vo, title engraved by Baquoy and three plates after Martini by Patas, Baquoy and Gaucher. Contributors: Nicolas Ponce (French, 1746 – 1831) – engraver. Jean Charles Baquoy (French, 1721 – 1777) – engraver. Jean-Baptiste Patas (French, 1748 – 1817) – engraver. Charles-Étienne Gaucher (French, 1740 – 1804) – engraver. Charles-Dominique-Joseph Eisen (French, 1720 – 1778) – artist. Pietro Antonio Martini (Italian, 1738 – 1797) – artist. Pierre-Joseph Bernard [Gentil-Bernard] (French, 1708 – 1775) – author of the text.
Front wrapper (in black and red in a red frame): ГОСУДАРСТВЕННАЯ ОРДЕНА ЛЕНИНА БИБЛИОТЕКА СССР | ИМЕНИ В. И. ЛЕНИНА — {СК} (white stylized letters on red background) | СВОДНЫЙ | КАТАЛОГ | РУССКОЙ | НЕЛЕГАЛЬНОЙ | И ЗАПРЕЩЕННОЙ | ПЕЧАТИ XIX ВЕКА | КНИГИ И ПЕРИОДИЧЕСКИЕ ИЗДАНИЯ | МОСКВА 1981 || Title page: ГОСУДАРСТВЕННАЯ ОРДЕНА ЛЕНИНА БИБЛИОТЕКА СССР| ИМЕНИ В. И. ЛЕНИНА | СВОДНЫЙ КАТАЛОГ | РУССКОЙ НЕЛЕГАЛЬНОЙ | И ЗАПРЕЩЕННОЙ ПЕЧАТИ | XIX ВЕКА | КНИГИ И ПЕРИОДИЧЕСКИЕ ИЗДАНИЯ | 2-Е ДОПОЛНЕННОЕ И ПЕРЕРАБОТАННОЕ ИЗДАНИЕ | Часть I. Книги. А–М (№ 1–1158). | МОСКВА 1981 || Publisher’s wrappers, 21.5 x 14.5 cm, lettering to front and spine; pagination: [2] – t.p. / imprint, 3-198 [2]; collation: 8vo; [1]-138. Print run 1,250 copies. Науч. ред.: Итенберг, Борис Самуилович (Russian, 1921 – 2016). «Сводный каталог русской нелегальной и запрещенной печати XIX века. Книги и периодические издания» состоит из трех частей: Часть 1. Книги А–М. (№ 1–1158) Часть 2. Книги Н–Я. Периодические издания (№ 1159–2576) [LIB-2660.2021] Часть 3-я. Приложения. Вспомогательные указатели. Список источников. [LIB-2661.2021]
Dust jacket (black lettering, sanguine vignettes over light blue) : {vignette} | P. M. HANDOVER | PRINTING | IN LONDON | from Caxton to | Modern Times | {vignette} || Title page: PRINTING IN LONDON | FROM 1476 TO MODERN TIMES | COMPETITIVE PRACTICE AND | TECHNICAL INVENTION | IN THE TRADE OF | BOOK AND BIBLE PRINTING | PERIODICAL PRODUCTION | JOBBING &C |—| P. M. HANDOVER | M.A. F.R.HIST.S. | HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS | CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS | 1960 || Pagination: [1, 2] – h.t. / blank ; frontispiece; [3, 4] – t.p. / imprint; [5, 6] – dedication / blank; [7] 8-224, inset: 7 sheets of plates between pp. 112-113 extraneous to collation, other illustrations in text; insert: invitation card "Publication date JUL 11 1960 Handover". Collation: 8vo; [A]8 B-O8. Binding: publisher’s blue cloth, red label to spine, silver lettering, DJ.
Binding: 25. 3 x 19.5 cm, light blue cloth, black labels with gilt lettering to cover and spine. Title: Dictionary of | Victorian | Wood Engravers | {fleuron} | Rodney K Engen | Chadwyck-Healey || Pagination: frontispiece; [i-iv] v-xxi [2] 3-297 [298]. Author’s signature dated 1987 to recto frontis.
Polina de Mauny [Vladimirova] (Russian-French, b. 1981). Dry pastel on black paper. Size: 30.5 x 23 cm.
Title: THE BOHEMIANS | OF | THE LATIN QUARTER. | (SCÈNES DE LA VIE DE BOHÊME.) | By HENRI MURGER. | ILLUSTRATED WITH 10 ETCHINGS FROM DESIGNS BY MONTADER. |{publisher’s device}| LONDON: | VIZETELLY & CO., 16, HENRIETTA STREET, | COVENT GARDEN. | 1888. || Pagination: [i-v] vi-xxxiv, [1] 2-317 [318 blank]; collation: 8vo, π1 (h.t.), [a]-b8, B-U8 X7 + 10 etchings by Charles Courtry after Alfred Montader (incl. frontispiece and portrait of Henri Murger). Binding: 23 x 14.5 cm, olive cloth, black lettering to cover and gilt lettering to spine. Contributors: Murger, Henri [Henry] (French, 1822 – 1861) – original text (French). Montader, Pierre Marie Alfred (French, fl. c. 1881 – 1925) – artist. Courtry, Charles Jean Louis (French, 1846 – 1897) – engraver. Vizetelly, Henry Richard (British, 1820 – 1894) – publisher.
Title: THE | FABLES OF ÆSOP, | AND OTHERS, | WITH DESIGNS ON WOOD, | BY | THOMAS BEWICK. | “The wisest of the Ancients delivered their Conceptions of the Deity, and their Lessons of Morality, in Fables and Parables.” | {vignette} | NEWCASTLE: | PRINTED BY E. WALKER, FOR T. BEWICK AND SON. | SOLD BY THEM, LONGMAN AND CO. LONDON, AND ALL BOOKSELLERS. | 1818. || Pagination: [2] – blank / receipt with thumbprint, [i, ii] – t.p. / blank, [iii] iv-xvi – introduction with “Auld Clouty” vignette, [xvii] xviii-xxiv – table of contents, [1] 2-376; 188 wood-engraved head-pieces to the fables and 136 other vignettes, tail-pieces, etc. Collation: demy 8vo( octavo in fours); π1 (receipt), a-c4, B-3B4; A and 2P2 unsigned. Binding: Original blue boards, rebacked, original spine laid down, with original paper spine label ("Demy Paper/Price 15 s."); wove paper, top edge trimmed, the others are not; round book-plate to front paste-down “TWM, The Whitehead Library”; in a clamshell case, also book-plated inside. Size: case: 24.2 x 16.2 cm; boards: 22.8 x 14.2 cm; 22 x 14 cm. Note from seller: First copy in boards to ever appear at auction. Edition: First edition (one of 1,000 copies printed in demy 8vo), with Bewick's thumbprint and signature in facsimile, “Demy” and “15” in manuscript on receipt (page facing title-page), variant A (with "Auld Clouty" wood-engraving at bottom of p. XVI, and with the last line in p. 248 reading "road of honour and honesty"). "According to Roscoe, demy 8vo copies were apparently the first to be issued". There is 1 copy at the University Library, Cambridge and 1 at Liverpool public libraries. Catalogue raisonné: Roscoe: pp. 155-165, 45c for Variant A [see LIB-2714.2021]; Hugo (I vol.): p. 261; Ray: p. 35; Steedman: №№ 99-104, pp. 34-35 (№ 103 for Variant A).
Title: A COMPLETE | COURSE OF LITHOGRAPHY: | CONTAINING | Clear and Explicit Instructions | IN ALL THE | DIFFERENT BRANCHES AND MANNERS OF THAT ART | ACCOMPANIED BY | ILLUSTRATIVE SPECIMENS OF DRAWINGS. | TO WHICH IS PREFIXED A | HISTORY OF LITHOGRAPHY, | FROM ITS ORIGIN TO THE PRESENT TIME. | By ALOIS SENEFELDER, | INVENTOR OF THE ART OF LITHOGRAPHY AND CHEMICAL PRINTING. | WITH | A PREFACE | By FREDERIC VON SCHLICHTEGROLL, |Director of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Munich. | TRANSLATED FROM THE ORIGINAL GERMAN, BY A.S. | London: | PRINTED FOR R. ACKERMANN, 101 STRAND. | 1819. || Pagination: [i-iii] iv-xxviii, [4] [1] 2-342. Collation: 4to; [a]-d4, B-2U4 2X2, +14 lithographed plates by Ackermann (incl. 1 folding, 1 colour frontispiece and 1 portrait of A. Senefelder); plates opposite to pp. [i], [1], 193, 198, 203, 228, 232 (fold.), 256, 258, 264, 269, 290, 302, and 305. Binding: By Anne Krawitz (Philadelphia, PA), 27.5 x 21 cm, modern full mottled calf, boards ruled in gilt, flat spine, compartments ruled in gilt, crimson label with gilt lettering to spine, printed on wove paper; round book-plate to front paste-down “TWM, The Whitehead Library”. Edition: 1st in English. Ref.: MET: Accession Number: Ref.20; RCT: RCIN 1195886; Contributors: Alois Senefelder (German, 1771 – 1834) – author of the original and translator. Friedrich Schlichtegroll (German, 1765 – 1822) – author of preface. William Clowes (British, 1779 – 1847) – printer. Rudolph Ackermann (German-British, 1764 – 1834) – publisher and lithographer. Samuel Prout (British, 1783 – 1852) Maximilian Joseph, King of Bavaria (German, 1756 –1825) – dedicatee.
Hardcover in blue cloth with gilt lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket, 25.5 x 19.5 cm, pp.: [1-4] 5-452, +12 colour plates; 576 b/w plates within the pagination.
Title: S. ROSCOE | THOMAS BEWICK | A BIBLIOGRAPHY RAISONNÉ | OF EDITIONS OF THE | GENERAL HISTORY OF QUADRUPEDS | THE HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS | AND THE | FABLES OF AESOP | ISSUED IN HIS LIFETIME | GEOFFREY CUMBERLEGE | OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS | LONDON NEW YORK TORONTO | 1953 || Pagination: [2], [i-iv] v-xxx, 1-198 [2]; collation: 8vo, [a]-b8, B-N8, O4, all plates within collation. Binding: 25.5 x 16.5 cm, tan cloth, black babel with gilt lettering, letterpress dust jacket. Contributors: Roscoe, Sydney – author. Cumberlege, Geoffrey Fenwick Jocelyn (British, 1891 – 1979) – publisher. Batey, Charles – printer
Volume 1: Land birds – 7th edition; Supplement: 1st edition. Title: A | HISTORY | OF | BRITISH BIRDS. | THE FIGURES ENGRAVED ON WOOD BY T. BEWICK. | VOL. I. | CONTAINING THE | HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION OF LAND BIRDS | — | AND | A SUPPLEMENT, WITH ADDITIONAL FIGURES. | — | NEWCASTLE: | PRINTED BY EDWARD WALKER, PILGRIM STREET, | FOR T. BEWICK : SOLD BY HIM, AND E. CHARNLEY, NEWCASTLE ; | AND LONGMAN AND CO. LONDON. | 1821. || Pagination: [2 blanks], [i, ii] – t.p. / blank, [iii] iv-xl, [43] 44-330, [2] – suppl. t.p. / blank, [1] 2-46 [47] – contents, [48] – advert., [2 blanks]. Collation: 8vo in fours; π1 A-C4 E3 F-2S4 π1 B-G4; I2, N2, and 2A2 unsigned. Woodcuts: 157 descriptions of birds, 140 figures of birds, 127 vignettes, tail-pieces, figures in text, etc. Volume 2: Water birds – 5th edition; Supplement: 1st edition. Title: A | HISTORY | OF | BRITISH BIRDS. | THE FIGURES ENGRAVED ON WOOD BY T. BEWICK. | VOL. II. | CONTAINING THE | HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION OF WATER BIRDS | — | AND | A SUPPLEMENT, WITH ADDITIONAL FIGURES. | — | NEWCASTLE: | PRINTED BY EDWARD WALKER, PILGRIM STREET, | FOR T. BEWICK : SOLD BY HIM, AND E. CHARNLEY, NEWCASTLE ; | AND LONGMAN AND CO. LONDON. | 1821. || Pagination: [2 blanks], [i, ii] – t.p. / blank, [iii] iv-xxii, [19] 20-360, [2] – suppl. t.p. / blank, [1] 2-43 [44] – contents, [1] 2-7 – addenda., [8] – imprint, [2 blanks]. Collation: 8vo in fours; π1 A-B4 *B2 C-2X4 2Y3 π1 B-F4 G2 [H]4; E2, F2, G2, 2G2, 2T2 and Suppl. G2 and Addenda unsigned. Woodcuts: 162 descriptions of birds, 125 figures of birds, 137 vignettes, tail-pieces, figures in text, etc. Both volumes: Size: 21.3 x 14 cm; page: 20.7 x 13.1 cm, demy. Binding: Green half-calf over marbled boards, blind-ruled raised bands with gilt ornament, crimson gilt-ruled and lettered labels to spine. For the first edition see: LIB-2614.2021 Catalogue raisonné: Hugo (1866): № (99) 94 –120 (108) / pp. 40-58; Roscoe (1953): № 24 a-c, 25 a-c, 26 a-c, 27 a-c, 28 / pp. 104 - 114.
Title: OLD DUTCH | POTTERY AND TILES | BY ELISABETH | NEURDENBURG | LITT. D., READER IN THE HISTORY OF ART AT | THE UNIVERSITY OF GRONINGEN. TRANSLATED | WITH ANNOTATIONS BY | Bernard Rackham | DEPUTY KEEPER, DEPARTMENT | OF CERAMICS, VICTORIA AND | ALBERT MUSEUM | […] | WITH ONE HUNDRED AND TWELVE | ILLUSTRATIONS OF WHICH NINE | ARE IN COLOUR | LONDON: BENN BROTHERS, LIMITED | 8 BOUVERIE STREET, E.C. 4 | 1923 || Verso to half-title: Of this book 100 copies only for sale have been printed on English | hand-made paper, bound in pigskin and signed by the Authoress | and Translator. These copies also contain an extra colour plate. | This in Number “7” (in manuscript) | Two signatures (ink, manuscript) || Pagination: [i, ii] – h.t. / tirage, [iii, iv] – t.p. / imprint, [v, vi] – dedication to Dr. A. Pit / blank, vii-xv [xvi blank] [1, 2] 3-155 [156 blank], frontispiece (colour) and 59 leaves of plates (9 colour) with 112 figures, with lettered protective sheets. Collation: 4to in 8th; [A]8 [B]8 C-K8 L6; frontis., +59 leaves of plates. Binding: 30 x 24 cm, Full dark brown pigskin with gilt ornament to front board and gilt lettering to spine; printed on thick wove paper, top edge gilt, others untrimmed. Contributors: Neurdenburg, Elisabeth (Dutch, 1882 – 1957) – author [autograph]. Rackham, Bernard (British, 1876 – 1964) – translator [autograph]. Brendon, William (British, 1845 – 1928) – printer. Mayflower Press (Plymouth), William Brendon & Son, Ltd. – printer Benn Brothers Ltd. (British company, 1880 – 1987) Benn, Sir John, 1st Baronet (British, 1850 – 1922)
Title: DER INSEL VERLAG | EINE BIBLIOGRAPHIE | 1899-1969 | […] Bearbeitet und herausgegeben | von Heinz Sarkowski | INSEL VERLAG || Pagination: [i-vi] vii-xiii [xiv] [2] 1-452. Binding: Blue cloth, black label with gilt lettering to spine, lettered and blind-stamped DJ.
Title: LUCRETIA BORGIA | THE CHRONICLE OF TEBALDEO TEBALDEI | – RENAISSANCE PERIOD – | BY ALGERNON CHARLES SWINBURNE | Commentary and Notes by | RANDOLPH HUGHES | Engravings by | REYNOLDS STONE | {vignette} | Printed and Published for the first time, by | The Golden Cockerel Press | 1942 || Pagination: ffl, [1, 2] – blank, [3, 4] – t.p. / dedication, [5, 6] – contents / stanza; 7-191 [192] – blank, [4], bfl. Collation: 4to in eights; [A]-M4 [L]2; 6 woodcut headpieces before each chapter, one repeated (7 total); two leaves in each sig., [A1] unsigned, M1 one leaf, the following two leaves signed M2, then follows signed M3 and the last two leaves (L2) unsigned. Edition (as per colophon): Numbered limited edition of 350, of which this is copy № 33. Binding: cream canvas, gilt-stamped with portrait in an oval ornamental frame to cover, gilt lettering and publisher’s device to spine, top edge gilt, fore and bottom edges untrimmed; by Sangorski and Sutcliffe (marked). Description: Printed and Published for the first time, by The Golden Cockerel Press, 1942, Numbered Limited Edition in full cream cloth binding bound by S. & S. [Sangorski and Sutcliffe] London, with gilt decoration to the centre of the front board. Copy No. 33. Commentary and notes by Randolph Hughes. Engravings by Reynolds Stone. Text partially in double columns, untrimmed edges. Printed by Christopher Sandford and Owen Rutter in Poliphilus Type (Based on the type used for the text of the 'Hypnerotomachia Poliphili' published in 1499 by Aldus Manutius) on specially water-marked Golden Cockerel paper made by Arnold & Foster. Preparation of the Edition was begun in January 1940 and finished in October 1942. 350 copies have been printed and the type has been distributed. Nos 1-30 are bound in full-bound white morocco and include a facsimile reproduction of the manuscript of one chapter of the text. Nos 31-350 are bound in canvas. Contributors: Swinburne, Algernon Charles (British, 1837 – 1909) – author Hughes, Randolph William (Australian, 1889 – 1955) – author Stone, Alan Reynolds (British, 1909 – 1979) – engraver The Golden Cockerel Press (Company, London, 1920 – 1961) – publisher/printer. Rutter, Edward Owen (British, 1889 – 1944) – printer. Sandford, Christopher (British, 1902 – 1983) – printer. Taylor, Harold (Hal) Midgley (1893 – 1925) – publisher/printer. Tebaldeo, Antonio (Italian, 1463–1537) – prototype. Borgia, Lucrezia (Spanish-Italian, 1480 – 1519) – heroine. Wilson, Sir Arnold Talbot (1884 – 1940) – dedicatee. Sangorski & Sutcliffe (Company, London, est. 1901) Sangorski, Francis (British, 1875 – 1912) Sutcliffe, George (British, 1878 – 1943).
Cover: Ch. Virmaitre | LES | VIRTUOSES | DU | TROTTOIR | {publisher’s device} | PARIS | P. LEBIGRE-DUQUESNE, ÉDITEUR | 16, RUE HAUTEFEUILLE, 16 | 1868 || Title: Similar. Imprint: De Rouge Frères, Dunon et Fresné (Paris). Pagination: [1-7] 8-161 [162], [2] – table, [2] – advert., [14]; 90 leaves total; publisher’s cream wrappers with red lettering in double frame. Collation: 12mo in 6th; [1]-136, 1412. Charles Virmaître (French, 1835 – 1903).
Three hardcover volumes 247 x 177 mm each, all uniformly bound in black cloth with white dust jackets lettered in black and colour, an autographed copy. [Vol. 1 – LIB-2734-1.2021]: Jean-Pierre Dutel. Bibliographie des ouvrages érotiques publiés clandestinement en français entre 1650 et 1880. — Paris: Chez l’Auteur, 2009. ISBN 978-2-9517742-2-3. DJ in black and green: JEAN-PIERRE DUTEL | BIBLIOGRAPHIE | DES | OUVRAGES ÉROTIQUES | PUBLIÉS CLANDESTINEMENT EN FRANÇAIS | ENTRE 1650 ET 1880 | {publisher’s device} | CHEZ L’AUTEUR | 16, RUE JACQUES-CALLOT 75006 PARIS | MMIX || Similar lettering to t.p., but all in black, pp: [1-6] 7-667 [668 blank] [2 table/blank] [2 colophon/blank]; author's fac-similé to title page. [Vol. 2 – LIB-2734-2.2021]: Jean-Pierre Dutel. Bibliographie des ouvrages érotiques publiés clandestinement en français entre 1880 et 1920. — Paris: Chez l’Auteur, 2002. ISBN 2-9517742-0-6. DJ in black and red: JEAN-PIERRE DUTEL | BIBLIOGRAPHIE | DES | OUVRAGES ÉROTIQUES | PUBLIÉS CLANDESTINEMENT EN FRANÇAIS | ENTRE 1880 ET 1920 | {publisher’s device} | CHEZ L’AUTEUR, | 16, RUE JACQUES-CALLOT 75006 PARIS | MMII || Similar lettering to t.p., but all in black, pp.: [1-6] 7-669 [670 blank] [8 blank notes] [2 colophon/blank]; author’s manuscript to half-title 'To Sergei Varshavsky from Jean-Pierre Dutel". [Vol. 3 – LIB-2734-3.2021]: Jean-Pierre Dutel. Bibliographie des ouvrages érotiques publiés clandestinement en français entre 1920 et 1970. — Paris: Chez l’Auteur, 2005. ISBN 2-9517742-1-4. DJ in black and blue: JEAN-PIERRE DUTEL | BIBLIOGRAPHIE | DES | OUVRAGES ÉROTIQUES | PUBLIÉS CLANDESTINEMENT EN FRANÇAIS | ENTRE 1920 ET 1970 | {publisher’s device} | J-P DUTEL, LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR | 16, RUE JACQUES-CALLOT 75006 PARIS | MMV || Similar lettering to t.p., but all in black, pp.: [1-8] 9-891 [892 blank] [2 acknowl./blank] [2 colophon/blank]; author's fac-similé to title page. See also LIB-2996.2022 – Jean-Pierre Dutel. Bibliographie des ouvrages érotiques publiés clandestinement en français entre 1650 et 1970 (Supplément). — Paris: J.-P. Dutel, 2021. ISBN 978-2-9517742-4-7.
Title: THE IDEALS OF THE EAST | WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE | TO THE ART OF JAPAN | BY KAKASU OKAKURA | LONDON | JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET | 1903 || Collation: 8vo; ffl, [2] (t.p., prep. note) [a]4 b4, A-P8 Q4. Pagination: ffl, [I, ii] – h.t. / blank, [iii, iv] – t.p. / blank, [v, vi] – preparatory note / blank, vii-xxii, [1] 2-244, [1] 2-4 (Works for art lovers). Binding: Burgundy cloth, red flowers and lettering to cover, gilt lettering to spine. Size: 19.5 x 13 cm Contributors: Author: Okakura Kakuzō [岡倉 覚三] (1863 – 1913). Publisher: Murray, Sir John IV (1851–1928); John Murray (publishing house). Printer: Ballantyne, Hanson & Co., Edinburgh, London.
Title: THE SLEEPING | BEAUTY | TOLD BY C S EVANS | AND ILLUSTRATED BY | ARTHUR RACKHAM | LONDON WILLIAM HEINEMANN | PHILADELPHIA J B LIPPINCOTT Co || T.p. verso: LONDON WILLIAM HEINEMANN, 1920. Pagination: [1, 2] – h.t. / advert., [3, 4] – “WH” publisher’s device / frontis., [5, 6] – pictorial t.p. / publisher, year, [7, 8] – silhouette girls / Briar rose w/pasted offset ill., [9] 10-110 [2] – imprint / blank]. Collation: 8vo; B-G8, 3 double-leaf 3-colour woodcut illustrations extraneous to collation, in-text woodcuts. Illustrations: 25 full-page silhouettes, comprising 9 in colour (frontispiece and 4 double plates)--and 16 in black (including 4 double illustrations); one mounted coloured plate; silhouette head- and tailpieces and other silhouettes throughout the text, in black. Binding: Quarter cloth with black lettering, pictorial boards, pictorial endpapers. Size: 26 x 19.5. 1st edition. Inscription to h.t.: "To Dear Julia, Xmas 1947."
Cover: QUELQUES MÉMOIRES | DE | CASANOVA | Aquarelles originales de Rojankowski (pasted) | {fleuron} | PARIS | — | Javal et Bourdeaux | 1932 || Title: QUELQUES | MÉMOIRES | de | CASANOVA | DE SEINGALT | ÉCRITS PAR LUI-MÊME | — | {fleuron} | PARIS | — | Javal et Bourdeaux | 44 bis, Rue de Villejust || Pagination: ffl [4] – t.p. / blank, h.t. with pasted crayon illustr. / Exemplaire № 660, [1] 2-307 [308 blank] bfl, 10 original watercolours (with glassine paper guards) by Feodor Rojankovsky, extraneous to collation. Binding: Softcover, publisher’s grey wrappers with black and red lettering to front cover and spine; in grey canvas over cardboard folder with purple cloth gilt-lettered spine; grey canvas over cardboard slipcase. Catalogue Raisonné: Not in J.-P. Dutel (his catalogue contains only clandestine editions). Comment by J.-P. Dutel: In this copy of the edition, 20 illustrations by Auguste Leroux were cancelled and replaced with 10 original watercolours by Feodor Rojankovsky. Only one such copy exists.
Cover: La Conspiration Juive contre les Peuples | « Protocols » | Procès-verbaux de réunions secrètes | des | SAGES D'ISRAËL | ÉDITION DE | “La Vieille-France” | 1920 | 5Rue du Pré-aux-Clercs, 5 | PARIS (7e) || Title: « Protocols » | Procès-verbaux de réunions secrètes | des | SAGES D'ISRAËL | ÉDITION DE | “La Vieille-France” | 1920 | 5Rue du Pré-aux-Clercs, 5 | PARIS (7e) || Pagination: [1, 2] – t.p. / blank, 3-141 [142 blank] [2] – table / blank. Pp.: 1-11 – Introduction; 13-82 – Protocols; 97-141 – Le Bolchevisme, c’est les Juifs. Collation : 8vo; [1]8 2-98. Binding: Publisher’s blue black-lettered wrappers, lettered spine. Printer: Imprimerie Chantenay (Paris). The French translation of "Протоколы синоских мудрецов" written in Russian by Сергей Нилус (Sergei Nilus, 1862 – 1929) was published in “La Vieille-France” by Urbain Gohier (1862 – 1951). Inside front wrapper: "Brave French! Please note that the format of this book allows you to hide it in your pockets. Your Jewish masters strictly forbid you to read it. Its existence is hidden in every possible way by the Jewish-controlled press. But fear not! While carefully hiding it, read carefully about what your Jewish masters forbid the newspapers to tell you. And you will understand – who and how will take your homeland away from you."
Cover: Вадим Скуратовский | ПРОБЛЕМА АВТОРСТВА | "ПРОТОКОЛОВ | СИОНСКИХ МУДРЕЦОВ" | Дух і літера || Title page: Logo in the upper-left corner: «Ю» БIБЛIОТЕКА | IНСТИТУТУ | ЮДАЇКИ | text in the middle: Вадим Скуратовский | ПРОБЛЕМА АВТОРСТВА | "ПРОТОКОЛОВ | СИОНСКИХ МУДРЕЦОВ" | Киев | 2001 || Pagination: [1-3] 4-241 [242 advert.] Text in Russian. Ukrainian title: Вадим Скуратiвський. Проблема авторства "Протоколiв сiонських старшин" // Київ: "Дух і літера", 2001.