• One hardcover volume, 30.2 x 25.3 cm, in red cloth blind stamped to front and spine with lettering, in pictorial dust jacket; pp.: [1-4] 5-359 [360], total 180 leaves, profusely illustrated. Subject: Japan; Theatre; Kabuki theatre; Kabuki actors; Woodblock prints. Contributors: Arendie Herwig (Dutch, fl. 2002 – 2016); Henk Herwig (Dutch, fl. 2002 – 2017).
  • Description: Hardcover, 20.5 x 16 cm, contemporary binding, ¾ calf with raised bands over marbled boards in a marbled slipcase, marbled endpapers, original wrappers preserved, t.e.g., gilt lettering to spine. Content: Scapin Maquereau, drame en un acte par M. Albert Glatigny; La grisette et l’étudiant, pièce en un acte par M. Henry Monnier; Le bout de l’an de la noce, parodie du bout de l’an de l’amour de M. Théodore Barrière par MM. Lemercier de Neuville et J. du Boys; Un caprice par Lemercier de Neuville; Les jeux de l’amour et du bazar, comédie de mœurs en un acte par Lemercier de Neuville. Title-page: LE THÉATRE ÉROTIQUE | DE LA RUE DE LA SANTE | {vignette} | PARIS | — | 1932 || Collation: 2 blanks, original front wrapper with blue lettering «LE THÉATRE ÉROTIQUE | DE LA RUE DE LA SANTE», [1]4 (2 blanks, frontis., h.t. / limitation), [2]4 (t.p., f.t.p., 2 leaves of text), 3-184 (incl. 2 blanks), original back wrapper, original spine, 2 blanks; 5 full-page illustrations within collation, 5 original drawings extraneous to collation. Pagination: [4] [1-8] 9-135 [136] [4], ils. Limitation: 20 copies on Japon and 250 copies on Vélin, this is copy № 12. Edition: 1st edition thus, illustrated with 20 stencil-coloured (au pochoir) photogravures, 5 of them full-page after Feodor Rojankovsky [Rojan], enriched with 5 full-page original crayon drawings by the same artist. Provenance: Stamp with J.-P. Dutel device to 1st blank leaf. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970): 2498, p. 385; Nordmann/Christie’s (2) 515, p. 251 Contributors: Feodor Rojankovsky [Rojan, Фёдор Степанович Рожанковский] (Russian-American, 1891 – 1970) – artist. Joseph Albert Alexandre Glatigny (French, 1839 – 1873) – author. Henry-Bonaventure Monnier (French, 1799 – 1877) – author. Théodore Barrière (French, 1823 – 1877) – author. Louis Lemercier de Neuville [La Haudussière, Louis Lemercier] (French, 1830 – 1918) – author. Jean Charles Duboys [Du Boys] (French, 1836 – 1873) – author. Original crayon drawings by Rojan:
      Colour prints after Rojan's drawings:
  • Title-page: E. CRESSON |—| CENT JOURS DE SIÈGE | A LA | PRÉFECTURE DE POLICE | 2 NOVEMBRE 1870 — 11 FÉVRIER 1871 | {publisher’s device} | PARIS | LIBRAIRIE PLON | PLON-NOURRIT ET Cie, IMPRIMEURS-ÉDITEURS | RUE GARANCIÈRE, 8 | 1901 | Tous droits réservés || Description: 8vo, 22 x 14.5 cm, quarter brown calf over marbled boards, flat spine with gilt fillets, gilt lettering, marbled endpapers; inscriptions to t.p.: 2117 A | Ba V –1 1bis 3; ink stamps to t.p.: (1) « LÉGION DE LA GARDE REPUBLICAINE | BIBLIOTÈQUE | des Sous-Officiers | Brigadiers et Gardes | DE L’INFANTERIA | NAPOLEON » ; (2) « LÉGION DE LA GARDE REPUBLICAINE | BIBLIOTÈQUE | DE LA CASERNE | DU | PRINCE-EUGÈNE | (hand) XIII | XX—86 » Collation: 8vo; π6 1-248 252, total 200 leaves. Pagination: [2] [i-v] vi-x, [1] 2-385 [3], total 400 pages. BNF: ark:/12148/bpt6k4936n Author: Ernest Cresson (French, 1824 – 1902)
  • Description: Softcover, 28.5 x 19.5 cm, printed on laid paper watermarked “VAN GELDER ZONEN”, publisher’s original flapped cream wrappers, bookplate of J.-P. Dutel to first blank leaf, 17 leaves within the wrappers, unpaginated, plus three anonymous gouache plates, frontispiece watercolour to h.t. verso, watercolour vignette and ribbons to t.p., attributed by J.-P. Dutel to Jean Laprade (not found). Front wrapper (no vignette): VERS LIBRES | par | RAYMOND RADIGUET | Champigny | Au Panier Fleuri || Half-title: VERS LIBRES (no vignette) Half-title verso: watercolour vignette, lettered in script at the bottom: “Au ciel des Plages | Virginie….” Title-page (red and black): {ribbon} | VERS LIBRES | par | RAYMOND RADIGUET | {vignette} | Champigny | Au Panier Fleuri | {ribbon} || Edition: Limited edition of 125 copies, of which this is copy № 125. The first edition illustrated by Rojan (Feodor Rojankovsky) [LIB-2830.2021] did not state the paper maker, however, the paper is watermarked Arches. This copy is unique, lacking Rojan’s illustrations and enriched with watercolours and gouaches by anonymous artists. Later edition (1937) in this collection: LIB-2827.2021. Contributors: Raymond Radiguet (French, 1903 –  1923) – author. Description by the seller: RADIGUET Raymond. VERS LIBRES. Champigny. Au Panier Fleuri. [Paris, ca 1935]. In-8 broché. Première édition illustrée de 28 superbes compositions en couleurs par Feodor Rojankovsky dit Rojan. Tirage : 125 ex. sur vélin d’Arches. UN DES 125 EXEMPLAIRES SUR VÉLIN D’ARCHES. Exemplaire unique orné de 2 aquarelles originales dans le texte, non signées mais de Jean Laprade et enrichi de 3 gouaches anonymes hors-texte.
    1935 Rojan 1935 Anonym
  • Artist: Veronica Miller attributes the drawing to Utagawa Sadahide [歌川 貞秀] (Japanese, 1807 – 1879), also known as Gountei Sadahide [五雲亭 貞秀]. A preparatory drawing for a fan print depicts two women raking pine needles along the scenic beach at Harima. Inscription at top right "Maiko Beach in Harima" (Harima Maiko no Hama) [播磨 舞子濱], which is now located in Hyōgo Prefecture. The view must be of the Akashi Strait, looking towards Awaji Island. Drawn on thin hanshita paper, mounted lightly at the top to a backing paper, but unbacked. Size: 240 x 319 mm. Attribution to Sadahide based on his design titled "Suma Bay: Matsukaze and Murasame" (see below): See also Maiko Beach, Harima Province, from the series Views of Famous Places in the Sixty-Odd Provinces    
  • Hardcover volume, 35 x 26.8 cm, bound in grey cloth, blind stamped characters to front, brown characters to spine, in a double slipcase, the outer case pictorial paper over cardboard, 36 x 28.2 cm, pp.: [4] [1] 2-144 (plates with photographs of 332 items), [2] 147-182 [4]. 鍋島 – Nabeshima – book title. 日本の陶磁 – Japanese ceramics, series title. Contributors: Yasunari Kawabata [川端 康成] (Japanese, 1924 – 1972) – author. Tetsuzo Tanikawa [谷川 徹三] (Japanese, 1895 – 1989) – author. Seizo Hayashiya [林屋晴三] (Japanese, 1928 – 2017) – editor. Chūōkōron-sha [中央公論社] – publisher.
  • Owner’s quarter cloth over faux marbled paper binding, 19.8 x 15.1 cm, pp.: [1-4] 5-227 [3], total 230 pages plus frontispiece (b/w photographic portrait w/facsimile); library blue ink stamp to t.p. “Библиотека средней политехнической школы № 76 г. Харькова Октябрьского района Инв. № ___». Title-page: ДИТЯЧА БIБЛIОТЕКА УКРАЇНСЬКИХ ПИСЬМЕННИКIВ | За редакцiєю В. АРНАУТОВА та О. ПОПОВА | — | ВИБРАНI ТВОРИ | Упорядкував С. МIЗЕРНИЦЬКИЙ | Державний Науково-Методологiчний Комитет | Наркомосвiти УСРР по секциï сицiяльного | виховання дозволив до вжитку як допомiчний | посiбник в книгозбiрнях установ соцвиху | ДЕРЖАВНЕ ВИДАВНИЦТВО УКРАЇНИ | 1928 || Contents: Передмова, Викуп, Паньска воля (Горпина), Козачка, Ледащиця, Чумак, Не до пари, Тюлева баба, Кармелюк, Гайдамаки. Print run: 5,000 copies. Contributors: Марко Вовчок [Marko Vovchok; Марія Олександрівна Вілінська] (Ukrainian, 1833 – 1907) – author. Other variants: Markowovzok and Marko Vovtchok.  
  • Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 440 x 285 mm; black ink stamp “5049” to reverse. Top left: "AMIRAL"; right: "349". Below: "Imagerie de DIDION, à Metz, DELHALT Successeur." — "Déposé." Paulin Didion (French, 1831 – 1879) – publisher/printer.
  • The Colophon, A Book Collectors' Quarterly

    1. The colophon (new series): A quarterly for bookmen / Summer 1935, № 1, vol. 1. — NY: Pynson Printers, 1935. Hardcover, 24 x 16 cm, paper boards, serial pictorial design; pp: [4 blanks] [6] 7-159 [160] [4 blanks]. THE | COLOPHON | new series | A QUARTERLY FOR BOOKMEN | {woodcut vignette} | — | SUMMER 1935 | VOLUME I • NEW SERIES • NUMBER 1 | NEW YORK, N. Y. ||
    2. The colophon (new series): A quarterly for bookmen / Autumn 1935, № 2, vol. 1. — NY: Pynson Printers, 1935. (2 copies). Hardcover, 24 x 16 cm, paper boards, serial pictorial design; pp: [4 blanks] [6] 167-315 [315] [4 blanks]. THE | COLOPHON | new series | A QUARTERLY FOR BOOKMEN | {woodcut vignette} | — | AUTUMN 1935 | VOLUME I • NEW SERIES • NUMBER 2 | NEW YORK ||
    3. The colophon (new series): A quarterly for bookmen / Autumn 1936, № 1, vol. 2. — NY: Pynson Printers, 1936. Hardcover, 24 x 16 cm, cloth serial design; pp: [4 blanks] [6] 7-157 [158] [4 blanks]. THE | COLOPHON | new series | A QUARTERLY FOR BOOKMEN | {woodcut vignette} | — | AUTUMN 1936 | VOLUME II • NEW SERIES • NUMBER 1 | NEW YORK ||
    4. The colophon (new series): A quarterly for bookmen / Winter 1936, № 3, vol. 1. — NY: Pynson Printers, 1936. (2 copies) Hardcover, 24 x 16 cm, paper boards, serial pictorial design; pp: [4 blanks] [6] 323-480 [4 blanks]. THE | COLOPHON | new series | A QUARTERLY FOR BOOKMEN | {woodcut vignette} | — | WINTER 1936 | VOLUME I • NEW SERIES • NUMBER 3 | NEW YORK ||
    5. The colophon (new series): A quarterly for bookmen / Autumn 1937, № 4, vol. 2. — NY: Pynson Printers, 1937. Hardcover, 24 x 16 cm, cloth serial design; pp: [4 blanks] [6] 487-628 [4 blanks]. THE | COLOPHON | new series | A QUARTERLY FOR BOOKMEN | {woodcut vignette} | — | AUTUMN 1937 | VOLUME II • NEW SERIES • NUMBER 4 | NEW YORK ||
    6. The colophon (new series): A quarterly for bookmen / Summer 1938, № 3, vol. 3. — NY: Pynson Printers, 1938. Hardcover, 24 x 16 cm, cloth new serial design; pp: [4 blanks] [6] 335-476 [4 blanks]. THE | COLOPHON | new series | A QUARTERLY FOR BOOKMEN | {woodcut vignette} | — | SUMMER 1938 | VOLUME III • NEW SERIES • NUMBER 3 | NEW YORK ||
    7. The colophon (new series): A quarterly for bookmen / Autumn 1938, № 4, vol. 3. — NY: Pynson Printers, 1938. Hardcover, 24 x 16 cm, cloth new serial design; pp: [4 blanks] [6] 483-632 [4 blanks]. THE | COLOPHON | new series | A QUARTERLY FOR BOOKMEN | {woodcut vignette} | — | AUTUMN 1938 | VOLUME III • NEW SERIES • NUMBER 4 | NEW YORK ||  
  • Title (black and red): ДЖЕЙМС МАКФЕРСОН | ПОЭМЫ ОССИАНА | {device} | ИЗДАНИЕ ПОДГОТОВИЛ | Ю. Д. ЛЕВИН | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО «НАУКА» | ЛЕНИНГРАДСКОЕ ОТДЕЛЕНИЕ | ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1983 || Title verso: РЕДАКЦИОННАЯ КОЛЛЕГИЯ СЕРИИ | «ЛИТЕРАТУРНЫЕ ПАМЯТНИКИ» | (list of names) | Ответственный редактор | академик М. П. АЛЕКСЕЕВ (in frame) | Редактор перевода | Э. Л. ЛИНЕЦКАЯ. Frontispiece (black and red): JAMES MACPHERSON | THE POEMS OF OSSIAN | {device} || Print run: 30,000 copies. Collation: 8vo; [1]8 2-378. Pagination: [1, 2] – serial h.t. / frontis.] [3, 4] – t.p. / editorial board] [portrait / blank] [5, 6] – original t.p. fac-simile / text, 7–589 [590] – imprint, [2] – advert.; 3 leaves of plates. Binding: serial green buckram blind-stamped with a scroll adorned with gold lettering to board and spine. Джеймс Макферсон. Поэмы Оссиана. Ю. Д. Левин. Э. Л. Линецкая.  
  • Engraved title page: ILLUSTRATION | OF | TIME. | GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. | "THERE IS A TIME FOR ALL THINGS". | TEMPUS EDAX RERUM. | LONDON | Published May 1st 1827 by the Artist - 22 Myddelton Terrace Pentonville. - Sold by Js. Robins & Co. Ivy Lane Paternoster Row.

    Oblong folio, 33.5 x 44 cm. Engraved vignette title page and six not-coloured engraved plates with multiple images showing thirty-five humorous scenes.

    First edition, first issue. Uncoloured. Pristine condition.

    Half-leather bound in marbled cardboard and red morocco and gild lettering and arabesque. Frontispiece and 6 plates with protective tissues.


    1. Time-Called & Time-Come (five sketches)

    2. Behind Time (seven sketches)

    3. Time Thrown Away (six sketches)

    4. Hard Times [&] Term Time (five sketches)

    5. Time Badly Employed (five sketches)

    6. Christmas Time (seven sketches)

    British Museum № 1978,U.3026.1. BM description: "Frontispiece, the title on a background of symmetrical but dilapidated and grass-grown masonry. On the summit stands a little laughing gnome, with a wide hat and a body formed of an hour-glass; Inset is an oval bordered by a serpent with its tail in its mouth (emblem of eternity), in which is an aged and all-devouring Time (bald except for a forelock), seated behind a table whose surface is the base of the design. He puts to his mouth a fork on which is speared an elephant with a castle on its back containing tiny figures with spears. In his r. hand is a spoon containing a country church. His table is covered with dishes, and at his r. hand is a sickle. The central and biggest dish is heaped with a jumble of tiny objects: crown, table, chair, wheelbarrow, picture; round the room sit little figures: a soldier, parson, lady and child, &c. The ten other dishes contain: an antique glass coach with horses and footmen; an overladen camel beside a palm-tree; ruins of a castle; a farmhouse; a shepherd and sheep; a dismantled cannon and balls, cattle, a man-of-war in full sail; a ruinous Gothic cathedral; a clump of trees (the last two are dominated by a large decanter). Below Time are two (Egyptian) pyramids. Above: 'There Is A Time For All Things'; below: 'Tempus Edax Rerum'. 1 May 1827. Etching."
    • Reid, G W, A descriptive catalogue of the works of George Cruikshank, London, 1871.
    • Stephens, Frederic George; George, Mary Dorothy, Catalogue of Political and Personal Satires in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum, 11 vols, London, BMP, 1870.
    • Cohn, A M, George Cruikshank, catalogue raisonné, London, 1924.
  • Title: Emblemata | Florentii Schoon~ | hovii I. C. Goudani, | Partim moralia | partim etiam Civilia. | Cum latiori eorundem ejusdem | Auctoris interpretatione. | Accedunt et alia quædam | Poëmatia in alijs Poëma | tum suorum libris non | contenta. | Amstelodami. | Apud | Joannem Janßonium •1635• Size: 20 x15.5 cm, small 4to Edition: 3rd edition (the first two editions being by Burier, Gouda, 1618 and by Elzevir, Leiden, 1626. Collation: ¶/*6, A-Z4, Aa-Ff4, Gg2. Pagination: [2] - enrgaved t.p. / blank, [6] - dedication, [2] - lectori benevolo, [2] - in commend. / frontis. engraved portrait of  Gerardus Traudenius – academic/intellectual; author/poet (Dutch, fl. 1615 – 1623), 1-235. Illustrated with engraved title, portrait of dedicatee, and 74 engraved emblems by Crispijn van de Passe the Younger (1594/5 – 1670). Binding: bound in full contemporary Dutch blind-stamped parchment over thin boards, laced case construction, inked title to spine, no flyleaves, signature washed from the title, the blank margin of title trimmed away at head, slight marginal water stain to the first signature, front bottom board corner bumped.  
  • Front cover: ЦЕНТРАРХИВ | [—] | ЦАРСКАЯ ДИПЛОМАТИЯ | И | ПАРИЖСКАЯ КОММУНА | 1871 года | [blank space] [publisher's device] | ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ СОЦИАЛЬНО-ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | МОСКВА 1933 ЛЕНИНГРАД || Title: ЦЕНТРАРХИВ | [—] | ЦАРСКАЯ ДИПЛОМАТИЯ | И | ПАРИЖСКАЯ КОММУНА | 1871 года | ПОД РЕДАКЦИЕЙ И С ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕМ | Ц. ФРИДЛЯНДА | [blank space] [publisher's device] | ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ СОЦИАЛЬНО-ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | МОСКВА 1933 ЛЕНИНГРАД || [Центральное архивное управление при ВЦИК РСФСР]. Pagination: [2] 3-238 [2]. Softcover, editor's wrappers, lettering to covers and spine. 23 x 15 cm; Printrun (Тираж): 2000 экз.
  • Front publisher’s yellow wrapper, in a double frame: SEMPRONIUS | HISTOIRE | DE LA | COMMUNE DE PARIS | EN 1871 | La période impériale. – La Révolution du 4 Septembre. – Le | gouvernement de la Défense nationale. – Le Parti républicain | et le Parti socialiste. – L'Association internationale des | travailleurs. – Menées du parti socialiste. – La Commune en 1793. – Le 31 octobre et le 22 janvier. – La Capitulation de | Paris. – Le 18 mars. – L'Assassinat des généraux Clément | Thomas et Lecomte. – Le Comité central de la Garde nationale. | – La Commune ; – Ses Agissement. – Son Budget. – La | Terreur. – Insolence des Fédérés. – Les journaux. – Les Otages. | – Les Opérations militaires. – Les Fusillades. – Les Vols. – Les | Barricades. – Les Incendies. – Documents officiels de la Commune. | TROISIÈME ÉDITION | PARIS, DECEMBRE - ALONNIER, LIBRAIRE-ÉDITEUR | 20 RUE SEGUR, 20 | PRÉS DE LA PLACE SAINT-ANDR -DES-ARTS || Title page: similar to the cover with no frame. Pagination: front wrapper, [2] – h.t. / imprint., [2] – t.p. / blank, [i] – table de matières, vi (i.e. ii), vii (i.e. iii), iii (i.e. iv), [1] 2-267 [268 blank], [1] 2-12 – publisher's advert., back wrapper. Collation : 18mo ; π4, 1-1518, ß6. Binding: 18.5 x 12 cm; softcover; original yellow wrappers, black lettering to covers and spine; almost disbound. Réferences: Le Quillec (1997): 2324; University of Sussex > Paris Commune Collection. Author of the book: "SEMPRONIUS" was in reality two men: Moget, Charles Octave [Féré, Octave] (French, 1815 – 1875) and Décembre, Joseph [Décembre-Allonier] (French, 1836 – 1906).
  • Title: Some English Books | with Coloured Plates | Their Points Collations & Values | Art Sport Caricature | Topography & Travel | First half of the Nineteenth Century | by R. V. Tooley | […] | LONDON | INGPEN & GRANT | 1935 || Pagination: [i-vi] vii-viii, [1] 2-288, Collation: 8vo, π3 A-S8. Size: 26.3 x 20.3 cm Binding: Hardcover, brown polished cloth, bevelled boards, gilt lettering to spine, TMG, other untrimmed.
  • Title: Japanese Art Signatures | A Handbook and Practical Guide | James Self and Nobiko Hirose | {publisher’s device} FLOATING | WORLD | EDITIONS || Pp.: [2] 3-399 [400]. 1st Floating World edition, 2003, 3rd printing, 2011. 1st edition in 1987 by Bamboo Publishing, Ltd. by Charles E. Tuttle Company, Rutland and Tokyo. Binding: Original blue wrappers with white lettering to both covers and spine, in yellow frames.
  • Cover: CH. VIRMAÎTRE | PARIS OUBLIÉ — PARIS | E. DENTU, ÉDITEUR || Title page: CHARLES VIRMAÎTRE | PARIS OUBLIÉ | {publisher’s device} | PARIS | E. DENTU, ÉDITEUR | LIBRAIRE DE LA SOCIÉTÉ DES GENTES DE LETTRES | PALAIS-ROYAL, 15-17-19, GALERIE D’ORLÉANS | 1886 | Tous droits réservés. || Pagination: publisher’s pictorial wrapper, ffl, [2] – t.p. / blank, 1-327 [328 blank], bfl, publisher’s advert. to back wrapper.
  • THE | POETICAL | WORKS | OF | Mr. John Milton. | Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, | Sampson Agonistes, and his Poems | on several Occasions. | TOGETHER WITH | Explanatory NOTES on each Book of the | PARADISE LOST, and a TABLE | never before Printed. | LONDON: | Printed for Jacob Tonson, at Judges-Head near Inner-Temple-| Gate in Fleet – street , M DC XC V. || Pagination: [6] 1-343 [5] 1-66 [4] 1-57 [5] 1-60 [2] 321 [1], frontispiece and 12 plates, one before each book of Paradise Lost. Collation: 4to, folio; blank leaf, π3 B2, C-Z4, Aa-Yy4, A-H4 I2, [A]-D2 †D2 E-Q2 [A]1 B-Z2 Aa-Zz2 Aaa-Zzz2 Aaaa-Mmmm2 [N]1, 2 blank leaves, + frontis. portrait and 12 plates extraneous to collation. Plates: Portrait of John Milton (British, 1608 – 1674) engraved by Robert White (British, 1645 – 1703) after William Faithorne (British, 1616 – 1691) 11 plates engraved by Michael Burghers (Dutch, c. 1640 – c. 1723) after John Baptiste de Medina (Flemish, 1659 –1710); 1 plate (for Book IV) engraved by Peter-Paul Bouché (Dutch, 1646 – c. 1697) after Bernard Lens (British, 1659 – 1725). Binding: Folio, bound in full contemporary English panelled and speckled calf, tooled in blind, re-backed, corners repaired, the lines in Paradise Lost numbered; title pages of Paradise Regain'd and Samson Agonistes dated 1695; without a list of subscribers after the general title; with the Table for Paradise Lost; printed on laid paper, with tall "s", margins sprayed red. Provenance: near-contemporary ex libris of Sarah Bugg inside front board; along with that of Sam Bontham, 1726; later owned by forger Osborne Charles Vyse Aldis (1843 – 1916), with his signature on general title, with a nine-line note in his hand and initialled on page 343. Catalogue raisonné: Gordon N. Ray, Illustrated book in England (1976): p. 3. Ref: National Gallery of Art Contributors: Bouché, Peter-Paul (Dutch, 1646 – c. 1697) Burghers, Michael (Dutch, c. 1640 – c. 1723) Faithorne, William (British, 1616 – 1691) Lens, Bernard (British, 1659 – 1725) Medina, John Baptiste de (Flemish, 1659 – 1710) Milton, John (British, 1608 –  1674) Tonson, Jacob, the Elder (British, 1655 – 1736) White, Robert (British, 1645 – 1703)