Softcover, 24 x 16.5 cm, publisher's pictorial wrappers, lettering to spine, pp.: [6] 7-224. Full reproduction of Katsushika Hokusai's [葛飾 北斎] (Japanese, 1760 – 1849) series of three illustrated books [絵本, e-hon] One Hundred Views of Mount Fuji [富嶽百景, Fugaku hyakkei], published in Japan in 1834-1849, with commentaries.
NEWSoftcover volume 250 x 190 mm in publisher’s French flapped wrappers in glassine jacket, marbled with red lettering, in a double slipcase 257 x 196 mm with printed imitation of toile de Jouy; printed on watermarked BFK Rives paper, outer and lower margins untrimmed, unbound, folded quires in 4to, pp.: [1-6] 7-116 [4], leaves in the wrappers not counted, plus 12 plates – coloured etchings by Suzanne Ballivet – within collation; tissue guards laid in. Title-page (red and black): HONORÉ - GABRIEL RIQUETTI | COMTE DE MIRABEAU | le rideau levé | ou | L'EDUCATION | de | LAURE | {fleuron} | AUX ÉDITIONS DU PRIAPE D'ARGENT | — | AVEC PRIVILEGE DU ROY || Colophon: LA PREMIÈRE PARTIE DU RIDEAU LEVÉ, | A ÉTÉ ACHEVÉE D'IMPRIMER EN MARS | 1794, SUR LES PRESSES DE MAITRE BRUTUS | NICAISE, A VERSAILLES. | DANS LA SECONDE PARTIE DE CET OU- | VRAGE, TIRÉE TRÈS PROCHAINEMENT LE | LECTEUR RETROUVERA LAURE, LA JEUNE | HEROINE DE CE RECIT, QUI, EN UN LAN- | GAGE DÉNUÉ DE CETTE FAUSSE PUDEUR, | CHERE AUX HYPOCRITES, CONTERA LES | PRÉMICES DE SON INITIATION AUX | JOUTES AMOUREUSES | 🖤 || Justification du tirage. Le tirage de cette édition a été rigoureusement limité a cent quatre-vingt-dix-sept exemplaires. Sa composition s'effectue de la façon suivante : Un exemplaire unique sur Japon Imperial portant le numéro 1 ; Douze exemplaires sur grand papier de Rives a la forme numérotés de 2 a 13 ; Vingt-quatre exemplaires sur grand papier de Rives a la forme, numérotés de 14 a 37 ; Cent soixante exemplaires sur grand papier de Rives a la forme, numérotes de 38 a 197. Enrichis d'une suite des remarques [sv: lacking]. Il a été tiré en outre : vingt-six exemplaires marqués de A à z, destinés à un groupe de bibliophiles d’Afrique du nord. Exemplaire N° 190. Limitation: This is copy № 190 of the print run of 197 commercial copies. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel III № 2333, p. 350 ; Honesterotica. Contributors: Mirabeau, Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, Comte de (French, 1749 – 1791) – author. Suzanne Ballivet (French, 1904 – 1985) – artist.
NEWTwo softcover volumes, 295 × 210 mm each, uniformly bound in wrappers with black and grey lettering and a vignette to the front, lettering to the spine, and vignette to the back; both housed in a black cloth slipcase with gilt lettering in a gilt octagonal frame. Vol. 1: Pale yellow wrappers, vignette in colour, lettering, two green flyleaves in the front and back, pp.: [1] 2–167 [1]; contains a detailed study of Hiroshige’s travel prints, including the Tōkaidō and Kisokaidō series. Title-page: PRINTS | BY UTAGAWA HIROSHIGE | IN THE JAMES A. MICHENER | COLLECTION | VOLUME 1 | Essay by Kobayashi Tadashi | Catalogue by Howard A. Link | {publisher’s device} Honolulu Academy of Arts 1991 || Vol. 2: Cream wrappers, vignette in black and white, lettering, pp.: [1] 2–64; provides additional analysis, notes, and a selected bibliography. Title-page: PRINTS | BY UTAGAWA HIROSHIGE | IN THE JAMES A. MICHENER | COLLECTION | VOLUME 2 | Essays and Catalogue Commentaries | by Howard A. Link | {vignette portrait} | {publisher’s device} Honolulu Academy of Arts 1991 || Contributors: Utagawa Hiroshige (Japanese, 1797–1858) – artist. James A. Michener (American, 1907–1997) – collector. Kobayashi Tadashi (Japanese, born 1941) – essayist. Howard A. Link (American, dates unknown) – catalogue compiler. Honolulu Academy of Arts (now Honolulu Museum of Art) – publisher.
Title-page: IDYLLES | DE BION | ET | DE MOSCHUS, | TRADUITES EN FRANÇAIS | Par J. B. Gail, Professeur de littéra- | ture grecque au collège de France. | Ouvrage orné de Figures dessinées par le Barbier. | DE L’IMPRIMERIE DE DIDOT JEUNE. | A PARIS, | Chez Gail, au Collège de France, place | Cambrai. | L’AN TROISIEME. || Small volume in-12mo, 14.7 x 10 cm, bound in tree calf with gilt ornamental border, flat spine with gilt lozenges in compartments, lacking upper label and half of the lower label, gilt dentelle inside, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt. Collation: 1st and last leaves blank, [1]-96, total 54 leaves and 9 engraved plates, incl. frontispiece. Pagination: [1-5] 6-106 [2] (notice), total 108 pages, ils. Illustrations: (1) Frontispiece bust portrait of Jean-Baptiste Gail in two states, one proof before letters signed Le Barbier del., — C. S. Gaucher inc. a. ƒ., the other in finished state lettered « J. B. Gail | Professeur de littérature grecque | au collège de France » signed Le Barbier del. — C. S. Gaucher incid. (2) Le tombeau d’Adonis in two states, the first unsigned, the second signed by Le Barbier and Gaucher in Greek Λε Βαρβιερ εγραφε — Γαυχερ εχαλχενε, with tissue guard. (3) Enlèvement d’Europe in two states, the first signed Baquoy fecit., the second Le Barbier inv. — Delignon Sculp. (4) Amour du fleuve Alphée pour la fontaine Aréthuse in two states, the first unsigned, the second signed Le Barbier inv. — Dambrun. (5) Daphnis et Naïs only in final state signed by Le Barbier and Gaucher in Greek Λε Βαρβιερ εγρφε — Γαυχερ εχαλχενε. (sic.) Catalogue raisonné: Cohen-DeRicci 151-2, attributes to 1895, in-18, Daphnis et Naïs without the proof state; Lewine 64, "very scarce, particularly that of the portrait, a fancy price". Contributors: Bion [Βίων] (fl. late 2nd century BCE, Phlossa near Smyrna) – author. Moschus [Μόσχος] (fl. mid 2nd century BCE, Syracuse) – author. Jean-Baptiste Gail (French, 1755 – 1829) – translator. Jean-Jacques-François Le Barbier (French, 1738 – 1826) – artist. Charles-Étienne Gaucher (French, 1740 – 1804) – engraver. Jean-Louis Delignon (French, 1755 – 1820) – engraver. Jean Dambrun (1741 – 1808/14) – engraver. Pierre François Didot, Le Jeune (French, 1732 – 1795) – publisher.
Quaritch's description: Single sheet (435 x 625 mm); coloured lithograph by Kirchmayr after a drawing by M. Fontana; hand-painted details; signed to lower left ‘M. Fon[tana]’ and to lower right ‘M. Fontana Edit. Prop. S. Giacomo dall’Orio in Isola N°.1481’; lower margin with the title ‘Il bombardamento di Venezia nell’Agosto 1849’ and key; restored tears in many places, especially along upper and lower blank margins, some affecting print; losses to lower left corner, affecting a small portion of the print, ruled border, and key, restored and re-drawn where needed; loss to the upper left corner of blank margin; two small areas of restoration to the centre of upper blank margin; the whole sheet backed; nevertheless a remarkable survival. Exceedingly rare and striking lithograph of Venice as seen from Fusina, depicting the first ever aerial bombardment in history. The bombardment took place in 1849, under the orders of Field Marshal Josef Radetzky (1766–1858), to quell the revolts that had started the previous year during the First Italian War of Independence. This curious and little-known action was the brainchild of Colonel Benno Uchatius, a brilliant young officer in the Austro-Hungarian Artillery. After long months of unsuccessful siege, Uchatius decided to deploy an unusual weapon: a hot air balloon able to bomb the city from above. Having calculated the wind speed and direction and evaluated the requisite dimensions of the hot-air balloon, Uchatius set up a workshop near Mestre, where a group of engineers and craftsmen began to manufacture a balloon equipped with a large wicker basket which could transport two crewmen and approximately one hundred kilograms of small long-fuse devices (metal spheres filled with gunpowder, pitch, oil and five hundred rifle buckshot). The initial trials, however, proved to be a disaster, because the balloon would drift off course, making it impossible to accurately deploy the bombs. Uchatius then hit upon the idea of using several smaller unmanned balloons roped together. These were to be launched over the city and, using the position of the first ‘pilot’ balloon, which was unarmed, the Austrians could calculate the correct fuse settings for the bombs. The ‘bomber’ balloons had a cloth envelope of one hundred cubic metres and a reduced load of about twenty kilograms of ordnance. According to Uchatius’ calculations, the line of balloons, launched from Mestre, would reach the lagoon city in thirty-five to forty minutes, carried by the north-west wind. In July 1849, a first launch was attempted, but when a breeze began to blow from the sea some of the balloons broke the connecting ropes and floated away, while others settled in the water in front of the northern part of the city, where a curious crowd of Venetians observed the failure of the enterprise and commented colourfully on the ‘buffoonery of Radetzky’. Uchatius’ second attempt, which is depicted in this lithograph, was also largely unsuccessful: only a few of the unmanned bomber balloons reached their target, and some even drifted back over the Austrian lines. Uchatius, having accomplished the first ever aerial bombardment, and having designed the first ever military ‘drones’, was forced to abandon the project permanently. Another fascinating aspect of this work is the vantage point used to depict the city of Venice, seen here from Fusina, a very rare viewpoint that makes this piece even more remarkable. We were unable to locate any copies in any institution or bibliography. G. Kirchmayr (fl. mid-19th century) is mentioned at British Museum database as "Lithographer active in Venice; related to Venetian painter Cherubino Kirchmayr (b. 1848)?" However, I was not able to find that name on the print. Not much is known of M. Fontana either.
Quarter calf over marbled boards, 16 x 9 cm, spine with raised bands, gilt in compartments, gilt-lettered label, all margins red, two title-pages (one for each vol.), illustrated with engraved frontispiece by Antonio Baratti after Antonio Balestra; engraved portrait of John Milton by Antonio Baratti, 12 plates, one for each book, after “Piazzetta, Zucchi, Balestra, Tiepolo, and other Venetian artists”, unsigned; plate II signed ‘Antonio Barati scul.’ Title page: IL PARADISO | PERDUTO | POEMA INGLESE | DI GIOVANNI MILTON | TRADOTTO DAL SIG. | PAOLO ROLLI | Con le Annotazioni | DI G. ADDISON | E alcune Osservazioni critiche. | TOMO PRIMO (SECUNDO). | {publisher’s device} | IN PARIGI , MDCCLVIII. | — | A spese di Bartolommeo Occhi. | LIBRAJO VENETO. || Collation: *-**12 ***8 (dedication, vita), A-R12 (vol. 1) A-K12 L9 (vol.2); total 365 leaves plus 14 engraved plates, incl. frontispiece and portrait. Pagination: [i, ii] iii-lxiv 1-407 [408 blank], [2] 3-258; total 730 pages. Catalogue raisonné: Wickenheiser Collection 688 [LIB-2795.2021]. Though it states 228 pp., which does not seem right. “Scarce. Not in Coleridge”. Contributors: Milton, John (British, 1608 – 1674) – author. Joseph Addison (British, 1672 – 1719) – author / criticism Paolo Antonio Rolli (Italian, 1687 – 1765) – author / transaltion Bartolomeo Occhi (Italian, 1730 – 1781) – publisher. Antonio Baratti (Italian, 1724 – 1787) – engraver Antonio Balestra (Italian, 1666 – 1740) – artist. Giovanni Battista Piazzetta (Italian,1682/83 – 1754) – artist. Antonio Zucchi (Italian, 1726 – 1795) – artist. Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (Italian, 1696 – 1770) – artist.
Title: Illustrated Catalogues of Tokyo National Museum: Ukiyo-e Prints [東京国立博物館図版目録 | 浮世絵版画編] (Tōkyō Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan zuhan mokuroku | Ukiyoe hanga hen); Publisher: Tokyo National Museum [東京国立博物館] (Tōkyō Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan). Three volumes, 26.3 x 18.7 cm, uniformly bound in black cloth with white characters to front cover and spine. Title-page: ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES OF | TOKYO NATIONAL MUSEUM | UKIYO-E PRINTS | <1 (2, 3) > | 東京国立博物館図版目録 | 浮世絵版画編 | < 上 (中, 下) > || Volume 1 [上]: unpaginated 1 t.p., 2 colour plates, 1 contents, 70 (1-1354) – b/w plates, 1 + 48 paginated leaves (1-95 [96]) – text. Volume 2 [中]: unpaginated 1 t.p., 2 colour plates, 1 contents, 67 (1355-2493) – b/w plates + 33 paginated leaves (1-65 [66]) – text. Volume 3 [下]: unpaginated 1 t.p., 2 colour plates, 1 contents, 83 (2494-3926) – b/w plates + 35 paginated leaves (1-69 [70]) – text. Black and white photomechanical reproduction of almost four thousand woodblock prints with titles by the artist and in chronological order.
Softcover, in pictorial wrappers, 28 x 21.6 cm, 30 entries, with colour illustrations, some folding. Catalogue of the sales exhibition on November 1-5, 2019 in NY; pagination: [1-3] 4-72 [2] [2 blank], ils. Contributor: Sebastian Izzard
Softcover, in pictorial wrappers, 28.1 x 21.7 cm, 63 entries, with colour illustrations, some folding. Catalogue of the sales exhibition on March 17-29, 2018 in NY; pagination: [1-3] 4-133 [134] [2 blank], ils.; insert: printed invitation. Contributors: Sebastian Izzard; Henry Steiner (Austrian-Jewish, b. 1934) – art collector.
Softcover, in pictorial wrappers, 28 x 22 cm, 67 items, with colour illustrations, some folding. Catalogue of the sales exhibition on March 14-20, 2020 in NY; pagination: [1-3] 4-120 [8], ils. 6 fan prints. Contributor: Sebastian Izzard
Owner’s wrappers, 28 x 21 cm, printed on laid paper, unpaginated, collated ffl, [A, B]4 C-G4, 2 ffl; total 28 leaves plus 5 engraved plates by Allegrini after Mariotti; engraved title-page (Vercruys after Soderini), head- and tailpieces (Gregori after del Moro) and initials. Owner's label to front pastedown: Marc Burdin, prêtre. Title-page (engraved, red and black): IOANNIS BAPTISTAE PASSERI | PISAUREN. NOB. EUGUBINI | DE TRIBUS VASCULIS ETRUSCIS | ENCAUSTICE PICTIS | A CLEMENTE XIIII. | P.O.M. | IN MUSEUM VATICANUM INLATIS | DISSERTATIO. | {VIGNETTE} | FLORENTIAE. MDCCLXXII. | ~ | in Typographia Moückiana. Cum adprobat. || Dedication: ANTIQVARIAE. ERVDITIONIS. PROPAGATORI EXIMIO ABSOLVTISSIMAM . HANC. DISSERTATIONEM CLARISS. PASSERII DE . IMAGINIBVS . ET . SYMBOLIS TRIVM . VASORVM . ETRVSCI . OPERIS QVAE PRINCIPIS. NOSTRI.SANCTISS. ET. SAPIENTISS. LARGITATE IN . VATICANVM . MVSEVM A. SE. CVMVLATISSIME . DITATVM INVE CTA . FVERVNT REGINALDVS.COMES.ANSIDAEVS.PATR.PERVS. M. A. CARD. PRONEPOS DEVOTVS. NOMINI . MAIESTATIQVE . EIVS DEMISSISSIME. Translation: "To the most excellent promoter of antiquities, the most accomplished: This most complete dissertation concerning the images and symbols of three Etruscan vases, which were most abundantly bestowed by our most holy and wise Prince onto the Vatican museum, was composed by the illustrious Passerius. Reginald, Count of Ansidius, true ancestral father, grandson by blood of the Cardinal, devoted most humbly and devoutly to his name and majesty." Note: P.O.M. stands for "Papa Optimo Maximo", which translates to "Father Most Excellent." For a similar vase in this collection, see VO-0098.
This vase is attributed to Apulia, ca. 330 BCE. Passeri was probably wrong to attribute this type of vessel to Etruscan vase painting, produced from the 7th through the 4th centuries BC. Contributors: Giovanni Battista Passeri (Italian, 1694 – 1780) – author. Francesco Moücke (Italian, fl. 1729 – 1787) – publisher. Pope Clement XIV [Ganganelli, Giovanni Vincenzo Antonio] (Italian, 1705 – 1774) – dedicatee. Artists: Mauro Soderini (Italian, 1704 – after 1751) Carlo Spiridione Mariotti (Italian, 1726 – 1790) Lorenzo del Moro (Italian, 1677 – 1735) Engravers: Theodor Vercruys [Teodoro Vercruysse] (Dutch, 1678 – 1739) Francesco Allegrini da Gubbio (Italian, 1587 – 1663) Carlo Bartolomeo Gregori (Italian, 1702 – 1759)
Title: ACADEMIE | DES | SCIENCES | ET DES | ARTS, | Contenant les Vies & les Eloges Historiques des | Hommes Illustres, | Qui ont excellé en ces Professions depuis environ quatre Siécles | parmy diverses Nations de l’Europe : |Avec leurs Pourtraits tirez sur des Originaux au Naturel, & plusieurs Inscriptions | funebres, exactement recueïlies de leurs Tombeaux | Par Isaac Bullart , Chevalier de l’Ordre de Saint Michel. | TOME PREMIER | {allegorical vignette, signed Abr. A Diepenbeke delineavit – Pet. Clouwet sculp.} | Imprimé par les soins de l’Autheur. | A AMSTERDAM, | Se vendent chez les Heritiers de Daniel Elzevier, 1682. || Pagination : [2] – h.t. / blank ; [2] – 1st vol. t.p. in black and red with vignette engraved by Pet. Clouwet after Abr. Diepenbeke / blank; [7] – dedication to Jacques Theodore de Brias {Jacques-Théodore de Bryas (Dutch, 1630 – 1694)}, [9] – preface, [2] – table demonstrative / stanza by Guilielmus Riverius, [2] vinette “Tardius sed grandius” with an elephant in ornamental frame / text; [2] – Advis au lecteur; [1, 2] – f.t. livre premiere, illustres politiques / blank; [2] – noms politiques / blank (A1, after f.t.), 3(A2)-421, [422-424] – table eloges. Collation: [*]6, **8, A6 B-Ggg4. (14 prelim. leaves, as in LIB-2675.2021; the LIB-2676.2021 copy has 12) Binding: 34.5 x 22 x 4.3 cm.34.5 x 22 x 4.3 cm, hardbound; full calf, raised bands. The title is drawn by Abraham van Diepenbeeck (Dutch, 1596 - 1675) and engraved by Peeter Clouwet (Flemish, 1629–1670). The first volume of a two-volume set contains 119 copperplate burin-engraved portraits of selected politicians, historians, jurists, writers, and Italian artists. 26 portraits engraved by Esme de Boulonois (French,1645 – 1681), 3 unsigned, and the rest engraved by Nicolas de Larmessin I (French, 1632 – 1694)Lavinia Vecellio, (Italian, 1530 – 1575), Titian' daughter, engraved by Lamerssin after Titian, Portrait of Jacques Auguste de Thou engraved by de Boulonois after Daniel Dumonstier. Politicians: Antoine Perrenot, Cardinal de Granvelle; Arnaud d'Ossat, Cardinal; Auger Busbeque; Bessarion, Cardinal; François Ximenes, Cardinal; George d'Amboise, Cardinal; Gille Albornoz, Cardinal; Guillaume de Croy; Guy du Faur de Pybrac; Jacques Auguste de Thou; Jean de Selve; Jean Zamoski; Jean de Barnevelt; Jean Armand du Plessis, Cardinal de Richelieu; Jule Mazarin, Cardinal; Michel de l'Hospital; Renaud Pole, Cardinal; Stanislas Hosius, Cardinal; Thomas Morus; Thomas Wolsey, Cardinal. Historians: Bertrand d'Argentré; Cæsar Baronius, Cardinal; Emanuel de Meteren; Enguerand de Monstrelet; Florimond de Remond; François Guicciardin; Fulve Ursin; Guillaume Camden; Henry Catherine d'Avila; Hubert Goltzius; Jacques Amiot; Jean Aventin; Jean Baptiste Platina; Jean Barclay; Jean Froissard; Jean Papirius Masson; Nicolas le Febure; Olivier de la Marche; Onuphre Panuinius; Pandolphe Collenuce; Paul Jove; Philippe de Commines; Pontus Heuterus; Regino Abbé de Prumy; Robert Gaguin; Wolfgang Lazius. Jurists: Alexandre de Tartagnis; André Alciat; André Tiraqueau; Antoine Augustin; Antoine le Febvre; Boece Epo; Charles du Moulin; François Bauduin; Gabriel Mudée; Jacques Cuias; Jason Mainus; Jean Wamese; Mathieu Wesenbec; Philippe Dece; Pierre Peckius; Pierre Pithou; Tibere Decian; Viglius de Zuichem. Writers/Linguists: Ange Politian; Demetrius Chalcondyles; Emanuel Chrysoloras; François Philelphe; François Raphelenge; Guillaume Postel; Jean Argyropilus; Jean Bocace; Jean Lascaris; Jean Passerat; Jean Pierius Valerianus; Jeanne Gray; Nicolas Clenard; Pierre Nannius; Rudolphe Agricola; Theodore Gaza. Italian painters, architects, and sculptors: André Mantegna; André Organa; André del Sarto; André Tafi; André Verrochio; Antoine de Correge; Antoine de Messine; Arnoud di Lappo; Baccio Bandinel; Balthazar Perusi; Bramante d'Urbin; Daniel Ricciarelli; Dominique Beccafumi; Donato; François Mazzuoli; François Primatici; Frere Philippe Lippi; Giorgion; Giotto; Jacques Barozzi de Vignole; Jean Antoine Licinio de Pordenone; Jean Cimabue; Jean d'Udine; Jean François Rustici; Jule Romain; Le Rosso; Leonard de Vinci; Masaccio; Michel-Ange Buonarotti; Perin del Vaga; Philippe Bruneleschi; Philippe Lippi; Polidore de Caravage; Propertia de Rossi; Raphael Sanzio d'Urbin; Sandro Boticelli; Simon Memmi; Taddée Gaddi; Titian Uccello.
Title: ACADEMIE | DES | SCIENCES | ET DES | ARTS, | Contenant les Vies & les Eloges Historiques des | Hommes Illustres, | Qui ont excellé en ces Professions depuis environ quatre Siécles | parmy diverses Nations de l’Europe : |Avec leurs Pourtraits tirez sur des Originaux au Naturel, & plusieurs Inscriptions | funebres, exactement recueïlies de leurs Tombeaux | Par Isaac Bullart , Chevalier de l’Ordre de Saint Michel. | TOME PREMIER | {allegorical vignette, signed Abr. A Diepenbeke delineavit – Pet. Clouwet sculp.} | Imprimé par les soins de l’Autheur. | A PARIS, | Se vendent chez Loüis Bilane, Marchand Libraire à la ruë S. Jaques, | & au Palais, M. DC. LXXXII. || Pagination : [2] – h.t. / blank ; [2] – 1st vol. t.p. in black and red with vignette engraved by Pet. Clouwet after Abr. Diepenbeke / blank; [7] – dedication to Jacques Theodore de Brias {Jacques-Théodore de Bryas (Dutch, 1630 – 1694)}, [9] – preface, [2] – table demonstrative / stanza by Guilielmus Riverius, [2] – vignette “Tardius sed grandius” with an elephant in ornamental frame / text; [2] – noms politiques / blank (A1 before f.t.), [2] – f.t. livre premiere, illustres politiques / blank, 3(A2)-421, [422-424] – table eloges; [2] – f.t. tome second / blank, [2] – 2nd vol. t.p. in black and red with vignette…, [4] – advertisement, [2] – livre premier f.t. / blank, [2] – noms theologiens / blank, 1-501, [3] – table eloges. Collation : vol.1: [*]6, **6, A6 B-Ggg4; vol. 2: *4, **2, A-Sss4. (12 prelim. leaves, while in LIB-2239.2019 and in LIB-2675.2021 there is 14 prelim. leaves). Binding: contemporary full calf, size: 34 x 23 x 7.2 cm; crimson label with gilt lettering separated. Provenance: Bookplate of Sir Philip Crampton Smyly to the front pastedown; Stephen White Collection. The title is drawn by Abraham van Diepenbeeck (Dutch, 1596 - 1675) and engraved by Pieter Clouwet (Flemish, 1629–1670). The volume illustrated throughout with 279 portraits of important scientists, artists, thinkers, explorers, printers, and others of the period by a variety of artists. Tome 1: 120 plates of which 30 engraved by Esme de Boulonois (French, 1645 – 1681), 87 by Nicolas de Larmessin I (French, 1632 – 1694)Lavinia Vecellio (Italian, 1530 – 1575) engraved by Lamerssin after Titian, Portrait of Jacques Auguste de Thou engraved by de Boulonois after Daniel Dumonstier (French, 1574 – 1646). Tome 2: 159 plates of which 63 by Esme de Boulonois, 79 by Nicolas de Larmessin, 15 unsigned, 1 by Pieter Clouwet, and 1 by Wenceslaus Hollar (Bohemian, 1607 – 1677). Portraits of Knelme Digby, Juste Lipse, Nicolas Claude Fabri de Peiresc, Michel Mirevelt, Jacques Calot, Martin Richart, Pierre Paul Rubens, Venceslas Coberghe, Theodore Rombouts, Adrien Brouwer, Simon Vouet, Gerard Segers, Gaspar de Crayer, Antoine Van Dyck himself, and his wife Mary Ruthven – after Anthony Van Dyck. Young Man with a Skull engraved by Esme de Boulonois after Lucas van Leyden (Dutch, c. 1494 – 1533). Portrait of Louis Arioste engraved by Nicolas de Larmessin after Titian. Portrait of Balthasar de Castillon engraved by Nicolas de Larmessin after Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino (Italian, 1483 – 1520). Petrarch's Laura – by Larmessin after Palma Vecchio (Italian, c. 1480 – 1528). Vittoria Colonne – by Larmessin after Sebastiano del Piombo (Italian, c. 1485 – 1547). The portrait of Albert Durer is engraved by Esme de Boulonois after Tommaso Vincidor (Flemish, 1493 – 1536). Vol. 1, Book 1. Politicians Vol. 1, Book 2. Historians Vol. 1, Book 3. Jurists Vol. 1, Book 4. Writes and Linguists Vol. 1, Book 5. Italian Artists Vol. 2, Book 1. Theologians Vol. 2, Book 2. Philosophers, Mathematicians, Astronomers, and Physicians Vol. 2, Book 3. Scientists Vol. 2, Book 4. Inventors and Explorers Vol. 2, Book 5. Poets Vol. 2, Book 6. Netherlandish painters
Title: ACADEMIE | DES | SCIENCES | ET DES | ARTS, | Contenant les Vies & les Eloges Historiques des | Hommes Illustres, | Qui ont excellé en ces Professions depuis environ quatre Siécles | parmy diverses Nations de l’Europe : |Avec leurs Pourtraits tirez sur des Originaux au Naturel, & plusieurs Inscriptions | funebres, exactement recueïlies de leurs Tombeaux | Par Isaac Bullart , Chevalier de l’Ordre de Saint Michel. | TOME PREMIER | {allegorical vignette, signed Abr. A Diepenbeke delineavit – Pet. Clouwet sculp.} | Imprimé par les soins de l’Autheur. | A AMSTERDAM, | Se vendent chez les Heritiers de Daniel Elzevier, 1682. || Vol. 1: Pagination: 2 blank end-leaves, [2] – Two-volumes h.t. / blank ; [2] – 1st vol. t.p. in black and red with vignette engraved by Pieter Clouwet (Flemish, 1629–1670) after Abraham van Diepenbeeck (Dutch, 1596 - 1675), book-label 'I. A. Aubert' pasted / blank; [7] – dedication to Jacques Theodore de Brias {Jacques-Théodore de Bryas (Dutch, 1630 – 1694)}, [9] – preface, [2] – table demonstrative / stanza by Guilielmus Riverius, [2] – vignette “Tardius sed grandius” with an elephant in ornamental frame / text; [2] – Advis au lecteur; [1, 2] – noms politiques / blank (A1), 3(A2)-416, 2 blank end-leaves; laking 8 last pages 417-424 if compared to Paris 2 in 1 vol. edition LIB-2676.2021, and lacking 4 last pages if compared with another Amsterdam edition LIB-2239.2019. These last 4 pages contain portraits and eulogies of François Primatici and Jacques Barozzi de Vignole. Collation: 4to; [*]6, **8, A6 B-Fff4, lacking Ggg4, 118 plates (instead of 120) within a collation. Vol. 2: Pagination: 2 blank end-leaves, [2] – tome second h.t. / blank ; [2] – 2nd vol. t.p. in black and red with vignette similar to vol. 1, with book-label 'I. A. Aubert' / blank; [4] – advertissement; [2] – f.t. Theologiens / blank; [2] – noms theologiens / blank 1-501 [3] – table eloges, 1 blank end-leaf. Collation: 4to; [*]4, **2, A-Sss4, 159 plates within a collation. Binding: both volumes uniformly bound in full contemporary cream vellum with blind double fillet over boards, raised bands, compartments tooled in black, brown calf labels with gilt lettering to spine. Printed on laid paper, with tall "s", all margins sprinkled red; the size of each vol.: 32.2 x 20.5 x 4.7 cm. A full description of plates, as well as their images, presented in LIB-2676.2021.
Evening Snow on Mount Hira (Hira no bosetsu), from the series Eight Views of Ōmi in Modern Guise (Ryaku Ōmi hakkei, (略近江八景). About 1773–75 (An'ei 2–4). Artist: Isoda Koryūsai (Japanese, 1735–1790) CATALOGUE RAISONNÉ: Hockley 2003, p. 202, #F-21-1 DIMENSIONS: Vertical chûban; 26 x 19.3 cm (10 1/4 x 7 5/8 in.)Signed: Koryû ga [湖竜画]
Softcover, pictorial wrappers, square 21 x 21 cm, 42 leaves, unpaginated, with illustrations in colour, 83 entries, with price list laid in; limited edition of 700 copies. Contributor: Israel Goldman In this collection:
JPD-0010.2016: Mori Sosen. Ink and colour on silk.
JPD-0009.2016: Mori Sosen. Ink and colour on silk.
SVJP-0301.2019: Kunisada, 1852. Bando Shuka I as Shirai Gonpachi.
Softcover, pictorial wrappers, square 21 x 21 cm, 46 leaves, unpaginated, with illustrations in colour, 88 entries, with price list laid in. Contributor: Israel Goldman In this collection:
SVJP-0349.2021: Utagawa Kunisada. Kabuki actor Nakamura Shikan II as Gotobei / Fan print, 1830.
Softcover, pictorial wrappers, square 21 x 21 cm, 40 leaves, unpaginated, with illustrations in colour, 76 entries, with price list laid in; limited edition of 700 copies. Contributor: Israel Goldman In this collection:
SVJP-0148.2014: Kawanabe Kyōsai. Two Crows on a Plum Branch with Rising Sun / Nagaban, c. 1885–89
Softcover, pictorial wrappers, square 21 x 21 cm, 40 leaves, unpaginated, with illustrations in colour, 77 entries, with price list laid in; limited edition of 700 copies. Contributor: Israel Goldman Prints in this collection:
SVJP-0039.2015: Isoda Koryūsai. Kikuzuki (the ninth month) from the series Furyu juniki no eiga (Prosperous flowers of the elegant twelve months) / Chuban, early 1770s; #7 in the catalogue.
SVJP-0180.2014: Torii Kiyomitsu II. Kintaro with a boar, rabbit, and tanuki / Oban, c. 1805; # 15 in the catalogue.
Softcover, pictorial wrappers, square 21 x 21 cm, 40 leaves, unpaginated, with illustrations in colour, 80 entries, with price list laid in; limited edition of 700 copies. Contributor: Israel Goldman In this collection:
JPD-0008.2016: Mori Sosen. Ink and colour on silk.
Softcover, pictorial wrappers, square 21 x 21 cm, 48 leaves, unpaginated, with illustrations in colour, 96 entries, with price list laid in; limited edition of 700 copies. Contributor: Israel Goldman In this collection:
SVJP 0251.2018. Utagawa Kuniyoshi. A woman on a terrace dancing with a fan, 1853.
SVJP 0252.2018. Utagawa Kunisada. A woman reading a letter by the light of a lantern, 1840.
SVJP-0253.2018. Utagawa Kunisada. A beauty seated in a boat, 1856.
SVJP-0254.2018. Utagawa Kunisada. A geisha eating edamame aboard the boat of the Atari-ya teahouse, 1860.
SVJP-0250.2018: Toyokuni I. Onoe Matsusuke I as Kudo Saemon Suketsune and Bandō Hikosaburō III as Soga no Goro Tokimune.
Softcover, pictorial wrappers, square 21 x 21 cm, 42 leaves, unpaginated, with illustrations in colour, 80 entries, with price list laid in; limited edition of 700 copies. Contributor: Israel Goldman
Softcover, pictorial wrappers, square 21 x 21 cm, 46 leaves, unpaginated, with illustrations in colour, 89 entries, with price list laid in; limited edition of 700 copies. Contributor: Israel Goldman In this collection:
SVJP-0327.2020: Kunisada. Ichikawa Ebizo V (Danjuro VII) in a Shibaraku role / Ōban, 1822; # 50 in the Catalogue.
Hardcover, 280 x 121 mm, glossy white pictorial cover with mahogany lettering, pp. [1] 2-210 [2]. Lettering on the cover: ITŌ MITSURU | NOBUIE-TSUBA | {vignette} | TRANSLATED BY MARKUS SESKO || Title-page: Nobuie Tsuba | 信家鐔 | Itō Mitsuru (伊藤満) | translated by Markus Sesko | © 2016 Itō Mitsuru | Copyright translation: Markus Sesko | Print and Publishing: Lulu Press, Inc. ||
One volume, 22.8 x 15.5 cm, bound in full mottled calf, gilt floral frames to covers, raised bands and gilt fleurons to spine, printed on laid paper. Regarding Pygmalion, scène lyrique see: Wekipedia. Collation: Free endpaper and two blank flyleaves, [2] engraved title, [2] préface, 1-18 (Pygmalion), [2] f.t.p., [1] 2-8 (Idylle), two blank flyleaves and free endpaper; 20 leaves total, adorned with 7 headpieces and 1 tailpiece engraved by Nicolas de Launay, Nicolas Ponce and Charles Etienne Gaucher after Jean Michel Moreau the Younger and Clément Pierre Marillier; text engraved by Droüet. Title-page: PYGMALION, | SCENE LYRIQUE | DE MR. J. J. ROUSSEAU, | Mise en Vers | par MR. Berquin. | Le Text Gravé par Droüet | PARIS | 1775. || (on a column under two kissing doves and sculptor’s tools). Faux t.p.: IDYLLE | Par MR. Berquin. | — | Eructavit cor meum verbum bonum ; | dico ego opera mea regi. | Psalm. 44. | — || (in rules). Catalogue raisonné: Cohen-DeRicci 141 ; Lewine 55. Ref.: MFA (Boston); MET (NY); Yale University Library. Contributors: Artists: Jean-Michel Moreau le Jeune (French, 1741–1814) Clément Pierre Marillier (French, 1740–1808) Engravers: Nicolas Delaunay (French, 1739–1792) Charles-Étienne Gaucher (French, 1741–1804) Nicholas Ponce (French, 1746–1831) Droüet (French, 18th century) Authors: Arnaud Berquin (French, 1747–1791) Jean-Jacques Rousseau (French, 1712–1778)
Description: Three volumes, in brown cloth, gilt-lettered to front and spine, in pictorial dust jacket, 34 x 25 cm each, T.E.G., in a slipcase 35 x 25.5 x 13.5 cm. Pagination: Vol. 1: [i-vi] vii-xix [xx] 1-349 [1 blank], ils. №№ 1-382; Vol. 2: [7] 350-673 [1], ils. №№ 383-667 ; Vol. 3: [7] 674-1034, ils. №№ 668-973. Edition: Limited edition of 2,000 copies of which this is copy № 935. Title-page: JACK HILLIER | Japanese Prints | & Drawings from | the Vever Collection | Volume One (Two; Three) | Rizzoli International | Sotheby Parke Bernet | 1976 || Contributors: Jack Ronald Hillier (British, 1912 – 1995) Henri Vever (French, 1854 – 1942)
Title: JACK KAHANE | ★ | Memoirs of a | Booklegger | [space] | {publisher’s device} | MICHAEL JOSEPH LTD. | 26, Bloomsbury Street, London, W.C.I || Pagination: [1-6] 7-287 [288 blank]; total 288 pages. Collation: 8vo; [A]8 B-S8; total 144 leaves. Binding: 21.5 x 15 cm, by James Burn, publisher’s blue cloth, silver lettering to spine, yellow endpapers; cream dust-jacket with black and red lettering and reproduced photo portrait of the author. Contributors: Jack Kahane (British, 1887 – 1939) – author. Michael Joseph (British, 1897 – 1958); Michael Joseph Ltd. (London) – publisher. William Brendon & Son, Ltd.; Mayflower Press (Plymouth) – printer. John Dickinson & Co.; John Dickinson (British, 1782 – 1869) – paper maker. Frederick E. Kahane – dedicatee (brother of Jack).
Hardcover, 252 x 260 mm, grey buckram with gilt lettering to spine, in a black pictorial dust jacket with white lettering; pp. [6] 1-185 [1] profusely illustrated in b/w plus 16 leaves of colour plates extraneous to collation, .e. total 112 leaves. Title-page (pictorial): JEWELLERY OF THE ANCIENT WORLD | Jack Ogden | RIZZOLI / NEW YORK || Imprint: Published in the United States of America by Rizzoli International Publications Inc. 712, Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10019 First published by Trefoil Books Ltd, 1982 ISBN 0 8478 0444 5 Contents Jewellery and the archaeologist
- Gold and silver
- Metals other than gold and silver
- Goldsmithing techniques
- The gemstones
- Organic gem materials
- Glass, enamel and faience
- Ancient imitation and altered gemstones
- Stone working
- Forgeries
- The jeweller
- Bibliography & references
- Index to illustrations
Description: Hardcover volume, 35 x 25.1 cm, ochre cloth with gilt lettering and vignette to spine; pp.: [1-6] 7-389 [3 blank], total 196 leaves, 16 illustrations in colour, 1067 in b/w; in a pictorial slipcase 36 x 26 cm. Title-page: The | Japanese | Pillar | Print | Hashira-e | — | Jacob Pins | Foreword by Roger Keyes | {publisher’s device} | Robert G. Sawers Publishing | 5 SOUTH VILLAS | LONDON NW I 9 BS || Edition: Limited edition of 1000 copies, this is copy № 520. Contributors: Jacob Otto Pins (German-Israeli, 1917 – 2005) Roger Keyes (American, 1942 – 2020)
Two softcover volumes, 4th and 5th of the series Les arts décoratifs, collated 8vo, in uniform brown wrappers with red and black lettering to the front cover and black lettering to the spine and back cover, 215 x 152 mm, published by Librairie d'art R. Ducher, overtaken by Flammarion.
- Vol. 4: 1-48, pp. [1-5] 6-63 [64]; LES ARTS DÉCORATIFS (in rules) | JACQUES RUPPERT | LE COSTUME | IV | LOUIS XVI – DIRECTOIRE | = 150 ILLUSTRATIONS = | | {vignette } | PARIS | Flammarion (pasted over) ||
- Vol. 5: 1-48, pp. [1-5] 6-63 [64]; LES ARTS DÉCORATIFS (in rules) | JACQUES RUPPERT | LE COSTUME | V | CONSULAT - PREMIER EMPIRE -LOUIS-PHILIPPE - NAPOLÉON III | = 145 ILLUSTRATIONS = | {vignette } | PARIS | Flammarion (pasted over) ||
- Le costume sous le Consulat et l'Empire: Caractères généraux. Costume masculin. Costume militaire.
- Le costume féminin sous le premier Empire : Éléments caractéristiques. Spencers et canezous. Robes de cour. Redingotes. Witz-chouras.
- Les coiffures sous le premier Empire : Coiffures masculines et féminines.
- La Restauration : Caractères généraux. Costume masculin. Costume féminin. Coiffures féminines.
- Louis-Philippe: Caractères généraux. Costume masculin. Costume féminin. Robes de bal. Robes à pèlerine. Faux et vrai canezous. Mantelets. Robes à corsage plat et crinolines. Coiffures féminines. Chapeaux et bonnets.
- Deuxième République et Napoléon III: Costume masculin. Costume féminin. Crinolines et tournures. Coiffures.
Title page: Juries and the | Transformation of | Criminal Justice | in France | in the Nineteenth & Twentieth Centuries | James M. Donovan | The University of North Carolina Press Chapel Hill || Frontispiece: STUDIES IN LEGAL HISTORY | Published by the University of North Carolina Press | in association with the American Society for Legal History | Daniel Ernst & Thomas A. Green, editors || Pagination: [i-viii] ix [x] 1-262. Binding: black cloth, silver lettering to spine, pictorial DJ.
HUMAN PHYSIOGNOMY | EXPLAIN'D: | IN THE | Crounian LECTURES | ON MUSCULAR MOTION. | For the Year MDCCXLVI. | Read before the | ROYAL SOCIETY: | By James Parsons, M.D. and F.R.S. | Being a SUPPLEMENT to the Philosophical | Transactions for that Year. | {Citation in the Greek from Aristotle, 6 lines} | LONDON: | Printed for C. Davis, over against Gray's Inn Gate | in Holbourn; Printer to the Royal Society. | M. DCC. XLVII. || Pagination: [4] i-viii [8] 1-82 [4]; collation: 4to; [a]4 b4 c2 <inset> B-L4 M3, wanting 1 leaf with An Index For the Lectures of the Years 1744, and 1745; Inset: 5 folding plates engraved by J. Mynde after J. Parsons ('I. Ps. MD del.'). Page 22.5 x 16.5 cm; plates 22.5 x 34 cm. Printed on laid paper, with tall "s". Binding: 23 x 17 cm, modern hardcover in marbled paper, modern endpapers, white paper label with black lettering to spine. Crounian Lectures (i.e. Croonian Lectures), named after William Croone (British, 1633 – 1684). Contributors: James Parsons (British, 1705 – 1770). James Mynde (British, 1702 – 1771). Davis, Printer to the Royal Society of London (British, 1665 – 1775). Ref.: Royal Academy, The Royal Society, Wellcome Collection.
Title: Japanese Art Signatures | A Handbook and Practical Guide | James Self and Nobiko Hirose | {publisher’s device} FLOATING | WORLD | EDITIONS || Pp.: [2] 3-399 [400]. 1st Floating World edition, 2003, 3rd printing, 2011. 1st edition in 1987 by Bamboo Publishing, Ltd. by Charles E. Tuttle Company, Rutland and Tokyo. Binding: Original blue wrappers with white lettering to both covers and spine, in yellow frames.
Softcover, in flapped pictorial wrappers, 28 x 21.6 cm, 35 entries, with colour illustrations. Catalogue # 6 of the sales exhibition on March 19-24, 2002 in NY; pagination: [1-3] 4-82 [2], ils., some folding. Contributor: Sebastian Izzard
Softcover, in pictorial flapped wrappers, 28 x 21.8 cm, 16 entries, with colour illustrations. Catalogue # 8 of the sales exhibition on March 23-30 2004 in NY; pagination: [1-3] 4-50 [2], ils., some folding. Contributor: Sebastian Izzard
Softcover, in pictorial wrappers, 28 x 21.8 cm, 18 entries, with colour illustrations, some folding. Catalogue of the sales exhibition on September 15-18, 1998 in NY; pagination: [2] 3-43 [1], ils. Contributor: Sebastian Izzard