129 issues of L'Éclipse, French weekly political magazine; published in Paris, 49 x 34 cm, bound in rebacked green quarter morocco over marbled boards, with gilt fillets and lettering to spine, peacock marbled endpapers, illustrated by André Gill (French, 1840 – 1885). Founder and editor-in-chief François Polo (French, 1838 – 1874). 1874: 271-322 (52 issues) 1875: 323-374 (52 issues) 1876: 375-399 (25 issues)
26 issues of American political humourous magazine published by Joseph Keppler (Austrian-American, 1838 – 1894) and Adolph Schwarzmann (German-American, 1838 – 1904) with caricatures by Frederick Burr Opper (American, 1857 – 1937); 35 x 27 cm, bound in faux shagreen with half green buckram backing, gilt vignette and lettering to front board: ‘What fools these Mortals be!” | MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM | PUCK ||
Small volume 17 x 11.5 cm, bound in tan cloth with brown lettering to front cover and spine, gilt fillets to spine, in wood-engraved pictorial dust jacket; pp.: [1-4] 5-254 [2], total 256 pages; collated in-16mo: [1]-816, total 128 leaves; wood-engraved portrait frontispiece within collation. Print run: 35,000 copies. Title-page (red and black): Райнер Мария Рильке | ЛИРИКА | Перевод с немецкого | Т. Сильман | {publisher’s device} | Издательство «Художественная литература» | Москва • 1956 • Ленинград || Contributors: Rainer Maria Rilke (German, 1875 – 1926) Тамара Исааковна Сильман (Russian-Jewish, 1909 – 1974) Владимир Григорьевич Адмони (Russian-Jewish, 1909 – 1993)
Collection of poems. Hardcover volume, 20.7 x 13.3 cm, bound in green buckram, gilt double-fillet border, gilt frame, gilt lettering to front, gilt stars, fillets and lettering to spine, blind lettering to back, matching endpapers, pp.: [1-4] 5-637 [638] [2], total 640 pages, collated in-16mo, [1]-1116, 8 leaves of plates, 13-2116. Title-page: ПОЭТЫ | ГРУППЫ «ОБЭРИУ» | С.-ПЕТЕРБУРГСКОЕ ОТДЕЛЕНИЕ • 1994 || Opposite to t.p.: БИБЛИОТЕКА ПОЭТА | ОСНОВАНА МАКСИМОМ ГОРЬКИМ В 1931 ГОДУ | БОЛЬШАЯ СЕРИЯ | ИЗДАНИЕ | ТРЕТЬЕ | СОВЕТСКИЙ ПИСАТЕЛЬ || Print run: 3,000 copies. Contributors: Михаил Борисович Мейлах (Russian-Jewish, b. 1944) Татьяна Львовна Никольская (Russian, b. 1945) Александр Николаевич Олейников (Russian, 1936 – 2013) Владимир Ибрагимович Эрль [Владимир Иванович Горбунов] (Russian, 1947 – 2020) ОБЭРИУ (Объединение Реального Искусства) Даниил Иванович Хармс [Ювачёв] (Russian, 1905 – 1942) Александр Иванович Введенский (Russian, 1904 – 1941) Николай Алексеевич Заболоцкий (Russian, 1903 – 1958) Игорь Владимирович Бахтерев (Russian, 1908 – 1996) Николай Макарович Олейников (Russian, 1898 – 1937) Константин Константинович Вагинов [Вагенгейм] (Russian, 1899 – 1934)
Hardcover volume, 22.5 x 15 cm, bound in red cloth with gilt lettering to spine, pictorial dust jacket; pp.: [i-v] vi-xiv, [1-5] 6-251 [252], total 268 pages. Title-page: Alleged sex and threatened violence | Doctor Russel, Bishop Vladimir, and the Russians in | San Francisco, 1887-1892 | TERENCE EMMONS | — | Stanford University Press | Stanford, California | 1977 || ISBN: 9780804727679, 9780804727686, 0804727678, 0804727686. OCLC Number / Unique Identifier: 35159156. Doctor Nikolai Sudzilovsky [Nicholas Russel] (Belarusian, 1850 – 1930). Bishop Vladimir (Sokolovsky-Avtonomov, Vasily Grigorievich) Архиепископ Владимир (Соколовский-Автономов, Василий Григорьевич) (Russian, 1852 – 1931) – Archbishop of the Aleutians and Alaska.
Paperback, 25.3 x 17.3 cm, burgundy flapped wrappers, pp.: [i-vii] viii-x, [2] [1] 2-356. Front wrapper: Picasso's | {vignette} | Brothel | Les Demoiselles d'Avignon | Wayne Andersen || Title-page: PICASSO'S BROTHEL | LES DEMOISELLES D'AVIGNON | — | WAYNE ANDERSEN | {publisher’s device} | Other Press | New York || Wayne Andersen (American, 1928 – 2014) Pablo Picasso (Spanish, 1881 – 1973) Les Demoiselles d'Avignon
Hardcover volume, 24.5 x 17.5 cm, pictorial boards and endpapers, pp. [2] 3-167 [168]; 2 t.p., 129 pp. of plates, 33 pp. of text, 4 pp. of thumbnails, 1 colophon. Front cover (grey vignette, blue lettering): Das Leningrader Album | We are on | our way to school | singing songs | hip and cool | Вместе в школу | мы идём | песни модные | поём. | von | Evgenij | Kozlov | konkursbuch Verlag | Claudia Gehrke || ISBN: 3-88769-315-9. Evgenij Kozlov (Russian-German, b. 1955) – artist.
Paperback, 23 x 15.5 cm, pictorial wrappers, pp. [i-xxi] [3] [1] 2-311 [312 blank], total 336 pages. Title-page: Japan | and the | Culture | of the | Four Seasons | Nature, Literature, and the Arts | HARUO SHIRANE | Columbia University Press New York ||
Paperback, pictorial wrappers, 20.5 x 14 cm, pp.: [1-4] 5-271 [272 colophon]. Title-page: Я. С. Лурье | ИЗБРАННЫЕ СТАТЬИ | И ПИСЬМА | Санкт-Петербург 2011 || Contributors: Яков Соломонович Лурье (Russian-Jewish, 1921 — 1996) Варвара Гелиевна Вовина-Лебедева (Russian, b. 1961) Михаил Маркович Кром (Russian, b. 1966)
Hardcover, 20.5 x 13.5 cm, quarter cloth, pictorial boards, pp.: [2] 3-253 [3], ils., collated in-8vo: 1-188, total 128 leaves plus 2 leaves of colour plates. Title-page: В. САБУНАЕВ | ЗАНИМАТЕЛЬНАЯ | ИХТИОЛОГИЯ | {vignette} | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО | “ДЕТСКАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА” | 1967. Print rub: 50,000 copies. Сабунаев, Виктор Борисович (Russian, 20th century) – author. Бианки, Елена Витальевна (Russian, 1922 – 2009) – artist.
Paperback reprint on demand, 28 x 22 cm, in green malachite wrappers with yellow lettering to both covers; pp. [i-ii] iii-v[vi] 1-122 [4]. Title-page: Okhrana | The Paris Operations of | the Russian Imperial Police | Ben B. Fischer | History Staff | Center for the Study | of Intelligence | Central Intelligence Agency | 1997 || ISBN-10: 1907521992 Benjamin B. Fischer Contents. Foreword. Preface. Okhrana: The Paris Operations of the Russian Imperial Police. From Paris to Palo Alto. CIA Interest in the Okhrana Files. Origins of the Okhrana and Its Paris Office. Foreign Operations. Change and Continuity Dramatis Personae Conclusions Rita T. Kronenbitter Paris Okhrana 1885-1905. The Illustrious Career of Arkadiy Harting. The Sherlock Holmes of the Revolution. Okhrana Agent Dolin. The Okhrana's Female Agents: Part I: Russian Women. The Okhrana's Female Agents: Part II: Indigenous Recruits. Review of Edward Ellis Smith, The Young Stalin, by Harry Gelman. Commentary by Rita T. Kronenbitter.
Brown cloth 24 x 15.5 cm, gilt lettering to front cover and spine, 'Cowles Library - Drake University' stamps inside and to edges, library card pocket to the pastedown, removed sticker to spine, top edge red, pictorial endpapers, pp.: [i-iv] v-xv [xvi], 1-372, total 388 pages; collated in-16mo: [1]-916 1018 11-1216, total 194 leaves plus four leaves of plates before gathering 6, four leaves of plates before gathering 9, and a folding map at the end, gathering 8 unsigned. Half-title: STUDIES IN URBAN HISTORY I | General Editor: H. J. Dyos | Reader in Urban History at the | University of Leicester || Title-page: The Autumn | of Central Paris | The Defeat of Town Planning 1850-1970 | Anthony Sutcliffe | Research Fellow in Modern History at the | University of Birmingham | {blank} | {publisher’s device} | Edward Arnold || ISBN: 9780713155495; 0713155493. OCLC Number / Unique Identifier: 1035744553. Contents: Introduction -- The Grand Design -- The Struggle to Complete the Imperial Plan -- The Period of Distractions -- Building in the Right Bank Centre, 1850 -- 1914 -- The Indian Summer of Central Paris -- The Battle for Preservation, 1850-1914 -- The Abandonment of the Grand Design -- The Approach of Obsolescence -- Victory for Preservation -- Conclusion -- Appendix I : Sources -- Appendix 2 : Graphs and Diagrams Anthony Sutcliffe (British, 1942 – 2011) – author. Harold James Dyos (British, 1921–1978) – general editor of the series.
Description: Hardcover 26.5 x 19 cm, grey cloth, red lettering in kanji over black stripe to front, lettering to spine, tan endpapers, pictorial slipcase 27 x 19.5 cm; pp.: [1-6] 7-95 [96], pasted frontispiece and 79 colour illustrations with captions, within a collation. Series Masterworks of ukiyo-e, №8. ISBN: 9780870110986; 0870110985. Ref.: Worldcat Title-page (in frame): MASTERWORKS OF UKIYO-E | "THE DECADENTS” | by Jūzō Suzuki and Isaburō Oka | translation by John Bester | {publisher’s device} | KODANSHA INTERNATIONAL LTD. | Tokyo, Japan & Palo-Alto, Calif., U.S.A. || (Vertical text in kanji to the right, between rules). Artists: Utagawa Kunisada (Japanese [歌川 国貞], 1786 – 1865); Utagawa Kuniyoshi (Japanese [歌川 国芳], 1798 – 1861); Keisai Eisen [Japanese [渓斎 英泉], 1790 – 1848). Contributors: Jūzō Suzuki [鈴木重三] (Japanese, 1919 – 2010) – author. Isaburō Oka [岡畏三郎] (Japanese, 1914 –2010) – author. John Bester (British, 1927 – 2010) – translator Kunisada's fan print in this collection (exactly the same copy) [SVJP-0380.2022]:
Hardcover, 28 x 19 cm, black cloth with gilt lettering to spine, red pictorial dust jacket; pp.: [i-vii] viii-x [2] [1] 2-540 [8], total 560 pages, profusely illustrated. Title-page: The private library | ~ | Being a More or Less Compendious Disquisition | on | The History of the Architecture and | Furnishing of the Domestic Bookroom | ☙ ❧ | Reid Byers | {publisher’s device} | New Castle, Delaware | 2021 || ISBN: 9781584563884 Author: Reid Byers (American).
Description: hardcover, 25.2 x 19.2 cm, 8vo, dark blue cloth, gilt lettering in a frame to cover and gilt lettering to spine; captured leather samples pasted to front and back pastedowns, grey endpapers, colour frontispiece, 10 colour plates, multiple in-text b/w illustrations. Collation: a1 blank, a2 h.t./imprint, colour frontis. pasted in, a3 t.p./blank, a4 committee/blank; b2, (no A), B-H8, I5 (10 leaves H1 – I2 with colour plates pasted in, I5 colophon/blank); pagination starts at B2: [1] 2-120 [2]; total a4 b2 B-H8 I5 =67 leaves, 11 colour plates, incl. frontispiece. Title-page: REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE | ON | LEATHER FOR BOOKBINDING. | EDITED FOR | THE SOCIETY OF ARTS | AND | THE WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF LEATHERSELLERS | BY | THE RT. HON. VISCOUNT COBHAM | CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMITTEE | AND | SIR HENRY TRUEMAN WOOD, M.A. | SECRETARY OF THE SOCIETY | LONDON : | PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY OF ARTS | BY GEORGE BELL & SONS, | YORK HOUSE, PORTUGAL STREET, W.C. | — | 1905 || Contributors: Authors:
Society of Arts (Great Britain)
Charles George Lyttleton Cobham (British, 1842 – 1922)
Henry Trueman Wood (British, 1879 – 1917), Secretary of the Royal Society of Arts (1879–1917).
George Bell & Sons – publisher. William Clowes and Sons – printer. -
Hardcover, 26.2 x 20.3 cm, quarter blue cloth over pictorial boards, pictorial endpapers, collated in-8vo, 1-58 64, pp.: [2] 3-87 [88], total 44 leaves with in-text woodcuts plus 8 leaves of colour plates (14 illustrations printed on both sides) and colour frontispiece (blank recto) after Gustave Doré. The story was written by Rudolf Erich Raspe in English and published anonymously in book form in Oxford in 1786 under the title Baron Munchausen's Narrative of his marvellous travels and campaigns in Russia, etc. The French translation from German of Gottfried August Bürger was performed by Théophile Gautier and published by Charles Furne in Paris in 1862 with illustrations after Gustave Doré – 158 wood engravings, including a frontispiece, 1 vignette on the title, 31 full-page plates and 125 vignettes in the text). Korney Chukovsky retold the Raspe story in Russian using the Būrger-Gautier version of the text, changing the order, time, and location of events. In addition, artist Yuri Syrnev (Ю. А. Сырнев) coloured Dore's woodcuts, and the book was born (first edition in 1928). Title-page (black and yellow earth): Э. РАСПЭ | ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЯ | {vignette} | МЮНХАУЗЕНА | С ИЛЛЮСТРАЦИЯМИ | ГУСТАВА | ДОРЭ | • | ДЛЯ | ДЕТЕЙ | ПЕРЕСКАЗАЛ К.ЧУКОВСКИЙ | • | ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО ДЕТСКОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ | НАРКОМПРОСА РСФСР | Москва 1945 Ленинград || Colophon: Для младшего возраста | РАСКРАСКА ВКЛЕЕК, ТИТУЛ И ОБЛОЖКА | худ. Ю. Сырнева | Издание десятое || Edition: 10th Russian edition thus. Print run: 11,000 copies. Contributors: Rudolf Erich Raspe (German, 1736 – 1794) – author. Korney Chukovsky [Корней Иванович Чуковский, Николай Корнейчуков] (Russian, 1882 – 1969) – translator. Gustave Doré (French, 1832 – 1883) – artist. Юрий Аркадьевич Сырнев (Russian, 1905 – 1943) – artist. Fictional author: Baron Munchausen [Baron Münchhausen] / Karl Friedrich Hieronymus von Münchhausen (German, 1720 – 1797).
Softcover, 21 x 14.8 cm, print on demand edition, pp.: 1-88 [2], total 90 pages, pp. 1, 2, 88, and 89 blanks, p. 90 colophon. Font cover: Markus Sesko | — | Handbook | {vignette} | of Sword Fittings related Terms | — || Title-page: Handbook | of Sword Fittings | related Terms | © 2011 Markus Sesko | Herstellung und Verlag: | Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt | ISBN 978-308423-6422-6 || On the back cover: Blurb, publisher’s device in blue and black, barcode, and web address. Lettering to spine. Printed in the USA.
The book Münchhausen: eine Geschichte in Arabesken by Karl Leberecht Immermann was published in Düsseldorf by J. E. Shaub in 1838-1839. Its Russian translation by the Yarkho brothers was published in 1931 and 1932 by Academia publishing in two volumes uniformly bound in full green cloth with embossed and gilt pictorial design to front cover and spine, 17.3 x 12.5 cm, pictorial endpapers, top margin red, and pictorial dust jacket. Vol. I: 8vo, [1]-398 (312 leaves, 10 plates within collation); pp.: [1-7] 8-624. Print run 5,000 copies. Title-page (red and black): КАРЛ ИММЕРМАН | Мюнхгаузен | История | в арабесках | перевод и примечания | Г. И. и Б. И. Ярхо | ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ | П. С. КОГАНА | I | {vignette} | ~ ACADEMIA ~ | МОСКВА ~ ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1931 || Frontispiece (red and black): СОКРОВИЩА | МИРОВОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ | КАРЛ ИММЕРМАН | МЮНХГАУЗЕН | {fleuron} | * | ~ ACADEMIA ~ | МОСКВА ~ ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1931 || Reverse title: KARL IMMERMANN | MÜNCHHAUSEN | Eine Geschichte in Arabesken | {…} | ИЛЛЮСТРАЦИИ, ТИТУЛ, | ТИСНЕНИЕ НА ПЕРЕПЛЕТЕ | И СУПЕРОБЛОЖКА ПО РИС. | ХУД. Д. И. МИТРОХИНА | {…} | Ленинградский Областлит № 64832. | Тир. 5.000—39 листов. Зак. 7167. | Государственная типография | “Ленинградская Правда”, | Ленинград. | Соц. 14. || Vol. 2: 8vo, [1] 398 ( 312 leaves, 14 plates within collation), pp.: [1-7] 8-622 [2 colophon/blank]. Print run 5,250 copies. Title-page (red and black): КАРЛ ИММЕРМАН | Мюнхгаузен | История | в арабесках | перевод и примечания | Б. И. и Г. И. Ярхо | II | {vignette} | ~ ACADEMIA ~ | МОСКВА ~ ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1932 || Frontispiece: СОКРОВИЩА | МИРОВОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ | КАРЛ ИММЕРМАН | МЮНХГАУЗЕН | {fleuron} | * | ~ ACADEMIA ~ | МОСКВА ~ ЛЕНИНГРАД | 1932 || Reverse title: KARL IMMERMANN | MUNCHHAUSEN | Eine Geschichte in Arabesken | {…} | Иллюстрации, титул, тиснение | на переплете | и суперобложка | по рис. худ. Д. И. Митрохина. Illustrations: Plates, title pages, faux-titles, head- and endpieces, design of covers and dust jackets after Dmitry Mitrokhin (Д. И. Митрохин). Catalogue raisonné: Крылов-Кичатова v.1: 451/2, v.2: 491. [LIB-2260.2019]. Contributors: Karl Leberecht Immermann (German, 1796 – 1840) – author. Григорий Исаакович Ярхо (Russian-Jewish, 1886 – 1954) – translator. Борис Исаакович Ярхо (Russian-Jewish,1889 – 1942) – translator. Пётр Семёнович Коган (Russian-Jewish, 1872 – 1932) – author/preface. Dmitry Mitrokhin [Дмитрий Исидорович Митрохин] (Russian, 1883 – 1973) – artist.