Title: A HISTORY OF | ENGRAVING & ETCHING | FROM THE 15TH CENTURY TO THE YEAR 1914 | BEING THE THIRD AND FULLY REVISED EDITION OF | “A SHORT HISTORY OF ENGRAVING AND ETCHING” | BY | ARTHUR M. HIND | OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM | SLADE PROFESSOR OF FINE ART IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD | WITH FRONTISPIECE IN PHOTOGRAVURE | AND 110 ILLUSTRATIONS IN THE TEXT | {publisher’s device} | BOSTON AND NEW YORK | HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY | 1923 || Pagination: [i-iv] v-xiii. [2] – blank / abbrev., [2] 3-487 [488], frontis. w/tissue guard, ills.; Appendices: I. Classified list of engravers (p. 343-392); II. General bibliography (p. 393-419); III. Index of engravers and individual bibliography (p. 420-487). Collation: π10 B-2H8 2I4, frontispiece (extr.), 110 in-text illustrations. Binding: 25.8 x 20 cm, crimson cloth, blind triple-fillet to top and bottom of the front board, same in gilt to spine, gilt lettering to spine, top edge gilt, fore-edge untrimmed. Contributors: Arthur Mayger Hind (British, 1880 – 1957) – author. Houghton Mifflin Company (Boston, 1864) – publisher. R & R. Clark, Ltd. (Edinburgh, 1846) – printer. Note: It is marked as the 3rd edition of A short history of engraving and etching. Indeed, A short history of engraving & etching for the use of collectors and students with full bibliography, classified list and index of engravers was published by Constable in London and Houghton Mifflin Co. in Boston, in 1908 and then in 1911. However, it is hard to consider an almost completely new book "a 3rd edition".
Title-page: MARCEL AYMÉ | IMAGES DE L'AMOUR | Lithographies | originales | de | Vertès (fac-simile ms) | ÉDITIONS GEORGES GUILLOT | 39 rue de Paradis à Paris || French flapped wrapper in a natural canvas double slipcase with gilt lettering to spine, 34.8 x 27.3 cm. Leaves 33 x 25.5 cm, 4 blanks at the beginning, to the second pair of leaves pasted two autograph letters signed by Marcel Aymé; [1-8] 9-119 [120] [6], last leaf blank, h.t. with inscription "En sincère hommage" signed by both Marcel Aymé and Marcel Vertès; 9 full-page chromolithographs, 6 headpieces and 2 tailpieces by Marcel Vertès, tissue-guards; in-4to, unbound. Printed on October 20, 1957. The edition is limited to 190 copies + 25 not for sale, this is copy № 1, printed on Japon Nacré paper and enriched with three additional suites of lithographs: one on Japon Nacré, one on Japon ancien, one on Hollande, plus a set of decomposition of one chromolithograph; lacking three original drawings. Contributors: Marcel Aymé (French, 1902 – 1967) – author. Marcel Vertès [Marcell Vértes] (Jewish-Hungarian-French, 1895 – 1961) – artist. Georges Guillot – publisher. Andrée Koch – designer. Fequet et Baudier – printers, typography. Edmond et Jacques Desjobert – lithographers. Other names: Marcel Vertès, Marcel Vertes, Marcell Vértes
Description: One volume in cream French flapped wrappers, collated 8vo, 22.5 x 14.8 cm, lettered to front (device in red), printed on wove paper, margins untrimmed, some pages uncut, illustrated with tail- and headpieces and 17 sets of plates (4 of each plate) with tissue guards, after Martin van Maele. Front wrapper (red and black): L'HISTOIRE | COMIQUE DE | FRANCION | COMPOSÉE PAR CHARLES SOREL | Réimprimée intégralement pour la | première fois d'après l'édition | originale de 1623 | ET DÉCORÉE | de 17 eaux-fortes et de 16 gravures | par MARTIN VAN MAELE | {device} | SE VEND | A Paris, chez Jean Fort | Libraire, rue de Chabrol, no 12 | M. CM. XXV. || Title-page (red and black): L'HISTOIRE | COMIQUE DE | FRANCION | En laquelle sont découvertes les plus subtiles | finesses et trompeuses inventions tant des hommes | que des femmes de toutes sortes de conditions et | d’âges. Non moins profitable pour s’en | garder, que plaisante à la lecture. | Nouvelle édition conforme à | l’édition princeps de 1623, et | ornée de 17 eaux-fortes et | de 16 compositions par | MARTIN VAN MAELE | {device} | A PARIS | Chez Jean Fort, libraire, | Rue de Chabrol, no 12 | M. CM. XXV. || Collation: π3 (blank, h.t., t.p.), 1-268 χ3 (colophon, 2 blanks), total 214 leaves plus 17 sets of plates (4 of each). Pagination: [6] i-v [vi], 1-411 [412] [4], total 428 pages, ils. Illustrations: 16 tail- and headpieces, and one full-page vignette etched after drawings by Martin van Maële; 17 gravures coloured à la poupée after van Maële’s watercolours, each accompanied with three b/w plates in a different state of the same, incl. frontispiece; unpaginated. Limitation: The run of 1,203 copies printed on October 2, 1925, by Maurice Darantiere in Dijon; 1 copy (№ 1) on Japon Impérial is unique with the original drawings and three additional suites of plates; 10 copies (2-11) on Japon Impérial with three additional suites of plates; 31 copies (12-42) on Hollande with two additional suites of plates; 61 copies (43-103) on Madagascar with one additional suite of plates; 1,100 copies (104-1203) on Enoshima. This copy is № 10 on Japon Impérial with three additional suites of plates. Catalogue raisonné: S. A. Perry (2015) № 28, p. 31. Contributors: Charles Sorel, sieur de Souvigny (French, c. 1602 – 1674) – author Maurice François Alfred Martin van Maële [Martin van Maële] (French, 1863 – 1926) – artist. Maurice Darantiere (French, 1882 – 1962) – printer. Jean-Marie Fort (French, 20th century) – publisher.
Description: Softcover 25 x 17 cm in the publisher’s French flapped wrappers lettered to front in black and green « Pierre Louys | MANUEL | DE | CIVILITÉ | POUR LES PETITES FILLES | à l'usage | des | maisons d'éducation » in a frame; unbound, 14 loose bifold wove paper (BFK Rives) sheets collated 4to, in glassine dust jacket, in slipcase; pp.: [1-10] 11-104 [8], total 56 leaves plus 12 laid-in plates after an anonymous artist’s watercolours and drawings reproduced by photogravure and stencil-coloured (au pochoir). Title-page: MANUEL | DE | CIVILITÉ | POUR LES PETITES FILLES | à l'usage | des | maisons d'éducation | ~ | LONDERS | MCMXLVIII || Limitation: 299 copies of which 1 copy (№ UN) on Vieux Japon enriched with the original watercolours and drawings and a b/w suite; 6 copies on Auvergne, each with one original watercolour and a b/w suite (№ I-VI); 6 copies on Auvergne each with one original drawing and a b/w suite (№ VII-XII); 15 copies on Auvergne enriched with a b/w suite (№ XVIII-XXVIII); 271 copies on Vélin de Rives (№ 1-271). This is copy № 91. Publisher, printer, artists – anonymous and unknown. Clandestine edition, marked "London", i.e. Nice, France. Catalogue raisonné: Dutel (1920-1970) № 1920, p. 251. For the original edition, see: LIB-3116.2022.
Pictorial album 31 x 22.8 cm, bound in quarter red calf over marbled boards with gilt lettering “SCÈNES | DE | LA VIE | PRIVÉE” and gilt ornament to spine; marbled endpapers, flyleaf, blue original wrapper (title-page) lettered SCÈNES | DE LA VIE PRIVÉE. | {vignette} | SIX DESSINS || «Six dessins» struck out, ms inscription beneath “Douze”. Twelve hand-coloured lithographs, some inscribed with letters and/or numbers in reverse, each in a double-rule frame 22 x 16.5 cm, images 18 x 14.5 cm (approx.); series title “Scènes de la vie intime” printed above the frame, image title printed in the lower compartment; ms numbers above the upper-right corner of the frame (state before sequential numbers, ms numbers do not correspond with artist numbering). Flyleaf at the end. Two bookplates to front pastedown: “EX-LIBRIS PAUL GAVAULT” and armorial “IN ROBORE ROBUR | Ex Libris Bourlon de Rouvre”. Content (Roman numerals in parenthesis are publisher's numbers; numerals in italic are Armelhault-Bocher reference numbers):
- Titre de la couverture (Title-page) – 2001
- (III) Un nid dans les blés (A nest in the wheat) – 2004
- (II) Amitié de pension (Friendship in the pension) – 2003
- (XI) Bras dessus, bras dessous (Arm up, arm down) – 2012
- (I) Causerie (Chat) – 2002
- (VI) Prélude (Prelude) – 2007
- (IX) Le guet-apens (Ambush) – 2010
- (V) Le cabinet noir (The dark chamber) – 2006
- (IV) Distraction (Entertainment) – 2005
- (X) Leçon de paysage (Landscape lesson) – 2011
- (VII) Avant le péché (Before sin) – 2008
- (VIII) Après le péché (After sin) – 2009
- (XII) La femme du peintre (The painter's wife) – 2013
A book about the history and collections of The Hermitage museum in St. Petersburg during the October revolution of 1917. Hardcover, collated 16mo, 20,7 x 13.5 cm, grey cloth, black and blue lettering to front, blue lettering to spine, blue endpapers; collation: [1]8 2-1616 (total 248 leaves); pp.: [2] 3-493 [3] (total 496 pages) plus frontispiece. 1st edition (lifetime). Title-page: С. ВАРШАВСКИЙ | Б. РЕСТ | БИЛЕТ | НА ВСЮ | ВЕЧНОСТЬ | ПОВЕСТЬ | ОБ ЭРМИТАЖЕ | ЛЕНИЗДАТ • 1978 || Sergei Petrovich Varshavsky [Сергей Петрович Варшавский] (Jewish-Russian, 1906 – 1980). B. Rest [Б. Рест; Юлий Исаакович Шапиро] (Jewish-Russian, fl. 1940 – 1980). Борис Борисович Пиотровский (Russian, 1908 – 1990).
Paperback, pictorial wrappers, 20.5 x 14 cm, pp.: [1-4] 5-271 [272 colophon]. Title-page: Я. С. Лурье | ИЗБРАННЫЕ СТАТЬИ | И ПИСЬМА | Санкт-Петербург 2011 || Contributors: Яков Соломонович Лурье (Russian-Jewish, 1921 — 1996) Варвара Гелиевна Вовина-Лебедева (Russian, b. 1961) Михаил Маркович Кром (Russian, b. 1966)
Title-page: 30 | et quelques… | attitudes. | {vignette} | LITHOGRAPHIES | ORIGINALES DE | JEAN DE L’ÉTANG || Colophon: ACHEVÉ | D’IMPRIMER | EN | M C MLII || Description: Cream French flapped wrappers enforced with cardboard, in a double slipcase, 30.2 x 24 x 4.5 cm, with a lithograph to front and back depicting the female crotch, front and back, respectively. Printed on wove paper watermarked ‘Johannot’ (produced by Arches, France). Unbound; margins untrimmed. Collation: 2 leaves on the front and 2 on the back with two within the wrappers, incl. colophon, 2 leaves: one blank and one t.p. / limitation, 12 loose gatherings of 4 leaves each (48) with glassine interleaving. Pagination: [1-8] 9-102 [2], total 104 pp (leaves in wrappers not counted). Illustrated with 25 full-page lithographs (incl. covers) and 29 smaller images. Artist’s name Jean de l’Étang is most probably a pseudonym attributed by both J.-P. Dutel and Gérard Nordmann to Jean Dulac (French, 1902 – 1968). Limitation: A print run of 200 copies, of which this is copy № 186 (Nordmann's collection had №184). Cat. raisonné: Dutel III №2511, p. 388; Nordmann II №181, p. 89; Honesterotica.
Hardcover, 20.7 x 14.7 cm, pictorial glossy paper over cardboard, vignettes and lettering to front and back covers, pp. [1-2] 3-140 [4]; collated 8vo: 1-98, total 72 leaves. Five full-page plates and numerous tailpieces after woodcuts by Myron Levytsky. This is a translation from the French version of Pierre-Jules Hetzel into Ukrainian, published in Toronto and New York in 1971: Марко Вовчок. Маруся. Повiсть. З французского видання П.-Ж. Сталя. — Торонто, Нью-Йорк: Бiблiотека молодi, 1971. Vignettes to the covers and other design elements are by Л. Гринiв. Title-page: МАРКО ВОВЧОК | МАРУСЯ | ПОВIСТЬ | Львів | “Поклик сумління” | 1993 || Contributors: Марко Вовчок [Marko Vovchok; Марія Олександрівна Вілінська] (Ukrainian, 1833 – 1907) – author. Іван Овксентійович Денисюк (Ukrainin, 1924 – 2009) – author/foreword. Мирон Миколайович Левицький [Myron Levytsky] (Ukrainin-Canadian, 1913 – 1993) – artist. Pierre-Jules Hetzel [P.-J. Stahl] (French, 1814 – 1886) – author. The French version of the Ukrainian name Маруся —> MAROUSSIA. The French version of the book: LIB-2674.2021; other copies of the Ukrainian edition (1943): LIB-3136.2023, LIB-3137.2023 (1959) and LIB-3170.2023 – all translated from the Russian by Vasyl Domanytskyi [Василь Миколайович Доманицький, Василий Николаевич Доманицкий] (Ukrainian, 1877 – 1910). Other variants of the name Марко Вовчок: Markowovzok and Marko Vovtchok.
Three 8vo volumes, 20.8 x 13.8 cm each, uniformly bound in brown cloth with gilt lettering and embossed design to front and spine; v. 1: [1-4] 5-537 [3], total 540 pages plus frontispiece, two-colour woodcut portrait, by Ivan Nikolaevtsev; v. 2: [1-6] 7-537 [3], total 540 pages; v. 3: [1-6] 7-620 [4], total 624 pages. Waterstain throughout the third volume. Title-page (red and black): Марко Вовчок | СОБРАНИЕ СОЧИНЕНИЙ | ТОМ ПЕРВЫЙ (ВТОРОЙ, ТРЕТИЙ) | {fleuron} | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО «ИЗВЕСТИЯ» | Москва | 1957 || Opposite t.p. (red and black): Марко Вовчок | СОБРАНИЕ СОЧИНЕНИЙ | В ТРЕХ | ТОМАХ | {fleuron} | ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО «ИЗВЕСТИЯ» | Москва | 1957 || Half-title (red and black): БИБЛИОТЕКА КЛАССИКОВ | ЛИТЕРАТУР | НАРОДОВ СССР | | {fleuron} || Imprint: Вступительная статья А. Белецкого. Подготовка текста и примечания С. Машинского. Print run: 30,000 copies. Contributors: Марко Вовчок [Marko Vovchok; Марія Олександрівна Вілінська] (Ukrainian, 1833 – 1907) – author. Other variants: Markowovzok and Marko Vovtchok. Олександр Іванович Білецький [Александр Иванович Белецкий] (Ukrainian, 1884 – 1961) – author/preface. Семен Иосифович Машинский (Ukrainian, 1914-1978) – author/editing and comments. Иван Григорьевич Николаевцев (Ukrainian, 1902–1960) – artist.
Hand-coloured woodcut on wove paper, 265 x 378 mm; black ink stamp “5051 1” to reverse. Top left: "ARMÉE FRANCAISE. ARTILLERIE"; right: (gothic font) "Französische Armee Artillerie" — "№ 107". Below left: "Fabrique d’Images de Fr. Wentzel à Wissembeurg. Bas-Rhin." — "Déposé" —, centre: "Bilderfabrit von Fr. Wentzel in Weissenburg", right: "Fr. Wentzel, Éditeur, rue St. Jacques, 65, Paris". Bottom: "Trompette | Trompeter" — "Capitaine | Gauptmann" — "Porte-Étendard | Fahnenträger" — "Artilleur | Artillerist" — "Cantinière | Marketenderin". Jean Frédéric Wentzel (French, 1807 – 1869) – publisher/printer.
Watercolour on laid paper, 198 x 225 mm, signed or stamped in orange ink “ORS” to recto [Otto Rudolf Schatz (Austrian, 1900 – 1961)]; black ink stamp: “Nachlaß O R SCHATS”, pencil “ss” in the bottom left corner, and remnants of a hinge on the upper right to verso.
Title: LES BEAUX LIVRES | — | LE SOPHA | de | CRÉBILLON FILS |{vignette}| ILLUSTRATIONS DE CARLÈGLE | — | Éditions Mornay | au 8 de la rue de l’Arrivée, Paris | 1933 || Series: Les beaux livres Binding: Original pictorial wrappers, margins untrimmed, uncut; printed on BFK Rives paper (watermark); the number of copy blacked out. Justification of the print run on p. [329].Pagination: [1-8] 9-326 [327-331], ill., woodcuts in text. Size: 20.2 x 15.5 cm
Title page: Sheila Cousins | TO BEG | I AM ASHAMED | THE VANGUARD PRESS • NEW YORK | 1938 || Pagination:[4] [1] 2-283 [284], total 288 pages. Collation: 8vo; [A]8 B-S8; total 144 leaves. Binding: Publisher’s blue buckram, black lettering to front cover and spine, price-clipped blue dust jacket, lettered front: To beg | I am ashamed |—| THE AUTHENTIC | AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A | LONDON | PROSTITUTE |—| by | Sheila Cousins ||; fore-edge untrimmed. Size: 19.5 x 13.5 cm. Edition: 1st American edition Contributors: Graham Greene (British, 1904 – 1991) – author. Ronald Matthews (British, 1903 – 1967) – author. The Vanguard Press, NY (1926 – 1988) – publisher.
Title page: HIGHLIGHTS of the COLLECTION | Maiolica: Italian Renaissance Ceramics | IN THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART | Timothy Wilson | with an essay by Luke Syson | {publisher’s device}| The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York | DISTRIBUTED BY YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS | NEW HAVEN AND LONDON || Pagination: [i-v] vi-xi [xii] [1, 2] 3-380. New/mint. Binding: 31 x 22.5 cm, blue cloth with gilt lettering to spine, pictorial DJ.
Title-page: DELLE | NOVELLE ITALIANE | IN PROSA | BIBLIOGRAFIA | DI | BARTOLOMMEO GAMBA | BASSANESE | EDIZIONE SECONDA | CON CORREZIONI ED AGGIUNTE | {publisher’s device} | FIRENZE | TIPOGRAFIA ALL’INSEGNA DI Dante | M.DCCC.XXXV. || Collation: 8vo; π8 1-198; an extra leaf between 18 and 19 (189, pp. 289-10, errata), leaf 11 unsigned, leaf 12 signed 11. Total 161 leaves plus 6 leaves of plates extraneous to collation; Plates (copperplate engravings): (1) Giovanni Boccaccio, (2) Angelo Firezuola (i.e. Agnolo Firenzuola), (3) Lorenzo Magalotti, (4) Gasparo Gozzi, and (5) Michele Colombo by Marco Comirato, and (6) Franco Sacchetti by Francesco Bosa. Pagination: [i-iii] iv-xv [xvi] [1-3] 4-290, index [16], total 322 pages plus 6 plates, unpaginated. Binding: 22.4 x 15 cm, modern brown half-morocco over green sprinkled boards, red label with gilt lettering, publisher’s yellow wrappers preserved. Edition: 2nd; the 1st edition was published in 1833. Contributors: Bartolommeo Gamba (Italian, 1766 – 1841) – author, complier. Marco Comirato (Italian, c. 1800 – 1869) – engraver. Francesco Bosa (Italian, ? – ?) – engraver. Sitters: Giovanni Boccaccio (Italian, 1313 –1375) Franco Sacchetti (Italian, c. 1335 – c. 1400) Agnolo Firenzuola] (Italian, 1493 – 1543) Lorenzo Magalotti (Italian, 1637 – 1712) Gasparo Gozzi (Italian, 1713 – 1786) Michele Colombo (Italian, 1747 – 1838)
Description: Softcover volume in publisher’s pictorial wrappers, with a b/w medallion portrait and lettering in a frame over geometrical pattern in blue to front; 23 x 16.3 cm, collated 8vo. Title-page: РУССКАЯ ЖЕНЩИНА | ВЪ | ГРАВЮРАХЪ И ЛИТОГРАФIЯХЪ | – | ВЫСТАВКА ПОРТРЕТОВЪ | – | КРУЖОКЪ ЛЮБИТЕЛЕЙ | РУССКИХЪ ИЗЯЩНЫХЪ ИЗДАНIЙ | 1911 || Collation: 1-48, last blank, total 32 leaves plus 15 plates (collotype reproductions) with tissue guards, incl. frontispiece, and a few headpieces; catalogue with 180 entries. Pagination: [1-6] 7-63 [64] [2], total 64 pages, ils. Incl. article "Русская женщина в искусстве" барона Н. Н. Врангеля. Барон Николай Николаевич Врангель (Russian, 1880 – 1915)
Softcover, in black pictorial flapped wrappers, 28 x 21.8 cm, 16 entries, with colour illustrations. Catalogue # 8 of the sales exhibition on March 23-30 2004 in NY; pagination: [1-3] 4-50 [2], ils., some folding. Front cover: gilt on a black background: Japanese Sword Fittings | from the | Alexander G. Moslé | Collection | {vignette ‘tsuba with shishi lion} || Contributor: Sebastian Izzard